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Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101189

Technical Paper

Geotechnical uncertainty, modeling, and decision making

Kok-Kwang Phoon a,⇑, Zi-Jun Cao b, Jian Ji c, Yat Fai Leung d, Shadi Najjar e,
Takayuki Shuku f, Chong Tang g, Zhen-Yu Yin h, Yoshida Ikumasa i, Jianye Ching j
Singapore University of Technology and Design, 8 Somapah Road 487372, Singapore
Wuhan University, 299 Bayi Road, Wuhan 430072, China
Geotechnical Research Institute, Hohai University, Nanjing, China
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, American University of Beirut, Bliss Street, Beirut, Lebanon
Okayama University, 3-1-1 Tsushima naka, Kita-ku, Okayama 700-8530, Japan
State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering and Institute of Earthquake Engineering, Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering,
Dalian University of Technology, Jingying Rd, Ganjingzi District, Dalian, Liaoning 116024, China
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tokyo City University, 1-28-1 Tamazutsumi Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-8557 Japan
Dept of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, #1 Roosevelt Road Sect. 4, Taipei 10617, Taiwan

Received 12 May 2022; accepted 12 July 2022


Modeling only constitutes one aspect of decision making. The prevailing limitation of applying modeling to practice is the absence of
explicit consideration of uncertainties. This review paper covers uncertainty quantification (soil properties, stratification, and model per-
formance) and uncertainty calculation with a focus on how it enhances the role of modeling in decision making (reliability analysis,
reliability-based design, and inverse analysis). The key output from a reliability analysis is the probability of failure, where ‘‘failure”
is defined as any condition that does not meet a performance criterion or a set of criteria. In contrast to the global factor of safety,
the probability of failure respects both mechanics and statistics, is sensitive to data (thus opening one potential pathway to digital trans-
formation), and it is meaningful for both system and component failures. Resilience engineering requires system level analysis. As such,
geotechnical software can provide better decision support by computing the probability of failure/reliability index as one basic output in
addition to stresses, strains, forces, and displacements. It is further shown that more critical non-classical failure mechanisms can emerge
from spatially variable soils that can escape notice if the engineer were to restrict analysis to conventional homogeneous or layered soil
Ó 2022 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Keywords: Uncertainty; Numerical modeling; Decision making; Burland triangle; Risk management

1. Introduction

Peer review under responsibility of The Japanese Geotechnical Society. One distinctive feature of geotechnical engineering is
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (K.-K. Phoon), zijuncao@-
that the engineer has to work with natural materials in
whu.edu.cn (Z.-J. Cao), [email protected] (J. Ji), andy.yf.leung@polyu. an environment that is largely outside his/her control (his-
edu.hk (Y.F. Leung), [email protected] (S. Najjar), [email protected]. torical and current conditions). The physical ground reality
ac.jp (T. Shuku), [email protected] (C. Tang), [email protected] that is of interest to a geotechnical engineer is very complex
(Z.-Y. Yin), [email protected] (Y. Ikumasa), [email protected] (J. and changing at different time scales [geologic (millions of

0038-0806/Ó 2022 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
K.-K. Phoon et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101189

years) to seismic (seconds)]. Modeling is frequently under- decision making in practice. The purpose is not to showcase
stood as a mathematical abstraction of some aspects of the power of any methods, be it probabilistic or mechani-
reality relevant to the problem at hand. Numerical model- cal. This paper is intended to help practitioners acquire a
ing seeks to draw answers from mathematical equations basic appreciation of current geotechnical risk and reliabil-
(typically differential in nature) for a specific problem sce- ity methods that can address realistic problems and to
nario. In the context of decision making in geotechnical guide them to use these methods wisely in conjunction with
engineering practice, the scenario includes being situated numerical modeling. The various topics under statistical
at a specific site. Hence, site investigation is necessary. characterization and probabilistic analysis/design can be
Barbour and Krahn (2004) opined that geotechnical engi- organized as enhancements to an uncertainty-informed
neers rarely focus on ‘‘prediction” as it is not unusual for Burland Triangle as shown in Fig. 1. The elements added
computed and measured responses to differ by one order to the original triangle are highlighted in grey. This will
of magnitude. Tang and Phoon (2021) conducted the largest foreground their relationships more explicitly and highlight
model validation exercise to date using load test databases where decision making can be further supported in prac-
and found that geotechnical models are biased (typically tice. Through the papers reviewed below, it will be shown
on the conservative side) and imprecise. Curran and that uncertainty quantification is not an abstract step
Hammah (2006) shared seven lessons learned from develop- divorced from reality. In fact, it brings decision making
ing software for practice. One lesson listed in the paper is closer to reality beyond what is offered by the familiar
‘‘uncertainty is king; make room for it”. The authors elabo- deterministic approach and in closer alignment to current
rated that ‘‘because geological materials are formed under a digital transformation (Phoon et al. 2022b).
broad variety of complex, physical conditions, the history of
which is not known, geomechanics involves large uncertain- 2. Uncertainties in soil properties
ties. Single-point predictions of quantities have therefore
practically zero likelihood of ever being realized in such a Although numerical models are highly sophisticated, the
world. If room is therefore not made in geomechanics soft- input ground profile is typically simple and deterministic.
ware analysis to accommodate uncertainty, any conclusions This section provides some guidance and key results on
reached will be open to question.”. the statistical characterization of more realistic spatially
Geotechnical engineering is widely perceived as an art as varying ground profiles.
much as a science, in part because known unknowns and
unknown unknowns are not fully addressed in its numeri- 2.1. Coefficient of variation
cal models (Phoon 2017). Burland Triangle considered
‘‘empiricism, precedent, experience, and risk management” The simplest measure of soil/rock property uncertainty
to be central in decision making in practice as shown in is the coefficient of variation (COV), which is defined as
Fig. 1 (Burland, 1987). As noted above, the reason is that the ratio between the standard deviation and the mean. It
it is not possible to make a safe decision based on a single provides a second-moment characterization of the data
deterministic analysis alone unless the ground profile, soil scatter. The COV of a design parameter is not an intrinsic
behaviour, physics, and construction effects are perfectly statistical property. It depends on the site condition, the
known, can be computed to perfect accuracy, and there measurement method, and the transformation (correlation)
are no unknown unknowns. An experienced engineer is model. Hence, the COV takes a range of values rather than
aware that the deterministic answers produced by numeri- a unique value. A comprehensive statistical study on the
cal analyses cannot be applied directly to a real-world pro- uncertainty of soil design parameters was conducted by
ject at a specific site without moderation by an ad-hoc Phoon and Kulhawy (1999a, 1999b). Some guidelines
combination of informal risk management strategies that emerging from this classic study are given in Table 1 below.
include applying a global factor of safety (or partial factors Comparable studies on the uncertainty of rock mass design
of safety), selecting cautious input values and conservative parameters were conducted by Prakoso (2002) and
calculation models, conducting parametric studies, learn- Aladejare and Wang (2017). Useful summary tables for soil
ing from precedents, updating/validating designs and con- and rock property statistics are given in Phoon et al.
struction procedures based on prototype testing and (2016), Chapter 2, Tang and Phoon (2021), and Guan
observations, and keeping engineering judgment as an inte- et al. (2021). Table 4 in Pan et al. (2018) and Table 9 in
gral part of the decision making loop. These strategies are Cami et al. (2020) present statistics for cement-mixed soils.
effective, but their role in digital transformation is unclear
(Phoon et al., 2022b). 2.2. Transformation uncertainty
The volume of literature in geotechnical risk and relia-
bility since its inception in the sixties is significant (Phoon One of the most important tasks in geotechnical design
2017; Phoon 2020; Chwała et al. 2022). The purpose of this is the estimation of pertinent soil parameters, particularly
paper is to review how uncertainty quantification and the values governing the behaviour of a geotechnical struc-
numerical modeling can complement each other to enhance ture at a limit state. These correlation models are very use-

K.-K. Phoon et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101189

Fig. 1. Uncertainty-informed decision making in Burland Triangle (updated uncertainty elements are highlighted in grey).

