Alula Ovg en 260122
Alula Ovg en 260122
Alula Ovg en 260122
offer at Arabia’s best-kept secret, which is now open to visitors all year round
AlUla 1
Discover the history of the 700-year-old AlUla Old Town
and the fascinating recent stories of its inhabitants with a
UAE tour of the town. Relax in Market Street with dining options
to have dinner, coffee or shisha. Shop the many unique
Jeddah market stalls and stores selling arts, crafts and souvenirs,
Kingdom of homewares, jewellery and more. AlUla Old Town is the new
Saudi Arabia thriving heart of AlUla.
Red Sea
2 3
Application over coloured background.
Prefer the golden textured version
when possible.
2 14
Saudi Arabia A snapshot of AlUla
erhaps you have seen the captivating photographs of the through the ages
Nabataean city Hegra, colourful hot air balloons
rising above dramatic natural rock formations,
and the architecturally striking mirrored concert and entertainment
venue Maraya, which reflects the surrounding desert landscape.
But how much do you really know about AlUla? An insight into the Check out these
Stretching around 25,000km2 in size and located 1,000km northwest of people of AlUla amazing facts
Riyadh, this world wonder is home to some of the best-preserved tombs and rock
art sites of its era. While it’s not as well-known as some of its UNESCO World
Heritage Site neighbours in Jordan and Egypt, that’s all about to change.
4 5
Saudi Arabia
The ultimate round- INFORMATION
up of tours, trails and A dossier of useful
activities on offer, info, from travel tips
including how to book to emergency numbers
How the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia grew from humble roots into an Arab superpower
48 85
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was
responsible tourist founded in 1932 under the rule of
Plan your days to
perfection with our King Abdulaziz Al Saud, who united
the land. Oil was discovered in 1938,
suggested itineraries
which supercharged the country’s
Travel safety Kingdom stays true to its roots
measures by blending culture, heritage and
WHERE TO STAY to help your trip run Islamic values with modernity.
High-end hotels, luxury smoothly Saudi Arabia is home to the Two
desert camps and trendy Holy Mosques: Al Masjid Al Haram in
trailers Makkah, Islam’s holiest city and the
The Hot Air Balloon
Festival at Hegra site of the Kaaba, and The Prophet’s
Mosque in Medina. The country is
blessed with a varied topography,
including a generous portion of
the Rub’ al Khali (a vast, unbroken
Restaurants, cafés, food
sand desert that stretches across the
trucks, pop-ups and
southern part of the Arabian Penin-
sula), the Hijaz mountain
Tourism Call Centre:
+966 920 025 003 range in the western region, and a
Reproduction in whole or in part without written
beautiful stretch of Red Sea coast.
permission from Royal Commission for AlUla is
strictly prohibited. The Royal Commission for The capital city, Riyadh, is the main
AlUla does not accept liability for omissions or financial metropolis while Jeddah, on A minaret in Makkah
FUTURE errors in this guidebook.
DEVELOPMENTS the Red Sea, is a popular resort hub,
A sneak peek at future
The AlUla Quality Stamp is a sign of excellence
awarded to businesses, service providers and
as well as being a gateway
for Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages.
The Kingdom stays true to its roots, by‘
blending culture, heritage and Islamic
touch points that are committed
Today, the country is ruled by His
to upholding the highest standards of visitor
’values with modernity
Majesty King Salman Bin Abdu-
experience across the destination. Look out for
78 it at the time of booking to ensure a world-class laziz Al Saud, Custodian of the Two
visitor experience from start to finish. Holy Mosques, who ascended the
goals and expectations for the with plenty of space. Extraordinary
BEYOND ALULA throne in 2015. His son, His Royal
nation. It marks a new phase of landscapes, nature, history and
Extend your visit to Highness Crown Prince Mohammed
Saudi Arabia by tagging development to create a vibrant culture all combine in a setting
Scan for the bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud,
on a trip to these top society in which all citizens can fulfill like no other. Visit now and you’ll
latest updates on who is first in line to the throne, has their dreams, hopes and ambitions be amongst the first international
been influential in diversifying the
to succeed in a diversified economy. travellers to discover all that AlUla
Kingdom’s economy and liberalising
With the world starting to travel has to offer.
various laws.
AlUla is undergoing significant development to diversify the economy, give back to the community and welcome domestic again, AlUla is well positioned to
Currently, the government is working
and international visitors to one of the world’s most significant culture and heritage destinations. The information become a destination of choice for
provided in this guide is correct at the time of printing. However, much ongoing work is being undertaken to bring further towards its Vision 2030, which sets
those looking for an unforgettable
engaging experiences, accommodation, eateries and more to AlUla over the course of the next months and years. For the out the longer-term
adventure in a safe environment
.latest updates and information, see or call our information line on +920025003
6 7
Ahmed Alimam, the first rawi of AlUla, shares an insight into the
culture of the local people and their treasured traditions
The people of AlUla have a teacher, such as collecting water or The families here‘
rich ancestry and are resilient, firewood, in exchange for teaching
self-sufficient and, of course, your children. So the new school have records tracing
they love welcoming guests,” gave the youth of that generation
says Ahmed Alimam, the first an opportunity to get a job. Many their lineage over
rawi (traditional Arabic storyteller)
of AlUla.
who graduated went on to work
in Riyadh, Jeddah and Tabuk, or
’years 600
The families who live here have at government offices around the
records tracing their lineage over Kingdom. So we have something of France, the US, the UK and Australia
600 years. People generally know a missing generation from AlUla, before returning to work in AlUla.
the exact date their ancestors came although some of them do return to I grew up in a family that was
to AlUla, where they travelled from retire. naturally very interested in the
and why. The papers usually record Nowadays, many students history and heritage of AlUla Old
what items they brought with them, have taken part in a scholarship Town. Many of our conversations
whose house they stayed in and if programme, which invites them revolved around the civilisations
they later went on to buy their own to earn a degree in agriculture, that lived here and every weekend
house and farm. My family name archaeology, or hospitality and we would visit
means ‘the person who leads people tourism, with a chance to study in
in the prayer’, as one of my great
grandfathers was the Imam of the
mosque in 851 AH (in the Islamic A local artisan
shows her skills
calendar – around 1448/1449 CE).
One of my other grandfathers
worked as a tribal judge.
The ways in which the people
lived have evolved over time. More
than 200 years ago, the community
needed to defend and protect their
homes and natural reserves from
potential attacks from outsiders.
With an impenetrable wall around
AlUla Old Town, residents could
happily live inside for many years
due to the plentiful supply of water
from the natural springs, the lush
vegetation and palm trees, which
provided materials for many uses,
from building our homes to making
our clothes.
Around 70-80 years ago, things
changed when one of the first
government schools in Saudi
Arabia was opened in AlUla. The
payment to attend school before
this was doing good deeds for the
8 9
Orange Road
We are excited‘
that AlUla is
returning to its roots
as a crossroads for
’cultural exchange
Personally, I love the sense of
stillness you experience here.
But AlUla answers many
tourist needs, including outdoor
adventure, wellness, heritage and
10 11
7 8
We’re a small community so we all Sharing the date harvest
ATM Pharmacy
know each other. Our neighbours are
like family and our homes are like Heritage & Culture
hotels. Relatives of the families living
1 Dadan 6
here usually come for their summer Railway
3 Pink
4 Winter 6
Camel 9
Park 8
5 Maraya 6 6
THE NATURAL WORLD Social Suhail 7 Hegra
The palm tree is like the mother of all 2
7 8
‘‘We respect palm trees because they
Annabel’s Merkaz
of us. We respect palm trees because 5
6 Maraya 4
they are a source of life and they 9
are a source of life and they are Nakheel 10 Somewhere
are useful in so many ways. There’s 1
an old story about a man who got useful in so many ways’’ Accommodation
a splinter from a palm tree and said
in anger that he wouldn’t water it 1 2 Ashar RV
Tree Resort
anymore. The palm tree responded
An aerial view of date 3 Shaden 4 Caravan 7 1
that it wouldn’t die, so the man shot Resort by Habitas
Rock 8
palms at AlUla Oasis
back, “then I won’t visit you” and the JABAL 2 9
5 Sahary 6 Habitas 7 IKMAH
tree replied, “then I will die”. It reminds Resort AlUla Resort 2
us to never be absent – to always 4 4
2 5
1 Dadan 3
visit your palm tree. There are even See & Do
certain songs we like to sing to them.
