FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin June 2011
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin June 2011
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin June 2011
Detecting Deception
Evaluating Truthfulness and Detecting Deception
By David Matsumoto, Hyi Sung Hwang, Lisa Skinner, and Mark Frank
By recognizing certain clues, investigators effectively can identify deception.
Police agencies must examine their policies concerning uniform and equipment issues.
9 Perspective Determining the Best Fit for University Policing 14 Leadership Spotlight Self-Centered Leadership 16 Research Forum Coping with the Career 24 Bulletin Report Girls Delinquency
ISSN 0014-5688
USPS 383-310
By recognizing certain clues, investigators effectively can identify deception. ... no one indicator of lying exists.
Training and practice can help individuals and groups leverage facial expressionsother nonverbal behaviors, and statement analysis to better evaluate truthfulness. Microexpressions are eeting expressions of concealed emotion, sometimes so fast that they happen in the blink of an eye. In many situations, interviewers focus primarily on a suspects story, rather than how they tell it or what they show while conveying it.
hile interviewing the suspect who claims ignorance about an incident, the witness who saw it happen, or the informant who identied the perpetrator, the detective asks a question that will eviscerate the perpetrators story. As the suspect prepares to answer, he looks up and to the left, purses his lips, tenses his eyelids, and brings his eyebrows down.
The investigator knows that a suspect displaying shifty eyes and gaze aversion and looking up and to the left when answering uncomfortable questions is exhibiting signs of lying. The suspect is not totally disinterested, but he is reluctant to participate in the interview. Because the suspects behavior suggests dishonesty, the detective prepares to drill still deeper in the questioning.
Unfortunately, this investigator likely would be wrong. Twenty-three out of 24 peerreviewed studies published in scientic journals reporting experiments on eye behavior as an indicator of lying have rejected this hypothesis.1 No scientic evidence exists to suggest that eye behavior or gaze aversion can gauge truthfulness reliably. Some people say that gaze aversion is the sure sign of
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lying, others that dgety feet or hands are the key indicators. Still others believe that analysis of voice stress or body posture provides benchmarks. Research has tested all of these indicators and found them only weakly associated with deception.2 Relying on false clues, or signs, about lying can have dire consequences.3 It can lead to inaccurate reads that witnesses, suspects, or informants are lying when they are not or that they are telling the truth when there is more to the story. Reliance on false clues leads to misplaced condence about the strengths and weaknesses of cases and can lead an investigator down dead-end paths. Moreover, a false read can have deadly consequences.
BEHAVIORAL CUES Years of research have led the authors to focus solely on the most veriable behavioral cues to lying.4 Many studies have involved a randomly selected sample of people assigned by chance to lie or tell the truth. Unfortunately, such studies feature participants with no personal, nancial, or emotional investment in the lie or any fear of exposure to sanction if they are caught. No stakes are involvedno punishment for getting caught and no reward for fooling the investigator. The authors studies involve people motivated to act against a person or group with a different ideology, placed in a situation where they choose whether to commit a crime (e.g., steal a check made out to
the group they despise), and then interviewed by a retired law enforcement ofcer, offering them the opportunity to tell the truth or lie. The stakes involved include facing detention, enduring blasts of white noise, or, for instance, having the stolen check donated to the group they hate. These consequences would occur if the person were not believed regardless of the truth because, in real life, consequences stem from judgments, not reality. Thus, truthful individuals often are nervous in police interrogations. The authors strive to make their research practical and analogous to real-world law enforcement situations and have found that, clearly, the behavioral cues to lying differ when people are not vested in
Dr. Matsumoto is a professor of psychology at San Francisco State University and currently is director of a private training and consulting rm in California.
Special Agent Skinner is an instructor in the Law Enforcement Communication Resources Unit at the FBI Academy.
Dr. Frank is a professor of communication and director of the Communication Science Center at the University at Buffalo in New York.
having their story believed and have no fear of detection. The authors monitor their participants with sensors that record and analyze their facial behaviors, gestures, body movements, voice and speech characteristics, physiological indicators (e.g., heart rate, blood pressure, skin conductance, respiration), heat emanation from their faces and heads, pupil dilation, and gaze direction. In addition, the authors record their participants spoken words and then examine their verbal statements and style. The results have demonstrated that when motivated people lie and face consequences upon detection, clues to deception emerge and appear as leakage across multiple channels. Four of these are nonverbal (facial expressions, gestures and body language, voice, and verbal style). A fth channel of leakage is in the actual words spokenverbal statements. It is not the mere presence or absence of behaviors, such as gaze aversion or dgeting, that indicates lying. Rather, it is how these nonverbal cues change over time from a persons baseline and how they combine with the individuals words. And, when just the behavioral cues from these sources are considered, they accurately differentiate between lying and truth telling.5
VERBAL AND NONVERBAL LEAKAGE Lies can be betrayed in verbal and nonverbal leakage Training and independently. However, the practice can help authors have chosen to further individuals and groups examine this area, analyzing leverage facial the combined contribution of verbal and nonverbal leakage expressionsother to the prediction of deception nonverbal behaviors, and statement analysis or truthfulness. In their latest study, the authors examined to better evaluate videos of dedicated members of truthfulness. ideologically motivated groups. Separate studies analyzed two types of lies. One involved participants in a situation in which they chose whether to steal $50 Because liars facing stakes in cash from a briefcase and betray their untruth by leakage later were interviewed about that comes across as a complicated mass of signals, investiga- their guilt (the crime scenario). tors make adequately processing In another analysis, participants this stream of information more decided to lie or tell the truth about their beliefs concerning difcult when focusing on inconsistencies in the story, rather their political cause (the opinthan how it is told. The problem ion scenario). Each instance involved stakesif researchers is that the liar also focuses on judged them as lying, the presenting a consistent, albeit
The ndings from these studies also have clearly indicated that no one indicator of lying exists; if so, research would have identied it by now, and almost everyone could unerringly detect when people lie. Of course, this would put an end to most competitive card games and prove generally destructive to society. No one could be polite, society would not function, and most groups and relationships would fall into chaos.
false, story. Ironically, liars also wrestle with their emotions and thoughts, actively trying to manage facial and body expressions, voice tone, verbal style, and wordsall while monitoring the investigators reaction. This allows reliable indicators of lies to pop out in the verbal and nonverbal leakage, which investigators often overlook because of their intense focus on the story.
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subjects lost their participation fee and faced 1 hour of whitenoise blasts while sitting on a cold, steel chair in a small, cramped room. The authors selected videos of 10 individuals from each scenario and knew beforehand that half told the truth and half lied. After coding their nonverbal behaviorsfacial expressions and gesturesthe authors judged their consistency with the speech content according to time and context. The authors also transcribed what the participants said and annotated their statements using the concepts and linguistic features of statement analysis, such as examining minimizing and intensifying adverbs, editing adverbs, alterations in verb tense, equivocation, unique sensory details, and changes in nouns. Analyses by the authors indicated that the liars produced signicantly more nonverbal behaviors inconsistent with the context or content of their words than truth tellers. For example, a participant in the crime scenario may have denied stealing the check, but showed fear or distress while making that claim. Conversely, the nonverbal behaviors (e.g., nodding their heads up and down while saying yes) of truth tellers remained much more consistent with their verbal statements. Interestingly, the nonverbal
behaviors by themselves were not as indicative of truth telling or lying; instead, it was their level of consistency with the verbal statements or context that determined truthfulness at a high degree. Also, the various statement analysis categories that were coded could differentiate liars from truth tellers at statistically signicant levels. Greater use of minimizing and editing adverbs and changes in nouns and verbs
attempting to differentiate truth tellers from liars. The authors found that inconsistent facial expressions combined with statement analysis annotations could correctly classify 90 percent of the participants in the videos as to whether they lied or told the truth. This seems to indicate that behavioral cues in both verbal statements and nonverbal behaviors collectively provide a much better source for gauging truthfulness. This potentially provides investigators with powerful aids in conducting investigations and interrogations.7 DETECTION OF LIES Nonverbal Examination Investigators can improve their ability to detect lies by becoming more aware of and skillful in reading the nonverbal cues to lying. In examining such important nonverbal behaviors as gestures, voice, and verbal style, ofcers rst must focus on the facial expressions of emotion, especially those known as micro- and subtle expressions, because these both are involuntary and have demonstrated association with deception.8 Microexpressions are eeting expressions of concealed emotion, sometimes so fast that they happen in the blink of an eyeas fast as one-fteenth of a second. This results from
Microexpressions are eeting expressions of concealed emotion, sometimes so fast that they happen in the blink of an eye.
