Cruz, Zachary State Depo 4-29-22 StvCruz

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Zachary Cruz



3 CASE NO. 18001958CF10A


10 ______________________/







20 April 29, 2022

9:45 a.m. - 2:10 p.m.
21 Via Videoconference

22 Reported by: Joyce Marks, Certified Stenographer




Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 A P P E A R A N C E S

Appearing on behalf of the State:
4 By: Michael J. Satz, Esquire
Jeff A. Marcus, Esquire
5 Carolyn McCann, Esquire
Nicole Chiappone, Esquire
6 Steven Klinger, Esquire
Aaron Savitski
7 201 Southeast 6th Street
7th Floor
8 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
(954) 831-6955
9 jmarcus


11 Appearing on behalf of the Defendant, Nikolas Cruz:


By: Melisa A. McNeill, Esquire
13 Nawal N. Bashimam, Esquire
David B. Wheeler, Esquire
14 Tamara L. Curtis, Esquire
Kate O'Shea
15 Joel Maney
Melissa Sly
16 201 Southeast 6th Street
Suite 3872
17 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
18 [email protected]


By: Casey M. Secor, Esquire (Pro Hac Vice)
20 105 Grist Mill Court
Lexington, SC 29072-7197
21 (803) 558-9867





Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 Appearing on behalf of the Witness, Zachary Cruz:


By: David Reiner, Esquire
3 9100 South Dadeland Boulevard
Suite 901
4 Miami, FL 33156
(305) 670-8282
5 [email protected]


By: Amina Matheny-Willard, Esquire
7 999 Waterside Drive
Suite 2525
8 Norfolk, VA 23510
(757) 777-3441
9 [email protected]

















Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

2 I N D E X



5 Direct Examination By Mr. Marcus 6

7 E X H I B I T S
- None Marked -


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Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 Deposition of ZACHARY CRUZ, a witness of lawful

2 age, taken by the State, for the purpose of discovery

3 and for use as evidence in the above-entitled matter,

4 wherein STATE OF FLORIDA is the Plaintiff and NIKOLAS

5 JACOB CRUZ is the Defendant, pending in the Circuit

6 Court of the 17th Judicial Circuit, in and for Broward

7 County, Florida, Pursuant to notice heretofore filed,

8 before JOYCE MARKS, Certified Court Reporter, a Notary

9 Public in and for the State of Florida at Large, taken

10 via videoconference, in the County of Broward, State

11 of Florida, on the 29th day of April, 2022, commencing

12 at 9:45 a.m.

13 * * *

14 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: If we can go back to

15 what Casey Secor said, Mr. Marcus' response,

16 and then I'll respond. So Mr. Secor, if you

17 could respond. We'll go on the record at this

18 point.

19 MR. MARCUS: First of all, I'm just going

20 to ask you to swear in the witness, please,

21 Ms. Marks. This is my deposition and I'm just

22 going forward. I'm going to -- I'll make the

23 record. It's my deposition.

24 Go ahead, Ms. Marks. Would you please

25 swear in the witness.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 Whereupon,


3 a witness of lawful age, being called as a witness by

4 the State, having been first duly sworn, testified under

5 oath as follows:



8 Q. Would you please state your name, sir.

9 A. Zachary -- Zachary Paul Cruz.

10 Q. Okay. And your date of birth, please?

11 A. February 21, 2000.

12 Q. And Mr. Cruz, who is in the room there

13 with you?

14 A. My lawyer Amina, Kate, and Mike.

15 Q. Okay. Is that Kate O'Shea?

16 A. Yes.

17 Q. And she is a mitigation specialist with

18 the defense team, correct?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. Where are you located right now?

21 A. Verona, Virginia.

22 Q. Okay. And who is Mike?

23 A. My guardian.

24 Q. What's his full name?

25 A. Michael Paul Donovan.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 Q. And when you say he's your guardian, what

2 do you mean by that? Do you have any -- do you have a

3 guardianship?

4 A. Huh?

5 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Your Honor -- I'm

6 sorry. Not Your Honor. I'm going to object

7 at this point. You asked him what he means by

8 that. Can you allow him to answer that

9 question?


11 Q. Absolutely. Go ahead.

12 A. Oh, Michael Donovan puts a roof over my

13 head and makes sure that I eat every night and every

14 day.

15 Q. Okay. He has no legal status with you,

16 correct?

17 A. No.

18 Q. And how old are you?

19 A. Twenty-two.

20 Q. So you're an adult and he's an adult that

21 you live with, correct?

22 A. Yeah, but I was a teenager technically

23 when I moved up here. Eighteen.

24 Q. Okay. You were an adult at 18, too,

25 weren't you?

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 A. Yeah, but --

2 Q. So at all times you were of age when you

3 were living with Michael Donovan, correct?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. Was that a yes or correct? I couldn't

6 hear you.

7 A. Yes.

8 Q. I'm sorry. I couldn't hear that. Could

9 you respond?

10 A. I said yes.

11 Q. Okay. Thank you. Mr. Donovan is not a

12 lawyer, is he?

13 A. No.

14 Q. And does Mr. Donovan take care of you in

15 any way?

16 A. Yes.

17 Q. How does he take care of you?

18 A. Puts a roof over my head.

19 Q. Okay. And -- go ahead.

20 A. He makes sure -- he makes sure I'm able to

21 go skate whenever I want to. I guess one of the most

22 important things to me. And -- and he takes -- he

23 takes care of my dogs, both the dogs I brought up

24 here. One of them passed away. He helped me -- he

25 always helped me take care of all -- both of them.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 And to this day he still helps. He -- my dogs love

2 Mike and Richard.

3 Q. And who is Richard?

4 A. Michael's spouse. Yeah.

5 Q. And as far as you know, they're legally

6 married?

7 A. Yes.

8 Q. And Richard Moore is subpoenaed for

9 deposition after your deposition; is that correct?

10 A. I don't know. I think so. I don't know

11 the time of events.

12 Q. Okay. Do Mr. Moore and Mr. Donovan

13 equally take care of you?

14 A. Yes. Yes.

15 Q. Or help you, correct?

16 A. Yes. Richard's always there for me.

17 Richard's there -- Richard more of like my right hand,

18 my right hand man. Mike's just like -- just also

19 right hand man, but --

20 Q. Do you receive any money from Richard or

21 Michael?

22 A. Yes. They -- debit card --

23 Q. I'm sorry. It came out garbled to me and

24 Joyce is shaking her head. Say that again, please.

25 A. They've given me a debit card and make

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 sure I always have enough on it to have food and

2 drinks. Give me gas for my car.

3 Q. Okay. I'm sorry. Did you say that they

4 both gave you a car? Is that what you said?

5 A. I said, they gave me -- they gave me money

6 to put gas in my car. But yes, they did give me a

7 car.

8 Q. Okay. What kind of car did they give you?

9 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object

10 at this point. Don't answer that question.

11 At this point this is going beyond the scope

12 of laying any foundations to determine whether

13 or not Michael Donovan should be in here.

14 He said that he takes care of him. Simply

15 asking if he works might resolve your

16 questions. But going into too much detail --

17 he takes care of him. He -- he lives -- you

18 know, he said they put a roof over his head.

19 They feed him. So he's not working. So what

20 you're asking goes beyond the scope. So I'm

21 going to ask him not to answer that question.

22 MR. MARCUS: Okay. Ms. Matheny -- do you

23 prefer Ms. Matheny-Willard or Ms. Willard?

24 How do you like to be addressed?

25 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Matheny-Willard.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 MR. MARCUS: Okay. Ms. Matheny-Willard,

2 in Florida you can make an objection, but the

3 witness is still allowed to give an answer.

4 This is -- we're under Florida rules of

5 deposition and you can make your objection,

6 but you can't instruct your client not to

7 answer.

8 This is a deposition where he has been

9 subpoenaed. I am -- you know, it's a lawful

10 subpoena from the State Attorney's Office. I

11 do not have to disclose my case to you as to

12 what is relevant in a deposition before I get

13 to ask questions.

14 Now, I'm going to again request that

15 Mr. Donovan leave the room and allow me to

16 question Mr. Cruz. Otherwise, we'll have to

17 take it to a court.

18 So I'll give you a moment to discuss it

19 again with your client and then we'll come

20 back in a minute or two. And either that or

21 we'll have to suspend the deposition. Let me

22 know.

23 (Recess off the record.)

24 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Mr. Marcus, just to

25 respond to your first statement. It's my

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 understanding of Florida law that this is a

2 deposition to preserve witness testimony. So

3 I am going to --

4 MR. MARCUS: No, it's not.

5 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: -- continue to --

6 MR. MARCUS: No, it's not. This is a --

7 this is not to preserve witness testimony.

8 This is not a civil deposition, Mr. Reiner.

9 MR. REINER: No, this is a criminal

10 deposition. Correct?

11 MR. MARCUS: Right. And there's no --

12 it's not like a civil case where it can be

13 read into the record.

14 MR. REINER: No. Correct. What rule are

15 you taking this deposition under then? What

16 criminal rule are you taking it under?

17 MR. MARCUS: 3.220. It's a discovery

18 deposition.

19 MR. REINER: Okay. So what you're saying

20 is that she can't instruct her client not to

21 answer; that you're allowed to ask any

22 questions that the judge might not allow an

23 answer for. Is that your understanding?

24 MR. MARCUS: You can certify a question,

25 but you better state a reason why you're

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 certifying a question. It's not yours to

2 determine relevancy. Because a deposition is

3 wide-ranging as to what is relevant. It's not

4 for you to determine what is relevant.

5 Certainly anything in their background is

6 relevant information in a deposition.

7 MR. REINER: Well, that's for the judge to

8 decide, right?

9 MR. MARCUS: Well, ultimately it could be.

10 You could certify a question if you'd like.

11 MR. REINER: Okay.

12 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Are we on the

13 record?

14 MR. MARCUS: Yes.

15 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Okay. So aside from

16 that, my client wants Michael Donovan in the

17 room. Other -- it's my understanding that

18 other witnesses that have been deposed have

19 been -- have had other people in the room for

20 emotional support. Treating him differently

21 is not appropriate.

22 He has been through emotional trauma as

23 well as your other witnesses and so we're --

24 I'm not going to ask Michael Donovan to leave.

25 If we need to take this to the judge, that's

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 what we need to do. But again, he should not

2 be treated any differently than you've treated

3 any other witness.

4 MR. MARCUS: I will make this allowance.

5 Mr. Donovan can stay in the room if I can see

6 him and he is behind Mr. Cruz so that he can't

7 signal any answers.

8 There are many questions that are going to

9 be involved in terms of Mr. Donovan in this

10 deposition and his relationship, businesses,

11 things like that. So it's an entirely

12 different situation than emotional children.

13 You have -- you have Kate O'Shea, an attorney

14 present, and now you want the person who may

15 very well be a witness in the case himself.

16 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I don't have any

17 objection to him sitting behind Zack so you

18 can see him or just right there in the corner.

19 MR. MARCUS: I can't see him.

20 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: We have to turn the

21 camera though.

22 MR. MARCUS: Can you be a little bit

23 farther away so you can't -- you're not that

24 close to him, please. Appreciate that.

25 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: You can't reach the

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 camera, can you?

2 MR. MARCUS: Mr. Cruz -- can Mr. Cruz move

3 up to the middle of the table?

4 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Yes. Do you want

5 him to switch?

6 MR. MARCUS: No. Where Ms. O'Shea was

7 sitting.

8 (Off the record.)

9 MR. MARCUS: Okay. Are you ready?

10 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: We're ready.


12 Q. Mr. Cruz, I'm going to be going into a

13 number of areas. You've been listed as a witness by

14 the defense and, of course, because of the seriousness

15 of what occurred, I hope you understand that I have to

16 ask you sensitive questions. So in a sense, I

17 apologize in advance that I have to ask you some of

18 these questions, but given the magnitude of what

19 occurred and other evidence that's been presented, I

20 need to ask you some of these questions.

21 I'm sorry to start with the death of your

22 mother. Can you please tell me if you recall what the

23 date of her death was? And for most of the purposes

24 of this deposition, when I refer to your mother, I'm

25 referring to Lynda Cruz.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 A. She died on November 1, 2017.

2 Q. 2017, correct?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. If I'm repeating you, it's because

5 sometimes it's difficult to hear, so I'm just

6 clarifying the record. I'm not -- that's the only

7 reason I'm saying that.

8 When did you first learn of her being ill

9 that caused her to go to the hospital?

10 A. I mean, the first thing was she went to a

11 CVS mini clinic and things had escalated so much while

12 she was there that an ambulance had to pick her up at

13 the CVS. And she left her car in the parking lot and

14 they took her all the way from Coral Springs to, like,

15 a Boca hospital somewhere around West Palm, like that

16 county. Not Broward County.

17 And yeah, she was like -- I was in school.

18 I was in class when the hospital sent a van to go pick

19 me up and pretty much see her for her last hour -- her

20 last -- her last moments on Earth. So I hope that

21 answers your questions.

22 Q. So Mr. Cruz, did all of this happen in one

23 day; that is, that she went to CVS and --

24 A. No.

25 Q. Okay. Go ahead. Tell me the time span.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 A. It happened -- I remember she -- I mean,

2 it's kind of a daze, but there's a day she -- she just

3 wasn't home at all, like -- for, like, a whole day she

4 wasn't home. And then, like -- I'm trying to get this

5 right. So I'm sorry if I -- if my train of thought is

6 all over.

7 But I remember, like, she wasn't at the

8 house for like a week. And then, like, she -- yeah,

9 it was after -- after she went to CVS she wasn't at

10 the house for like -- well, almost for like a week.

11 And then it was like -- just one day I was in school,

12 like -- like, me and my brother were just home alone

13 in the house for however many days.

14 And then it was just like -- just one day

15 while I was at school, like, I was at -- like, it was

16 close to, like, the last period to the day and the

17 hospital came to the main office of my school and said

18 this kid -- like, they -- they -- they said that I

19 needed to go see my mom in the hospital because she

20 wasn't in good condition and they didn't think that --

21 they told me to -- I think I'm pretty sure they said

22 that they didn't think she was gonna make it. So,

23 yeah.

24 Q. Okay. So --

25 A. (Inaudible).

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 Q. Say that again, please.

2 A. I said it's hard to remember because I

3 remember crying a lot, like, while I was still in

4 school thinking about my mom was in the hospital. And

5 then knowing that I had -- like, the van -- people

6 came -- come take me to go see her. So I was just --

7 it was real emotional to, like, try to think back to.

8 Q. I understand. And I'm sorry I have to go

9 over this.

10 So it was approximately a week before she

11 died that she went to the CVS clinic?

12 A. That's a guestimate. That's just a guess,

13 estimate. I mean, I just -- right now it's just a

14 daze. I don't really remember the, like,

15 chronological times about how it happened. But I just

16 remember she was at this -- she went -- we figured out

17 she went to a CVS and then got picked up from the CVS.

18 And then she was at the hospital for a few days.

19 And then, yeah, those few days we were

20 still going to school -- still in school -- we -- and

21 then it was one of those school days that -- it was

22 like the end of the day they called and said that

23 they're at the office to take us -- take me to the

24 hospital to see my mom. So, yeah.

25 Q. Okay. Mr. Cruz, do you recall staying at

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 the house without your mother there for a few days?

2 A. Yeah. Yes.

3 Q. And who was at the house with you?

4 A. It was -- it was just my brother and me

5 and my dogs. Like, my -- like, my pet animals.

6 Q. Okay. And do you recall how you cared for

7 yourselves during this time period?

8 A. Well, I mean, our mom already like --

9 like, kind of like worried -- went grocery shopping

10 and she wasn't like -- it was less than a week. So

11 it's like we were able to just eat the same stuff we

12 would -- I mean, she made -- she got a lot of

13 microwave stuff in the fridge, like chicken nuggets.

14 I remember we ate bagels, like cinnamon raisin bagels

15 with cream cheese.

16 And yeah, we just -- we had to make, like,

17 microwave and, like, peanut butter and jelly, like --

18 like, while she wasn't at the house. And we didn't

19 think nothing really of it. Like, we didn't think too

20 deep -- I heard it -- thought it was -- she was at a

21 bad state of her health because she smoked cigarettes

22 every day, like smoked packs every day. Kind of.

23 Pretty much. So, yeah.

24 Q. Okay. I'm going to try and ask you to -

25 I'm sure your attorneys would agree with me - just try

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 and answer my question and we'll talk about other

2 things, too, and anything else that you want to add in

3 there.

4 But was there any adults living with you,

5 any other adults living with you at the time?

6 A. It was only my mom.

7 Q. Okay. But during the time when your

8 mother wasn't there, did any adults come into the

9 house?

10 A. No. Huh-uh. Not -- not before -- not

11 before she died.

12 Q. Okay. You may have said this earlier.

13 Your birth date is February what, please?

14 A. 21, 2000.

15 Q. Okay. So it makes it very easy to figure

16 out your age. So you're 22 years old now, correct?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. That was a yes, right?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. Okay. And so in November of '17 or

21 October of '17 you were 17 years old then --

22 A. Yes. I was trying to --

23 Q. -- when your mother died. And I guess the

24 shooting was a week before your 18th birthday; is that

25 right?

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 A. Yeah.

2 Q. Okay.

3 A. Yeah.

4 Q. Okay. So when you were staying at the

5 house with your brother, were you feeding yourself

6 then?

7 A. Yes. Yeah.

8 Q. And did you and your brother sit down

9 together and eat meals together?

10 A. No. We might have. I mean, we might

11 have, like, had a few times where we started

12 discussing, like, like, what's wrong with mom. But

13 that -- that could have been the only time we sit down

14 to eat.

15 I always, like, try to keep away from --

16 especially eating. Because, like, whenever I ate food

17 next to my brother, he just had poor -- poor manners.

18 Like, not really good. He, like, wiped his hands on

19 his shirt and like just -- just real messy. So I

20 would like -- so I never could eat next to him. I

21 wouldn't be able to eat.

22 Q. Okay. So did you -- did you each make

23 your own food?

24 A. Yeah. But, I mean, it wasn't nothing

25 like -- we never -- we never used the oven or the

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 stove. Like, it would be the microwave or the

2 toaster.

3 Q. Okay. So you -- so Nick would use the

4 microwave and you would use the microwave, make your

5 own food? Yes?

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. And did you have a can opener there, too?

8 A. Yeah, we had -- my mom has -- had all

9 types of the cooking utensils. Like, she had, like,

10 that stuff you mix dough with. She had pans and pots,

11 everything.

12 Q. Okay. And how did you feed the dogs?

13 A. Oh, they -- they -- it was easy because

14 they eat three times a day. Like, dinner -- or

15 breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and that's how many

16 bowls we put out. And they wouldn't always -- our

17 dogs aren't -- weren't big eaters. Like, they

18 weren't, like -- like, we put the bowl down and they

19 finish it. It's like they eat really if they wanted

20 to eat.

21 Q. Who would feed the dogs?

22 A. I would put that more on Nick because I

23 just -- I just never -- I was -- I was never trying to

24 stay home. Never really, like, even -- even when my

25 mom was sick in the hospital, I just -- I would still

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 just go out. Go to the skate park. Go. Just get

2 away. Clear my head.

3 Q. Okay. So Nick would take care of the

4 animals?

5 A. Yeah, he was -- he was at the house, like,

6 mostly by himself with, like, bottles of alcohol.

7 Like, because I was just keeping, like, my distance

8 because I was just in a bad place about everything

9 with my mom.

10 Q. Did you feed the dogs dry food or canned

11 goods or how --

12 A. They ate dry kibble. Kibble. Like dry

13 kibble.

14 Q. Okay.

15 A. Pedigree.

16 Q. Okay. So when -- how did you get to the

17 hospital?

18 A. A van. A transportation van from the

19 hospital -- from the hospital came and picked me up.

20 And this is while I was still in Douglas. So, like,

21 they -- they came to the front office. They sent a

22 security guard in the golf cart to come get me because

23 I had class, like, on the, like -- and then the

24 freshman building, I was on the third floor.

25 I forgot which -- it was like reading

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 class or something that I was in when they came and

2 told me that I had to go to the hospital. It was like

3 one of my last periods of the day. And yeah, I just

4 remember, like -- I was like -- as soon as, like --

5 like, my teacher told me like -- like -- like, they

6 need you in the office.

7 And then I don't know when I broke down

8 and started crying. But I just remember, like, it

9 just all hit me at once, like, while I was still at

10 school. And I was just like crying in front of

11 everyone. Like, especially in the -- not in -- only

12 in the main office I was like -- just like -- I was

13 losing it. I was just crying so hard.

14 Q. Where was -- where was Nick when you were

15 at school?

16 A. Honestly, that's like -- that's kind of

17 like iffy. Because I don't -- I don't know -- I think

18 he was -- I don't -- I think he was going to Taravella

19 or like somewhere. He might not even been in school

20 that day. But I just like -- I feel like I remember I

21 got to the hospital, like, he was already there. It

22 was like -- it's not like we took a ride together. It

23 was like somebody already picked him up, brought him

24 there. And then, like, my mom's friend was already

25 waiting just to meet us basically.

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1 Q. What friend was that?

2 A. Her name is Rocxanne Deschamps. She was

3 like my neighbor. Became, like, best friends with my

4 mom like -- for like -- for like -- I don't know.

5 Back when I was in, like -- like, I would say middle

6 school at least. Like early elementary. Like fifth

7 grade, elementary. Like, that's when, like, my mom

8 met Rocxanne. So they were good friends. Like, my

9 mom always watched Rocxanne's, like, little ones.

10 Like, she looked out for Rocxanne.

11 Q. Your mother really liked Rocxanne?

12 A. Yeah. Yeah. She -- because -- because

13 they smoked -- they just smoked cigarettes together.

14 My mom was a big cigarette smoker. Like, she just --

15 once she found somebody else that did that that lived

16 right next to us, it was like they just connected.

17 They would drink every night. They would smoke

18 cigarettes every night.

19 Q. And did Rocxanne still live in the

20 neighborhood during this time when your mother was

21 sick in the hospital?

22 A. We -- we already moved out of that -- that

23 neighborhood, that street we lived on that was next to

24 Rocxanne. We moved to this place called Town Parc in

25 Parkland. It's like a townhouse community and that's

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1 where we moved to. So we were like far, far away from

2 Rocxanne. Rocxanne was living in a trailer park in

3 West Palm Beach at that time.

4 Q. Okay. Who moved from Parkland first, you

5 or Rocxanne?

6 A. Rocxanne.

7 Q. Okay. So she had moved away from

8 Parkland? Do you know -- have any idea what year she

9 might have moved?

10 A. I don't. I can't remember that.

11 Q. Okay. But your mother and her maintained

12 their friendship even after she moved?

13 A. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh.

14 Q. Okay. And they would talk every day or a

15 lot?

16 A. They talked a lot. Like, a lot. I'm not

17 gonna say every day, but they talked a lot. And I --

18 yeah, it was -- it was like her best -- it was her

19 best friend. And, like, Rocxanne said basically that

20 my mom was like a mother to her and that, like, my

21 mom was -- she was like my mom's daughter basically.

22 That's like how she -- that's how she put it back then

23 pretty much.

24 Q. Okay. And how did you feel about Rocxanne

25 at that time?

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1 A. I don't know. I mean, I was just -- I

2 just wasn't -- I wasn't ready to just trust her with,

3 like, my life after my mom was gone. Like, I would --

4 Q. Excuse me. I'm not talking about after

5 your mom died. I'm talking about before.

6 A. Oh. I would say -- I don't know. I was

7 always, like, cautious of her, like, because she was

8 just like -- she was wild. Like, she wasn't like --

9 she wasn't a normal type of person. Like, she was

10 more of like a party person. Like, always in that,

11 like, a party mood. Like, always just trying to,

12 like, turn up. Like, just -- so I just never

13 really --

14 And she had yelled at me a few times

15 growing up just because like -- like, the stuff that,

16 like, I would say to my mom, the behavior I'd have

17 with my mom. Like, she would just like -- she would

18 kind of like -- she would check me for my mom. She

19 would, like, yeah, scold -- not scold but like -- she

20 would just -- she would, like, get in -- like, she

21 would just get real verbal. Not like -- not like she

22 would cuss me but, like, she was like -- she was like

23 a super-nanny almost. Like, more appropriate.

24 Like, she would say, like, stop being an

25 idiot. Respect your mom. Don't take your mom's

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1 stuff. She would just be real, like, point finger in

2 my face. You know, like, don't -- you know.

3 Q. Well, now that you're older, do you think

4 maybe you deserved it?

5 A. Yeah, because, I mean, I shouldn't have

6 been so -- so, like, rude to my mom I would say,

7 because she tried -- she tried hard for us, I feel

8 like.

9 Q. So Rocxanne would defend your mother, is

10 what you're telling us?

11 A. Yeah, she was --

12 Q. Is that correct?

13 A. Yeah. Yeah.

14 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Mr. Marcus, can you

15 hold on just one second? I need to get my

16 charger and I just didn't want the court

17 reporter to not --

18 MR. MARCUS: No problem.


20 Q. So going back to the hospital. When you

21 get to the hospital, is your mother conscious?

22 A. No. No, she was -- they were like -- I

23 don't know. I mean, the only thing I can really

24 remember seeing, like when I -- they tried to like --

25 I just remember, like, they were like -- like, they

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1 had like the thing, the IV where they pump your chest.

2 They were just like pumping her, like. And she was

3 like fully nude on the bed, like, and like blood

4 coming out of her nose. And they were trying to

5 like -- like pump her, like -- like pump her chest

6 with like that electricity stuff. I don't know. It

7 was real graphic and, like, it was just -- it

8 traumatized me to see her like that.

9 Q. Okay. But did she pass away shortly after

10 you got there then?

11 A. I would say so, yeah. It was like maybe

12 two hours to an hour, hour 30 minutes. Like, it

13 was -- it -- it happened -- yeah, they were -- they

14 were just like -- they brought us there to, like,

15 basically to pull the wire.

16 Q. Okay. Had you been to that hospital

17 before that day?

18 A. No. No.

19 Q. Okay.

20 A. Not that I know.

21 Q. Had you spoken to your mother while she

22 was in the hospital?

23 A. We -- we -- me and my -- yeah, because

24 we -- yeah, we had -- because -- yeah, when we were

25 living -- I remember we just called her on the house

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1 phone and, like, she was just like -- like -- like

2 barely could talk. She had like -- when she was

3 trying to talk to us on the phone, she had, like,

4 already tubes in her -- like going in her mouth. So

5 it was like really hard for her.

6 Like, she was just like -- it sounded like

7 gasp -- gasping and -- it was just like -- she called

8 us like -- I just remember that one conversation. It

9 was just like we were trying to talk to her and then,

10 like, we were telling her, like, we love you. Like,

11 we're going to still go to school. Like, just --

12 like, yeah. That was on the phone before we ever had

13 to go to the hospital. Like, while she was in the

14 hospital.

15 Q. What hospital was it?

16 A. I want to say, like -- I'm not sure. I'm

17 not a hundred percent sure, but I think it was called

18 West Boca Medical Center. I'm not sure. I'm not --

19 I'm not a hundred percent.

20 Q. Okay. And again, I'm sorry to talk about

21 this particular terrible time in your life. After she

22 passed and you're still at the hospital, do you speak

23 to Nick?

24 A. Yeah. I'm pretty sure. Yeah, I told him

25 that -- because -- yeah, I remember I took him to the

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1 bathroom and I said, like, she's not gonna make it.

2 And then, like, telling him like she didn't make it.

3 Like, I had to like tell him that. I remember that.

4 We were walking down the hallway or like -- we were

5 just like -- we were walking. We went to the bathroom

6 or something and it was just like -- we were just

7 looking at life, like, for what it was at that point.

8 Like, just mom's gone. Like, that was our only real

9 guardian. Like, the only guardian we could trust and

10 actually, like, love, so.

11 Q. Okay. When you saw your brother after the

12 shooting and you went into that interrogation room, I

13 think you recounted a conversation you had with him at

14 the hospital between yourselves. Do you remember what

15 that was?

16 A. Like, do I remember what I said in the

17 interrogation room or do I remember a conversation at

18 the hospital?

19 Q. At the hospital about being there for each

20 other, things like that.

21 A. Yeah. Because I remember when she was

22 dead on the bed and then we were just, like, giving

23 our good-byes. I was, like, just saying we're gonna

24 make you proud.

25 Like -- like, this was before that they

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1 pulled all the wires and they were like -- they were

2 saying, like, she might be able to hear you. So

3 say -- try to say something that you want to get --

4 you want to make sure she knows.

5 And then I remember, like, I was just

6 giving a little, like, a heart speech. And then,

7 like, Nick started like talking over to me -- talking

8 over me and I told him, like, be quiet. And like kind

9 of like -- like -- like -- just like -- tried to,

10 like, silence him while it was all happening. But I

11 don't know. It was just real emotional. Like, it was

12 just -- yeah.

13 Q. How about when you and Nick were together

14 as you were leaving the hospital? Is that when -- did

15 you say something to him about watching out for each

16 other, having each other's back, things like that?

17 A. Yeah, I think I told -- I think I told

18 maybe my mom that. Like on the -- when she was on the

19 bed that we're gonna stick together. Like, yeah.

20 Q. That you and Nick would stick together?

21 A. Yeah. Yeah. That we were gonna look out

22 for each other.

23 Q. Okay. All right. So you were promising

24 your mother that?

25 A. Yeah.

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1 Q. Okay. So how did it come that you came --

2 how did you come to live with Rocxanne, that you and

3 Nick went to live with Rocxanne? How was that

4 decided?

5 A. Basically, I mean, she was at the hospital

6 when my mom died. And they say -- they say -- because

7 I'm not even sure if I believe this, but they say at

8 the hospital that, like, my mom's last -- like, the

9 last thing she really said was to call, like, Rocxanne

10 and ask her if she could watch the boys.

11 And, yeah, so like when we were already --

12 when I -- when I showed up, like, Rocxanne was already

13 there. Like, her son was there. Like, her -- her man

14 was there. I think her kid might have been -- the

15 little kid might have been there, too. I'm not sure.

16 Her mom was there. Yeah. And, like, her, basically

17 her whole -- half -- the whole family she had with her

18 was there.

19 And like, when my mom was officially,

20 like, gone, she just like -- she just like basically,

21 like, said all right, I'm your guardian now. And

22 we're just going to go to your old house. We're going

23 to start removing furniture. Like, take clothes out

24 that you need. Get the dogs and like -- yeah.

25 Q. Is that all at the hospital?

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1 A. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It was all decided at

2 the hospital. I mean, it was just like -- my mom was

3 gone so it's -- she -- Rocxanne felt like she owed

4 that to my mom.

5 Q. The first thing that you said was that

6 "they" said it was your mom's last word. Who were you

7 referring to? Who is they?

8 A. I mean not by -- well, like, Rocxanne and

9 the hospital. I don't even know. But I'm -- yeah.

10 Basically. Yeah. I'm saying that.

11 Q. So you're saying the hospital personnel

12 like the nurses or doctors or --

13 A. Yeah. Yeah. I -- I -- I think that -- I

14 don't know. I just -- it's just hard for me to

15 believe that's the last thing that my mom would

16 have -- would have said. Like, oh, tell Rocxanne to

17 look after my kids. I don't know. Or, like, ask

18 Rocxanne -- I don't know. It's just -- yeah. I don't

19 know.

20 Q. I understand you may not believe it. I'm

21 just trying to figure out who told you that.

22 A. It was -- it was -- yeah, it was the

23 hospital staff I'm pretty sure. Or --

24 Q. Okay.

25 A. Yeah.

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Zachary Cruz

1 Q. And Rocxanne -- Rocxanne agreed to it?

2 A. Yeah. Yeah. She was -- she was there the

3 whole time.

4 Q. And what did Nick say about it?

5 A. I can't really -- there's nothing, like,

6 specific I remember. It was like -- I mean, we -- we

7 both didn't like it. We didn't like -- we didn't --

8 we didn't trust it. I didn't -- yeah, I didn't trust

9 it at all. Like, I -- I just didn't like the road

10 they were going down.

11 Q. Okay. So I understand the terrible

12 dilemma you were facing at that moment, but did you

13 have another possibility of who you would live with?

14 A. No. No. I mean, I didn't have nobody

15 that would -- that would look out like that. I don't

16 think so. Like, I was trying to think of friends, but

17 I didn't -- there's nobody I asked if I could go live

18 with. None of my friends I asked that.

19 Q. Okay. So from there, where did you go

20 from the hospital and who drove you?

21 A. We went -- that's hard to remember. I

22 don't even really remember that, to be honest. When

23 we were leaving the hospital, that's just like a blur.

24 Q. Okay.

25 A. I remember going back to my house in Town

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1 Parc and, like, we went there. Looked at, like, all

2 the stuff there. I feel like Rocxanne was looking

3 around everywhere. Her son was looking around

4 everywhere. Just felt really, like, uncomfortable.

5 And it was -- yeah. Yeah, I just remember those type

6 of events all in like that one day --

7 Q. Okay.

8 A. -- after my mom died.

9 Q. You said that there was family of

10 Rocxanne's that were at the hospital?

11 A. Yeah.

12 Q. Could you tell me who they were, please?

13 A. I mean, I can't -- I don't know what --

14 what her mom's name is, but I know her mom was there.

15 Her son Rock was there. Her boyfriend at the time,

16 his name was, like, Chad or something. He was there.

17 And I'm pretty sure her youngest son Tyler was there.

18 So I think they had like -- that's like -- that's like

19 her whole -- her whole family basically.

20 Q. Okay. And you know who Paul Gold is,

21 right?

22 A. Yeah. Yeah. I met him. He's -- yeah,

23 he -- he used to live next to me. He used to be my

24 neighbor.

25 Q. He used to live with Rocxanne, right?

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1 A. Yeah. Yep.

2 Q. And he's the father of one of her kids?

3 A. Yeah. Tyler.

4 Q. Tyler?

5 A. Yeah.

6 Q. And he wasn't there, was he?

7 A. What, Paul Gold?

8 Q. Yes.

9 A. No, he wasn't at the hospital. He was at

10 my mom's funeral. He took my brother to my mom's

11 funeral. That's it.

12 Q. Okay. All right. So who is Rocky?

13 A. That is Rocxanne's oldest son.

14 Q. And how old is he?

15 A. That's something I don't know. I -- I --

16 if I could guess, I would say maybe he's like 25, 27.

17 Getting close to thirties.

18 Q. So you're 22 now. Are you saying he's

19 between 25 and 30 now?

20 A. Yes. That's a guess.

21 Q. Okay. So is your best guess is he's three

22 to seven years older than you?

23 A. Yeah. Yeah.

24 Q. Did he live next door to you?

25 A. Yeah. Yes. When we were living at 6166

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1 Northwest 80th Terrace, they were our neighbor to the

2 right of us.

3 Q. Right next door?

4 A. Yeah, they lived in a orange house.

5 Q. Okay. And were you ever in the same

6 school as Rocky?

7 A. No. No. I mean, maybe because he did go

8 to Westglades Middle School, but I don't -- I don't

9 think so. No. Because even when I was in sixth grade

10 I never saw him at Westglades. So, no.

11 Q. Okay. Was he a friend of yours or Nick's?

12 A. Growing up, like, when we was, like,

13 still, like, in middle -- middle -- like, elementary

14 basically, going to middle -- like, we were like --

15 we -- basically like elementary days, basically we'd

16 hang out all the time. We'd play -- we'd go to his

17 house, play video games. Or he would come -- come

18 over into our backyard and we'd just be like --

19 basically, like, playing in the backyard.

20 Q. Okay. Even though he was older, was he --

21 was he a friend?

22 A. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he was --

23 yeah. Even though he was older, it was like -- we

24 were like -- we just like -- we were friends.

25 Q. Okay. And your parents were friends, too,

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1 right?

2 A. Yeah. Yeah. Like, my mom and Rocxanne

3 were like really better than -- better friends. They

4 were like -- they're always like communicating towards

5 each other. Always like, yeah, checking on each

6 other.

7 Q. Okay. Did you ever have any problems with

8 Rocky?

9 A. No. Like, never had a fight with him.

10 Q. Okay. Did Nick ever have a problem with

11 Rocky?

12 A. After my mom died he fought him.

13 Q. Okay. Before that was there ever a

14 problem between them?

15 A. Growing up? He -- yeah. But like -- I

16 don't -- I mean, it -- it would be like Rocky would,

17 like, kick Nick out of his house. It would be stuff

18 like that.

19 Q. Why would he kick him out of the house?

20 A. He just -- maybe because he just didn't

21 like Nick's behavior. Like -- like -- because, like,

22 Rock had an Xbox 360 at his house and we didn't have

23 any type of gaming console -- gaming or anything at

24 our house. So it was like we'd go there just pretty

25 much for that.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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1 And then, like, Rock was like the

2 gatekeeper or he was -- everything was -- everything

3 belonged to him. So he didn't want us to watch him

4 play the game or even play the game. Because he would

5 play -- he would let us play multi-player with him.

6 So if he didn't let us do that -- if he, like, wanted

7 us to leave, we'd have to leave. So, yeah. He would

8 kick Nick out. Like, even me, I remember he would

9 kick me out, like.

10 Q. Okay. I'm sorry I have to ask you this

11 question, but I do. Did you ever have sexual

12 relations with Rocky?

13 A. No.

14 Q. Okay. Do you know if Nick ever had sexual

15 relations with Rocky?

16 A. I mean, I've -- I've heard that, like --

17 like, Rocky touched Nick. But that was like -- I

18 never -- I never knew about that while it was

19 happening or, like, during those years. I only heard

20 this, like, more recently. Like, after our mom passed

21 away. That's when this knowledge became present. It

22 was never like -- yeah.

23 But there is a chance maybe -- there is a

24 chance that maybe when I was growing up I had figured

25 something -- I might have heard about it and then,

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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1 like -- yeah, I might have like -- like, I don't know.

2 I might have just -- I might have known about it when

3 I was growing up, but it definitely left my -- like,

4 left my head. And I like -- I couldn't even remember

5 it after my mom -- like, yeah -- yeah, it's not really

6 clear after my mom died. Like, when my mom died, I

7 didn't even, like, remember -- I couldn't remember any

8 of that. Like, but growing up, maybe. I'm saying,

9 like, that's what I'm saying. Like maybe I knew about

10 this, like, when I was growing up.

11 Q. Okay. Well, let me just ask a few more

12 questions. So you definitely never had sex with

13 Rocky, correct?

14 A. Never. Never.

15 Q. Okay. And he didn't demand sex from you

16 to play any video games?

17 A. Never. Never me.

18 Q. Never from you, right?

19 A. Yeah.

20 Q. Okay. So I think the first thing you said

21 is you didn't hear of this until after your mother

22 died?

23 A. Yeah. Yeah.

24 Q. And that was -- that was something about

25 Rocky touching Nick?

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1 A. Yeah. Yeah.

2 Q. Okay. And so who did you hear this from?

3 A. I mean, I saw it on -- it was a Facebook

4 post from this lady Trish. And, like, she was, like,

5 was friends with my mom. But she lived -- she

6 literally lived in the same house that Rocxanne lived

7 in before Rocxanne rented it.