1 Heritage 2 AlWadi 1
Farm 5
Trail 1 3
The Alrowah (plural of Rawi) 3 AlJadidah 4 Maraya 6
Village 3 10 8 5
are a special class of tour
5 Market Ashar 9
guide. The term ‘rawi’ trans- Street
6 4
lates to ‘storyteller’, and each Adventure AlUla Old
Zipline Tour
of the heritage sites, as well
as their own family history to 9 Cycline 10 Stargazing
trail Experience
share. The term comes from a
time when skilled storytellers 11 Adventure
in the community would have
the informal role of enter-
taining people around the
campfire, in the days before Elephant
1 2
television. The rawis were Rock Jarah Rock
9 10 Face Rock
Noura farm
12 13
C. 5200 BCE
Saudi Arabia’s hidden gem has been a magnet for intrepid travellers for millennia and C. 2000-5000 BCE
now it’s your turn to uncover the stories that shaped this wonder of the world LATE PREHISTORY
2550 BCE
nce upon a time, AlUla was EGYPT
Hot air balloons soar
C. 100-900 BCE
a thriving hub of activity. Lo-
cated in the northwest of the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, approx-
imately 1,000km from Riyadh, the
ancient city has been a beacon of
cultural exchange for thousands of
years, due to its role as a crossroads C. 100 BCE106- CE
along the incense trading route and
C. 100 BCE106- CE
the pilgrimage route to Makkah. All • SPECTACULAR CARVED TOMBS
those who passed through – in- • PROSPERITY FROM INCENSE TRADE
cluding 14th century Arab traveller • OASIS DEVELOPMENT ON THE HEGRA PLAIN
Ibn Battuta – are thought to have
106 CE-C. 400 CE
received a warm welcome by settlers
through the ages who thrived on the
it home. And with recent archaeolog- New guided treks and immersive 70-80 CE • ROMAN CAMP AT HEGRA
natural bounty of the oasis.
ical discoveries charting more than tours are on offer, as well as ITALY • SOUTHERNMOST INLAND LIMIT OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE
Today, AlUla is a fascinating
200,000 years of human history in action-packed activities at the new C. 622-400 CE
immersion into Saudi Arabia’s rich
AlUla, there’s a lot to learn. Adventure Canyon. Accommodation PRE-ISLAMIC
culture and deep-rooted history.
Feel the energy at Saudi Arabia’s is available to suit all types of travel-
Open to visitors all year round from C. 1200-622 CE
first UNESCO World Heritage Site, lers, from luxury desert
October 2020, travellers in search EARLY ISLAMIC
Hegra, which has more than 94 resorts to self-catering recreational 1000 CE
of a meaningful experience will be • PROSPERITY FROM TRADE AND PILGRIMAGE TO MAKKAH
intricately carved tomb façades to vehicles (RVs) that offer a glamping RAPA NUI
rewarded with a coveted glimpse of • LARGEST CITY AFTER MAKKAH IN THE 10TH CENTURY
discover. Weave your way through style experience.
the culture, heritage and mysticism
the labyrinthine streets of the aban- Rest assured that AlUla has been
of the Arabian Peninsula and the C. -1200PRESENT
doned AlUla Old Town, examine cen- made visitor-ready with conservation
early civilisations that lived there. LATER ISLAMIC
turies-old rock inscriptions at Jabal in mind. The sensitive development 1648 CE
The region is also significant to the ALULA OLD TOWN IS THE CULTURAL HEART
Ikmah, and explore the remains of of the area is part of Saudi Arabia’s INDIA
story of Islam – it is believed that the OF ALULA FROM C. 1200 UNTIL THE 1980S
the ancient kingdom of Dadan. Vision 2030, to diversify the econo-
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) paid
After exploring the active excavation my and open up the country to inter-
several visits to Wadi Al-Qura (the 1980-1870 CE
sites and rich culture and heritage, national tourism, aided by the launch
Valley of the Villages located at the MODERN TIMES
there are many other ways to enjoy of the Saudi eVisa programme in
heart of the oasis). 1889 CE • WESTERN EXPLORERS DISCOVER AND
AlUla. With its extraordinary natural September 2019. FRANCE
The largely untouched landscape, DOCUMENT ALULA
landscapes – a lush oasis filled with An extraordinary place where herit- • HIJAZ RAILWAY BUILT TO MODERNISE
with its imposing landmarks carved
sheltering palm groves, mind-blow- age, art, nature and adventure are PILGRIM TRAVEL
by nature and its settlers, is a lesson
ing lookout points for stargazing, intertwined, AlUla offers a unique
in human resilience and endeavour.
valleys, canyons, work-of-art rock for- travel experience that expands
Its four main heritage sites – Hegra
mations and farms offering dates, the mind – and it’s all just waiting to
and the Hijaz Railway, AlUla Old
mangoes, mint, basil and a variety be discovered.
Town, Dadan, and Jabal Ikmah – tell
of citrus fruits – there is much to see
the tale of all those who once called
and do, at whatever pace you desire.
14 15
Discover AlUla
Count the ways in which AlUla will capture your imagination THROUGH
Trace over 200,000 years of human history at this crossroads on ancient incense
200,000 trading and pilgrimage routes, where civilisations thrived to leave a fascinating
YEARS OF HUMAN HISTORY TO TRACE collection of wonders as their legacy
nature and its skilled settlers over
thousands of years.
Hegra is Saudi Arabia’s first
UNESCO World Heritage Site
DATE PALM TREES DELIVERING A BUMPER HARVEST (it was inscribed onto the list in
2008) and a thriving Nabataean
city from the middle of the 1st
century BCE until around the 2nd
century CE. Research also suggests
that, after 106 CE, it was likely
to have been the most southerly
Arabia. A fascinating collection
16 17
Hijaz Railway
‘A fascinating
collection of more
than 100 tombs
tell the tale of the
ancient people
and culture
of AlUla’
18 19
Pause for reflection at Maraya. This
award-winning, Guinness-World-Re-
cord-setting architectural marvel,
designed by Italian architect Gio
Forma, is covered in great swathes
of mirrors – 9,740sqm to be exact –
that reflect the surrounding desert
landscape. The cube-shaped build-
ing, with its 26-metre-high theatre,
is a 550-seat concert and entertain-
ment venue where acclaimed artists
Once a revered site on the ancient
including Andrea Bocelli, Lionel
trade routes, Jabal Ikmah is home
Richie and Yanni have performed.
to over 500 inscriptions, both carved
and in relief (raised), mostly dat-
ing to the Dadanite and Lihyanite
Kingdoms of the 1st millennium
BCE. A veritable open-air library, the
hundreds of carvings that adorn
the cliff faces and rocks depict the
site’s rich history of pilgrimages,
cultural rituals and more. Take your
time studying the inscriptions as well
as petroglyphs (rock art) depicting
humans, musical instruments and
animals, which offer an insight into
the everyday lives of the people who
lived there, as well as those who
travelled through.
that have been cut into the red- Oasis. Nestled within Wadi AlQura established in the 12th century CE fruit has been discovered in funerary
rock cliff faces east of the city and (Valley of Villages), this lush haven is and continuously inhabited through remains at Hegra suggesting that, to
see if you can spy the seated lion awash with date palms, citrus trees to the 20th century CE, with the last the Nabataeans, dates represented
sculptures. It’s thought that these and herbs such as basil and mint, wave of settlers moving on in the a symbolic link between the living
ferocious protectors mark the resting which thrive on the natural spring 1980s. and the dead.
places of elite members of society.
water that surrounds them.
20 21
RISE UP The Arch
Take in the striking scenery that the
settlers and visitors to AlUla have
enjoyed for millennia, by getting
an up-close look at the dramatic
rock formations that dot the desert
One of AlUla’s most recognisable,
the arch (also known as rainbow
rock), is well worth the 90-minute
drive from the centre of the city.
Its bridge-shaped structure, which
resembles a rainbow flanked by two
clouds, is a rare sight indeed.
Similarly, Elephant Rock (also known
as Jabal Alfil) has captured the im-
agination of keen photographers the
world over. as the name suggests,
this red sandstone marvel is shaped
like an elephant with a distinctive
‘trunk’ and ‘body’ – the result of
millions of years of wind and water
erosion. It’s a popular camping spot,
especially during festivals when
the structure is bathed in light and
campers can take the chance to ride
a horse or camel, keep warm by the
firepits, and dine on delights from
the pop-up eateries.