ful in practice, because engineers can obtain an estimate of (such as cone tip resistance). The authors are of the opinion
a soil parameter pertinent to design (called ‘‘design param- that our existing bivariate correlation models can be signif-
eter”) using more commonly available data that are indi- icantly improved by extending them using a multivariate
rectly related to this design parameter but cheaper to probability framework. An overview of the multivariate
acquire, say data from a laboratory index test or a field characterization of soil uncertainty was presented in
test. It also should be pointed out that these correlations Ching et al. (2016). Machine learning recently has been
were generally developed by curve fitting based on labora- extensively used to develop soil correlations because it pro-
tory or field data; therefore, they tend to be case-specific vides the potential to extract useful knowledge from big
and may not generalize to other or new soils/sites. In using data (Zhang et al. 2020c). The majority of these machine
these correlations, the caveat is to apply engineering learning-based correlations are deterministic without phys-
judgment. ical constraints and the reliability of their predictions can-
Many of these correlations are bivariate in the sense of not be evaluated. Bayesian-based machine learning
estimating one desired design parameter (such as algorithms, combining the strong mapping capability of
undrained shear strength) from one indirect source of data machine learning and statistical inference of Bayesian the-
K.-K. Phoon et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101189

Table 1
Approximate guidelines for coefficients of variation of some design soil parameters (Source: Table 5, Phoon and Kulhawy 1999b).
Design Point Spatial Avg. Correlation
a b c
Property Test Soil type COV (%) COV (%) Equationf
su(UC) Direct (lab) Clay 20–55 10–40 –
su (UU) Direct (lab) Clay 10–35 7–25 –
su (CIUC) Direct (lab) Clay 20–45 10–30 –
su (field) VST Clay 15–50 15–50 14
su (UU) qT Clay 30-40d 30-35d 18
su (CIUC) qT Clay 35-50d 35-40d 18
su (UU) N Clay 40–60 40–55 23
seu KD Clay 30–55 30–55 29
su(field) PI Clay 30-55d – 32
/ Direct (lab) Clay, sand 7–20 6–20 –
/(TC) qT Sand 10-15d 10d 38
/cv PI Clay 15-20d 15-20d 43
Ko Direct (SBPMT) Clay 20–45 15–45 –
Ko Direct (SBPMT) Sand 25–55 20–55 –
Ko KD Clay 35-50d 35-50d 49
Ko N Clay 40-75d – 54
EPMT Direct (PMT) Sand 20–70 15–70 –
ED Direct (DMT) Sand 15–70 10–70 –
EPMT N Clay 85–95 85–95 61
ED N Silt 40–60 35–55 64
a - su = undrained shear strength; UU = unconsolidated-undrained triaxial compression test; UC = unconfined compression test; CIUC = consolidated
isotropic undrained triaxial compression test; su(field) = corrected su from vane shear test; / = effective stress friction angle; TC = triaxial compression;
/cv = constant volume /; Ko = in-situ horizontal stress coefficient; EPMT = pressure-meter modulus; ED = dilatometer modulus.
b - VST = vane shear test; qT = corrected cone tip resistance; N = standard penetration test blow count; KD = dilatometer horizontal stress index;
PI = plasticity index.
c - averaging over 5 m using Vanmarcke (1983)’s variance reduction function.
d - COV is a function of the mean; refer to COV equations in text for details.
e - mixture of su from UU, UC, and VST.
f - Equation numbering in Phoon and Kulhawy (1999b).

ory, have recently emerged as a promising alternative to data is too limited to produce a single deterministic solu-
estimate design parameters (Ching et al. 2021a; Ching tion regardless of the site characterization method used.
et al. 2021b; Zhang et al. 2021b; Zhang et al 2022). A large part of the literature on spatial variability is
Besides, as soil constitutive models are increasingly founded on random field theory. Vanmarcke (1977a)’s clas-
adopted in engineering analysis and design, input parame- sic paper on ‘‘Probabilistic modeling of soil profiles” is
ters for these constitutive models become key design arguably the first to introduce random field theory to
parameters that have to be identified from laboratory or geotechnical engineering. Vanmarcke (1983)’s key observa-
field data. Probabilistic methods are competitive in param- tions in his book ‘‘Random fields: analysis and synthesis”
eter identification if the uncertainty is considered, since are:
parameters of concern should be treated as random vari-
ables and expressed in terms of posterior distributions 1. Spatially averaged soil properties are more relevant,
and their statistics. In geotechnical engineering, such prob- because soil-structure interaction mobilizes a finite vol-
abilistic methods for identifying parameters considering ume of the ground.
uncertainties have been applied to the linear elastic model 2. The COV of this spatial average can be much smaller
(Honjo et al. 1994), one-dimensional elasto-plastic model than the COV of the soil property at a point. This uncer-
(Most 2010), an unified soil compression model (Jung tainty reduction can be calculated analytically using a
et al. 2009), the Hardening Soil model (Miro et al. 2015), variance reduction function. Some indicative COV
and critical state-based constitutive models (Jin et al. reduction results over a nominal averaging distance of
2019a; Jin et al. 2019b). 5 m are shown in Table 1.
3. This variance reduction function is dependent on a
2.3. Spatial variability key random field parameter called the scale of fluctu-
ation (h), which can be regarded as a characteristic
Spatial variability exists in natural deposits or forma- length parameter that elegantly unifies various com-
tions because of two reasons: (1) properties and/or geomet- mon autocorrelation models as shown in Table 2.
ric features (such as stratification discussed below, voids, Some typical values are given in Table 3 and
discontinuities, etc.) are spatially heterogeneous and (2) Stuedlein et al. (2021).
K.-K. Phoon et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101189

The classic research on random field (Vanmarcke 1977a; 3. Geologic uncertainty

1983) has since progressed in theory and practice over the
past four decades: As discussed in the previous section, spatial variability
exists in natural deposits or formations because properties
1. The common single exponential autocorrelation model and/or geometric features are spatially heterogeneous. This
(Table 2) is now regarded as a special case of the section specifically focuses on the uncertainty arising from
Whittle-Matérn (W-M) model with a smoothness structural and geometrical features in subsurface modelling
parameter m = 0.5. Hence, the task of identifying an (rather than properties), and the uncertainty is defined as
appropriate model from infinite possibilities or from a ‘‘geologic uncertainty” in this paper.
classical finite subset such as Table 2 is reduced to a sim- Bárdossy and Fodor (2004) used the terms ‘‘structured”
pler curve fitting exercise using h and m (Ching et al. and ‘‘unstructured” to specify the two types of uncertainties
2019). in geologic modelling. The ‘‘structured” variability means
2. The spatial average is identical to the average value more or less regular spatial changes that can be described
along a prescribed curve, say one of the many kinemat- by a trend-surface-analysis, and the examples include gradual
ically admissible slip curves. However, it is not identical compositional transitions of one strata/rock into the other,
to the mobilized value along a critical slip curve that is or cyclic repetitions of sedimentary features in a sequence
of interest at the ultimate limit state (ULS). This is a spe- of layers. On the other hand, ‘‘unstructured” variability
cial curve resulting in the lowest factor of safety. The may occur unexpectedly in a stratum and their spatial posi-
mean value needs to be reduced to address this mobi- tion and/or magnitude cannot be exactly predicted. They
lized value, and the variance reduction function needs appear in the trend-surface-analysis as residuals and outliers.
to be modified (Ching and Phoon 2013; Tabarroki An example of geologic uncertainty in the form of soil strat-
et al. 2022a). ification generated by a coupled Markov Chain model (e.g.,
3. For the mobilized value, there exists a ‘‘worst case” scale Krumbein 1967) is illustrated in Fig. 2. The uncertainty in
of fluctuation producing the least conservative design soil stratification is one form of geologic uncertainty that
scenario as summarized in Table 4. This scenario results has attracted attention recently (Phoon et al. 2022a). While
in a mean capacity lower than the one produced by the spatial variability of soil properties is considered as
homogenizing the spatially variable property at its mean ‘‘geotechnical uncertainty”, Juang et al. (2019) noted that
value. In the absence of sufficient site data to estimate the uncertainty associated with the slope angle, thickness of
the scale of fluctuation, the recommendation is to: (a) soil layer above base rock, and the ground water level are
pick a typical value from Table 3 or (b) adopt the ‘‘worst forms of the geologic uncertainty for an infinite slope prob-
case” scale in Table 4, rather than to assume an arbi- lem. The geotechnical reliability literature has focused pri-
trary value. marily on geotechnical uncertainty.