8 She was, like, she was the previous person

9 in that house. So she lived in the same spot as

10 Rocxanne, just like -- but, like, we were way more

11 younger. This is like when we were still in pre-K and

12 like early elementary, like -- like, yeah. Like, it

13 was this lady that lived next to us. My mom became

14 friends with her because we were neighbors, so they

15 introduced each other. And, like, we became friends

16 with her kids. Like, had to --

17 Q. What is Trish's last name?

18 A. That's something I don't know. I mean, I

19 never -- honestly, I've never really even like -- I've

20 never talked to the woman before. But she -- she

21 knows my mom. She has baby pictures. She has, like,

22 actual legit baby pictures that my mom gave her. I

23 don't know. Like, I don't know why. Doesn't make

24 sense to me.

25 Q. And Trish lived in the same house that

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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1 Rocxanne eventually rented?

2 A. Yeah, before -- before Rocxanne rented

3 that house, Trish was like the actual -- I think she

4 was like maybe the homeowner or maybe she was renting.

5 But I think she was like -- like, the owner of the

6 house, so.

7 Q. And she may have rented it to -- she might

8 have rented it to Rocxanne?

9 A. Yeah. Or there's a chance that Trish was

10 renting it. I don't know. I don't know.

11 Q. Okay. So the first time you hear of this,

12 is it after the shooting happens?

13 A. Yeah. This is -- oh, yeah. This is when

14 Nick's already incarcerated when I seen the -- I saw

15 the Facebook posts.

16 Q. Okay. So the first time you hear that

17 Nick might have been molested by Rocky is after Nick

18 is already arrested for these murders, correct?

19 A. Yeah. And he had already fought Rocky.

20 Q. And he had already what? And he had

21 already fought Rocky. Okay.

22 A. Yeah. And I think that's the reason why

23 he fought him.

24 Q. Okay.

25 A. Trigger point for why he wanted to fight.

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1 Q. Okay. So you just added that part, but

2 who told you that was the reason he fought Rocky?

3 A. No, I just -- that's just -- that's my

4 assumption. Because it was --

5 Q. Okay.

6 A. They said that Nick was just like hitting

7 the wall because he lost a picture, but I think it

8 was -- it was deeper than that. It was, like, Rock

9 was just like -- was steady, like, trying to, like,

10 boss Nick around by, like, every inch. Just like --

11 just like telling him, like, about his job and stuff.

12 Like, trying to like dictate, like, how he

13 was going to start going to his job. Like, either

14 start taking the bus, blah, blah, blah. It was just

15 like Rock was trying to, like, be like a dad to him or

16 like bossing -- just straight bossing him around and

17 then he just, like, lost it.

18 Q. Were you there for the fight?

19 A. Yeah, I was there. And like, it was -- it

20 was intense because, like, they were -- it happened --

21 it all happened in Tyler's room. Like, that little

22 kid, like he -- like -- but Tyler wasn't even in the

23 house. Tyler wasn't even at the property when the

24 fight happened. So let me get that on the record.

25 So, like -- but basically -- like, we --

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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1 when we went to Rocxanne's, me and Nick had Tyler's

2 room to stay in. There was two twin beds in there and

3 I slept on one and Nick slept on one and that was our

4 room. So then -- then --

5 Q. Okay. Let me stop you for a second

6 because you're kind of going far afield.

7 A. I'm sorry.

8 Q. Let me just direct you and try and just

9 give me -- try to just answer the question if you

10 could. Okay?

11 A. Okay.

12 Q. So the first time you hear about any

13 sexual relations between Rocky and Nick is after he's

14 already arrested, correct?

15 A. Yes.

16 Q. Okay. And then you were present for the

17 fight between Rocky and Nick that led to Nick being

18 thrown out of Rocxanne's house, correct?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. And you didn't hear any mention of sex

21 between them during that fight, correct?

22 A. No. No.

23 Q. Okay. So the mention of sex was in a

24 Facebook post by someone named Trisha, correct?

25 A. Yeah. Trish, yeah.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 Q. Trish. And what did Trish say in this

2 Facebook post?

3 A. She was basically calling out Rocxanne

4 and, like, saying that Lynda was -- like a summary of

5 what I remember of the post was, like -- she was,

6 like, this -- like, the reason why Rocxanne sent Rock

7 out of the country was because Nick had told Lynda

8 that Rock touched him. And then Rock -- my mom

9 confronted Rocxanne about it and then Rocxanne got

10 scared for Rocky and, yeah, like basically -- she just

11 like packed -- she packed Rock's bags and sent him

12 out.

13 Q. Okay. So let me ask you. You never knew

14 of your mother confronting Rocxanne --

15 A. Never.

16 Q. -- about Rocky, correct?

17 A. Never. Never knew that.

18 Q. Okay. That was news to you?

19 A. Yeah. In the post. I read that in the

20 post.

21 Q. Okay. You don't know that that's true?

22 A. Yeah, no.

23 Q. Okay. What did -- after the shooting, did

24 Nick talk to you about Rocky?

25 A. No. No.

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1 Q. Did he ever tell you anything about sex

2 with Rocky?

3 A. No. Huh-uh.

4 Q. Did you ever tell Nick anything about sex

5 with Rocky?

6 A. No. No.

7 Q. Did you and Nick ever discuss somebody

8 having sex with Rocky?

9 A. No. I mean -- no. I remember, like, from

10 growing up he had, like, girlfriends or something.

11 But it was like --

12 Q. Okay.

13 A. I don't know.

14 Q. Okay. Nick never told you he was raped by

15 Rocky?

16 A. No, he never told me that.

17 Q. Okay. Hold on just a second. Did you

18 have a relationship with Paul Gold at all?

19 A. I mean, not a relationship. Like, I mean,

20 it was like -- he would like -- when we were, like,

21 real young and stuff, like, Rocxanne and Paul, like,

22 they owned a boat and they would -- like, they

23 would -- they would take me and Nick out, like, on --

24 like, wherever we wanted to go.

25 Like, they would take us on a boat. They

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Zachary Cruz

1 would take us jet -- not all the time. This is, like,

2 from things I could remember like -- like -- like,

3 Paul, like, made sure that we rode jet skis somewhere

4 in like, like West Palm in that, like, inlet area. I

5 can remember that.

6 Paul owned a boat or something, I'm pretty

7 sure. So, like, we would go on the boat with Rocxanne

8 and Paul and his -- and Paul's daughter. They would

9 just bring me and Nick along. And just because, like,

10 Rocxanne wanted to do something nice for my mom

11 basically, like -- like, get us out of the house. So

12 like, yeah, they would just -- they would do that for

13 my mom basically. Just like take us out.

14 Q. Do you know -- I'm sorry. Are you

15 finished? I didn't mean to interrupt you.

16 A. Yeah.

17 Q. Do you know when Paul moved out of the

18 neighborhood, like broke up with Rocxanne, how old you

19 would have been?

20 A. I think -- no, I'm not -- maybe like --

21 maybe like 13, 14 maybe. Maybe. Maybe. I'm not

22 really sure. I mean, I can remember it was probably

23 around when I was in middle school when they broke up.

24 Q. Okay. Do you know if it was a bad

25 breakup?

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Zachary Cruz

1 A. I mean, yeah. Yeah. Because I remember,

2 like, Rocxanne -- like, one time she came like -- she,

3 like, came over to our house to hide from Paul. And,

4 like, she like ran -- like, she -- she, like, hid,

5 like, in the guest bedroom. She was like -- she was

6 like -- like -- like -- like not screaming, but she

7 was like -- like -- like, telling my mom, like -- like

8 very, like, panickly, like everything going on, like,

9 at the house.

10 And then like -- like she -- she came to

11 our house and then Paul was knocking on our front

12 door. And my mom had to lie and say, no, Rocxanne's

13 not here, Paul. And then it was like -- he, like,

14 kind of stood at the door like -- like questioning --

15 like looking at my mom, like questioning her. Like, I

16 know she's in here. Like that type of look.

17 Yeah, that was basically like -- I never

18 saw, like, anything worse than that though. Like that

19 was the only time Rocxanne just came over to hide from

20 Paul.

21 Q. Did Paul ever take you or Nick, you know,

22 out to do things?

23 A. Yeah. But like, usually it would be with

24 his daughter Bella.

25 Q. Say that again. Can you repeat yourself,

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1 please.

2 A. Yeah, I said it would usually be with his

3 daughter Bella. Like -- like -- because she was good

4 friends with me and I guess with Nick also. But that

5 was just like -- I remember they would just -- he

6 would just take us out like random places, like, and

7 Bella would ask for us to go. Just like --

8 Maybe my mom would ask. I don't know. It

9 was just -- we were almost like a family. It felt

10 like we were all like family back then in a way. So

11 it was just like we all just were cool hanging out.

12 Q. Did Paul ever pay you money to do work

13 around the house, you know, outside, pick up leaves or

14 anything like that?

15 A. No. He -- he never -- he never offered me

16 a job or nothing like that.

17 Q. How about Nick, do you know if he did that

18 with Nick?

19 A. That is a maybe. I'm not -- I'm not a

20 hundred percent sure. But I think he was like -- he

21 was more, like, trying to look out for Nick instead of

22 me I feel like.

23 Q. Okay. Let me go now back to after your

24 mom died and you moved in with Rocxanne and Nick was

25 still there. So did you have your own room or did you

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Zachary Cruz

1 share one with Nick or someone else?

2 A. Me and Nick shared a room.

3 Q. Okay. And how did you guys get along at

4 that point?

5 A. I mean, we were becoming -- we were a lot

6 more closer after my mom died. So it was like -- but

7 it was also, like -- I still, like, was just, like,

8 keep -- like, I still had, like, my social life going

9 on. Like, I would go to the skate park every night

10 basically. And like, I was just like, I -- I

11 separated myself from them.

12 Q. Okay. So when you say things got better

13 between you, and I know a lot happened when you guys

14 were younger, you know, with fighting each other and

15 stuff like that. Had that ended now --

16 A. Yeah.

17 Q. -- after your mom died?

18 A. Oh, yeah. That was -- even after my mom

19 died, we never even like looked at each other sideways

20 ever again. Like, it was just like -- I don't -- it

21 was just like we're brothers. We're just brothers

22 now, right. We don't have no mom.

23 Q. Okay. So would you say that was like a

24 real awakening for you to grow up quickly?

25 A. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And like I stopped -- I

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1 stopped trying to, like, put my brother down all the

2 time. Like, it was just -- and, like, I was trying

3 to, like, encourage him to, like, be -- go out and do

4 stuff, like, and meet people. Like, just -- I tried

5 to encourage him to have a social life, but it --

6 it -- yeah. He was his own person.

7 Q. Okay. So we know that the worst thing in

8 the world happened on February 14th. But from

9 November until February, before the shooting occurred,

10 is it fair to say that that was one of the best times

11 you and him have ever had together?

12 A. Can you restate that?

13 Q. Okay. So after your mother died and

14 before the shooting, was that a period of time when

15 you and Nick got along the best in your whole life up

16 until then?

17 A. Yeah. It's like we were just both really

18 sad. So it was like -- yeah, we were just like --

19 like, he -- I thought we were trying to like, I don't

20 know, like heal each other maybe. But like, it

21 just -- I don't know. Nick was his own person. I was

22 my own person. And it's not -- it's not that we were

23 trying to talk about our feelings all day or even

24 longer than like ten minutes. It would be like --

25 like, yeah, it's sad but we're here now so, yeah.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 Q. But you guys stopped being jerks to each

2 other during those few months, right?

3 A. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

4 Q. Okay. Tell me about the guns at

5 Rocxanne's house, Nick's guns.

6 A. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he was never able to

7 bring a gun to that house. That's what I'm pretty

8 sure of. Because Rocxanne never approved of Nick

9 having guns.

10 Even when there was times she slept over

11 at our house when we were still living at 6166, that's

12 when my mom was alive. And then she was like

13 questioning, like, why Nick had all these guns. Like,

14 she was telling my mom, like, he doesn't need all

15 that. Like -- so. Like she -- yeah, when we moved

16 into her house there was -- Nick was -- I don't even

17 think he was allowed to have ammo or anything inside

18 the house.

19 Q. When you were living at the townhouse

20 before your mom died, and Nick had a number of guns at

21 that point, correct?

22 A. Oh, yeah. A closet full.

23 Q. What did he have?

24 A. Closet. It was like full. Like --

25 like --

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 Q. Closet full. And that was -- and that was

2 going to be my question. Where did he keep his guns?

3 A. He just kept them in his closet, like, up

4 against the wall. Like, they all, like, were just

5 like, like spread out on the wall. Like under, like,

6 the hangers for, like, his clothes and stuff.

7 Q. Okay. And did you see them in the closet?

8 A. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It was -- it was --

9 there was so many times I just went in there and just

10 like picked one up and, like, looked at it and just

11 like -- yeah, just like -- so many times I just

12 remember, like, just going in there and, like, I had

13 full access. Like, the ammo was there. The gun's

14 there. Like, it was just out in the open. Everything

15 was.

16 Q. Did Nick let you look at his guns?

17 A. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes he would. But

18 when it was brand new, like, he would be like, check

19 this out. And then just like -- I'd be scared but I'd

20 be like -- like, I just -- I wouldn't like -- like try

21 to, like, hype him up about it. I would just be -- I

22 was just -- I just took it for what it was.

23 It was like -- it was like, all right. He

24 has a new gun. Like, another one. And then another

25 one. So yeah, just -- just like he -- that was what

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 he would start saving his money for. He would like

2 look up different guns. Like -- like go on YouTube.

3 He always would watch different YouTube videos about

4 guns and, like, just like gun reviews and everything.

5 Like, just like had this -- this -- this search for

6 knowledge, like, about everything. Yeah.

7 Q. So would he -- would he go on the internet

8 to learn?

9 A. Yeah. Yeah. Learning stuff he didn't

10 know. Yeah. And he was always on YouTube. Always --

11 always watching, like, a different YouTube video based

12 on --

13 Q. What kind of YouTube videos would he

14 watch?

15 A. It was a lot of, like, dark stuff.

16 Nothing like -- nothing really like -- like not -- not

17 a lot of gaming or, like, anything, like -- like you

18 would think normal. It was like -- he would search

19 stuff like memes, like funny, like, things on, like,

20 the internet. And it would be like -- it could be

21 like -- like -- like, it could be things, like,

22 about -- just like -- I don't know.

23 Mostly what I remember is, like, a lot of

24 gun reviews. Like a lot of, like -- just like this,

25 blah-blah-blah, blah-blah-blah. And it would be like

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 a guy at a gun range like -- like showing -- like

2 shooting the gun, talking about it to the camera.

3 Like, it would be stuff like videos of stuff like

4 that.

5 Q. Okay. So do you think he was like an

6 expert in guns, he knew so much about it?

7 A. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Especially at that time.

8 Like when -- when we still lived in Town Parc and like

9 my mom was still alive, yeah. Pretty much a gun

10 expert.

11 Q. Really? Would he know how to clean a gun?

12 A. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I mean -- well, he,

13 like -- like, he would YouTube videos like that, like

14 how to clean a gun. I'm pretty sure. Because I

15 remember, like, there would be nights, like, I

16 couldn't even sleep because I would hear him. Our

17 rooms would be, like, wall-to-wall connected and,

18 like, it would be like 12:00, 1:00 o'clock in the

19 morning and he's just like cleaning out the barrel of

20 his rifle. Like, oiling it. Like, just doing all

21 this, like, loud stuff in his room.

22 And then just -- just like -- I don't

23 know. He was making like noises like -- I don't know.

24 Like, he'd scream out a curse word or something

25 like -- like, just because if he couldn't -- like, it

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 if it was hard to do something like reach a space or

2 something, he would just let out like -- like -- just

3 like rage, I would say. Like, I don't know.

4 Q. Did he have ammunition in the room, too?

5 A. Yeah. Oh, yeah. He always, always had

6 ammo. Always.

7 Q. So we're not talking Airsoft. We're

8 talking real guns?

9 A. Real guns. Yeah. Yeah.

10 Q. And real ammunition, right?

11 A. Yeah. And he -- and that's really like --

12 he would go to Walmart and buy just, like, ammo.

13 Like, it could be shells for the shotgun. Or like --

14 just like -- I don't -- I don't -- it was like some

15 American -- it had like an eagle on it and there was

16 like these bullets. I think it was like -- just like

17 assault rifle bullets. Like, it was stuff like that.

18 And then like rifle bullets, I remember he would buy

19 that from Walmart. Or something like -- he had like a

20 rifle -- like, yeah.

21 Q. What were the coolest guns that he had?

22 A. Well, I don't think guns are cool.

23 Q. Okay.

24 A. So I mean --

25 Q. What was --

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 A. I mean, I -- I had the -- we had -- he had

2 let me -- going back when we lived at 6166 Northwest

3 80th Terrace, we had an old TV in the garage. And,

4 like, this is when he -- he had a shotgun and he would

5 just like -- like, shoot it in the backyard, like,

6 just at the ground though, like at night. This was

7 like -- this was like midnight, or like night night.

8 He would just like shoot it into, like,

9 the ground in the backyard or -- but I remember, like,

10 one time he let me shoot it at the TV in the garage.

11 It was an old TV. And then I -- like, he did it first

12 and then I did it. Or I did it first and then it he

13 did. But, yeah.

14 Q. That was in Parkland?

15 A. Yeah. That's -- that's when my mom was

16 still alive, like.

17 Q. I bet she wasn't home, was she?

18 A. She was actually. She was -- but she was

19 like -- it's such a big house. She was like on one --

20 like the deepest, like, farthest side of the house

21 from the garage. So there's no way, like -- the sound

22 wasn't going to travel that far, like, that quickly.

23 So it was like -- it was pretty much muffled by the

24 time it, like, that sound reached that part of the

25 house. There was so much space between that.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 Q. She didn't know it?

2 A. No. To answer -- yeah, if she passed out

3 sleeping in the den, like, she'd be sleeping for like

4 two hours, three hours at least. An hour at most.

5 Yeah.

6 Q. What about the AR-15, were you familiar

7 with that?

8 A. Yeah. Yeah. I've seen him shoot that

9 gun. Like, in the garage. Out his window.

10 Q. Out his window?

11 A. Yeah. Yeah. We were living in Town Parc.

12 I remember I had -- I had -- yeah, I asked him to do.

13 I was like -- this was during Hurricane Irma. So it's

14 like -- it's really, like, real bad outside and like

15 everything is just like -- it's just nasty outside.

16 And it's nighttime.

17 And then I just tell him, like -- like,

18 just crack the window. Because there's no screen.

19 There's no screen over the window. And, like, I was

20 just like -- I told him -- I directed him to do it.

21 Like, it was our guestroom in Town Parc. We just

22 opened the window. It faced the backyard. And I was

23 like, just shoot straight at the grass. And, like, I

24 recorded him do it. It was like -- there used to be a

25 video of it. But, yeah.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 Q. You took that from inside the house, the

2 video?

3 A. Yes. Yeah. I was inside the house.

4 Q. You still have that video?

5 A. No. I lost it. I'm not -- I deleted it.

6 Q. Okay. So when did he do that?

7 A. That's when my mom was not in the

8 hospital. That's when we -- that's when we were

9 living in Town Parc. So like, yeah, when we were

10 living in Town Parc.

11 He would, like -- I would kind of say he,

12 like, shot his gun, like, three times at least. One

13 time outside the guest window at the -- at the

14 backyard, which was, like, not big at all. It was

15 like the size -- like smaller than this room.

16 Another time was -- he shot his AR in the

17 garage, like, right at the -- right at the tile and

18 put a massive dent in the tile. And then the thing is

19 he tried to, like -- he tried to -- he put the barrel

20 around, like, a pillow and inside this box trying to

21 muffle it and it was just -- it dented the ground

22 literally. And then what was -- that's twice.

23 And then, oh, third time it was like --

24 this is also during Hurricane Irma. And this is -- I

25 wish my mom was still alive because she saw this like

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 a hundred percent. It was like -- like -- because she

2 was just there. She was right there when it happened

3 and I was right there when it happened.

4 And so basically it's pouring rain. This

5 is during Hurricane Irma. And, like, he just grabbed

6 the shotgun, goes outside while it's pouring raining

7 and then, like, points it right at the grass patch,

8 shoots the ground. And literally when he shot the

9 ground, like, like, his whole body was covered in

10 dirt. Just like -- like -- just like -- just like he

11 shot one time at the ground and, like, the ground like

12 exploded and there was dirt all over him. And then

13 literally he walks right back in the house.

14 My mom's, like, sitting there literally at

15 the door. Like where the door is, there's like a big

16 long couch and there's a TV. And then, like, I

17 recorded it, too. And you could see my mom was in the

18 video. So that -- I don't know what happened to the

19 video. But I remember, like my, mom -- as soon as he

20 walked inside the house, my mom, like, cussed at him.

21 She's like, you're a fucking idiot or something like

22 that. She said something like explicit.

23 And then he was just giggling, laughing.

24 And I was laughing, too, because I was just like --

25 like, why the -- like, what the hell? Like, that's

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 just -- he walked outside. It's pouring rain. Like

2 covered in dirt.

3 Q. How old was he when he did that?

4 A. At least 17, 18. At least 16, 17, 18.

5 Q. Were all of those incidents in Parkland or

6 did some of that happen at the townhouse?

7 A. Well, the townhouse is in Parkland.

8 Q. Okay.

9 A. It all happened in Parkland.

10 Q. Okay. Did it happen at the big house or

11 the townhouse?

12 A. Well, the townhouse -- it was -- when we

13 moved to the townhouse, like, he -- that's when he

14 finally got his AR. He never had the AR when we were

15 living at 6166. He only like -- when we were living

16 at 6166, he would just take his shotgun out and then

17 he would just go in the backyard.

18 Like the 4th of July, I can remember,

19 like, he took his shotgun out and shot it at the

20 ground on the 4th of July. And yeah, like -- that's

21 like -- it was only there he, like, started doing it.

22 And when we got to Town Parc, he was just like -- he

23 was doing it like it was nothing, like during specific

24 times. Like during the hurricane. And it's not like

25 he would ever just, like, take his gun out and just

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 randomly shoot the ground. It was during Hurricane

2 Irma specifically and pretty much -- pretty much all

3 that was during Hurricane Irma.

4 It all happened -- with the AR, all those

5 shots pretty much happened during Irma. But when he

6 shot into the garage, I can't really remember, like,

7 when that was. I can remember that was, like, on a

8 real sunny day and, like, it was just really nice

9 outside. He was just like -- like wanted to shoot his

10 gun so badly, he just took it to the garage and shot

11 right into the ground.

12 Q. Going back to Rocxanne's house. Did Nick

13 try to bury a gun there?

14 A. Yeah. Yeah.

15 Q. What do you know about that?

16 A. I just know, like, he was -- he was

17 planning on buying -- buying a gun from Dick's

18 Sporting Goods and I think he already had enough money

19 to get it. So he was just like -- he was like -- he

20 had dug up a space or something.

21 And then like -- I'm pretty sure I ratted

22 him out. I'm pretty sure that's what happened. I

23 think I told Rock or something. I told Rock or

24 Rocxanne that Nick's digging for like a space for his

25 gun in the backyard. So it was like -- yeah, I

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 remember I ratted him out to, like, Rocky or Rocxanne.

2 Because, I mean, I just -- yeah. I just knew they

3 didn't want him with a gun, so I was like -- I mean,

4 I'm not gonna -- wouldn't know that he's putting a gun

5 in the backyard, so I just -- I did what I have --

6 Q. So what happened when you told them about

7 him trying to bury a gun in the backyard?

8 A. Oh, Rock -- Rock caught him digging. Like

9 Rock caught him, like, while he was trying to make the

10 hole bigger. Like, Rock just -- I just remember Rocky

11 confronted him about it and then -- yeah. Yeah.

12 Q. Is this when the fight started?

13 A. No. No. See, it could have. That could

14 have been the reason of the fight, but I don't know.

15 I don't know. I can't connect the dates like.

16 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Mr. Marcus, can we

17 take a bathroom break?

18 MR. MARCUS: Absolutely. Let's be back in

19 five minutes? Okay.

20 (Recess off the record.)


22 Q. Mr. Cruz, during this time period that

23 you're living at Rocxanne's, Nick was living there for

24 a time and then he went to live, I guess, with Caden.

25 Do you know Caden?

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 A. Yeah. I don't want -- I mean, I knew him

2 from school and, like, we -- we definitely hung out

3 because he lived in, like, Coral Springs and I've been

4 to, like -- I've been in his neighborhood. I've hung

5 out with him.

6 Q. Okay. And did you know the Sneads, too?

7 A. Yeah. Actually, JT was in like -- we

8 actually had classes together since, like, middle

9 school. So, like, we had like a -- a sort of a

10 friend -- we were friendly. We were very friendly

11 with each other.

12 Q. JT was a good guy?

13 A. Yeah. Like we -- we did, like, group

14 projects together.

15 Q. Okay. Had you been to the Snead house?

16 A. I want to say only after the shooting to

17 pick up stuff. But a lot of the stuff there was,

18 like, damaged.

19 Q. Okay. So after your mother died and

20 before the shooting, do know about Nick taking care of

21 the banking issues, money?

22 A. We -- I can remember we used to -- we used

23 to like text -- have texts about it. We would text

24 each other about it. But that's the most I remember

25 about it.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 Q. Okay. Do you remember that he sent you

2 money?

3 A. Yeah. I'm pretty sure. Yeah.

4 Q. Okay. I'm going to show you on the

5 screen, and I think this is Wells Fargo records I'm

6 referring to. I think it's going to be -- first is

7 Page 120. Okay. So if you -- could you scroll to the

8 top, Aaron.

9 Okay. So I just wanted you to see that

10 this was a checking account with your mother's name

11 and Nikolas' name. Were you aware that there was a

12 checking account with Lynda and Nick's name on it?

13 A. Yeah, but I don't -- I'm not -- I don't

14 have knowledge of, like, stuff like this. Like, I

15 don't -- I don't know what any of this means. Like, I

16 never -- I never knew about money interactions, how

17 they --

18 Q. Okay.

19 A. -- my mom and my brother would handle it.

20 Q. Okay. How who would handle it, your

21 brother or your mother?

22 A. How they both would. Because my mom --

23 Nick literally had money from his job at the Dollar

24 Tree. So it was like -- my mom really, like, set up

25 banking for him and she already was going over all

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Zachary Cruz

1 that with him already.

2 Q. Okay. So were you aware that your mother

3 would have your brother's Dollar Tree money deposited

4 into her account and then she would give him the cash;

5 that she would then cash -- sort of cash the check for

6 him and give him the cash? Were you aware of that?

7 A. Yeah, sounds kind of familiar. Familiar.

8 Q. So Nick had a lot of money in his pocket,

9 so to speak, right?

10 A. Yeah, because he worked.

11 Q. Okay. And so this is dated December 7,

12 2017 through January 5, 2018. So would you agree

13 that's the time period after your mother died and

14 before the shooting, right?

15 A. Yes. That's after my mom died and before

16 the shooting.

17 Q. Okay. So if we can scroll down to the

18 date of December 14, 2017. There's a note -- yeah,

19 there it is. December 14th where the -- do you see

20 where the hand is?

21 A. Yeah.

22 Q. It says, transfer to Cruz, Zachary on

23 12/14. And then reference, there's something, a

24 number. "Half of annuity minus half of attorney fee"

25 and it was $1,367. So do you recall that that was one

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Zachary Cruz

1 of the transactions where Nick sent you some money?

2 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object

3 at this point and the objection is a relevance

4 objection as it pertains to Zachary. I know

5 you're asking questions about Nick, but it

6 looks like these are attorney fees. If he had

7 an attorney, none of that is relevant. So I

8 would just ask -- if you could just give me

9 two minutes. Let me -- give me a few seconds.

10 (Recess off the record.)

11 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to

12 withdraw my objection for now.


14 Q. Okay. So Mr. Cruz, does this refresh your

15 recollection about -- maybe you don't remember the

16 exact amount, but this was one of the -- one of the

17 disbursements to you from your brother?

18 A. It's hard for me to remember that -- me

19 having -- getting a thousand -- I can't really

20 remember getting a thousand.

21 Q. Okay.

22 A. From my brother. I don't remember that.

23 Q. Okay. I want to show you another one.

24 It's on Page 125 of this record. And this is on

25 January 16th. It's that first line there, "transfer

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Zachary Cruz

1 to Cruz, Zachary" on 1/13 of $400. Do you have any

2 recollection of that, receiving that money?

3 A. I think like -- just like -- I don't know.

4 I think my brother owed me that money so he sent it to

5 me. But I'm not -- I'm not a hundred percent sure.

6 Q. Okay. So, you know, we had talked about

7 before that this was a pretty good time between you

8 and your brother Nick. And so was he -- he was also

9 being fair with you as far as you knew about the

10 money?

11 A. Yeah, to my knowledge.

12 Q. Okay. I'm not sure if you're aware of

13 this or not. Were you aware that your mother was

14 getting something called an annuity? Maybe something

15 you learned about after the shooting. Were you

16 aware --

17 A. Is that social security for having me and

18 my brother? Like the money she --

19 Q. You're right. That is -- that is kind of

20 an annuity, social security. So you were receiving

21 social security and your brother was receiving social

22 security, correct?

23 A. Yeah, but it was me and my mom's --

24 Q. Right. So you said it was you and your

25 brother were receiving social security; is that right?

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Zachary Cruz

1 A. Yeah, but it would go to my mom. She was

2 getting social security because of us. Like, she

3 would get a check because of us.

4 Q. Right. And she was using that money to

5 run the household, right?

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. Is that correct?

8 A. Yes.

9 Q. Okay. I want to show you another annuity.

10 I believe it's on Page 112, Aaron, I think. I guess

11 not. The 3,333. Okay. Right there. Okay. Right

12 there. So this is -- can we scroll to the top of the

13 page for a second so we see the date?

14 So this is October 6, 2017 through

15 November 6, 2017. And as you said, your mother died

16 November 1st. So it's during this time period. Okay?

17 A. Yeah.

18 Q. Okay. So now we'll go to the last line of

19 this bank statement from Wells Fargo and it says

20 10/27, Metropolitan, I believe that stands for annuity

21 payment, Lynda Cruz, $3,333.33 and that's money that

22 was transferred into the account. Were you aware that

23 she was receiving an annuity payment from Metropolitan

24 or did you become aware of it after the shooting?

25 A. Rocxanne -- I don't have any memory of

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Zachary Cruz

1 what that is. Metropolitan payment, 3,000? I don't

2 remember that.

3 Q. Okay. After the shooting occurred, did

4 you inherit any money?

5 A. Not that I can really remember.

6 Q. You don't remember?

7 A. Yeah, I really don't really remember. I

8 mean, my mom had like MetLife things that I think I

9 might have got. Like, yeah. Just stuff from my mom

10 like after she died, like payments to me.

11 Q. Do you know if it was hundreds of

12 thousands of dollars that you inherited?

13 A. Yeah. I mean, the overall inheritance was

14 like -- it was a lot of money.

15 Q. How much?

16 A. I'm not really sure on the number. I know

17 it was like six figures.

18 Q. Okay. And where is your money?

19 A. It's, like, away. Like, I still have,

20 like, money that's supposed to be coming.

21 Q. So do you have the money or is it still

22 supposed to be coming? It's now over four years

23 later.

24 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Okay. I'm going to,

25 again, object at this point. And my concern

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 is that this has -- a lot of the questioning

2 has to do with Zachary and not Nick. So I

3 will see if it's something I can resolve.

4 Give me just maybe a minute. Unless,

5 Mr. Reiner, do you want to --

6 MR. MARCUS: Well, the obvious, it's

7 because it went to both of them. So that's

8 why I'm asking.

9 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: You're asking

10 specifically about his money though.

11 MR. MARCUS: I know, but it goes to both.

12 So learning from one gives me information on

13 another.

14 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Hold on one second.

15 (Recess off the record.)

16 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Okay. I'm back.

17 We're back on the record. I am going to ask

18 that you certify this question, this line of

19 questioning, and advise my client not to

20 respond.

21 MR. MARCUS: And what's your reason?

22 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: It's outside the

23 scope of the questions. It's going to his

24 personal information. It has nothing to do --

25 it's after the shooting and it's not relevant.

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Zachary Cruz


2 Q. So Mr. Cruz, what happened to the six

3 figure money? Did you receive it?

4 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Okay. Again, I'm

5 objecting to this line of questioning. This

6 is, again, after the shooting.

7 MR. MARCUS: Why don't you just say I

8 certify the question. I'm going to ask the

9 questions and you can say I certify. Okay?

10 That will be -- and then we can move on to the

11 next one. All right? So you certify the

12 question?

13 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm also asking him

14 not to respond to the question.


16 Q. Have you gotten any statements for money

17 that you have -- that you may have received from your

18 inheritance?

19 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Same objection. I'm

20 going to ask him not to respond. I'm going to

21 ask that the question be certified as well,

22 anything regarding the inheritance.


24 Q. Did you speak to your brother about your

25 brother's inheritance?

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Zachary Cruz

1 A. No.

2 Q. What happened to your brother's

3 inheritance?

4 A. That's something I'm not -- I'm not a

5 hundred percent sure about. I'm not sure at all.

6 Q. Okay. Was the money donated to anybody?

7 A. Not that I know of.

8 Q. Okay. Is it fair to say you have no idea

9 where any money is that you may have inherited?

10 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object

11 and ask him not to respond as it relates to

12 him, and that's what it sounds like the

13 question is.

14 MR. MARCUS: Counsel, are you representing

15 Mr. Donovan and Mr. Cruz at this hearing?

16 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm representing

17 Zachary Cruz and I'll be representing Richard

18 Moore.

19 MR. MARCUS: Okay. So you're

20 representing -- do you find that there's a

21 conflict here for you?

22 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: There's no conflict.

23 MR. MARCUS: Okay.

24 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm not representing

25 Michael Donovan.

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Zachary Cruz

1 MR. MARCUS: Okay.


3 Q. Hold on just a moment.

4 Prior to the shooting, when you two --

5 when you and Nick were not living together any longer,

6 were you in contact with Nick?

7 A. A little bit. A little bit.

8 Q. And how were you in contact with him?

9 A. I would say we send --

10 Q. I think you guys froze.

11 A. I said we sent text messages.

12 Q. Okay. I heard you say you sent text

13 messages. You're still frozen.

14 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Are we still frozen?

15 MR. MARCUS: Okay. We're all good now.


17 Q. So you sent text messages. How did you

18 send text messages?

19 A. Through an app, Instagram, like direct

20 message.

21 Q. Okay. Was there anyone else on that --

22 was it a group chat, more than you and him, or just

23 you and him?

24 A. What I remember, it was just me and him.

25 Q. Okay. Do you recall him talking about

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Zachary Cruz

1 killing people in those Instagram messages during that

2 time period after your mother died and before the

3 shooting?

4 A. Yeah, I remember, like, him talking about

5 some -- mentioning like -- like, hurting people,

6 killing, killing people.

7 Q. Okay. And was Rocxanne mentioned as

8 somebody he wanted to kill?

9 A. I think so. And I think -- because it

10 would be like -- the description on the text would be

11 like, if they touch our money or anything, I'll go

12 over there and I'll -- I'll kill them all. It was

13 all -- it was all -- it was some -- like, had to do

14 with, like, our money. Or he had this -- this -- it

15 was about the money, about money.

16 Q. And you told him words to the effect that

17 stop talking like that, right?

18 A. Yeah, I tried to cancel it out.

19 Q. Okay. At what point in your life did you

20 learn that you were adopted?

21 A. It was probably middle school when my mom

22 sat me down and told -- told both of us that we were

23 adopted.

24 Q. Okay.

25 A. That was only because my mom got pressured

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Zachary Cruz

1 from the neighbor to tell -- tell us that we were

2 adopted.

3 Q. Okay. And how did you take that news?

4 A. It's -- I can remember it didn't -- it

5 didn't -- it was never a big deal to me. It was

6 never -- I mean, it was a shock, definitely a shock.

7 But, like, I kind of like -- I figured it out myself

8 before she even, like, told me. Because I would just

9 look at pictures of Roger and I would look at pictures

10 of Lynda and then look at Nick and I just put -- I

11 pretty much put it together in my head. But then my

12 mom finally, like, sat down and confirmed it. But she

13 never --

14 Q. Okay. Are you saying that because of your

15 complexion you felt that something was not exactly

16 right here?

17 A. Yeah. Because I would just -- I would

18 look at everybody's facial features and like -- I

19 mean, I'm black. Like, they're -- they're not black.

20 Q. Okay. How did your mother explain that to

21 you before she eventually told you the truth?

22 A. Can you say that again?

23 Q. How did she account for your different

24 complexion before she finally told you the truth? Do

25 you understand complexion means color of your skin?

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Zachary Cruz

1 A. She would tell me I'm white. She told me,

2 yeah, that I was white. But, like, it just -- it

3 really made no sense.

4 Q. Okay. So now you understand your father

5 was black; is that what you're told now? Or that's

6 what you were told when you -- when she finally told

7 you the truth or did she ever tell you that?

8 A. She never explained my ethnicity to me.

9 But, I mean, I've been just -- that's just -- yeah,

10 like -- that's what I go as. I'm black.

11 Q. Okay.

12 A. And my mom would try to tell me I'm not

13 black.

14 Q. Okay. Was there any -- strike that.

15 Growing up did you ever hear anything in

16 your house, any racial hatred towards blacks?

17 A. My mom called me the N word before.

18 Q. Your mother called you that?

19 A. Yeah. Because I got into a heated

20 argument and like -- I was, like, calling her things

21 way out of her -- out of her name and that's just how

22 she responded back.

23 Q. Okay. So are you saying you cursed at her

24 and she cursed back at you?

25 A. Yeah.

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Zachary Cruz

1 Q. Was that after she had told you about

2 adoption -- about being adopted?

3 A. No. It was just -- for me, it was like --

4 it was just based on my regular behavior. Like, I've

5 been sent out of the home, like sent to group homes.

6 So I always had, like, behavior verbal problems with

7 my mom. And it was always intense.

8 Q. Right. Did you ever have any racial

9 issues with Nick?

10 A. I mean, I think -- nothing I could

11 remember. But I don't want to -- I don't want to,

12 like, excuse him. I think that we had some moments

13 where, like, it was just like -- it would just be like

14 I'd be calling him, like, racial things, like a

15 cracker, white, white trash or something like that.

16 And then maybe he would, like, call me the N. word.

17 It would just -- it would just -- it was

18 like giving me back the same energy, like, kind of

19 like -- from what I could, like, remember. Because I

20 remember -- I don't know.

21 There's -- there was like a kid we lived

22 with on the street that I remember, like, one time --

23 like, it was like one of -- like one of our good

24 friends. It's this black kid lived down the street.

25 I remember I had, like, threatened my brother. I was

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Zachary Cruz

1 like -- I was like -- he was like, you want me to go

2 tell our friend down the street that you say the N

3 word?

4 And then, like, I remember when I told him

5 that, he had like -- become like -- I don't know.

6 Like, went into like a rage, like, because it was like

7 his good friend, like a really good friend of his. So

8 yeah.

9 Q. Okay. Did you become aware of Nick's

10 postings about killing black people but he would use

11 the N word?

12 A. No, I've never seen that.

13 Q. Okay. So did Nick ever taunt you for

14 having a black father, birth father?

15 A. No. Huh-uh. No.

16 Q. Okay.

17 A. And there's nothing I can really -- I can

18 never -- I can never remember anything of him being

19 racist towards me. Like, nothing pops up in my head.