There’s also Gharameel, which has
dark thin pillars of stone stretch-
ing up to the sky. Dancing Rocks is
so-called due to its two large pillars
that appear as if they are swaying
in unison, while Face Rock resembles
the profile of a human head.
AlUla is blessed with numerous
lookout points that offer an elevated
view of the epic landscape. Scale the
black lava stone terrain of Harrat
Uwayrid and you’ll be rewarded
with views over Dadan, AlUla Old
Town, AlUla Castle and AlUla oasis.
Arrive before sundown to soak up
the sights and sounds of the golden
hour, when the sky’s orange glow
adds a magical touch to the scene.
22 اكتشف
22 23
Face Rock
Ride Sharing: download
By Air the Careem app to book your ride
The nearest airport is AlUla Interna-
tional Airport (ULH), which is located Car Hire: book in advance
around 35 kilometres southeast of Aldoor car rental: +966553330750
AlUla. You can fly in with Saudia AlUla Guides +966 553338228
( via Riyadh, Jeddah and Daleel AlUla: +966 553338228
Dammam. Direct flights from wider
destinations, such as Dubai, are Car Hire: office at the airport
planned for the near future. Yelo +966 559502782
Lumi +966 9200 28 428
By Road
AlUla is around three-and-a-half
hours’ drive from both Medina (to
the south) and Tabuk (north). Alter-
‘Dramatic rock
natively, you can roll your visit into a
road trip by setting off from Jeddah
formations dot
(approximately 7½ hours) or Riyadh
(10 hours).
the desert
Dancing Rocks
Temperatures range from 10 - 250C (50-770F) during
winter months, (October to April), and hover around
30 - 400C (86-1040F) during the summer. During De-
cember to March there is normally an exciting line-up
of cultural, sporting and art events to enjoy. 25
24 25
Mikhail Tenazas at the
Airstream RV Resort in Ashar
See the sun rise over the
Wish list
canyons “Waking up early
During the AlUla Skies Festival, take to the skies at in the Ashar Valley, where i stayed,
is incredible. AlUla has such a
dawn and glide peacefully above UNESCO World
Heritage Site, Hegra. You’ll be able to spot wells Transport yourself fascinating history and a very rich
and burial grounds hidden on top of the sandy back in time at AlUla heritage that has been wonderfully
outcrops that are only visible from above. Oasis. Walk the preserved and still largely untouched
path from Dadan to by the outside world. Travelling here
Pink Camel via the
Hot Air Balloon, AlUla is like going back in time.”
old summer farms
and sample the
pomegranates, limes, bananas,
mangoes, grapes and mint
along the way.
Catch the magical
moment when the
sunlight illuminates
the path of The Siq
at Jabal Ithlib, the
Holy Mountain at
Hegra. The perfect
time for this falls roughly
between 9.30am and 11am.
There’s a 30-minute window
when the rays shine through.
26 27
Visit the Dancing Rocks in the Raggasat Valley, so-called
Laura Alho at Rainbow Rock
because these rocks are sculpted by nature and appear as if they
are dancing together. The valley is a top spot for hiking.
6 7
Take time
Head to
out to mingle
with the
in the
locals at
and get
AlUla Old Town
comfortable on a
market square over a
traditional carpet so
cup of freshly brewed
you can gaze up at
Arabic coffee.
the twinkling stars.
Listen to tales of the
past from the expert
stargazer and feel
connected to the
“Search for treasure at the end of Rainbow Rock, also called Arch Rock,
a sandstone arch that’s a 90-minute drive north of AlUla,” says Laura
Alho, a Finnish adventure traveller who has lived in Saudi Arabia for 12
Get back in touch with years ( and @Blueabaya). “Here, you can find semi-precious
desert diamonds (quartz) scattered on the ground, as well as embedded in the rock.
nature by booking one of the They come in a variety of colours and are beautiful to look at. Hold the translucent
new hiking experiences with ones up to the sky so the sunlight shines through them, bringing their natural hues
the stunning Madakheel to life. There are some local jewellery makers who use these and other semi-precious
stones in their creations, which are sold at the marketplace in AlUla Old Town.
landscape. Rainbow Rock isn’t the only place to find them, but the number there, as well as the
quality and size of them, is exceptional.”
28 29
Elephant Abdulaziz Albalawi
to Elephant Rock in
time to see the sun
rise, when sunrays
and shadows dance
on the rock faces.
11 12
Catch the
sunrays at
Heed nature’s wake-up call by
watching the sunrise from your
Maraya. This
record breaking
terrace while staying at one of UNPLUG IN
Abdulaziz Albalawi, a
ENJOY THE photographer born and
raised in AlUla (@Aziz.
AlUla). “In a world flooded
OF THE DESERT by screens, sometimes just
taking the time to unplug
and go outside can do
Lose yourself in the wonders.” If you want to go
natural maze of the rocky hiking in the mountains,
mountains of AlUla, says please stay safe by
Abdullah AlJumah, travel requesting the services of
writer and influencer a local, qualified expert to
accompany you.
(@ aaljumah). “With
the high altitude and
intense proximity, it feels
like Manhattan made
by nature, but here you
will only experience the
tranquillity of the desert,
and echoes of the calls
of eagles roaming
the clear sky.”
30 31
Sam Kolder at Jabal Ikmah
Find the perfect Harrat Uwayrid
spot to sit and صخرة الوجه
ضريوع ةرح
gaze at the Tomb
of Lihyan son of
Kuza at Hegra.
Being beside this stunning
tomb, which is a favourite
among photographers, is a
humbling experience.
Get the perfect Instagram
shot by asking your rawi to
take you to their favourite
selfie spots. Harrat Uwayrid,
and the hidden canyons and
rock formations, are the ideal
backdrop for enchanting sunset photos.
Take the
Rock Art
Trail at
Watch artisans CHILD-LIKE
at night
making crafts with and go CURIOSITY
palm fronds at hunting for ancient “Walk through the narrow
the Handicrafts petroglyphs guided gorges in the rock clusters of Jabal
Pavilion in AlUla by your rawi. The Ikmah and imagine a time when humans
torches at night pick roamed the land without the modern day
Old Town.
For up details in the rock technology we are all so used to today,”
something art not seen during says Sam Kolder, a creative director and
Feel a rush of truly the day. filmmaker @samkolder. “Our guide jokingly
adrenaline, said that the etchings on the walls are like
and the wind memorable, take to the clear Twitter, but thousands of years ago.
in your hair, by It was a way to communicate where to
blue sky in a vintage aircraft, We’d love to hear about
zooming along
flying high above AlUla for your best experiences in find water, tell stories and share art. What
the zipline at AlUla. Tell us about them a way to live.”
Harrat Uwayrid. a breathtaking view of this via our social channels
(Bookable). open-air living museum. @experienceAlUla
Please note that while the majority of these experiences are available now, there are a number that are being unveiled
over the coming months – turn to the What to Do section on page 34 for further information.
32 33
a prominent hub for travel and Continue your journey of discovery and back. stories to life. The 1500m track
exploration. The historic station at Jabal AlAhmar, home to 18 • Visitors can download the takes walkers on an elevated loop
houses an original locomotive from tombs, some of which have been Experience AlUla app for an providing stunning views of Hegra.
a time when merchants and pilgrims recently excavated. The name refers immersive location-specific digital Visitors can choose daytime or
What to do traversed the land. Learn how the to the unique red colour of the rock. guide. evening for their rock art tour.
construction of the railway, which • Tours and capacity are subject The atmospheric evening tour
began in 1900, helped to modernise The last stop of the tour is the to availability and COVID-19 includes torches for visitors to search
the way that pilgrims travelled. The monolithic Tomb of Lihyan Son restrictions apply. for hidden details in the inscriptions.
railway is currently on the Tentative of Kuza, Hegra’s largest tomb,
List for UNESCO World Heritage measuring about 20.5 meters HEGRA ROCK ART TRAIL LET’S BEGIN
Site recognition. tall. Left unfinished, with rough, If you could leave a message for The AlUla Rock Art Trail is a journey
unsmoothed chisel marks skirting future generations and civilisations of walking and storytelling, a
its lower third, it is at times referred to see, what would you say? 1.6-kilometre trail past inscriptions
UPGRADES AND to as Qasr al-Farid by the locals, The Rock Art Trail will walk you and engravings set into the
meaning the “Lonely Castle” in through carvings and inscriptions stunning mountain landscape.
