Link Planner Release Notees v6.0.0
Link Planner Release Notees v6.0.0
Link Planner Release Notees v6.0.0
May 2022
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The recommendations, technical
data, configurations and statements in this document are believed to be reliable and accurate, but are
presented without implied or express warranty. Users must take full responsibility for their applications of
any product specified in this document. The information in this document is proprietary to Cambium
Networks Ltd.
This document provides information for the Cambium Networks LINKPlanner version
The LINKPlanner is an application that runs in a modern web browser. It performs the
calculations from the ITU recommendations ITU-R P.526-10/ITU-R P.526-15 and ITU-R
P.530-12/ITU-R P.530-17 (or Vigants-Barnett) to predict NLoS and LoS paths for
anywhere in the world.
The LINKPlanner provides results specific to the 28 GHz cnWave, 60 GHz cnWave,
cnReach, PMP 450, PMP 450i, PMP450m and ePMP family of PMP network devices,
giving the data rates and reliability that can be expected given the specific design
features of these products.
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