all were associated with lying, while equivocation and spatial details indicated truth telling. These ndings conrmed previous research on statement analysis.6 While these ndings remained consistent with previous research, the authors also combined the nonverbal leakage and statement analysis cues in
the individuals attempt to hide them. They generally go unnoticed in daily social interactions; the most reliable evaluations are done by the review of slow- and stop-motion videotape of the speaker. However, people can learn to see them in real time. For instance, trainees at the FBI National Academy typically can increase their recognizion of microexpressions to above 70 percent, in some cases over 90 percent; studies on other populations, including U.S. Coast Guard senior investigating ofcers, have shown average posttraining accuracy of better
than 80 percent.9 These same ofcers almost doubled their ability to accurately read individuals who displayed these microexpressions in real-world, real-time settings. This ability is retained weeks after initial training.10 Facial expressions of emotion, including macro-, micro-, and subtle expressions, are universal and independent of race, culture, ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, religion, or any other demographic variable. All people express emotions on their faces in exactly the same ways. Moreover, they are immediate, automatic, and
unconscious reactions. These are incredible characteristics of facial expressions because learning to read them means that someone can have a bigger window into the soul of almost anyone. It is a powerful tool for investigators because facial expressions of emotion are the closest thing humans have to a universal language. Statement Analysis Investigators also can improve their ability to detect lies by becoming skillful at statement analysis, which applies internalized grammatical rules that stem from the language
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acquisition part of the brain to an individuals written or spoken words. In fact, people apply these rules to what they read and hear every day when they make a judgment about whether or not something is truthful or deceptive. While people may say that their belief is based upon their gut, in reality, their brain is applying these internalized grammatical rules to the information. By doing so, investigators can gain valuable insight into a persons thoughts, motivations, and ideas. Statement analysis involves examining several aspects of someones words, including verbs describing communication and uncompleted action; changes in verb tense; minimizing, intensifying, and editing adverbs; extraneous information; unique sensory details; and statement structure, which identies the persons focuson the incident or somewhere else. Research has shown that distinct differences exist between a deceptive statement and a truthful one. By using the techniques of statement analysis, investigators can more readily detect truthfulness or deception in an individuals words. With these insights, investigators become more efcient and effective in their abilities and gain better focus on the investigation.
Proper Perspective Investigators must remember that no silver bullet for identifying deception exists. Detecting microexpressions or inconsistent facial expressions of emotion and identifying areas of interest in a verbal statement via statement analysis never should be considered indicative of lying by themselves. Instead, they comprise tools that ofcers can use to guide them through
In many situations, interviewers focus primarily on a suspects story, rather than how they tell it or what they show while conveying it.
an interview or interrogation. They help identify areas that need further probing concealed thoughts, feelings, opinions, and omissions of parts of the story. But, investigators should keep in mind that these behaviors could result from reasons other than lying; perhaps, the suspect or witness feels embarrassed or fears retaliation by talking to the police. Or, maybe, the ofcer has not
established a relationship or has physically threatened the suspect. This shows the importance of building rapport; it reduces the amount of ambient anxiety found in any law enforcement interview. Thus, recognition of facial expressions of emotion and statement analysis represent important tools that investigators can add to their toolkit to help them conduct interviews and interrogations more efciently and accurately. But, like any such tool, they need to be supplemented with corroborating statements, physical and forensic evidence, and hard work. And, in the authors experience, the best lie catchers do not jump to conclusions early based solely on facial expressions or word usage. Instead, they use them as a guide through an interview to get the best information possible. This enables further elicitation of information and better comparisons and contrasts with other statements and physical evidenceall of which lead to more informed decisions. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS Training and practice can help individuals and groups leverage facial expressions of emotion, other nonverbal behaviors, and statement analysis to better evaluate truthfulness, detect deception, and assess
credibility. Improving these skills makes for a better interviewer and investigator. Although difcult, mastering such methods can make the ofcer faster, more efcient, and more accurate in conducting interviews. Investigators can follow some pointers to apply these skills in their police work. If, while interviewing suspects, witnesses, or informants, investigators see a microexpression inconsistent with the words spoken or the emotions described, they should follow up until they can achieve reconciliation or get a more complete answer. For example, if suspects ash fear, distress, or contempt when saying they were nowhere near the scene of the crime, they may be omitting some of the story. Interviewers should probe that particular statement. Similarly, if suspects show disgust when talking about another person, what does that mean? It depends on the context. Saying, for instance, they are not a fan of someone suggests that they truly dislike the individual. A statement like Hes a great guy suggests the suspect is lying. Informants who show contempt when investigators request of them a particular action show a level of distrust. This suggests a need for better rapport before ofcers make the request.
When witnesses leak expressions inconsistent with their statements, their emotions show investigators how to dig deeper to unearth the hidden story. For instance, ashing fear when talking about the suspect may indicate that a witness feels threatened by the individual and, thus, apprehensive about sharing all details. Or, witnesses may fear getting caught lying about their relationship to the
suspect. Regardless, something about the suspect has produced an involuntary reaction in the witness. If investigators identify the emotion, they can leverage it to obtain the real story. After taking a written statement from a suspect, investigators should apply statement analysis techniques to identify key areas to pursue in the interview. For example, if a
suspects statement jumps in sequence from the early evening to the next morning, ignoring the time that the crime occurred, it likely would be noted by editing adverbs (e.g., then, later). Additionally, noting changes in noun and pronoun usage and verbs of communication can prove critically important as they can signify areas for further exploration. Once ofcers complete their analysis, they can begin the interview by jumping straight to such areas in the statement, thereby catching suspects off guard because of the immediate attention on the part of their statement where they feel vulnerable. When questioning the suspect, investigators should watch their emotions and other nonverbal behaviors. Signs will arise that something meaningful was glossed over. For instance, suspects showing fear or distress when ofcers jump straight to a particular point in time may indicate that there was something to hide. Conversely, displaying surprise or, perhaps, nothing, may show that the skipping was incidental. When an interview turns into an interrogation, ofcers can use the signs of emotion to know when to push further or retreat. For example, if suspects show anger, contempt, or disgust, it may, but not always, be best to stop and try another
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approach. However, if they show fear, it might be time to drill deeper. If they show distress, they may be about to call it off. In this instance, investigators should use logical reasons as to why the suspect may have committed the crime and continue to press for the confession. Understanding facial expressions also can let investigators know when someone fakes an emotion. Sometimes, a person may express anger at being accused. Is it real? A liar more likely will fake anger. Ofcers who know all of the signs of anger more accurately can determine the authenticity of anger. The same rules apply to happiness. There is a reliable signal within a smile for a genuine feeling of happiness, and, if investigators know that, they can tell whether a person who says they feel very happy at that moment actually are experiencing happiness. CONCLUSION Because of the subtlety of microexpressions, other facial expressions of emotion, and cues in verbal statements, investigators must devote focused attention to detect them. In many situations, interviewers focus primarily on a suspects story, rather than how
they tell it or what they show while conveying it. Investigators must do more than simply be aware of expressions while not allowing such multitasking to dilute their skills. With training and practice, investigators can become more aware of what they see in the form of microexpressions and hear as they apply the concepts of statement analysis. Ofcers should become aware of microexpressions and how to spot them, as well as the basic techniques of statement analysis. They should learn them well enough so that they become automatic and, rather than interfere with their processing of interviews, augment their skill set. In doing so, they will be armed with powerful investigative tools that leverage the most cutting-edge science available.
Endnotes 1 C.F. Bond, A. Omar, A. Mahmoud, and R.N. Bonser, Lie Detection Across Cultures, Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 14 (1990): 189-204. 2 B.M. DePaulo, J.J. Lindsay, B.E. Malone, L. Muhlenbruck, K. Charlton, and H. Cooper, Cues to Deception, Psychological Bulletin 129, no. 1 (2003): 74-118. 3 The use of popularly held beliefs about indicators of truth and untruth still proves relevant for investigators, particularly if others, such as suspects, believe them and investigators can leverage those beliefs to obtain truth.
M.G. Frank, T.H Feeley, T.N. Servoss, and N. Paolantonio, Detecting Deception by Jury, I: Judgmental Accuracy, Journal of Group Decision and Negotiation 13 (2004): 45-59. 5 M.G. Frank, Thoughts, Feelings, and Deception, in Deception: Methods, Motives, Context, and Consequences, ed. B. Harrington (Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 2009), 55-73; and M.G. Frank, M. OSullivan, and M.A. Menasco, Human Behavior and Deception Detection, in Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security, ed. J.G. Voeller (New York, NY: Wiley and Sons, in press). 6 A. Vrij, Criteria-Based Content Analysis: A Qualitative Review of the First 37 Studies, Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 11 (2007): 3-41. 7 Moreover, post hoc forensic analyses of the 10 percent misclassied strongly suggest a unique role for minimizing and editing adverbs. These occurred in individuals relatively sparse in their expressivity, as well as verbal output. Thus, the cues to deception in such individuals may be very subtle, and the authors believe that one area in which such cues may occur may be in the use of minimizing or editing adverbs. 8 M.G. Frank and P. Ekman, The Ability to Detect Deceit Generalizes Across Different Types of High-Stake Lies, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 72 (1997): 1429-1439; and G. Warren, E. Schertler, and P. Bull, Detecting Deception from Emotional and Unemotional Cues, Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 33 (2009): 59-69. 9 M.G. Frank, D. Matsumoto, P. Ekman, S. Kang, and A. Kurylo, Improving the Ability to Recognize Microexpressions of Emotion (manuscript submitted for publication). 10 D. Matsumoto and H.S. Hwang, Training the Ability to Read Microexpressions of Emotion Improves Emotional Competence on the Job (manuscript submitted for publication).
hen police ofcers transition from large law enforcement agencies to small university police departments, they may not think about the many signicant changes that accompany this move. After all, these lateral ofcers already have experienced different policing styles, investigated crimes, and maintained relationships with the community. However, this same prior experience may cause difculties when lateral hires must assimilate to a new policing environment. For instance, rearms instructors often say that they can more easily instruct an inexperienced trainee because they have had little opportunity to develop bad
Mr. Johnson retired as a captain with the Anne Arundel County, Maryland, Police Department and currently serves as a civilian policy analyst for the University of Maryland, Baltimore, Police Force.