ADD ONS English, because of its distant that were left thousands of years These clues to AlUla’s past reflect
Upgrade your heritage position in relation to the other ago by travellers, pilgrims and a variety of languages and topics,
tour in Hegra and Dadan tombs. residents alike. Be enthralled by deciphered by a Rawi, your guide on
Unlock the secrets of this open-air museum, where an exciting by booking a Vintage Land your Rawi (guide) weaving tales of this journey.
As your tour comes to an end, you travel, trade, offerings and warnings
collection of immersive experiences and activities bring its Rover tour which seats 8 will return to the Hijaz Railway that now act as an open-air library To follow the AlUla Rock Art Trail,
people or take a leisurely Station, from where you will take the begin at Winter Park. Board the air-
stories to life – simply book online at of preserved languages spoken
bike ride around Hegra. coach back to Winter Park. long ago. Learn how these people conditioned coach (be sure to arrive
Electric bikes coming soon. lived and the legacies that they left 40 minutes before your tour start
HERITAGE TOURS GETTING TO HEGRA KEY DETAILS behind. time to allow for transportation).
Must-do for any visitor to AlUla are Your Journey to Hegra starts at the • Tour is approximately 2 hours. Your coach will convey you to Hegra
the four main heritage site tours. Winter Park where you board the air- • Please allow up to 3-4 hours for Heritage Site.
Interpretative signage and a touch
On arrival in AlUla, you will be conditioned coach to transfer you to Next at Jabal Ithlib, a natural the transportation from Winter Park and feel table will help bring the
welcomed at a newly enhanced Hegra Heritage Site. mountain outcrop to the east of
airport, and have access to air- Arrive at Winter Park one hour prior Hegra, hone your knowledge of
conditioned transport to take to your tour start time to allow time the inner workings of Nabataean
you between the key sites and for transportation. society, from how they built their Hegra tombs
around Hegra. Alrowah (Arabic and Parking is available at Winter Park settlements to the ways in which
English storytellers) are waiting to free of charge at the designated they practised their religion. Peek
accompany you on your journey area near the entrance of the park. inside The Diwan, a rock-cut
of discovery and deepen your Winter Park has a visitor centre to chamber that was once a venue
appreciation of these incredible pick up your guide and map as well for sumptuous banquets, and a
sites. Alternatively, you can explore as a variety of food trucks to get you meeting room for the leaders of the
at your own pace by using the fueled up for the tour. city.
Experience AlUla app – see QR
code below. Before you visit, please HOW WILL YOU GET Use the Experience AlUla app to see
see the latest details on what to AROUND HEGRA? the hall transformed to its former
expect and associated prices at Once your bus from Winter Park glory, complete with guests enjoying arrives at Hegra Heritage Site, you the feast.
will be guided to the Hegra Welcome You will also find The Siq here, a
HEGRA Centre, where you will be greeted by natural narrow passageway through
Visit Hegra, Saudi Arabia’s first a Rawi and offered complimentary the mountains, perfect for a photo.
UNESCO World Heritage Site, and Arabic coffee, some local dates and
the largest preserved site of the water. The next stop is Jabal AlBanat,
Nabataean civilisation south of After a short briefing, you will walk one of the largest clusters of
Petra. In addition to viewing Hegra�s outside and visit the Hijaz Railway tombs in Hegra with 33 tombs
signature tombs carved from giant Station and the buildings of the that have skillfully carved facades
rock formations, you’ll visit the era, then you will be guided to the on all sides of the sandstone rock.
historic Hijaz Railway station, peek air-conditioned luxury coach that will The name of the outcrop Jabal
inside a ceremonial chamber called transport you around Hegra. AlBanat refers to the number of
the Diwan and take advantage of The air-conditioned luxury coaches tombs owned or commissioned by,
photo opportunities with stunning operate continuously on a circular or for women. There are examples
rock backgrounds. route around the site. Coaches will of female owners or commissioners
be stopping at key points of interest throughout Hegra, as well as
for you to take photos and learn references to female relatives within
more from the Rawi. You will finish the inscriptions.
your tour back at the Hijaz Railway Sometimes the craftsperson who
Station, from where you will take the carved them were mentioned along
coach back to Winter Park. with the date they were built and
the King who ruled during that
LET’S BEGIN time. Many include a legal formula
First up is the Hijaz Railway to protect the tomb, threatening
experience, which will deepen punishment to whoever disturbs
Download our location them or their contents.
specific interactive app
your understanding of AlUla as
34 35
Upon arriving at Hegra, your bus will coffee, some local dates and water In order to preserve them for future
stop briefly at the Hegra Welcome and have a short briefing. generations, this tour does not
include entry to any of the tombs Jabal Ikmah
Centre, where you will be greeted
by a Rawi. After a short briefing, Explore the ruins of the ancient and you can only visit and see them
the coach will transport you to the Kingdom of Dadan, one of the most from outside. Please book online or
trailhead. developed 1st millennium BCE cities at the visitor centre at Winter Park
in the Arabian Peninsula. Dadan before visiting Dadan & Jabal Ikmah
The experience isn’t complete when was the capital of the Dadanite to avoid disappointment.
the trail ends. On your return trip, and then the Lihyanite Kingdom,
you will stop at a lookout point for and was one of the most important
• Your Journey to Dadan and Jabal
unforgettable views. Take a moment centres of the caravan trade.
Ikmah starts at Winter Park where it
to enjoy the scene and snap a selfie is free of charge designated parking
with the magnificent view of Hegra Head to the east of the city to see and where you board a shuttle bus
in the background. more than a dozen tombs cut into to transfer you to Dadan.
the red-rock cliff faces, including • Arrive at Winter Park 25 minute
Following this brief stop, your coach the famous Lion Tombs marked by before your tour start time to allow
will return to Winter Park via the seated lion sculptures and marking time for transportation.
Hegra Welcome Centre, creating the burial site of a member of the • The tours are daily, with the first
the perfect opportunity for you to royal family. tour starting at 9:00 AM and the
explore more of Hegra Heritage Site. last tour starting at 3:00 PM.
This area was once just a basin • With the transportation from
Winter Park and back, allow up to
TOUR DETAILS covered in dust and sand. Now
two hours for the Dadan and Jabal
• Tour operates every Thursday and it’s a live excavation site and
Ikmah Tour.
Friday at 7:30 PM. archaeologists are discovering • Visitors can download the
• Duration: approximately 60- 90 more about this little-known era in Experience AlUla app for an
minutes Northern Arabian history. immersive location-specific digital
• Children below 12 are not guide.
permitted NEXT STOP
• Medium fitness level required Moving on to Jabal Ikmah to ALULA OLD TOWN
• Meeting point at Winter Park examine the hundreds of inscriptions Get a glimpse into AlUla’s not-so-
southern entrance and writings on the cliffs and rock distant past on the AlUla Old Town
• We recommend you dress in faces that date mainly to the Tour. A Rawi (guide) will lead you
comfortable hiking attire from Dadanite and Lihyanite periods. through AlUla Old Town, where
clothes to boots/closed-toed There are five different languages pilgrims, travellers and permanent
found in the inscriptions in Jabal settlers congregated through the
walking shoes.
Ikmah including one which is the ages. Inhabited from before the 12th
pre-cursor to the Arabic language. century up until the early 1980s,
These inscriptions help decipher AlUla Old Town offers researchers
Start your journey through time
the way of life and the things that unique oral histories and living
at Dadan, the ancient kingdom
matter to the people living in AlUla memory that the area’s other
of the Lihyanite and Dadanite
during that era. heritage sites cannot.
civilisations. After exploring the
ruins, a bus service takes you on a We are working hard to protect
10-minute drive to Jabal Ikmah, an the heritage sites from any
open library of inscriptions, rock art accidental or unintended damage.
and petroglyphs set in a stunning
desert canyon. Below, you’ll find
tour details, planning tips and
what to expect when visiting these
extraordinary heritage sites.
