Ayu Dwi Wulandari - REVISI
Ayu Dwi Wulandari - REVISI
Ayu Dwi Wulandari - REVISI
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This part presents the discussion on the background of the study,
research question, objective of the study, scope and limitation of the study,
significance of the study, and previous study.
A. Background of the Study
Learning English is very important, because it becomes a second
language in Indonesia in addition to our mother tongue that is Indonesian.
English is not only needed in the world of business, politics, and
communication between countries. Nowadays, many sciences are also
written in English. So, the students must learn English to get information
and add knowledge. In English students must be able to master four skills,
namely listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Writing skills are one of
the skills that must be possessed by students.
Writing is a productive skill, this skill clearly requires a complex
process to develop the writing skills of the students. Writing means
expressing what is in the student's mind, idea, experience into written
form. Such as, essays, poems, etc. Writing is very important for the world
of education and for the students themselves, because by writing can train
students to learn actively and think critically.
Writing is also one media of communication. According to Byne
(1980) writing is a primary means of recording speech, even though it
must be acknowledged as a secondary medium of communication, so that
the writer can conclude that writing is very important as one media of
communication, that help us to have a good socialization, can express our
idea, feeling, and our opinion so that we can have good interaction with
out society.
Indonesia has a Standard of English Competence to teach English,
especially for writing teaching. English Competency Standards have
several forms that teachers must teach in teaching writing, namely
narrative text, descriptive, spoof, recount, procedure, report, news item,
anecdote, exposition, explanation, discussion text, comments, and reviews
(Depdiknas Indonesia, 2006). Based on that statement, the researcher
selected a narrative text. Because narrative text is a text that contains an
imaginary story or a true story that has been exaggerated and aims to
entertain its readers. In addition, narrative text also implies a moral
message that the author wants to comvey to his readers. Narrative texts are
closely related to places, times, and events. Therefore, the narrative text
intends to tell a story that has happened to its readers. Some examples of
narrative texts, namely legends, myths, folklore, fairy tales, etc.
Based on preliminary study conducted at MTs Al-Amien Ngasinan,
the researcher found that the students had some problem in writing skill,
such as the students had difficulties in applying language use, using
appropriate vocabulary, using correct spelling. And they also feel bored
while studying because learning tends to be monotonous so students are
less motivated to write narrative texts. In this case, the teacher must
motivate and help the student to improve his or her abilities. Teacher can
provide effective, engaging, and fun techniques or media to teach in the
classroom to make it easier for them to write.
There are many learning media that can be used to help learning
writing skills, especially narrative text. One of them is an animation
movie. Allen and Gomery (1985: 136) state that movie is an art which
portrays man's interpretation of life. Animation movie helps the students in
getting and developing their idea of writing. It makes lessons more fun.
This media helps students to more easily understand narrative texts and
write down something that is on their mind.
By using animated movie, students can more easily distinguish one
text from another texts. The researcher can improve students' narrative text
writing skills by using proper grammar and vocabulary, using correct
spelling, and organizing ideas better after using animation movie.
The advantages of this research are the media is proven to increase
students’ curiosity to write everything on their mind. This strategy helps
the students to comprehend more easily about narrative text, the students
found it easier to get an idea because they only rewrite the story in their
word. The students had a lot of words based on the movie, so they only
arranged the word into a good story. In addition, it can also help students
develop their imagination and ideas. The use of animation movie media is
expected to improve student ability to write narrative texts.
Researcher has found several previous studies that are relevant to
writing skills on narrative text. A research by Faridl (2012) on the effect of
using folktale movie on students’ ability, showed that using folktale movie
is effective to improve students’ writing skills and shows significant
improvement. It can see that the class which is teaching by folktale movie
got high scored that not teaching by folktale movie.
Another previous study about writing skills on narrative text using
animation movie was conducted by Akmala (2011) under the title The Use
of Animated Film to Improve Students’ Ability in Narrative Text. The
purpose of this study to attract and grow students’ motivation in learning
and mastery English and improve the students’ ability in writing narrative
texts because the students can catch the idea of the film easily.
Based on these problems and statements, the researcher would like
to reduce the problem in writing skills especially narrative text. the
researcher decided to carrie out a study entilted “Improving Students’
Writing Skills on Narrative Text Using the animation Movie”.
B. Research Question
Based on the background of the study above, the problem of the
study can be formulated below:
Does the use of animation movie improve students’ in writing skills on
narrative texts?