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habits. Similarly, unique challenges arise when experienced ofcers from large agencies must t into a small department. For experienced recruits, the university policing model may seem counterintuitive at rst glance, especially because the policing philosophies and services differ so greatly from other agencies. Recruiters and trainers must help candidates learn the unique traits of their new position and teach them to embrace new strategies and philosophies that may conict with learned experiences. If university police departments do not hire well-suited candidates, provide proper orientation and training, and continue ofcers professional development, they risk low retention rates and poor morale among their personnel.
visibility, but may not align with the goals of the university, and an increase in trafc stops and written citations may produce more complaints than praise. To this end, experienced recruits must fully understand the logic behind campus law enforcement and take a more moderate approach to keeping the peace. Understanding these common scenarios requires exibility and discretion from the university ofcers who handle these incidents. For instance, in a typical precinct, arresting a perpetrator may be the traditional knee-jerk response to resolve a conict quickly, but in a campus setting, a more moderate approach that simply removes the suspect from university property may be the correct decision. Because of these unique requirements of campus poUnderstanding the lice departments, an effecUniversity Environment unique challenges tive university police ofcer arise when experienced exhibits different skills and Although large agencies ofcers from large characteristics than tradiand small departments exhibit agencies must t into tional law enforcement promany similarities in their orfessionals. Usually, a univerganizational structures, cera small department. sity police ofcer is a sworn, tain fundamental differences state-certified officer who exist, and university police works in an organization departments need to prepare with a distinct organizational their lateral hires for what philosophy, procedural style, to expect. Most important, recruits must remember that many campus police and ofcer brand. Experienced law enforcement departments policies depend on the incentives of professionals must understand the new roles they the universitys leadership. Ofcers must appreci- take on; university police ofcers act as a unique ate the balance between the school, students, and blend of law enforcer, crime prevention expert, faculty members who act as their stakeholders. security specialist, community organizer, public The university wants to establish a level of cam- relations specialist, and safety facilitator. None of these duties diminish the gravity of pus security that will allow it to maximize student enrollment and employ the most competent university crime suppression or the importance facultythe two key components of a universitys of the campus police ofcer. On campus, even relatively minor crimes can draw unwanted media successwithout overpolicing the community. As such, campus police departments hesitate attention to the university, especially when the to employ certain practices common in other law victim is a student or faculty member. Similarly, enforcement agencies. For instance, aggressive a university can anticipate some scrutiny after an trafc enforcement programs increase department on-campus arrest, use of force, or weapons-related
incident. Therefore, an effective police department contributes to both the safety and public image of the university. The stark differences between traditional and campus law enforcement likely will cause some anxiety for experienced police ofcers. When unprepared for these signicant changes to their work environment and job requirements, lateral police ofcers can quickly become disenchanted with their new role. Experienced recruits who do not understand the rationale behind a university police departments methods may view them as too restrictive in procedural guideline; too closely supervised; too sedentary; and too focused on xed posts, courtesy escorts, and crime prevention initiatives. Some ofcers will adapt easily to the new philosophy and change their habits, while others will resist. Not all seasoned ofcers reject the, at times, sedentary nature of the campus community; in fact, many lateral hires desire this change because they are approaching retirement age, feeling disenchanted with their current agency, or simply seeking what may be slower-paced work. But, if recruits from divergent police agencies demonstrate destructive behaviors and a poor attitude as a result of their dissatisfaction, then too many of these lateral ofcers can damage an organizations culture, morale, and retention rates. In such a small
policing community, the whole departments effectiveness can suffer as a result. Assessing the Best Fit Police administrators should thoroughly assess candidates for their ability to t into the campus environment. Too often, recruiters hire ofcers with impressive resumes, but fail to screen them for their attitudes regarding a less dynamic atmosphere. The better the candidate understands the philosophy of university policing and displays a willingness to acclimate to it, the better the chance for individual and organizational success. Of course, there are logical motivations for university police administrators to hire law enforcement professionals from large agencies. Experienced ofcers provide an infusion of new ideas, require less technical training, and reduce hiring costs. However, agencies should look beyond financial benets to assess the best fit of an officer. Because campus policies and procedures differ so greatly from those in other law enforcement agencies, a lateral ofcer must be prepared for this new philosophy and the sometimes sedentary work that accompanies it. Despite the nancial burden, a combination of lateral ofcers and new academy graduates may best serve the agency and the community. The right balance between the two helps preserve and
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protect organizational culture, maintain a level of agency experience, and properly prepare personnel for supervisory positions. Often, however, departments struggle to nd young candidates who want to begin their career as a campus police ofcer. Typically, young recruits prefer the fast pace and excitement of a large agency, and campus policing may not provide the sort of crime-ghting experiences that they desire. Therefore, if administrators cannot hire new candidates, then they must nd well-suited lateral hires and help them transition smoothly into the university environment.
Improving Retention Assuming a department selects appropriate candidates, administrators must take the steps Conclusion necessary to help these recruits not only assimilate Traditional law enforcement models stress to their new environment but also remain with active crime suppression through stopping, interthe agency for a signicant period of time. By viewing, interrogating, and arresting perpetrators.
keeping employees engaged and satised with their work, the department likely will retain employees for a period of time sufcient to recoup the investment in their training. To accomplish this, the agency must provide opportunities for learning and development, emphasize leadership and promotion, and establish a salary progression that motivates employees throughout their careers. Also, administrators should learn about the factors that drive experienced law enforcement ofcers to seek employment with smaller departments. In 2004, a research study reported several common traits of lateral hires. Most had left larger agencies after about 3 years of service, usually because of insufcient promotional opportunities, lack of salary increases, and budgetary restrictions.1 Also, the study found that more than 8 out of 10 new hires in small police departments were experienced ofcers from other agencies. Although the study did not specically address campus law enforcement, anecdotal information suggests that these patterns ring true in university police departments as well. Small departments can use this research to learn what administrative pitfalls to avoid in their organizational structures. This will increase satisfaction among their lateral hires and, thus, improve retention. For example, because many ofcers leave large agencies due to insufcient salary progression, small departments may improve retention if they increase ofcers salaries after 3 years on the job rather than offer high starting salaries. This restructured pay scale accounts for job experience, prevents discontent after several years in the agency, and may be the most important tactic to retain the best ofcers.
Police ofcers in large agencies carry out these duties in a fast-paced, dynamic environment. Often, they enjoy the freedom to develop ongoing cases, make trafc stops, and handle calls for service on their own schedule and without close supervision or control. However, personnel who leave large agencies to work in a university police department must accept that their duties will change. They must understand certain realities of their work (e.g., a sedentary jurisdiction) and embrace new job responsibilities (e.g., xed posts and crime prevention campaigns). Inevitably, university policing strategies limit ofcers control over their daily routine, and this may require lateral hires to reevaluate their learned behaviors and attitudes. Because these small departments cater to numerous different stakeholders and work closely with the university administration, they ascribe to a unique philosophy that drives their organization. As such, nding the proper personnel who can acclimate to this environment remains the most important task of police administrators. Recruiters should target candidates who will embrace new law enforcement strategies and the daily tasks that accompany them. If not, ill-suited personnel will lead to poor morale and low retention rates. Additionally, administrators cannot underestimate the importance of orientation and training for both young recruits and lateral hires. Even the most experienced law enforcement veterans must be informed of new policies, policing methodologies, and philosophies to ensure that they are a best t for a university police department. This will ensure the satisfaction and effectiveness new hires, current ofcers, and the department as a whole.
Endnotes 1 Douglas L. Yearwood and Stephanie Freeman, Recruitment and Retention of Police Ofcers in North Carolina, The Police Chief 71 (March 2004): 43-49.
Wanted: Photographs
he Bulletin staff always is looking for dynamic, law enforcement-related images for possible publication in the magazine. We are interested in those that visually depict the many aspects of the law enforcement profession and illustrate the various tasks law enforcement personnel perform. We can use digital photographs or color prints. It is our policy to credit photographers when their work appears in the magazine. Contributors sending prints should send duplicate copies, not originals, as we do not accept responsibility for damaged or lost prints. Send materials to: Art Director FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA 22135. [email protected]
June 2011 / 13
Leadership Spotlight
Self-Centered Leadership
eople learn much from hard times, bad examples, and, even, defeat. This certainly holds true in their working relationship experiences with leaders who promote themselves and act selshly. At rst glance, self-centered leaders may be difcult to identify. Perhaps, they nd it easy to appear as organizational supporters, mission-driven people, or, even, individuals who genuinely care for the well-being of those they supervise. However, as their subordinates realize over time, these leaders tend to make decisions and take actions that boost their own welfare, career, or reputation. Many examples exist of actions that such self-centered leaders may take. Work-related travel: Self-centered leaders will take advantage of desirable or potentially career enhancing travel opportunities. Their attendance even may be unnecessary. Favors: They will fulll requests from outside sources to benet personally or professionally, even in spite of burdening their subordinates or, perhaps, ignoring questionable ethics. To self-centered leaders, everything and everyone else is secondary to personal gain. Performance awards: Seldom will these individuals recognize outstanding employees unless doing so is benecial politically or professionally. In regard to subordinates performance, self-centered leaders only care how it may impact them. Involvement: At rst glance, these leaders appear to have a laid-back approach.
