Chemistry and Pharmacology of Piper Longum L: Article
Chemistry and Pharmacology of Piper Longum L: Article
Chemistry and Pharmacology of Piper Longum L: Article
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Review Article
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Maitreyi Zaveri , Amit Khandhar , Samir Patel , Archita Patel
1. Maitreyi Zaveri, Head and Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pharmacognosy, K.B. Institute of Pharmaceutical
Education and Research, Gandhinagar, India.
2. Archita Patel, Lecturer, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, K.B. Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and
Research, Gandhinagar, India.
3. Amit Khandhar, Sr.Scientist, Analytical research laboratory, Zydus Cadila Ltd., Ahmedabad, India.
4. Samir Patel, Sr. Lecturer, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Ramanbhai Patel College of Pharmacy College,
Changa, India.
*Corresponding author’s E-mail: [email protected]
Botanical description:
Plants have been the source of medicines since thousands
It is having slender, aromatic, perennial climber, with
of years. Species of the genus Piper are among the
woody roots and numerous wide ovate, cordate leaves.
important medicinal plants used in various systems of
The inflorescence is a cylindrical, pedunculate spike, the
medicine1, 2. Piper longum L. (Piperaceae), commonly
female flower is up to 2.5 cm long and 4-5 mm in
known as “long pepper”, is widely distributed in the
diameter but the male flower is larger and slender. The
tropical and subtropical regions of the world, throughout
fruits are small, ovoid berries, shiny blackish green,
the Indian subcontinent, Sri Lanka, Middle Eastern 3
embedded in fleshy spikes .
countries and the Americas. It is said that the Roman
emperors valued it even more highly than black pepper PHARMACOGNOSTICAL CHARACTERISTICS:
due to its high commercial and economical importance.
Synonyms: Piper latifolium Hunter, P. saramentosum
Wall. , Chavica roxburghii Miq, C.
Vernacular names: English: Long pepper, Hindi: Pippali,
Sanskrit: Pipali
Habitat: The native of plant is considered to be South Asia
and is found both wild as well as cultivated, throughout
the hotter parts of India from central to the north-eastern Flowering plant
Himalayas. The herb also grows wild in Malaysia,
Singapore, Bhutan, Myanmar and elsewhere .
Ayurvedic properties:
Rasa: Katu (pungent)
Guna: Laghu (light), snigdha (unctuous), tikshna (sharp)
Veerya: Anushnashita (slight cold)
Vipaka: Madhur (sweet)
Dosha: Pacifies kapha and vata
Unripe fruit
be useful for further study of Ayurvedic drugs of folk 17. Beel KL, Atal CK, Acharya KT, Study of Indian seed
medicinal practice of present era. oils-VIII. Component fatty acids of some seed fats of
piperaceae, 34, Lloydia, 1971, 256-260.
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