C. Objective of the Study
Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objectives of
the study are as follow:
To improve the students' writing skills on narrative texts using animation
D. Scope and Limitation of the Study
In this research, the researcher will not examine the writing skills
of all students at the junior high school. However, the researcher will limit
the research to eighth grade in MTs Al-Amien Ngasinan. This study
focused on learning and teaching of English, especially the quality of
writing. The researcher focused on the use of animation movie in
improving students' writing skills on narrative texts.
E. Significance of the Study
The use of the research are as follow:
1. Theoretically, to enrich previous research related to the use of
animated movie toward students’ writing skills on narrative text.
2. Practically
a. Teacher: Teachers can be more creative and have interesting
learning media to teach writing skills. So that students do not
get bored, feel difficult, and have ideas to write.
b. Students: Using animation movie can improve students'
writing skills. With expectations, students will not feel bored
and it is difficult to learn writing skills especially on narrative
c. Researcher: In the hope that this study will be useful for other
researchers, other researchers can conduct similar studies with
several different things.
F. The Definition of Key Terms
To avoid misunderstand and make the reader comprehend the topic
discussed in this study, it is necessary to define key terms. The keywords
used in this study are as follows:
1. Writing
Writing is one of the skills that students must have. Writing means
expressing what is in the students mind into the form of writing.
According to Nunan (2003) writing is an intellectual activity of
finding the ideas and thinking about the way to express and arrange
them into a statement and paragraph that is clear to be understood by
the people.
2. Narrative Text
Narrative is a kind of texts that the purpose is to amuse or entertain
and to deal with actual/imaginative experiences in different ways
(Sudarwati and Grace in Merindriasari. et. al (2015). According to
Anderson and Anderson cited in Akmala (2011) Narrative text is a
piece of text which tell a story and it aims to inform the reader and
listener. There are several examples of narrative text, such as folktale,
myth, legend and etc.
3. Animation Movie
An animation movie is a movie that is the result of processing hand
image so that it becomes a moving image, with the help of computer
and computer graphics. Animation movie is a learning medium that
can provide new experiences for students.
A. Writing Skills
1. Definition of Writing Skills
Writing skills are one type of language skills that must be mastered
by students. Writing is the activity of expressing ideas through the
medium of language (Nurgiyantoro, 2001). Writing is a productive
and expressive activity so the author must have the ability to use
vocabulary, writing, and language structure. Writing skills are defined
as the ability to use language to express ideas, thoughts or feelings to
others using written language. Writing is the activity of expressing
ideas, ideas, thoughts or feelings into the symbols of language.
2. Purpose of Writing
Every writer must have a clear purpose of writing to be written he
wrote. According to Suparno and Muhamad Yunus (2008), the goal a
writer wants to achieve various kinds as follows:
a. Makes the reader think and reason.
b. Let readers know about what is being reported.
c. Make readers opinionated.
d. Make the reader understand.
e. Make the reader persuaded by the content of the essay.
f. Make readers happy by living up to the values expressed as
truth values, religious values, educational values, social values,
moral values, human values and aesthetic values.
B. Kinds of Essays
According to Sabarti Akharga (1993: 127), essays can be grouped
into 4 types as follows:
1. Exposition (exposure)
Exposition is an essay that tries to explain or explain something
that can expand one's view or knowledge.
2. Description (painting)
A descriptive essay is an essay that attempts to describe with the
words form or outward nature of an object.
3. Argument
Argumentation is a form of rhetoric that seeks to influence the
attitudes and opinions of others so that they believe and act according to
the wishes of the author.
4. Persuasion
Persuasion is a verbal art that aims to convince someone to do
something the author wants now or in the future.
5. Narrative (story)
Narrative is a discourse that tries to narrate an event or event so
that it looks as if the reader saw or experienced the event himself.
C. Narrative text
1. Definition of Narrative Texts
The term narration is often also called narrative, which comes from
the English words narration (story) and narrative (which tells).
According to Suparno and Mohamad Yunus (2008: 4.31), narrative
texts is an essay that tries to present or convey a series of events
according to the sequence of occurrence (chronologically) with the
intention of giving meaning to an event or series of events so that
readers can learn lessons from the story.
2. Characteristics of Narrative Texts
In the opinion of Atar Semi (1993: 33), the hallmarks of narrative
texts are as follows:
a. In the form of stories about events or human experiences.
b. The events or events that are conveyed are in the form of
events or events that actually happened, purely imaginary, or a
combination of both.
c. Emphasize chronological order.
d. Usually has dialogue.