However, this remains true only until their image or reputation is in jeopardy. Then, although, perhaps, misinformed or unfamiliar with the situation at hand, they make a snap decision based, of course, on self-interest. Patience: When these leaders perceive that a situation negatively may impact them, they have little or no patience for the issue or persons involved. Often, their concern for themselves will make them quick to anger when under perceived scrutiny or question. Self-promotion: These individuals skillfully can claim credit for others successes and distance themselves from negative situations. Further, in the interest of career enhancement, self-centered leaders shamelessly will placate higher ranking or inuential persons. Negative motivation: Employees reach a point where merely seeing or interacting with a self-centered leader has a negative effect on them. Additionally, these leaders often may emphasize the difculty of their job and the accompanying stress to others, perhaps, even conducting meetings for this sole purpose. Intimidation: Self-centered leaders often will use their position to intimidate subordinates and manipulate them into responding to directives or requests. They even may threaten unfounded disciplinary actions. These leaders nd this necessary because their employees will not respond to them out of respect or from a healthy relationship.
How do workers deal and coexist with such leaders? This is a difcult question to answer. One thing remains certainthe selfcentered leader cannot and will not change. Their narcissistic personality and value system has taken shape for years. Perhaps, the best advice for those under the supervision of a self-centered leader is to remember that, ultimately, everyone should strive to work to the best of their ability for personal pride and a greater good, regardless of poor leadership. Those outside of the work unit may nd it difcult to assess and identify a
self-centered leader. However, persons under the direct leadership or supervision of such a leader quickly will realize what type of person they work for. Successful employees can learn from the situation and have success despite the presence and interference of a self-centered leader in their work environment.
Special Agent Kevin J. Crawford, an instructor in the FBIs Leadership Development Institute at the FBI Academy, prepared this Leadership Spotlight.
The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin seeks submissions from agencies who wish to have their memorials featured in the magazines Bulletin Honors department. Needed materials include a short description, a photograph, and an endorsement from the agencys ranking ofcer. Submissions can be mailed to Editor, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA 22135, or e-mailed to [email protected].
June 2011 / 15
Research Forum
Coping with the Career A Review of Acquired Life Patterns of Veteran Ofcers
By Gary L. Patton, Ph.D.
esearch and literature have helped to identify that police work can prove more emotionally dangerous than physically threatening.1 Police ofcers are susceptible to many job related stressors that have both immediate and long-term physiological and psychological consequences.2 Ofcers certainly have experienced depression, anxiety disorders, chemical dependence, suicidal ideation, and burnout.
In fact, data have indicated that ofcers who continue to experience stress following a critical incident were more likely to resign or to commit suicide.3 Such ndings have demonstrated the urgent need for a comprehensive approach to counseling law enforcement ofcers. To this end, the author conducted a study to acquire new and additional understanding of the experience of being a law enforcement ofcer, with particular attention to personal wellness and spirituality. His research focused on gaining these insights from veteran ofcers about how their work, with all of the unique problems and challenges, affected their personal lives from a perspective of belief systems and sense of wellness. Two basic questions prompted this research. How is a law enforcement ofcers spirituality and belief system affected by continuous exposure to crime, danger, violence, and suffering? And, does a state of spiritual wellness assist veteran ofcers in coping with the stress in their lives and, if so, how? METHODOLOGY AND PURPOSE The author used a qualitative phenomenological methodology with participant observation. Nine sworn veteran law enforcement ofcers (with 6 or more years of service) participated in the research. The author spent approximately 35 to 40 hours with each ofcer over the course of 6 to 8 months, observing and discussing issues during ride-along patrols or at other meetings.4 Three research questions generally guided these discussions and observations. 1) What does the continuous exposure to crime, danger, violence, and suffering do to the coping and wellness of law enforcement ofcers? 2) Does a state of spiritual wellness assist police ofcers in coping with the stress in their lives and, if so, how? 3) What interventions are suggested by an analysis of the data to provide a holistic approach to counseling ofcers?
For the purpose of his study, the author dened spirituality as the capacity of all people to possessand know that they possessbeliefs, values, and convictions that give meaning and purpose to life.5 The literature on this topic has indicated that a body of knowledge relates spirituality as one component of overall wellness and a resource for coping with life issues. For example, Bollinger felt that spiritual needs were the deepest of all human needs and that when a persons spirituality is addressed, it can facilitate the development of a meaningful identity.6 In addition, one ofcer reported in Merediths work that often it is others who have been close to the ofcer who note that a change in behavior, disposition, and mental state has taken place.7 Law enforcement ofcers are known as a population that often exhibits some particular and debilitating physical and emotional symptoms, such as cynicism, alienation, and emotional numbing. Therefore, the relevant question is, Are some of the emotional and personal distress and effective coping demonstrated by veteran law enforcement ofcers related to spiritual issues?
Dr. Patton, a licensed professional counselor, is a chaplain with the FBI and the Huntington, West Virginia, Police Department and an associate professor in the School of Professional Counseling at Lindsey Wilson College.
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LIFE PATTERNS In his research, the author summarized some of the issues identied as both useful and distressful under nine life patterns: desacralization, alienation, afliation, unique life experiences, searching and yearning, search for excitement, preserving integrity, afrmation, and reformation and renewal. The participating ofcers identied and agreed that they demonstrated these patterns in their thinking, emotions, and behavior.
people assume. When this repeated experience of waiting and watching is linked with the times of heightened adrenaline, ofcers feel like they ride an emotional roller coaster. While they can get excited and dismayed, they frequently deal with the events they encounter with a sense of apathy. The ofcers in the authors research indicated that they would not be able to cope if they took their work too serious or let themselves feel too much. Another aspect of desacralization is the sense of futility that ofcers often feel. They deal with Desacralization many of the same people on a frequent basis, In the experience of desacralization, people which prevents them from realizing a sense of lose contact with the aspects of their lives completion and nality in their work. Such numerthat they previously had conous encounters with people sidered sacred and special. who exhibit dysfunctional In effect, their previously problems or criminal conduct cherished and sacred dreams, have prompted some ofcers hopes, and plans become to express that they someIn the experience common and questionable.8 times wonder whether they of desacralization, In the process of desacralizaare part of the solution or part people lose contact tion, people tend to lose their of the problem. with the aspects of sense of wonder, and life It appears that these oftheir lives that they had becomes somewhat common cers have learned not to let previously considered and ordinary. The process can themselves experience insacred and special. continue to a point where the tense emotions, either pleasperson exhibits detrimental ant or unpleasant, very often. changes in previously cherBoredom and monotony are ished and honored beliefs and apparent in the ofcers lives convictions. and can result in a sense of Given the sense of disappointment and disillu- apathy that helps keep their feelings from going sionment that law enforcement ofcers frequently too high or too low as they learn not to care as encounter in their work, it is reasonable to con- much as they did. clude that they seem to experience a loss of some As a result, ofcers live with frequent and proof the special reasons and motivations that they longed exposure to situations that people outside had set out to fulll and experience. For example, of law enforcement do not encounter. Through they routinely see human suffering and the effects these experiences and attempts to cope with them, of crime and human cruelty, and justice sometimes it is understandable that ofcers acknowledge that is not administered as immediately or thoroughly their belief systems become altered to accommoas they would have expected or hoped. date the world realities they see and respond to. Certainly, ofcers encounter times of high dra- Consequently, people and practices once highly ma and intense excitement, yet they do not spend valued and sacred to ofcers may become less a shift racing from one call to another as some so as a result of coping with a world where they
regard few things as special. Further, even if ofcers try to keep people, places, and experiences maintained as sacred, given the losses that occur in the profession, they wonder whether they can retain them permanently. Because many of the participating ofcers indicated that being a police ofcer became their primary way of identifying themselves, the sense of desacralization was how they came to see themselves as well. Alienation Law enforcement ofcers believe that in all ways it is dangerous to trust people too much. The extent of danger certainly applies to their physical safety but also to what people will want from them. The officers in the authors study spoke about people wanting favors from them and to become acquainted with them to get some benet by knowing a policeman. It became evident that the ofcers expect people to take advantage of them or lie to them. In every aspect of relating to others, officers develop a suspicious nature. One ofcer commented, We are raised to believe that other people are telling us the truth until we discover otherwise. As police ofcers, we learn to believe that everybody is lying until we nd a reason to believe otherwise. This pattern is consistent with the ndings of Lockard and Niederhoffer as they addressed cynicism among law enforcement professionals.9 They demonstrated through statistical analysis that police ofcers became increasingly cynical with length of service, but this cynicism eventually leveled off. This begs the question, Is this leveling off an
