Bio Health Hygiene
Bio Health Hygiene
Bio Health Hygiene
1) (d) Cholera
3) (d) Plasmodium
4) (c) Fluorides
5) (b) Bacteria
(b) Pathogens
(c) Hygiene
1. Spraying of insecticides
2. Elimination of breeding grounds
1. Spraying insecticides
2. Food should be protected by covering it
3. Eliminating breeding places of mosquitoes
Kind of mosquito Disease caused by it
Anopheles Malaria
Culex Filariasis
(i) One should breathe by nose and never by mouth because nose contains hair and mucous to trap dust
and micro-organisms, so that the inhaled air becomes pure and the respiratory passage is free of dust
and micro-organisms.
(ii) We handle a variety of things like books, coins, furniture, tools and machinery in workshops, seats
and supporting rods in buses and even pets and other domestic animals in our day-to-day life. Many of
these objects carry germs. These germs can be picked up by us, when we touch these objects and get
transferred to other parts of our body or into our mouth, when we eat our food. Therefore, it is
necessary to wash our hands before eating food to avoid the spread of diseases caused due to these
iii) Flies are carriers of many disease-causing germs and bacteria. Therefore, eating places must be kept
free of flies to avoid possible contamination of food.
1. Cockroaches are involved in spoiling food, paper and cloth. They may act as carriers of viruses,
especially those which cause cancer.
2. Rats eat grains and other foods. They also act as carriers of certain pathogens. A parasite named
rat-fleas lives on rat’s skin. It possibly carries the germs of plague.
Avoiding contaminated
2. Amoebic dysentery Protozoan: Entamoebahistolytica
water and food
Symptoms of Hepatitis:
Body ache
Yellow eyes
Deep yellow urine
Enlarged liver