RE2 File List

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RE2 - Ultimate File List

Player models:
pl0000 - LEON
pl0000 (RPD)
pl0001 (RPD injured)
pl0002 (Casual)
pl0003 (Classic costume)
pl0006 (Classic costume injured)
pl0050 (Head)
pl0070 (Hair)

DLC 920561 - LEON NOIR (Costume A)

pl0004 (Body)
pl0050_04 (Noir face - textures only no mesh)
pl0074 (Hair)

DLC 920560 - LEON ARKLAY SHERRIF (Costume B)

pl0005 (Body)
pl0075 (Hat)

DLC 920565 - Leon Costume: '98 (Costume D)

pl0007 (Body)
pl0057 (Head)

PFB files:
default - Jacket
costume_1 - Remake RPD
costume_2 - Remake RPD dirt variation
costume_3 - Injured
costume_4 - Injured RPD dirt variation
costume_5 - Classic police
costume_6 - Classic police
costume_7 - Classic police
costume_8 - Classic wounded
costume_9 - Classic wounded
costume_A - Noir
costume_B - Arklay sherrif
costume_D - '98
pl1000 - CLAIRE
pl1000 (Jacket)
pl1001 (Tank top)
pl1002 (Classic jacket)
pl1003 (Classic tank top)
pl1050 (Head)
pl1070 (Hair)
pl?? (Motorcycle helmet + hair)

DLC 920563 - CLAIRE NOIR (Costume A)

pl1005 (Body)
pl1075 (Hat)

DLC 920562 - CLAIRE MILITARY (Costume B)

pl1006 (Body)
pl1050_04 (Head - no mesh only textures)
pl1071 (Hair + headband)

DLC 920564 - ELZA WALKER COSTUME (Costume C)

pl1004 (Body)

DLC 920566 - Claire Costume: '98 (Costume D)

pl1007 - 98 (Body)
pl1057 - 98 (Head)

PFB files:
default - Jacket
costume_1 - Jacket dirt variation
costume_2 - Jacket dirt variation 2
costume_3 - Tank top
costume_4 - Tank top dirt variation
costume_5 - Classic jacket
costume_6 - Classic jacket
costume_7 - Classic jacket
costume_8 - Classic tank top
costume_9 - Classic tank top
costume_A - Noir
costume_B - Military
costume_C - Elza Walker
costume_D - '98
pl2000 - ADA
pl2000 (Dress)
pl2001 (Trench coat)
pl2002 (Dress injured)
pl2050 (Head)
pl2070 (Hair)

pl3000 - SHERRY
pl3000 (Schoolgirl)
pl3001 (Claire jacket)
pl3002 (Classic costume)
pl3003 (Classic costume with Claire vest)
pl3050 (Head)
pl3070 (Hair)

pl4000 - HUNK
pl4000 (Body)
pl4050 (Head)

pl4100 - TOFU
pl4100 (Tofu)
pl4101 (Uiro-Mochi)
pl4102 (Annin)
pl4103 (Konjac)
pl4104 (Flan)


pl5000 (Body)
pl5050 (Head)
pl5070 (Hair)


pl5100 (Body)
pl5150 (Head)
pl5170 (Hair)


pl5200 (Body)
pl5250 (Head)
pl5251 (Squashed head)
pl5270 (Hair)
pl5271 (Hair from squashed head)
pl5300 (Body)
pl5350 (Head)
pl5370 (Hair)

pl5400 - Chris "I'm Redfield" Redfield (RE7 no helmet)

pl5400 (Body) (not direct RE7 reuse. The model is in a different pose)
pl5450 (Head)
pl5470 (Hair)

pl5500 - Ethan Winters (RE7 protag.)

> Referred to in EXE haven't found him yet

pl5600 - USS soldier (ghost survivors)

Uses Hunk body (unsure if this directly uses a new model in pl5600 or if it just calls Hunk body)
pl5650 (Head)
pl5670 (USS alpha team mask) (one glass broken)


pl5700 (Body)
pl5750 (Head)

pl6000 - WILLIAM BIRKIN (human)

pl6000 (Body)
pl6050 (Head)
pl6070 (Hair)

pl6?00 - "Dead man"

pl6?00 - "John"

pl6400 - MAYORS DAUGHTER (Katherine Warren)

pl6400 (Body)
pl6401 (Static lying down)
pl6402 (Static knocked down)
pl6450 (Head textures)
pl6470 (Hair textures)


pl7100 (Body)
pl7150 (Head)
pl7300 (Body)
pl7350 (Head)
pl7370 (Hair + hat)


pl7400 (Body)
pl7450 (Head)
pl7470 (Hair)


pl7500 (Body)
pl7550 (Head)
pl7570 (Hair)
pl7580 (Bitten neck)