Table 2
Common autocorrelation models in geotechnical engineering (updated Cami et al. 2020; Cami et al. 2021).
Autocorrelation model Correlation as a function of lag s Smoothness m Frequency of usage
Single exponential (SExp) qðsÞ ¼ expf2jsj
h g 0.5 48%
Second-order Markov (SMK) qðsÞ ¼ ð1 þ 4 jhsjÞexpf4 jsj
hg 1.5 5%

jsj 2
256 jsj 16 jsj
Third-order Markov (TMK) 3 h þ 27 ð h Þ Þexpf 3 h g
qðsÞ ¼ ð1 þ 16 2.5 New to geotechnical practice

Squared exponential (QExp) qðsÞ ¼ expfpðjsj hÞ g 1 19%
 (WM with m > 3.5)
9 s 27 s 3
qðsÞ ¼ 1  8 j h j þ 128 j h j ; ifjsj  3 h;
Spherical (Sph) Outside WM family 7%
0; otherwise
Cosine exponential (CosExp) qðsÞ ¼ expf jsj jsj
h gcosf h g 0.5 8%

1  jsj=h; ifjsj  h
Binary noise (BN) qðsÞ ¼ Outside WM family 12%
0; otherwise
npffiffi om npffiffi o
Whittle-Mate´rn (WM) qðsÞ ¼ CðmÞ
CðmÞh K m pCCðmþ0:5
All m New to geotechnical practice
pffiffiffiffi m pffiffiffiffi  
2m jsj 2m jsj
cos bs
Cosine Whittle-Mate´rn (CosWM) qðsÞ ¼ C2 ðmÞ s Km s All m New to geotechnical practice

Note: h = scale of fluctuation; m = smoothness parameter that reduces the Whittle-Matérn model to a specific one-parameter autocorrelation model (e.g.
m = 0.5 produces the Markovian exponential model); C = gamma function; and Kv = modified Bessel function of second kind with order m; h is implicit
function of s (scale parameter), m, and b (hole parameter) for cosine Whittle-Mate´rn model; cosine exponential model can be regarded as a special case of
cosine Whittle-Mate´rn model with m = 0.5 and a certain fixed relationship between s and b.

K.-K. Phoon et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101189

Table 3
Typical values for the vertical and horizontal scale of fluctuation (Cami et al. 2020).
Soil type Scale of fluctuation (m)
Horizontal Vertical
No. studies Min Max Average No. studies Min Max Average
Alluvial 9 1.07 49 14.2 13 0.07 1.1 0.36
Ankara Clay - - - - 4 1 6.2 3.63
Chicago Clay - - - - 2 0.79 1.25 0.91
Clay 9 0.14 163.8 31.9 16 0.05 3.62 1.29
Clay, Sand, Silt mix 13 1.2 1000 201.5 28 0.06 21 1.58
Hangzhou Clay 2 40.4 45.4 42.9 4 0.49 0.77 0.63
Marine Clay 8 8.37 66 30.9 9 0.11 6.1 1.55
Marine Sand 1 15 15 15 5 0.07 7.2 1.43
Offshore Soil 1 24.6 66.5 45.6 2 0.48 1.62 1.04
Over Consolidated Clay 1 0.14 0.14 0.14 2 0.063 0.255 0.15
Sand 9 1.69 80 24.5 14 0.1 4 1.17
Sensitive Clay - - - - 2 1.1 2.0 1.55
Silt 3 12.7 45.5 33.2 5 0.14 7.19 2.08
Silty Clay 7 9.65 45.4 29.8 14 0.095 6.47 1.40
Soft Clay 3 22.2 80 47.6 8 0.14 6.2 1.70
Undrained Engineered soil - - - - 22 0.3 2.7 1.42
Water Content 9 2.8 22.2 12.9 8 0.05 6.2 1.70

In practice, deterministic methods that rely on engineer- in the engineer’s/geologist’s interpretations (MacCormack
ing judgement or experience are widely used for structural and Eyles 2012; Bond 2015; Lark et al. 2014; Randle
modelling because they are somewhat intuitive and simple et al. 2018).
to calculate. However, relying solely on classical simple The above-mentioned studies on geologic uncertainty pro-
profiles can cause potential problems (Griffiths et al. vide a balance to past emphasis on spatial variabilities of soil
2012; Li et al. 2014). A deterministic work around without properties. However, there are still several impediments to
explicit uncertainty quantification is to conduct ‘‘what if” the broader use of probabilistic methods. One important
parametric studies, but this approach may not be satisfac- impediment is that engineers desire ‘‘solution, not data”
tory (Bárdossy and Fodor 2001). A natural data-driven and ‘‘information in understandable form” (Turner 2003).
approach that can exploit valuable data more fully and This observation implies engineers prefer a deterministic
deal with data constraints such as sparsity consistently is approach to a probabilistic approach. Turner (2006) defined
the probabilistic method. Phoon et al. (2019) presented a ‘‘thick” or ‘‘thin” clients in terms of their information accep-
useful mnemonic, MUSIC-X (Multivariate, Uncertain tance capabilities as shown in Fig. 3. A ‘‘thick” client can
and Unique, Sparse, Incomplete, and potentially Cor- accept and interpret or evaluate a great deal of raw data.
rupted with ‘‘X” denoting the spatial/temporal dimension) In contrast, thin clients desire a relatively simple, concise
to highlight seven common attributes in real site data. It is answer to their questions. Small volumes or carefully selected
clear that deterministic methods cannot deal with real data or information usually suffice to meet their needs. The
world ‘‘ugly” data effectively (Phoon et al. 2022a). important fact is that the ‘‘thin” clients are very numerous
The most well-known method for uncertainty quantifi- while the thick clients are much less numerous.
cation in structural modelling is kriging (e.g., Matheron To mitigate this impediment, the value of considering
1963; Journel and Huijbregts 1978). Several types of krig- geologic uncertainties in design practice should be
ing estimators such as block kriging, co-kriging, and uni- explained to the engineers. For example, Yeh et al. (2021)
versal kriging, have been developed and used in many studied the benefit of reducing the geological uncertainty
applications (Wackernagel 2003; Li and Heap 2008). in practice by re-analysing an actual landslide occurred at
Kriging-based geostatistical simulations, however, are not a -freeway in Northern Taiwan. A wider dissemination of
able to evaluate complex and heterogeneous patterns due such case studies would encourage the wider use of proba-
to the reliance on the variogram (covariance). To overcome bilistic methods in decision making in subsurface structural
this limitation, multiple point geostatistics (MPS) simula- modelling.
tions was proposed by Guardiano and Srivastava (1993)
and Journel (1993). MPS simulation algorithms borrow
high order statistics from a visually and statistically explicit 4. Reliability analysis and design
model, which is called a ‘‘training image (TI)”. The training
image can be seen as a prior model, and the prior is 4.1. Reliability analysis
updated based on local observation data. Another research
direction on geologic uncertainty is to quantify the errors Geotechnical reliability analysis aims to evaluate the
probability of failure (Pf) of the geotechnical system given
Table 4
Examples of ‘‘worst-case” scale of fluctuations reported in previous studies (updated from Ching et al. 2017; Vessia et al. 2021).
Study Problem type ‘‘Worst-case” definition Characteristic length ‘‘Worst-case” scale of fluctuation
Fenton and Griffiths (2003) Bearing capacity of a footing on a c-/ soil Mean bearing Footing width (B) 1B
capacity is minimal
Griffiths et al. (2006) Bearing capacity of footing(s) on a / = 0 soil Mean bearing Footing width (B) 0.5  2  B
capacity is minimal
Vessia et al. (2009) Bearing capacity of footing on c-/ soil Mean bearing Footing width (B) 0.3  0.5  B
capacity is minimal
(anisotropic 2D
Fenton and Griffiths (2005) Differential settlement of footings Under-design Footing spacing 1S
probability is (S)
Breysse et al. (2005) Settlement of a Footing rotation is Footing spacing (S) 0.5  S
footing system maximal
Mean different Footing spacing f(S,B)
settlement between (S); Footing width (no simple equation)
footings is maximal (B)
Jaksa et al. (2005) Settlement of a nine-pad footing system Under-design Footing spacing 1S
probability is (S)
Ahmed and Soubra (2014) Differential Under-design Footing spacing 1S