improvement in their cynicism or the beginning of a sense of apathy and indifference? Because ofcers experience a change in their perspective of other people, they also begin to respond to them in different ways. Some of these include being emotionally distant, cynical, and very reserved or cautious in their interactions. Alienation is regarded as an issue of spiritual distress because it is related to the spiritual concept of belonging, as in the absence of belonging. Therefore, it is important to note that another pattern revealed in the authors study is the need for afliation. His research identied that ofcers experience a substantial degree of loneliness. It is critical to discuss this in conjunction with the data that suggest officers also have a need for acceptance and a desire to reconnect with others. Not only did the officers recognize how much time they spent alone in their patrol cars but they also talked about how most people do not like us very much. Obviously, ofcers recognize a de Thinkstock.com nite disrespect from many citizens. Along with this lack of respect comes a vivid awareness that they often are not appreciated. Afliation Human beings have innate needs for socialization and connection with other people. Indications from various stages in life reveal that healthy emotional, intellectual, and even physical functioning include aspects of relating to other individuals. In 1989, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) began to
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investigate the relationship between early child about compromise, threats, and enticements. Peocare experiences and childrens developmental ple wanting and expecting favors or special treatoutcomes.10 The researchers focused on measuring ment, having to make decisions that potentially facets of childrens development, including social, violate their sense of integrity, and the possibility emotional, intellectual, language development, of reprisal constitute profound issues that ofcers behavioral problems and adjustment, and physical must address on an ongoing basis. Evidently, ofcers encounter experiences and health as related to how they were cared for. With data based on more than 1,300 children from events that civilians either never face or, at least, various ethnicities, races, and socioeconomic back- rarely do. A prevailing view in the literature holds grounds between 1991 and 2008, the researchers that ofcers experience a high incidence of burnfound academic and obedience problems among out.11 However, Robinette proposed that instead children who received the poorest child care during of burnout, many ofcers demonstrate a complex their first 4.5 years of life. state of unresponsiveness.12 These conditions were noted to Data from the stories the continue into adolescence. ofcers told supported that Because law enforcement their experiences are unAlienation is ofcers have a sense of aliencommon due either to the regarded as an issue ation from others, they nd type, unpredictability, and of spiritual distress their belonging needs met chaos of the situation or the among each other. Data from degree of damage or death. because it is veteran ofcers reveal comRather than identifying the related to the spiritual ments based on a sense of state of unresponsiveness concept of belonging, conviction about the blue demonstrated by the ofcers as in the absence line, a demarcation between as burnout, the researcher of belonging. those who are police ofcers concluded from the data that and those who are not. Ofcers the needs they represent are are convinced that nobody related more to disruption can understand them as they in their spiritual lives and understand themselves. Research has shown that personal belief systems. ofcers demonstrated, both by behavior and comLaw enforcement ofcers live in a world ments, that part of their afliation with each other where death, while not a constant threat, is an evwas because they have shared unique experiences er-present possibility. Each of these participants in life that few other people can appreciate fully. told stories of dangerous situations that could Unfortunately, at times, the blue line can cause have resulted in death due to either accident or those people closely related to ofcers also to expe- assault. Living with the awareness and presence rience alienation. For example, ofcers commonly of danger creates stress that threatens the ofcer discussed times when they chose to spend substan- on and off duty. According to their explanation, tial portions of their off-duty hours with other of- ofcers are taught levels of readiness for action, cers, rather than their immediate families. ranging from a completely relaxed statenot often experienced unless they are outside the realm Unique Life Experiences where they workto being involved in a situation Three consistent and recurring themes in the where injury or death is possible. Between these law enforcement profession involved concerns two extreme states are the positions of being ready
for the possibility of danger and remaining alert to the realization of imminent danger. The participating ofcers shared that they seldomif everlive in a state of relaxation and complete sense of calmness. Certainly, such a unique life experience has profound and lasting effects on ofcers bodies, minds, and spirits. These concerns are heightened by the fact of the frequency, intensity, and duration of the uncommon life experiences encountered in law enforcement. Searching and Yearning The human quest for meaning and purpose in life is expressed in the terms of a pattern of personal searching and yearning that the literature has identied as related to spirituality.13 In different terms, researchers have addressed the tendency humans have to question their experiences and to wonder about how present situations t into their destiny and desires. They concluded that it is an aspect of spirituality to have the ability and the urge to search for meaning and purpose in the events of life. In the authors study with veteran law enforcement ofcers, themes emerged that appeared to be related to what Frankl referred to as metaclinical problems, the distress that people feel when faced with experiences that force them to deal with questions about life and suffering.14 They concluded that it is an aspect of spirituality to have the ability and the urge to search for meaning and purpose in the events of life. In addition, the author found that the consensus among the ofcers participating in his study was that if anything was going to continue to be disruptive to them professionally and personally, it would be situations involving the death and suffering of children. Search for Excitement While the need for excitement and to some degree a willingness to take risks is part of what attracts people to law enforcement, it also seems that these urges are what keeps ofcers going when
they become veterans. This pattern is consistent with the work of Reiser who stated that law enforcement recruits have been noted to need action and recognition.15 In conversations with law enforcement ofcers, it is common to hear discussions of the need and desire for excitement. Ofcers in the authors research indicated that not only was it their duty but their desire to be involved in dangerous and risky situations. He heard the ofcers discuss their disappointment at missing an exciting event while off duty or on a particularly slow shift.
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Preserving Integrity ofcers also afrmed that they viewed their role The authors research revealed that the par- in law enforcement from a sense of calling. That ticipating ofcers continued to maintain a strong is, they did not view it as just a job they chose but conviction for justice well into veteran status. Both as a profession that requires a sense of purpose in conversation and behavior, the author noted that and conviction to do well. They often explained these veteran ofcers held to a strong sense of right this by saying, Some people are not cut out for and wrong. Accordingly, these participants would this work. Despite long and sometimes irregustir to action when they perceived something to lar hours, low pay scales, and the scrutiny of the be unfair or unjust. This is signicant given that public on their decisions, these veteran ofcers it could appear to be inconsistent with the other believed that eventually their efforts would make patterns previously noted. a difference. An interesting observaReformation and tion of this sense of keeping Renewal their integrity occurred in Finally, these veteran situations where a true viclaw enforcement officers tim was at risk or actually The pattern of recognized a need to find harmed. Despite previously preserving integrity some fulllment in the very identied patterns of alienalso is specic to the environment that often caused ation and desacralization, the honor of their badge them to experience profound veteran ofcers in this study and sense of duty. disillusionment. This apcould easily relate to a sense proach of nding fulllment of compassion for vulnerin life is easily associated with able people who experienced a spiritual quest for meaning harm. The author particularly and purpose in life. Some of noted this in calls involving the participants in this study children and the elderly. discussed the need for peace and joy in life and to The pattern of preserving integrity also is specic to the honor of their badge and sense of duty. nd some sense of contentment. Some ofcers talked about how the environEven after prolonged exposure to crime, danger, suffering, and violence, these veteran ofcers ment of law enforcement gave them time alone strongly identied with the pride and honor of duty when they could think and reect on their work, and service to maintain justice and a sense of order their future, and their relationships. The particiin society. The participants in this study, while hav- pants also stated that they found a sense of hope ing to relate to some people not regarded as honor- and renewal by realizing that their work may have able, appeared to value a distinction between these prevented a tragedy or wrong from happening or individuals and the suspects and criminals they had possibly helped to correct something. In various terms, the law enforcement ofcers participating to contend with. in this research conveyed the hope that at some Afrmation point, they will have made a difference through Even with a realization that the exposure to their work. This proves consistent with the idea crime, danger, suffering, and violence has predi- that law enforcement is a profession that people cated some losses and changes in their lives from are called to and that in that calling, some transa spiritual and belief perspective, the participating forming experience leads to work being fullling
and meaningful. Again, these are aspects of living often associated with the spiritual dimension of life. CONCLUSION The patterns identied through the authors research may not be generalizable to all people in the law enforcement profession. However, they can provide a place to begin to understand the context of law enforcement careers and to supply some understanding about how continued exposure to crime, danger, suffering, and violence affect the lives of those who serve as sworn ofcers of the law. The author offers two general recommendations. First, because some identiable life patterns are named in relation to serving in a law enforcement capacity, it could be effective to begin to address these patterns in academies and training programs as people enter the eld of law enforcement. Second, given that these patterns are created through a continued exposure to crime, danger, suffering, and violence, interventions for ofcers struggling with these life patterns can be more efcacious by relating assistance to these specic patterns. This contrasts with the concept of attempting to assist ofcers by simply letting them talk. While that also can be useful, sometimes the ofcers themselves may be talking without fully recognizing the specic issues troubling them. If identiable patterns can be named in conversation, then ofcers and those helping them can be more intentional about the kind of assistance and training provided. Overall, the information furnished by veteran law enforcement ofcers provides a new approach to assisting the entire profession of those sworn to serve the citizens of the United States. By identifying specic life processes, more research and innovation can be implemented to enhance healthy life patterns and to assist with those that confound wellness and spiritual vitality.