Playable Daniel (ghost survivors)

pl7501 (Body)
pl7551 (Head)
pl7571 (Hair)

pl7600 - First zombie (gas station)

> Game exe refers to him as "Vance zombie"

pl7700 - EMMA KENDO

pl7700 (Body)
pl7750 (Head)
pl7770 (Hair)


pl7800 (Body)
pl7850 (Head)
pl7870 (Hair)
pl7880 (Intestines)

pl8000 - BITTEN BALD GUY FROM GAS STATION (store manager)

pl8000 (Body)
pl8050 (Head)

pl8100 (Cop with ripped face in west hallway)

pl8300 (Zombie male)

pl8300 (Body and head)
pl8400 - DEAD GUY
pl8400 (Body and head) (zombie body Annette burns with a G-parasite sticking out of it)

pl8500 (Generic scientist man - found dead in a few locations, has slightly chubby face)
pl8500 (Body)
pl8550 (Head)

pl8600 - TRUCK DRIVER FROM TRUE ENDING (ending driver)

pl8600 (Body)
pl8650 (Head)

Ghost survivors hats:

Located: natives\x64\sectionroot\character\accessory\ in the pak file from the GS update

Ac0010 - Skull hat

Ac0011 - Croc hat
Ac0012 - USS helmet (Hunk style)
Ac0013 - Creepy doll hat
Ac0014 - Unicorn hat
Ac0015 - Mr. Raccoon hat
Ac0016 - Molded hat
Ac0017 - G-head
Ac0018 - Ivy head
Ac0019 - Mr. X head
Ac0020 - Licker head
Ac0021 - Tiger head
Ac0022 - Sheep/ram head
Ac0030 - Raccoon hat
Ac0032 - Cat ears

em0000 - Male zombie regular posture
body00 - Male zombie base ("nude" body. Underpants only. Includes exploded head, after
headshots split open)
> em0050 - Male zombie face variations:
00 - Zombie Matt Walker hair is textured onto the head
01 - Zombie with sunken in cheeks has short spikey hair very visible cheekbones
02 - Rounder face, no nose, missing part of cheek
03 - Wrinkeled cheeks short hair
04 - Asian face, mid long hair on top, sorter near bottom
05 - Older male, longer face, short/balding hair
06 - Bald head, hold in forehead, right cheek ripped open
07 - Older male, bald head, midlong beard, long eyebrows
10 - ??
11 - Zombie head ripped by licker
14 - Bald head (seems like base model similar to 00)
70 - Ripped mouth (no lips) mid long messy hair
71 - Ripped neck, groomed short hair. Might be one of the "just turned" zombies? could be zombie
Daniel from the gas station?
72 - Zombie Marvin head
73 - Zombie Elliot
75 - Model doesn't load. Nothing else in the folder
76 - Model doesn't load folder empty
00 - Police hat
01 - Baseball cap
I think you can guess these. Different sets of pants
Guess what's in this folder. Multiple tops.

em1000 - Female zombies

body00 - Female base (underwear only. Includes exploded head, after headshots split open)
00 - Scratched face. Mid-long hair (hair is kinda like Rebecca but longer)
01 - Female face with very long hair. Reaches past shoulders. Thick hair, partially covering face
02 - Face with shoulder length hair. Hair is thinner than 01. Forehead exposed
03 - Female face with dreads hairstyle
04 - Shoulder length messy hair, hair covers face no hats for the females


em2000 - Male zombies (heavy male)

body00 - male zombie base ("nude" body. Underpants only. Includes exploded head, after
headshots split open)
00 - bald (chubby-ish) face, hair only on the sides and back of the head. Not on top
01 - Left side of mouth is ripped. Short haired male
03 - Wide nose, short subby hair. Wounds on right side of the face next to mouth
70 - Bald chubby faced male head


em3000 - Licker

em4000 - Zombie dogs:

Sub folders:
em4000_00 - Dog (body seems to be intact)
em4000_01 - Dog exposed ribs and bone on back leg
em4000_02 - Dog wounds on behind and no tail
em4000_03 - Dog with colar

em4400 - Small (but still kinda big) winged bugs

em5000 - Ivy
em6000 - G-Adult
em6100 - G-Baby "Baby G" small G-goop thing that the G-Adults sometimes drop
em6110 - "Baby G" variation

em6200 - Mr. X body

em6201 - Mr. X body but with some internal guts?
em6250 - Mr. X head
em6270 - Mr. X hat

em6300 - Super tyrant

em6400 - Aligator

em7000 - William Birkin

em7000 - G-Birkin first form
em7000_01 - G-Birkin pipe
em7001 - G-Birkin second form

em7100 - G-Birkin second form but clothes more torn and looks slightly furter mutated than

em7200 - G-Birkin 3rd form (fight after aquiring the sample as Leon)
em7201 - Same? maybe heart exposed or something. Hard to tell the difference
em7300 - G4 William
em7300 (Body)
em7301 (More body)

em7400 - G5 William
em7400 (Body)
em7410 (Circle of tentacles)