K.-K. Phoon et al.

settlement of probability is (S)
footings maximal
Stuedlein and Bong (2017) Differential Under-design Footing spacing 1S

settlement of probability is (S)

footings maximal
Ali et al. (2014) Risk of infinite Risk of rainfall Slope height (H) 1H
slope induced slope
failure is maximal
Hu and Ching (2015) Active lateral force for a retaining wall Mean active lateral Wall height (H) 0.2  H
force is maximal
Fenton et al. (2005) Active lateral force for a retaining wall Under-design Wall height (H) 0.5  1  H
probability is
Griffiths et al. (2008) Passive lateral Under-design Wall height (H) 0.1 to 0.5  H
force for a probability is

Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101189

retaining wall maximal
Ching and Phoon (2013) Overall strength of a soil column Mean strength is Column width (W) 1 W (compression)
Minimal 0 W (simple shear)
Pan et al. (2018) Stress–strain behaviour of cement-treated clay column Peak global strength Column diameter (D) 2D
K.-K. Phoon et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101189

analysis is the probability of failure, where ‘‘failure” is

defined as any condition that does not meet a performance
criterion or a set of criteria. In contrast to the global factor
of safety, the probability of failure respects both mechanics
and statistics, is sensitive to data (thus opening one poten-
tial pathway to digital transformation), and it is meaning-
ful for both system and component failures. Resilience
engineering requires system level analysis. Geotechnical
software can provide better decision support by computing
the probability of failure/reliability index as one basic out-
put in addition to stresses, strains, forces, and
When the performance function gðxÞ is linear and uncer-
tain parameters are normally distributed, gðxÞ will also fol-
low the normal distribution. Equation (1) can be evaluated
without performing the integration. Let lg and rg denote
the mean and the standard deviation of gðxÞ, respectively.
Then, Pf can be calculated as follows.
P f ¼ UðbÞ ð2Þ
Fig. 2. Soil stratification generated by a coupled Markov Chain model.
where b ¼ lg =rg , and U denotes the standard normal
CDF. The reliability index b was originally proposed by
Cornell (1969) for load and resistance reliability analysis,
and was generalized to produce the mean value first order
second moment method (MVFOSM). The MVFOSM was
widely used as the basis for geotechnical reliability-based
design because of its analytical simplicity (Christian et al.
1994; Duncan 2000). However, the MVFOSM is subjected
to several limitations and, in particular, is sensitive to dif-
ferent but equivalent formulations of the performance
Hasofer and Lind (1974) introduced the first-order reli-
ability method (FORM) for normal variables. In the space
(coordinate system) of uncorrelated standard normal vari-
ables u ¼ ½u1 ; u2 ; . . . ; uM T , the Hasofer-Lind reliability
Fig. 3. Concept of thick and thin clients. Adopted from Turner (2006). index bHL is defined as the minimum distance from the ori-
gin of the axes to the limit state surface/function (LSS, or
LSF) (see Fig. 4):
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
that all uncertain parameters of interest (random variables) bHL ¼ ðud ÞT ðud Þ ¼ min D ¼ uT u ð3Þ
x ¼ ½x1 ; x2 ;    ; xM  are properly characterized with their
statistical distributions. Mathematically, Pf can be calcu- where ud denotes the minimum distance point on LSS in u-
lated as. space, and it is called the design point or checking point. By
Z Z statistical transformations (Rackwitz 2001), the Hasofer-
P f ¼ ::: f ðx1 ; x2 ; :::; xM Þdx1 dx2 :::dxM ð1Þ Lind method can be extended to correlated nonnormal
gðxÞ<0 variables. Mathematically, the reliability index and design
point can be solved by a constrained optimization algo-
where f ðx1 ; x2 ; :::; xM Þ is the joint PDF of x, gðxÞ is the per- rithm and/or the Hasofer-Lind-Rackwitz-Fiessler (HLRF)
formance function and gðxÞ < 0 denotes the failure region recursive algorithm (Ji et al. 2019; Ji and Kodikara 2015;
for which the probability integration is conducted. Note Liu and Der Kiureghian 1991; Rackwitz and Flessler
that g(x) = 0 is the limit state that is already widely applied 1978). Note that the analytical approximation methods
in practice. In most realistic cases, the closed-form solution can be combined with the Ditlevsen bound solution
to Equation (1) is not available. In the literature, analytical (Ditlevsen 1979) to calculate the Pf of geotechnical prob-
approximation methods and Monte Carlo simulation lems involving multiple failure modes.
(MCS) methods have been developed to replace this direct MCS is the most widely-used simulation-based reliabil-
integral solution (Shinozuka 1983), depending on the com- ity analysis method, by which the Pf is estimated as:
plexity of gðxÞ. Hence, the key output from a reliability
K.-K. Phoon et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101189

(d) ABAQUS (https://www.abaqus.com/); ANSYS (https://www.ansys.com/); FLAC (https://www.itascacg.com/); Geostudio (https://www.geoslope.com/); PLAXIS (https://www.bentley.com/);

FLAC: slopes, retaining structures, foundations, tunnels

RS2: slopes, retaining structures, foundations, tunnels

Note: (a) MCS, Routine Monte Carlo simulation; LHS, Latin hypercube sampling; LS, line sampling; IS, importance sampling; SS, subset simulation; WUS, weighted uniform simulation.
PLAXIS: slopes, retaining structures, foundations,

(c) UQLAB (https://www.uqlab.com/); COSSAN (https://cossan.co.uk/); Excel (https://www.microsoft.com/); Matlab (https://ww2.mathworks.cn/); Python (https://www.python.org/).
ABAQUS: slopes, foundations, tunnels
Geotechnical numerical simulations

Slide2 & Slide3: 2D & 3D slopes


ANSYS: slopes, tunnels

GeoStudio: slopes,

Fig. 4. Hasofer-Lind reliability index for nonlinear performance function.

CPRS PCE Kriging NN SVM Matlab Excel Python UQLAB COSSAN Abaqus

(b) CPRS, classical polynomial response surfaces; PCE, polynomial chaos expansions, SVM, support vector machines; NN, neural networks.
1 XN
Pf ¼ f ðxÞdx ¼ IðxðkÞ Þ ¼ ð4Þ

UQLAB: slopes, foundations, tunnels

Matlab: slopes, retaining structures,
gðxÞ<0 N k¼1 N

Excel: slopes, retaining structures,

where N is the total number of samples simulated from the Software implementations
statistical distribution of x; Nf is the number of failure sam- Probability and statistics

COSSAN: foundations
ples; I(x(k)) is an indicator function corresponding to the k-

foundations, tunnels

foundations, tunnels
th sample x(k). The I(x(k)) = 1 for g(x(k)) < 0, or I(x(k)) = 0

Python: slopes,
otherwise. However, direct MCS requires extensive compu-
tational efforts for geotechnical reliability problems with
small failure probabilities (e.g., Pf < 0.001). For example,
a total number of 100/Pf samples is needed to ensure that
the coefficient of variation of Pf is <10 % (Baecher and
Methods, implementations and applications of MCS-based geotechnical reliability analysis.

Christian 2003; Zhang et al. 2021a). The k-th sample x(k)

SVM: slopes, retaining structures,
PCE: slopes,retaining structures,

NN: slopes, retaining structures,

refers to one specific design scenario, say one value of the

Kriging: slopes, foundations,

undrained shear strength. The I(x(k)) value depends on

the outcome of one deterministic finite element run (fails
CPRS: slopes, tunnels

or does not fail). Hence, for Pf = 0.001, an engineer will

foundations, tunnels

foundations, tunnels

need to execute 100,000 finite element runs. To improve

Response surface

the computational efficiency of MCS, a variety of variance


reduction techniques are proposed and applied in geotech-

nical literature, such as the Latin hypercube sampling
(LHS) (Baecher and Christian 2003), the importance sam-
pling (IS) (Ching et al. 2009), the line sampling (LS)
(Depina et al. 2016), the subset simulations (SS) (Wang

LHS: slopes, retaining structures, foundations

SS: slopes, retaining structures, foundations,

and Cao 2013), the generalized SS (Gao et al. 2019), and

the weighted uniform simulations (WUS) (Ji and Wang
Rocscience (https://www.Rocscience.com).