It can be concluded that the characteristic of narrative texts is to
tell the characters involved in an event or events that are arranged
D. Animation Movie
Animation movie is another name for cartoon movie. This is in line
with the opinion of Marselli Sumarno (1996) which states that animation
movie are films that use images (paintings) or other inanimate objects,
such as dolls, tables, and chairs that can be turned on with animation
techniques. Animation movie can also be interpreted as a series of stories
containing pictures and sounds made to convey a message or simply to
entertain. The criteria of animation movie is a film that contains images
and sounds made to convey a message or simply entertain. Such as Moana
movie, frozen, Malin Kundang, Sangkuriang, etc. Animation movie are
considered suitable to be used as learning media because animation movie
are one of the favorite shows for most students. in addition, animation
movie present moving images, coupled with sounds, colors, and contain
stories and settings that attract the attention of students.
Some of the advantages of utilizing animation movie as a learning
medium according to Teguh Trianton (2013:59) are:
1. Able to overcome distance and time limitations
2. Being able to realistically describe past events
3. Messages delivered are quick and easy to remember
4. Be able to develop student thoughts and ideas, develop students
imaginations and clarify abstract things with a more realistic
5. The film greatly affects a person’s emotions
6. The film is exellent for explaining a process and explain a skill and
all students can learn from film because it is able to foster interest
ang motivation to learn
E. Teaching Writing by Using Animation Movie
a. Advantages of Movie in Teaching Writing
Harmer (2002) states that the advantages of using film in teaching
and learning process are:
1. Seeing language - in- use
One of the main advantages of movie is that students do not
just hear language, they see it too. This greatly aids
comprehension, since for example, general meaning and moods are
often conveyed though expression, gesture and other visual clues.
Thus, we can observe how intonation can match facial expression.
All such, paralinguistic features give valuable meaning clues and
help viewers to see beyond what they are listening to, and thus
interpret the text more deeply.
2. Cross – cultural awareness
A movie uniquely allows students to look at situations far
beyond their classrooms. This is especially useful if they want to
see, for example, typical British ‘body language’ when inviting
someone out, or how American speaks to waiters. Film is also of
great values in giving students a chance to see such things as what
kinds of food people eat in other countries and what they wear.
3. The power of creation
When the students make their own movie as media in
teaching and learning process, they are given the potential to create
something memorable and enjoyable. The camera operators and
directors suddenly have considerable power. The task of
filmmaking can provoke genuine creative and communicative uses
of the language, with students finding themselves doing new things
in English.
4. Motivation
For all the reasons so far mentioned, most students show an
increased level of interest when they have a chance to see language
in use as well as hear it, and when this is coupled with interesting
b. Movie as Visual Aids in Teaching Writing
As a good teacher, we need to use visual aids as a method in
teaching and learning process because by using visual aids, teacher
can give new atmosphere in their class so that the students have a big
enthusiasm in teaching learning process, besides visual aid can help
students master the material that the teacher gives to them. The
English teacher can use any kinds of method or visual aid but they
must remember that the method must be suitable with their classroom
situation, it must be able to make the students feel comfortable and
enjoy the lesson so they can easily master the material.
c. Movie as a Narrative Teaching Media
Lonergen (1988: 2) states that four or five minutes of film material
can easily provide sufficient stimulation input during an hour of
teaching. Animation movie can be used in teaching written cycles.
Students can feel more relaxed in learning to write and it will be easier
for them to produce narrative text.
F. Previous Study
Other researchers conducted the study about the use on animated
movie on the writing skills narrative texts. And the researcher took some
they research. The first is Faridl (2012) under the title The Effect of Using
Folktale Movie on Students’ Ability in Writing Narrative Text. The result
showed that using folktale movie is effective to improve students’ writing
skills and shows significant improvement, it can see that the class which is
teaching by folktale movie got high scored that not teaching by folktale
The second is Akmala (2011) under the title The Use of Animated
Film to Improve Students’ Ability in Narrative Text. The purpose of this
study to attract and grow students’ motivation in learning and mastery
English and improve the students’ ability in writing narrative texts because
the students can catch the idea of the film easily.
According to the previous study above, the researcher interest to
using animated movie to improve writing skills on narrative texts. This
research are from the school level and using different teaching material.
This part discusses the methodology that used in conducting this
research. This part consists of research design, data source, instrument,
data collection, data analysis.
A. Research Design
The methods used in this study are qualitative descriptive.
According to Tarigan (2009) qualitative descriptive is a research technique
used to describe naturally occurring phenomena. Descriptive qualitative
research is research that describes a natural phenomenon. In line with that
definition, researchers will describe the real situations and conditions that
researchers face in the field of student motivation in learning English. This
research is qualitative descriptive research with a type of Classroom
Action Research (CAR). Classroom Action Research (CAR) is practical
research intended to enhance classroom learning. This research is one of
the efforts of teachers or practitioners in various forms of activities carried
out to improve and or improve the quality of learning in the classroom.
