Course The course is designed to provide students with understanding on accounting standards that are relevant to the recognition, measurement,
Description statement presentation and disclosure requirements of liabilities and equity.
Institutional UDM Graduate Attributes (GA) Institutional Graduate Attributes and Learning Outcomes (IGALO)
A UDM Graduate Shall:
Attributes and 1. Integrity and stewardship Identify, recognize and measure accounting information and prepare financial
Learning statements in accordance with appropriate standards.
2. Service to the community and to the
accounting profession Interpret the business implications of financial statement information.
3. Globally competitive Prepare financial statements that are globally comparable and promote transparency,
accountability, and efficiency in financial markets around the world.
PILO 1. Demonstrate corporate citizenship and social responsibility
PILO 2. Perform the basic functions of accounting such as preparing financial statements in accordance with appropriate standards,
Learning interpreting the business implications of financial statement information, preparing accounting information for planning and
Outcomes/Level control and for the evaluation of products, projects and divisions.
PILO 3. Apply information and communication technology (ICT) effectively and efficiently
Outcomes PILO 4. Work effectively with other stakeholders
Course Intended Identify, recognize and measure liabilities and equity in financial statements.
Apply the basic concepts of accounting and analyze each account to be able to prepare fairly presented financial statements.
(CILO) Prepare financial statements that are globally comparable and promote transparency, accountability, and efficiency in financial
markets around the world
Physical Virtual
2 State the initial and Notes Payable Modules/ Lecture and Recitation
subsequent measurement Reading interactive Assignments
of notes and loans payable, Materials discussion Quizzes
Apply present value factors Examinations
properly. Solving problem Solving
Prepare amortization exercises problem
tables. exercises
Explain the accounting for
origination fees on loans
3 State the initial and Bonds Payable and Other Modules/ Lecture and Recitation
subsequent measurements Concepts Reading interactive Assignments
of bonds payable. Materials discussion Quizzes
Account for compound Examinations
financial instruments. Solving problem Solving
Explain the accounting for exercises problem
derecognition of liabilities. exercises
State the requirements for
the offsetting of financial
assets and financial
14 Define book value per Book Value per Share Modules/ Lecture and Recitation
share. Reading interactive Assignments
Compute for book value Materials discussion Quizzes
per share. Examinations
Solving problem Solving
exercises problem
15 Compute for basic Earnings per Share Modules/ Lecture and Recitation
earnings per share. Reading interactive Assignments
Compute for diluted Materials discussion Quizzes
earnings per share. Examinations
Solving problem Solving
exercises problem
Learning Environment:
The medium of instruction is in English. The medium of instruction is in English. The medium of instruction is in English.
Raise your hand for permission to speak. Find a quiet place free of distractions. Have your Essay, Quizzes, and Exams should be
device ready. written in English.
Be respectful. (When the teacher is discussing please keep quiet).
Be professional. (Be on time, wear proper attire, Students must read in advance.
Smoking is not allowed during class time. and be attentive)
Do not copy and paste your answers.
Students must read in advance. Use your full-name when you join the class. (Plagiarism) Student will receive automatic
Be professional. (Be on time, wear proper attire, and be attentive) Mute yourself except when you have the floor.
Always provide references.
Do not copy and paste your answers. (Plagiarism) Student will Raise your hand for permission to speak.
receive automatic “0”. Avoid slang terms such as “wassup?” and
Wearing Sando/Undershirt is not allowed during texting abbreviations such as “u” instead of
Avoid slang terms such as “wassup?” and texting abbreviations online class. you.
such as “u” instead of you.
Lying down on your bed while attending online
Students can only go to the bathroom before or after the class. class is not allowed.
Class Policies :
A. Online/Face-to-Face Attendance Policies:
1. 6 incidences of tardiness(late) are equivalent to 1 absent
2. 6 Absences = (DU) Drop Unofficially
Course Requirements:
Written and Oral examinations
Grading System:
89 – 91………………..3.25 75……………………....2.00
*DO (Dropped Officially)/ |DU (Dropped Unofficially)/ LOA (Leave of Absence) / INC (Incomplete)