20 Nothing that --

21 Q. How about do you know what a swastika is?

22 A. Yeah.

23 Q. What's a swastika?

24 A. It's the Nazi symbol.

25 Q. Exactly. Did you ever see your brother

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Zachary Cruz

1 with a swastika symbol?

2 A. I mean, I remember growing up he spray

3 painted a swastika on a tree, like, in our back -- not

4 in our backyard. There was this thing when we were

5 living at 6166, there was like this thing behind our

6 backyard called the swells. It was like a drain for

7 the hurricanes basically and there's a bunch of trees

8 and stuff. And that was like my earliest memory of

9 him like -- like -- like -- like putting that symbol

10 on something. Like, he just spray painted on a tree

11 thinking it was --

12 Q. I'm sorry. How old was he when that

13 happened?

14 A. That was around like, I could say, like,

15 middle school days. Like, days we would just like

16 explore the neighborhood and just like explore the

17 swells and, like, just be on foot throughout our

18 neighborhood.

19 Q. Let me ask you that a little bit. So this

20 is when you lived at the big house, right?

21 A. Yeah.

22 Q. Okay. And where is this area that you

23 would go to?

24 A. It was right over our fence to our

25 backyard. Like, right -- right when you go over --

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 when you go into our backyard, you go all the way to

2 the end of the backyard. There's a fence and you hop

3 over the fence. And it's just like -- it's just like

4 a -- like a field. Like a -- not a really big field.

5 Like -- it was like -- I don't want to say like --

6 it's just not a lot of size in it, but there's like

7 massive trees and like -- there was just all types of

8 grass and, like, high grass, like very high grass.

9 It's like a place where you would find

10 snakes and just all types of like -- like -- we'd see,

11 like, squirrels, birds, everything. It was just

12 like -- like a -- it was just like a -- it's hard to

13 explain what it was. It was like a drain pipe because

14 everybody had it in their backyard. So it's like this

15 strip of land that would go through everybody's, like,

16 backyard. It was like this behind everyone's

17 backyard.

18 Q. So it was an area that you and your

19 brother would play in together?

20 A. Yeah. And -- and we -- yeah, we had

21 friends we'd go back there with and we would just

22 like -- just like spend our outside time, like, just

23 exploring. Like, just looking through everything.

24 Q. What friends would come over for that?

25 A. I have to give you specific names?

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Zachary Cruz

1 Q. Well, are they your friends or Nick's

2 friends?

3 A. Kids that live on the street. They lived

4 on 6166 --

5 Q. Okay.

6 A. -- Northwest 80th Terrace. Yeah.

7 Q. So would you all play together with Nick

8 and yourself and --

9 A. Yeah, we would just like start in the

10 backyard and just, like, be so bored. We'd just like

11 hop the fence. Like, go up -- up and -- up the

12 whole -- up all the way down to the end of the street,

13 through the swells, and then probably go the other

14 opposite way to the top of the street going through

15 the swells. Like, everywhere in the swells, that's

16 where we would like -- because we were -- from the

17 swells you could literally, like, access anybody's

18 backyard. You could, like -- because it runs through

19 everybody's yard. So yeah, it's like a path, pathway.

20 Q. How far would you and Nick travel?

21 A. Well, I mean, are you talking about like

22 just in the neighborhood or like just on foot?

23 Q. Yeah, on foot or bike.

24 A. Like --

25 Q. Where would you go?

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Zachary Cruz

1 A. We really just like -- I don't know.

2 Like, just hang out with our friends, like, on the

3 street. Like, we'd go -- just really like on the

4 street mostly, the entire street. We would ride bikes

5 or scooters and just go up and down the street. Or

6 they'll be hanging out. And if we're in the backyard

7 or, like, swimming or anything like that, we'd just

8 like be on like the outs -- behind the neighborhood

9 kind of like -- just like -- because the swells,

10 that's what I mean, the swells. It's just like --

11 there's like this big area.

12 Q. How are you -- I'm trying to -- maybe

13 Joyce has picked it up. Swell, like S-W-E-L-L?

14 A. Yeah, S-W-E-L-L-S. I would add an S. to

15 that.

16 Q. Swells.

17 A. Yeah. Yeah. That's what they called it.

18 Q. Okay.

19 A. Growing up.

20 Q. Mr. Cruz, I read one time where you and

21 him went out at night, like you ended up five miles

22 away. Do you remember something like that happening?

23 A. Five miles?

24 Q. It was raining. Do you remember that?

25 A. No, I don't.

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Zachary Cruz

1 Q. Okay. Would you and him sometimes sneak

2 out of the house together?

3 A. Sneak out of the house? Maybe when we

4 were, yeah, younger. Maybe when we were younger. But

5 not when we were like teenagers, never. We didn't --

6 there's no reason to sneak out. Just walk out the

7 door.

8 Q. Okay. So when you were sneaking out in

9 the middle of the night, where would you go?

10 A. Do you mean, like, if I snuck out with

11 Nick, where would we go?

12 Q. Yes.

13 A. I mean, I would say, like, nowhere. Maybe

14 like the closest would be like -- maybe -- maybe,

15 like, the Liberty Park that was right down -- like

16 literally, like, less than like a mile or so. Like --

17 like less than three miles away. That would be a

18 place we'd go a lot. I remember growing up, like,

19 we'd go there.

20 Q. How old were you at the time?

21 A. I would say, like, I was like maybe fifth

22 grade. Maybe like ten, 12, 11.

23 Q. Okay. So Nick was about a year and a half

24 older than you, right?

25 A. Yeah.

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Zachary Cruz

1 Q. And so Nick would go to Liberty Park with

2 you?

3 A. Yeah, I can remember we went to Liberty

4 Park a few times together. He would go to the dog

5 park. That's not -- you're talking about sneaking

6 out. Like, I can't think of anywhere we would go that

7 we snuck out. The only place is like Walmart.

8 Q. Okay. Which -- which Walmart are you

9 talking about?

10 A. I'd say the one right next to Westglades

11 Middle School.

12 Q. Okay. So how far is that Walmart from

13 your house?

14 A. I would say -- I forgot how the miles work

15 out there. I would say it was maybe like ten miles.

16 No. No. Less than that. Eight. Seven miles.

17 Q. How would you get from your house to the

18 Walmart? Would you walk or bike or --

19 A. We could -- we would walk, ride bikes

20 maybe, if we both had a bike at the time.

21 Q. And you did this with your brother when

22 you were how old?

23 A. I mean, we got caught shoplifting at that

24 Walmart when we were real young because we had

25 traveled there together on foot. Not on foot. We

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 both rode bikes. But then we both were like stealing

2 candy and stuff and we got caught by loss prevention.

3 And my mom had to come and pick us up. Same Walmart

4 right next to Westglades Middle School.

5 Q. How old were you about when that happened?

6 A. I was definitely like elementary school

7 days.

8 Q. Elementary school? Okay. So did Nick

9 know how to get from your house, the big house, to the

10 Walmart next to Westglades back in elementary school?

11 A. Yeah. Because we -- we had figured out it

12 was like just one road that gets there and it's the

13 main road. Like Holmberg Road, it's like as soon as

14 you get out of our neighborhood, Holmberg Road would

15 take you all the way to Walmart, just that one road.

16 So you just walk or bike ride.

17 Q. Okay. So he might have been ten, 12 years

18 old, and he was biking to Walmart from your mom's

19 house or your house?

20 A. Both of us. Yeah. Both of us.

21 Q. And where else would he bike to? You said

22 the dog park?

23 A. Well, no. He wouldn't -- no, the dog park

24 was too close. He was taking, like, Koby to the dog

25 park, he would just walk Koby all the way to the dog

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Zachary Cruz

1 park and walk him back.

2 Q. Okay. Where else?

3 A. We had other dogs.

4 Q. Where else would he bike to? That was

5 pretty far a way.

6 A. Yeah. Let's see. I don't know. It's

7 hard -- it's hard to even think. I never -- I never

8 knew his -- his -- his routes. Like, I never knew

9 where he would go.

10 Q. Okay. Okay. But you know he went to

11 Walmart because you went there with him before?

12 A. Yeah. Yeah. But even when we were

13 teenagers, like, I could be like riding my skateboard

14 on the sidewalk and I would pass him on his bike and

15 we'd be going different directions. Like, I'd be

16 going back to the house. He'd be going somewhere on

17 his bike.

18 Q. Okay. Since the shooting you've spoken to

19 your brother many times, correct?

20 A. Yes, I have.

21 Q. Have you ever -- have you seen him in

22 person other than when you went to court?

23 A. No. Court's the only way I see him.

24 Q. Okay. So just in a general sense, what do

25 you usually speak to your brother about when you talk

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1 to him?

2 A. Just like childhood memories. Like,

3 things, like, we experienced growing up. Like, things

4 that just -- yeah, just -- just crazy, like, memories

5 mostly.

6 Q. Does he remember most of the stuff that

7 you bring up?

8 A. Yeah, most of the time. Most of the time.

9 I have to like -- but I have to, like, make sure. I

10 have to, like, paint a picture basically. Because I

11 have to, like -- most of it like -- there's like

12 certain things, like, that both of us never forget.

13 Q. Right. Does he remind you of things that

14 he remembers that you don't remember?

15 A. Yeah. Yeah. It works like that. Like,

16 he could remind me of certain things and I could

17 remind him of certain things.

18 Q. Okay. Did he ever tell you about the

19 shooting itself?

20 A. No. We've never talked about that.

21 Q. Why not? Just tell me why not.

22 A. Because it's -- it's not -- not -- not

23 what I want to talk to him.

24 Q. I'm sorry. What was your answer again,

25 please?

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1 A. It's not something I would want to talk to

2 him about.

3 Q. Okay. Is that true even after he pled

4 guilty?

5 A. I mean, eventually I see myself -- I could

6 see myself, like, trying to walk -- talk to him and --

7 but it's just -- it's just -- it's too -- it's too --

8 it's still too heavy for me to even -- I could never

9 even find words to start that off. Like, it just --

10 it's just so heavy. It could be so heavy, so.

11 Q. I understand. Did he ever talk to you

12 about the victims?

13 A. No. No.

14 Q. Okay. He likes to talk though, doesn't

15 he?

16 A. He could talk. Like, if he's like, I

17 would say, passionate about the topic, he could talk.

18 Q. What topics is he passionate about?

19 A. I mean, he was passionate about like --

20 like trying to join the Army back then. Like, that's

21 what I remember. Like, but he couldn't pass the


23 Q. When he was younger he talked about

24 joining the Army?

25 A. Yeah. Not -- but not really when he was

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1 younger. It became more of like a -- like a career

2 option. It became like a thought of a career when he

3 was a teenager. Like, oh, I want to do that.

4 Q. And he --

5 A. That and guns. And he used to like --

6 like -- like want to be -- when he was younger he used

7 to want to be a veterinarian. If that's how you say

8 the word. Just take care of animals. But like, then

9 he -- then he -- like, when he became older he found

10 he liked guns and then started liking hunting.

11 Q. Okay. Did he like watching documentaries

12 about animals?

13 A. Yeah. He would, like, watch Discovery

14 Channel, Animal Planet. Like the things -- National

15 Geographic. Like, those type of shows, like.

16 Q. And could he spend like a whole day

17 watching, you know, documentaries about animals?

18 A. When he was younger. Not -- yeah, I would

19 say when he was younger. When he's like a teenager,

20 like, he would just like want to learn. He would

21 learn and then he just would like absorb the

22 information about an animal. His favorite animal back

23 then I swear was like a cheetah. He would know all

24 these facts. He would have a book about a cheetah.

25 Like, yeah. And the dinosaurs, too.

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1 Q. So if there was an hour-long documentary

2 about cheetahs, he'd sit and watch it?

3 A. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

4 Q. Okay. Or if there was a YouTube for an

5 hour about guns, he would watch it?

6 A. Yeah. Yeah.

7 Q. Okay. He didn't have any problems sitting

8 in front of a TV to watch something he was interested

9 in?

10 A. Yeah. Yeah, no. Huh-uh.

11 Q. Okay. When you talk to him, does he make

12 sense to you?

13 A. I mean, the conversations I can

14 understand. Like, yeah, we have back and forth

15 communication.

16 Q. Okay. Like if he talks about memes -- is

17 it memes, M-E-M-E-S? Is that what it is?

18 A. Yeah.

19 Q. Anime or --

20 A. Memes. It's like, yeah, internet. Like,

21 pictures. Like, jokes. Yeah.

22 Q. Okay.

23 A. And he -- he had a little bit of knowledge

24 of memes and stuff. Like, YouTube stuff. Like, he

25 would, like, put on funny YouTube videos or try not to

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Zachary Cruz

1 laugh on YouTube. There's videos like that. I

2 remember he would like be interested in stuff like

3 that. Things that would make him laugh.

4 Q. Can he explain this to you? Like, if you

5 don't understand what anime is -- like I don't

6 understand what it is -- can he explain what anime is?

7 A. I mean, he watched -- I mean, he -- he

8 grew up on Naruto, like, playing the game, watching

9 episodes of Naruto. So he knows what anime is. He

10 watched Pokemon. I mean, he liked anime. He wasn't a

11 big anime person, but he could explain what anime is.

12 Q. Okay. Did he ever show -- I'm sorry. I

13 didn't mean to interrupt you. It's hard sometimes on

14 this.

15 A. I was saying, the most I could hear him

16 say is, like, it's a Japanese cartoon. That's what I

17 think anime is.

18 Q. Okay. Did he ever explain things to you?

19 Like a new video game that you didn't know how to

20 play, would he show you how to play it?

21 A. The most I -- just that one question only

22 makes -- I mean, he played a Spider-Man game that he

23 was really good at. It's called Spider-Man: Web of

24 Shadows for Xbox 360. He was obsessed with that game.

25 Literally, like, that was like -- that was like -- he

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1 like -- that was his treat, just playing -- playing

2 Spider-Man: Web of Shadows. So yeah, I mean -- did I

3 answer your answer? I'm sorry. I don't know.

4 Q. Did he explain how he got so good to you

5 and, you know, make you better at it?

6 A. Well, I mean, it was more like a kid's

7 game. It's like -- but it had like decisions, choices

8 you could make in the game that effect the score. All

9 the endings were different. So it's like -- that's

10 why he was so obsessed with the game because, like,

11 there was so many different -- different endings in

12 the game.

13 Q. When you talk to him in the jail, are

14 there like certain rules he has to follow and you have

15 to follow?

16 A. Yeah. I mean, well, yeah. I can't -- I

17 can't show him a picture or any -- a video off of my

18 phone. Like, if I wanted to show him a picture or

19 anything, it would have to be printed on paper and,

20 like, approved basically.

21 Q. Okay.

22 A. And, yeah, that's really like -- like -- I

23 don't know. There's like certain -- if I'm video

24 chatting him, like, there can't be anybody else in the

25 video chat besides me.

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1 Q. Okay. How did you learn these rules?

2 A. Just from BSO. Just like learning how to

3 use the app, the new app, Securus.

4 Q. Okay.

5 A. They just give us all these extra rules

6 because of Nick.

7 Q. Did Nick tell you about these rules, too?

8 A. I was like -- I was -- well, yeah. Yeah.

9 Because he was like -- he'd be like -- he will tell

10 me, like, don't show me nothing off your phone. Don't

11 do this. Don't do that or they're gonna turn it off.

12 Q. So he's aware of the rules at the jail,

13 right?

14 A. Yeah. Yes.

15 Q. Did he ever talk to you about that attack

16 of the guard?

17 A. Attack of the guard?

18 Q. Yeah. When he attacked the guard, did he

19 ever talk to you about that?

20 A. No, I've never -- a guard? I've never

21 heard of that.

22 Q. You don't know what I'm talking about?

23 A. No.

24 Q. You didn't know he attacked a guard and

25 took his Taser away from him?

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1 A. Oh, okay. I thought you were talking

2 about like -- like, when he was younger. No. I know

3 about the police -- yeah. Yeah. In the -- in the

4 jail? Yeah.

5 Q. Okay. Did he ever talk to you about it?

6 A. No. We -- no. No. I -- I -- no. That's

7 not something I try to talk to him about.

8 Q. You stayed away from that topic, right?

9 A. Yeah. Yeah.

10 Q. Okay. How did you find out about the

11 shooting?

12 A. I was -- Rocxanne basically. She -- she

13 came to the skate park and like -- like, I was -- I

14 was just at the skate park and she, like, came in my

15 mom's Kia. And she, like, ran into the skate park

16 like -- and like -- she was just like, Zack, you need

17 to come here now, now, now.

18 And she had, like, basically, like, pulled

19 me into -- like pulled me into, like, the car

20 basically. And then, like, she showed me, like, an

21 article that was saying like -- like shooting at

22 Marjory Stoneman Douglas. 17 dead. And then I just

23 saw like Nikolas Cruz and then a picture. And then

24 like I just remember crying.

25 And then her son started laughing me. But

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1 he's a young kid, Tyler. He was like five, six. He

2 doesn't understand what's happening. So it was -- it

3 was just all that -- it was -- it was a lot.

4 It almost feels like I blacked out, I

5 would say, because I was just -- I remember being in

6 West Palm Beach and then -- then driving -- and then,

7 yeah, just driving back to the trailer house.

8 Breaking -- I broke my phone because, like, everybody

9 was texting me. Like, sending me Snapchats and

10 like -- just like -- like people from the skate park

11 were like -- were talking crazy to me. Like -- on

12 like -- on Instagram through, like, direct messages.

13 It was a lot. It all -- it all, like -- it all, like,

14 fell down on me in, like, ten minutes. Like, it was

15 just like really intense.

16 Q. How did you end up at the police

17 department that night?

18 A. They -- they -- they called -- the FBI

19 called Rocxanne and they said, we need -- we need you

20 and Zack for -- to come here and do an interview right

21 away. And, like, they were like very, like,

22 demanding. Like, they -- they -- they -- because they

23 were -- there was already a SWAT team coming to the

24 trailer park to search -- search everywhere in

25 Rocxanne's property.

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Zachary Cruz

1 Q. Right.

2 A. So the FBI was like saying, like,

3 basically you come here or we'll come there. And

4 like, yeah. Rocxanne -- as soon as, like, the SWAT

5 team and like the big SWAT truck was already in the

6 neighborhood. Rocxanne was just -- was already, like,

7 over it. She was just like losing -- losing her

8 marbles. So it's like she was --

9 Q. Right.

10 A. We hopped on the highway, me and her. And

11 then Tyler and Rocky and Rocky's girlfriend, they're

12 all still at the trailer. And then, like, an hour

13 into us just being in the -- at the interview once we

14 got there, like -- like, she FaceTimed Rocky. And

15 then like literally, like, the whole neighborhood

16 like -- like was cut off with, like, caution tape.

17 Like, they had the bomb squad. They had dogs. They

18 had like -- like, not -- no, no, I'm not going to say

19 helicopter, but they had like boots on ground all

20 around her house, like everywhere, searching.

21 Q. Right.

22 A. All of nooks and crannies, like

23 everywhere. Just searching everything.

24 Q. Right. So when you -- so you and Rocxanne

25 drove together down to the police public safety

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1 building?

2 A. Yeah, Broward County.

3 Q. Yeah. Is that what happened, you drove

4 down?

5 A. Yeah. The main jail. Yeah, the same

6 building that Nick was in. And then --

7 Q. Yeah, the police --

8 A. And when they brought me --

9 Q. The police didn't -- sorry.

10 A. I'll just give you, like, extra

11 information. Like, when they brought us to the

12 interrogation room, there was like -- like -- like --

13 like basically the waiting room that I had to sit in,

14 like the Uber driver who drove Nick to the -- to the

15 school, her son was like sitting in the -- in the

16 waiting room basically.

17 I saw, like, the lady, the actual Uber

18 driver. She came out. She was crying and stuff. Her

19 son was like hugging her, counseling her.

20 And then I saw Andrew Medina, the Stoneman

21 Douglas security guard. Like, he was there. And I'm

22 surprised he didn't say nothing to me because we were

23 in a room together and he just got done with his

24 interview and then he comes into the waiting room.

25 And I know it was him because I knew him from school.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 I recognized him.

2 He didn't even, like, recognize me, which

3 was just mind blowing to me because I thought if

4 anything he would -- like, he was just -- no one

5 really knew I was Nick's brother at the time in those

6 moments. But it was weird because we had this bubble

7 with people.

8 Q. I just wanted to clarify something. You

9 and Rocxanne, you didn't drive with the police. You

10 drove down yourselves together?

11 A. Yeah, we drove. Yeah, me and Rocxanne

12 drove together.

13 Q. Okay. And before -- how did it happen

14 that you went into the room with Nick?

15 A. It was like -- I did my interview and then

16 basically they were like -- after I was done with the

17 interview, they were like, so do you want to see your

18 brother? He's in the other room.

19 And then like -- it was just like they had

20 presented me with that and I didn't know if I was

21 ready or not. But then I was just -- I was just like,

22 all right. If he's in the other room, I want to see

23 him. And then they brought me to him.

24 And then -- I don't know. I tried to just

25 give him a piece of my heart. But, like, it just --

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 it's just so many other -- like, I was just thinking

2 about everybody, everybody effected by it. So it was

3 just -- it was hard to even be there. It was just --

4 it's just -- it feels like -- I don't know. Like, it

5 feels like it was like an out-of-body -- like just --

6 just doing what I --

7 Q. I'm sure.

8 A. Yeah.

9 Q. Did the police say anything to you before

10 going into the room of what you should ask him or

11 anything like that?

12 A. No. No. They were like, do you want to

13 see him? And they kept it short like that. They

14 didn't like -- yeah, they were just like, do you want

15 to see him? He's here.

16 Like -- like this -- like in my head I was

17 thinking, I don't know when I'm ever going to be able

18 to see him again. So I just took the opportunity when

19 I had it.

20 Q. Okay. So eventually you -- well, after

21 the police station you go back with Rocxanne to her

22 house, correct?

23 A. Yeah.

24 Q. How does it end up that you stop living

25 with Rocxanne? What happened?

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Zachary Cruz

1 A. So basically I started like -- I took my

2 mom's car away from her basically because, number one,

3 no one legally was able to drive that car. But no one

4 should have been driving that car ever.

5 But like, it was -- Rocxanne took me in,

6 she took in Nick, and it's like that came with my

7 mom's car. So it was just like -- I just got so

8 annoyed with, like, me just having to skate on the --

9 like ten miles every day just to get to the skate

10 park. And like -- just like -- just doing that

11 repeatedly while I knew Rocxanne was using my mom's

12 car to go here, go there, do this, get food here, do

13 that, go party or something.

14 It got to a point I was just like -- she

15 left -- she would leave the keys on the counter and I

16 was just like, I took it. And I was like, I'm not

17 giving it back to her at all. And then, like, I stood

18 on that for like a few days.

19 And then, like, my -- she called the

20 police on me to violate my probation. Because she was

21 like -- she said she was worried that, like, I was

22 going to injure somebody or kill myself like driving.

23 So she just -- she called the police while -- while I

24 took the car out.

25 And then while I was at the skate park,

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Zachary Cruz

1 yeah, and then BSO -- the chief of probations came to

2 West Palm Beach and he was just was watching me at the

3 skate park while I hopped out of the car and got back

4 in the car. So that was enough for him to violate my

5 probation. And then the next day there was a warrant

6 for my arrest and they were knocking on my door

7 arresting me, taking me to West Palm Beach.

8 Q. So let me just get the order of things.

9 The probation you're talking about, was that from

10 trespassing on Stoneman Douglas?

11 A. Yes. Yes. Chief of probation of Broward

12 County.

13 Q. Okay. And I obviously don't care about

14 whether or not you were driving a car without a

15 license, but was that what that was about?

16 A. Yeah.

17 Q. You were driving a car without a driver's

18 license?

19 A. Yeah. That violated my probation.

20 Q. Okay. When you said you took the car from

21 her, did you take the keys or did you take the car?

22 A. The keys to the car.

23 Q. Okay. Okay. So you hid -- you hid the

24 keys from her I guess, right?

25 A. Yeah. Like, I kept them on me. Like, I

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Zachary Cruz

1 put them in my pocket. Like, I just -- even if

2 like -- I don't know. It got to a point where I would

3 just like -- I wouldn't even, like, communicate with

4 Rocxanne. Like, I had, like, enough money on my card

5 and stuff. I knew if I could just get out in the

6 morning, like, I wouldn't have to hear from her the

7 whole day.

8 But I know she was going to be wanting to

9 use the car the whole day. So it's like I just

10 kept -- I just started doing that. I would leave real

11 early, go to the skate park with the car. And then,

12 yeah, it just came to that day where she called the

13 police while I was doing it.

14 Q. Okay. So at some point did you go

15 somewhere else, some other house?

16 A. No. No. I -- I -- it was -- I was in --

17 once I got arrested for violating my probation, I

18 waited in jail. I don't know how many days. I think

19 more than a week I was in jail. And then they had to

20 transfer me to Broward County. And once I got out of

21 jail, Rocxanne said I couldn't come back to live with

22 her.

23 And I was just lucky enough to meet Mike

24 and Richard and they offered me a job in Virginia for

25 like a whole year to just work and have a free condo

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 to myself. Like -- so, like, I -- I had to take that.

2 I mean, it was the best thing that anybody --

3 Q. Okay. How did you meet Richard and

4 Mr. Donovan there?

5 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object

6 at this point.

7 MR. MARCUS: You're going to object?

8 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Yes. I know that he

9 brought it up, but he's been going on -- I'm

10 going to object at this point because it's not

11 relevant and ask that it be certified. Ask

12 the question be certified and ask that he not

13 respond. It's after the shooting.

14 MR. MARCUS: You do realize bias is

15 relevant, right? You do realize that?

16 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: But I don't know

17 what that has to do with Nick. So is there

18 some bias here in --

19 MR. MARCUS: It has to do with witnesses.

20 It has to do with any witness who testifies.

21 I'm allowed to go into bias.

22 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Okay. So what is

23 the bias that you're trying to prove?

24 MR. MARCUS: I don't have to tell you

25 everything. I can tell you it's a relevant

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 topic. You do recognize bias is a relevant

2 topic?

3 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I do. I'm asking

4 that it be certified. I'm asking him not to

5 respond.

6 MR. MARCUS: Okay. All right. So we're

7 going to have a lot of questions here.


9 Q. So how did you meet Richard Moore?

10 A. I met him when -- when -- basically right

11 after I got out of jail. I went to the hotel he was

12 staying at and, like, he's the one that offered me a

13 job. He's the one that offered me to come live in

14 Virginia and get away from the madness.

15 Q. Well, how did you know to go to a hotel to

16 see Richard Moore?

17 A. With Mike. Mike got me out of jail. Mike

18 was -- was my ride out of jail.

19 Q. And did you know Mike before he got you

20 out of jail?

21 A. No. I met him like -- I mean, I --

22 Rocxanne had communicated with, like, Mike and Mike's

23 lawyers before I was in jail. But then like once,

24 like, they figured out that, like, I was -- like, I

25 wasn't even, like, on good terms with Rocxanne any

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 more. Like, Mike came to meet me himself basically

2 and then got me out of jail. Got me -- helped keep

3 the cameras away from me. Like, made sure I felt

4 safe.

5 Q. So is that the first time you met Mike

6 Donovan was when he got you out of jail?

7 A. Yeah, when I walked out of jail.

8 Q. And you have no idea why he was getting

9 you out of jail?

10 A. No, I didn't. I didn't know nothing when

11 I was walking out early. I had met a security -- I

12 met one of Mike's security. He was the one that

13 like -- like helped me walk out of the jail. Like,

14 well, helped me get through, like, the process.

15 Like, they -- because, like, the chief of

16 probation, he didn't want me to just walk out into,

17 like, all those cameras. So, like, Mike's security

18 guard came and met me in the bathroom inside the jail

19 and basically, like, we had planned out the best time

20 to walk out. The best -- yeah. Yeah.

21 Q. Who was security?

22 A. I don't remember his name.

23 Q. Was he from the jail or --

24 A. No. Hired security.

25 Q. Whose security?

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Zachary Cruz

1 A. This is Mike's -- Mike and Richard's

2 security guard.

3 Q. Mike and Richard have a security guard?

4 A. Yeah. At that time.

5 Q. And he met you at the jail?

6 A. Yeah.

7 Q. And you didn't know who this guy was? You

8 never met him before, right?

9 A. No. But he told me -- once he told me he

10 was with Mike and with my lawyers, I felt -- I -- I

11 didn't -- I didn't question him or nothing.

12 Q. Okay. And were you introduced to Mike by

13 your lawyers?

14 A. It's like I met him myself basically.

15 There was no -- like, my lawyers were there, but like,

16 they were Mike's -- they're like Mike's workers that

17 are my lawyers. Like, they work for Mike. So it was

18 like Mike's the chief.

19 Q. Okay. So these are lawyers who work for

20 Mike and they got you out of jail?

21 A. Yeah.

22 Q. Okay. And when you left the jail you went

23 to a hotel?

24 A. Yeah. To --

25 Q. And this is -- which hotel? Do you know?

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FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object

2 to relevance. This is getting far afield with

3 regard to how it concerns Nick. Again, this

4 is after the shooting. It's Zack's life after

5 the shooting. It's not relevant. So at this

6 point I'm going to ask you to certify and I'm

7 going to instruct him not to answer.


9 Q. And did you meet Richard Moore at the

10 hotel?

11 A. Yes, I did.

12 Q. Okay. And what was your conversation with

13 Richard Moore?

14 A. It was basically, like, he felt bad. He

15 was, like, apologizing for everything I was going

16 through. And, like, trying to make me feel like the

17 world wasn't ending.

18 Q. Okay. And did you stay at the hotel or

19 where did you go from there?

20 A. I stayed at the hotel. Yeah. They helped

21 clean me up basically. Yeah.

22 Q. Okay. And what did Richard do for you

23 there?

24 A. Like, he, like, tried to -- guarantied me

25 a future.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 Q. Okay. What kind of future did he

2 guarantee you?

3 A. A job as a -- basically a maintenance man

4 with a free condo for a year.

5 Q. A free condo for a year and a maintenance

6 man?

7 A. Yeah. Work as a maintenance man. Like,

8 go around with the crew. Like work, do repairs and

9 stuff. Like, you know, like maybe, like, fix a door,

10 paint a gate. You know like -- like, appliances.

11 Yeah.

12 Q. Okay. And was there anything that was

13 expected of you? You would just work and they would

14 give you a free condo? Or Richard would give you a

15 free condo?

16 A. Yeah. Yeah. I was going to work as a --

17 I would just try to, like, keep -- keep my head low

18 from all this.

19 Q. Okay. And did you understand at that

20 point that Richard and Mr. Donovan were married?

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. Okay. So they were a team?

23 A. Yeah.

24 Q. Correct?

25 A. I knew they were partners.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 Q. And they both helped you, correct?

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. Yes?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. So did you leave Broward County shortly

6 thereafter or when did you leave?

7 A. Well, we had to -- first, because I --

8 because I was on an ankle monitor with Broward County,

9 I wasn't -- because I wasn't allowed to leave the

10 state. So I had to go to court and, like, Mike got me

11 a really good lawyer and, like, I was able to get it

12 approved through the judge to go work the job in

13 Virginia and get away and, like, still be on my

14 probation and, like, still follow all the rules of

15 that. And yeah, like, it all -- it all worked out.

16 The judge granted me my motion.

17 Q. Okay. And so for the last -- so do you

18 know when this was when you left Broward County?

19 A. I don't really remember.

20 Q. All right. Was it in 2018?

21 A. Yes. Yeah.

22 Q. Okay. And have you lived in Virginia

23 since then?

24 A. Yes.

25 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 at this point. I'm going to ask that you

2 certify that question. I'm going to instruct

3 him not to respond.

4 Anything that has to do with after he left

5 and he's here in Virginia I'm going to be

6 objecting to. And in terms of bias, I

7 understand bias towards Nick, but the

8 relationship between Zack and Rich is not

9 relevant towards -- for bias.

10 MR. MARCUS: Well, Richard's a witness, so

11 I think it does apply. I think that's pretty

12 obvious, counselor. But if you want to waste

13 your time and certify, that's up to you.

14 That's okay with me.

15 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Bias regarding Nick,

16 that is relevant. Rich having a bias

17 regarding another witness is not relevant.

18 MR. MARCUS: Okay. Whatever you think.

19 Just make your objection.


21 Q. So where did you live in Virginia?

22 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Objecting to this

23 question and this entire line of questioning

24 and I'm going to ask him not to respond. I'm

25 going to ask that you certify that question as

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 well.


3 Q. Do you live with Richard Moore?

4 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm objecting to

5 that. Again, anything after he moved to

6 Virginia I'm going to ask that you certify and

7 that he not respond.


9 Q. Do you have any business interests with

10 Richard Moore or Michael Donovan?

11 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

12 ask him not to respond, and ask that you

13 certify that question.


15 Q. Have you -- did you start a charity?

16 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

17 ask that you certify that question, and ask

18 him not to respond.


20 Q. Is the charity called We Isolate No-one?

21 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

22 ask him not to respond, and ask that question

23 be certified as well.


25 Q. How much money do you make from the

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 charity?

2 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

3 ask that you certify that question, and ask

4 him not to respond.


6 Q. How much does Richard Moore make from that

7 charity?

8 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

9 ask that you certify that question, and

10 instruct him not to respond.


12 Q. How much does Michael Donovan make from

13 that charity?

14 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

15 ask that you certify that question, and

16 instruct him not to respond.


18 Q. Have you been arrested since the -- since

19 after the -- have you been arrested while in Virginia?

20 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

21 ask that you certified the question.

22 MR. MARCUS: You're kidding me? Are you

23 serious, counselor?

24 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: If he has pending

25 charges, obviously he has a right to remain

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 silent. He has the Fifth --

2 MR. MARCUS: I haven't heard --

3 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: -- I'm very serious.

4 So again --

5 MR. MARCUS: Counselor, actually, I know

6 you're not familiar with Florida law, or at

7 least you're not a Florida lawyer so I might

8 assume you're unfamiliar with Florida law.

9 And I'm going to direct you to Florida Statute

10 914.04, which is entitled: Witnesses, persons

11 not excused from testifying or producing

12 evidence in certain prosecutions on ground

13 testimony might incriminate him or use of

14 testimony given or evidence produced.

15 The statute says very clearly that a

16 witness under subpoena by the State Attorney's

17 Office has use immunity for anything he says

18 in a deposition except for perjury. I can ask

19 him any question, but I can't use it against

20 him in a subsequent action.

21 So, for example, if I asked him: Were you

22 involved in a robbery on Walnut Street, and he

23 says, yes, I committed that robbery, I can't

24 use that against him. But I can use -- I

25 could charge him with perjury if he lied about

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 it.

2 So the fact that he's charged with a crime

3 is a matter of public record. It's not

4 incriminating, for one. But even if it was, I

5 can still ask him the question.


7 Q. So my question is, have you been arrested

8 in Virginia?

9 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to ask him

10 not to answer that question. I appreciate

11 your review of the law. I am objecting based

12 on relevance. If it's a question if he's been

13 convicted of a felony or convicted of a crime

14 of moral turpitude, I'll allow him to answer.

15 But again, this is a relevance objection.


17 Q. Okay. Does the charge involve Grand Jury

18 testimony you were supposed to give against Richard

19 Moore?

20 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to ask --

21 I'm going to ask that that be certified, ask

22 him not to answer the question.

23 MR. MARCUS: Okay.

24 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Object to that as

25 well.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 MR. MARCUS: That's fine.

2 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: And are we able to

3 at least take a 10-minute break minute? We

4 are free all day if you want to take a lunch

5 break at this point.

6 MR. MARCUS: Well, here's the problem. I

7 realize we were supposed to do Richard Moore,

8 too, but there is another deposition at 1:30.

9 MR. KLINGER: It's at 3:00.

10 MR. MARCUS: Starts at 3:00?

11 MR. KLINGER: Yes.

12 MR. MARCUS: Okay. Well, it's certainly

13 reasonable to take a break for lunch. Is 30

14 minutes enough for you all? 1:00 o'clock

15 okay?

16 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: That's fine.

17 MR. MARCUS: Okay. We'll be back at

18 1:00 o'clock then. Thank you.

19 (Recess off the record.)


21 Q. Mr. Cruz, do you own any websites?

22 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

23 ask that he not answer that question, and ask

24 that that question be certified.


Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 Q. Do you have any interest in any

2 businesses, Mr. Cruz?

3 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

4 ask that that question be certified, and

5 instruct him not to answer.


7 Q. Are you involved in any business that

8 makes money off of your brother's killing of 17

9 people?

10 A. No.

11 Q. Do you -- what is Being Zachary Cruz?

12 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

13 ask that he not answer that question, ask that

14 that question be certified.


16 Q. What is The System?

17 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to be

18 object, instruct that he not answer that

19 question, ask that that question be certified.


21 Q. Does the show Being Zachary Cruz make

22 money off of your brother's killing 17 people?

23 A. No.

24 Q. Do you make any money off of Being Zachary

25 Cruz?

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

2 ask that he not answer that question, and ask

3 that that question be certified.


5 Q. Have you participated in any protests with

6 The System?

7 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

8 instruct him not to answer that question, ask

9 that that question be certified.


11 Q. Are you paid a salary as a result of your

12 involvement in with The System or Being Zachary Cruz?

13 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

14 ask that that question be certified, and

15 instruct him not to answer.

16 Mr. Marcus, can you hold on one second.

17 Let me just close this door.


19 Q. Have you been involved in any protests of

20 any police officers?

21 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

22 ask that that question be certified, and

23 instruct him not to answer.


25 Q. Have you been involved in protests of

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 police officers who have investigated Richard Moore or

2 Michael Donovan?

3 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

4 ask that that question be certified, and

5 instruct him not to answer.


7 Q. Are you aware of the felony records of

8 Richard Moore and Michael Donovan?

9 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

10 instruct him not to answer, ask that that

11 question be certified.


13 Q. Has Richard Moore been arrested during the

14 time you've lived with them?

15 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

16 instruct him not to answer, ask that that

17 question be certified.


19 Q. Are you aware that Richard Moore is facing

20 ten federal counts?

21 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

22 instruct him not to answer, and ask that that

23 question be certified.


25 Q. Are you aware Richard Moore is also facing

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 state perjury charges for lying?

2 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

3 instruct him not to answer, and ask that that

4 question be certified.


6 Q. Do you know if Richard Moore or Michael

7 Donovan have been to prison?

8 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

9 instruct him not to answer, ask that that

10 question be certified.


12 Q. Are you aware of their involvement in

13 white collar crimes?

14 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

15 instruct him not to answer, and ask that that

16 question be certified.


18 Q. Are you aware of lawsuits being filed

19 against them by state attorney generals?

20 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

21 instruct him not to answer, and ask that that

22 question be certified.


24 Q. Was it your idea for Michael Donovan to

25 sit through this deposition or was it his idea?

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 A. It was my idea.

2 Q. And has Richard Moore been in the room?

3 A. No.

4 Q. Has any money been donated to the victims

5 of your brother's massacre that you're aware of?

6 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object,

7 ask him not to answer. Give me one --

8 MR. MARCUS: Tell my why.

9 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Give me one second

10 on that. Hold on. Actually, first, can you

11 repeat the question?


13 Q. Has any money that you know of been

14 donated to victims of your brother's massacre from

15 your family or your money or your brother's money?

16 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Okay. I'm going to

17 withdraw my objection. If you can repeat the

18 question for Zack.