Kemis in (Syamsudin and Damayanti, 2005:191) said that action
research is a kind of action to test the idea or new way or methodology in
practicing to revise or change something to get the natural effect. There are
several steps in each cycle of the action research, they are (1) planning, (2)
acting, (3) observing, and (4) reflecting (as cited in Arikunto, 2010: 17-
B. Setting and Subject of research
The research was conducted at MTs Al-Amien Ngasinan. It is
located in the side on Jl. Ngasinan No.02, RT.01/RW.05, Rejomulyo, Kec.
Kota Kediri, East Java. This junior high school was used as the setting of
the study, because the researcher wants to improve the quality of teaching
learning and student ability in their vocabulary mastery in the institution.
The study subject was an eighth grader. Researchers chose eighth
grade because researchers found students' problems, not only in their
scores in English but also in their vocabulary, were very poor, and their
motivation to learn English was very low. So why researchers want to
provide or create a stronger foundation when students sit in the next class,
they won't have severe problems, especially in English inside or outside
the classroom.
The data of this study, researcher have taken data from the results
of student narrative texts. So, the data source of this research is the result
and value of writing narrative texts.
C. Research Procedure
There are several steps in each cycle of the action research, they are
(1) planning, (2) acting, (3) observation, and (4) reflection (as cited in
Arikunto 2010). This part would explain the research procedure to achieve
the research objective.
1) Planning
In detail, the planning includes actions to be taken to
improve or change the behavior and attitudes desired as a solution
to the problems. It is necessary to realizes, this plan is flexible that
can change in accordance with the real conditions that exist. In this
study, the researcher prepared all of the necessary documents and
media before teaching in the classroom. Checking the syllabus,
making the lesson plan, preparing the animation movie, preparing
the observation notes.
2) Acting
Implementation of action is something researchers do as an
improvement effort in the classroom, improvement or change that
is implemented based on the lesson plan. The researcher did not
change the strategy used by the previous teacher because it was
accepted by the students. however, the researcher used animation
movie as the media for teaching in the classroom. The researcher
started the class by showing the movie rather than explaining
directly to the students. Afterward, the discussion was held to
discuss about the movie. Then, the students were asked to write
down the story of the movie.
3) Observation
The observation activities in (CAR) can be aligned with
data collection activities informal research. In this activity, the
researcher observes the result or the impact of the actions
performed by the students. The observation was held during the
teaching learning process. The researcher made a note on important
event happened in the class. The researcher noted the students
became more active in the discussion than before the
implementation of animation movie.
4) Reflection
Reflection activity is an activity of analysis, synthesis,
interpretation of all information obtained during action activity.
Here, the researcher made a comparison of the result of post-test
and pretest. The researcher found any improvement in students
score and classical mastery. It was in line with the observation, in
which the researcher found the students became more actively
involved in the discussion.
D. Instrument
The instruments used in this study were field-note and interview
guide. The observed aspects include student activities during the learning
process of narrative essay writing skills using cartoon film media. In
collecting data, researchers also use mobile phones to record or interview
via chat.
E. Data Collection
There are several ways of collecting the data needed in this study
to answer research problems. Researcher collect data through tests,
observations, field records and documentation as instruments. This test is
used to collect data about the results of students' narrative essays. The data
obtained is collected and processed in such a way, so that the results can
used as material for analysis. The data in this study provides an overview
of student activities and the completion of student learning after
participating in narrative writing learning using animation movie as a
learning media.
F. Data Analysis
After collecting the data, the next step is analyzing the data. The
data analysis technique was carried out after the data was collected. This
study uses qualitative descriptive analysis to analyze activity observation
sheet and student participation in learning, which describes the reality or
facts in accordance with the data obtained. In addition, to analyze the
success rate after the learning process takes place each cycle is carried out
using simple statistics. The data is presented in the form of a table of
students' average scores before and after being given the action. The data
is calculated by the following steps. First, calculate the value of writing a
narrative text before action and after action (cycle). Second, calculate the
average value of narrative essay before action and after action (cycle)
using the formula:
x̄ = average value
Ʃˣ = total value of all students
ꞑ = the number of students
Third, calculate the percentage of students who have completed
and have reached the KKM. The percentage of students' completeness is
calculated using the calculation percentage (%) of completeness.
- Assesment rubric