You will tour the extensive site
between Dadan and Jabal Ikmah
in an air-conditioned coach. The
Dadan and Jabal Ikmah Tour
starting point is at Winter Park
where you will board the coach to
the Dadan Welcome Centre.
36 37
With 900 houses and 5 town Park, or make your way to the west nothing but footprints.
squares, you can explore a maze side of the AlUla Old Town to the AlUla is an open expanse, and
of remnants of original stone and market street and the handicraft exposed to the elements, we
mudbrick buildings and enjoy pavilion. encourage you to take Camel Rides
views of an AlUla Castle dating responsibility of your health and
back to the 10th century. Guest will The handicraft pavilion at AlUla safety and stay hydrated.
learn about Old Town’s settlers Old Town will provide an insight • We are working hard to protect
and pilgrims, as well as their into the crafts and arts practised the heritage sites from any
motives and methods in the city’s by the residents of the town over accidental or unintended damage
construction. generations. Focusing on the
in order to preserve them for future
palm frond weaving, local artisans
generations. Tours do not include
LET’S BEGIN provide demonstrations and
entry to the any of the tombs and
Your journey starts at the Winter examples of the products they
you can only visit and see them
Park where you board the air- make.
from outside.
conditioned coach to transfer you
to AlUla Old Town. TOUR DETAILS • Men and women are encouraged
Arrive at Winter Park 30 minutes • Please allow up to 90 minutes to dress modestly in public and
before your tour start time to allow for the AlUla Old Town Tour. avoid tight-fitting clothing.
time for transportation. Parking • Tours run daily from 9:00 AM - • Women should cover their
is available at Winter Park free 6:30 pm. shoulders and knees in public, but
of charge at the designated area do not need to wear traditional
near the entrance. ALULA OLD TOWN MARKET clothing.
Stop by the visitor centre and pick STREET • Visitors are advised to wear
up your guide and map. Enjoy a Very quickly becoming the vibrant comfortable shoes and a hat and
variety of food and snacks at the heart of AlUla, Market Street, bring a sun umbrella if desired.
food trucks available at Winter running alongside Old Town is now
Park. a thriving place to explore, shop, REFUNDS & REBOOKING
eat, and people watch. Direct Customer Bookings: We will
HOW WILL YOU GET AROUND gladly refund the ticket price of
ALULA OLD TOWN? Dining options include a mix of cancelled experiences up to 3 days
Once your bus from Winter Park welcoming regional restaurants before the scheduled tour.
arrives at AlUla Old Town, you will as well as more casual cafes for
be guided to the Welcome Centre, burgers or shisha. TERMS & CONDITIONS ADVENTURE ACTIVITIES Sunday to Friday. in winter months. Suitable for those
where you will be greeted by a AlUla inspires you to embrace your aged 16 and over.
• Unfortunately, we are unable to
Rawi and offered complimentary Market stalls and shops are a mix sense of adventure, with a wide • The Volcano Hike – an exciting
refund credit card fees.
Arabic coffee, local dates, and of locally made souvenirs, arts range of activities designed for hiking experience to an extinct • The Ridge Walk - an easy 4
water. and crafts and a curated selection those who want to get out in the volcano, starting with an off-road kilometre (2.5 miles) hike along
• Experiences cancelled within
of fashion, jewellery, homewares, open or out of their comfort zone. drive to reach the starting point. a ridge offering spectacular
1–3 days before your tour may be
At one of the town’s mosques, your entertainment and more. Whether by horse, camel or bike, or Ascend to the ridge via a short but views of Wadi AlUla, and a great
Rawi will highlight the interesting Highlights include the pressed rebooked if timeslots are available steep hike to reach the windy top option for families and groups
on a relaxing tour of the night sky,
elements of the architecture oil store selling Moringa and but are not eligible for refund. We there are many ways to appreciate of the extinct volcanic peak, before looking to see more of the area’s
and design, before leading you other oils, the Athr Art Galley, the are unable to refund or rebook the history and magnificence of experiencing complete calmness as extraordinary landscapes. After an
up to the roof for a photo of Madrasat Addeera store selling art experiences cancelled on the day AlUla. Most tours are available five you descend. Loose rocks mean that initial steep uphill climb, the trail
the mudbrick village and the made by students of the nearby of scheduled tour. days a week (see experiencealula. you’ll need ankle-supporting boots levels out and the rest of the hike
surrounding oasis, framed by the school, Desert Designs homewares com for details) from 8am to 5pm, for this hike. Suitable for those aged is easy. Depending on the speed
majestic rocky outcrops. and jewellery, the dates, citrus and • Tour Operator / Third Party until the end of March 2022. Group eight and above. This six-hour hike and fitness level of the group, the
Next stop, Tantora Plaza. Centred spice stalls and artisan soaps. bookings: Cancellation policies will sizes may be affected while Covid-19 is available morning and afternoon hike takes between two and four
around a sundial that was used be at the discretion of your tour safety measures are in place. Saturday to Wednesday. hours, available seven days a week.
as a marker for the beginning of See further information in the operators. Suitable for those aged eight and
the winter planting season, the eating and shopping sections. NEW HIKING TRAILS • The Twisted Maze Hike – an above.
Tantora Sundial was a pivotal • If you booked your experience Experience new hiking trails led and experience for extreme hikers, the
tool for AlUla Old Town residents, HERITAGE TOURS through a tour operator, please organized by Husaak, designed Twisted Maze Hike is not to be New hiking trails
dictating agricultural milestones HELPFUL TIPS coordinate with them on policies, to suit different fitness levels. The underestimated! Taking you deep
and water management • Arrive at the Winter Park - if hikes vary in length and are some into the canyons of Madakheel,
changes and updates.
processes. driving park your car free of charge of the best ways to explore the vast this day trip is ideal for those
at the designated area near the landscape. New trails include: who like to explore remote places
Climbing up the steps to the AlUla entrance - our staff will guide you where few have gone before. The
AlUla Old Town
Castle you will have an opportunity • The Road to Eldorado – a 12 challenging route will involve hiking
to the meeting point to join the
to hear all about the significance kilometre (7.45 miles) hike through a and swimming through the canyon
shuttle bus to your heritage site.
of this citadel, which was built in vibrant canyon with colourful rocks, using ropes and other expert
• Please arrive 25 minutes prior to
the 10th century. It is one of the many of which hold gold within techniques. One of our most difficult
your tour start time to allow time
best places for panoramic views them, hence the name of the hike. and rewarding hikes, the 8 to 10-
for transportation.
of AlUla, so here you will have the This is a medium-level hike, but hour journey is available Sunday to
• Book tickets in advance online or Thursday is not suitable for people
chance to enjoy the view, take towards the end there are some
at Winter Park or Visitor Centres afraid of getting wet, who suffer
some photos, and discover the steep parts and sections accessible
and have yourprinted copy or only by ladder. Suitable for those from claustrophobia, or who are
history of the iconic building.
e-ticket ready when you arrive to aged 14 and above, available averse to getting in very cold water
As your tour comes to an end, you
can take the coach back to Winter check in.
• Take nothing but pictures, leave
38 39
The Adventure Trail
AlUla Via Ferrata
Lace up your hiking boots and AlUla Oasis
hit the mountains for a half-day
journey along an 8 kilometre
(4.9 miles) trail led by an expert
guide through the Madakheel
landscapes. Choose from sunrise
or sunset, and trek over volcanic
rock and soft sand, passing
2,000-year-old rock art and
unique flora and fauna on this
memorable trail. In winter, some
sections of the trail will have deep
pools of rainwater than reach up
to the waist-line or above, so be
prepared! Suitable for those aged
eight and over, hikes take place in
the morning and the afternoon.
Available October to March, seven
days a week.