2022), as summarized in Table 5.


For many geotechnical problems the performance func-

MCS: slopes, retaining structures,

IS: slopes, retaining structures,

tion is not analytically available and various standalone


commercial software are used to evaluate soil-structure

WUS: slopes, foundations

interaction. For a standard commercial software that can


foundations, tunnels

perform a deterministic run one at a time, practical

Simulation algorithm

geotechnical reliability analysis still can be carried out

LS: foundations

using some techniques for dealing with implicit perfor-


mance functions, e.g., the response surface method

(RSM) (Li et al. 2016), and the FORM with HLRF recur-
Table 5

sive algorithms. Some geotechnical software have devel-


oped with embedded MCS features, such as the PLAXIS/

K.-K. Phoon et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101189

LE (earlier known to be SOILVISION/SVSLOPE), Geo- 2. Lumping all sources of uncertainty in the geotechnical
slope/W, Rocscience (Slide2&3, RS2), and OPTUMG2, resistance in one bias factor that is generally highly sen-
etc. Note that without going through MCS the PLAXIS/ sitive to geometry, soil properties, and model used to
LE also enables Alternate Point Estimate Methods predict the resistance.
(APEM) that is based on FOSM, and the Rocscience
(RS2) enables two-point Point Estimate Method (PEM) The Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CSA
for handling geotechnical reliability analysis when the com- 2019) realized the importance of maintaining a uniform
putational cost dominates. In addition, Low and Tang level of reliability by adopting resistance factors (see
(2007) showed that the Solver, i.e., the optimization tool Table 7) that depend on the ‘‘degree of understanding”
embedded in Microsoft Excel, is a powerful tool for solving of the geotechnical properties and the confidence of the
the aforementioned constraint optimization problem, and designer in the design model (Fenton et al. 2016; Phoon
the application of this user-friendly EXCEL platform to 2017). The Multiple Load and Resistance Factor Design
various practical geotechnical applications have been illus- (MRFD) approach and the Quantile Value Method
trated by Low (2021). The geotechnical reliability analysis (QVM) are two creative methods that were proposed by
in combination with various standalone software imple- Phoon et al. (2003) and Ching and Phoon (2011) to resolve
mentations has been garnering increasing interests in recent the inability of simplified RBD to maintain a uniform level
years. Typical geotechnical reliability applications based on of reliability. MRFD allows for utilizing multiple resis-
commercial software are summarized in Table 5. tance factors to ensure a uniform target reliability level
across the whole domain. The Quantile Value Method
4.2. Reliability-based design (QVM) allows for maintaining a uniform level of reliability
over a wide range of COVs without changing the resistance
Reliability-based design (RBD) is a rational methodol- factor by adopting ‘‘quantile” design values in the simpli-
ogy that allows practitioners to design geotechnical ele- fied RBD problem. Ching et al. (2015) further showed that
ments to achieve a target probability of failure. As such, the reliability uniformity of QVM can be further improved
RBD is considered as the inverse problem of reliability by considering the concept of ‘‘effective random dimen-
analysis. Reliability analysis computes the probability of sion” (ERD), which quantifies the degree of redundancy
failure or reliability index for a given design. RBD searches of a geotechnical structure.
for a design to produce a target reliability index. Achieving Full RBD methods are defined as methods where the
a target reliability index could be done through different designer models all sources of uncertainty in the load and
simplified methods including: (1) load and resistance factor resistance and conducts a reliability analysis to quantify
design (LRFD) format, (2) full RBD format, and (3) the probability of failure of a given design. If the design
expanded or robust RBD formats. does not produce the target reliability level, the designer
The LRFD format is a simplified RBD approach that will repeat the reliability analysis with different design
allows the designer to achieve the target reliability by parameters until the target reliability is achieved. In its sim-
adopting properly calibrated load and resistance factors. plest form, full RBD can be used to back-calculate a ‘‘re-
The application of RBD in geotechnical engineering is quired factor of safety” for a problem-specific target
traced back to the nineties through the works of Barker reliability index that is appropriate to the importance of
et al. (1991) and Phoon et al. (1995). One of the first design the structure under consideration. This approach was used
codes that adopted the LRFD approach for geotechnical in Najjar and Gilbert (2009), Bou Diab et al. (2018), Kahiel
design is the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification. et al. (2017), Najjar et al. (2017), and Najjar et al. (2020)
In AASHTO (2020), the code recommends resistance fac- among others for driven piles, footings on fiber-
tors for the ultimate limit state for (1) shallow foundations reinforced clay, footings on aggregate piers, design of pile
(Table, (2) driven piles (Table, (3) load test programs, and undrained slopes.
drilled shafts (Table, (4) micropiles Two separate extensions/developments to the full RBD
(Table, (5) retaining walls (Table 11.5.7-1), method were introduced in the last decade by Wang and
and (6) overall stability of slopes (Article A com- Cao (2013) and Juang et al. (2013) through the ‘‘expanded”
pilation of some resistance factors in AASHTO (2020) are RBD method and the ‘‘robust” RBD method, respectively.
presented in Table 6. These factors were derived to achieve In the expanded full RBD approach, basic design parame-
a target reliability index, b, of 3.5 which corresponds to an ters, such as diameter (D) and length (L) of a pile, are for-
approximate probability of failure of 1 in 5,000. mulated artificially as discrete uniform random variables
Two important limitations that heavily influenced the and the design process becomes one in which failure prob-
LRFD calibration in its geotechnical version are: abilities are developed for various combinations of diame-
ter and length conditional on achieving the target
1. The inability to maintain a relatively uniform level of probability of failure using MCS. Feasible designs that sat-
reliability over the wide range of COVs that are typically isfy the target reliability levels are defined, and the design
encountered in soil and rock properties (refer to with the minimum construction cost is selected as the final
Section 2.1). design. Cao et al. (2019b) provided a summary of MCS-
K.-K. Phoon et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101189

Table 6
Sample resistance factors as recommended in AASHTO (2020).
Method/Soil/Condition Resistance Factor
Shallow Foundations Bearing Resistance Theoretical bearing resistance 0.5
Theoretical method (Munfakh et al., 2001), in sand using CPT 0.5
Theoretical method (Munfakh et al., 2001), in sand using SPT 0.45
Semi-empirical methods (Meyerhof, 1957), all soils 0.45
Footings on rock 0.45
Plate load test 0.55
Sliding Pre-cast concrete placed on sand 0.9
Cast-in-place concrete on sand 0.8
Cast-in-place or precast concrete on clay 0.85
Soil on soil 0.9
Passive earth pressure component of sliding resistance 0.5
Driven Piles Nominal Bearing Side resistance and end bearing: clay and mixed soils
Resistance of Single a-method (Tomlinson, 1987; Skempton, 1951) 0.35
Pile—Static Analysis b-method (Esrig & Kirby, 1979; Skempton, 1951) 0.25
Methods k-method (Vijayvergiya & Focht, 1972) 0.40