20 Q. Has any money been donated to victims of

21 your brother's massacre from your family?

22 A. No.

23 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: And -- okay. Just

24 let me say that you're talking about his

25 knowledge, right? Because your question was:

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 Has any money been donated? You mean to his

2 knowledge? Because I guess at this point

3 I'll -- it's an objection to the form. He

4 doesn't know what money has been donated to

5 the victims. You didn't ask to his knowledge.

6 I'm just confirming that he's speaking from

7 his own knowledge.


9 Q. So no one has told you that money has been

10 donated from your family, you or your brother's money,

11 to victims, correct?

12 A. No.

13 Q. Do you have any memory of your adopted

14 father, Roger Cruz?

15 A. Yes.

16 Q. In general can you tell me what those

17 memories are?

18 A. He would take us to Toys-R-Us.

19 Q. Okay. So I take it pleasant memories?

20 A. Yeah.

21 Q. Okay. Do you have any recollection of him

22 actually passing away?

23 A. No. I mean, I remember being explained

24 what happened to him, kind of.

25 Q. Okay. Have you ever stated to your

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 brother Nick that you blamed him for the passing of

2 Roger Cruz?

3 A. Not that I can remember.

4 Q. Okay. I'm going to be moving into another

5 area from your past, and I'm just going to be asking

6 what you remember of this time. And again, I

7 apologize I have to ask you these questions.

8 Do you recall the first time that you

9 started to receive therapy from Henderson?

10 A. I mean, I could remember from middle

11 school.

12 Q. Okay. If I can refresh your recollection.

13 I'm going to try to to see if any of this refreshes

14 your recollection. In 2009, October of 2009 - so you

15 would have been nine years old - you began therapy

16 with an Amanda Levison. Does that ring any bell to

17 you?

18 A. No.

19 Q. Do you recall having therapy at your house

20 from an early age?

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. Okay. And so you don't -- you don't

23 specifically recall Amanda Levison, do you?

24 L-E-V-I-S-O-N.

25 A. No, I don't.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 Q. Okay. At the age of almost ten,

2 January 27th of 2010, do you recall an incident where

3 they alleged that you abused a family dog with a leash

4 to anger them? Do you recall not being allowed near

5 the dogs after that?

6 A. No.

7 Q. Okay. Do you recall that there was a

8 second period of time that you began with Henderson

9 therapy in May of 2012? Do you recall that?

10 A. I don't remember.

11 Q. Do you recall a Sarah Leace, L-E-A-C-E,

12 being a therapist for you?

13 A. No. I don't remember her.

14 Q. And do you recall it was because of

15 misbehavior towards your mother, cursing, arguing?

16 A. Yeah, that's why I had therapy.

17 Q. Okay. Do you recall any diagnosis that

18 was made of you? Was it ever told to you what your

19 diagnosis was?

20 A. I think ADHD.

21 Q. Okay. Is that it?

22 A. That's like the only word I can really

23 remember from back then.

24 Q. Were you ever told you had a mood

25 disorder?

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 A. No.

2 Q. Okay. Did you have a -- did you tell your

3 therapist back then that you wanted to "get to mom"?

4 A. What does that mean?

5 Q. Annoy her.

6 A. I probably did say that.

7 Q. Okay. Is that because you intentionally

8 wanted to annoy your mother back then?

9 A. Yes, I did.

10 Q. Okay. Were you able to control your

11 behavior; you just chose not to?

12 A. I mean, I -- I mean, I -- I don't know. I

13 mean, I wouldn't say it was controlled.

14 Q. It wasn't what? Can you repeat that? I

15 couldn't hear you.

16 A. It wasn't controlled behavior. It was

17 just however I wanted to act.

18 Q. You just wanted to act however you wanted

19 to act; is that what you're saying?

20 A. Yes.

21 Q. Okay. Did you tell your therapist at that

22 time, June of 2012, that sometimes you just wanted to

23 hurt her feelings? Is that something you would have

24 said back then?

25 A. It's probably something I would have said

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 back then.

2 Q. Okay. Were you nice to everyone else

3 though?

4 A. Pretty much. Outside of the house I was

5 like an angel.

6 Q. Okay. So outside the house you could

7 control yourself pretty well, but not for your mother,

8 right?

9 A. No.

10 Q. Okay. Would your mother call the police

11 quite often on you?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. And was that because you were missing from

14 home or you were just disobedient?

15 A. I would say both those reasons.

16 Q. For both of those reasons? Okay.

17 Was there a time in the summer of 2012

18 that you were asked not to return to a camp because of

19 inappropriate behavior and disrespect? Do you recall

20 that?

21 A. You said 2012?

22 Q. Yes.

23 A. No, I don't remember that.

24 Q. Were you ever at a camp?

25 A. Yeah. Me and Nick went to summer camp

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 together.

2 Q. Where did you go to summer camp?

3 A. I can't really -- I don't remember what

4 the program is called. But there's an alternative

5 school, like somewhere passed the flea -- near the

6 flea shop in Broward County, the big main flea shop.

7 Not like the -- there's like two big ones. The one

8 near Butterfly World.

9 There's like an alternative school near

10 that flea market area. And, yeah, we went both

11 went -- went -- went to that summer camp. It was

12 pretty much for like -- like -- it was like -- I don't

13 know. I can't even say this. For kids with, like,

14 behavioral problems but it was just, like, everybody

15 had -- like everybody had their own set of problems

16 going there. Some people were aggressive. Some

17 people were just incorrigible. Some people like

18 fighting. It was just like bad -- I wouldn't say bad

19 kids. It was a summer camp for, like, misbehaved

20 kids.

21 Q. Okay. Do you recall another counselor

22 named Rachel Calister from Henderson?

23 A. No, I don't.

24 Q. 2012? No? Okay.

25 A. But the name of the summer camp -- like

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 the school, the alternative school was at, I remember

2 the name was like Cypress Head. It was like Cypress

3 Head, somewhere in that area. An alternative school.

4 Q. Okay. So did you like that camp?

5 A. Not really. Because it was like -- it was

6 just like -- there was too many, like, people that

7 were like -- like -- like, I would say bigger than me.

8 Like, people were like more nervous than me. People

9 that could like -- that could sit down and roast each

10 other for like -- like, I would say, like, five

11 minutes and not feel anything. It was just like --

12 just like -- I don't know. It was not easy.

13 Q. Okay. On September 3rd of 2012 - and I'm

14 sure you don't remember these specific days - do you

15 recall having a session with a Rachel Calister where

16 it was discussed that you were caught the day before

17 shoplifting $75 sneakers and had to sign a no

18 trespassing affidavit? Do you recall that incident of

19 the shoplifting?

20 A. If it was from Kohl's, yes.

21 Q. Okay. Did your mother institute a plan

22 that if you cursed at her it would get you 15 minutes

23 in a time-out room?

24 A. I don't remember that ever.

25 Q. Okay. Do you have any idea of how often

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 you received therapy at home?

2 A. Probably about -- I think it was like a

3 weekly thing.

4 Q. Okay. Was Nick also getting therapy at

5 home?

6 A. Yeah, but I think it was more for me at

7 first.

8 Q. Okay.

9 A. Then it became he had one.

10 Q. So you had therapy and he had therapy

11 sometimes, correct, at the same time?

12 A. Yeah. But even like my own therapist --

13 like, would -- like, after she was done working with

14 me, she would like try to work with Nick a little bit

15 to, like, not be too, like, touchy. Like, not like

16 overstepping boundaries. Like, not -- not, like, try

17 to like control him, but like dictate -- like, would

18 give him direction like she did with me. The

19 therapist would just like figure out -- like, try to

20 figure out who he was, like my therapist would.

21 Q. So you would have a therapy session and

22 sometimes Nick would join in, correct?

23 A. Not join in. It would be like right

24 after. Like I'm wrapping up and I'm done, like, she

25 would like -- she would, like, go spend like ten

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 minutes, five minutes, like, with Nick, around Nick,

2 just watching, observing. And hanging out also, like

3 being a friend at the same time.

4 Q. I'm sorry. Did you say Nick was hanging

5 out and being a friend?

6 A. No, the therapist would try to be like a

7 friend and just like hang out and just, like, be --

8 Q. Okay.

9 A. -- at the moment.

10 Q. Were there also family therapy sessions?

11 A. Yeah, we had a few of those.

12 Q. And family therapy would be your mother,

13 you, and Nick together?

14 A. Yeah. Yeah.

15 Q. In some weeks there would be three, four

16 sessions in a week sometimes?

17 A. I don't remember it was like that. But it

18 could have been. It could have been.

19 Q. Is it fair to say you didn't really like

20 therapy sessions, did you?

21 A. Not at all. No.

22 Q. And oftentimes you would skip out on them?

23 A. I would want to. But I really -- like, I

24 couldn't, because then I would have the police pretty

25 much like -- yeah, like -- if I tried to like leave to

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 go away, my mom would just call the police.

2 Q. And the police would find you

3 skateboarding somewhere, right?

4 A. Well, I mean, back then it was like -- I

5 was really into skating back then. When I was doing

6 therapy like that, I wasn't -- I only got into

7 skateboarding really when I got sent away from my

8 house. My mom sent me to a group home and, like, at

9 the group home there was skateboard and, like, I just

10 like was learning how to skateboard, like, at the

11 group home basically.

12 Q. Nick liked the therapy, didn't he?

13 A. Yeah. Well, no, no. I'm not gonna say

14 that. No. What I was gonna -- no, that's not what

15 I -- no. I would say no. He didn't like the therapy.

16 I was gonna say he probably enjoyed me being sent out

17 of the house and him not being sent out of the house.

18 Q. I'm sorry. Could you repeat that. Some

19 of -- I didn't hear who was sent out of the house.

20 A. I was just saying, like, I think he

21 enjoyed me being sent out of the house because my

22 behavior was considered worse than his at the house.

23 So I would be the one getting sent out, not him.

24 Q. Do you recall the YES team coming to your

25 house because of you on multiple occasions?

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 A. I think I do, but I got -- I can't

2 visually remember it. But I do remember -- I remember

3 always being threatened with the YES team growing up.

4 Like, do you want me to call the YES team? They say

5 you keep acting like this, we'll call the YES team.

6 So.

7 Q. Okay. Did you understand that the YES

8 team was like -- sort of like there's an emergency

9 going on with your child and --

10 A. Yeah.

11 Q. -- and you have to deal with it at that

12 moment, so they're the ones who would come out right

13 away?

14 A. Yeah. Yeah. They're like the people --

15 it's like before the police and like the last resort.

16 Q. And sometimes the police would come with

17 them?

18 A. Well, I never remember that.

19 Q. Okay. Were there times that you destroyed

20 furniture in your own home as a child?

21 A. Yeah. I mean, I took down my own door.

22 Like, I -- I don't know. I would, like, open and

23 close my door so much that the hinges came off. So

24 it's like -- I like -- I, like, ripped the door off.

25 I ripped my carpet all apart. I, like, broke my

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 closet door like multiple times.

2 Nick would punch holes inside the wall in

3 the den where my mom would hang out and watch her soap

4 operas. He would punch walls just in the one spot in

5 the den. Nick would break windows. I never broke a

6 window in the house, not that I can remember.

7 Q. Did you ever break a window in the car to

8 get like an electronic out of your mom's car?

9 A. I never did. Nick did.

10 Q. Nick did that? Okay.

11 A. Not to get anything out of the car, just

12 to break the window.

13 Q. Did you ever trash mom's room, throw her

14 things in the living room?

15 A. Yeah, I think I did do that before. I've

16 done that, I'm pretty sure.

17 Q. Did you ever gesture at her in a

18 threatening manner?

19 A. I would make her chase me around the

20 house.

21 Q. You'd chase her around the house?

22 A. Yeah. Like, I would -- like, I don't

23 know. I would, like, stand in a pose like come at me

24 and then she would like run at me. And then I would

25 like take her for a run around the house. Like, she

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Zachary Cruz

1 could never catch me.

2 Q. Did you ever see Nick hit your mother?

3 A. No, I never saw that with my own eyes.

4 Q. How about when he punched her in the

5 mouth?

6 A. Never saw that.

7 Q. Did your mother lose some teeth?

8 A. Yeah, she did. She did.

9 Q. How did she lose her teeth?

10 A. Well, that's what I heard about. Like, he

11 hit her in the mouth and like -- it was like -- it was

12 real hush-hush in the house. Like, my mom didn't even

13 like talking about it.

14 But, like, there were times she just

15 couldn't like hold it back. Like, she would just be

16 yelling at him and then, like, she would bring up,

17 like -- like, oh, my teeth. Like, she would say

18 something like -- like mention her teeth and then --

19 yeah, like it would be like that.

20 Q. Did you see the blood coming from her

21 mouth?

22 A. No. No. I just remember it was a time

23 where she had like -- like -- like pads of, like,

24 cotton in her mouth.

25 Q. And was that from being hit by Nick?

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1 A. Yes.

2 Q. Did you or Nick ever lock her in a closet?

3 A. Yeah, we both did that before I think. I

4 would say it was mostly me though. Like, I don't

5 know. Maybe. Maybe both of us. But that's something

6 I -- I would do that. Like, I just held the door.

7 Because, like, her closet was so tight up against this

8 other wall where it's like I could press my feet up

9 against this wall and just like put all my body force

10 against the door where I had the most -- I had the

11 most force applied and she couldn't --

12 Q. How long did you keep her in the closet?

13 A. We maybe did that for like a minute, a few

14 minutes. Just to, like, show her that we could, I

15 feel like. Or just to like -- maybe it wasn't even to

16 show her. It was just like -- we thought it was

17 funny. Like, I don't know.

18 Q. Did she think it was funny?

19 A. No. She -- I'm pretty sure she probably

20 called the police. Probably that was some -- yeah.

21 Q. She never pressed charges against you or

22 Nick though, did she?

23 A. No. No. I mean, I've never hit her. I

24 know that. I never hit her. But Nick, she like -- I

25 think she called -- there was like -- the police were

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 there over the punch in the face with the teeth coming

2 out, but it was never like a police report filed.

3 There was never charges pressed. There was never --

4 never it being, like, I want a record that he did

5 that. But there was a report of it, I know that, with

6 the department of police because they -- my mom

7 explained everything to them, I'm pretty sure.

8 Q. Your mom wanted to protect Nick from going

9 to prison, right?

10 A. Oh, yeah. She wanted to make sure that

11 his record was clean.

12 Q. Did you ever threaten to drop the garage

13 door on her?

14 A. No. No. No.

15 Q. Did Nick ever talk you into leaving the

16 house without permission?

17 A. No. No. That was free will. Like, I

18 would just leave if I wanted to leave. Yeah, it was

19 all free will.

20 Q. Do you know of your mother going to stores

21 with your picture to show them -- to leave a picture

22 of you there because you were stealing from them?

23 A. No, I never -- I never heard my mom doing

24 that.

25 Q. What were the stores you were stealing

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1 from back then?

2 A. I mean, like, Walmart, Target, Kohl's.

3 Those are the big ones.

4 Q. And you were talked to about this many

5 times by counselors, correct?

6 A. Yes. Yeah.

7 Q. And you persisted on still stealing back

8 then, right?

9 A. Yeah.

10 Q. There was nothing anyone could do to stop

11 you from stealing back then?

12 A. No, because I just -- I would just leave

13 and like I -- I -- I was fast. I'd leave. I could

14 get out of the parking quick, like, just on a bike or

15 a scooter.

16 Q. Well, I mean no one could talk sense into

17 you to stop stealing is what I was really asking.

18 A. Yeah. No, no one -- no, no one was ever

19 able to convince me not to do it.

20 Q. So up until the shooting did you continue

21 to steal?

22 A. No.

23 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to object

24 at this point. I just need to pause this line

25 of questioning for a second. Give me one

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 second, Mr. Marcus.

2 MR. MARCUS: Counselor, I'll withdraw that

3 question if you want to move on.

4 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Okay. Thank you.


6 Q. Okay. Mr. Cruz, I want to ask you if you

7 remember any of these names of therapists from the

8 years that you were exposed to Henderson and other

9 treatment providers. So I already told you Amanda

10 Levison, Sarah Leace, Rachel Calister. I think I

11 mentioned those already.

12 Now, Trahern LaFavor, T-R-A-H-E-R-N, L-A

13 capital F-A-V-O-R, does that name sound familiar to

14 you?

15 A. Not at all.

16 Q. Tiffany Forest?

17 A. Not at all.

18 Q. Martha Luthen?

19 A. Nope.

20 Q. Scarlett Martin?

21 A. Nope.

22 Q. Your mother had a parent advocate named

23 Steve Sincoff. Do you recall that person?

24 A. I remember him. He would sit down and

25 drink coffee and hang out with my mom.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 Q. Would he talk to you, too, on occasion?

2 A. Not -- yeah, a little bit, but he would

3 just like offer me advice really. Never -- never

4 overstepping boundaries. But he was like -- became

5 like my mom's best friend. Even after the therapy,

6 they would still just hang out and talk.

7 Q. Okay. He was offering your mom help to be

8 a better parent, right?

9 A. Yeah, and she also would -- he also was

10 just like -- she was like -- he was her personal

11 therapist. Like, he was there to, like, just comfort

12 her basically.

13 Q. Okay.

14 A. He would just hang out. He would

15 sometimes just hang out at the house just to like --

16 just because like -- if someone was at the house, me

17 and Nick would never act up. We would never be

18 disrespectful, like disobedient. Never if there was

19 another person in the house that was like a friend of

20 my mom's or anybody.

21 Q. So you guys would control yourself if

22 there was another adult in the house?

23 A. Yeah. But I'm not gonna say it's the same

24 if we had a friend over. If we had a friend over,

25 then we would be like in rare form. We would act out.

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Zachary Cruz

1 Q. Okay. But you -- but Nick could control

2 himself when he wanted to when there was an adult like

3 Sincoff there?

4 A. Like Steve? Yeah. If Steve was there,

5 like, yeah, Nick wasn't breaking things in the house

6 or anything. He was calm.

7 Q. Okay. Do you remember Dr. Negin, the

8 psychiatrist?

9 A. No, I don't.

10 Q. So there was a time you were placed at

11 Lutheran Services placement, do you recall that, 21

12 days?

13 A. That's the shelter I got sent to.

14 Q. Right. And then you were sent for a

15 second time to Lippman Shelter, correct?

16 A. Well, it was -- I mean, I stayed only at

17 the same shelter every time. It was the same shelter

18 every time.

19 Q. Oh, it was the same place twice?

20 A. Yeah. Oakland Park. Lippman Youth

21 Shelter in Oakland Park.

22 Q. Okay. And one time you convinced a bus

23 driver that you had a pass to leave? Do you remember

24 that?

25 A. To what, leave the shelter?

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Zachary Cruz

1 Q. Yes. And you went home when you shouldn't

2 have been.

3 A. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Because I was still

4 going to my home school, so -- but, like, I was -- I

5 was staying at the Oakland youth shelter. So I took

6 my regular bus ride home, like my regular bus route

7 when I was still at home. And like -- yeah, like, I

8 took -- I took the bus back to my house.

9 Q. And you shouldn't have, right?

10 A. Yeah. Yeah. I shouldn't have.

11 Q. And you had to go back to the shelter

12 after that, right?

13 A. Yeah. They -- somebody transported me. I

14 think somebody from the shelter came and got me. I

15 don't know.

16 Q. And do you remember Jared Bienenfeld,

17 B-I-E-N-E-N-F-E-L-D?

18 A. I remember him. He had like glasses. He

19 was my middle school therapist. And, like, he was --

20 he was like -- if anything, I would say he was the

21 coolest one out of all of them. Because, like, he

22 never was really trying to make me be in trouble. He

23 was just trying to make me realize my actions, like,

24 and how they effected everybody.

25 And, like, he just taught me how to be

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Zachary Cruz

1 like more like emotional. Just to think more about,

2 like, how my mom was feeling. And he was really,

3 like, cool. Like, really understanding. Like, he

4 would take me out to eat. Like, get desserts or,

5 like, just get me away from the house. Like, he was

6 just like, yeah, clear my head from --

7 Q. It didn't change your behaviors though,

8 did it?

9 A. No. And, like, he was like one of the

10 therapists that, like, sent me to the shelter I'm

11 pretty sure. So, yeah. But he had a meeting -- he

12 had a meeting at Westglades Middle School with like

13 all the -- like, my principal and they were, like,

14 basically figuring out if I'm going to get sent back

15 to the shelter or not.

16 Q. Is it fair to say that it was your

17 mother's death that changed your behaviors?

18 A. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Once she was

19 sick, like -- it was just like -- everything, like,

20 just changed.

21 Q. Did you know Finai Browd?

22 A. Yeah. That was like my mom's -- one of my

23 mom's good, good friends. Like, she called her her

24 sister.

25 Q. Did you know her very well?

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Zachary Cruz

1 A. Yeah, I -- yeah, I grew up around her.

2 Q. Okay.

3 A. She was a nice lady.

4 Q. Did you know Emilee Brenner?

5 A. I knew that was Nick's girlfriend. And I

6 had classes with her when I was in middle school and

7 high school.

8 Q. Okay. Did you know Angie Gilmartin?

9 A. No, I don't.

10 Q. Did you know that was another girlfriend

11 of your brother?

12 A. No. I don't think I ever met her.

13 Q. Okay. Did you know Hunter McCutcheon?

14 A. Yeah. We had classes together since sixth

15 grade.

16 Q. Were you friends with Hunter?

17 A. I don't want to say we were friends, but

18 like we were, like, friendly. Like, we were just

19 nice -- we'd be nicer to each other.

20 Q. Was he a friend of your brother's?

21 A. Yeah. They -- they -- once -- once I was

22 in high school, like, Nick met him somehow and they

23 started like being like -- I'm not gonna say they were

24 best friends, but they were good friends. Like, hung

25 out every weekend I felt like. Hung out a lot. He

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Zachary Cruz

1 would take Nick out to, like, the Everglades and

2 stuff.

3 MR. MARCUS: Okay. Just a second.

4 Getting close. Give me just a moment. You

5 can take a break for a couple minutes and I'll

6 be back with you.

7 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Okay. Thank you.

8 (Recess off the record.)


10 Q. Okay. Just a few more questions. Thank

11 you. Mr. Cruz, what do you know of your brother

12 drinking or using drugs in his teenage years up until

13 the shooting?

14 A. I mean, I smoked weed with him. I mean,

15 we smoked weed with kids on our street.

16 Q. I'm sorry. Say that again, please.

17 A. I said, I've smoked weed with him. We

18 smoked weed with kids on the street. We've gone

19 places -- other places with kids from our street and

20 smoked weed. I remember when he was going through his

21 breakups, he would be in the closet drinking my mom's

22 wine bottle. Like, pretty much half -- whole --

23 pretty much the half of the whole bottle.

24 Q. When was this that he was drinking?

25 A. It was when -- I think it had to do

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 something with his breakup with Emilee. Because he

2 would just have the home phone and he would go in his

3 closet and, like, he -- I don't know. He also, like,

4 had his tablet. So he would just be -- be trying to

5 like communicate towards Emilee and like -- I don't

6 know.

7 I just know, yeah, he was definitely

8 drinking a lot and he definitely was stealing my mom's

9 wine. And I just remember, like, my mom, like,

10 confronting him. And then my mom started putting the

11 wine in her car and locking her car.

12 Q. Is that when he broke a window to get into

13 the car?

14 A. No. That -- I mean, no. That was a

15 situation -- that's a whole nother story.

16 Q. Okay. So when you're saying about

17 drinking the wine, is this wine -- all the wine he

18 drank was from your mother?

19 A. Yeah. It was like Zinfandel. It's like a

20 maroon red kind of wine. Like it was -- it was wine.

21 Q. So in total, how many bottles would he

22 have drank of your mother's wine?

23 A. I mean, he did -- like, he got away with

24 it for, like, a few times. I don't know how he got --

25 I don't know how he got away with it more than once,

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 but he definitely did. Because, like, my mom bought,

2 like, a box with the wine where you unscrew the cap

3 and it pours out.

4 I remember he took -- he had gotten -- he

5 was, like, sipping it in front of her one time. I can

6 like visually kind of remember that. He was like

7 holding the box up and drinking it while she's trying

8 to take it from him. And I could just -- the other

9 time I saw him in the closet and he had a whole wine

10 bottle. And I was just like looking at him. What are

11 you doing? Kind of basically just let him be. Like,

12 I left the scene.

13 Q. So what I'm asking is it -- was this

14 like -- maybe it was two bottles or five bottles or --

15 you know, how many --

16 A. One bottle.

17 Q. One bottle?

18 A. Yeah. And he only -- these are the times

19 I've seen it. It's not -- there's times I haven't

20 seen it. But it was intense because my mom couldn't

21 leave her wine out no more. She couldn't have cold

22 wine no more because if she put it in the fridge it

23 was dibs, like, for Nick.

24 Q. So it's not like he was an alcoholic. It

25 just happened a couple times?

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 A. Nick?

2 Q. Is that --

3 A. Yeah, I wouldn't say Nick was an

4 alcoholic. My mom was because she drank wine every

5 day. Not -- not -- not saying she would get pitch

6 drunk and like -- but I'm not saying she wouldn't get

7 drunk every day.

8 Q. Okay. Would she have a glass or two of

9 wine, something like that?

10 A. More glasses than that. She -- she -- she

11 had to drink a whole -- she could go through a whole

12 pack of however sips -- however many glasses of wine

13 she could pour.

14 Q. Okay. In one day or a week or what are

15 you talking about?

16 A. I mean, yeah. I mean, weekly there was

17 always -- there would be gallons of wine in the fridge

18 before Nick started, like, taking like most of it. It

19 would usually just always be like -- like bottles of

20 wine in the fridge or a box of wine. And like, yeah.

21 It was just like -- I think Nick started taking, like,

22 small doses of it. And then, like, eventually just

23 started taking everything and that's when she figured

24 it out.

25 Q. What kind of girl was Emilee Brenner? Did

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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1 you like her? Was she a nice girl or no?

2 A. Well, I mean, she had a crush on me when

3 we were in middle school. That's what her friends

4 told me. And she was like a very quiet girl. Because

5 I had technology class with her and I just remember

6 she was very quiet. It was like -- and like -- just

7 she was very quiet, just very quiet. But, like, would

8 always be laughing about something in class. Or she'd

9 just be giggling, like -- and, like, it was just weird

10 because, like -- I don't know. Like, just from

11 middle -- that's -- that's -- yeah, middle school I

12 was in classes with her. And then once I got to high

13 school I found out she dated my brother. So it was

14 just weird.

15 Q. Okay. I have a few questions I want to

16 ask you about Nick when he was like 10, 11, 12 years

17 old. Okay?

18 A. Okay.

19 Q. And I'll just go through them quickly and

20 just tell me if he could do this or if he couldn't do

21 it. Okay?

22 A. Okay.

23 Q. Did he know how to use a microwave oven

24 then?

25 A. Not the oven. He knew how to use a

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 microwave.

2 Q. A microwave?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. Yes. Okay. Did he know how to use the

5 toaster?

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. Did he know how to open a can with a can

8 opener?

9 A. I'm pretty sure, yeah. We had can openers

10 at the house.

11 Q. I'm sorry. Can you repeat your answer,

12 please?

13 A. I said, I'm pretty sure because we had --

14 yes, because we had --

15 Q. Okay.

16 A. -- can openers at the house.

17 Q. Did he know how to make a peanut butter

18 sandwich?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. Did he know how to brush his teeth?

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. Did he know how to wash his face?

23 A. That, I can't really -- I mean, I would

24 say no.

25 Q. Ten to 12 years of age?

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 A. I know he knew how to take a shower.

2 Q. Okay.

3 A. Yeah.

4 Q. Did he know how to blow his nose with a

5 tissue, 10 to 12 years of age?

6 A. Yeah, but he's the type to not even use a

7 tissue. He'd use his own shirt.

8 Q. Okay. Did he cover his mouth when

9 coughing or sneezing, those ages, 10 to 12?

10 A. I would say no. I mean, he had poor

11 manners. Like, table manners were horrible.

12 Q. Would he know how to zip a zipper up?

13 A. Yeah.

14 Q. Like on a jacket, put it together and put

15 it up when he's 10 to 12?

16 A. Yeah. He had a bunch of hoodies growing

17 up.

18 Q. Did he know how to use a butter knife when

19 he was 10 to 12 years of age?

20 A. Yeah. I mean, yeah. That's probably when

21 he started make peanut butter and jelly for himself.

22 Yeah, like bagels, cream cheese.

23 Q. Did he know how to button his shirt during

24 10 to 12 years of age?

25 A. Yes, but he never usually had shirts that

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 nice. I mean, my mom would buy matching shirts for us

2 to wear to go to school when we were really young,

3 like pre-K, elementary.

4 Q. At 10 to 12 years of age did he know how

5 to wash his hair?

6 A. I think so. Yeah. I think my mom taught

7 him all that.

8 Q. At 10 to 12 years of age you think he was

9 smart enough to use a toilet before leaving the house?

10 A. Yeah. Yeah. He was good with his -- I

11 mean, I'm not gonna say he was good. Like, the

12 bathroom was never always clean, but --

13 Q. Okay. Would he apologize when he made a

14 mistake?

15 A. Yeah. He would over -- overdo it. He

16 would always -- that was like his word. Like, I'm

17 sorry was like -- my mom -- my mom -- I just

18 remember -- I could hear it in my head. My mom would

19 be like, you always say you're sorry. You always say

20 you're sorry, but then you do this. Like, she'd say,

21 don't say sorry if you don't mean it. That's what I

22 remember my mom telling Nick growing up.

23 Q. When he was 10 to 12 did he have any

24 problem going to school?

25 A. Oh, yeah. Early -- earlier than that I

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
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Zachary Cruz

1 think.

2 Q. Okay. What was his problem?

3 A. Like, what do you mean? Like -- like, if

4 we're talking about elementary? Like, when we were

5 at, like, Coral Springs Elementary? Like, he would

6 have a room where, like, if he got so worked up

7 during, like, while he was in school, they would have

8 a room for him to go to where, like, there was like a

9 Nintendo 64, like a pool table, all these, like,

10 activities for him to, like, cool down.

11 But this is, like, in Coral Springs

12 Elementary. And it's like a room for other kids and

13 it, like, really a room for, like, special needs only.

14 Like, only the special need kids knew about the room.

15 It was only a room for the special needs kids.

16 Q. Right. Now, the question I want to ask

17 you is, like, do you know how with little kids they

18 don't want to leave their mother to go to school?

19 They're like, mommy, mommy. Do you know what I'm

20 talking about? Like little kids?

21 A. Yeah, they don't want to leave their

22 parents. Yeah.

23 Q. Right. So at 10 to 12 years of age, could

24 he leave his mother and -- even though he had problems

25 when he was at school, but could he leave to go to

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1 school?

2 A. Yeah. She would drop -- she would take us

3 to the school bus, make sure he got on the school bus.

4 Yeah.

5 Q. Okay. Now, you mentioned about marijuana

6 use when you were younger. And I saw a video of you

7 talking to your brother when he was in jail where he

8 asked you if you were high and you said you were. Did

9 you -- did you smoke marijuana when talking to Nick in

10 jail sometimes?

11 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Okay. Don't answer

12 that yet. Let me just -- hold on one second.

13 I'm going to object at this point, but just

14 give me one second.

15 (Recess off the record.)

16 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Okay. We're back.

17 I'm going to object, ask him not to --

18 instruct him not to answer. Smoking marijuana

19 is still a federal offense. Obviously I'm not

20 here to cause him to get any federal charges

21 and that immunity statute doesn't pertain to

22 federal offenses.


24 Q. Was Richard with you at the time that you

25 were smoking marijuana and talking to -- excuse me.

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 You weren't smoking marijuana. Let me restate that.

2 That you were high from marijuana, was Richard in the

3 room when you were talking to Nick?

4 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: I'm going to

5 instruct him not to answer and ask that you

6 certify that question. It's the same

7 objection.

8 MR. MARCUS: I just want to point out,

9 it's not illegal to be high. It's illegal to

10 smoke marijuana. He wasn't smoking marijuana.

11 He just claimed he was high. So do you want

12 to let him answer the question?

13 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: No. Because if he

14 was high, at some point he had to ingest it.

15 Ingesting it is a federal offense. So I'm not

16 going to -- no, I don't want him to answer the

17 question. You can certify that question. I'm

18 going to instruct him not to answer that.

19 MR. MARCUS: Okay. That's all the

20 questions I have for you. I appreciate your

21 cooperation. I'll just turn it over if the

22 defense has any questions of Mr. Cruz.

23 MR. SECOR: No, sir. Thank you.

24 MR. MARCUS: Can we take a break and start

25 with Richard in a few minutes? We can go as

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 far as we can go?

2 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Okay. Let me just

3 check one thing. Give me one second.

4 (Recess off the record.)


6 MR. MARCUS: Yes.

7 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Okay. I had spoken

8 with Rich, I think during our first break, and

9 he indicated that after 1:30 he would not be

10 available, but I didn't know how long it was

11 going to take for Zack. Right now he is

12 getting lunch, but he's about 20 minutes away.

13 What I'm going to ask, which I think is more

14 reasonable, if we can reschedule it and do

15 this all at one time rather than bifurcate his

16 deposition.

17 MR. MARCUS: Okay. I'll have -- I'll have

18 my assistant get some dates together when we

19 can do this. And I'm just going to do it

20 under the condition that you'll continue to

21 accept service and that because -- and you

22 will -- and I'm sure you will, I have no doubt

23 of your integrity of proceeding in good faith

24 trying to get this accomplished. I wasn't so

25 convinced of your client was willing to do

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 this, but I'm certainly convinced of yours and

2 you have been gracious and I appreciate it.

3 Just so that we agree that he's still under

4 subpoena. Okay?

5 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: He is. I will

6 accept service. Just a heads up, I'm going to

7 be out of town May 2nd through the 9th. But

8 after that, we can get dates after that.

9 MR. REINER: And I've actually got a

10 federal trial that starts on Monday as well.

11 MR. MARCUS: Not that we don't want you,

12 Mr. Reiner, but --

13 MR. REINER: I know what you're saying.

14 No, if you have to work around me, work around

15 me.

16 MR. MARCUS: Okay.

17 MR. REINER: Or work through me. I'm

18 sorry. Let's do it that way.

19 MR. MARCUS: And that's what I mean.

20 She's working through you.

21 MR. REINER: Okay.

22 MR. MARCUS: Then that's fine. I'll have

23 Aaron email you and we'll try and work out a

24 date together. Okay?

25 MS. MATHENY-WILLARD: Sounds good. Thank

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 you so much.

2 MR. MARCUS: Have a good weekend. Thank

3 you.

4 (The deposition was concluded at 2:10

5 p.m.)

6 (The reading and signing of this

7 deposition is not waived.)

















Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz




5 I, JOYCE MARKS, Notary Public in and for the

6 State of Florida at Large, do hereby certify that

7 ZACHARY CRUZ appeared via videoconference on this 29th

8 day of April, 2022, and was by me duly sworn.




JOYCE MARKS, Notary Public

13 State of Florida at Large



16 My Commission: HH 189526
My Commission Expires: January 29, 2026
17 Bonded through Notary Public Underwriters









Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz




5 I, JOYCE MARKS, Certified Court Reporter, do

6 hereby certify that I was authorized to and did

7 stenographically report the deposition of ZACHARY

8 CRUZ; that a review of the transcript was requested;

9 and that the foregoing transcript, pages 1 through

10 16j0 inclusive, is a true and correct record of my

11 stenographic notes.

12 I FURTHER CERTIFY that I am not a relative or

13 employee of any of the parties, nor relative or

14 employee of such attorney or counsel, or financially

15 interested in the foregoing action.

16 This certification does not apply to any

17 reproduction of the same by any means unless under the

18 direct control and/or direction of the reporter.

19 DATED this 7th day of May, 2022.








Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 STYLE: State of Florida vs NIKOLAS CRUZ


3 DATE: April 29, 2022

6 Under penalties of perjury, I, the undersigned,

7 do hereby certify that I have read the foregoing

8 deposition, or have had it read to me, and that to the

9 best of my knowledge said deposition is:

10 ____ True and accurate; or

11 ____ Except for changes and/or corrections

12 below, if any, as indicated by me on the DEPOSITION

13 ERRATA SHEET hereof, with the understanding that I

14 offer these changes as if still under oath.