40 41
Jabal Alfil - Elephant Rock
42 43
Nadim Karam, On
Parade, installation view
at Desert X AlUla
with millions of years of wind and the AlUla Wellness Festival will
water erosion leaving their mark. bring numerous healthy activities
From art to music to sport, AlUla
Time your visit for sunset when to the desert, including running
has already earned a reputation
golden light shines on this geological events, fitness classes in the oasis,
as being an emerging destination
marvel, and take a seat at SALT, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness
for events, but this was just the
where a lovely atmosphere and sessions.
beginning. This winter sees the
good food combine, as you watch
arrival of four new festivals to
nature’s show. These four main festivals will be
bring even more excitement to the
• Open from 4pm daily enhanced by seasonal festivals, pop-
destination - Winter at Tantora, Art
up art installations, dining events,
AlUla, AlUla Skies, and the AlUla
AlUla Oasis and more. Keep up to date with the
Wellness Festival. Visitors to Winter
The Oasis has been at the heart of announcements at experiencealula.
at Tantora will be able to experience
AlUla for centuries. Nestled within com.
exciting equestrian events including
Wadi AlQura, the Valley of Villages,
the AlUla Desert Polo Masters
this lush haven has provided life to Maraya
and the Alfursan Endurance Race,
AlUla’s residents, weary travellers, The architectural wonder that is
as well as historical re-enactment
flora and fauna for thousands of Maraya is a multi-purpose concert
shows and other cultural attractions.
years, making the region a cultural and entertainment venue and
The spot is for art lovers as Desert
crossroads which ancient peoples has already played host to many
X returns for a second series as part
chose as the place to establish their international artists and events.
of Art AlUla which will also feature
kingdoms. Today, as well as being While access to the interior is
an art-focused supper. Aviation
home to 2.3 million date palms and currently limited to events, you can
enthusiasts will love AlUla Skies
200,000 citrus trees, it’s also where visit the landmark and capture
when vintage aircraft take flight
visitors can visit farms, take part in remarkable photographs with the
and hundreds of hot air balloons
cooking classes, and enjoy pop-up desert reflected in the mirrored
float at sunrise over the desert.
concerts. cladding. There is also a brand new
And for those looking to focus on
• Always open fine dining restaurant, Maraya
their physical and mental wellbeing,
Social, on the rooftop which is open
44 45
WELLNESS beautifully secluded spot close to Garden. Take part in healthy Robert Polidori
Camel Rock, listen to relaxed live cooking and food tasting sessions
EXPERIENCES music performances, refresh with in the oasis. And work alongside
صخرة الوجه
delicious food and drinks, lounge the community by participating in
AlUla’s spectacular natural
in the tents and try your hand at programmes such as tree-planting,
landscapes, clean air, wide open
a game of chess, watch the sky mud renovation and economic
spaces and calm energy set the
through telescopes from the moon awareness.
stage for a variety of different
beds, or simply wander around
wellness activities. Yoga, meditation,
the beautifully natural spot where
sound bath and mantra sessions
wellness is practically in the air. Dress
surrounded by the silence of the
comfortably and bring something
desert are all on offer, and don’t
warm for the evenings.
miss the AlUla Wellness Festival
• Open from 5pm to 11pm most days
and Wellness Camp, taking place in
AlUla Wellness Festival March
Yoga and Meditation
The AlUla Wellness Festival
Located in the calm surrounding of
invites visitors to get out into the
AlUla’s lush, green oasis, the Hidden
open and stretch themselves
Farm is a calming venue for yoga
with a range of healthy activities
sessions, meditation retreats, sound
in spectacular natural settings
therapy and silence workshops.
focusing on physical and mental
• Open from 9am to 5pm and from
health. Challenge yourself with the
7pm to 11pm on weekends
Eco Trail community running event.
Get your body moving with Oasis
Sadu Escape
Fusion Fitness. Embark on a sensory
Blending with nature in a peacefully
journey into wellness with yoga,
majestic location, Sadu Escape
meditation and mindfulness with
is the place to retreat for a few
world-class experts at the Sensory
hours, surrounded by AlUla’s
Five Sanctuary or AlUla Moments
mystical mountains. Located in a
Sound Therapy
“Beauty is, of course,
a personal subjective
perception. But as far as I
am concerned, this location
is one of the most visually
striking desert regions I
have ever seen,” says Robert
Polidori, photographer for
AlUla, a luxury immersive
book of photography and
illustrations published by
Assouline (
“It is almost as if a god
decided one day to paint
and sculpt
a landscape.”
46 47
Make sure your days are packed full of wonder thanks to our
suggested itineraries that combine the very best experiences
48 49
Dune buggying adventure
Duration: A full day of fun (approximately 8 hours), with some extra time
to see the sunset.
This itinerary has plenty to keep young and energetic souls on their toes.
If you like to venture off the beaten path, then this one’s for you.
Good to know: You’re in very safe hands – the Adventure Hiking Trail the
Cycling Trail and the Stargazing Tour is run by experienced adventure
operators Husaak, which has a team of experienced guides to lead you
on your way.
50 51
Elephant Rock
Leave the electronics back at the hotel and refresh body and mind
with this route that will help you get back in touch with nature
MORNING locals and visitors alike for its delicious
Ask your hotel to pack you up a menu featuring citrus and other local
breakfast and head out early to flavours and irresistible macrons.
Elephant Rock to see the sun rise
over this much-loved monolith. AFTERNOON
With that once-in-a-lifetime Take a drive out into the Ashar Valley
experience firmly ticked off your or Shallal Valley and admire the rock-
wish list, you can take the 15-minute strewn landscape with breath-taking
transfer to AlUla Oasis. Here, you views around every corner.
can explore at your own pace by
taking the Oasis Heritage Trail from EVENING
Dadan to AlUla Old Town past the Following a delicious dinner at
summer farms. Smell the mint and Merkaz or Nakheel at AlUla Old
jasmine and say hi to the farmers Town, you can gaze up at the beauty
along the route. of the night sky at Gharameel. Dark
and mysterious, it is the perfect
LUNCH place for a spot of stargazing. With
End your walk through the oasis at powerful telescopes, blankets and hot
Pink Camel. A firm favourite with chocolate available, it’s sure to be an
evening to remember.
52 53
AlUla Oasis
54 55
Where to stay
Located amid the desert canyons
of the Ashar Valley, this community-
focused, eco-friendly resort will
immerse you in the environment,
heritage and people of the
AlUla region through a variety
of culturally engaging, authentic
experiences. Designed to blend
with the landscape, parts of the
infrastructure were manufactured
at Habitas’ facilities in Mexico using
sustainable materials, and delivered
and assembled on-site in order
to minimise its impact on the
56 57
‘This desert camp offers all the
creature comforts you need for
a memorable stay’
58 59
‘These retro-chic trailers
These retro-chic‘
’as they look
as they look’
Caravans by Habitas
Operated by Habitas
Resort AlUla these retro-
chic Airstream RVs are in
a spectacular location and
are as comfy as they are
instagrammable. With state-
of-the-art fillings, en-suite
bathroom, mini- kitchen and
covered outdoor patio and
access to Habitas restaurant
and all the facilities of the
60 61
Escape to a luxury desert resort
or camp out in a retro-chic
Airstream trailer surrounded by
AlUla’s spectacular scenery
This traditional desert retreat
located amid striking rock
formations will win you over with
its warm Arabian hospitality and
modern touches. All of the 120
deluxe rooms and villas here have
private terraces or balconies, and
for those who would like to make a
splash, some even come with their
own private pools. Large families
should opt for the Royal Suite with
six bedrooms, four bathrooms, and
plenty of space to unwind. Shaden
restaurant is open all day for Arabic
and international flavours. After a
day exploring the sights, take a dip
in the swimming pool, or head to
the cinema to watch a movie, open
nightly from 8pm to midnight.
62 63
‘This luxury camp in Ashar
is a firm favourite’
Banyan Tree AlUla
Located at the southern end of
the Ashar Valley, each of the 79
accommodations at Banyan Tree
AlUla resort has been specifically
designed to seamlessly complement
the extraordinary landscape and
heritage of the valley, while ensuring
a completely unique luxurious
experience, in peaceful harmony
with surrounding nature. All
accommodations feature stunning
tent accents and are tastefully
furnished with Arabian-inspired
touches, beautiful lamps and a tent
covering to the exterior, which allows
them to blend into the surroundings.
arabia/alula for the latest details
and booking information.
64 65
Where to eat
If all that exploring has given you an appetite,
these vibrant eateries are just the ticket
One of Britain’s best loved chefs
and owner of multiple Michelin-
starred restaurants around the
world, Jason Atherton’s Maraya
Social is located on the rooftop
of the extraordinary Maraya.
Open for dinner from Wednesday
district, Circolo’s authentic Italian
to Saturday, the cuisine takes
dishes use only premium ingredients
inspiration from AlUla with produce Shaden Resort
to create the flavours that will have
sourced from local farms, all served
you coming back time and again.
up in Atherton’s signature style.