Side resistance and end bearing: sand

Nordlund/Thurman method (Hannigan et al., 2005) 0.45
SPT-method (Meyerhof) 0.30
CPT-method (Schmertmann) 0.50
End bearing in rock (Canadian Geotech. Society, 1985) 0.45
Uplift Resistance of Nordlund method 0.35
Single Piles a-method 0.25
b-method 0.20
k-method 0.30
SPT-method 0.25
CPT-method 0.40
Static load test 0.60
Dynamic test with signal matching 0.50
Drilled Shafts (single compressive) Side resistance clay a-method (Brown et al., 2010) 0.45
Tip resistance clay Total stress (Brown et al., 2010) 0.4
Side resistance sand r-method (Brown et al., 2010) 0.55
Tip resistance sand Brown et al. (2010) 0.5
Side resistance IGM Brown et al. (2010) 0.6
Tip resistance IGM Brown et al. (2010) 0.55
Side resistance rock Kulhawy et al. (2005), Brown et al. (2010) 0.55
Side resistance rock Carter and Kulhawy (1988) 0.5
Tip resistance rock Canadian Geotechnical Society and Brown et al. 1985 0.5
Drilled Shafts (uplift) Clay a-method (Brown et al., 2010) 0.35
Sand b-method (Brown et al., 2010) 0.45
Rock Kulhawy et al. (2005), Brown et al. (2010) 0.4
Drilled Shaft Static Test All soils Compression 0.7
All soils Uplift 0.6

based full RBD methods and their implementation in The main drawback of full RBD methods, expanded
spreadsheets, and highlighted the value of MCS samples RBD methods, and robust RBD methods is that, unlike
for RBD. On the other hand, the essence of the robust simplified RBD methods, they are computationally
RBD as presented by Juang et al. (2013) is to minimize demanding, theoretically involved, and require adequate
the variation of the probability of failure caused by the knowledge of reliability theory. It is however expected that
uncertainty in the estimated sample statistics of soil param- recent advances in computational power, increasing level of
eters by adjusting the design parameters of the problem literacy of practicing civil engineers in concepts of proba-
under consideration. For the case of a drilled shaft exam- bility and statistics, and the increased availability of simple
ple, the diameter or length is selected so as to increase probabilistic tools (spreadsheets, software, or even apps)
the robustness of the design. Robustness measures may may pave the way for a wider adoption of full RBD
include the standard deviation of the probability of failure, method in geotechnical design practice.
which together with the cost of the foundation, could be
considered as a design objectives. The best design is 5. Inverse analysis
selected based on a tradeoff relationship between cost and
robustness. For geotechnical practitioners, inverse analysis often
means ‘‘back calculation” that is done for forensic analysis
K.-K. Phoon et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101189

Table 7
Geotechnical resistance factors in the 2019 Canadian Highway Bridge Code.
Application Limit State Test Method/Model Degree of understanding
Low Typical High
Shallow foundations Bearing, ugu Analysis 0.45 0.50 0.60
Scale model test 0.50 0.55 0.65
Sliding, ugu Analysis 0.70 0.80 0.90
Frictional Scale model test 0.75 0.85 0.95
Sliding, ugu Analysis 0.55 0.60 0.65
Cohesive Scale model test 0.60 0.65 0.70
Passive resistance, ugu Analysis 0.40 0.50 0.55
Settlement or lateral movement, ugs Analysis 0.70 0.80 0.90
Scale model test 0.80 0.90 1.00
Deep foundations Compression,ugu Static analysis 0.35 0.40 0.45
Static test 0.50 0.60 0.70
Dynamic analysis 0.35 0.40 0.45
Dynamic test 0.45 0.50 0.55
Tension*, ugu Static analysis 0.20 0.30 0.40
Static test 0.40 0.50 0.60
Lateral, ugu Static analysis 0.45 0.50 0.55
Static test 0.45 0.50 0.55
Settlement or lateral deflection, ugs Static analysis 0.70 0.80 0.90
Static test 0.80 0.90 1.00
Ground Anchors Pull-out, ugu Analysis 0.35 0.40 0.50
Test 0.55 0.60 0.65
Internal MSE reinforcement Rupture, ugu Steel strip 0.65 0.70 0.75
Steel grid 0.55 0.60 0.65
Geosynthetic 0.80 0.85 0.90
Pull-out, ugu Analysis 0.80 0.85 0.90
Retaining systems Bearing, ugu Analysis 0.45 0.50 0.60
Overturning†, ugu Analysis 0.45 0.50 0.55
Base sliding, ugu Analysis 0.70 0.80 0.90
Facing interface sliding, ugu Test 0.75 0.85 0.95
Connections, ugu Test 0.65 0.70 0.75
Settlement, ugs Analysis 0.70 0.80 0.90
Deflection/tilt, ugs Analysis 0.70 0.80 0.90
Embankments (fill) Bearing, ugu Analysis 0.45 0.50 0.60
Sliding, ugu Analysis 0.70 0.80 0.90
Global stability-temporary, ugu Analysis 0.70 0.75 0.80
Global stability-permanent, ugu Analysis 0.60 0.65 0.70
Settlement, ugs Analysis 0.70 0.80 0.90
Test 0.80 0.90 1.00
Where maximum frost penetration depth is used, a geotechnical resistance factor of 1.0 shall be used to calculate tensile resistance to frost uplift.

Does not apply to MSE walls.

of slope failure (e.g., Kool et al. 2019). The engineer esti- abilistic component, respectively. The observation
mates strength parameters of slope materials that reason- equation is generally expressed as a nonlinear function
ably explain ‘‘why/how did that failure happen” through of x contaminated with Gaussian noise v, i.e., y = h(x)
trial-and-error analysis. The task of inferring model + v, where w and v are Gaussian random variable vectors
parameters and/or boundary conditions based on the with zero mean whose covariance matrices are M and R,
observation data is called inverse analysis. In geotechnical respectively. The solution that maximizes posterior proba-
engineering, inverse analysis usually means parameter iden- bility density function (PDF) p(x|y) is called maximum a
tification. It clearly plays an important role in Bayesian posteriori (MAP) estimate which minimize the following
observational approach and one can imagine novel appli- objective function J.
cations in the presence of IoT. This section reviews meth-
1 1  T 
J ¼ ðy  hðxÞÞ R1 ðy  hðxÞÞ þ ðx  xÞ M1 ðx  xÞ
ods for parameter identification using probability theory.
Bayesian model inference provides a useful framework 2 2
with probability theory for inverse analysis. Prior knowl- ð5Þ
edge on parameter of interest x can be updated with
Assume that random variable w in the prior follows
observed data y using Bayes’ theorem. Typically, prior
Laplace distribution instead of Gaussian. This results in
information is modeled as a Gaussian distribu-
  the following objective function.
tion,x ¼ x þw, where x and w are the mean and the prob-
K.-K. Phoon et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101189