18 Signed on the ____ day of ______________, 20___.





24 You may email this executed form(s) to the reporter of

record: [email protected]

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 STYLE: State of Florida vs NIKOLAS CRUZ


DATE: April 29, 2022


7 Page No. ______ Line No. _____ Change to: ____________

8 ________________________________________________________

9 Reason for change:______________________________________

10 Page No. ______ Line No. _____ Change to: ____________

11 ________________________________________________________

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18 Reason for change:______________________________________

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20 ________________________________________________________

21 Reason for change:______________________________________



24 Signature: ___________________________ Date: __________


Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

1 STYLE: State of Florida vs NIKOLAS CRUZ


DATE: April 29, 2022


7 Page No. ______ Line No. _____ Change to: ____________

8 ________________________________________________________

9 Reason for change:______________________________________

10 Page No. ______ Line No. _____ Change to: ____________

11 ________________________________________________________

12 Reason for change:______________________________________

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17 ________________________________________________________

18 Reason for change:______________________________________

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20 ________________________________________________________

21 Reason for change:______________________________________



24 Signature: ___________________________ Date: __________


Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]

Powered by TCPDF (

Zachary Cruz

$1367 67:25 73:24 74:5 75:25 adopted 76:20,23 (13) 133:3 148:17,19
$333333 70:21 76:4,15,15 79:1,2 77:2 79:2 123:13 ages 151:9 149:8
$400 69:1 80:10,21 83:21 (5) aggressive 152:12,16,19,19
$75 129:17 85:23 86:5,9 87:5 adoption 79:2 128:16 (28)
& 3:2 88:25 89:18,20 90 adult 7:20,20,24 agree 19:25 am 1:9 5:12 11:9
'17 20:20,21 :2,12,17,18,19,23 140:22 141:2 (5) 67:12 157:3 12:3 72:17 116:11
10minute 117:3 91:12,17,22,24 adults 20:4,5,8 agreed 35:1 160:12 (7)
14th 52:8 67:19 92:2,5,16 advance 15:17 ahead 5:24 7:11 amanda
16j0 160:10 95:7,15,19,22 advice 140:3 8:19 16:25 (4) 124:16,23 139:9
16th 68:25 96:2,3,5,7,10 advise 72:19 airsoft 57:7 ambulance 16:12
17th 5:6 101:2 103:9,13,15 advocate 139:22 alcohol 23:6 american 57:15
18001958cf10a 115:25 122:24 affidavit 129:18 alcoholic 147:24 amina 3:6,6 6:14
1:3 130:2 135:4,10,13 afield 45:6 109:2 148:4 amina@aminala
18th 20:24 138:4 143:1 after 9:9 17:9,9 alive 53:12 56:9 wcom 3:9
1st 70:16 146:16 148:15 26:12 27:3,4 29:9 58:16 60:25 (4) ammo 53:17
27th 125:2 149:8,16 30:21 31:11 34:17 alleged 125:3 54:13 57:6,12 (4)
29th 5:11 159:7 153:4,14,20 154:5 36:8 39:12 40:20 allow 7:8 11:15 ammunition
2nd 157:7 156:12 (109) 41:5,6,21 43:12,17 12:22 116:14 (4) 57:4,10
3rd 129:13 aboveentitled 5:3 45:13 46:23 50:23 allowance 14:4 amount 68:16
4th 62:18,20 absolutely 7:11 51:6,17,18 52:13 allowed 11:3 andor 160:18
6th 2:7,16 64:18 65:16,19 67:13,15 12:21 53:17 161:11
7th 160:19 absorb 91:21 69:15 70:24 105:21 111:9 andrew 99:20
80th 38:1 58:3 abused 125:3 71:3,10 72:25 125:4 (6) angel 127:5
83:6 accept 156:21 73:6 76:2 79:1 almost 17:10 anger 125:4
9th 157:7 157:6 90:3 100:16 27:23 50:9 97:4 angie 144:8
@sao17stateflus access 54:13 101:20 105:13 125:1 (5) animal
2:9 83:17 106:11 109:4,4 alone 17:12 91:14,22,22
aaron 2:6 66:8 accomplished 112:4 113:5 along 48:9 51:3 animals 19:5
70:10 157:23 (4) 156:24 114:19 125:5 52:15 23:4 91:8,12,17
able 8:20 19:11 account 66:10,12 130:13,24 140:5 already 19:8 (5)
21:21 32:2 53:6 67:4 70:22 77:23 142:12 156:9 24:21,23,24 25:22 anime 92:19 93:5
101:17 102:3 (5) 157:8,8 (55) 30:4 33:11,12 ,6,9,10,11,11,17
111:11 117:2 accurate 161:10 again 9:24 43:14,18,19,20,21 (8)
126:10 138:19 act 126:17,18,19 11:14,19 14:1 45:14 63:18 66:25 ankle 111:8
(11) 140:17,25 (5) 18:1 30:20 49:25 67:1 97:23 98:5,6 annoy 126:5,8
about 18:4,15 acting 133:5 51:20 71:25 139:9,11 (22) annoyed 102:8
20:1 23:8 26:24 action 115:20 73:4,6 77:22 also 3:10 9:18 annuity 67:24
27:4,5 30:20 160:15 89:24 101:18 50:4 51:7 60:24 69:14,20
31:19 32:13,15 actions 142:23 109:3 113:5 115:4 69:8 73:13 120:25 70:9,20,23 (6)
35:4 40:18,25 activities 153:10 116:15 124:6 130:4 131:2,10 another 35:13
41:2,9,24 44:11 actual 42:22 43:3 145:16 (20) 140:9,9 146:3 (14) 54:24,24 60:16
45:12 46:9,16,24 99:17 against 54:4 alternative 68:23 70:9 72:13
47:1,4 50:17 actually 31:10 115:19,24 116:18 128:4,9 129:1,3 112:17 117:8
52:23 53:4 54:21 58:18 65:7,8 121:19 (4) 124:4 128:21
55:3,6,22 56:2,6 115:5 122:10 136:7,9,10,21 (9) always 8:25 9:16 140:19,22 144:10
59:6 63:15 123:22 157:9 (8) age 5:2 6:3 8:2 10:1 21:15 22:16 (14)
64:6,11 add 20:2 84:14 20:16 124:20 25:9 27:7,10,11 answer 7:8
65:20,23,24,25 added 44:1 125:1 150:25 39:4,5 10:10,21 11:3,7
66:16 68:5,15 addressed 10:24 151:5,19,24 55:3,10,10,11 12:21,23 20:1
69:6,9,15 72:10 adhd 125:20 152:4,8 153:23 57:5,5,6 79:6,7 45:9 59:2 89:24

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

94:3,3 109:7 approved 53:8 15:16,17,20 19:24 awakening 51:24 151:22

116:10,14,22 94:20 111:12 33:10 34:17 40:10 aware 66:11 bags 46:11
117:23 approximately 41:11 46:13 67:2,6 69:12,13,16 bank 70:19
118:5,13,18 18:10 50:7,8 68:8 72:17 70:22,24 80:9 banking 65:21
119:2,8,15,23 april 1:20 5:11 73:8,20,21 74:11 95:12 120:7,19,25 66:25
120:5,10,16,22 159:8 161:3 81:19 101:10 121:12,18 122:5 barely 30:2
121:3,9,15,21 162:29 163:29 (6) 105:11,11,12 (16) barrel 56:19
122:7 150:11 ar 60:16 62:14,14 109:6 112:1,24,25 away 8:24 14:23 60:19
154:11,18 63:4 (4) 113:6,12,12,17,17, 21:15 23:2 26:1,7 based 55:11 79:4
155:5,12,16,18 ar15 59:6 22,22 29:9 40:21 71:19 116:11
(41) are 6:20 7:18 114:3,3,9,15,21 84:22 85:17 95:25 bashimam 2:13
answers 14:7 12:14,16 13:12 115:18 96:8 97:21 102:2 basically 24:25
16:21 14:8,8 15:9 37:18 116:5,9,20,21,21 106:14 107:3 26:19,21 29:15
anybody 74:6 48:14 57:22 68:6 117:23,23 111:13 123:22 33:5,16,20 34:10
94:24 105:2 74:14 75:14 77:14 118:4,13,13,19 132:1,7 133:13 36:19
140:20 (4) 78:23 83:1,21 119:2,2,8,14,22 143:5 146:23,25 38:14,15,15,19
anybody's 83:17 84:12 86:8 94:13 120:4,10,16,22 156:12 (26) 44:25 46:3,10
anyone 75:21 108:17,19 114:22 121:3,9,15,21 b 2:13 4:7 48:11,13 49:17
138:10 117:2,4 118:7 122:7 123:5 124:7 baby 42:21,22 51:10 61:4 81:7
anything 13:5 119:11 139:6 149:16 back 5:14 11:20 89:10 94:20
20:2 39:23 47:1,4 120:7,19,25 153:16 154:17 18:7 25:5 26:22 96:12,18,20 98:3
49:18 50:14 53:17 121:12,18 123:17 155:5 156:13 (77) 28:20 32:16 35:25 99:13,16 100:16
55:17 73:22 76:11 138:3 147:10,18 asked 7:7 50:10,23 58:2 102:1,2 106:10
78:15 80:18 84:7 148:14 (38) 35:17,18 59:12 61:13 63:12 64:18 107:1,19 108:14
94:19 100:4 area 48:4 81:22 115:21 127:18 72:16,17 78:22,24 109:14,21 110:3
101:9,11 110:12 82:18 84:11 124:5 154:8 (7) 79:18 81:3 82:21 132:11 140:12
112:4 113:5 128:10 129:3 (7) asking 10:15,20 87:10 88:1,16 143:14 147:11
115:17 129:11 areas 15:13 68:5 72:8,9 73:13 90:20 91:22 92:14 (44)
134:11 141:6 aren't 22:17 106:3,4 124:5 97:7 101:21 bathroom 31:1,5
142:20 (26) arguing 125:15 138:17 147:13 102:17 103:3 64:17 107:18
anywhere 86:6 argument 78:20 (11) 104:21 117:17 152:12 (5)
apart 133:25 army 90:20,24 assault 57:17 125:23 126:3,8,24 beach 26:3 97:6
apologize 15:17 around 16:15 assistant 156:18 127:1 132:4,5 103:2,7 (4)
124:7 152:13 36:3,3 44:10,16 assume 115:8 135:15 138:1,7,11 became 25:3
apologizing 48:23 50:13 60:20 assumption 44:4 142:8,11 143:14 40:21 42:13,15
109:15 81:14 98:20 110:8 asvab 90:22 145:6 154:16 (49) 91:1,2,9 130:9
app 75:19 95:3,3 131:1 ate 19:14 21:16 background 13:5 140:4 (9)
appeared 159:7 134:19,21,25 23:12 backyard because 13:2
appearing 2:2,11 144:1 157:14,14 attack 95:15,17 38:18,19 58:5,9 15:14 16:4 17:19
3:1 (18) attacked 59:22 60:14 62:17 18:2 19:21 21:16
appliances arrest 103:6 95:18,24 63:25 64:5,7 22:13,22 23:7,8,22
110:10 arrested 43:18 attorney 2:3 81:4,6,25 24:17 25:12,12
applied 136:11 45:14 104:17 14:13 67:24 82:1,2,14,16,17 27:7,15 28:5,7
apply 112:11 114:18,19 116:7 68:6,7 121:19 83:10,18 84:6 (21) 29:23,24 30:25
160:16 120:13 (7) 160:14 (7) bad 19:21 23:8 31:21 33:6 38:7,9
appreciate 14:24 arresting 103:7 attorney's 11:10 48:24 59:14 39:20,21 40:4
116:10 155:20 article 96:21 115:16 109:14 128:18,18 42:14 44:4,7,20
157:2 (4) aside 13:15 attorneys 19:25 (7) 45:6 46:7 48:9
appropriate ask 5:20 10:21 authorized 160:6 badly 63:10 49:1 50:3 53:8
13:21 27:23 11:13 12:21 13:24 available 156:10 bagels 19:14,14 56:14,16,25 59:18

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

60:25 61:1,24 126:11,16 127:19 142:16,17 35:7 52:17 66:22 154:7 (31)
64:2 65:3 66:22 132:22 (8) bifurcate 156:15 72:7,11 76:22 brother's 67:3
67:10 70:2,3 72:7 behavioral big 22:17 25:14 86:20 87:1,1,20,20 73:25 74:2
76:9,25 77:8,14,17 128:14 58:19 60:14 61:15 89:12 111:1 118:8,22
78:19 79:19 80:6 behaviors 62:10 77:5 81:20 127:15,16 128:10 122:5,14,15,21
82:13 83:16,18 143:7,17 82:4 84:11 87:9 136:3,5 (21) 123:10 144:20
84:9 86:24 87:11 behind 14:6,17 93:11 98:5 bottle 145:22,23 (11)
88:11 89:10,22 81:5 82:16 84:8 128:6,7 138:3 (16) 147:10,16,17 (5) brothers
94:10 95:6,9 (5) bigger 64:10 bottles 23:6 51:21,21
97:5,8,22 99:22,25 being 6:3 16:8 129:7 146:21 147:14,14 brought 8:23
100:3,6 102:2,20 27:24 31:19 45:17 bike 83:23 148:19 (5) 24:23 29:14
105:10 107:15 53:1 69:9 79:2 86:18,20 87:16,21 bought 147:1 99:8,11 100:23
111:7,8,9 122:25 80:18 97:5 98:13 88:4,14,17 138:14 boulevard 3:3 105:9 (7)
123:2 125:14 118:11,21,24 (9) boundaries broward 1:2
126:7 127:13,18 119:12 121:18 bikes 84:4 86:19 130:16 140:4 5:6,10 16:16 99:2
129:5 131:24 123:23 125:4,12 87:1 bowl 22:18 103:11 104:20
132:21,25 136:7 131:3,5 biking 87:18 bowls 22:16 111:5,8,18 128:6
137:6,22 138:12 132:16,17,21 birds 82:11 box 60:20 159:3 160:3 (13)
140:16 142:3,21 133:3 135:25 birth 6:10 20:13 147:2,7 148:20 (4) browd 143:21
146:1 147:1,20,22 137:4 144:23 (28) 80:14 boyfriend 36:15 brush 150:20
148:4 149:4,10 believe 33:7 birthday 20:24 boys 33:10 bso 95:2 103:1
150:13,14 155:13 34:15,20 70:10,20 bit 14:22 75:7,7 brand 54:18 bubble 100:6
156:21 (115) (5) 81:19 92:23 break 64:17 building 23:24
become 70:24 bell 124:16 130:14 140:2 (7) 117:3,5,13 99:1,6
80:5,9 bella 49:24 black 77:19,19 134:5,7,12 145:5 bullets
becoming 51:5 50:3,7 78:5,10,13 79:24 155:24 156:8 (10) 57:16,17,18
bed 29:3 31:22 belonged 40:3 80:10,14 (8) breakfast 22:15 bunch 81:7
32:19 below 161:12 blacked 97:4 breaking 97:8 151:16
bedroom 49:5 besides 94:25 blacks 78:16 141:5 bury 63:13 64:7
beds 45:2 best 25:3 blah 44:14,14,14 breakup 48:25 bus 44:14 141:22
before 5:8 11:12 26:18,19 37:21 blahblahblah 146:1 142:6,6,8 154:3,3
18:10 20:10,11,24 52:10,15 105:2 55:25,25 breakups 145:21 (7)
27:5 29:17 30:12 107:19,20 140:5 blamed 124:1 brenner 144:4 business 113:9
31:25 39:13 144:24 161:9 (12) blood 29:3 148:25 118:7
42:7,20 43:2,2 bet 58:17 135:20 bring 48:9 53:7 businesses 14:10
52:9,14 53:20 better 12:25 blow 151:4 89:7 135:16 (4) 118:2
65:20 67:14,15 39:3,3 51:12 94:5 blowing 100:3 broke 24:7 butter 19:17
69:7 76:2 140:8 (6) blur 35:23 48:18,23 97:8 150:17 151:18,21
77:8,21,24 78:17 between 31:14 boat 47:22,25 133:25 134:5 (4)
88:11 100:13 37:19 39:14 48:6,7 (4) 146:12 (7) butterfly 128:8
101:9 106:19,23 45:13,17,21 51:13 boca 16:15 30:18 brother 17:12 button 151:23
108:8 129:16 58:25 69:7 112:8 body 61:9 136:9 19:4 21:5,8,17 buy 57:12,18
133:15 134:15 (10) bomb 98:17 31:11 37:10 52:1 152:1
136:3 148:18 beyond 10:11,20 bonded 159:17 66:19,21 68:17,22 buying 63:17,17
152:9 (39) bias book 91:24 69:4,8,18,21,25 c 2:1
began 124:15 105:14,18,21,23 boots 98:19 73:24 79:25 80:25 caden 64:24,25
125:8 106:1 bored 83:10 82:19 86:21 calister 128:22
behalf 2:2,11 3:1 112:6,7,9,15,16 boss 44:10 88:19,25 100:5,18 129:15 139:10
behavior 27:16 (10) bossing 44:16,16 124:1 144:11 call 33:9 79:16
39:21 79:4,6 bienenfeld both 8:23,25 10:4 145:11 149:13 127:10 132:1

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

133:4,5 (6) 155:17,24,25 certain charity 12:20 13:16 72:19

called 6:3 18:22 156:1,14,19 157:8 89:12,16,17 113:15,20 156:25 (6)
25:24 29:25 (66) 94:14,23 115:12 114:1,7,13 (5) clinic 16:11
30:7,17 69:14 can't 11:6 12:20 (6) chase 134:19,21 18:11
78:17,18 81:6 14:6,19,23,25 certainly 13:5 chat 75:22 94:25 close 14:24 17:16
84:17 93:23 26:10 35:5 36:13 117:12 157:1 chatting 94:24 37:17 87:24
97:18,19 63:6 64:15 68:19 certificate 159:1 check 27:18 119:17 133:23
102:19,23 104:12 86:6 94:16,17,24 160:1 54:18 67:5 70:3 145:4 (7)
113:20 128:4 115:19,23 certification 156:3 (5) closer 51:6
136:20,25 143:23 128:3,13 133:1 160:16 checking 39:5 closest 85:14
(22) 150:23 (22) certified 1:22 4:9 66:10,12 closet 53:22,24
calling 46:3 cancel 76:18 5:8 73:21 cheese 19:15 54:1,3,7 134:1
78:20 79:14 candy 87:2 105:11,12 106:4 151:22 136:2,7,12 145:21
calm 141:6 canned 23:10 113:23 114:21 cheetah 91:23,24 146:3 147:9 (12)
came 9:23 17:17 cap 147:2 116:21 117:24 cheetahs 92:2 clothes 33:23
18:6 23:19,21 capital 139:13 118:4,14,19 chest 29:1,5 54:6
24:1 33:1 car 10:2,4,6,7,8 119:3,9,14,22 chiappone 2:5 coffee 139:25
49:2,3,10,19 16:13 96:19 120:4,11,17,23 chicken 19:13 cold 147:21
96:13,14 99:18 102:2,3,4,7,12,24 121:4,10,16,22 chief 103:1,11 collar 121:13
102:6 103:1 103:3,4,14,17,20,2 160:5 (27) 107:15 108:18 (4) color 77:25
104:12 107:1,18 1,22 104:9,11 certify 12:24 child 133:9,20 come 11:19 18:6
133:23 142:14 134:7,8,11 13:10 72:18 childhood 89:2 20:8 23:22 33:1,2
(21) 146:11,11,13 (28) 73:8,9,11 109:6 children 14:12 38:17,17 82:24
camera 14:21 card 9:22,25 112:2,13,25 choices 94:7 87:3 96:17 97:20
15:1 56:2 104:4 113:6,13,17 chose 126:11 98:3,3 104:21
cameras care 114:3,9,15 chronological 106:13 133:12,16
107:3,17 8:14,17,23,25 9:13 155:6,17 159:6 18:15 134:23 (19)
camp 10:14,17 23:3 160:6,12 161:7 cigarette 25:14 comes 99:24
127:18,24,25 65:20 91:8 103:13 (22) cigarettes 19:21 comfort 140:11
128:2,11,19,25 (11) certifying 13:1 25:13,18 coming 29:4
129:4 (8) cared 19:6 chad 36:16 cinnamon 19:14 71:20,22 97:23
can 5:14 7:8 career 91:1,2 chance 40:23,24 circuit 1:1,17 132:24 135:20
11:2,5 12:12,24 carolyn 2:5 43:9 5:5,6 (4) 137:1 (7)
14:5,5,18,22 carpet 133:25 change 143:7 162 civil 12:8,12 commencing
15:1,2,22 22:7 cart 23:22 :7,9,10,12,13,15,1 claimed 155:11 5:11
28:14,23 48:5,22 cartoon 93:16 6,18,19,21 163:7,9 clarify 100:8 commission
49:25 52:12 62:18 case 1:3 11:11 ,10,12,13,15,16,18 clarifying 16:6 159:16,29
63:7 64:16 65:22 12:12 14:15 (4) ,19,21 (21) class 16:18 23:23 committed
67:17 70:12 71:5 casey 2:19 5:15 changed 24:1 149:5,8 (5) 115:23
72:3 73:9,10 cash 67:4,5,5,6 143:17,20 classes 65:8 communicate
77:4,22 (4) changes 144:6,14 149:12 104:3 146:5
80:17,17,18 86:3 catch 135:1 161:11,14 (4) communicated
92:13 93:4,6 caught 64:8,9 channel 91:14 clean 56:11,14 106:22
105:25 115:18,24 86:23 87:2 129:16 charge 115:25 109:21 137:11 communicating
116:5 119:16 (5) 116:17 152:12 (5) 39:4
122:10,17 123:16 cause 154:20 charged 116:2 cleaning 56:19 communication
124:3,12 125:22 caused 16:9 charger 28:16 clear 23:2 41:6 92:15
126:14 134:6 caution 98:16 charges 114:25 143:6 community
145:5 147:5 cautious 27:7 121:1 136:21 clearly 115:15 25:25
150:7,7,9,11,16 center 30:18 137:3 154:20 (5) client 11:6,19 complexion

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

77:15,24,25 corner 14:18 counseling 99:19 162:1,2,24 104:18 129:14

concern 71:25 correct 6:18 counselor 112:12 163:1,2,24 (50) 141:12 (13)
concerns 109:3 7:16,21 8:3,5 114:23 115:5 crying 18:3 daze 17:2 18:14
concluded 158:4 9:9,15 12:10,14 128:21 139:2 (5) 24:8,10,13 96:24 dead 31:22 96:22
condition 17:20 16:2 20:16 28:12 counselors 138:5 99:18 (6) deal 77:5 133:11
156:20 41:13 43:18 counter 102:15 curse 56:24 death 15:21,23
condo 104:25 45:14,18,21,24 country 46:7 cursed 78:23,24 143:17
110:4,5,14,15 (5) 46:16 53:21 69:22 counts 120:20 129:22 debit 9:22,25
confirmed 77:12 70:7 88:19 101:22 county 1:2 5:7,10 cursing 125:15 december
confirming 123:6 110:24 111:1 16:16,16 99:2 curtis 2:14 67:11,18,19
conflict 74:21,22 123:11 130:11,22 103:12 104:20 cuss 27:22 decide 13:8
confronted 46:9 138:5 141:15 111:5,8,18 128:6 cussed 61:20 decided 33:4
64:11 160:10 (32) 159:3 160:3 (14) cut 98:16 34:1
confronting corrections couple 145:5 cvs 16:11,13,23 decisions 94:7
46:14 146:10 161:11 147:25 17:9 18:11,17,17 deep 19:20
connect 64:15 cotton 135:24 course 15:14 (7) deeper 44:8
connected 25:16 couch 61:16 court 1:1 2:20 cypress 129:2,2 deepest 58:20
56:17 coughing 151:9 5:6,8 11:17 28:16 d 4:2 defend 28:9
conscious 28:21 could 5:17 8:8 88:22 111:10 dad 44:15 defendant 1:9
considered 13:9,10 21:13,20 160:5 (9) dadeland 3:3 2:11 5:5
132:22 30:2 31:9 33:10 court's 88:23 damaged 65:18 defender 2:12
console 39:23 35:17 36:12 37:16 cover 151:8 dark 55:15 defense 6:18
contact 75:6,8 45:10 48:2 covered 61:9 date 6:10 15:23 15:14 155:22
continue 12:5 55:20,21 57:13 62:2 20:13 67:18 70:13 definitely 41:3,12
138:20 156:20 61:17 64:13,13 crack 59:18 157:24 161:3 65:2 77:6 87:6
control 126:10 66:7 68:8 cracker 79:15 162:24 163:24 (9) 146:7,8 147:1 (8)
127:7 130:17 79:10,19 81:14 crannies 98:22 dated 67:11 deleted 60:5
140:21 141:1 83:17,18 86:19 crazy 89:4 97:11 149:13 160:19 demand 41:15
160:18 (6) 88:13 89:16,16 cream 19:15 dates 64:15 demanding 97:22
controlled 90:5,8,10,16,17 151:22 156:18 157:8 den 59:3 134:3,5
126:13,16 91:16 93:11,15 crew 110:8 daughter 26:21 dent 60:18
conversation 94:8 104:5 115:25 crime 116:2,13 48:8 49:24 50:3 dented 60:21
30:8 31:13,17 124:10 127:6 crimes 121:13 (4) department
109:12 (4) 129:9,9 131:18,18 criminal 12:9,16 david 2:13 3:2 97:17 137:6
conversations 132:18 135:1 crush 149:2 day 5:11 7:14 9:1 deposed 13:18
92:13 136:8,14 cruz 1:8,15 2:11 16:23 deposited 67:3
convicted 138:10,13,16 3:1 4:4 5:1,5 17:2,3,11,14,16 deposition 1:13
116:13,13 141:1 147:8 6:2,9,12 11:16 18:22 19:22,22 5:1,21,23 9:9,9
convince 138:19 148:11,13 149:20 14:6 15:2,2,12,25 22:14 24:3,20 11:5,8,12,21
convinced 141:22 152:18 153:23,25 16:22 18:25 64:22 26:14,17 29:17 12:2,8,10,15,18
156:25 157:1 (63) 67:22 68:14 69:1 36:6 52:23 63:8 13:2,6 14:10
cooking 22:9 couldn't 8:5,8 70:21 73:2 91:16 102:9 103:5 15:24 115:18
cool 50:11 57:22 41:4,7 56:16,25 74:15,17 84:20 104:7,9,12 117:4 117:8 121:25
143:3 153:10 (4) 90:21 104:21 96:23 117:21 129:16 148:5,7,14 156:16 158:4,7
coolest 57:21 126:15 131:24 118:2,11,21,25 159:8 160:19 160:7 161:8,9,12
142:21 135:15 136:11 119:12 123:14 161:18 (35) 162:5 163:5 (31)
cooperation 147:20,21 149:20 124:2 139:6 days 17:13 deschamps 25:2
155:21 (15) 145:11 155:22 18:18,19,21 19:1 description 76:10
coral 16:14 65:3 counsel 74:14 159:7 160:8 38:15 81:15,15 deserved 28:4
153:5,11 (4) 160:14 161:1,2,21 87:7 102:18 desserts 143:4

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

destroyed 133:19 directed 59:20 dollar 66:23 67:3 146:8,17 147:7 (6) eating 21:16
detail 10:16 direction 130:18 dollars 71:12 drinks 10:2 effect 76:16 94:8
determine 10:12 160:18 donated 74:6 drive 3:7 100:9 effected 101:2
13:2,4 directions 88:15 122:4,14,20 102:3 142:24
diagnosis dirt 61:10,12 123:1,4,10 (7) driver 99:14,18 eight 86:16
125:17,19 62:2 done 99:23 141:23 eighteen 7:23
dibs 147:23 disbursements 100:16 130:13,24 driver's 103:17 either 11:20
dick's 63:17 68:17 134:16 (5) driving 97:6,7 44:13
dictate 44:12 disclose 11:11 donovan 3:10 102:4,22 electricity 29:6
130:17 discovery 5:2 6:25 7:12 103:14,17 (6) electronic 134:8
didn't 17:20,22 12:17 91:13 8:3,11,14 9:12 drop 137:12 elementary
19:18,19 28:16 discuss 11:18 10:13 11:15 154:2 25:6,7 38:13,15
31:2 35:7,7,7,8,8,8 47:7 13:16,24 14:5,9 drove 35:20 42:12 87:6,8,10
,9,14,17 39:20,22 discussed 129:16 74:15,25 105:4 98:25 99:3,14 152:3 153:4,5,12
40:3,6 41:7,15,21 discussing 21:12 107:6 110:20 100:10,11,12 (7) (12)
45:20 48:15 55:9 disobedient 113:10 114:12 drugs 145:12 else 20:2 25:15
59:1 64:3 77:4,5 127:14 140:18 120:2,8 121:7,24 drunk 148:6,7 51:1 75:21 87:21
85:5 92:7 disorder 125:25 (24) dry 23:10,12,12 88:2,4 94:24
93:13,19 95:24 disrespect 127:19 door 37:24 38:3 dug 63:20 104:15 127:2 (10)
99:9,22 100:2,9,20 disrespectful 49:12,14 61:15,15 duly 6:4 159:8 email 157:23
101:14 140:18 85:7 103:6 110:9 during 19:7 20:7 161:24
107:10,10,16 distance 23:7 119:17 25:20 40:19 45:21 emergency 133:8
108:7,11,11 123:5 doctors 34:12 133:21,23,24 53:2 59:13 60:24 emilee 144:4
131:19 documentaries 134:1 136:6,10 61:5 62:23,24 146:1,5 148:25 (4)
132:12,15,19 91:11,17 137:13 (17) 63:1,3,5 64:22 emotional
135:12 143:7 documentary doses 148:22 70:16 76:1 120:13 13:20,22 14:12
156:10 (54) 92:1 doubt 156:22 151:23 153:7 18:7 32:11 143:1
died 16:1 18:11 does 8:14,17 dough 22:10 156:8 (21) (6)
20:11,23 27:5 68:14 89:6,13 douglas 23:20 e 2:1,1 4:2,7 (4) employee
33:6 36:8 39:12 92:11 101:24 96:22 99:21 each 21:22 31:19 160:13,14
41:6,6,22 50:24 112:11 114:6,12 103:10 (4) 32:15,16,22 39:5,5 encourage 52:3,5
51:6,17,19 52:13 116:17 118:21 down 21:8,13 42:15 51:14,19 end 18:22 82:2
53:20 65:19 124:16 126:4 22:18 24:7 31:4 52:20 53:1 83:12 97:16
67:13,15 70:15 139:13 160:16 35:10 52:1 67:17 65:11,24 129:9 101:24 (5)
71:10 76:2 (23) (16) 76:22 77:12 79:24 144:19 (16) ended 51:15
different 14:12 doesn't 42:23 80:2 83:12 84:5 eagle 57:15 84:21
55:2,3,11 77:23 53:14 90:14 97:2 85:15 97:14 98:25 earlier 20:12 ending 109:17
88:15 94:9,11,11 123:4 154:21 (6) 99:4 100:10 129:9 152:25 endings 94:9,11
(9) dog 86:4 133:21 139:24 earliest 81:8 energy 79:18
differently 13:20 87:22,23,24,25 153:10 (23) early 25:6 42:12 enjoyed
14:2 125:3 (6) dpr@reinerslawc 104:11 107:11 132:16,21
difficult 16:5 dogs 8:23,23 9:1 om 3:5 124:20 152:25 (6) enough 10:1
digging 63:24 19:5 22:12,17,21 dr 141:7 earth 16:20 63:18 103:4
64:8 23:10 33:24 88:3 drain 81:6 82:13 easy 20:15 22:13 104:4,23 117:14
dilemma 35:12 98:17 125:5 (12) drank 146:18,22 129:12 152:9 (7)
dinner 22:14,15 doing 56:20 148:4 eat 7:13 19:11 entire 84:4
dinosaurs 91:25 62:21,23 101:6 drink 25:17 21:9,14,20,21 112:23
direct 4:5 6:6 102:10 104:10,13 139:25 148:11 22:14,19,20 143:4 entirely 14:11
45:8 75:19 97:12 132:5 137:23 drinking (10) entitled 115:10
115:9 160:18 (7) 147:11 (10) 145:12,21,24 eaters 22:17 episodes 93:9

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

equally 9:13 51:9 102:9 exploring 82:23 22:12,21 23:10 (4) 160:14
errata 161:13 141:17,18 144:25 exposed 139:8 feeding 21:5 find 74:20 82:9
162:5 163:5 148:4,7 (16) extra 95:5 99:10 feel 24:20 26:24 90:9 96:10 132:2
escalated 16:11 everybody 82:14 eyes 135:3 28:7 36:2 50:22 (5)
especially 21:16 97:8 101:2,2 face 28:2 137:1 109:16 129:11 fine 117:1,16
24:11 56:7 128:14,15 142:24 150:22 136:15 (8) 157:22
esquire 2:4,4,5,5, (7) facebook 42:3 feeling 143:2 finger 28:1
6,12,13,13,14,19 everybody's 43:15 45:24 46:2 feelings 52:23 finish 22:19
3:2,6 (12) 77:18 82:15 83:19 (4) 126:23 finished 48:15
estimate 18:13 everyone 24:11 faced 59:22 feels 97:4 101:4,5 firm 3:6
ethnicity 78:8 127:2 facetimed 98:14 fees 68:6 first 5:19 6:4
even 22:24,24 everyone's 82:16 facial 77:18 feet 136:8 11:25 16:8,10
24:19 26:12 33:7 everything 22:11 facing 35:12 fell 97:14 26:4 34:5 41:20
34:9 35:22 23:8 40:2,2 49:8 120:19,25 felony 116:13 43:11,16 45:12
38:9,20,23 40:4,8 54:14 55:4,6 fact 116:2 120:7 58:11,12 66:6
41:4,7 42:19 59:15 82:11,23 facts 91:24 felt 34:3 36:4 68:25 107:5 111:7
44:22,23 51:18,19 98:23 105:25 fair 52:10 69:9 50:9 77:15 107:3 122:10 124:8
52:23 53:10,16 109:15 137:7 74:8 131:19 108:10 109:14 130:7 156:8 (21)
56:16 77:8 143:19 148:23 143:16 (5) 144:25 (8) five 64:19
88:7,12 90:3,8,9 (17) faith 156:23 fence 81:24 84:21,23 97:1
100:2 101:3 everywhere familiar 59:6 82:2,3 83:11 (4) 129:10 131:1
104:1,3 106:25 36:3,4 83:15 67:7,7 115:6 few 18:18,19 19:1 147:14 (7)
116:4 128:13 97:24 98:20,23 (6) 139:13 (5) 21:11 27:14 41:11 fix 110:9
130:12 135:12 evidence 5:3 family 33:17 53:2 68:9 86:4 fl 2:8,17 3:4
136:15 140:5 15:19 115:12,14 36:9,19 50:9,10 102:18 131:11 flea 128:5,6,6,10
151:6 153:24 (42) (4) 122:15,21 123:10 136:13 145:10 (4)
events 9:11 36:6 exact 68:16 125:3 131:10,12 146:24 149:15 floor 2:7 23:24
eventually 43:1 exactly 77:15 (11) 155:25 (16) florida 1:2,5
77:21 90:5 101:20 80:25 far 9:5 26:1,1 field 82:4,4 5:4,7,9,11 11:2,4
148:22 (5) examination 4:5 45:6 58:22 69:9 fifth 25:6 85:21 12:1 115:6,7,8,9
ever 30:12 38:5 6:6 83:20 86:12 88:5 115:1 159:2,6,13 160:2
39:7,10,13 example 115:21 109:2 156:1 (11) fight 39:9 43:25 161:1 162:1 163:1
40:11,14 47:1,4,7 except 115:18 fargo 66:5 70:19 44:18,24 45:17,21 (20)
49:21 50:12 51:20 161:11 farther 14:23 64:12,14 (8) follow 94:14,15
52:11 62:25 excuse 27:4 farthest 58:20 fighting 51:14 111:14
78:7,15 79:8 79:12 154:25 fast 138:13 128:18 follows 6:5
80:13,25 88:21 excused 115:11 father 37:2 78:4 figure 20:15 food 10:1
89:18 90:11 executed 161:24 80:14,14 123:14 34:21 73:3 21:16,23 22:5
93:12,18 95:15,19 expected 110:13 (5) 130:19,20 (5) 23:10 102:12 (6)
96:5 101:17 102:4 experienced 89:3 favor 139:13 figured 18:16 foot 81:17
123:25 125:18,24 expert 56:6,10 favorite 91:22 40:24 77:7 87:11 83:22,23 86:25,25
127:24 129:24 expires 159:29 fbi 97:18 98:2 106:24 148:23 (6) (5)
134:7,13,17 135:2 explain 77:20 features 77:18 figures 71:17 force 136:9,11
136:2 137:12,15 82:13 93:4,6,11,18 february 6:11 figuring 143:14 foregoing
138:18 144:12 94:4 (7) 20:13 52:8,9 (4) filed 5:7 121:18 160:9,15 161:7
(44) explained 78:8 federal 120:20 137:2 forest 139:16
everglades 145:1 123:23 137:7 154:19,20,22 finai 143:21 forget 89:12
every 7:13,13 explicit 61:22 155:15 157:10 (6) finally 62:14 forgot 23:25
19:22,22 25:17,18 exploded 61:12 fee 67:24 77:12,24 78:6 (4) 86:14
26:14,17 44:10 explore 81:16,16 feed 10:19 financially form 123:3

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

140:25 92:25 136:17,18 70:2 107:8 109:2 128:2 130:25 33:20 34:3 145:18
forms 161:24 (4) 130:4 132:23 132:1 142:11 (5)
fort 2:8,17 furniture 33:23 145:4 156:12 (11) 146:2 148:11 gonna 17:22
forth 92:14 133:20 giggling 61:23 149:19 152:2 26:17 31:1,23
forward 5:22 further 160:12 149:9 153:8,18,25 32:19,21 64:4
fought 39:12 future 109:25 gilmartin 144:8 155:25 156:1 (83) 95:11
43:19,21,23 44:2 110:1 girl 148:25 goes 10:20 61:6 132:13,14,16
(5) gallons 148:17 149:1,4 72:11 140:23 144:23
found 25:15 91:9 game 40:4,4 girlfriend 98:11 going 5:19,22,22 152:11 (14)
149:13 93:8,19,22,24 144:5,10 7:6 10:9,11,16,21 good 17:20 21:18
foundations 94:7,8,10,12 (10) girlfriends 47:10 11:14 12:3 13:24 25:8 50:3 65:12
10:12 games 38:17 give 10:2,6,8 14:8 15:12,12 69:7 75:15 79:23
four 71:22 41:16 11:3,18 45:9 18:20 19:24 24:18 80:7,7 93:23 94:4
131:15 gaming 39:23,23 67:4,6 68:8,9 72:4 28:20 30:4,11 106:25 111:11
free 104:25 55:17 82:25 95:5 99:10 33:22,22 35:10,25 143:23,23 144:24
110:4,5,14,15 garage 100:25 110:14,14 38:14 44:13,13 152:10,11 156:23
117:4 137:17,19 58:3,10,21 59:9 116:18 122:7,9 45:6 49:8 51:8 157:25 158:2 (22)
(8) 60:17 63:6,10 130:18 138:25 54:2,12 58:2,22 goodbyes 31:23
freshman 23:24 137:12 (8) 145:4 154:14 63:12 66:4,6,25 goods 23:11
fridge 19:13 garbled 9:23 156:3 (25) 68:2,11 71:24 63:18
147:22 148:17,20 gas 10:2,6 given 9:25 15:18 72:17,23 got 18:17 19:12
(4) gasp 30:7 115:14 73:8,20,20 74:10 24:21 29:10 46:9
friend 24:24 25:1 gasping 30:7 gives 72:12 83:14 88:15,16,16 51:12 52:15
26:19 38:11,21 gate 110:10 giving 31:22 32:6 98:18 101:10,17 62:14,22 71:9
65:10 80:2,7,7 gatekeeper 40:2 79:18 102:17 (4) 102:22 104:8 76:25 78:19 86:23
131:3,5,7 gave 10:4,5,5 glass 148:8 105:5,7,9,10 106:7 87:2 94:4 98:14
140:5,19,24,24 42:22 (4) glasses 142:18 109:1,6,7,15 99:23 102:7,14
144:20 (17) general 88:24 148:10,12 110:16 111:25 103:3 104:2,17,20
friendly 65:10,10 123:16 go 5:14,17,24 112:1,2,5,24,25 106:11,17,19
144:18 generals 121:19 7:11 8:19,21 113:6,11,16,21 107:2,2,6 108:20
friends 25:3,8 geographic 91:15 16:9,18,25 17:19 114:2,8,14,20 111:10 132:6,7
35:16,18 38:24,25 gesture 134:17 18:6,8 23:1,1,1 115:9 116:9,20,21 133:1 141:13
39:3 42:5,14,15 get 11:12 17:4 24:2 30:11,13 117:22 142:14
50:4 79:24 23:1,16,22 33:22 35:17,19 118:3,12,17 146:23,24,25
82:21,24 83:1,2 27:20,21 28:15,21 38:7,16 39:24 119:1,7,13,21 149:12 153:6
84:2 143:23 32:3 33:24 44:24 47:24 48:7 120:3,9,15,21 154:3 157:9 (43)
144:16,17,24,24 48:11 51:3 63:19 50:7,23 51:9 52:3 121:2,8,14,20 gotten 73:16
149:3 (23) 70:3 86:17 55:2,7 57:12 122:6,16 147:4
friendship 26:12 87:9,14 102:9,12 62:17 70:1,18 124:4,5,13 128:16 grabbed 61:5
front 23:21 24:10 103:8 104:5 76:11 78:10 80:1 133:9 137:8,20 gracious 157:2
49:11 92:8 147:5 106:14 107:14 81:23,25 138:23 142:4 grade 25:7 38:9
(5) 111:11,13 126:3 82:1,1,15,21 143:14 145:20 85:22 144:15 (4)
froze 75:10 129:22 134:8,11 83:11,13,25 84:3,5 152:24 154:13,17 grand 116:17
frozen 75:13,14 138:14 143:4,5,14 85:9,11,18,19 155:4,16,18 granted 111:16
fucking 61:21 146:12 148:5,6 86:1,4,6 88:9 156:11,13,19 graphic 29:7
full 6:24 53:22,24 154:20 156:18,24 101:21 157:6 (123) grass 59:23 61:7
54:1,13 (5) 157:8 (42) 102:12,12,13 gold 36:20 37:7 82:8,8,8 (5)
fully 29:3 gets 87:12 104:11,14 105:21 47:18 grew 93:8 144:1
funeral 37:10,11 getting 37:17 106:15 109:19 golf 23:22 grist 2:20
funny 55:19 68:19,20 69:14 110:8 111:10,12 gone 27:3 31:8 grocery 19:9