Don’t miss the artisanal pizzas fresh
from the wood-fired oven.
Pink Camel’s lovely location in the
AlUla Oasis and its traditional
Also in AlJadidah, carnivores should
design with shady palm roofs
head to SKLT where they can
makes this a great spot at any time
embark on a culinary experience
of day. Start the day with good
exploring high quality cuts of meat,
coffee and breakfast, or spend an
prepared and served on cast iron
afternoon surrounded by thousands
skillets. Sleek, stylish and fun, SKLT
of swaying palms as you indulge in
also has regular live music.
Pink Camel’s famous cakes, pastries
and macarons. Open all day.
The first fine-dining restaurant in
in the vibrant new arts hub of AlUla Old Town, Suhail offers high-
AlJadidah. Set among the oasis end Saudi Arabian cuisine featuring
this outdoor / indoor restaurant has traditional recipes and spices from
a large capacity and is great for the Arabian Peninsula, prepared
groups. in a time-honoured way with a
contemporary touch. Open from
CIRCOLO lunch through to midnight.
With a casual rustic setting located
in the newly revived AlJadidah
66 67
Drawing inspiration from over 200
millennia of human activity in AlUla,
Forces of Nature focuses on the
elemental beginnings of cooking,
using open fires, natural resources,
and hyper-local ingredients, with
a menu developed by chef Tomos
Parry of Michelin-starred Brat in
London. Housed within a dramatic
setting in the canyon, seating is
informal and relaxed, with fire
pits, lanterns and architectural
installations. Perfect for both
intimate dinners and larger groups.
Located at the stunning Shallal
area near Hegra, open daily for
Annabel’s, renowned as being
one of the most elegant private
members’ clubs in the world, is
bringing Mayfair glamour to AlUla.
Setting up home for its residency
at the stunning new Ikmah farm
location, dinner at Annabel’s is sure
to be a memorable experience.
Themed private dining areas
change each year and create the
backdrop for evenings of signature
menu favourites from the club in
London, and bespoke mocktails
inspired by AlUla.
With its atmospheric location in
AlUla Old Town, Merkaz is a great
spot to experience a taste of
traditional Saudi cuisine. Serving
breakfast, lunch and dinner, along
with a selection of typical Saudi
sweets and hot drinks.
70 71
from locally-sourced materials and Ingredients include olive and
SHOPPING crafts made by AlUla residents. coconut oils as well as shea and
Handcrafted artisanal wooden cocoa butters, complemented by
No one leaves AlUla without some furniture, Bedouin silver antiques, sidr, henna, lemon and orange for
incredible memories, but if you’re Najdi doors and palm-weave a true scent of AlUla. Beeswax
keen to take home some gifts and items are just some of the candles are also available.
souvenirs as well, there are plenty treasures you’ll find at Desert
of shops, boutiques and stores Designs. ARAM RISN
offering locally produced and Aram Risn’s collection of resin
one-of-a-kind items. From dates SINDI THOBE giftware is all designed to express
grown in the AlUla oasis to natural If you’re looking to pick up some the identity of AlUla. Motifs
soaps and candles, Saudi fashion, traditional Saudi clothing while include local symbols such as
hand-crafted ceramics, furniture you’re here, look no further. Sindi’s plates of citrus fruit, dates, wheat
and much more, you’ll definitely collection of high-quality tailored and stones, as well as Lihyani
need to leave a little extra room in thobes is enhanced by modern calligraphy. Each piece is crafted
your suitcase. touches and designs. The store’s by hand, and items can also be
These AlUla Old Town boutiques collection includes headwear, customised for a truly one-of-a-
and market stalls can all be vests, homeware, shoes and kind memory of AlUla.
found in Market Street, which has accessories, all produced in Saudi
become the place to be in AlUla Arabia’s Western Province and PHOTO SHOP
for shopping. selected to suit the landscapes of Photographer Abdul Majeed
AlUla. Saleh Al-Balawi’s store offers a
DESERT DESIGNS wide range of landscape, heritage
A visit to this lovely boutique is like GHAZAL SOAP and aerial photography of AlUla
a journey through Saudi design. Ghazal specializes in handcrafted in multiple formats, a well as a Market Stall in AlUla Old Town
specialising in heritage pieces, soaps made locally in AlUla from selection of antique cameras.
the store is filled with items made natural, organic oils and herbs. Visitors can also do a shoot with
Abdul Majeed in AlUla Old Town OTTA where a selection of items
for a collection of unique photos to focusing on quality of design, OUTSIDE OF
take home. materials and the spirit of Saudi ALULA OLD TOWN
Arabia has been lovingly curated.
MADRASAT ADDEERA AT Look out for limited edition pieces CULTURAL HERITAGE SHOPS
THE OLD TOWN exclusive to AlUla. Located within the heritage sites,
This store in the Old Town these boutiques stock a wide
functions as an exhibition variety of high-quality souvenirs
space displaying products from and homewares, including
Madrasat Addeera, a multi- artisanal ceramics, leather
Take home a true taste of AlUla
disciplinary arts centre focusing accessories, notebooks, t-shirts,
from the only shop specialising in
on developing traditional caps, gold and silver jewellery and
rare local honey. Varieties on offer
handicraft skills. Items produced more, all celebrating the icons,
include citrus honey from AlUla’s
by the centre’s artisans include patterns and designs inherent
orchards, frankincense honey, and
ceramic vases and mugs, earrings, in AlUla’s heritage sites and
honey based on a variety of plants
necklaces and rings, embroidered natural geological landscapes.
that grow in the AlUla mountains.
bags and face masks, fans and The flagship store in Hegra has
carpets woven from palm leaves, the largest selection, and the
notebooks, and engraved pieces DANAT ALMADAYIN DATES SHOP
other three stores in Dadan, Jabal
of stone and wood, all handmade The history of AlUla is linked to
Ikmah and Old Town all sell site-
in AlUla. date production, and the beautiful
specific souvenirs.
Old Town location of this store
provides the perfect place to learn
about locally grown dates. All the
An exciting shopping option in AlUla City Centre is the place to
dates here are organic and make
AlUla Old Town, Virgin Megastore go to pick up essentials you might
stocks a wide range of books, for lovely gifts to take home.
need on your travels, or to browse
gadgets, toys and electronic items, everything from electronics to
some of which are made locally. If FAKHAMAT ALJALLABEYA SHOP
everyday homewares. You’ll find
you’re looking for a fun, up-to-the- Fakhamat AlJallabeya Shop is
a range of international and local
minute gift item, this is the place filled with Saudi women’s fashion,
brands stocking pretty much
for you. including abayas, scarves, masks
everything you could need.
and jallabeya full-length dresses.
HOUSE OF OTTA A great place to learn about Saudi
style and to find a piece to wear
Cultural Heritage Store, Hegra Fans of pottery, porcelain and
long after you leave AlUla.
glassware will love House of
72 73
These images: Sharaan
المشاريع المستقبلية Nature Resort by Jean Nouvel
Future developments
There are a number of mindful
developments in the pipeline
that will make you want to plan
a return visit to AlUla. Here’s
some insider intelligence…
If you’re already a fan of Aman
Resorts you’ll be pleased to know
that the brand is making its Middle
East debut in AlUla. Aman will
develop three distinct resorts of
architectural excellence. First up
is a spa concept resort featuring
30 luxury tents, which is being
developed within a secluded and
tranquil mountain valley close
to many of AlUla’s main cultural
and heritage areas. If a room
with a view is your priority, you’ll
gravitate towards the second resort,
which promises a coveted address
surrounded by awe-inspiring natural
beauty. The third resort will have
a desert ranch look and feel, with
panoramic landscape vistas. Expect
distinctive yet considered designs,
but be prepared to wait: these
resorts will welcome their first guests
in 2023.
74 75
Maraya concert and entertainment venue
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Images: Khaybar
Beyond AlUla
78 79
the north and south, and there
are several historical monuments
to discover. Also on your itinerary The White and Black Volcano, Khaybar
should be Al-Zareb Castle in the
mountains, which was once a
resting place
for pilgrims.
How to get there: Approximately
245km from AlUa (around a
2½-hour drive).
This historic city, a UNESCO
World Heritage Site since 2014,
is a vibrant mixture of traditional
architecture, atmospheric souks,
delicious cuisines and high-
end resorts dotted along the
picturesque coastline.
