SRS For Hotel Management System
SRS For Hotel Management System
SRS For Hotel Management System
Management System
2. Aadarsh Chourasia
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.5 References
2. Overall Description
The intended audience of this document would be owner and specific employees like
Manager and Receptionist of any particular hotel, and project team with the objective
to refer and analyze the information. The SRS document can be used in any case
regarding the requirements of the project and the solutions that have been taken. The
document would final provide a clear idea about the system that is building. Brief
outline of the document is,
1. Overall Description
2. System Features
1.5 References
[7]”High-Level-SoftwareFeatures”,[Online].Available:http://www.high-level-, [Accessed: June.25, 2014]
[8]Fernandez & Yuan, X,(1999). An analysis Pattern for Reservation and Use of Reusable
[9]Lauesen, S, (2003), Task Descriptions as Functional Requirements, IEEE Computer
Society, Retrieved from
2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
The Hotel Management System is a new self-contained software product which will be
produced by the project team in order to overcome the problems that have occurred
due to the current manual system. The newly introduced system will provide an easy
access to the system and it will contain user friendly functions with attractive
interfaces. The system will give better options for the problem of handling large scale of
physical file system, for the errors occurring in calculations and all the other required
tasks that has been specified by the client. The final outcome of this project will increase
the efficiency of almost all the tasks done at the Hotel in a much convenient manner.
Make Reservations
Search Rooms
Add Payment
Issue Bills
Manage Guest (Add, Update Guest)
Manage Room Details (Add, Update, Delete)
Manage Staff (Add, Update, Delete, View)
Manage Inventory (Add, Edit, Delete)
Set Rates
Retrieve Reports (Staff payment, Income)
Manage Users (Add, Update, Delete)
Taking Backups
E-mail notifications
Room Attendant
Financial Manager
User:- The User can login into the system and book/cancel room reservations. He can
also order food by looking up the menu uploaded into the system or ask for cleaning
services. He can check in and check out virtually without the hassle of going to the front
desk for every little thing. He can also make payment through various payment portals
available in the system.
Chef:- The Chef gets notified whenever a User orders food and food preparations begin
right away. After the food has been prepared, he notifies the room service for delivery
of food so that the User’s order reaches his room at the earliest.
Room Attendant:- Each Room Attendant is assigned multiple rooms and gets notified
whenever user posts a request ranging from taking the baggages from his vehicle to his
room, cleaning to asking for some commodity. He also delivers the food from the
kitchen to the User’s room.
Financial Manager:- The Financial Manager looks over the finances of the hostel right
from booking room to asking for food and User can either pay in advance to avail
discount options or pay the lump sum at the time of his check out.
Owner:- Hotel owner has the privilege of Monitoring and authorization of all the tasks
handle by the system. He can access every function performed by the system. Owner of
the company as well as the system can access to the administration panel which is
consider the core of the system. As the main authorized person of the company owner
gets the ability to manage the other users including their user levels and privileges.
Taking backups of the system and restoring system can also be done by the Owner.
Meanwhile he will be able to take all the kinds of reports available in the system. As the
owner of the system and the company he has the power to set room rates as well. Hotel
owner has the sole right of deleting a staff member from the system database.
1.Operating System Supports all known operating systems, such as Windows, Linux
3.Hard Drive should be in NTFS file-system formatted with minimum 10 GB of free space
4.A Laser printer will need to be used to print these reports and notes
Software development crew provides their best effort in developing the system. In order
to maintain the reliability and durability of system, some design and implementation
constraints are applied. Availability of an android app for hotel management system
could make the system portable but due to time constraint it is not possible. System will
need a minimum memory of 512MB. But it is recommended to have a memory of 1GB.
When designing interfaces of system, we had the capability of work with new tools such
as Dev Express. Considering the client’s budget we decided to create those
interfaces in a simple realistic manner using affordable technology.
Some software used in implementing the system is with high cost and the client has
agreed to afford the amount of money needed to purchase them. It’s assumed that
client won’t change that decision on the next phases of the software development.
Although we assume that client is using windows 7 or windows 8. Otherwise if client use
an open source operating system, there is a need of changing the SRS accordingly.