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

ground 58:6,9 h 4:7 haven't 115:2 91:2,4,5,6,6,9,9,9, he's 7:1,20 10:19

60:21 61:8,9,11,11 hac 2:19 147:19 9,10,11,13,16,18,1 36:22
62:20 63:1,11 hair 152:5 having 6:4 32:16 9,20,20,21,23,24 9 37:2,16,18,21
98:19 115:12 (12) half 33:17 47:8 53:9 68:19 2:5,7,8,11,16,23,2 45:13 56:19 64:4
group 65:13 67:24,24 85:23 69:17 80:14 102:8 3,24 93:2,4,6,7,7,7 90:16 91:19 95:12
75:22 79:5 145:22,23 (6) 112:16 124:19 ,9,9,10,10,11,12,1 97:1 100:18,22
132:8,9,11 (6) hallway 31:4 129:15 (11) 8,20,22,22,24,25 101:15 105:9
grow 51:24 hand 9:17,18,19 he 7:7,15 8:12,17, 94:4,4,10,14 106:12,13 112:5
growing 27:15 67:20 (4) 20,20,22,22,24,24 95:9,9,15,18,18,24 116:2,12 123:6
38:12 39:15 40:24 handle 66:19,20 9:1,1 10:14,14,15, 96:2,5 97:1,1 151:6,15 156:12
41:3,8,10 47:10 hands 21:18 17,17,17,18 11:8 99:21,22,23,24 157:3 (29)
78:15 81:2 84:19 hang 38:16 84:2 13:22 14:1,6,6 100:2,4,4 103:2 head 7:13 8:18
85:18 89:3 133:3 131:7 134:3 21:17,18 23:5,5 105:8,12 9:24 10:18 23:2
151:16 152:22 139:25 24:18,18,19,21 106:11,19 41:4 77:11 80:19
(16) 140:6,14,15 (8) 36:16,23,23,23,25 107:6,8,12,16,23 101:16 110:17
guarantee 110:2 hangers 54:6 37:6,6,9,9,10,14,2 108:5,9,9,9 129:2,3 143:6
guarantied hanging 50:11 4 38:7,11,17,20,20 109:14,14,24 152:18 (14)
109:24 84:6 131:2,4 (4) ,21,22,23 110:1 112:4 heads 157:6
guard 23:22 happen 16:22 39:12,15,19,20,20 113:5,7 114:24,25 heal 52:20
95:16,17,18,20,24 62:6,10 100:13 (4) 40:2,3,4,5,6,6,7,8 115:1,17,22,25 health 19:21
99:21 107:18 happened 17:1 41:15 117:23 118:13,18 hear 8:6,8 16:5
108:2,3 (10) 18:15 29:13 43:19,20,20,23,25 119:2 123:3,18 32:2 41:21 42:2
guardian 6:23 44:20,21,24 51:13 44:2,7,12,17,22 130:9,10,20 43:11,16 45:12,20
7:1 31:9,9 33:21 52:8 61:2,3,18 47:1,10,14,16,20 132:12,15,16,20 56:16 78:15 93:15
(5) 62:9 63:4,5,22 49:13 50:5,15,15,1 134:4 135:4,10 104:6 126:15
guardianship 7:3 64:6 73:2 74:2 5,17,20,20 52:6,19 137:4 139:24 140: 132:19 152:18
guess 8:21 18:12 81:13 87:5 99:3 53:6,14,17,23 1,2,4,7,9,10,11,14, (17)
20:23 37:16,20,21 101:25 123:24 54:2,3,17,18,23,25 14 141:2,6 142:18, heard 19:20
50:4 64:24 70:10 147:25 (24) 55:1,1,3,7,7,9,10,1 18,19,20,20,21,22, 40:16,19,25 75:12
103:24 123:2 (11) happening 32:10 3,18 56:5,6,11,12, 25 95:21 115:2
guest 49:5 60:13 40:19 84:22 97:2 13,23,25 57:2,4,5, 143:2,3,5,9,11,11 135:10 137:23 (9)
guestimate 18:12 (4) 11,12,18,19,21 58: 144:20,25 hearing 74:15
guestroom 59:21 happens 43:12 1,4,4,4,8,10,11,12 145:20,21,24 146: heart 32:6
guilty 90:4 hard 18:2 24:13 60:6,11,11,16,19,1 1,2,3,3,4,7,8,12,17 100:25
gun 53:7 54:24 28:7 30:5 34:14 9,19 ,21,23,23,24,25 14 heated 78:19
55:4,24 35:21 57:1 68:18 61:5,8,10,13,19,23 7:1,4,4,4,6,9,18,24 heavy 90:8,10,10
56:1,2,9,11,14 82:12 88:7,7 62:1,3,3,13,13,14, 149:16,20,20,23,2 held 136:6
59:9 60:12 62:25 93:13 101:3 (13) 15,16,17,19,21,22, 5 150:4,7,17,20,22 helicopter 98:19
63:10,13,17,25 has 7:15 11:8 22,25 63:5,9,10,16 151:1,4,8,10,12,16 hell 61:25
64:3,4,7 (19) 13:22 22:8 ,16,18,19,19,19 ,18,19,21,23,25 15 help 9:15 140:7
gun's 54:13 42:21,21 54:24 64:9,24 65:3 66:1 2:4,8,10,11,13,13, helped 8:24,25
guns 72:1,2,24 84:13 67:10 68:6 15,15,23,23 153:5, 107:2,13,14
53:4,5,9,13,20 94:14 69:4,8,8 76:8,14 6,7,24,24,25,25 109:20 111:1 (7)
54:2,16 55:2,4 105:17,19,20 79:16 80:1,5,10 154:3,7,7 155:10,1 helps 9:1
56:6 57:8,9,21,22 112:4 114:24,25 81:2,10,12 86:4 87 1,11,13,14 henderson 124:9
91:5,10 92:5 (17) 115:1,17 120:13 :17,18,21,23,24,25 156:9,9,11 157:5 125:8 128:22
guy 56:1 65:12 122:2,4,13,20 88:4,9,10 (428) 139:8 (4)
108:7 123:1,4,9,9 155:22 89:6,13,14,16,18 9 he'd 56:24 88:16 her 9:24 12:20
guys 51:3,13 53:1 (30) 0:3,11,14,15,16,17 92:2 95:9 151:7 15:23 16:8,9,12,13
75:10 140:21 (5) hatred 78:16 ,18,19,21,23,23,25 (5) ,14,19,19,19,20

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

18:6 19:21 25:2 13:20 himself 14:15 homes 79:5 104:15 124:19
26:11,18,18,20 14:6,17,18,19,24 23:6 107:1 141:2 honest 35:22 127:4,6 132:8,17,1
27:2,7 15:5 21:20 151:21 (5) honestly 24:16 7,19,21,22,25
29:2,4,5,5,8,25 24:23,23 30:24,25 hinges 133:23 42:19 134:6,20,21,25
30:4,4,5,9,10 33:1 31:2,3,13 hired 107:24 honor 7:5,6 135:12 137:16
0,13,13,13,14,16,1 32:8,10,15 36:22 his 6:24 10:18 hoodies 151:16 140:15,16,19,22
6,17,17 36:3,14,14 38:10 39:9,12,19 14:10 21:18,19 hop 82:2 83:11 141:5 142:8 143:5
,15,15,17,19,19 40:3,3,5 43:23 36:16 38:16 hope 15:15 16:20 150:10,16 152:9
37:2 42:14,16,22 44:11,15,16 39:17,22 44:11,13 hopped 98:10 (86)
49:15 53:16 67:4 46:8,11 52:3,5,11 48:8 49:24 50:2 103:3 household 70:5
78:20,21,21,23 54:21 56:16 59:8, 52:6,21 horrible 151:11 how 7:18 8:17
96:25 98:7,10,20 12,17,20,20,24 54:2,3,6,16 55:1 hospital 10:24 18:15 19:6
99:15,18,19,19 61:12,20 63:22 56:20,21 59:9,10 16:9,15,18 22:12,15 23:11,16
101:21 102:2,17 64:1,3,7,8,9,11 60:12,16 61:9 17:17,19 26:22,22,24 32:13
103:21,24 65:1,5 66:25 62:14,16,19,25 18:4,18,24 22:25 33:1,2,3 37:14
104:6,22 125:13 67:1,4,6,6 63:9,24 65:4 23:17,19,19 44:12 48:18 50:17
126:5,23 129:22 1 73:13,20 74:11,12 66:23 67:8 24:2,21 25:21 51:3 56:11,14
34:3,13,17,19,21,2 75:8,22,23,24,25 72:10,23 80:7,7 28:20,21 29:16,22 62:3 66:16,20,22
5 135:4,9,11,18,20 76:4,16 79:12,14 88:8,8,8,14,17 30:13,14,15,22 71:15 75:8,17
,24 136:2,7,12,14, 80:4,18 81:9 91:22 94:1 95:25 31:14,18,19 32:14 77:3,20,23 78:21
16,23,24 137:13 84:21 85:1 99:23 107:22 33:5,8,25 80:21 81:12 83:20
140:10,12 88:1,11,14,21,23 121:25 122:24 34:2,9,11,23 84:12 85:20
143:23,23,25 89:1,17,23 90:2,6 123:1,5,7 132:22 35:20,23 36:10 86:12,14,17,22
144:1,6,12 92:11 93:3,15 137:11 145:12,20 37:9 60:8 (39) 87:5,9 91:7
146:11,11 94:13,17,18,24 146:1,2,4 hotel 106:11,15 93:19,20 94:4
147:5,21 95:25 96:7 150:20,22 108:23,25 95:1,2 96:10
149:1,3,5,12 (115) 99:25,25 151:4,7,8,23 109:10,18,20 (7) 97:16 100:13
here 7:23 8:24 100:1,23,23,25 152:5,10,16 hour 16:19 101:24 104:18
10:13 49:13,16 101:10,13,15,18 153:2,24 156:15 29:12,12 59:4 105:3 106:9,15
52:25 74:21 77:16 103:4 106:4,10,21 (75) 92:5 98:12 (6) 109:3 113:25
96:17 97:20 98:3 108:8,11,14 109:7 hit 24:9 hourlong 92:1 114:6,12 129:25
101:15 102:12,12 112:3,24 135:2,11,25 hours 29:12 132:10 135:4,9
105:18 106:7 113:12,18,22 136:23,24 (6) 59:4,4 136:12 142:24,25
112:5 154:20 (18) 114:4,10,16 115:1 hitting 44:6 house 17:8,10,13 143:2
here's 117:6 3,19,20,21,24,25 hold 28:15 47:17 19:1,3,18 20:9 146:21,24,25
hereby 159:6 116:5,9,14,22 72:14 75:3 119:16 21:5 23:5 29:25 147:15 149:23,25
160:6 161:7 118:5 119:8,15,23 122:10 135:15 33:22 35:25 150:4,7,17,20,22
hereof 161:13 120:5,10,16,22 154:12 (8) 38:4,17 151:1,4,12,18,23
heretofore 5:7 121:3,9,15,21 holding 147:7 39:17,19,22,24 152:4 153:17
hh 159:16 122:7 123:21,24 hole 64:10 42:6,9,25 43:3,6 156:10 (90)
hid 49:4 124:1 130:17,18 holes 134:2 44:23 45:18 48:11 however 17:13
103:23,23 132:17,23 135:16 holmberg 49:3,9,11 50:13 126:17,18
hide 49:3,19 139:24 142:18 87:13,14 53:5,7,11,16,18 148:12,12 (5)
high 82:8,8 144:22 145:14,17 home 17:3,4,12 58:19,20,25 60:1,3 hugging 99:19
144:7,22 149:12 146:10 22:24 58:17 79:5 61:13,20 62:10 huh 7:4
154:8 147:8,9,10,11 127:14 130:1,5 63:12 65:15 78:16 huhuh 20:10
155:2,9,11,14 (10) 152:7 153:8,10 132:8,9,11 133:20 81:20 85:2,3 47:3 80:15 92:10
highway 98:10 154:17,18,20 142:1,4,6,7 146:2 86:13,17 (4)
him 7:7,8 155:5,12,16,18 (18) 87:9,9,19,19 88:16 hundred
10:14,17,19,21 (179) homeowner 43:4 97:7 98:20 101:22 30:17,19 50:20

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

61:1 69:5 74:5 (6) 95:22 98:18 99:21 inch 44:10 interest 118:1 40:23,23 41:21
hundreds 71:11 101:7,17 102:16 incident 125:2 interested 92:8 42:11,17
hung 65:2,4 105:5,9,21 106:3,4 129:18 93:2 160:15 43:12,13,13,17,18
144:24,25 (4) 109:1,6,6 111:25 incidents 62:5 interests 113:9 45:13 48:1 50:19
hunter 144:13,16 112:1,2,5,24,24 inclusive 160:10 internet 55:7,20 52:10 55:23 58:4
hunting 91:10 113:4,6,11,16,21 incorrigible 92:20 59:15 60:18,24,24
hurricane 59:13 114:2,8,14,20 128:17 interrogation 61:5,15 62:7
60:24 61:5 62:24 115:3,9 incriminate 31:12,17 99:12 64:12 66:5,6
63:1,3 (6) 116:9,20,21 115:13 interrupt 48:15 67:11,19,20
hurricanes 81:7 117:22 incriminating 93:13 68:3,7,24
hurt 126:23 118:3,12,17 116:4 interview 97:20 69:17,19,19,25
hurting 76:5 119:1,7,13,21 indicated 156:9 98:13 99:24 70:7,12,14
hushhush 135:12 120:3,9,15,21 161:12 100:15,17 (5) 71:1,18,21 72:1
hype 54:21 121:2,8,14,20 information 13:6 into 10:16 12:13 73:6 74:8,9,13
i'd 27:16 122:6,16 123:6 72:12,24 91:22 15:12 20:8 31:12 78:5 80:21
54:19,19 79:14 124:4,5,13 129:13 99:11 (5) 38:18 53:16 58:8 81:20,22 86:7,12
86:10 88:15 130:24,24 131:4 ingest 155:14 63:6,11 67:4 90:3,18
138:13 (7) 132:13,18 134:16 ingesting 155:15 70:22 78:19 80:6 92:16,17,17 93:5,6
i'll 5:16,22 11:18 136:19 137:7 inherit 71:4 82:1 96:15,19,19 ,6,9,11,16,17 99:3
74:17 76:11,12,12 138:23 140:23 inheritance 98:13 99:24 105:14,17,22
99:10 116:14 143:10,14 144:23 71:13 73:18,22,25 100:14 101:10 106:1 107:5
123:3 139:2 145:5 145:16 147:13 74:3 (5) 105:21 107:16 108:1,25 109:2,4
149:19 155:21 148:6 150:9,11,13 inherited 71:12 124:4 132:5,6 112:8,16,17
156:17,17 157:22 152:11,16 153:19 74:9 137:15 138:16 113:20 115:10
(17) 154:13,17,19 injure 102:22 146:12 (30) 116:3,7,15
i'm 5:19,21,22 155:4,15,17 inlet 48:4 introduced 42:15 117:8,13
7:5,6 8:8,20 9:23 156:13,19,22 inside 53:17 108:12 118:11,16
10:3,9,20 11:14 157:1,6,17 (186) 60:1,3,20 61:20 investigated 120:19,25 125:21
13:24 15:12,21,24 i've 40:16,16 107:18 134:2 (7) 120:1 126:7,19,23 128:4
16:4,5,6,7 42:19,19 59:8 instagram 75:19 involve 116:17 131:19 138:17
17:4,5,21 18:8 65:3,4,4 78:9 79:4 76:1 97:12 involved 14:9 143:16 146:12,17
19:24,25 26:16 80:12 95:20,20 instead 50:21 115:22 118:7 147:13 148:2
27:4,5 30:16,16,18 134:15 136:23 institute 129:21 119:19,25 (5) 153:11,17 154:19
,18,19,20,24 145:17 147:19 instruct 11:6 involvement 155:15 156:11,13
33:7,15,21 157:9 (18) 12:20 109:7 112:2 119:12 121:12 157:5 158:7
34:9,10,20,23 idea 26:8 74:8 114:10,16 irma 59:13 60:24 160:10 161:9
36:17 40:10 107:8 121:24,25 118:5,18 61:5 63:2,3,5 (6) (162)
41:8,9 45:7 122:1 129:25 (7) 119:8,15,23 is 5:4,5,21 isolate 113:20
48:6,14,20,21 idiot 27:25 61:21 120:5,10,16,22 6:12,15,17,22 issues 65:21 79:9
50:19,19 53:6,7 iffy 24:17 121:3,9,15,21 8:11,12 9:3,8,9,24 itself 89:19
56:14 60:5 ill 16:8 154:18 155:5,18 10:4,11 iv 29:1
63:21,22 64:4 illegal 155:9,9 (22) 11:3,4,8,12 j 2:4
66:3,4,5,13 immunity 115:17 integrity 156:23 12:1,6,7,8,9,20,23 jacket 151:14
68:2,11 69:5,5,12 154:21 intense 44:20 13:2,3,4,5,21 14:6 jacob 5:5
71:16,24 72:8,16 important 8:22 79:7 97:15 147:20 16:23 17:5 jail 94:13 95:12
73:4,8,13,19,20 inappropriate (4) 20:13,24 23:20 96:4 99:5
74:4,4,5,10,16,24 127:19 intentionally 25:2 28:9,12,21 104:18,19,21 106:
77:19 78:1,10,12 inaudible 17:25 126:7 32:14 33:25 34:7 11,17,18,20,23 10
81:12 84:12 89:24 incarcerated interactions 36:14,20 7:2,6,7,9,13,18,23
93:12 94:3,23 43:14 66:16 37:12,13,14,21,21 108:5,20,22

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

154:7,10 (24) 29:2,7,14,25 98:6,7,13,23 kick 39:17,19 49:16,21

january 67:12 30:1,6,7,8,9,11 99:10,23 100:3,4,8 40:8,9 (4) 50:8,13,17
68:25 125:2 31:5,6,6,8,22,23 ,19,21,21,24,25 10 kid 17:18 51:13,14
159:29 (4) 32:5,9,11,12 1:1,1,3,3,4,5,6,14, 33:14,15 44:22 52:7,20,21
japanese 93:16 33:20,20,22 18 102:7,7,8,9,10, 79:21,24 97:1 (7) 55:10,22
jared 142:16 34:2,14,14,18,21 10,14,16,23 kid's 94:6 56:11,23,23 57:3
jeff 2:4 35:9,23 36:4,5 103:2,8 104:1,3,5, kidding 114:22 59:1 61:18
jelly 19:17 38:18,24 9,10,12,23,25 kids 34:17 37:2 63:15,16
151:21 39:20,20,24 107:16 110:13,17 42:16 83:3 64:4,14,15,25
jerks 53:1 41:2,11 42:10 44: 112:19 119:17 128:13,19,20 65:6,20 66:15
jet 48:1,3 1,3,3,6,9,10,11,14, 122:23 123:6 145:15,18,19 153: 68:4 69:3,6
jmarcus 2:9 16,17 45:8,8,9 124:5 12,14,15,17,20 71:11,16 72:11
job 44:11,13 46:10 47:17 126:11,17,18,22 (15) 74:7 79:20
50:16 66:23 48:9,9,12,13 49:19 127:14 kill 76:8,12 80:5,21 84:1 87:9
104:24 106:13 50:5,5,6,7,9,11,11 128:14,17,18 102:22 88:6,10 91:17,23
110:3 111:12 (8) 51:7,10,20,21,21 129:6,11,12 killing 76:1,6,6 93:19 94:3,5,23
joel 2:15 52:2,4,17,18,21 54 130:19 131:2,7,7 80:10 118:8,22 (6) 95:22,24 96:2
join 90:20 :3,4,9,9,10,11,11,1 132:1,9,20 kind 10:8 17:2 99:25 100:20,24
130:22,23 2,14,19,20,21,22,2 134:4,11 19:9,22 24:16 101:4,17
joining 90:24 2,25,25 135:14,15,22 27:18 32:8 45:6 104:2,8,18
jokes 92:21 55:4,5,22,24 136:6,9,14,15,16 49:14 55:13 60:11 105:8,16
joyce 1:22 5:8 56:19,20,22,22,25 137:18 67:7 69:19 77:7 106:15,19 107:10
9:24 84:13 57:2,2,12,14,16 138:12,12,14,24 1 79:18 84:9 110:1 108:7,25 110:9,10
159:5,12 160:5,21 58:5,6,8 59:15,15, 40:3,6,10,11,14,15 123:24 146:20 111:18 115:5
(8) 17,18,20,21,23 ,15,16 142:23,25 147:6,11 148:25 121:6 122:13
joyce@prestigere 60:21 61:2,5,10,10 143:1,5,6,19,20 (22) 123:4 126:12
portingserviceco ,10,23,24 62:1,16, 144:18 145:3,4,10 klinger 2:6 128:13 129:12
m 161:24 17,22,25,25 146:2,4,7,9 117:9,11 133:22 134:23
jt 65:7,12 63:8,9,10,16,19 147:8,10,11,25 knew 40:18 41:9 136:5,17,24
judge 1:4 12:22 64:2,2,5,10,10 148:19,21,22 149: 46:13,17 56:6 137:5,20 142:15
13:7,25 111:12,16 66:9 68:8,8 69:3 5,6,7,9,9,10,14,19, 64:2 65:1 66:16 143:21,25
(6) 71:9 72:4 73:7 20 152:17 69:9 88:8,8 99:25 144:4,8,10,13
judicial 1:17 5:6 75:3,22,24 154:12,13 100:5 102:11 145:11
july 62:18,20 77:8,10,17 155:8,11,21 104:5 110:25 146:3,6,7,24,25
june 126:22 78:2,9,9,21 156:2,19 157:3,6 144:5 149:25 147:15 149:10,23
jury 116:17 79:3,4,13,13,17,17 (412) 151:1 153:14 (20) 150:4,7,17,20,22
just 5:19,21 81:10,15,16,17 82: kate 2:14 6:14,15 knife 151:18 151:1,4,12,18,23
9:18,18 11:24 3,3,6,7,10,11,12,2 14:13 (4) knocking 49:11 152:4 153:17,19
14:18 16:5 1,22,22,23 keep 21:15 51:8 103:6 156:10 157:13
17:2,11,12,14,14 83:9,10,10,22,22 54:2 107:2 know 9:5,10,10 (152)
18:6,12,13,13,15 84:1,2,3,5,7,9,10 110:17,17 133:5 10:18 11:9,22 knowing 18:5
19:4,11,16,25 85:6 136:12 (8) 24:7,17 25:4 26:8 knowledge 40:21
21:17,19,19 87:12,15,16,25 keeping 23:7 27:1,6 28:2,2,23 55:6 66:14 69:11
22:23,23,25 88:24 kept 54:3 101:13 29:6,20 32:11 92:23 122:25
23:1,1,7,8 24:3,8,9 89:2,4,4,4,21 103:25 104:10 (4) 34:9,14,17,18,19 123:2,5,7 161:9
,10,12,13,20,25 90:7,7,9,10 keys 102:15 36:13,14,20 37:15 (10)
25:13,14,16 27:1,2 91:8,20,21 93:21 103:21,22,24 (4) 40:14 41:1 known 41:2
,2,8,11,12,12,15,1 94:1 95:2,2,5 kia 96:15 42:18,23,23 knows 32:4 42:21
7,20,21 96:14,16,22,24 kibble 43:10,10 46:21 93:9
28:1,15,16,25 97:3,5,7,10,15 23:12,12,13 47:13 48:14,17,24 koby 87:24,25

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

kohl's 129:20 137:18,18,21 14,16,17,17,18,19, 1,22,22,25,25 21,21,22,23,23,24,

138:2 138:12,13 22 21:11,12,12,15, 46:4,4,5,6,6,10,11 24,25 63:6,7,8,9,9,
l 2:14 141:23,25 147:21 16,18,18,19,20,25 47:9,10,11,19,20,2 16,19,19,21,24,25
la 139:12 153:18,21,24,25 22:1,9,9,14,17,18, 0,20,21,21,22,23,2 64:1,3,8,9,10,15 6
lady 42:4,13 (22) 18,19,24 23:5,6,7, 4,25 48:1,2,2,2,3,4 5:2,3,4,7,8,9,9,13,
99:17 144:3 (4) leaves 50:13 7,12,20,23,23,25 2 ,4,4,7,9,11,11,12,1 13,18,23 66:14,14,
lafavor 139:12 leaving 32:14 4:2,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,8, 3,18,20,21 49:2,2, 14,15,24,24 68:6
land 82:15 35:23 137:15 9,10,11,12,12,16,1 2,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,6,6, 69:3,3,18 70:2 71:
large 5:9 152:9 (4) 7,19,20,20,21,22,2 6,6,7,7,7,7,7,8,8,8, 8,9,10,10,14,17,19
159:6,13 led 45:17 2,23,24 25:3,3,4,4, 10,10,13,13,14,14, ,19,20 74:12 75:19
last 16:19,20,20 left 16:13 41:3,4 4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,9,1 15,15,15,16,17,18, 76:4,5,5,10,11,13,
17:16 24:3 33:8,9 102:15 108:22 0,14,16,25 26:1,16 18,23 50:3,3,5,6,6, 14,17
34:6,15 42:17 111:18 112:4 ,18,19,20,20,21,22 7,9,10,10,11,14,16 77:7,7,8,12,18,19
70:18 111:17 147:12 (8) 27:3,3,7,7,8,8,8,9, ,20,21,22 51:6,7,7, 78:2,10,20,20 79:3
133:15 (13) legal 7:15 10,10,11,11,12,12, 7,8,8,9,10,10,15,1 ,4,5,6,12,13,13,13,
later 71:23 legally 9:5 102:3 15,15,16,17,17,18, 9,20,20,21,23,25 5 14,14,15,16,18,18,
lauderdale legit 42:22 19,19,20,20,21,21, 2:1,2,2,3,3,4,4,17, 19,19,21,22,23,23,
2:8,17 less 19:10 22,22,22,23,24,24 18,18,19,19,20,20, 23,25 80:1,1,1,4,5,
laugh 93:1,3 85:16,17 86:16 (4) 28:1,2,6,8,22,24,2 24,24,25 53:12,13, 5,6,6,6,6,7,19 81:3
laughing let 11:21 40:5,6 4,25,25,25 29:1,2, 13,14,15,15,24,24, ,5,6,8,9,9,9,9,10,1
61:23,24 96:25 41:11 44:24 2,3,3,3,5,5,5,5,6,7, 25 54:3,4,4,5,5,5,5 4,14,15,15,16,17,2
149:8 (4) 45:5,8 46:13 8,11,12,14,14 30:1 ,6,10,10,11,11,12, 5 82:3,3,4,4,5,5,5,
law 2:12 3:6 12:1 50:23 54:16 57:2 ,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,6,6 12,13,14,18,18,19, 6,7,8,8,9,10,10,11,
115:6,8 116:11 (6) 58:2,10 68:9 ,7,8,9,10,10,10,11, 20,20,20,20,21,23, 12,12,12,13,14,15,
lawful 5:1 6:3 81:19 103:8 12,13,16 31:1,2,2, 23,24,25 55:1,2,2, 16,22,22,22,23 83:
11:9 119:17 122:24 3,3,4,5,6,7,8,8,9,1 4,4,5,5,6,11,15,16, 9,10,10,11,15,16,1
lawsuits 121:18 147:11 154:12 0,16,20,22,23,25,2 16,16,17,17,17,18, 7,18,19,21,22,24 8
lawyer 6:14 8:12 155:1,12 156:2 5 32:1,2,5,6,7,7,8, 19,19,19,19,20,21, 4:1,2,2,3,3,7,7,8,8,
111:11 115:7 (4) (23) 8,9,9,9,9,10,11,16, 21,21,21,22,23,24, 9,9,10,11,13,21,22
lawyers 106:23 1 let's 64:18 88:6 18,19 33:8,8,9,11, 24,24,25 56:1,1,1, 85:5,10,13,14,14,1
08:10,13,15,17,19 157:18 12,13,13,16,19,20, 3,3,3,5,8,8,13,13,1 5,15,16,16,16,17,1
(6) levison 20,20,21,23,24 3,13,15,15,17,18,1 8,21,21,22
laying 10:12 124:16,23,24 34:2,3,8,12,16,17 8,19,20,20,21,22,2 86:6,7,15
leace 125:11,11 139:10 (4) 35:5,6,7,7,9,9,15,1 3,23,24,25,25,25 5 87:1,6,12,13,13,24
139:10 liberty 85:15 6,23 36:1,1,2,4,6,1 7:1,2,2,3,3,11,12,1 88:8,13,13,15 89:2
learn 16:8 55:8 86:1,3 6,18,18,18 37:16 3 3,13,14,14,15,16,1 ,2,3,3,4,9,9,10,11,
76:20 91:20,21 license 103:15,18 8:12,12,13,13,14,1 6,16,17,17,18,19,1 11,11,12,15,15 90:
95:1 (6) lie 49:12 4,15,18,19,23,24,2 9,20 58:4,5,5,5,6,7 6,9,16,16,19,20,20
learned 69:15 lied 115:25 4 39:2,3,4,4,5,9,15 ,7,7,8,8,9,11,16,19 ,21 91:1,1,2,3,5,6,
learning 55:9 life 27:3 30:21 ,16,17,18,21,21,21 ,19,20,20,21,22,23 6,8,9,11,13,14,15,
72:12 95:2 132:10 31:7 51:8 52:5,15 ,21,24 40:1,1,6,8,9 ,24 59:3,3,9,13,14, 15,16,19,20,20,21,
(4) 76:19 109:4 (8) ,16,17,17,19,20,20 14,14,15,17,17,19, 23,25 92:14,16,20,
leash 125:3 like 9:17,18 ,22 41:1,1,1,3,4,5, 20,21,23,23,24 60: 20,21,24,24,25 93:
least 25:6 59:4 10:24 12:12 13:10 6,7,8,9,9,10 42:4,4 9,11,12,12,14,15,1 1,2,2,4,5,8,16,19,2
60:12 62:4,4 14:11 16:14,15,17 ,8,10,10,11,12,12, 5,17,19,20,23,25 6 5,25,25 94:1,6,7,7,
115:7 117:3 (7) 17:3,3,4,7,8,8,10,1 12,12,15,16,19,21, 1:1,1,5,7,9,9,10,10 9,10,14,18,20,22,2
leave 11:15 13:24 0,11,12,12,14,15,1 23 43:3,4,5,5 44:6, ,10,10,11,11,14,15 2,23,24
40:7,7 102:15 5,16,18 8,9,9,9,10,10,11,1 ,15,16,19,20,21,21 95:2,8,9,9,10 96:2,
104:10 111:5,6,9 18:3,5,7,14,22 19: 1,12,12,12,13,15,1 ,22,24,25,25,25 62 2,13,13,14,15,16,1
131:25 5,5,8,9,9,10,11,13, 5,15,16,17,19,20,2 :1,13,15,18,19,20, 6,16,18,18,19,19,2

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

0,20,21,21,23,24 9 138:2,13,14 140:3, 64:24 83:3 104:21 love 9:1 30:10 22:15 54:9,11
7:1,4,8,9,10,10,10, 4,5,10,10,11,11,15 106:13 112:21 31:10 88:19 94:11 101:1
11,11,12,12,13,13, ,16,18,19,25 113:3 (15) low 110:17 104:18 129:6
14,14,15,21,21,21, 141:2,4,5 142:4,6, lived 25:15,23 lucky 104:23 138:4 146:21
22 98:2,2,4,4,5,6,7 7,7,18,19,20,21,23 38:4 lunch 22:15 147:15 148:12
,8,12,14,14,15,15, ,25 143:1,1,2,3,3,3 42:5,6,6,9,13,25 117:4,13 156:12 (14)
16,16,16,17,18,18, ,4,5,5,6,9,9,10,12, 56:8 58:2 65:3 (4) marbles 98:8
19,20,22 99:10,11, 13,13,19,19,19,22, 79:21,24 81:20 luthen 139:18 marcus 2:4 4:5
12,12,12,13,14,15, 23 144:18,18,18,2 83:3 111:22 lutheran 141:11 5:19 6:7 7:10
17,19,21 100:2,4,1 2,23,23,24,25 120:14 (18) lying 121:1 10:22 11:1,24
5,16,17,19,19,21,2 145:1,22 146:3,3,5 lives 10:17 lynda 15:25 12:4,6,11,17,24
5 101:1,4,4,5,5,5,1 ,5,9,9,19,19,20,23, living 8:3 20:4,5 46:4,7 66:12 13:9,14 14:4,19,22
1,12,13,14,14,16,1 24 147:1,2,5,6,6,1 26:2 29:25 37:25 70:21 77:10 (6) 15:2,6,9,11
6,16 102:1,5,6,7,8, 0,11,14,23,24 148: 53:11,19 59:11 m 2:19 28:14,18,19
9,10,10,14,16,16,1 6,9,18,18,19,19,20 60:9,10 62:15,15 made 19:12 48:3 64:16,18,21 68:13
7,18,19,21,21,22 ,21,21,22 149:1,4, 64:23,23 75:5 78:3 107:3 125:18 72:6,11,21
103:25,25 104:1,2, 6,6,7,9,9,10,10,16 81:5 101:24 152:13 (6) 73:1,7,15,23
3,3,4,4,6,9,25 151:11,14,22 152: 134:14 (19) madness 106:14 74:14,19,23
105:1,1 106:12,21, 3,11,16,16,17,19,2 located 6:20 magnitude 15:18 75:1,2,15,16
22,23,24,24,24,25 0 153:3,3,3,4,5,5,6 lock 136:2 main 17:17 24:12 105:7,14,19,24
107:1,3,13,13,13,1 ,7,8,8,9,9,10,11,12 locking 146:11 87:13 99:5 128:6 106:6,8 109:8
4,15,15,17,17,19 1 ,13,13,14,17,19,20 long 61:16 (5) 112:10,18,20
08:14,15,15,16,17, (1415) 136:12 156:10 maintained 113:2,8,14,19,24
18 109:14,15,16,1 liked 25:11 91:10 longer 52:24 75:5 26:11 114:5,11,17,22
6,24,24 110:7,8,9, 93:10 132:12 (4) look 32:21 34:17 maintenance 115:2,5
9,9,10,10,17 111:1 likes 90:14 35:15 49:16 50:21 110:3,5,7 116:6,16,23 117:1,
0,11,13,14,15 liking 91:10 54:16 55:2 make 5:22 9:25 6,10,12,17,20,25
125:22 127:5 128: line 4:10,10,10 77:9,9,10,18 (11) 11:2,5 14:4 17:22 118:6,15,20
5,7,7,9,12,12,12,1 68:25 70:18 72:18 looked 25:10 19:16 21:22 22:4 119:4,10,16,18,24
3,14,15,17,18,19,2 73:5 112:23 36:1 51:19 54:10 31:1,2,24 32:4 120:6,12,18,24
5 129:2,2,4,5,6,6,7 138:24 (4) 42:23 64:9 89:9 121:5,11,17,23
,7,7,8,8,9,10,10,10 162:7,10,13,16,19 looking 31:7 92:11 93:3 94:5,8 122:8,12,19 123:8
,11,12 130:2,12,13 163:7,10,13,16,19 36:2,3 49:15 109:16 112:19 139:1,2,5 145:3,9
,13,14,15,15,15,15 (19) 82:23 147:10 (6) 113:25 114:6,12 154:23
,16,16,17,17,17,18 lippman looks 68:6 118:21,24 134:19 155:8,19,24
,19,19,20,23,24,24 141:15,20 lose 135:7,9 137:10 142:22,23 156:5,6,17
,25,25,25 131:1,2, listed 15:13 losing 24:13 150:17 151:21 157:11,16,19,22
6,7,7,17,19,23,25, literally 42:6 98:7,7 154:3 (34) 158:2 (111)
25,25 132:4,6,8,9, 60:22 61:8,13,14 loss 87:2 makes 7:13 marcus' 5:15
10,10,15,20 133:4, 66:23 83:17 85:16 lost 44:7,17 60:5 8:20,20 20:15 marijuana
5,8,8,14,15,15,22, 93:25 98:15 (10) lot 16:13 18:3 93:22 118:8 (6) 154:5,9,18,25
22,24,24,24,25 13 little 14:22 25:9 19:12 making 56:23 155:1,2,10,10 (8)
4:1,8,22,22,23,23, 32:6 33:15 44:21 26:15,16,16,17 man 9:18,19 marjory 96:22
24,25,25 135:10,1 75:7,7 81:19 51:5,13 33:13 110:3,6,7 marked 4:7
1,11,12,13,14,15,1 92:23 130:14 55:15,17,23,24 (6) market 128:10
5,16,17,17,17,18,1 140:2 153:17,20 65:17 67:8 71:14 maney 2:15 marks 1:22
8,19,19,23,23,23,2 (13) 72:1 82:6 85:18 manner 134:18 5:8,21,24 159:5,12
3 136:4,6,7,8,9,13, live 7:21 25:19 97:3,13 106:7 manners 21:17 160:5,21 (8)
14,15,15,16,17,24, 33:2,3 35:13,17 144:25 146:8 (24) 151:11,11 maroon 146:20
25 137:2,4,17 36:23,25 37:24 loud 56:21 many 14:8 17:13 married 9:6

