m425 Datasheet
m425 Datasheet
m425 Datasheet
Where it is required to have proportional remote A power-on light in the center of the display
indication of level attitude, the Model indicates when the angular readout is ready for
830 Angular Display can be coupled to operation. A power-on switch can be provided which
the Model "X-Y" Angle Sensor for gives either a momentary (60 seconds) or continuous
direct readout of direction and "on" power. The momentary switch is particularly
magnitude of tilt. useful when using a battery supply, keeping
discharge to a minimum. When powered from a
The Model 830 Angular continuously available power supply, the switch
Display can also be used with a would not be necessary.
P-Q joystick control to give an
indication of operation. Other available models:
The Model 425 Angle Sensor can
also be used with a P-Q valve drive For level sensing, see Data
board for automatic proportional re-leveling Sheets 106 and 107 which describe
of one axis or both axes. the Model 400 Omni-directional and
Model 420 Di-axial Level Sensors.
Features: For platform leveling, see Data
Sheet 108 which describes the Model 410
Automatic Platform Leveler.
Model 425 is an inductively coupled pendulous
level sensor which can provide a voltage proportional
to degree of tilt for both its major axes. The
maximum angle is ±6° from true level. Model 425 Angle Sensor:
Supply Voltage: 6VDC
There are only four wires necessary for
Full Signal: ±6° (adjustable gain)
connecting the M425: Power, Ground, and "X"' and
Current at 6 VDC: 20 mADC
"Y" Outputs. The Model 425 is viscously damped
Output range: 3 VDC neutral, ± 1.8 VDC swing
and minimizes flutter of output when the sensor is
mounted on a vibrating machine. Operating Temperature: -40° C to +70° C
Hysteresis: 0.3°
Model 830 is an angular display which accepts DC
supply power from a 10-30 VDC source, a built-in Model 830 Angular Display:
regulator keeps the supply power to its electronics Supply Voltage: 10 to 30 VDC
and the output power to the sensor at a constant Current at 12 VDC: 175 mADC Centered
voltage. 230 mADC One Bar Full-on
290 mADC Two Bars Full-on
The Model 830 comes with a bar display. In each Operating Temperature: -40° C to +85° C
quadrant the LED's will light and stay lit in
proportion to angular tilt.
P-Q Controls Inc. 95 Dolphin Rd. Bristol, CT. USA 06010 (tel) 860-583-6994 (fax) 860-583-6011
Visit us at www.p-qcontrols.com
P-Q Controls, Inc. Doc. No: M400CallOut.doc
Blank Sourcing
G Sinking
B Bubble
F Fixed Time Delay
M400 Normally closed
M401 Normally open
M404 Normally closed, Fixed time delay
M405 Normally open, Fixed time delay
M406 Dual Trip, NC
M407 Dual Trip. NO
M410 Platform Leveler
M420 Di-axial Level Sensor, NC
M421 Di-axial Level Sensor, NO
4E0X Custom Products
M425 42 6VDC
Supply Voltage
Models Signal Swing
M415 X Axis 30 10%
M425 X & Y 42 30% (Standard)
All M415 and M425 angle sensors are calibrated level to the horizon at the time of shipping. If re-
leveling is necessary, follow the steps below.
1. Mount the sensor to the machine by either bolting or tack welding the base plate to a horizontal
2. Connect Red and Black power wires of the sensor to an appropriate power source. Power supply
to the sensor is generally a P-Q M500 Series Valve Drive Board or M800 Angular Display.
NOTE: Check the part number labeled on the sensor for the proper supply voltage. Most sensors
are 6VDC.
3. Provide voltage supply to P-Q valve drive board or M800 Angular Display or appropriate source.
NOTE: If connected to an M800 Angular Display, the display can be used to level the sensor.
4. Using a voltmeter, measure and record the voltage supply across the Red and Black wires of the
5. Connect voltmeter across the Blue wire and Black wire of sensor. This is the “X” axis output.
6. Adjust stud nuts until voltmeter readout equals (½) the voltage supply from step 4.
7. For M425 applications, connect voltmeter leads to the Yellow wire and the Black wire. This is the
“Y” axis output.
8. Follow Step 6 for the Y axis.
9. Check the readout in the X axis once again and repeat Step 6 for both axes as necessary.
10. The Angle Sensor is now leveled to your application. With the voltmeter connected as in step 5 or
step 7, proper signal swings for both X and Y axes will read:
Voltage Supply Neutral (0°°) Full Tilt (+6°°) Full Tilt (-6°°)
6VDC 3.0VDC (± .03) 3.6VDC (± .18) 2.4VDC (± .18)
* The 415/425 adjustable trimpots are factory set to 6°. Turning CCW will decrease the tilt angle required to reach full voltage signal.
All M415 and M425 angle sensors are calibrated level to the horizon at the time of shipping. If re-
leveling is necessary, follow the steps below.
1. Mount the sensor to the machine by either bolting or tack welding the base plate to a horizontal
2. Connect Red and Black power wires of the sensor to an appropriate power source. Power supply
to the sensor is generally a P-Q M500 Series Valve Drive Board or M830 Angular Display.
NOTE: Check the part number labeled on the sensor for the proper supply voltage. Most sensors
are 5V or 6V DC.
3. Provide voltage supply to P-Q valve drive board or M830 Angular Display or appropriate source.
NOTE: If connected to an M830 Angular Display, the display can be used to level the sensor.
4. Using a voltmeter, measure and record the voltage supply across the Red and Black wires of the
5. Connect voltmeter across the Blue wire and Black wire of sensor. This is the “X” axis output.
6. Adjust stud nuts until voltmeter readout equals (½) the voltage supply from step 4.
7. For M425 applications, connect voltmeter leads to the Yellow wire and the Black wire. This is the
“Y” axis output.
8. Follow Step 6 for the Y axis.
9. Check the readout in the X axis once again and repeat Step 6 for both axes as necessary.
10. The Angle Sensor is now leveled to your application. With the voltmeter connected as in step 5 or
step 7, proper signal swings for both X and Y axes will read:
Voltage Supply Neutral (0°°) Full Tilt (+6°°) Full Tilt (-6°°)
5VDC 2.5VDC (± .025) 4.0VDC (± .15) 1.0VDC (± .15)
6VDC 3.0VDC (± .03) 4.8VDC (± .18) 1.2VDC (± .18)
* The 415/425 adjustable trimpots are factory set to 6°. Turning CCW will decrease the tilt angle required to reach full voltage signal.