2X n
 Many real world inverse problems fall into this category
J ¼ ðy  hðxÞÞ R1 ðy  hðxÞÞ þ
jxi  xi j ð6Þ which requires a numerical method to obtain the solutions.
b i¼1
The sample-based methods with adaptive surrogate model
This objective function is known as least absolute seems promising, although they need further investigation
shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) (Bishop 2006; to clarify its applicability and limitations.
Hastie et al. 2015).
Sample-based method can estimate not only MAP but 6. Soil-structure interaction in spatially variable soils
also its uncertainty which is important for the decision-
making. Data assimilation by Particle filter (PF) (e.g., To study the propagation of uncertainty in soil and rock
Ristic et al. 2004) has attracted attention for updating properties to the system performance, a logical step beyond
model parameters in many research fields. In geotechnical the deterministic approach involves probabilistic analyses
engineering, PF was applied to the long-term consolidation that model the properties of ‘homogenized’ material layers
settlement predictions (Shibata et al. 2019; Yoshida and as random variables. Uncertainty in material parameters
Shuku 2020). Straub and Papaioannou (2015) proposed can then be considered either via the Monte Carlo fashion,
Bayesian Updating with Structural Reliability Methods or through FOSM or FORM discussed earlier (e.g.,
(BUS), which converts a Bayesian updating problem into Vanmarcke 1977b; Li & Lumb 1987; Christian et al.
an equivalent reliability analysis problem. For efficiency, 1994). In early studies where computational power could
subset simulation (SuS) (Au and Wang 2014) is often com- be a bottleneck for random field simulations, the effects
bined with BUS (DiazDelaO et al. 2017; Betz et al. 2018). of spatial variability were considered using the homoge-
BUS has been applied to updating of soil stratigraphy from nized layers and variance reduction factors.
CPT data (Cao et al. 2019a) and estimation of spatial vari- However, spatially variable ground properties can lead
ability of soil properties (Jiang et al. 2018; 2021). Markov to failure mechanisms that cannot be captured by simula-
chain Monte Carlo is also a widely used tool to generate tions assuming uniform or homogenized geomaterial prop-
samples from posterior PDF. However, sampling directly erties. Kim and Santamarina (2008) showed that at element
from the target PDF is difficult and generally not practical testing level, spatial variability features could cause strain
if the prior and posterior PDF are significantly different. In localization, local drainage and hence affect shear strength
order to overcome this, Transitional Markov chain Monte development. These are manifested in various ways in soil-
Carlo (TMCMC) was proposed by Ching and Chen (2007). structure interaction problems with different stress paths.
Betz et al. (2016) discussed the properties of TMCMC and Considering a foundation with symmetric geometry and
proposed modifications to improve efficiency. See, e.g., load conditions, numerical analyses with homogenized soil
Angelikopoulos et al. (2015), Wu et al. (2018) for other properties would yield deformation profiles that are sym-
recent development. metrical. In reality, soil properties vary spatially within
Surrogate model (meta-model) is an attractive tool to the same layer, so foundation tilting or differential settle-
reduce the number of costly function call (e.g., calculation ments among footings may arise. This section describes
by 3D finite element method). Teixeira et al. (2021) and these aspects of soil-structure interaction problems and
Moustapha et al. (2022) reviewed the implementation of summarizes recent findings on the worst-case scales of fluc-
adaptive surrogate model for reliability analysis. The sur- tuation (Vessia et al. 2021) that constitute the most critical
rogate model approach can be also applied to Bayesian scenario for geotechnical problems.
updating of model parameters. Giovanis et al. (2017) incor-
porated artificial neural networks into BUS with SuS as the 6.1. Shallow footings and piled foundations
surrogate model, while Wang and Shafieezadeh (2020),
Kitahara et al. (2021), and Liu et al. (2022) incorporated Using random field models, Griffiths et al. (2002) and
adaptive Kriging. Ni et al. (2021) proposed a variational Fenton and Griffiths (2003) investigated the behaviours
Bayesian inference approach by using a surrogate model of strip footings founded on spatially variable soils. For
of an adaptive Gaussian process modeling. Song et al. the ultimate limit state, they revealed that, on average,
(2022) combined the BUS, adaptive importance sampling the bearing capacity would be smaller than the determinis-
and active learning Kriging surrogate model for Bayesian tic solution adopting mean values of shear strength param-
updating. eters, while the failure surfaces deviate from classical
Table 8 summarizes the methods for inverse problem. solutions as soils fail along the ‘‘weakest path”. For isotro-
When the observation equation is linear, and its noise pic variability patterns, a pragmatic way to predict the
and the prior are Gaussian, an analytical solution exists. statistics of bearing capacity involves utilizing Prandtl’s
Kalman filter and Gaussian process regression are classi- solution together with the geometric average of soil proper-
fied into this category (first row of the table). The second ties over the domain of plastic failure region. Tabarroki
row indicates the inverse analysis with l1 norm regulariza- et al. (2022a) calibrated a model called the weakest-path
tion/Laplace prior, which is known as LASSO. The third model by random finite element simulation results. The cal-
row indicates the inverse problem with nonlinear observa- ibrated weakest-path model can capture the behavior of
tion equation, and/or non-Gaussian noise and/or prior. failure along the weakest path (e.g., the bearing capacity
K.-K. Phoon et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101189

Table 8
Classification of the inverse problem.
Observation Observation Regularization Solution Related method
equation noise Prior
Linear l2-norm l2-norm, Analytical regularized LS
Gauss Gauss Kalman filter, GPR
Linear l2-norm l1-norm Numerical LASSO
Gauss Laplace ADMM, etc., (sparse modeling),

Non-Linear l2-norm l1, l2-norm Gradient-based method such as GN, BFGS. regularized nonlinear LS, surrogate
Gauss Gauss, Laplace Global Optimization method such as GA, model
(any) (any) PSO.
Sample-based method such as PF, BUS,
ADMM: alternating direction method of multipliers, GA: Genetic Algorithm, GN: Gauss-Newton, GPR: Gaussian process regression, LS: least square,
LASSO: least absolute shrinkage and selection operator, PF: particle filter, BUS: Bayesian Updating with Structural reliability methods, PSO: Particle
Swarm Optimization, TMCMC: Transitional Markov chain Monte Carlo.

is, on average, smaller than the deterministic solution). For duce the reliability index of the slope or its probability of
the serviceability limit state, Fenton and Griffiths (2002; failure. It may be tempting to assume the same critical slip
2005) further suggested that the statistics of footing settle- surface in deterministic approach (minimum FOS) and
ments can be satisfactorily approximated by such geomet- probabilistic approach (maximum probability of failure).
ric average. Another implication of spatial variability lies This is, however, generally not true unless the slope stabil-
on the differential settlements between multiple footings, ity is dominated by particularly weak seams or planes.
which had been studied by various researchers (Table 4) Griffiths and Fenton (2004) demonstrated the significance
with the similar conclusions that the worst scenario of soil spatial variability in slopes, showing that assump-
entailed the h value being close to the spacing between foot- tions of homogenized layers could lead to unconservative
ings. Tabarroki et al. (2022b) showed that with the so- reliability estimates, in cases of high variability and low
called pseudo incremental energy method, the numerical mean strength in the soils. Recently, the significance of ani-
values of footing settlements can be satisfactorily approxi- sotropic and rotational features of spatial variability is
mated by a weighted geometric average, where the weights being recognized. A high probability of failure is generally
can be determined by a single determininsitc finite element associated with slopes with dip directions aligned with the
analysis. Note that a close approximation in numerical val- soil variation patterns. Three-dimensional effects of spatial
ues is stronger than that in statistics because two random variability also affect the failure mechanisms and sizes of
variables can have identical statistics and yet be completely failure mass (e.g. Griffiths et al. 2009; Huang and Leung
uncorrelated. 2021). In particular, Hicks et al. (2014) discussed various
Deep foundations develop much of the resistance from 3D failure modes depending on the horizontal scale of fluc-
the surrounding soils, where spatial variability can have tuation hh , showing a tendency for discrete failures to occur
substantial impacts on the performance. As soil-pile inter- as the slope length (e.g. along the longitudinal direction of
actions are often modelled using spring stiffnesses and an embankment) increases relative to hh .
strengths (‘t-z’ curves) along the pile, a natural extension Spatial variability in the ground influences retaining
involves varying these parameters based on the random structures through the development of lateral earth pres-
field theory (Fenton and Griffiths 2008). Later, Naghibi sures, as classical solutions do not account for the tendency
et al. (2014; 2016) studied the serviceability limit states of of soils to fail along the weakest paths in heterogeneous
single and two-pile systems in spatially variable ground, media. Various researchers investigated the critical h values
by establishing theoretical solutions of the statistics of their for active and passive pressures (Table 4). Tabarroki et al.
settlements. Leung and Lo (2018) then extended the (2022a) showed that, however, the weakest-path seeking
approach by Quek et al. (1991) to incorporate 3D random for retaining structures is not as significant as that for shal-
fields, and suggested that the worst case scenarios for differ- low footings, because the potential failure surfaces for
ential settlements of large pile groups involve the horizon- retaining structures are more constrained. For deep exca-
tal hh being close to the foundation width. vations, the design considerations extend beyond active
and passive pressures, as basal heave, wall deflections and
internal forces often govern their performance. Lo and
6.2. Slopes and retaining structures
Leung (2019) discussed these aspects by demonstrating
the effects of spatially variable ground properties on wall
Conventional deterministic analyses of slopes evaluate
and ground displacements, while Luo et al. (2018; 2020)
the factor of safety (FOS), while probabilistic analyses pro-
K.-K. Phoon et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101189