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

110:20 50:8,19 52:20 127:25 129:7,8 104:23 105:3 (20)

martha 139:18 68:15 69:14 72:4 130:6,14,18 106:9 107:1 109:9 midnight 58:7
martin 139:20 79:16 84:12 85:3, 132:8,16,21 133:4 (7) might 10:15
massacre 4,13,14,14,21,22 134:19,23,24 meeting 12:22 21:10,10
122:5,14,21 86:15,20 110:9 135:1 136:4 143:11,12 24:19 26:9 32:2
massive 60:18 136:5,5,13,15 138:19,25 melisa 2:12 33:14,15 40:25
82:7 147:14 (40) 140:3,16 142:13,1 melissa 2:15 41:1,2,2 43:7,17
matching 152:1 mccann 2:5 4,22,23,25 memes 55:19 71:9 87:17
matheny 10:22 mccutcheon 143:4,5,10 145:4 92:16,17,17,20,24 115:7,13 (19)
mathenywillard 144:13 149:2,4,20 (6) mike 6:14,22 9:2
3:6,6 5:14 7:5 mcneill 2:12 154:12,14,25 memories 89:2,4 104:23 106:17,17,
10:9,23,25,25 me 8:22,24,25 155:1 156:2,3 123:17,19 (4) 17,19,22 107:1,5 1
11:1,24 12:5 9:16,23,25 157:14,15,17 memory 70:25 08:1,3,10,12,17,20
13:12,15 10:2,5,5,6 159:8 161:8,12 81:8 123:13 111:10 (18)
14:16,20,25 11:15,21 15:22 (186) mention 45:20,23 mike's 9:18
15:4,10 28:14 16:19,25 17:12,21 meals 21:9 135:18 106:22 107:12,17
64:16 68:2,11 18:6,23 19:4,25 mean 7:2 16:10 mentioned 76:7 108:1,16,16,18 (8)
71:24 23:19,22 24:2,5,9 17:1 18:13 139:11 154:5 mile 85:16
72:9,14,16,22 27:4,14,18,22 19:8,12 21:10,24 mentioning 76:5 miles 84:21,23
73:4,13,19 29:8,23 32:7,8 27:1 28:5,23 33:5 message 75:20 85:17 86:14,15,16
74:10,16,22,24 34:14 36:12,23 34:2,8 35:6,14 messages 102:9 (7)
75:14 40:8,9 41:11,17 36:13 38:7,22 75:11,13,17,18 mill 2:20
105:5,8,16,22 42:24 44:24 39:16 40:16 76:1 97:12 (6) mind 100:3
106:3 109:1 45:1,5,8,9 46:13 42:3,18 47:9,19,19 messy 21:19 mini 16:11
111:25 112:15,22 47:16,23 48:9 48:15,22 49:1 met 25:8 36:22 minus 67:24
113:4,11,16,21 50:4,15,22,23 51:2 51:5 56:12 57:24 106:10,21 minute 11:20
114:2,8,14,20,24 53:4 58:2,10 58:1 64:2,3 65:1 107:5,11,12,18 72:4 117:3 136:13
115:3 116:9,20,24 68:8,9,9,18,18 71:8,13 77:6,19 108:5,8,14 (4)
117:2,16,22 69:4,5,17,23 71:10 78:9 79:10 81:2 144:12,22 (13) minutes 29:12
118:3,12,17 72:4,12 75:24 83:21 84:10 metlife 71:8 52:24 64:19 68:9
119:1,7,13,21 76:22 77:5,8 85:10,13 86:23 metropolitan 97:14 117:14
120:3,9,15,21 78:1,1,8,12,17 90:5,19 92:13 70:20,23 71:1 129:11,22 131:1,1
121:2,8,14,20 79:3,16,18 80:1,19 93:7,7,10,13,22 miami 3:4 136:14 145:5
122:6,9,16,23 81:19 89:16,21 94:2,6,16 105:2 michael 2:4 3:10 155:25 156:12
138:23 139:4 90:8 94:25 106:21 123:1,23 6:25 7:12 8:3 9:21 (14)
145:7 154:11,16 95:10,10 124:10 10:13 13:16,24 misbehaved
155:4,13 156:2,5,7 96:19,19,20,25 126:4,12,12,13 74:25 113:10 128:19
157:5,25 (91) 97:9,9,11,14 98:10 132:4 133:21 114:12 120:2,8 misbehavior
matter 5:3 116:3 99:8,22 136:23 138:2,16 121:6,24 (16) 125:15
may 14:14 20:12 100:2,3,11,20,23 141:16 145:14,14 michael's 9:4 missing 127:13
34:20 43:7 73:17 102:5,8,20 146:14,23 microwave mistake 152:14
74:9 125:9 157:7 103:2,7,7,8,25 148:16,16 149:2 19:13,17 22:1,4,4 mitigation 6:17
160:19 161:24 104:20,24 150:23 151:10,20 149:23 150:1,2 (8) mix 22:10
(10) 106:12,13,17 107: 152:1,11,21 153:3 middle 15:3 25:5 mmcneill@brow
maybe 28:4 1,2,2,3,13,14,16,1 157:19 (89) 38:8,13,13,14 arddefenderorg
29:11 32:18 37:16 8 108:9,9 means 7:7 66:15 48:23 65:8 76:21 2:18
38:7 39:20 109:16,21,24 77:25 160:17 (4) 81:15 85:9 86:11 molested 43:17
40:23,24 41:8,9 111:10,16 112:14 medical 30:18 87:4 124:10 mom 17:19
43:4,4 114:22 119:17 medina 99:20 142:19 143:12 18:4,24 19:8 20:6
48:20,21,21,21,21 122:7,9,24 123:16 meet 24:25 52:4 144:6 149:3,11,11 21:12 22:8,25

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

23:9 25:4,7,9,14 71:4,14,18,20,21 126:8 127:7,10 56:6,9 58:23,25 100:15,25 101:16

26:20,21 72:10 73:3,16 129:21 131:12 63:2,2,5 71:15 102:1,6,11,19,20
27:3,5,16,17,18,25 74:6,9 135:2,7 137:20 77:11 113:25 103:4,6,6,19
28:6 32:18 76:11,14,15,15 139:22 146:18 114:6,12 127:4 104:1,4,17 106:18
33:6,16,19 104:4 113:25 153:18,24 (38) 128:12 131:25 108:10,15,17
34:2,4,15 36:8,14 118:8,22,24 mother's 66:10 133:23 145:22,23 110:17 111:13,16
39:2,12 40:20 122:4,13,15,15,20 143:17 146:22 158:1 (25) 116:7 122:1,8,17
41:5,6,6 123:1,4,9,10 (46) motion 111:16 muffle 60:21 130:12,20
42:5,13,21,22 46:8 monitor 111:8 mouth 30:4 muffled 58:23 132:1,7,8,21
48:10,13 months 53:2 135:5,11,21,24 multiplayer 40:5 133:21,23,25,25
49:7,12,15 50:8,24 mood 27:11 151:8 (6) multiple 132:25 134:3 135:3,12,17
51:6,17,18,22 125:24 move 15:2 73:10 134:1 136:8,9 137:6,23
53:12,14,20 56:9 moore 9:8,12 139:3 murders 43:18 139:25 140:5,20
58:15 60:7,25 74:18 106:9,16 moved 7:23 my 5:21,23 142:4,6,6,8,19,23
61:17,19,20 109:9,13 113:3,10 25:22,24 6:14,23 7:12 143:2,6,13,22,22
66:19,22,24 67:15 114:6 116:19 26:1,4,7,9,12 8:18,23 9:1,17,18 145:21 146:8,9,10
70:1 71:8,9 117:7 48:17 50:24 53:15 10:2,6 11:11,25 147:1,20 148:4
76:21,25 77:12 120:1,8,13,19,25 62:13 113:5 (13) 13:16,17 149:13 152:1,6,17,
78:12,17 79:7 121:6 122:2 (19) moving 124:4 17:5,12,17,19 17,18,18,22
87:3 126:3 moral 116:14 ms 5:14,21,24 7:5 18:4,24 19:4,5,5,5 156:18 159:16
132:1,8 134:3 more 9:17 22:22 10:9,22,23,23,25 20:1,6 21:17 160:10 161:9
135:12 137:6,8,23 27:10,23 40:20 11:1,24 12:5 22:8,24 23:2,7,9 (214)
139:25 140:7 41:11 42:10 50:21 13:12,15 24:3,5,24 myself 51:11
143:2 146:9,10 51:6 75:22 91:1 14:16,20,25 25:3,3,7,8,14 77:7 90:5,6
147:1,20 148:4 15 94:6 104:19 107:1 15:4,6,10 28:14 26:20,20,21 102:22 105:1
2:1,6,17,17,18,22 129:8 130:6 64:16 68:2,11 27:3,3,16,17,18 108:14 (7)
(99) 143:1,1 145:10 71:24 28:2,6,15 29:23 n 2:1,13 4:2
mom's 24:24 146:25 147:21,22 72:9,14,16,22 32:18 33:6,8,19 78:17 79:16
26:21 27:25 31:8 148:10 156:13 73:4,13,19 34:2,4,15,17 80:2,11 (7)
33:8 34:6 36:14 (24) 74:10,16,22,24 35:18,25 36:8,23 name 6:8,24 25:2
37:10,10 61:14 morning 56:19 75:14 37:10,10,10 36:14,16 42:17
69:23 87:18 96:15 104:6 105:5,8,16,22 39:2,12 66:10,11,12 78:21
102:2,7,11 most 8:21 15:23 106:3 109:1 41:3,4,5,6,6 107:22 128:25
134:8,13 140:5,20 59:4 65:24 111:25 112:15,22 42:5,13,21,22 44:3 129:2 139:13 (14)
143:22,23 145:21 89:6,8,8,11 113:4,11,16,21 46:8 48:10,13 named 45:24
146:8 (24) 93:15,21 114:2,8,14,20,24 49:7,12,15 50:8 128:22 139:22
moment 11:18 136:10,11 148:18 115:3 116:9,20,24 51:6,8,18 52:1,22 names 82:25
35:12 75:3 131:9 (13) 117:2,16,22 53:12,14 54:2 139:7
133:12 145:4 (6) mostly 23:6 118:3,12,17 56:9 58:15 naruto 93:8,9
moments 16:20 55:23 84:4 89:5 119:1,7,13,21 60:7,25 nasty 59:15
79:12 100:6 136:4 (5) 120:3,9,15,21 61:14,17,19,20 national 91:14
mommy mother 15:22,24 121:2,8,14,20 66:19,19,22,24 nawal 2:13
153:19,19 19:1 20:8,23 122:6,9,16,23 67:15 68:12,22 nazi 80:24
monday 157:10 25:11,20 26:11,20 138:23 139:4 69:4,11,18,23 70:1 near 125:4
money 9:20 10:5 28:9,21 29:21 145:7 154:11,16 71:8,9,25 72:19 128:5,8,9 (4)
50:12 55:1 63:18 32:24 41:21 46:14 155:4,13 156:2,5,7 76:21,25 77:11,11 need 13:25 14:1
65:21 66:2,16,23 52:13 65:19 66:21 157:5,25 (93) 78:8,12,17 15:20 24:6 28:15
67:3,8 68:1 67:2,13 69:13 much 10:16 79:4,7,25 80:19 33:24 53:14 96:16
69:2,4,10,18 70:15 76:2 77:20 16:11,19 19:23 81:8 87:3 88:13 97:19,19 138:24
70:4,21 78:18 125:15 26:23 39:25 94:17 96:14 97:8 153:14 (12)

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

needed 17:19 32:7,13,20 33:3 nine 124:15 6,16,19,19 163:7,7 nurses 34:12
needs 153:13,15 35:4 39:10,17 nintendo 153:9 ,10,10,13,13,16,16 o'clock 56:18
negin 141:7 40:8,14,17 41:25 no 1:3 7:15,17 ,19,19 (171) 117:14,18
neighbor 25:3 43:17,17 44:6,10 8:13 nobody 35:14,17 o'shea 2:14 6:15
36:24 38:1 77:1 45:1,3,13,17,17 12:4,6,9,11,14 noises 56:23 14:13 15:6 (4)
(4) 46:7,24 15:6 16:24 20:10 none 4:7 35:18 oakland
neighborhood 47:4,7,14,23 48:9 21:10 28:18,22,22 68:7 141:20,21 142:5
25:20,23 48:18 49:21 29:18,18 35:14,14 nooks 98:22 oath 6:5 159:1
65:4 81:16,18 50:4,17,18,21,24 37:9 38:7,7,9,10 noone 113:20 161:14
83:22 84:8 87:14 51:1,2 52:15,21 39:9 40:13 44:3 nope 139:19,21 object 7:6 10:9
98:6,15 (11) 53:8,13,16,20 45:22,22 nor 160:13 68:2 71:25 74:10
neighbors 42:14 54:16 63:12 64:23 46:22,25,25 norfolk 3:8 105:5,7,10 109:1
nervous 129:8 65:20 66:23 67:8 47:3,6,6,9,9,16 normal 27:9 111:25
never 68:1,5 69:8 72:2 48:20 49:12 50:15 55:18 113:11,16,21
21:20,25,25 75:5,6 77:10 79:9 51:22 58:21 northwest 38:1 114:2,8,14,20
22:23,23,24 27:12 80:13 83:7,20 59:2,18,19 60:5 58:2 83:6 116:24 117:22
38:10 39:9 85:11,23 86:1 64:13,13 74:1,8,22 nose 29:4 151:4 118:3,12,18
40:18,18,22 41:12, 87:8 95:6,7 78:3 79:3 notary 5:8 119:1,7,13,21
14,14,17,17,18 99:6,14 100:14 80:12,15,15 84:25 159:5,12,17 (4) 120:3,9,15,21
42:19,19,20 102:6 105:17 85:6 86:16,16 note 67:18 121:2,8,14,20
46:13,15,17,17 109:3 112:7,15 87:23,23 88:23 notes 160:11 122:6 138:23
47:14,16 49:17 124:1 127:25 89:20 90:13,13 nother 146:15 154:13,17 (38)
50:15,15 51:19 130:4,14,22 92:10 95:20,23 nothing 19:19 objecting 73:5
53:6,8 62:14 131:1,1,4,13 96:2,6,6,6,6 21:24 35:5 50:16 112:6,22 113:4
66:16,16 77:5,6,13 132:12 98:18,18 100:4 55:16,16 62:23 116:11 (5)
78:8 80:12,18,18 134:2,5,9,10 101:12,12 102:3,3 72:24 79:10 objection 11:2,5
85:5 88:7,7,8 135:2,25 104:16,16 106:21 80:17,19,20 95:10 14:17 68:3,4,12
89:12,20 90:8 136:2,22,24 107:8,10,24 99:22 107:10 73:19 112:19
95:20,20 108:8 137:8,15 140:17 108:9,15 108:11 138:10 116:15 122:17
133:18 134:5,9 141:1,5 144:22 118:10,23 (17) 123:3 155:7 (12)
135:1,3,6 145:1 147:23 122:3,22 notice 5:7 observing 131:2
136:21,23,24 148:1,3,18,21 123:9,12,23 november 16:1 obsessed 93:24
137:2,3,3,4,23,23 149:16 152:22 124:18,25 20:20 52:9 94:10
140:3,3,17,17,18 154:9 155:3 (112) 125:6,13 126:1 70:15,16 (5) obvious 72:6
142:22 151:25 nick's 38:11 127:9,23 now 6:20 11:14 112:12
152:12 (76) 39:21 43:14 53:5 128:23,24 129:17 14:14 18:13 20:16 obviously 103:13
new 54:18,24 63:24 66:12 80:9 131:6,21 132:13,1 28:3 33:21 114:25 154:19
93:19 95:3 (4) 83:1 100:5 144:5 3,14,14,15,15 37:18,19 50:23 occasion 140:1
news 46:18 77:3 (10) 135:3,22,22 51:15,22 52:25 occasions 132:25
next 21:17,20 nicole 2:5 136:19,23,23 137: 68:12 70:18 71:22 occurred
25:16,23 36:23 night 7:13 14,14,14,17,17,23 75:15 78:4,5 15:15,19 52:9
37:24 38:3 42:13 25:17,18 51:9 138:12,16,18,18,1 96:17,17,17 71:3 (4)
73:11 86:10 58:6,7,7 84:21 8,18,22 141:9 139:12 153:16 october 20:21
87:4,10 103:5 (13) 85:9 97:17 (10) 143:9 144:9,12 154:5 156:11 (26) 70:14 124:14
nice 48:10 63:8 nights 56:15 146:14,14 nowhere 85:13 off 11:23 15:8
127:2 144:3,19 nighttime 59:16 147:21,22 149:1 nude 29:3 64:20 68:10 72:15
149:1 152:1 (7) nikolas 1:8 2:11 150:24 151:10 nuggets 19:13 90:9 94:17
nicer 144:19 5:4 96:23 161:1 155:13,16,23 number 15:13 95:10,11 98:16
nick 22:3,22 23:3 162:1 163:1 (7) 156:22 157:14 162 53:20 67:24 71:16 117:19
24:14 30:23 nikolas' 66:11 :7,7,10,10,13,13,1 102:2 (5) 118:8,22,24

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

133:23,24 145:8 17:11,14 18:21 14:3 15:19 20:1,5 6,17,19,21,23 66:7 68:24
154:15 156:4 (19) 24:3 28:15 30:8 31:20 32:16,22 133:12 134:3,8,11 70:10,13
offense 154:19 36:6 37:2 45:3,3 39:5,6 42:15 137:2 138:14 162:7,10,13,16,19
155:15 49:2 51:1 52:10 51:14,19 52:20 139:25 163:7,10,13,16,19
offenses 154:22 54:10,24,25 53:2 65:11,24 140:6,14,15,25 (18)
offer 140:3 58:10,19 60:12 83:13 88:3,22 142:21 143:4,14 pages 160:9
161:14 61:11 67:25 100:18,22 101:1 144:25,25 145:1 paid 119:11
offered 50:15 68:16,16,23 104:15 129:10 147:3,21 148:24 paint 89:10
104:24 106:12,13 72:12,14 73:11 136:8 139:8 149:13 155:8 110:10
(4) 79:22,23,23 84:20 144:19 145:19 157:7,23 (124) painted 81:3,10
offering 140:7 86:10 87:12,15 147:8 153:12 (34) outofbody 101:5 palm 16:15 26:3
office 2:3,12 93:21 100:4 other's 32:16 outs 84:8 48:4 97:6 103:2,7
11:10 17:17 18:23 102:2,3,3 otherwise 11:16 outside 50:13 (6)
23:21 24:6,12 106:12,13 our 19:8 22:16 59:14,15 60:13 panickly 49:8
115:17 (9) 107:12,12 116:4 31:8,23 38:1,18 61:6 62:1 63:9 pans 22:10
officers 119:20 119:16 122:7,9 39:24 40:20 45:3 72:22 82:22 paper 94:19
120:1 123:9 128:7 130:9 49:3,11,11 52:23 127:4,6 (11) parc 25:24 36:1
officially 33:19 132:23 134:4 53:11 56:16 59:21 oven 21:25 56:8 59:11,21
often 127:11 138:16,18,18,25 76:11,14 79:23 149:23,25 60:9,10 62:22 (8)
129:25 141:22 142:21 80:2 over 7:12 8:18 parent 139:22
oftentimes 143:9,22 81:3,4,5,17,24,24 10:18 17:6 18:9 140:8
131:22 147:5,16,17 82:1,22 84:2 32:7,8 38:18 parents 38:25
oh 7:12 22:13 148:14 154:12,14 87:14 145:15,19 49:3,19 53:10 153:22
26:13 27:6 156:3,3,15 (72) 156:8 (33) 59:19 61:12 66:25 park 23:1 26:2
34:1,16 43:13 ones 25:9 128:7 out 9:23 18:16 71:22 76:12 51:9 85:15
51:18,25 53:3,22 133:12 138:3 (4) 20:16 22:16 23:1 81:24,25 82:3,24 86:1,4,5
54:8 56:7,12 57:5 only 16:6 20:6 25:10,22 29:4 98:7 137:1 87:22,23,25 88:1
60:23 64:8 91:3 21:13 24:11 28:23 32:15,21 33:23 140:24,24 152:15 96:13,14,15
92:3 96:1 135:17 31:8,9 40:19 34:21 35:15 38:16 155:21 (26) 97:10,24
137:10 141:19 49:19 62:15,21 39:17,19 40:8,9 overall 71:13 102:10,25 103:3
142:3 143:18 65:16 76:25 86:7 45:18 46:3,7,12 overdo 152:15 104:11 141:20,21
152:25 (26) 88:23 93:21 47:23 48:11,13,17 overstepping (22)
oiling 56:20 125:22 132:6 49:22 50:6,11,21 130:16 140:4 parking 16:13
old 7:18 20:16,21 141:16 147:18 52:3 54:5,14,19 owed 34:3 69:4 138:14
33:22 37:14 48:18 153:13,14,15 (23) 56:19,24 57:2 own 21:23 22:5 parkland 25:25
58:3,11 62:3 open 54:14 59:2,9,10 50:25 52:6,21,22 26:4,8 58:14
81:12 85:20 86:22 133:22 150:7 62:16,19,25 63:22 117:21 123:7 62:5,7,9 (7)
87:5,18 124:15 opened 59:22 64:1 65:2,5 76:18 128:15 130:12 part 44:1 58:24
149:17 (16) opener 22:7 77:7 78:21,21 133:20,21 135:3 participated
older 28:3 37:22 150:8 79:5 84:2,6,21 151:7 (14) 119:5
38:20,23 85:24 openers 150:9,16 85:2,3,6,6,8,10 owned 47:22 particular 30:21
91:9 (6) operas 134:4 86:6,7,15 87:11,14 48:6 parties 160:13
oldest 37:13 opportunity 96:10 97:4 99:18 owner 43:5 partners 110:25
once 24:9 25:15 101:18 102:24 103:3 p 2:1,1 party 27:10,11
98:13 104:17,20 opposite 83:14 104:5,20 106:11,1 pa 3:2 102:13
106:23 108:9 option 91:2 7,18,20,24 107:2,6 pack 148:12 pass 29:9 88:14
143:18 144:21,21 orange 38:4 ,7,9,11,13,16,19,2 packed 46:11,11 90:21 141:23 (4)
146:25 149:12 order 103:8 0 108:20 111:15 packs 19:22 passed 8:24
(12) other 130:19,20 pads 135:23 30:22 40:20 59:2
one 8:21,24 16:22 13:17,18,19,23 131:2,5,7,22 132:1 page 4:3,10,10,10 128:5 (5)

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

passing 123:22 140:19 (11) 15:22 18:1 20:13 presented 15:19 115:11
124:1 personal 72:24 36:12 50:1 89:25 100:20 program 128:4
passionate 140:10 145:16 150:12 preserve 12:2,7 projects 65:14
90:17,18,19 personnel 34:11 (14) press 136:8 promising 32:23
past 124:5 persons 115:10 pled 90:3 pressed 136:21 property 44:23
patch 61:7 pertain 154:21 pllc 3:6 137:3 97:25
path 83:19 pertains 68:4 pm 1:9 158:5 pressured 76:25 prosecutions
pathway 83:19 pet 19:5 pocket 67:8 pretty 16:19 115:12
paul 6:9,25 36:20 phone 30:1,3,12 104:1 17:21 19:23 26:23 protect 137:8
37:7 47:18,21 94:18 95:10 97:8 point 5:18 7:7 30:24 34:23 36:17 protests
48:3,6,8,17 146:2 (7) 10:10,11 28:1 39:24 48:6 53:6,7 119:5,19,25
49:3,11,13,20,21 pick 16:12,18 31:7 43:25 51:4 56:9,14 58:23 proud 31:24
50:12 (16) 50:13 65:17 87:3 53:21 68:3 71:25 63:2,2,5,21,22 prove 105:23
paul's 48:8 (5) 76:19 102:14 66:3 69:7 77:11 providers 139:9
pause 138:24 picked 18:17 104:2,14 105:6,10 88:5 112:11 psychiatrist
pay 50:12 23:19 24:23 54:10 109:6 110:20 127:4,7 128:12 141:8
payment 84:13 (5) 112:1 117:5 123:2 131:24 134:16 public 2:12 5:9
70:21,23 71:1 picture 44:7 138:24 154:13 136:19 137:7 98:25 116:3
payments 71:10 89:10 94:17,18 155:8,14 (26) 143:11 145:22,23 159:5,12,17 (7)
peanut 19:17 96:23 137:21,21 points 61:7 150:9,13 (36) pull 29:15
150:17 151:21 (7) pokemon 93:10 prevention 87:2 pulled 32:1
pedigree 23:15 pictures 42:21,22 police 96:3 97:16 previous 42:8 96:18,19
penalties 161:6 77:9,9 92:21 (5) 98:25 99:7,9 principal 143:13 pump 29:1,5,5
pending 5:5 piece 100:25 100:9 101:9,21 printed 94:19 pumping 29:2
114:24 pillow 60:20 102:20,23 104:13 prior 75:4 punch 134:2,4
people 13:19 pipe 82:13 119:20 120:1 prison 121:7 137:1
18:5 52:4 76:1,5,6 pitch 148:5 127:10 131:24 137:9 punched 135:4
80:10 97:10 100:7 place 23:8 25:24 132:1,2 133:15,16 pro 2:19 purpose 5:2
118:9,22 82:9 85:18 86:7 136:20,25 137:2,6 probably 48:22 purposes 15:23
128:16,17,17 141:19 (6) (23) 76:21 83:13 pursuant 5:7
129:6,8,8 133:14 placed 141:10 pool 153:9 126:6,25 130:2 put 10:6,18
(18) placement poor 21:17,17 132:16 136:19,20 22:16,18,22 26:22
percent 30:17,19 141:11 151:10 151:20 (10) 52:1 60:18,19
50:20 61:1 69:5 places 50:6 pops 80:19 probation 102:20 77:10,11 92:25
74:5 (6) 145:19,19 pose 134:23 103:5,9,11,19 104:1 136:9
period 17:16 plaintiff 1:6 5:4 possibility 35:13 104:17 107:16 147:22 151:14,14
19:7 52:14 64:22 plan 129:21 post 42:4 45:24 111:14 (8) (17)
67:13 70:16 76:2 planet 91:14 46:2,5,19,20 (6) probations 103:1 puts 7:12 8:18
125:8 (8) planned 107:19 postings 80:10 problem 28:18 putting 64:4 81:9
periods 24:3 planning 63:17 posts 43:15 39:10,14 117:6 146:10
perjury play 38:16,17 pots 22:10 152:24 153:2 (6) question 7:9
115:18,25 121:1 40:4,4,5,5 41:16 pour 148:13 problems 39:7 10:10,21 11:16
161:6 (4) 82:19 83:7 pouring 61:4,6 79:6 92:7 12:24 13:1,10
permission 93:20,20 (11) 62:1 128:14,15 153:24 20:1 40:11 45:9
137:16 played 93:22 pours 147:3 (6) 54:2 72:18
persisted 138:7 playing 38:19 prefer 10:23 proceeding 73:8,12,14,21
person 14:14 93:8 94:1,1 (4) prek 42:11 152:3 156:23 74:13 93:21
27:9,10 42:8 pleasant 123:19 present 3:10 process 107:14 105:12 108:11
52:6,21,22 88:22 please 5:20,24 14:14 40:21 45:16 produced 115:14 112:2,23,25
93:11 139:23 6:8,10 9:24 14:24 (4) producing 113:13,17,22

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

114:3,9,15,21 reached 58:24 125:2,4,7,9,11,14, reiner 3:2,2,2 125:10,13,23

115:19 read 12:13 46:19 17 127:19 128:21 12:8,9,14,19 127:23 128:3
116:5,7,10,12,22 84:20 161:7,8 (5) 129:15,18 132:24 13:7,11 72:5 129:1,14,24
117:23,24 reading 23:25 139:23 141:11 157:9,12,13,17,21 131:17
118:4,13,14,19,19 158:6 (22) (15) 133:2,2,2,18 134:6
119:2,3,8,9,14,22 ready 15:9,10 receive 9:20 73:3 relates 74:11 135:22 139:7,24
120:4,11,17,23 27:2 100:21 (4) 124:9 relations 141:7,23
121:4,10,16,22 real 18:7 21:19 received 73:17 40:12,15 45:13 142:16,18 145:20
122:11,18,25 27:21 28:1 29:7 130:1 relationship 146:9 147:4,6
139:3 153:16 31:8 32:11 47:21 receiving 14:10 47:18,19 149:5 152:18,22
155:6,12,17,17 51:24 57:8,9,10 69:2,20,21,25 112:8 (4) (116)
(66) 59:14 63:8 86:24 70:23 (5) relative remembers
questioning 104:10 135:12 recently 40:20 160:12,13 89:14
49:14,15 53:13 (17) recess 11:23 relevance 68:3 remind
72:1,19 73:5 realize 105:14,15 64:20 68:10 72:15 109:2 116:12,15 89:13,16,17
112:23 138:25 (8) 117:7 142:23 (4) 117:19 145:8 (4) removing 33:23
questions 4:9 really 18:14 154:15 156:4 (8) relevancy 13:2 rented 42:7
10:16 11:13 12:22 19:19 21:18 recognize 100:2 relevant 11:12 43:1,2,7,8 (5)
14:8 15:16,18,20 22:19,24 25:11 106:1 13:3,4,6 68:7 renting 43:4,10
16:21 41:12 68:5 27:13 28:23 30:5 recognized 100:1 72:25 repairs 110:8
72:23 73:9 106:7 33:9 35:5,22 36:4 recollection 105:11,15,25 repeat 49:25
124:7 145:10 39:3 41:5 42:19 68:15 69:2 123:21 106:1 109:5 122:11,17 126:14
149:15 155:20,22 48:22 52:17 55:16 124:12,14 (5) 112:9,16,17 (14) 132:18 150:11 (6)
(19) 56:11 57:11 59:14 record 5:17,23 remain 114:25 repeatedly
quick 138:14 63:6,8 66:24 11:23 12:13 13:13 remember 17:1,7 102:11
quickly 51:24 68:19 71:5,7,7,16 15:8 16:6 44:24 18:2,3,14,16 19:14 repeating 16:4
58:22 149:19 78:3 80:7,17 82:4 64:20 68:10,24 24:4,8,20 26:10 report 137:2,5
quiet 32:8 84:1,3 90:25 72:15,17 116:3 28:24,25 29:25 160:7
149:4,6,7,7 (5) 93:23 94:22 97:15 117:19 137:4,11 30:8,25 reported 1:22
quite 127:11 100:5 111:11,19 145:8 154:15 31:3,14,16,17,21 reporter 5:8
r 2:1 125:22 128:3 156:4 160:10 32:5 35:6,21,22,25 28:17 160:1,5,18
rachel 128:22 129:5 131:19,23 161:24 (22) 36:5 40:8 41:4,7,7 161:24 (6)
129:15 139:10 132:5,7 138:17 recorded 59:24 46:5 47:9 representing
racial 78:16 140:3 142:22 61:17 48:2,5,22 49:1 74:14,16,17,20,24
79:8,14 143:2,3 150:23 records 66:5 50:5 54:12 55:23 (5)
racist 80:19 152:2 153:13 (58) 120:7 56:15 57:18 58:9 reproduction
rage 57:3 80:6 reason 12:25 recounted 31:13 59:12 61:19 62:18 160:17
rain 61:4 62:1 16:7 43:22 44:2 red 146:20 63:6,7 64:1,10 request 11:14
raining 61:6 46:6 64:14 72:21 refer 15:24 65:22,24 66:1 requested 160:8
84:24 85:6 reference 67:23 68:15,18,20,22 reschedule
raisin 19:14 162:9,12,15,18,21 referring 15:25 71:2,5,6,7 75:24 156:14
ran 49:4 96:15 163:9,12,15,18,21 34:7 66:6 76:4 77:4 resolve 10:15
random 50:6 (18) refresh 68:14 79:11,19,20,22,25 72:3
randomly 63:1 reasonable 124:12 80:4,18 81:2 resort 133:15
range 56:1 117:13 156:14 refreshes 124:13 84:22,24 85:18 respect 27:25
raped 47:14 reasons regard 109:3 86:3 89:6,14 respond 5:16,17
rare 140:25 127:15,16 regarding 73:22 90:21 93:2 96:24 8:9 11:25 72:20
rather 156:15 recall 15:22 112:15,17 97:5 107:22 73:14,20 74:11
ratted 63:21 64:1 18:25 19:6 67:25 regular 79:4 111:19 123:23 105:13 106:5
reach 14:25 57:1 75:25 124:8,19,23 142:6,6 124:3,6,10 112:3,24

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

113:7,12,18,22 96:8 97:20 97:19 98:4,6,24 97:19 102:21 151:10 152:11,19,

114:4,10,16 (19) 98:1,9,21,24 100:9,11 103:20 104:21 19,20,21 (81)
responded 78:22 100:22 103:24 101:21,25 126:24,25 127:21 saying 12:19 16:7
response 5:15 105:15 106:6,10 102:5,11 104:4,21 145:17 150:13 31:23 32:2
restate 52:12 108:8 111:20 106:22,25 (64) 154:8 161:9 (40) 34:10,11 37:18
155:1 114:25 122:25 rocxanne's 25:9 salary 119:11 41:8,9 46:4 77:14
result 119:11 127:8 130:23 36:10 37:13 same 19:11 38:5 78:23 93:15 96:21
return 127:18 132:3 133:12 45:1,18 49:12 42:6,9,25 73:19 98:2 126:19
review 116:11 137:9 138:8 140:8 53:5 63:12 64:23 79:18 87:3 99:5 132:20 146:16
160:8 141:14 142:9,12 97:25 (10) 130:11 131:3 148:5,6 157:13
reviews 55:4,24 153:16,23 156:11 rode 48:3 87:1 140:23 (21)
rich 112:8,16 (83) roger 77:9 141:17,17,19 says 67:22 70:19
156:8 ring 124:16 123:14 124:2 155:6 160:17 (17) 115:15,17,23 (5)
richard ripped 133:24,25 roof 7:12 8:18 sandwich 150:18 sc 2:29072
9:2,3,8,17,20 rmr 160:21 10:18 sarah 125:11 scared 46:10
74:17 104:24 road 35:9 room 6:12 11:15 139:10 54:19
105:3 106:9,16 87:12,13,13,14,15 13:17,19 14:5 sat 76:22 77:12 scarlett 139:20
108:3 109:9,13,22 (6) 31:12,17 44:21 satz 2:4 scene 147:12
110:14,20 roast 129:9 45:2,4 50:25 51:2 saving 55:1 scherer 1:4
113:3,10 114:6 robbery 56:21 57:4 60:15 savitski 2:6 school 16:17
116:18 117:7 115:22,23 99:12,13,16,23,24 saw 31:11 38:10 17:11,15,17
120:1,8,13,19,25 rock 36:15 39:22 100:14,18,22 42:3 43:14 49:18 18:4,20,20,21
121:6 122:2 40:1 44:8,15 101:10 122:2 60:25 96:23 24:10,15,19 25:6
154:24 155:2,25 46:6,8,8 63:23,23 129:23 134:13,14 99:17,20 135:3,6 30:11 38:6,8
(31) 64:8,8,9,10 (14) 153:6,8,12,13,14,1 147:9 154:6 (13) 48:23 65:2,9
richard's 9:16,17 rock's 46:11 5 155:3 (35) say 7:1 9:24 10:3 76:21 81:15 86:11
108:1 112:10 (4) rocky 37:12 38:6 rooms 56:17 18:1 25:5 26:17 87:4,6,8,10
ride 24:22 84:4 39:8,11,16 route 142:6 27:6,16,24 28:6 99:15,25 124:11
86:19 87:16 40:12,15,17 routes 88:8 29:11 30:16 128:5,9 129:1,1,3
106:18 142:6 (6) 41:13,25 rude 28:6 32:3,3,15 33:6,6,7 142:4,19 143:12
riding 88:13 43:17,19,21 44:2 rule 12:14,16 35:4 37:16 46:1 144:6,7,22
rifle 56:20 45:13,17 rules 11:4 94:14 49:12,25 51:12,23 149:3,11,13
57:17,18,20 (4) 46:10,16,24 95:1,5,7,12 111:14 52:10 57:3 60:11 152:2,24
right 6:20 47:2,5,8,15 (7) 65:16 73:7,9 74:8 153:7,18,25
9:17,18,19 12:11 64:1,10 98:11,14 run 70:5 75:9,12 77:22 154:1,3,3 (50)
13:8 14:18 17:5 (27) 134:24,25 80:2 81:14 82:5 scold 27:19,19
18:13 20:18,25 rocky's 98:11 runs 83:18 85:13,21 scooter 138:15
25:16 32:23 33:21 rocxanne s 2:1 4:7 84:14 86:10,14,15 90:17 scooters 84:5
36:21,25 37:12 25:2,8,10,11,19,24 sad 52:18,25 91:7,19 93:16 scope 10:11,20
38:2,3 39:1 41:18 26:2,2,5,6,19,24 safe 107:4 97:5 98:18 99:22 72:23
51:22 53:2 54:23 28:9 33:2,3,9,12 safety 98:25 101:9 122:24 score 94:8
57:10 60:17,17 34:3,8,16,18 said 5:15 8:10 126:6,13 127:15 scream 56:24
61:2,3,7,13 63:11 35:1,1 36:2,25 10:4,5,14,18 128:13,18 screaming 49:6
67:9,14 39:2 42:6,7,10 17:17,18,21 129:7,10 131:4,19 screen 59:18,19
69:19,24,25 43:1,2,8 18:2,22 20:12 132:13,15,16 66:5
70:4,5,11,11 73:11 46:3,6,9,9,14 26:19 31:1,16 133:4 135:17 scroll 66:7 67:17
76:17 77:16 79:8 47:21 48:7,10,18 33:9,21 34:5,6,16 136:4 140:23 70:12
81:20,24,25,25 49:2,19 50:24 36:9 41:20 44:6 142:20 143:16 search 55:5,18
85:15,24 86:10 53:8 63:24 64:1 50:2 61:22 69:24 144:17,23 145:16 97:24,24 (4)
87:4 89:13 95:13 70:25 76:7 96:12 70:15 75:11 87:21 148:3 150:24 searching

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

98:20,23 115:3 70:1,2,4,23 71:10 shoots 61:8 sipping 147:5

second 28:15 seriousness 15:14 77:8,12,21,23,24 shop 128:6,6 sips 148:12
45:5 47:17 70:13 service 156:21 78:1,1,6,7,8,22,24 shoplifting 86:23 sir 6:8 155:23
72:14 119:16 157:6 79:1 96:12,12,14,1 129:17,19 sister 143:24
122:9 125:8 services 141:11 5,16,18,20 shopping 19:9 sit 21:8,13 92:2
138:25 139:1 session 129:15 98:7,8,14 99:18,18 short 101:13 99:13 121:25
141:15 145:3 130:21 102:6,14,15,19,20, shortly 29:9 129:9 139:24 (7)
154:12,14 156:3 sessions 21,21,23,23 111:5 sitting 14:17 15:7
(15) 131:10,16,20 104:8,12 130:13,1 shot 60:12,16 61:14 92:7 99:15
seconds 68:9 set 66:24 128:15 4,18,24,25 61:8,11 62:19 (5)
secor 2:19 seven 37:22 134:24,25 135:8,8, 63:6,10 (7) situation 14:12
5:15,16 155:23 (4) 86:16 9,14,15,16,17,23 1 shotgun 57:13 146:15
security 23:22 sex 41:12,15 36:11,18,19,19,21, 58:4 61:6 six 71:17 73:2
69:17,20,21,22,25 45:20,23 47:1,4,8 22,24,25 137:10 62:16,19 (5) 97:1
70:2 99:21 107:11 (7) 140:9,10 shots 63:5 sixth 38:9 144:14
,12,17,21,24,25 sexual 40:11,14 143:18,23 144:3 should 10:13 size 60:15 82:6
108:2,3 (16) 45:13 147:21,22 148:4,5, 14:1 101:10 102:4 skate 8:21 23:1
securus 95:3 shadows 93:24 6,8,10,10,10,11,13 (4) 51:9 96:13,14,15
see 14:5,18,19 94:2 ,23 shouldn't 28:5 97:10 102:8,9,25
16:19 17:19 shaking 9:24 149:1,2,4,6,7,13 142:1,9,10 (4) 103:3 104:11 (12)
18:6,24 29:8 54:7 share 51:1 154:2,2 (232) show 66:4 68:23 skateboard 88:13
61:17 64:13 66:9 shared 51:2 she'd 59:3 149:8 70:9 93:12,20 132:9,10
67:19 70:13 72:3 she 6:17 12:20 16 152:20 94:17,18 95:10 skateboarding
80:25 82:10 :1,10,12,13,17,23 she's 31:1 49:16 118:21 136:14,16 132:3,7
88:6,23 90:5,6 17:1,2,2,3,7,8,9,9, 61:21 147:7 137:21 (12) skating 132:5
100:17,22 19,22 18:10,11,16, 157:20 (5) showed 33:12 skin 77:25
101:13,15,18 16,17,18 19:10,12, sheet 161:13 96:20 skip 131:22
106:16 124:13 12,18,20,21 20:11 162:5 163:5 shower 151:1 skis 48:3
135:2,20 (30) 22:9,10 shells 57:13 showing 56:1 sleep 56:16
seeing 28:24 25:2,10,12,14,15 shelter 141:13,15 shows 91:15 sleeping 59:3,3
seen 43:14 59:8 26:7,8,12,21,22,22 ,17,17,21,25 sick 22:25 25:21 slept 45:3,3 53:10
80:12 88:21 27:7,8,8,9,9,14,17, 142:5,11,14 143:19 sly 2:15
147:19,20 (6) 17,18,18,19,20,20, 143:10,15 (11) side 58:20 small 148:22
send 75:9,18 21,22,22,24 shirt 21:19 sidewalk 88:14 smaller 60:15
sending 97:9 28:1,7,7,11,22 151:7,23 sideways 51:19 smart 152:9
sense 15:16 42:24 29:2,9,21 30:1,2,2, shirts 151:25 sign 129:17 smoke 25:17
78:3 88:24 92:12 3,6,7,13,21 152:1 signal 14:7 154:9 155:10
138:16 (6) 31:2,21 32:2,4,18 shock 77:6,6 signature 159:12 smoked 19:21,22
sensitive 15:16 33:5,9,10,17,20,20 shoot 58:5,8,10 160:21 162:24 25:13,13 145:14,1
sent 16:18 23:21 34:3,3 35:2,2 42:4 59:8,23 63:1,9 (7) 163:24 (4) 5,17,18,20 (9)
46:6,11 66:1 68:1 ,5,5,8,8,9,20,20,21 shooting 20:24 signed 161:18 smoker 25:14
69:4 75:11,12,17 ,21 43:3,4,5,7,7 31:12 43:12 46:23 signing 158:6 smoking
79:5,5 132:7,8,16, 46:3,5,10,11 49:2, 52:9,14 56:2 silence 32:10 154:18,25
17,19,21,23 2,4,4,4,5,5,6,10,10 65:16,20 67:14,16 silent 115:1 155:1,10 (4)
141:13,14 50:3 69:15 70:24 71:3 simply 10:14 snakes 82:10
143:10,14 (23) 53:10,12,14,15 58: 72:25 73:6 75:4 since 65:8 88:18 snapchats 97:9
separated 51:11 17,17,18,18,18,19 76:3 88:18 89:19 111:23 114:18,18 snead 65:15
september 59:1,2 60:25 96:11,21 105:13 144:14 (6) sneads 65:6
129:13 61:1,2,22 66:25 109:4,5 138:20 sincoff 139:23 sneak 85:1,3,6
serious 114:23 67:4,5 69:18 145:13 (27) 141:3 sneakers 129:17

