How To Become A Consultant 9 Steps To Doing It Right

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What is a consultant?

A consultant is a person who's an expert in a particular field who gives

professional advice to individuals and businesses in their area of expertise.

Here are some of the most common types of consultants:

 Business consultant

 Sales consultant

 Marketing consultant

 Accounting consultant

 Technology consultant

 Legal consultant

 Public relations consultant

Do you have an area of expertise to advise on? Here are nine steps to
become a consultant. Follow them closely and you'll build a strong foundation
for future work, repeat clients, and expanding your reach and reputation.

How to Become a Consultant

1. Identify your area of expertise.

2. Set goals.

3. Make a website.

4. Get certified.

5. Choose a target market.

6. Decide where you'll work.

7. Network with people.

8. Set your rates

9. Know when to say "no."

1. Identify your area of expertise.

Be honest about where your strengths and expertise lie -- and consider
strengths outside your nine-to-five focus. Maybe you have a landscaping side
hustle with enough client demand to take it full time. Or perhaps you're good
at closing difficult deals in the medical sales industry -- so good that your
colleagues are always asking for help.

Ask yourself three questions to identify your niche:

1. "Do I have a unique point of view?"

2. "Do I have the experience necessary to be authoritative in this field?"
3. "Is there demand for this service?"

Being a consultant requires you to be organized, self-motivated, and good at

boundary setting. Before launching your website and accepting your first
client, consider your ability to meet these demands. You might identify the
perfect niche, but if you can't meet independent deadlines or manage a billing
cycle, you might not be ready to become a consultant.

To find your consulting specialty, consider areas you excel in at work, projects
you've gotten high marks on in performance reviews, or hobbies you've
mastered outside the office. You should also factor in what you enjoy -- if
you're doing this full-time, it needs to be an activity you're passionate about.

2. Set goals.

Setting goals helps you know what you're working towards. Do you want this
to stay a nights-and-weekends project? Do you hope to turn it into a full-time
business? Do you want to hire employees someday? Answer these questions
and plan accordingly.
Once you've identified broad goals for your business, narrow your focus to
more immediate needs. To do this, make sure your goals are SMART:

 Specific: Clearly define what you want to accomplish

 Measurable: Identify targets and milestones to track progress
 Attainable: Keep goals realistic and manageable
 Relevant: Set goals that fit with your business model
 Time-Based: Identify deadlines for your goals

Here's an example of SMART goals for a consultant who coaches sales

teams to be better at cold outreach:

 Specific: I will coach SMB sales teams on how to make better calls, send higher
quality emails, and follow up in an effective manner. The result will be more qualified
opportunities for reps resulting in more closed business and higher revenue for the
 Measurable: Success will be measured by increased client pipeline and percentage of
client deals closed as well as referrals for my business.
 Attainable: I have three clients already and bring in an average of one new referral
every month. I know there is demand for my service, and this cadence is manageable
for my workload and operating budget right now.
 Relevant: This business model fits my skill set and allows me to benefit from my
success with sales outreach as identified by myself, my coworkers, and my
 Time-Based:

o November 15: Website goes live

o December 1: Review previous month's work and ask for at least one referral

o December 5: Send client bills for the previous month's work

o December 15: Have all coaching sessions scheduled before this date in anticipation
for holiday schedules
As your consultancy grows, so will your plans. Revisit your SMART goals on a
monthly or quarterly basis and adjust them as needed.

Maria Marshall, an associate professor at Purdue University, researches

small and family-owned businesses. She recommends including visionary
goals for your business as well. Marshall outlines four main areas of focus for
visionary goals:
 Service: How can you improve customer satisfaction and retention?
 Social: How can you give back to the community through philanthropy or
 Profit: How can you increase profits by X percent?
 Growth: How can you expand your company (i.e., new employees, more clients,
office space)?
3. Make a website.
Think you can get by without a website? Think again. A recent Local Search
Association report finds that 63% of consumers use websites to find or engage
with businesses, and 30% of those consumers won't consider a business
without a website.
Also, if you have a site, Google gives your business more authority in local
rankings. Creating a Google My Business profile isn't enough. A website that's
optimized with backlinks, domain authority, and views will encourage Google
to display your website in relevant searches.
Don't think website creation is in your wheelhouse? Services
like WordPress and Squarespace make it easy to build a website,
and GoDaddy allows you to lock down a domain name.
And if you want a tool that'll help you do everything from tracking incoming
leads to booking meetings and will grow with your business, try HubSpot. Your
website is the first impression of your business. Invest time here and see the
returns for years to come.
4. Get certified.
Are there certifications that will give you an edge? For example, if you're a
consultant for medical sales professionals, consider pursuing accreditation in
one of HIDA's Medical Sales programs. If your specialty is coaching teams to
be better at outreach, consider getting an Inbound Sales Certification from

Whether software-, skills-, or subject matter-specific certifications, find out

what's important in your industry and invest in expanding your knowledge
base. As a consultant, it's crucial to remain cutting edge and competitive in
your niche, and certifications are a concrete way to demonstrate your drive.

