RE2 File List
RE2 File List
RE2 File List
Player models:
pl0000 - LEON
pl0000 (RPD)
pl0001 (RPD injured)
pl0002 (Casual)
pl0003 (Classic costume)
pl0006 (Classic costume injured)
pl0050 (Head)
pl0070 (Hair)
PFB files:
default - Jacket
costume_1 - Remake RPD
costume_2 - Remake RPD dirt variation
costume_3 - Injured
costume_4 - Injured RPD dirt variation
costume_5 - Classic police
costume_6 - Classic police
costume_7 - Classic police
costume_8 - Classic wounded
costume_9 - Classic wounded
costume_A - Noir
costume_B - Arklay sherrif
costume_D - '98
pl1000 - CLAIRE
pl1000 (Jacket)
pl1001 (Tank top)
pl1002 (Classic jacket)
pl1003 (Classic tank top)
pl1050 (Head)
pl1070 (Hair)
pl?? (Motorcycle helmet + hair)
PFB files:
default - Jacket
costume_1 - Jacket dirt variation
costume_2 - Jacket dirt variation 2
costume_3 - Tank top
costume_4 - Tank top dirt variation
costume_5 - Classic jacket
costume_6 - Classic jacket
costume_7 - Classic jacket
costume_8 - Classic tank top
costume_9 - Classic tank top
costume_A - Noir
costume_B - Military
costume_C - Elza Walker
costume_D - '98
pl2000 - ADA
pl2000 (Dress)
pl2001 (Trench coat)
pl2002 (Dress injured)
pl2050 (Head)
pl2070 (Hair)
pl3000 - SHERRY
pl3000 (Schoolgirl)
pl3001 (Claire jacket)
pl3002 (Classic costume)
pl3003 (Classic costume with Claire vest)
pl3050 (Head)
pl3070 (Hair)
pl4000 - HUNK
pl4000 (Body)
pl4050 (Head)
pl4100 - TOFU
pl4100 (Tofu)
pl4101 (Uiro-Mochi)
pl4102 (Annin)
pl4103 (Konjac)
pl4104 (Flan)
pl6?00 - "John"
pl8500 (Generic scientist man - found dead in a few locations, has slightly chubby face)
pl8500 (Body)
pl8550 (Head)
em0000 - Male zombie regular posture
body00 - Male zombie base ("nude" body. Underpants only. Includes exploded head, after
headshots split open)
> em0050 - Male zombie face variations:
00 - Zombie Matt Walker hair is textured onto the head
01 - Zombie with sunken in cheeks has short spikey hair very visible cheekbones
02 - Rounder face, no nose, missing part of cheek
03 - Wrinkeled cheeks short hair
04 - Asian face, mid long hair on top, sorter near bottom
05 - Older male, longer face, short/balding hair
06 - Bald head, hold in forehead, right cheek ripped open
07 - Older male, bald head, midlong beard, long eyebrows
10 - ??
11 - Zombie head ripped by licker
14 - Bald head (seems like base model similar to 00)
70 - Ripped mouth (no lips) mid long messy hair
71 - Ripped neck, groomed short hair. Might be one of the "just turned" zombies? could be zombie
Daniel from the gas station?
72 - Zombie Marvin head
73 - Zombie Elliot
75 - Model doesn't load. Nothing else in the folder
76 - Model doesn't load folder empty
00 - Police hat
01 - Baseball cap
I think you can guess these. Different sets of pants
Guess what's in this folder. Multiple tops.
em3000 - Licker
em7100 - G-Birkin second form but clothes more torn and looks slightly furter mutated than
em7200 - G-Birkin 3rd form (fight after aquiring the sample as Leon)
em7201 - Same? maybe heart exposed or something. Hard to tell the difference
em7300 - G4 William
em7300 (Body)
em7301 (More body)
em7400 - G5 William
em7400 (Body)
em7410 (Circle of tentacles)
Ghost survivors:
(These enemies have models in sectionroot\character\enemy\em0000\rogue\
em8200 - "Bomb" - zombies with the explosive gas canisters (ghost survivors)
Em8400 - "Regenerate" - pale heads/mutated zombies (ghost survivors)
em8500 - "Poison" - purple poison zombies (ghost survivors)
In this folder there's also the "backpack" zombies wear and riot "armor" zombies
DLC 920569 - Samurai Edge (Jill)
wp7020 - Jill Samurai Edge
DLC 920570 - Samurai Edge (Chris)
wp7010 - Chris Samurai Edge
DLC 920568 - Samurai Edge (Wesker)
wp7030 - Wesker Samurai Edge
sm70_000 - First aid spray
sm70_001 - Green herb
sm70_002 - Red herb
sm70_003 - Blue herb
sm70_004 - Mixed herb (green + green)
sm70_005 - Mixed herb (green + red)
sm70_006 - Mixed herb (green + blue)
sm70_007 - Mixed herb (green + green + blue)
sm70_008 - Mixed herb (green + green + green)
sm70_009 - Mixed herb (green + red + blue)
sm70_010 - Mixed herb (red + blue)
sm70_051 - Green herb (item)
sm70_052 - Red herb (item)
sm70_053 - Blue herb (item)
sm70_100 - Handgun bullets
sm70_101 - Shotgun bullets
sm70_102 - Submachinegun bullets
sm70_103 - Magnum bullets
sm70_106 - Grenade launcher - acid bullets (black?)
sm70_107 - Grenade launcher - acid bullets
sm70_108 - Grenade launcher - fire bullets
sm70_109 - Sparkshot bullets
sm70_110 - Flamethrower fueltank
sm70_111 - Big gun bullets
sm70_112 - SLS60 special bullets
sm70_201 - Ink ribbon
sm70_202 - Wood barricade
sm70_203 - C4 detonator
sm70_204 - 9V battery
sm70_205 - Gunpowder
sm70_206 - Gunpowder (large)
sm70_207 - High-Grade gunpowder (yellow)
sm70_208 - High-Grade gunpowder (white)
? - Laboratory
? - "Mountain" - cut area
? - RPD
? - "Laboratory undermost"
? - "Wastewater" (sewers)
? - Gas station
? - Orphan approach
? - Orphanage
? - Greenhouse
? - Crocodiles area
? - RPD_B1
SM files:
sm60_175 - Ending truck front (truck car)
sm60_180 - Ending truck trailer
DLC 920567 - Classic OST/SFX