Architecture fans will have a field
day in the historic district of Al-
Balad. The cobblestone streets
are lined with traditional houses
offering a fantastic display of the
Hijazi architecture of the old city departing from King Abdullah count on the locals to teach
– think bay windows overlaid with Port in KAEC, spending a day in you the steps to the traditional
intricate wooden latticework and both Yanbu and Ras Abyadh, Sesameya dance.
ornate coral masonry. followed by a day at sea, before How to get there: Approximately
You can shop for keepsakes returning to KAEC on the fourth 360km from AlUla (roughly a
along Gabel Street Souk, which is day. The second itinerary, a 3-hour drive)
brimming with boutiques selling four-night trip (five days) also
handicrafts, spices, fabrics and departing from King Abdullah MEDINA
traditional clothing. Port, takes you to Neom, Magna, Saudi Arabia’s second holiest city,
Jeddah has plenty of modern Yanbu, Ras Abyadh and back Medina, is an important Islamic
attractions, too. Jeddah Tower, to KAEC on the fifth day. To pilgrimage site, home to the
which will be the world’s tallest find out more, contact Red Sea striking green-domed Al-Masjid Tabuk Castle Hijazi architecture in Jeddah
tower, is being built there. Spirit on +966 800 897 1419 or an-Nabawi
Meanwhile, the waterfront district (The Prophet’s Mosque). It is also
of Jeddah Corniche calls. Here, the site of Masjid Quba, the first
you’ll find Atallah Happy Land TABUK mosque in the history of Islam,
Park, an amusement park with Tabuk is the capital city of the and Masjid al-Qiblatayn, where
various rides and games, as well Tabuk Region in northwestern Muhammad (PBUH), the last
as Fakieh Aquarium. After the sun Saudi Arabia and the largest Islamic prophet, received
has set, head to the 312m-high city in the north of the Kingdom. the command to change the
King Fahd’s Fountain (the world’s Situated close to the border Qibla
largest) to see its burst of water with Jordan, it is known as the (direction of prayer) to Makkah.
bathed in colourful lights. northern gateway to the Arabian Other notable landmarks include
How to get there: Approximately Peninsula. It’s sure to deliver a the historic Seven Mosques (Sab’u
680km (roughly a 7½-hour drive) fantastic introduction, with its Masajid), and Mount Uhud (north
from AlUla. Or, you could fly into roster of important monuments of Medina) where the Battle of
King Abdulaziz International and attractions to discover, many Uhud took place. There are lots of
Airport (JED). of which speak to the rich history hotels in the city centre. Bear in
of the region. mind that Nabawi Square, where
RED SEA CRUISES Traverse the sandy dunes in a Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi is located, is
Want to stretch your sea legs? four-wheel drive at the Al-Zeeta only open to Muslims.
You could roll your Red Sea Mountains, take a trip to the town How to get there: Approximately
adventures into one amazing of Magna to visit the 12 Springs 330km from AlUla (roughly a
cruise that will take you to the of Prophet Moses, and head 3-hour 40-minute drive). Or, you
most popular stop-offs, as well to Ras Alsheikh Hamid to see can fly into Prince Mohammed
as some secluded spots. Either the famous Catalina seaplane Bin Abdulaziz International
set off on a bespoke itinerary on wreckage that was abandoned Airport (MED).
a yacht, or hop aboard a luxury on the beach in 1960.
cruise ship. Red Sea Spirit offers Tabuk is also known for its
two cruise itineraries. The first beautiful beaches, and you can
spans three nights (four days),
80 81
Hegra tombs
Useful information
Handy information,
at your fingertips
To find the latest information
and advice use the Visitor Centres
at Winter Park, Dadan/Jabal
Ikmah and Hegra. Information
desks are also located at AlUla
International Airport, as well as at
Shaden Resort, and Sahary AlUla
82 83
at a number of locations,
as well as in all hotels. Catch a vintage rover ride
If you’re coming from outside Saudi through Hegra
Arabia, you could consider buying a
local mobile SIM card from a telecom Help protect your precious heritage
provider at Riyadh or Jeddah airports.
SIM providers in AlUla include Saudi TAKE NOTHING BUT PICTURES,
Telecom Company (STC) in Al Sakhirat, LEAVE NOTHING BUT
Mobily in Al Shamal Market FOOTPRINTS
and Zain in AlUla city centre. Hegra is the first UNESCO World
Heritage Site to be inscribed
in Saudi Arabia. It is globally
recognised as a precious place.
• The country code for
Dadan, Jabal Ikmah and AlUla
Saudi Arabia is +966 Old Town are equally significant.
• Tourism Call Centre: 930 They are also delicate. We want our
Tourism International Call heritage sites and natural beauty
Centre: +966 920 000 890 spots in AlUla to be marvelled at for
• Police: 999 thousands of years to come.
This will only be possible if
If you are in a car accident, call
every visitor becomes part of its
the traffic police on 993
conservation story, by enjoying your
• Saudi Ambulance: 997 visit while treating this precious
• Emergency medical place with care and respect.
consultation: 937 From left to right: Tomb of Lihyan son of Kuza; Dadan
FURTHER INFORMATION The monuments may seem mighty,
To find out more about AlUla, visit the but they are fragile. Regard these Please:
sites as precious treasures, in an • Park your car in the designated
official website
extraordinary open-air museum, to parking areas only.
and engage with us on social media be admired and not mistreated. MUST DO
• Avoid parking near the
@experienceAlUla via Instagram,
YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.
It’s polite to master a few‘ Please: monuments. Appreciate that
Hegra has fascinated
friendly greetings, such as • Do not climb.
• Do not scratch, draw or in any way
of explorers and
“marhaba” (“hello”)’ archaeologists. Some
mark the monuments. HISTORIC REMAINS BURIED
of the discoveries date
We want to keep AlUla beautiful, HEGRA. and are almost as
and its heritage intact. We welcome Please: old as the Egyptian
SEE YOU AGAIN SOON you, not your waste. We want • Drive on the graded and paved pyramids.
you to make memories, not take roads only. Gaze in awe and
Saudi Arabia has a number of special occasions and holidays, so if you’re planning a mementos. • Avoid driving on the sand. admiration at the
return visit, you may want to bear these dates in mind… Please: • Avoid driving on the walkways. skills and ingenuity of
• Put your litter in the bin, or take it the builders of Hegra’s
Ramadan. The holy order take out or delivery. businesses may be closed with you. Visitors who do not comply will be tombs. These tombs
month is a special time Ramadan is likely to take and restaurants may • Do not smoke at Hegra or any asked to leave the area. were once the resting
other heritage sites, except in place of families and
of year, when Muslims place from 1 April to 30 operate shorter opening designated smoking areas. KEEPING SAFE communities, so
dial down the pace and April 2022, depending on hours. In 2022, Eid Al Fitr is • Do not remove or take anything Many parts of AlUla are an open please treat them with
from the tombs. expanse, and exposed to the
take time to reflect on the sighting of the new likely to fall on 1 or 2 May. respect.
• Do not remove or take anything elements. We encourage every
the important things moon. Understand that
from the ground. visitor to take responsibility for his AlUla’s heritage sites
in life. Those observing or her own health and safety. hold a very special
Ramadan will fast from Eid Al Fitr. Marking the end Eid Al Adha. Celebrating • No fires of any kind are permitted,
place in the heart
sunrise to sunset and, as of Ramadan, this is a time the completion of the Hajj of the people of
including campfires. • Stay hydrated.
• No trees, plants, or stones are to
AlUla, and the global
a sign of respect, visitors for family and friends to pilgrimage, the second Eid • Observe the speed limit.
heritage community,
be removed.
must refrain from eating come together. In AlUla, AlUla comes to life after IN THE CASE OF AN
so please behave with
or drinking in public during this means sharing good sunset, with restaurants PARK IN THE ALLOCATED AREAS decorum. We hope
Parking areas are located for your CALL 911.
that you enjoy your
daylight hours. Most cafés food and conversation opening for iftar – the visit to this fascinating
convenience. They are a short walk
and restaurants are closed with the locals, and taking meal that breaks the fast from the heritage sites open-air living
during the day, although part in lots of fun activities. – and shops open late into and activities. museum.
you can usually order room Bear in mind that, during the evening.
service at your hotel, or the first three days, some
84 85
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