further analyzed the ensuing failure modes including exces- e’ = e  g. This framework is currently the best in terms
sive bending moments or shear forces in the wall and buck- of providing physical insights, correcting the bias in the
ling of struts. These risks are often encountered in original model, handling problems with highly sensitive
excavation projects but cannot be predicted by conven- input parameters and making efficient use of limited test
tional approaches without considering spatial variability data (e.g., Zhang et al. 2015; Tang and Phoon 2021).
of the ground. A comprehensive review of model factor statistics was
presented in Tang and Phoon (2021), covering a variety
7. Model uncertainty of geotechnical structures in wide range of material types.
On this basis, a practical and informative three-tier scheme
Notwithstanding the advancement of calculation capa- to classify model uncertainty by the model factor mean and
bilities (e.g., Gibson 1974; Poulos 1989; Potts and COV was proposed (Fig. 6). For capacity, the mean is
Zdravković 1999; 2001), our ability to predict actual interpreted as ‘‘unconservative” when mean < 1, ‘‘moder-
behavior is imprecise in many cases because of model ately conservative” when mean = 1–3, and ‘‘highly conser-
imperfection (e.g., D’Appolonia 1990; Focht 1994; Tang vative” when mean > 3. Many calculated models of
and Phoon 2021; Kalenchuk 2022). The predicted behavior capacity are moderately conservative. For displacement,
will deviate from measurement. The deviation between the mean is interpreted as ‘‘unconservative” when mean > 1.
measured and predicted response is the model uncertainty, The calculation models of displacement are typically con-
which has a strong influence on the calculated probability servative where model factor mean < 1. The dispersion of
of failure and thus on the estimation of safety margin the model factor is classified as low (COV < 0.3), medium
(e.g., Tang et al. 1990; Gilbert and Tang 1995; Lacasse (COV = 0.3–0.6), and high (COV > 0.6). Otake and Honjo
and Nadim 1996). The latest edition of ISO 2394 intro- (2022) presented a comparison between generic and Japa-
duced a new Annex D, in which model uncertainty has nese data on model factors of shallow and deep founda-
been identified as one of the critical elements in the devel- tions with this classification scheme. The three-tier
opment of reliability-based design for geotechnical engi- classification scheme may provide designers with an empir-
neering (ISO 2015). In practice, model uncertainty can be ically grounded framework for developing resistance fac-
characterized in a relatively straightforward way by using tors as a function of the degree of site/model
a model factor k according to Eqn 7(ISO 2015): understanding – a concept already adopted in Canadian
Highway Bridge Design Code as shown in Table 7 (CSA
k ¼ Rm =Rc ð7Þ
where Rm and Rc = measured and predicted response. Advanced numerical analyses would be expected to per-
The response R could be a load, resistance, or displace- form better than simplified empirical and semi-empirical
ment, etc. The model factor itself is not constant but takes methods, because of the adoption of more realistic consti-
a range of values that may depend on the scenarios covered tutive models and more consistent physics. Poulos et al.
in the dataset used for evaluation. It is customary to model (2001) argued that the gap between theory and practice is
k as a random variable; however, the variation of k some- larger than the last review conducted by Terzaghi in
times is explainable by other known variables (e.g., geom- 1951. Whyte (2018) and Ramsey (2019) argued that theo-
etry and property) (Tang and Phoon 2021). This could be retical studies were centred on the development of various
due in part to the oversimplification of complex real world ‘‘philosopher” constitutive models, but few efforts were
behavior. In this situation, the model factor can be undertaken to calibrate a robust model for practical engi-
expressed as k = kc  e, where kc = correction factor to neering applications (‘‘engineer” model). These studies
capture the variation of k with each influential parameter pay less attention to the fact that the degree of complexity
and e = residual that is no longer dependent on these in the adopted numerical model must be justified by the
parameters. The correction term kc can be applied to the quality and quantity of geomaterial and performance data
simplified design method and improve its accuracy. Unfor- available. In her 2019 Canadian Geotechnical Colloquium
tunately, it is not an easy task to establish kc, as the test paper, Kalenchuk (2022) provided an in-depth discussion
data usually cover a limited range of influential parameters. of practical limitations in the day-to-day application of
An alternative way is to use a mechanically consistent numerical methods in geotechnical engineering. It is largely
numerical method for kc that is a ratio of numerical predic- associated with practitioners’ overconfidence of the ability
tion Rp and solution from a simplified design model Rc of numerical tools to carry out sophisticated computations
(Zhang et al. 2015). Because all practical scenarios can be and disregarding (or lack of understanding) of the uncer-
simulated, the numerical results would be a beneficial sup- tainty in the results obtained. Abchir et al. (2016) and
plement to the limited test data. As shown in Fig. 5, kc is Briaud and Wang (2018) evaluated the model uncertainty
characterized as the product of f (systematic variation) of t-z and p-y methods – numerical analyses of the load
and g (residual), and e is evaluated as the ratio of Rm and settlement of axially and laterally loaded piles, respec-
and Rp that is the model factor of the adopted numerical tively. For settlement, the results appear to deviate from
method, which is likely to be random. The model uncer- measurements by significant margins. Model calibration
tainty of the simplified design method is characterized by is the process of correlating the observations of actual
K.-K. Phoon et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101189

Fig. 5. Two-step procedure for model factor assessment with limited test data in the presence of statistical dependency (after Tang and Phoon 2021).

Fig. 6. Classification of model uncertainty based on model factor mean and COV for a variety of geotechnical structures, where n = number of data
groups, N = number of load tests averaged over the n-groups, MSE = mechanically stabilized earth wall, MAW = multi-anchor wall, and SNW = soil nail
wall (after Tang and Phoon 2021).

ground behavior to the numerical output. By doing so, the 8. Conclusions

analysis/design models can be tailored to the problem and
site of interest. This is an important step to reduce the bias The purpose of numerical modeling is to enhance deci-
and uncertainty in numerical analysis. For example, sion making in practice rather than to enhance our predic-
Jeanjean et al. (2017) and Zhang and Andersen (2017) pro- tion ability. The Burland Triangle places ‘‘soil behaviour”,
posed a framework for monotonic backbone p-y curves in ‘‘ground profile”, and ‘‘modeling” at its three vertices, but
cohesive materials. The bearing capacity factor is calcu- situates ‘‘empiricism, precedent, experience, and risk man-
lated from limit analysis and finite element analysis. The agement” at the core of decision making because geotech-
shape of the p-y curves is deduced from an extensive data- nical engineers must cope with uncertainties arising from
base of direct simple shear tests with calibration using finite the variable nature of soil and rock, changeable environ-
element analysis. The proposed monotonic p-y curves were mental conditions, and imprecision in predicting field per-
simultaneously modified to account for cyclic loading by formance from models. Prevailing practice does not
Zhang et al. (2017) and were recently verified with cen- consider these uncertainties explicitly and as such, risk as
trifuge and field laterally loaded pile tests by Zhang et al. recognized by the Burland Triangle is managed informally
(2020a; b). Compared with current industry practice, such through an ad-hoc combination of strategies that include
data-based and physics-informed p-y methods provided applying a global factor of safety (or partial factors of
noticeable improvement in calculating pile response in very safety), selecting cautious input values and conservative
soft to stiff clay. calculation models, conducting parametric studies, learn-
K.-K. Phoon et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101189

ing from precedents, updating/validating designs and con- more consistent picture of ‘‘what if” design scenarios than
struction procedures based on prototype testing and obser- prevailing parametric studies. Simplified reliability-based
vations, and keeping engineering judgment as an integral design approaches that can produce solutions meeting a
part of the decision making loop. It is accurate to say that target probability of failure for different degrees of under-
the value of applying probabilistic methods to manage risk standing of the site and structures of different importance
more formally is not widely recognized. have been developed and are already adopted in new design
The purpose of this review paper is to present proba- codes. This review paper further shows that probabilistic
bilistic research conducted over the past several decades methods can lead to novel applications with potential to
that can complement numerical analysis to support lead to digital transformation (data-driven site characteri-
increasingly complex decision making in practice. Com- zation, inverse analysis) and novel understanding of soil
plexity is not related to the project details alone, but to sys- behaviours (non-classical failure mechanisms in spatially
tem level issues (e.g., resilience) and to new design goals variable soils) outside the reach of deterministic methods.
(e.g., sustainability). Currently, numerical analysis is con-
ducted using deterministic inputs and simple soil profiles Acknowledgments
that are inconsistent with sparse site data. This determinis-
tic mapping (one set of inputs to one set of outputs) does The authors would like to thank the ISSMGE Technical
provide valuable physical insights, but cannot support Committee 103 (TC103) on Numerical Methods in Geome-
risk-informed decision making on its own without appeal- chanics for inviting them to write this state-of-the-art
ing to engineering judgment. Ironically, the usefulness of report. Dr Sina Javankhoshdel provided useful comments
numerical analysis to decision making and its role in digital in the preparation of this paper.
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