1 P.S. Trompetter, The Paradox of the Squad Room: Solitary Solidarity in Psychological Services for Law Enforcement, eds. J. T. Reese and H. A. Goldstein (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Ofce, 1986), 533-535. 2 A.D. Yarmey, Understanding Police and Police Work: Psychological Issues (New York, NY: New York University Press, 1990), 106. 3 M.D. Mashburn, Critical Incident Counseling, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, September 1993, 5-8. 4 The author recorded the numerous issues as themes that he then coded into categories and classied according to patterns. Ultimately, nine life patterns emerged that conveyed the themes and categories that the ofcers had expressed. The patterns were analyzed by Blumers theory of Symbolic Interactionism. At the completion of the study, the author returned the text to the participating ofcers to determine accuracy and validity in the selection of the themes and content. All participating ofcers concurred that the text accurately reected their views and comments. 5 G.L. Patton, A Qualitative Study of Spirituality with Veteran Law Enforcement Ofcers (PhD diss., Ohio University, 1998). 6 A.T. Bollinger, The Spiritual Needs of the Aging: In Need of a Specic Ministry (New York, NY: Alfred Knopf, 1969). 7 N. Meredith, Attacking the Roots of Police Violence, Psychology Today 5 (1984): 20-26. 8 A.H. Maslow, The Farther Reaches of Human Nature, 2nd ed. (New York, NY: D. Van Nostrand, 1971). 9 J.L. Lockard, Survival Thinking for Police and Correction Ofcers (Springeld, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1991); and A. Niederhoffer, Behind the Shield: The Police in Urban Society (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1967). 10 NICHD Early Child Care Research Network, Effects of Early Childcare and Parenting in Adolescence: New Results of the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO, April 2009). 11 A.D. Yarmey, Understanding Police and Police Work: Psychological Issues. 12 H.M. Robinette, Burnout in Blue: Managing the Police Marginal Performer (New York, NY: Perger, 1987). 13 V.E. Frankl, Mans Search for Meaning (New York, NY: Washington Square Press, 1959); J. Watson, Nursing: Human Science and Human Care, A Theory of Nursing (New York, NY: National League for Nursing Press, 1988); and J.B. Borysenko, Fire in the Soul (New York, NY: Warner, 1989). 14 V.E. Frankl, Mans Search for Meaning. 15 M. Reiser, The Police Department Psychologist (Springeld, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1972).
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Bulletin Report
Girls Delinquency
The Ofce of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Ofce of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, has released a fact sheet (NCJ 228414), available at the National Criminal Justice Reference Services Web site (http://www.ncjrs.gov), that examines rising trends in girls delinquency. In 1980, females represented 11 percent of juvenile arrests for violent offenses. By 2004, that proportion had grown to 30 percent. Although arrest numbers remained higher for boys than girls during that period, arrest rates for girls increased while those for boys decreased. This caused juvenile justice specialists to question why girls were becoming more involved in delinquency. Of particular interest was whether girls were becoming more violent or if other factors contributed to their higher arrest rates. However, because most studies had involved boys, juvenile justice researchers could not account for the increase in girls arrest rates. What factors put girls at risk for delinquency? What pathways lead to girls delinquency? What programs are most effective in preventing girls delinquency? How should the juvenile justice system respond to girls delinquency? The Girls Study Groups initial ndings suggested that girls were not more violent than before and conrmed that they engaged in far less crime and delinquency than boys for nearly every offense. Also, the group observed that mandatory arrest policies and other changes in the juvenile justice system impacted higher arrest rates for girls. Although a number of delinquency risk factors affect both boys and girls (e.g., family dynamics, school involvement, neighborhood environment, and the availability of community-based programs), others directly increase a girls risk of delinquency. These risks include early onset of puberty, sexual abuse or maltreatment, and depression and anxiety. Of importance, researchers found that a number of protective factors exist to prevent girls from becoming juvenile offenders even when faced with risks. These protections include the involvement of a caring adult, school connectedness, school success, and religiosity.
Research To address this need and provide comprehensive information on female delinquency, OJJDP created its Girls Study Group in 2004. This team of multidisciplinary experts consisting of sociologists, psychologists, criminologists, gender studies experts, researchers, and practitioners with legal and girls program development experience came together to address some basic questions. Programs Which girls become delinquent? OJJDP funds a number of programs What factors protect girls from focused on girls delinquency. Girl Scouts delinquency?
Beyond Bars helps girls and their incarcerated mothers maintain their relationships. Girl Scouting in Detention Centers provides girls who have been adjudicated, are wards of the court, or are court-referred delinquents with opportunities to participate in activities that promote positive social development. Friendly PEERsuasion helps middle school girls gain knowledge, skills, and support systems to avoid substance abuse. And, PACE (Practical Academic Cultural Education) Center for Girls offers delinquency-prevention programs that work toward deterring school withdrawal, juvenile delinquency, teen pregnancy, substance abuse, and welfare dependency. In addition, many states have used funding under OJJDPs Formula Grant program to promote gender-specic programming. Resources OJJDP has published the ndings of its Girls Study Group through a series of bulletins, available at OJJDPs publications page (http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/publications/index.html). These include The Girls Study Group Charting the Way to Delinquency Prevention for Girls; Violence by Teenage Girls: Trends and Context; Resilient
GirlsFactors That Protect Against Delinquency; Suitability of Assessment Instruments for Delinquent Girls; Causes and Correlates of Girls Delinquency; Developmental Sequences of Girls Delinquent Behavior; and Girls Delinquency Programs: An Evidence-Based Review. Also, OJJDPs National Training and Technical Assistance Center has developed a training course to specically address girls needs. More information on the Girls Study Group can be accessed via its Web site, http:// www.glrilsstudygroup.rti.org. Also, OJJDPs Girls Delinquency Web page, http://www. ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/programs/girlsdelinquency. html, offers an overview of female juvenile delinquency and the Girls Study Groups efforts to address it.
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Legal Digest
Donning and Dofng Police Uniforms and Protective Gear Under the Fair Labor Standards Act
ongress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in 1938 in an effort to relieve unemployment brought on by the Great Depression. To accomplish this, the legislation required (and still requires) employers to pay overtime wages to covered employees working more than 40 hours during their workweek.1 Recognizing that law enforcement is not a 9-to-5 job and, therefore,
does not lend itself to a traditional 40-hour workweek, the FLSA allows law enforcement agencies to use a different pay period for its sworn personnel.2 While this so-called 7K allowance gives police employers exibility in scheduling, it does not relieve them of all overtime payment obligations. For example, the lengthiest pay period allowed under 7K provides that employees working
more than 171 hours in a 28-day pay period are legally entitled to time-and-a-half (one-and-ahalf times their regular hourly wage) for all hours in excess of 171. Because of this, employers always must recognize which activities engaged in by their employees go into the calculation of hours worked. In recent years, the most hotly contested issue confronting law enforcement agencies
has been whether the time spent donning and dofng the police uniform and other protective gear goes into the calculation of hours worked during any given pay period. If a department learns that it is legally obligated to pay every uniformed ofcer for the time spent donning and dofng the uniform and protective gear required during their shift (and this is repeated for 3 shifts per day and for 365 days every year), it has to take this new nancial obligation into account for scheduling and budgetary purposes. Resolving whether agencies must pay ofcers for these activities preceding and following their actual shift assignment has signicant scal implications. This article examines the recent Supreme Court decision involving the issue of donning and dofng in a non-law enforcement context which stoked this controversy, and it will discuss several lower federal court opinions that have explored whether the Supreme Court ruling applies to law enforcement ofcers. Familiarity with these lower court decisions involving law enforcement personnel may affect departmental policies that address uniform and equipment issues.3 DEFINITION The literal denition of don is to put on (an article of clothing),4 while the literal
denition of doff is to remove (an article of wear) from the body.5 Employees in most occupations do not expect pay for putting on or removing their clothing in preparation for or following their workday. Many people in law enforcement and the unions that represent them feel that there is a uniqueness to the donning and dofng of a police uniform and the accompanying protective gear that entitles them to be paid for these activities. Their argument gained momentum following a recent Supreme Court decision. In IBP, Inc. v. Alvarez, the U.S. Supreme Court considered claims made in consolidated cases by employees of a meat processing facility in one instance and workers in a poultry processing plant in the other.6 The defendant in the rst of the consolidated cases was IBP, Inc., a large producer of beef,
pork, and related products. Its production workers must wear outer garments, hard hats, hairnets, earplugs, gloves, sleeves, aprons, leggings, and boots. Many of them, particularly those who use knives, also must wear a variety of protective equipment for their hands, arms, torsos, and legs, including metal aprons, vests, arm guards, and special gloves. IBP requires its employees to store their equipment and tools in company locker rooms where most of them don their protective gear.7 In 1988, IBP began to pay these employees for 4 minutes of clothes-changing time.8 In 1999, IBP employees led a class action lawsuit to recover compensation for their preproduction and postproduction work, including the time spent donning and dofng protective gear, and for the time spent walking between the locker rooms and the
...employers always must recognize which activities engaged in by their employees go into the calculation of hours worked.
