PUB Ordinary Provincial

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Republic of the Philippines

East Are*ue, Quezon Gity


EFFECTIVE : NOVEMBER 2, 20ta Plate No.
Distance Student I Elderly / Disiance $tudent i f;lderly /
Regular Regular
(kms.) Disabled {krns.) Disabled
s.00 7.25 305 474.00 37 ).?5
1( 16.75 13.50 481.75 i5.50
24.54 19.50 315 489.50 :t91 5tl
2A 32.25 za.ta 324 49v.25 397.75
40.o0 32.00 325 505.00 ]4-00
47.75 38.25 330 512 75 41fr.25
.E 55.50 44.50 335 520.50 6.50
40 63.25 50.50 340 528.25 422.50
45 71 .Q0 56.75 345 536.00 ;.75
t ) 78.75 63.00 350 543.75 435.00
55 E6.50 69.25 551.50 1.25
60 94.25 75.50 360 559.25 441 st't
05 102"00 81.50 365 567.00 I ,3.50
109.75 87 _75 370 574.75 45S.75
AE 117.50 94-00 375 582 50 466.00
I 125.2s 100.25 380 ss0.25 472.25
85 133.00 106.50 385 598.00 A 78.50

9l M4.75 112.5A 390 605.75 4 ,4.50

95 14E.50 118.75 395 613.50 49l.1 75
156.25 125.00 400 621.25 )7.00
1 1M.00 131 .25 405 629.00 503.25
110 171.75 137.50 414 636.75 )9.50
1 179.50 143.50 415 644.50 5"50
187 25 149.75 424 652.25 t1"75
125 195.00 156.00 425 660.00 528.00
242.75 162"25 430 667.75 t
ti i5 210.50 168.50 435 675.50 ).50
140 218.25 174.50 444 683.25 46.50
14 ) 226.O0 180.75 445 691.00 52.75
15r ) 233.75 187.00 450 698.75 I
) 241.54 '193.25 455 706.50 5"25
160 249.25 199.50 460 714.25 571 ,50
257.OO 205 50 465 722.OO ;77.50
170 264.75 211.75 470 729.75 i.75
175 272.54 218.00 475 737.50 590.00
1 280.25 224.25 480 745.25 596.25
1[ 288.00 230.50 485 753.00 6{ t2-50
1 )0 295.75 236.50 490 760.75 )8.50
303.50 242"75 495 768.50 614.75
204 311.25 249.00 500 776.25 ( t'1.00
) 31S.00 255.25 505 784.00 627.25
210 326.75 261.50 510 791.7s 633.50
2' 5 334.50 267.50 515 799.50 39.50
I 342.25 273"75 520 447.25 645.75
l/ 350.00 280.00 525 815,00 t.00
) 357.7s 286.25 530 822.75 ,.25
365.50 252.54 535 830.50 664 50
244 373.25 298 50 540 838.25 F 70,50
381 00 3A4.75 545 846.00 674.75
388.75 311"00 550 853.75 ;83.00
255 396.50 317.25 555 861.50 689.25
2t 444.25 Jt5.5U 560 86S 2s ,.50
265 412.00 329.50 565 B77.AO 701 50
270 419.75 335.75 570 884.75 75
275 42V.50 342.00 575 E92.50 4.00
435.25 348.?5 580 900.25 v2025
i5 443.00 3M.50 585 908.00 t6.50
450.75 360.50 590 915.75 732 50
295 458.50 366.75 595 923.s0 738.75
466 25 373.00 600 931.25 745.00
COMPUTATION OF FARES: (Add-on Method) For Clarification,
REGULAR Pls. visit LTFRB web portalat
First Five (5) kilometers = P 9.00 or call LTFRB HotlinE - 1342
Succeeding kilometers - Additional P 1.55 per kiiomele.
First Five {5) kilometers = P 7 20
Succeeding kilometers = Additional P 1 24 per kilometer

Students a.e entitled 1o a fafe discount of not less than 2OoA ol lhe
approved adjusted fare EVERYDAY, iIlcluding Saturdays, Sundays
and Holidays as per MC 2017{.24 GOL. K. {Ret.}
Regional Director
NOTE: Fares are rounded off to the nearest ?5 centavos


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