Ghost survivors:
(These enemies have models in sectionroot\character\enemy\em0000\rogue\
em8200 - "Bomb" - zombies with the explosive gas canisters (ghost survivors)
Em8400 - "Regenerate" - pale heads/mutated zombies (ghost survivors)
em8500 - "Poison" - purple poison zombies (ghost survivors)
In this folder there's also the "backpack" zombies wear and riot "armor" zombies

em9000 – Chief Brian Irons with G monster coming out of him

em9000 (Body)
em9050 (Head)
em9070 (Hair)

Weapons and ammo:

wp0000 - Matilda (handgun)
wp0001 - ? (Broken mesh)
wp0100 - M19 (handgun)
wp0100 - Also includes some of the files for upgrades for the Matilda for some reason?
wp0200 - JMB Hp3 (handgun)
wp0300 - Quickdraw Army (revolver)
wp0400 - Glock Handgun (handgun)
wp0500 - Bronwing HP textures?
wp0600 - USP (handgun)
wp0700 - Makarov (Ada handgun)
wp0800 - S&W model 649 revolver (Claire handgun)
wp1000 - W-870 (shotgun)
wp1001 - Shotgun cartridge
wp1100 - Remington 870 (shotgun)
wp2000 - MQ 11 (Claire SMG)
wp2100 - MQ 11 (textures)
wp2200 - H&K MP5 (Hunk SMG)
wp3000 - Lightning Hawk (magnum)
wp3200 - Chief Iron S&W 329 revolver/magnum thing
wp4000 - EMF visualizer hacking tool
wp4100 - Grenade launcher
wp4110 - Grenade launcher (ammo)
wp4200 - Chemical flamethrower
wp4300 - Spark shot
wp4310 - Spark shot (ammo)
wp4400 - Anti-Tank (RPG)
wp4500 - Combat knife
wp4510 - Infinite/unbreakable knife
wp4530 - Flashlight
wp4600 - M202 flash (RPG)
wp4610 - M202 flash (RPG) (again)
wp4700 - Minigun
wp4701 - Minigun (ammo)
wp4900 - Annette anti-virus gun
wp4901 - Annette anti-virus gun (ammo)
wp6200 - Grenade (defense item)
wp6202 - Grenade lever (defense item)
wp6300 - Flash grenade
wp6301 - Flash grenade lever

DLC 920569 - Samurai Edge (Jill)
wp7020 - Jill Samurai Edge
DLC 920570 - Samurai Edge (Chris)
wp7010 - Chris Samurai Edge
DLC 920568 - Samurai Edge (Wesker)
wp7030 - Wesker Samurai Edge

sm70_000 - First aid spray
sm70_001 - Green herb
sm70_002 - Red herb
sm70_003 - Blue herb
sm70_004 - Mixed herb (green + green)
sm70_005 - Mixed herb (green + red)
sm70_006 - Mixed herb (green + blue)
sm70_007 - Mixed herb (green + green + blue)
sm70_008 - Mixed herb (green + green + green)
sm70_009 - Mixed herb (green + red + blue)
sm70_010 - Mixed herb (red + blue)
sm70_051 - Green herb (item)
sm70_052 - Red herb (item)
sm70_053 - Blue herb (item)
sm70_100 - Handgun bullets
sm70_101 - Shotgun bullets
sm70_102 - Submachinegun bullets
sm70_103 - Magnum bullets
sm70_106 - Grenade launcher - acid bullets (black?)
sm70_107 - Grenade launcher - acid bullets
sm70_108 - Grenade launcher - fire bullets
sm70_109 - Sparkshot bullets
sm70_110 - Flamethrower fueltank
sm70_111 - Big gun bullets
sm70_112 - SLS60 special bullets
sm70_201 - Ink ribbon
sm70_202 - Wood barricade
sm70_203 - C4 detonator
sm70_204 - 9V battery
sm70_205 - Gunpowder
sm70_206 - Gunpowder (large)
sm70_207 - High-Grade gunpowder (yellow)
sm70_208 - High-Grade gunpowder (white)

Models located in:

Textures located in:
natives/x64/objectroot/setmodel/textures you also have to change them in streaming/objectroot
as well for the HQ textures

? - Laboratory
? - "Mountain" - cut area
? - RPD
? - "Laboratory undermost"
? - "Wastewater" (sewers)
? - Gas station
? - Orphan approach
? - Orphanage
? - Greenhouse
? - Crocodiles area
? - RPD_B1
SM files:
sm60_175 - Ending truck front (truck car)
sm60_180 - Ending truck trailer

DLC 920567 - Classic OST/SFX

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