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production oor both before and after their assigned shifts.9 In the second of the two consolidated cases considered by the Supreme Court, a group of current and former employees of Barber Foods, Inc. brought an action against Barber to receive compensation for time spent donning and dofng required protective gear and for time spent walking to and waiting at their assigned work areas.10 Barber operates a poultry processing plant in Portland, Maine, which employs approximately 300 people. The employees perform a variety of tasks requiring different combinations of protective clothing. However, they are paid hourly only after punching into computerized time clocks at the entrances to the production oor, and this occurs after the donning of the protective clothing. Based on the appeal presented in the IBP fact pattern, the Supreme Court did not have to consider whether the donning and dofng of the equipment at issue was covered under the FLSA. Rather, IBP [did] not challenge the holding below that...the donning and dofng of unique protective gear are principal activities under 4 of the Portal-to-Portal Act11 and, therefore, covered by the FLSA. Further, the Court was not asked to consider the accepted proposition that the donning and dofng of nonunique gear are
categorically excluded by the same Portal-to-Portal Act.12 Congress passed the Portalto-Portal Act in 1947 in direct response to Supreme Court decisions mandating that employees be compensated for any time during which they are required to be on their employers premises, on duty, or at a prescribed workplace. In a 1946 case,13 the Court held that this included the time necessarily spent by employees
Manyfeel that there is a uniqueness to the donning and dofng of a police uniform and the accompanying protective gear that entitles them to be paid for these activities.
walking from time clocks near the factory entrance gate to their workstations.14 With the passage of the Portal-to-Portal Act, Congress excepted two activities that had been found to be compensable by the Supreme Court: one, walking on the employers premises to and from the actual place of performance of the principal activity of the employee and two,
activities that are preliminary or postliminary to that principal activity.15 When considering the Barber fact pattern, the Supreme Court again left undisturbed the proposition that donning and dofng gear that is integral and indispensable to employees work is a principal activity and, thus, covered by the FLSA. Therefore, the only issue left for the Supreme Court to decide was whether the wait time following the donning and dofng fell under the FLSA.16 While the Supreme Court did not explicitly consider the time spent actually donning and dofng as opposed to time waiting to do that or for walking following itits tacit conrmation that the time spent doing it is compensable set the law enforcement argument in motion. No one disputes that the police uniform and protective gear are important, but that does not necessarily mean that the time spent donning and dofng these items is compensable under the FLSA. The issue is whether the police uniform and protective equipment are integral and indispensable to performing the job and, therefore, if the time spent donning and dofng them are compensable activities. If they are integral and indispensable, then the donning and dofng of them are not excepted preliminary and postliminary activities as described in the
Portal-to-Portal Act, and, therefore, the time spent doing them must be compensated. LAW ENFORCEMENT CASES The IBP case triggered a spate of law enforcement cases addressing the donning and dofng issue. Each will be examined briey, followed by an analysis of the results. Martin v. City of Richmond In Martin v. City of Richmond,17 an ofcer of the Richmond, California, Police Department brought a lawsuit on behalf of himself and other similarly situated ofcers seeking compensation for the donning and dofng of their uniforms, as well as for required safety and protective gear.18 The city sought summary judgment, which would preclude a trial on the matter, based on the claim that it did not have to compensate its ofcers for these activities because the police department allowed them to don and doff their uniforms and safety equipment at home. After a lengthy discussion on the departments policy allowing ofcers to don and doff at home, the court ruled that summary judgment was appropriate on the uniform issue as Plaintiff and his fellow consenting ofcers [were] not entitled to compensation for the time they spend donning and dofng their police uniforms.19 However,
the court found summary judgment to be inappropriate on the duty equipment portion of the lawsuit because in spite of the Defendants formal policy of permitting ofcers to put on and take off their protective gear at home...there was a triable issue of fact...about whether the nature of [a peace ofcers] work actually requires them to don and doff their gear at the station.20
the principal activities for which they are employed.22 While conceding that the uniform is essential to the discharge of law enforcement duties, the city contended that it did not have to compensate for such donning and dofng because such activities did not have to be done at work.23 The court ruled that the city was entitled to summary judgment because there is nothing about the process of donning and dofng a class B uniform that must be done at work in order for an ofcer to safely carry out his or her law enforcement duties.24 In making its ruling, the court pointed out that it had been directed to no evidence suggesting Plaintiffs are required by law, policy, or the nature of their work to don and doff their uniform or safety equipment at work....25
Lemmon v. City of San Leandro Abbe v. City of San Diego The issue in Lemmon v. City In Abbe v. City of San of San Leandro26 was whether Diego,21 more than 1,000 San San Leandro, California, police Diego, California, police ofofcers were entitled to comcers sued the city for, among pensation for the donning and other things, a claim that their dofng of their Class B unitime spent donning and dofng forms. Relevant factors argued police uniforms and safety gear by the ofcers and the agency had to be compensated under the included the departments claim FLSA. The plaintiffs contended that ofcers had the option of that they were entitled to com- donning and dofng at home pensation for time spent donning based on there being no writand dofng their uniform (inten policy allowing the ofcers cluding uniform and safety gear) to don and doff at home, or conbecause such activity is an inversely, requiring the ofcers to tegral and indispensable part of don and doff at the station;27
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the fact that the department does provide lockers to police ofcers in which ofcers may store uniforms, equipment and personal items;28 and, nally, that most ofcers don and doff entirely at the police station.29 The court ruled in this instance that the time spent donning and dofng the uniform and protective gear was compensable because the integral and indispensable nature of the donning and dofng makes those activities principal to a police ofcers duties.30 In this case, the court did not look to the location of the donning and dofng in making its decision. Rather, the nature of the uniform and equipment alone made their donning and doffing compensable. The court did point out, however, that if ofcers chose to don at home, their commute time did not then become compensable.31 Maciel v. City of Los Angeles Among many FLSA issues litigated in Maciel v. City of Los Angeles32 was the donning and dofng of personal safety equipment.33 Finding that the donning and dofng of this personal safety equipment was work done for the benet of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), the court deemed it compensable. The court pointed out that most ofcers are required to wear their personal safety equipment while on
duty and that for all practical purposes, the equipment must be donned and doffed at the assigned station,34 noting LAPDs desire to have such activity take place onsite and that ofcers are discouraged from wearing their uniforms while off duty.35 The court further ruled that this time was compensable because the time spent doing these activities was not de minimus.36 Valladon v. City of Oakland In Valladon v. City of Oakland,37 the issue of donning and dofng the uniform and protective gear was treated as a single activity. The court, after accepting the notion that donning and dofng of police uniforms and gear is not, as a matter of law, compensable under the FLSA where neither the law, the employers rules, nor the nature of the work requires ofcers to don and doff on police premises,38 refused to grant summary judgment on the issue. The court found a material issue of fact surrounding the ofcers ability to dress at home even though police department policy ofcially permitted plaintiffs to don and doff there. Bamonte v. City of Mesa In 2010, with these lower court cases as a backdrop, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals weighed in on the issue in the case of Bamonte v. City of Mesa39 and held that because
the employer in this case did not require that the donning and dofng occur at the workplace, these activities were not compensable work. The circuit court of appeals adopted a bright-line rule for whether donning and dofng is compensablethe location where it is performed after an analysis of governing statutes, Department of Labor interpretations,40 their own circuit precedents, and other analogous cases.41 In this case, [n]o requirement of law, rule, the employer, or the nature of the work mandate[d] donning and dofng at the employers premises.42 Dager v. City of Phoenix Following the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision in Bamonte, courts have consistently applied that courts rationale in rejecting claims by law enforcement ofcers that the donning and dofng of their uniform and protective gear is compensable. For example, in Dager v. City of Phoenix,43 ofcers from the Phoenix, Arizona, Police Department lost their argument that they were entitled to compensation for their donning and dofng of the uniform and protective gear. As was the situation in the Bamonte case, the city maintained lockers for patrol ofcers at the various stations for them to store uniforms and equipment but did not require that the ofcers change at the work site.44
Reed v. County of Orange Similarly, in Reed v. County of Orange,45 the district court held that sheriffs deputies from Orange County, California, were not entitled to compensation for their donning and dofng time. Again, the decision rested on the location of the activitiy. In fact, the court pointed out that the Countys rule manual directs many of its deputies to change into and out of their uniforms at work, but that policy does not apply to all deputies, and even with respect to those to whom the policy does apply, it is not followed by many of them.46 Musticchi v. City of Little Rock At least one federal court not bound by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rulings has now adopted the reasoning of Bamonte. In Musticchi v. City of Little Rock, a group of Little Rock, Arkansas, police ofcers alleged entitlement to compensation for their time spent donning and dofng the Little Rock Police Department (LRPD) uniforms and equipment.47 Recognizing that neither the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals nor any district court in that circuit had ruled on the matter, the district court pointed to the Ninth Circuits rulings in Bamonte and Dager as helpful precedent.48 The court, not surprisingly, held that the time spent by Little Rock ofcers
donning and dofng their uniforms and equipment was not compensable. As in the Bamonte and Dager cases, [n]either the law nor the LRPD requires ofcers to change at the station. Instead, the LRPD gives ofcers the option to change at home or at changing facilities provided by the LRPD. However, most ofcers choose to don and doff at home.49
anything else necessitate[d] that PCRDF employees don uniforms and safety equipment at work.51 The only unique aspect of the case was that the deputies also were required to wear a radio and body alarm that they obtained only after arriving for work, and it was unclear whether they were paid for the time it took to obtain those items. However, the court found that the time spent obtaining them was de minimus and, therefore, not compensable under the FLSA. Citing Supreme Court precedent, the judge explained a de minimus amount of time by stating that [when] the matter in issue concerns only a few seconds or minutes of work beyond the scheduled working hours, such tries must be disregarded.52 Mory v. City of Chula Vista In Mory v. City of Chula Vista,53 the plaintiff brought her claim in the Southern District of California seeking compensation for overtime she allegedly worked as a police ofcer before being terminated in 2008. Among her claims for compensation was time spent donning and dofng her uniform and related gear. Arising in the Southern District of California, the district court judge found the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision in Bamonte controlling. The plaintiffs attempts to distinguish her situation from that litigated in Bamonte fell on deaf ears. The judge simply pointed out that
Wright v. Pulaski County In Wright v. Pulaski County, a case decided on the same day and by the same judge who ruled on the Musticchi case, a group of Pulaski County, Arkansas, Regional Detention Facility (PCRDF) correctional ofcers lost in their bid to be compensated for donning and dofng.50 Again, the County [did] not require PCRDF employees to don or doff their uniforms and safety gear at work, and the record contain[ed] no evidence that the nature of Plaintiffs work, safety concerns, laws, or
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neither of the state statutes identied by the plaintiff in support of her argument required California law enforcement ofcers to don and doff their uniforms and related gear on their employers premises.54 CONCLUSION Federal courts, especially in the western part of the United States, have addressed the issue of donning and dofng in the context of law enforcement departments numerous times. A common theme runs throughout the decisionsas an old real estate adage says, it usually is all about location, location, location. Simply stated, if there is a law, custom, or department policy mandating that the uniform and equipment be donned and doffed on premises, compensation for those activities will be required. Conversely, if no such law, custom, or policy exists, then no compensation will be required, even if the donning and dofng take place onsite for the convenience of the ofcers. Departments should take a close look at their uniform and equipment policies, specically as to the donning and dofng of these important items, to determine how the policies may affect their nancial obligation to compensate for these activities.