5. Choose a target market.

Once you've identified your niche, be clear about who your target audience is.
For example, if you help startup sales teams navigate early-stage scaleup,
hone in on your target market by answering these five questions:

1. "Where is my target audience located?" (Will you serve local clients only? Will you
accept national or regional clients? Will you exclude international clients?)
2. "What are their biggest pain points?" (What has driven them to search for your help?
What are their daily roadblocks to suggest? What are their scaling challenges?)
3. "Who is competing for their business?" (Who are your biggest competitors and how
do your services measure up? What sets you apart?)
4. "Am I targeting startups themselves the individual sales managers?" (Will you reach
out to businesses or network to individuals through local meetups or LinkedIn
5. "What motivates my target audience?" (What is your audience's end goal by choosing
your services? What do they hope to achieve for their team and for themselves?)

Getting specific about who your customer is and what's important to them
allows you to provide superior service and reach clients who are the perfect

6. Decide where you'll work.

You probably won't need a designated workplace while getting your

consultancy off the ground. But if you're becoming a full-time consultant, it
might be helpful to have an office. Before you start booking office tours, ask
yourself a few questions:

1. "Can I afford office space, and if so, how much can I afford?"
2. "Will a workplace enhance my business or help it grow?"
3. "Why do I need this space?" (i.e., do I meet with clients? Am I hiring some part-time
Once you've decided that office space will truly benefit your business,
consider what kind of space is right for your needs. Coworking spaces like We
Work and Galvanize are staples of many urban environments.

They give you access to shared or small workspaces, as well as meeting

rooms and amenities, at a lower monthly rate than traditional office spaces.
They also give you another way to network and benefit from those around

7. Network with people.

Speaking of networking … Referrals are a crucial way to grow your business,

but they aren't the only way. Unlike at a large company, you probably don't
have a marketing team whose whole job it is to promote your business.
Instead, selling the value of your consultancy often falls to you and you alone.

Join LinkedIn and Facebook groups your audience frequents, write and share
blog posts highlighting your expertise, and attend meetups or conferences in
your area. Be everywhere and talk to everyone who's a good fit for your
offering. No one's going to sell you as well as you, so brush off that elevator
pitch and get ready to sell yourself anything but short.

8. Set your rates.

Deciding how much you'll charge clients can be the hardest part of starting a
consultancy. It's tempting to charge less than you're worth because you
haven't proven your results yet.
Research what comparative consultants are charging in your area (sites
like are great for this). And decide which of these common
types of consultant pricing would most fairly compensate you for the work
you're doing.
How much should you charge as a consultant?

1. Double/triple your current hourly wage

2. Set a daily rate

3. Set fees by project

4. Set fees by performance

5. Set fees using data from previous client work

6. Set solution-based fees

Once you've decided what to charge, consider how you'll bill clients and
accept payment. There are many free and fee-based platforms --
like Invoicely, Freshbooks, and Due -- that allow you to automate billing cycles,
track and manage invoices and payments, and run reports on weekly,
quarterly, or yearly earnings.

And don't forget to consult with an accountant during tax season. If you're not
having taxes taken out of your payments, you'll need to budget for those when
taxes are due. An accountant can offer guidance on how to make this less of
a headache.

9. Know when to say "no."

In the beginning, it's easy to say "yes" to every client and every request. Now
more than ever, you want your work to be high quality, organized, and
manageable. coming in at a manageable rate.
If saying yes to a new client means your current client work will suffer, say,
"I'd love to serve your needs, but with my current workload, I don't think I can give
you the attention you deserve. I should have more availability next quarter. Can I
reach out to you then to see if this is still a need?"

Prospective customers will appreciate your honesty, and you'll be able to

maintain high-quality work at a cadence that doesn't threaten your sanity or
existing client satisfaction.

It's also difficult to turn down clients that aren't a good fit. Be honest when you
can't meet a prospective client's needs, and be proactive about introducing
them to someone who can. They'll benefit from a better match, and your
business won't lose sight of what it does best.

How to Find Consulting Clients

1. Identify your ideal customer.

2. Find out where they hang out online.

3. Learn what motivates them.

4. Develop an outreach strategy.

5. Size up the competition.

6. Decide what sets you apart.

7. Be clear in communicating your unique value proposition.

So, how do you find clients that are a good fit? Follow these guidelines.

1. Identify your ideal customer: What industry are they in? What type of services are
they looking for?
2. Find out where they hang out online: Which websites and social media sites are
they active on?
3. Learn what motivates them: What are the major pain points your potential
customers face?
4. Develop an outreach strategy: What are your primary tools for communicating (e.g.,
email, phone calls, social media)?
5. Size up the competition: What are competitors offering and what are the price
6. Decide what sets you apart: What additional value does your work add that other
consultancies don't?
7. Be clear in communicating your unique value proposition: How will you share this
value proposition to potential clients?

Becoming a consultant is an exciting way to grow your career. Be honest

about your readiness and niche, organized in your approach, and clear in
defining, meeting, and addressing your goals. These nine steps are the
perfect place to start. Good luck!

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