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

sneaking 85:8 82:14,18 102:22 142:13,14 sounds 67:7 157:10

86:5 83:7,10,19 (7) 74:12 157:25 state 1:5 2:2,3
sneezing 151:9 85:8,16,23 86:1,12 somehow 144:22 south 3:3 5:2,4,9,10 6:4,8
snuck 85:10 86:7 87:8,16,17 88:24 someone 45:24 southeast 2:7,16 11:10 12:25 19:21
so 5:16 7:20 8:2 90:10,10,10 92:1 51:1 140:16 space 57:1 58:25 111:10 115:16
9:10 10:19,19,20 93:9 something 24:1 63:20,24 (4) 121:1,19
11:18 12:2,19 94:2,4,9,10,11 31:6 32:3,15 span 16:25 159:2,6,13 160:2
13:15,23 95:12 97:2 36:16 37:15 40:25 speak 30:22 67:9 161:1 162:1 163:1
14:6,11,17,23 98:2,8,24,24 41:24 42:18 47:10 73:24 88:25 (4) (23)
15:16 100:17 48:6,10 56:24 speaking 123:6 stated 123:25
16:5,11,20,22 101:1,2,18,20 57:1,2,19 61:21,22 special statement 11:25
17:5,22,24 102:1,7,7,23 63:20,23 67:23 153:13,14,15 70:19
18:6,10,24 103:4,8,23 69:14,14 72:3 specialist 6:17 statements 73:16
19:10,23 104:9,14 74:4 77:15 79:15 specific 35:6 station 101:21
20:15,16,20 105:1,17,22 81:10 84:22 90:1 62:23 82:25 status 7:15
21:4,19,20,22 106:6,9 107:5,17 92:8 96:7 100:8 129:14 (4) statute 115:9,15
22:3,3 23:3,16,20 108:17,19 109:5 102:13 126:23,25 specifically 63:2 154:21
24:13 25:8 26:1,7 110:22 135:18 136:5 72:10 124:23 stay 14:5 22:24
27:12 28:6,6,9,20 111:5,10,17,17 146:1 148:9 149:8 speech 32:6 45:2 109:18 (4)
29:11 30:4 31:10 112:10,21 (41) spend 82:22 stayed 96:8
32:2,23 33:1,11 115:4,7,21 116:2,7 sometimes 16:5 91:16 130:25 109:20 141:16
34:3,11 123:9,19 54:17 85:1 93:13 spiderman staying 18:25
35:11,16,19 36:18 124:14,22 127:6 126:22 130:11,22 93:22,23 94:2 21:4 106:12 142:5
37:12,18,21 129:4 130:10,21 131:16 133:16 spoken 29:21 (4)
38:9,10 39:24 132:23 140:15 154:10 88:18 156:7 steady 44:9
40:3,6,7 41:12,20 133:6,12,23,23 (11) sporting 63:18 steal 138:21
42:2,9,14 136:7 138:20 somewhere 16:15 spot 42:9 134:4 stealing 87:1
43:6,11,16 139:9 140:21 24:19 48:3 88:16 spouse 9:4 137:22,25
44:1,24,25 141:10 142:4,5 104:15 128:5 spray 81:2,10 138:7,11,17 146:8
45:4,12,23 46:13 143:11 129:3 132:3 (8) spread 54:5 (7)
48:7,11 50:10,25 146:4,16,21 son 33:13 springs 16:14 stenographer
51:6,12,23 147:13,24 149:13 36:3,15,17 37:13 65:3 153:5,11 (4) 1:22
52:7,13,18,25 152:6 153:6,23 96:25 99:15,19 (8) squad 98:17 stenographic
53:15 54:9,11,25 155:11,15 156:24 soon 24:4 61:19 squirrels 82:11 160:11
55:7 56:5,6 157:3 158:1 (261) 87:13 98:4 (4) staff 34:23 stenographically
57:7,24 soap 134:3 sorry 7:6 8:8 stand 134:23 160:7
58:21,23,25 59:13 social 51:8 52:5 9:23 10:3 15:21 stands 70:20 steve 139:23
60:6,9 61:4,18 69:17,20,21,21,25 17:5 18:8 30:20 start 15:21 33:23 141:4,4
63:10,19,25 70:2 (8) 40:10 45:7 48:14 44:13,14 55:1 steven 2:6
64:3,5,6 65:9,19 some 15:17,20 81:12 89:24 93:12 83:9 90:9 113:15 stick 32:19,20
66:7,9,24 67:2,8,9, 57:14 62:6 68:1 94:3 99:9 131:4 155:24 (9) still 9:1 11:3
11,12,17,25 76:5,13 79:12 132:18 145:16 started 21:11 18:3,20,20 22:25
68:7,14 104:14,15 105:18 150:11 24:8 32:7 62:21 23:20 24:9 25:19
69:4,6,8,20,24 128:16,16,17 152:17,19,20,21 64:12 91:10 96:25 30:11,22 38:13
70:12,13,14,16,18 131:15 132:18 157:18 (25) 102:1 104:10 42:11 50:25
71:21 72:2,7,12 135:7 136:20 sort 65:9 67:5 124:9 144:23 51:7,8 53:11
73:2,11 74:19 155:14 156:18 133:8 146:10 56:8,9 58:16
75:17 76:9 (20) sound 58:21,24 148:18,21,23 60:4,25 71:19,21
78:4,23 79:6 somebody 24:23 139:13 151:21 (16) 75:13,14 90:8
80:7,13 81:19 25:15 47:7 76:8 sounded 30:6 starts 117:10 98:12 111:13,14

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

116:5 138:7 140:6 sunny 63:8 47:23,25 48:1,13 97:23 98:5 110:22 44:8 49:18 52:24
142:3,7 154:19 supernanny 49:21 50:6 132:24 133:3,4,5,8 60:15 75:22
157:3 161:14 (38) 27:23 62:16,25 64:17 (10) 85:16,17,24 86:16
stoneman 96:22 support 13:20 77:3 87:15 91:8 technically 7:22 88:22 104:19
99:20 103:10 supposed 103:21,21 105:1 technology 149:5 129:7,8 132:22
stood 49:14 71:20,22 116:18 117:3,4,13 teenage 145:12 146:25 148:10
102:17 117:7 (4) 123:18,19 134:25 teenager 7:22 152:25 156:15
stop 27:24 45:5 sure 7:13 8:20,20 143:4 145:1,5 91:3,19 (23)
76:17 101:24 10:1 17:21 19:25 147:8 151:1 154:2 teenagers 85:5 thank 8:11
138:10,17 (6) 30:16,17,18,24 155:24 156:11 88:13 117:18 139:4
stopped 51:25 32:4 33:7,15 (41) teeth 145:7,10 155:23
52:1 53:1 34:23 36:17 taken 5:2,9 135:7,9,17,18 157:25 158:2 (8)
stores 137:20,25 48:3,7,22 50:20 takes 8:22,23 137:1 150:20 (6) that's 13:7,25
story 146:15 53:6,8 56:14 10:14,17 (4) tell 15:22 16:25 15:19 16:6
stove 22:1 63:21,22 66:3 taking 12:15,16 31:3 34:16 36:12 18:12,12 22:15
straight 44:16 69:5,12 71:16 44:14 65:20 87:24 47:1,4 53:4 59:17 24:16,16 25:7,25
59:23 74:5,5 89:9 101:7 103:7 77:1,1 78:1,7,12 26:22,22 34:15
street 2:7,16 107:3 129:14 148:18,21,23 (9) 80:2 89:18,21 35:21,23 36:18,18
25:23 79:22,24 134:16 136:19 talk 20:1 26:14 95:7,9 105:24,25 37:11,15,20 40:21
80:2 83:3,12,14 137:7,10 143:11 30:2,3,9,20 46:24 122:8 123:16 41:9 42:18 43:22
84:3,4,4,5 115:22 150:9,13 154:3 52:23 88:25 89:23 126:2,21 149:20 44:3,3 46:21
145:15,18,19 (17) 156:22 (43) 90:1,6,11,14,16,17 (26) 53:7,11 57:11
strike 78:14 surprised 99:22 92:11 94:13 telling 28:10 58:15,15
strip 82:15 suspend 11:21 95:15,19 96:5,7 30:10 31:2 44:11 60:7,8,8,22 61:25
stuff 19:11,13 suzerain 2:19 137:15 138:16 49:7 53:14 152:22 62:13,20 63:22
22:10 27:15 28:1 swastika 140:1,6 (26) (7) 65:24 67:13,15
29:6 36:2 39:17 80:21,23 81:1,3 talked 26:16,17 ten 52:24 85:22 70:21 71:20 72:7
44:11 47:21 51:15 (4) 42:20 69:6 89:20 86:15 87:17 97:14 74:4,12
52:4 54:6 swat 97:23 98:4,5 90:23 138:4 (7) 102:9 120:20 78:5,9,10,21 83:15
55:9,15,19 swear 5:20,25 talking 27:4,5 125:1 130:25 84:10,17 86:5
56:3,3,21 57:17 91:23 32:7,7 56:2 57:7,8 150:25 (10) 90:20 91:7 93:16
65:17,17 66:14 swell 84:13,13 75:25 76:4,17 terms 14:9 94:9,22 96:6
71:9 81:8 87:2 swells 81:6,17 83:21 86:5,9 106:25 112:6 112:11,13,14
89:6 92:24,24 83:13,15,15,17 95:22 96:1 97:11 terrace 38:1 58:3 117:1,16
93:2 99:18 104:5 84:9,10,14,16 (10) 103:9 122:24 83:6 125:16,22 132:14
110:9 145:2 (34) swimming 84:7 135:13 148:15 terrible 30:21 135:10 136:5
style 161:1 162:1 switch 15:5 153:4,20 35:11 141:13 146:15
163:1 sworn 6:4 159:8 154:7,9,25 155:3 testified 6:4 148:23
subpoena 11:10 symbol 80:24 (26) testifies 105:20 149:3,11,11
115:16 157:4 81:1,9 talks 92:16 testifying 115:11 151:20 152:21
subpoenaed 9:8 system 118:16 tamara 2:14 testimony 12:2,7 155:19 157:19,22
11:9 119:6,12 tape 98:16 115:13,14 116:18 (84)
subsequent t 4:7 taravella 24:18 (5) their 13:5 26:12
115:20 table 15:3 151:11 target 138:2 text 65:23,23 82:14 121:12
such 58:19 153:9 taser 95:25 75:11,12,17,18 128:15 153:18,21
160:14 tablet 146:4 taught 142:25 76:10 (7) (7)
summary 46:4 take 8:14,17,25 152:6 texting 97:9 them 8:24,25
summer 9:13 11:17 13:25 taunt 80:13 texts 65:23 39:14 45:21 51:11
127:17,25 18:6,23,23 23:3 teacher 24:5 than 14:2,12 54:3,7 64:6 72:7
128:2,11,19,25 (6) 27:25 33:23 team 2:19 6:18 19:10 37:22 39:3 76:12 103:25

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

104:1 120:14 things 8:22 14:11 127:3 136:4,22 124:6,8 125:8 140:1 (21)
121:19 125:4 16:11 20:2 31:20 143:7 153:24 (12) 126:22 127:17 took 16:14 24:22
131:22 133:17 32:16 48:2 49:22 thought 17:5 130:11 131:3 30:25 37:10 54:22
137:7,21,22 51:12 55:19,21 19:20 52:19 91:2 135:22 141:10,15, 60:1 62:19 63:10
142:21 149:19 71:8 78:20 79:14 96:1 100:3 136:16 17,18,22 147:5,9 95:25 101:18
(22) 89:3,3,12,13,16,17 (7) 154:24 156:15 102:1,5,6,16,24
therapist 125:12 91:14 93:3,18 thousand (64) 103:20 133:21
126:3,21 103:8 134:14 68:19,20 timeout 129:23 142:5,8,8 147:4
130:12,19,20 141:5 (26) thousands 71:12 times 8:2 18:15 (21)
131:6 140:11 think 9:10 threaten 137:12 21:11 22:14 27:14 top 66:8 70:12
142:19 (9) 17:20,21,22 18:7 threatened 79:25 52:10 53:10 83:14
therapists 139:7 19:19,19 24:17,18 133:3 54:9,11 60:12 topic 90:17 96:8
143:10 28:3 30:17 31:13 threatening 62:24 86:4 88:19 106:1,2 (4)
therapy 32:17,17 33:14 134:18 133:19 134:1 topics 90:18
124:9,15,19 34:13 35:16,16 three 22:14 37:21 135:14 138:5 total 146:21
125:9,16 36:18 38:9 41:20 59:4 60:12 85:17 146:24 touch 76:11
130:1,4,10,10,21 43:3,5,22 44:7 131:15 (6) 147:18,19,25 (21) touched 40:17
131:10,12,20 48:20 50:20 53:17 through 13:22 tissue 151:5,7 46:8
132:6,12,15 140:5 55:18 56:5 67:12 70:14 75:19 toaster 22:2 touching 41:25
(17) 57:16,22 63:18,23 82:15,23 150:5 touchy 130:15
there's 12:11 66:5,6 69:3,4 83:13,14,18 97:12 together 21:9,9 towards 39:4
17:2 35:5,17 43:9 70:10 71:8 75:10 107:14 109:16 24:22 25:13 78:16 80:19
58:21 59:18,19 76:9,9 79:10,12 111:12 121:25 32:13,19,20 52:11 112:7,9 125:15
61:15,16 67:18,23 86:6 88:7 93:17 145:20 148:11 65:8,14 75:5 146:5 (7)
74:20,22 79:21 104:18 149:19 77:11 82:19 83:7 town 25:24 35:25
80:17 81:7 82:2,6 112:11,11,18 157:7,17,20 85:2 86:4,25 56:8 59:11,21
84:11 85:6 89:11 125:20 130:2,6 159:17 160:9 (22) 98:25 99:23 60:9,10 62:22
93:1 94:23 132:20 133:1 throughout 100:10,12 128:1 157:7 (9)
128:4,7,9 133:8 134:15 81:17 131:13 144:14 townhouse 25:25
147:19 (29) 136:3,18,25 throw 134:13 151:14 156:18 53:19
thereafter 111:6 139:10 142:14 thrown 45:18 157:24 (27) 62:6,7,11,12,13
these 15:18,20 143:1 144:12 tiffany 139:16 toilet 152:9 (7)
43:18 53:13 57:16 145:25 148:21 tight 136:7 told 17:21 24:2,5 toysrus 123:18
68:6 91:24 152:6,6,8 153:1 tile 60:17,18 30:24 32:8,17,17 trahern
95:1,5,7 108:19 156:8,13 (73) time 9:11 16:25 34:21 44:2 46:7 139:12,12
124:7 129:14 thinking 18:4 19:7 20:5,7 21:13 47:14,16 59:20 trailer 26:2
139:7 147:18 81:11 101:1,17 (4) 25:20 26:3,25 63:23,23 64:6 97:7,24 98:12 (4)
153:9 161:14 (17) third 23:24 60:23 30:21 35:3 36:15 76:16,22,22 train 17:5
they'll 84:6 thirties 37:17 38:16 43:11,16 77:8,21,24 transactions 68:1
they're 9:5 18:23 those 18:19,21 45:12 48:1 78:1,5,6,6 79:1 transcript
39:4 77:19,19 36:5 40:19 53:2 49:2,19 52:2,14 80:4 108:9,9 160:8,9
95:11 98:11 62:5 63:4 76:1 56:7 58:10,24 123:9 125:18,24 transfer 67:22
108:16 133:12,14 91:15 100:5 60:13,16,23 61:11 139:9 149:4 (35) 68:25 104:20
153:19 (11) 107:17 123:16 64:22,24 67:13 too 7:24 10:16 transferred
they've 9:25 127:15,16 131:11 69:7 70:16 76:2 19:19 20:2 22:7 70:22
thing 16:10 28:23 138:3 139:11 79:22 82:22 84:20 33:15 38:25 57:4 transportation
29:1 33:9 34:5,15 151:9 (18) 85:20 86:20 61:17,24 65:6 23:18
41:20 52:7 60:18 though 14:21 89:8,8 100:5 87:24 90:7,7,8 transported
81:4,5 105:2 38:20,23 49:18 107:5,19 108:4 91:25 95:7 117:8 142:13
130:3 156:3 (14) 58:6 72:10 90:14 112:13 120:14 129:6 130:15 trash 79:15

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

134:13 142:22,23 146:4 unless 72:4 (9) waived 158:7

trauma 13:22 147:7 156:24 (30) 160:17 using 70:4 walk 85:6
traumatized 29:8 tubes 30:4 unscrew 147:2 102:11 145:12 86:18,19 87:16,25
travel 58:22 turn 14:20 27:12 until 41:21 usually 49:23 88:1 90:6
83:20 95:11 155:21 (4) 52:9,16 138:20 50:2 88:25 148:19 107:13,16,20 (10)
traveled 86:25 turpitude 116:14 145:12 (5) 151:25 (5) walked 61:20
treat 94:1 tv 58:3,10,11 up 7:23 8:23 15:3 utensils 22:9 62:1 107:7
treated 14:2,2 61:16 92:8 (5) 16:12,19 18:17 va 3:8 walking 31:4,5
treating 13:20 twentytwo 7:19 23:19 24:23 van 16:18 18:5 107:11
treatment 139:9 twice 60:22 27:12,15 33:12 23:18,18 (4) walks 61:13
tree 66:24 67:3 141:19 38:12 39:15 40:24 verbal 27:21 79:6 wall 44:7 54:4,5
81:3,10 (4) twin 45:2 41:3,8,10 47:10 verona 6:21 134:2 136:8,9 (6)
trees 81:7 82:7 two 11:20 29:12 48:18,23 50:13 very 14:15 20:15 walls 134:4
trespassing 45:2 59:4 68:9 51:24 52:15 49:8 65:10 82:8 walltowall 56:17
103:10 129:18 75:4 128:7 147:14 54:3,10,21 55:2 97:21 115:3,15 walmart
trial 157:10 148:8 (9) 63:20 65:17 66:24 143:25 149:4,6,7,7 57:12,19
tried 28:7,7,24 tyler 36:17 37:3,4 78:15 80:19 81:2 (13) 86:7,8,12,18,24
32:9 52:4 44:22,23 97:1 83:11,11,11,12 veterinarian 91:7 87:3,10,15,18
60:19,19 76:18 98:11 (7) 84:5,13,19,21 via 1:21 5:10 88:11 138:2 (13)
100:24 109:24 tyler's 44:21 45:1 85:18 87:3 89:3,7 159:7 walnut 115:22
131:25 (11) type 27:9 36:5 93:8 97:16 101:24 vice 2:19 want 8:21 14:14
trigger 43:25 39:23 49:16 91:15 105:9 109:21 victims 90:12 15:4 20:2 28:16
trish 42:4,25 151:6 (6) 112:13 130:24 122:4,14,20 30:16 32:3,4 40:3
43:3,9 45:25 types 22:9 133:3 135:16 123:5,11 (6) 64:3 65:1,16
46:1,1 (7) 82:7,10 136:7,8 138:20 video 38:17 68:23 70:9 72:5
trish's 42:17 uber 99:14,17 140:17 144:1 41:16 55:11 59:25 79:11,11 80:1
trisha 45:24 uhhuh 26:13 145:12 147:7 60:2,4 61:18,19 82:5 89:23 90:1
trouble 142:22 ultimately 13:9 151:12,15,17 93:19 94:17,23,25 91:3,6,7,20
truck 98:5 uncomfortable 152:22 153:6 154:6 (13) 100:17,22
true 46:21 90:3 36:4 157:6 (67) videoconference 101:12,14 107:16
160:10 161:10 (4) under 6:4 11:4 us 18:23 24:25 1:21 5:10 159:7 112:12 117:4
trust 27:2 31:9 12:15,16 54:5 25:16 28:7,10 videos 55:3,13 131:23 133:4
35:8,8 (4) 115:16 156:20 29:14 30:3,8 38:2 56:3,13 92:25 137:4 139:3,6
truth 77:21,24 157:3 160:17 40:3,5,6,7 42:13 93:1 (6) 144:17 149:15
78:7 161:6,14 (11) 47:25 48:1,11,13 violate 102:20 153:16,18,21
try 18:7 19:24,25 undersigned 50:6,7 70:2,3 103:4 155:8,11,16
21:15 32:3 45:8,9 161:6 76:22 77:1 violated 103:19 157:11 (46)
54:20 63:13 78:12 understand 87:3,20,20 89:12 violating 104:17 wanted 22:19
92:25 96:7 110:17 15:15 18:8 34:20 95:5 98:13 99:11 virginia 6:21 40:6 43:25 47:24
124:13 35:11 77:25 78:4 123:18 136:5 104:24 106:14 48:10 63:9 66:9
130:14,16,19 90:11 92:14 152:1 154:2 (35) 111:13,22 76:8 94:18 100:8
131:6 157:23 (19) 93:5,6 97:2 use 5:3 22:3,4 112:5,21 113:6 126:3,8,17,18,18,2
trying 17:4 20:22 110:19 112:7 80:10 95:3 104:9 114:19 116:8 (10) 2 137:8,10,18
22:23 27:11 29:4 133:7 (14) 115:13,17,19,24,2 visually 133:2 141:2 (20)
30:3,9 34:21 understanding 4 149:23,25 150:4 147:6 wanting 104:8
35:16 44:9,12,15 12:1,23 13:17 151:6,7,18 152:9 vs 1:7 161:1 wants 13:16
50:21 52:1,2,19,23 143:3 161:13 (5) 154:6 (19) 162:1 163:1 (4) warrant 103:5
60:20 64:7,9 underwriters used 21:25 waited 104:18 wash 150:22
84:12 90:6,20 159:17 36:23,23,25 59:24 waiting 24:25 152:5
105:23 109:16 unfamiliar 115:8 65:22,22 91:5,6 99:13,16,24 (4) wasn't

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

17:3,4,7,9,20 7,18,20 (5) 97:2 (5) (159) whole 17:3

19:10,18 20:8 week 17:8,10 whatever 112:18 whenever 8:21 33:17,17 35:3
21:24 27:2,2,8,9 18:10 19:10 20:24 wheeler 2:13 21:16 36:19,19 52:15
37:6,9 44:22,23 104:19 131:16 when 7:1,23 8:2 where 6:20 11:8 61:9 83:12 91:16
58:17,22 93:10 148:14 (8) 15:24 16:8,18 12:12 15:6 21:11 98:15 104:7,9,25
106:25 109:17 weekend 144:25 20:7,23 21:4 24:14,14 26:1 145:22,23 146:15
111:9,9 126:14,16 158:2 22:24 23:16 29:1 35:19 54:2 147:9 148:11,11
132:6 136:15 weekly 130:3 24:1,7,14 61:15 67:19,20 (20)
141:5 155:10 148:16 25:5,7,20 28:20,24 68:1 71:18 74:9 whose 107:25
156:24 (31) weeks 131:15 29:24 30:2 79:13 81:22 82:9 why 12:25 39:19
waste 112:12 weird 100:6 31:11,21 83:16,25 84:20 42:23 43:22,25
watch 33:10 40:3 149:9,14 32:13,14,18 85:9,11 87:21 46:6 53:13 61:25
55:3,14 91:13 well 13:7,9,23 33:6,11,12,12,19 88:2,4,9 104:2,12 72:8 73:7
92:2,5,8 134:3 (9) 14:15 17:10 19:8 35:22 37:25 109:19 112:21 89:21,21 94:10
watched 25:9 28:3 34:8 41:11 38:9,12 40:21,24 125:2 128:2 107:8 122:8
93:7,10 56:12 57:22 41:2,6,10 42:11 129:15 134:3 125:16 (16)
watching 32:15 62:7,12 72:6 43:13,14 44:23 135:23 136:8,10 wideranging
55:11 91:11,17 73:21 83:1,21 45:1 47:20 147:2 153:6,8 13:3
93:8 103:2 131:2 87:23 94:6,16 48:17,23,23 154:7 (44) wild 27:8
(7) 95:8 101:20 51:12,13 52:14 wherein 5:4 will 14:4 72:3
waterside 3:7 106:15 107:14 53:10,11,12,15,19 whereupon 6:1 73:10 95:9
way 8:15 16:14 111:7 112:10 54:18 56:8,8 wherever 47:24 137:17,19
42:10 50:10 58:21 113:1,23 116:25 58:2,4,15 whether 10:12 156:22,22 157:5
78:21 82:1 117:6,12 127:7 60:6,7,8,8,9 103:14 (9)
83:12,14 87:15,25 132:4,13 133:18 61:2,3,8 62:3,12,1 which 23:25 willard 10:23
88:5,23 157:18 135:10 138:16 3,14,15,22 63:5,7 60:14 86:8,8 willing 156:25
(14) 141:16 143:25 64:6,12 75:4,5 100:2 108:25 window
we'd 149:2 157:10 (41) 76:21 78:6,6 80:4 115:10 156:13 (8) 59:9,10,18,19,22
38:15,16,16,18 wells 66:5 70:19 81:4,12,20,25 82:1 while 16:11 60:13 134:6,7,12
39:24 40:7 went 16:10,23 85:3,4,5,8 17:15 18:3 19:18 146:12 (10)
82:10,21 83:10 17:9 18:11,16,17 86:21,24 87:5 23:20 24:9 29:21 windows 134:5
84:3,7 85:18,19 19:9 31:5,12 33:3 88:12,22,25 30:13 32:10 40:18 wine 145:22 146:
88:15 144:19 (15) 35:21 36:1 45:1 90:23,25 61:6 64:9 9,11,17,17,17,20,2
we'll 5:17 54:9 64:24 72:7 91:2,6,9,18,19,19 102:11,23,23,25 0,22 147:2,9,21,22
11:16,19,21 20:1 80:6 84:21 86:3 92:11 94:13 95:18 103:3 104:13 148:4,9,12,17,20,2
70:18 98:3 117:17 88:10,11,22 96:2 98:24 114:19 147:7 0 (19)
133:5 157:23 (10) 100:14 106:11 99:8,11 101:17,18 153:7 (21) wiped 21:18
we're 11:4 13:23 108:22 127:25 103:20 106:10,10 white 78:1,2 wire 29:15
15:10 30:11 31:23 128:10,11,11,11 107:6,7,10 108:22 79:15,15 121:13 wires 32:1
32:19 33:22,22 142:1 (31) 111:6,18,18 (5) wish 60:25
51:21,21 52:25 weren't 7:25 132:5,7 135:4 who 6:12,22 9:3 withdraw 68:12
57:7,7 72:17 22:17,18 155:1 (4) 141:2,2 142:1,7 14:14 19:3 22:21 122:17 139:2
75:15 84:6 106:6 west 16:15 26:3 144:6 26:4 34:6,7,21 without 19:1
153:4 154:16 (19) 30:18 48:4 97:6 145:20,24,25 35:13,20 36:12,20 103:14,17 137:16
we've 89:20 103:2,7 (7) 146:12,16 148:23 37:12 42:2 44:2 (4)
145:18 westglades 149:2,16 66:20 99:14 witness 3:1 4:3
wear 152:2 38:8,10 86:10 151:8,15,18,20 105:20 107:21 5:1,20,25 6:3,3
web 93:23 94:2 87:4,10 143:12 (6) 152:2,13,23 108:7,19 120:1 11:3 12:2,7
websites 117:21 what's 6:24 153:4,25 154:6,7,9 130:20 132:19 14:3,15 15:13
weed 145:14,15,1 21:12 72:21 80:23 155:3 156:18 133:12 (27) 105:20 112:10,17

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

115:16 161:2 25 56:3,11,13,15,1 wouldn't 21:21 65:1,7,13 year 26:8 85:23

162:2 163:2 (20) 6,17,18 22:16 54:20 64:4 66:3,3,13 104:25 110:4,5 (5)
witnesses 57:2,3,12,18 87:23 104:3,6 67:7,10,18,21 years 20:16,21
13:18,23 105:19 58:4,8 60:11,11 126:13 128:18 69:11,23 70:1,17 37:22 40:19 71:22
115:10 (4) 62:16,17,25 65:23 148:3,6 (11) 71:7,9,13 76:4,18 87:17 124:15
woman 42:20 66:19,20,22 wrapping 130:24 77:17 78:2,9,19,25 139:8 145:12
word 34:6 56:24 67:3,4,5,12 68:8 wrong 21:12 80:8,22 81:21 149:16 150:25
78:17 79:16 70:1,3 75:9 x 4:2,7 82:20,20 151:5,19,24
80:3,11 91:8 76:10,10 xbox 39:22 93:24 83:6,9,19,23 152:4,8 153:23
125:22 152:16 (9) 77:8,9,17,17 yard 83:19 84:14,17,17 (17)
words 76:16 90:9 78:1,12 yeah 7:22 8:1 9:4 85:4,25 86:3 yelled 27:14
work 50:12 86:14 79:13,16,17,17 16:17 17:8,23 87:11,20 yelling 135:16
104:25 108:17,19 80:10 81:15,23 18:19,24 88:6,12,12 yep 37:1
110:7,8,13,16 82:9,15,19,21,24 19:2,16,23 89:4,8,15,15 90:25 yes 6:16,19
111:12 130:14 83:7,9,16,20,25 21:1,3,7,24 22:8 91:13,18,25 92:3,3 8:4,5,7,10,16
157:14,14,17,23 84:4,14 85:1,9,11, 23:5 24:3 ,6,6,10,10,14,18,2 9:7,14,14,16,22
(15) 13,14,17,21 86:1,4 25:12,12 0,21 94:2,16,16,22 10:6 13:14 15:4
worked 67:10 ,6,14,15,17,18,19 26:13,13,18 27:19 95:8,8,14,18 16:3 19:2
111:15 153:6 87:14,21,25 28:5,11,13,13 96:3,3,4,9,9 97:7 20:17,18,19,22
workers 108:16 88:4,9,14 90:1,17 29:11,13,23,24,24 98:4 99:2,3,5,5,7 21:7 22:5,6
working 10:19 91:13,18,20,20,21, 30:12,24,24,25 100:11,11 37:8,20,25
130:13 157:20 23,24 92:5,25 31:21 32:12,17,19, 101:8,14,23 45:15,19 60:3
works 10:15 93:2,3,20 94:19 21,21,25 103:1,16,19,25 67:15 70:6,8
89:15 97:5 100:4 102:15 33:11,16,24 34:1,1 104:12 85:12 88:20 95:14
world 52:8 104:2,10 ,9,10,13,13,18,22, 107:7,20,20 103:11,11 105:8
109:17 128:8 110:13,13,14,17 25 35:2,2,8 108:4,6,21,24 109:11 110:21
worried 19:9 123:18 124:15 36:5,5,11,22,22,22 109:20,21 111:2,3,4,21,24
102:21 126:23,25 37:1,3,5,23,23,25 110:7,11,16,16,23 115:23 117:11
worse 49:18 127:10,15 38:4,22,22,22,23 111:15,21 123:20 123:15 124:21
132:22 129:7,10,22 130:1 39:2,2,5,15 125:16 127:25 126:9,20
worst 52:7 3,14,17,19,20,21,2 40:7,22 128:10 130:6,12 127:12,22 129:20
would 5:24 6:8 2,23,25,25 131:6,1 41:1,5,5,19,23,23 131:11,14,14,25 132:24 133:3,4,5,7
19:12,25 21:20 2,15,22,23,24 42:1,1,12 132:13 136:1 138:6 142:1
22:1,3,4,21,22,25 132:1,2,15,23 43:2,9,13,13,19,22 133:10,14,14,21 150:3,4,6,14,19,21
23:3 25:5,17,17 133:12,16,22 134: 44:19 45:25,25 134:15,22 151:25 156:6 (71)
26:14 27:3,6,16,17 2,3,4,5,19,22,23,2 46:10,19,22 135:8,19 136:3,20 yet 154:12
,17,18,19,20,20,21 4,24 48:12,16 137:10,18 you'd 13:10
,22,24 28:1,6,9 135:15,16,17,19 49:1,1,17,23 50:2 138:6,9,18 134:21
29:11 32:20 136:4,6 137:18 51:16,18,25,25 140:2,9,23 you'll 156:20
34:15,16 138:12 139:24 140 52:6,17,18,25,25 141:4,5,20 you're 7:20 10:20
35:13,15,15 37:16 :1,2,6,9,14,14,17,1 53:3,3,6,15,22 142:3,3,7,10,10,13 12:19,21,25 14:23
38:17 7,21,25,25 142:20 54:8,8,11,17,17,25 143:6,11,18,18,18, 20:16 28:3,10
39:16,16,17,19 143:4 145:1,21 55:6,9,9,10 22 144:1,1,14,21 30:22 34:11 37:18
40:4,5,7,8 146:2,2,4,21 56:7,7,9,12,12 146:7,19 147:18 45:6 61:21 64:23
47:20,22,23,23,25 148:5,8,17,19 57:5,5,9,9,11,20 148:3,16,20 68:5 69:12,19
48:1,7,8,12,12,19 149:7 150:23 58:13,15 59:2,5,8, 149:11 150:9 151: 72:9 74:19 75:13
49:23 50:2,5,6,7,8 151:10,12 8,11,11,12,25 3,6,13,16,20,20,22 78:5 86:5 103:9
51:9,23 52:24 152:1,13,15,16,18 60:3,9 62:20 152:6,10,10,15,25 105:7,23 114:22
54:17,18,21 55:1,1 153:5,7 154:2,2 63:14,14,25 153:21,22 154:2,4 115:6,7,8 122:5,24
,3,7,7,13,18,18,20, 156:9 (270) 64:2,11,11 (344) 126:19 146:16

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]
Zachary Cruz

152:19,20 157:13 126:2,8,10,21 1200 56:18

(37) 127:7,10 129:21 1214 67:23
you've 14:2 131:12 132:24 2000 6:11 20:14
15:13 88:18 133:9,20 134:8 2009 124:14,14
120:14 (4) 135:2,7 2010 125:2
young 47:21 137:8,20,21 2012 125:9
86:24 97:1 152:2 139:22 140:7 126:22 127:17,21
(4) 143:7,16,17 128:24 129:13 (6)
younger 42:11 144:11,20 145:11 2017 16:1,2
51:14 85:4,4 146:18,22 150:11 67:12,18 70:14,15
90:23 91:1,6,18,19 154:7 155:20 (6)
96:2 154:6 (11) 156:23,25 (156) 2018 67:12
youngest 36:17 yours 13:1 38:11 111:20
your 6:8,10 157:1 2022 1:20 5:11
7:1,5,6 9:9 10:15 yourself 21:5 159:8 160:19
11:5,6,19,25 12:23 49:25 83:8 127:7 161:3 162:29
13:23 15:21,24 140:21 (5) 163:29 (7)
16:21 19:1,25 yourselves 19:7 2026 159:29
20:7,13,16,23,24 31:14 100:10 2525 3:2525
21:5,8,23 22:4 youth 141:20 3000 71:1
25:11,20 26:11 142:5 3220 12:17
27:5,25,25 28:9,21 youtube 3333 70:11
29:1,21 30:21 55:2,3,10,11,13 3872 2:3872
31:11 32:24 56:13 92:4,24,25 6166 37:25 53:11
33:21,22 34:6 93:1 (10) 58:2 62:15,16
37:21 38:25 41:21 zachary 1:15 3:1 81:5 83:4 (7)
46:14 50:23,25 4:4 5:1 6:2,9,9 9100 3:3
51:17 52:13,15 67:22 68:4 69:1 23510 3:8
53:20 65:19 72:2 74:17 33156 3:4
66:10,20,21 118:11,21,24 33301 2:8,17
67:2,3,13 68:14,17 119:12 159:7 91404 115:10
69:8,13,21,24 160:7 161:2,21 189526 159:16
70:15 71:18 72:21 162:2,24 163:2,24 5589867 2:21
73:17,24,24 74:2 (24) 6708282 3:305
76:2,19 zack 14:17 96:16 7773441 3:757
77:14,20,23,25 97:20 112:8 8316955 2:954
78:4,16,18 80:25 122:18 156:11 (6) 290727197
82:18 83:1 zack's 109:4 2:29072
86:13,17,21 zinfandel 146:19
87:9,18,19 zip 151:12
88:19,25 89:24 zipper 151:12
94:3 95:10 100:17 201 2:7,16
108:13 109:12 210 1:9 158:4
112:13,19 116:11 300 117:9,10
118:8,22 119:11 360 39:22 93:24
121:24 122:5,14,1 803 2:21
5,15,15,21,21,25 901 3:901
123:10,10,13,25 945 5:12
124:5,12,14,19 999 3:7
125:15,18 1027 70:20

Prestige Reporting Service, Inc. 633 South Andrews Avenue | Suite 202 | Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 764-7297 | [email protected]

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