1 Title 29 U.S.C. 201, et seq. Overtime pay is one requirement of the FLSA. The legislation also provides for the minimum wage. As
originally enacted, the requirement for time and a half (overtime pay) was not applied until the employee had worked 44 hours during the workweek. 2 Title 29 U.S.C. 207(K). 3 The scope of this article will be limited to the issue of whether departments are legally obligated to compensate certain employees for donning and dofng their uniform and other protective gear. For a more thorough discussion of the basic provisions found in the Fair Labor Standards Act, see M. Brooks, The Fair Labor Standards Act and Police Compensation, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, June 2004, 24-32. 4 Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary, 345 (10th ed. 1999). 5 Id. at 342. 6 126 S.Ct. 514 (2005). 7 Id. at 521-522. 8 Id. at 522. Footnote 4 points out that in the current litigation IBP did not contend that pay for 4 minutes fully compensated the employees for their actual preproduction and postproduction time. 9 Id. Because cases brought by or on behalf of law enforcement ofcers following the decision in the IBP case have only argued that ofcers engage in similar donning and dofng (and not walking to or waiting in a work area), the remainder of the discussion of the IBP decision in this article will address only the donning and dofng issue. 10 Id. at 526. For the reason explained in footnote 9, the remainder of the discussion of the IBP decision in this article will address only the donning and dofng issue and not the walking and waiting issue. 11 Id. at 523, emphasis added. 12 Id. at 522. 13 Anderson v. Mt. Clemens Pottery Co., 328 U.S. 680 (1946). 14 Id. At 691-692. 15 29 U.S.C. 254(a). 16 Supra note 6 , at 527. 17 504 F.Supp.2d 766 (N.D. Cal. 2007). 18 Id. at 767. 19 Id. at 776. 20 Id. at 777, citing 29 C.F.R. 790.8(c) n. 65. 21 2007 WL 4146696 (S.D. Cal. 2007). Not reported in F.Supp.2d. 22 Id. at *4. 23 Id. 24 Id. at *7. 25 Id., emphasis added. 26 538 F.Supp.2d 1200 (N.D. Cal. 2007). 27 Id. at 1202. 28 Id. at 1203. 29 Id.
Id. at 1209. Id. 32 569 F.Supp.2d 1038 (C.D. Cal. 2008), appeal dismissed, 336 Fed. Appx. 678 (9th Cir. 2009). 33 Based on a collectively bargained agreement, the LAPD did not compensate its ofcers for donning and dofng the standard police uniform, including a vest and belt with its contents. Neither party called into question the validity of the collective bargaining agreement. 34 Note 29, supra, at 1049. 35 Id. 36 Id. at 1053. 37 2009 WL 3401263 (N.D. Cal. 2009). Not reported in F.Supp2d. 38 Id. at *9. 39 598 F.3d 1217 (9th Cir. 2010). 40 The panel reviewed Department of Labor (DOL) general policy statements on the Portalto-Portal Acts effect on the determination of compensable activities. While noting that the policy statements are not entitled to deference but are entitled to respect, the court noted that among the activities recognized by DOL as examples of being an integral part of a principal activity (and therefore compensable) was changing clothes on the employers premises at the beginning and end of the workday. 598 F.3d at 1223, emphasis added. 41 Supra note 39, at 1232. 42 Id. at 1233. 43 380 Fed.Appx. 688 (9th Cir. 2010). 44 Id. at 689. 45 716 F.Supp.2d 876 (C.D. Cal. 2010). 46 Id. at 877. 47 734 F.Supp.2d 621 (E.D. Ark. 2010). 48 Id. at 626. 49 Id. 50 2010 WL 3328015, slip op. (E.D. Ark. 2010). 51 Id. at *5. 52 Id., quoting, Anderson v. Mt. Clemens Pottery Co., 328 U.S. 680, 692 (1946). 53 2010 WL 3748813, slip op. (S.D. Cal. 2010). 54 Id. at *6.
Law enforcement ofcers of other than federal jurisdiction who are interested in this article should consult their legal advisors. Some police procedures ruled permissible under federal constitutional law are of questionable legality under state law or are not permitted at all.
Bulletin Notes
Law enforcement officers are challenged daily in the performance of their duties; they face each challenge freely and unselfishly while answering the call to duty. In certain instances, their actions warrant special attention from their respective departments. The Bulletin also wants to recognize those situations that transcend the normal rigors of the law enforcement profession.
Deputy Schreader
Deputy Roger Schreader of the Niagara County Sheriffs Ofce in Lockport, New York, responded to an emergency call for a trafc accident. While en route to the scene, Deputy Schreader received news that the vehicle had caught re while a victim remained inside. When he arrived at the accident, the deputy observed a female trapped in the locked vehicle. The deputy used a re extinguisher to break the car windows and partially extinguish the ames. Then, he cut the drivers seatbelt and pulled her to safety. When the re soon intensied and spread to the second vehicle, Deputy Schreader rescued the driver of that vehicle as well. The victims recovered fully at a nearby hospital.
On his rst day as the commander of a mountain substation, Sergeant William Walton of the Placer County, California, Sheriffs Department drove over a local bridge that has served as the site of many suicides since its construction. As he passed across the span, Sergeant Walton noticed a woman acting suspiDeputy Bennett Deputy Long Sergeant Walton ciously. Sensing something was not right, he turned around. As he approached her, she climbed over and hung onto the outside of the bridges railing. Immediately, Sergeant Walton went to her and, accompanied through most of the ordeal by Deputies Michael Bennett and Paul Long, spoke with her, trying to convince Nominations for the Bulletin Notes should be based her to return to safety. After 4 hours, the woman on either the rescue of one or more citizens or arrest(s) climbed over voluntarily and was transported for made at unusual risk to an officers safety. Submissions psychiatric care. should include a short write-up (maximum of 250 words),
a separate photograph of each nominee, and a letter from the departments ranking officer endorsing the nomination. Submissions can be mailed to the Editor, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA 22135 or e-mailed to [email protected].
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Patch Call
The Aberdeen, Maryland, Police Department patch focuses on the Maryland state seal as the central image. The graphic displays the farmer and the sherman, symbols of Marylands primary industries during colonial times, standing on either side of the coat of arms for Cecilius Calvert, the 2nd Lord of Baltimore. Calvert was an English colonizer and the rst proprietor of Maryland. The banner below the seal displays the Latin motto Fatti Maschii, Parole Femine, which translates to Manly Deeds and Womanly Words.
The patch of the Edina, Minnesota, Police Department shows the rich history and traditions of the town that the department serves. The central image displays the citys seal, which it adopted in 1974. The seal recalls the Irish and Scottish immigrants who rst settled in the community, as well as the mill they used to process their crops. The cloverleaf design that encompasses these symbols follows the general pattern of the citys major highways. Below the image, the patch displays 1888 as the citys year of incorporation.