Mae Ann Oliva Valic - BIOETHICS SAS11

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NUR 104 HEALTH CARE option in regard to a duty to treat;

2. List three basic principles that underpin our need to be
BS NURSING / 2nd YEAR sensitive to cultural difference between ourselves and our
Session # 11 patients.; and,

3. Identify common functions of ethics committees.

LESSON TITLE: Role Fidelity


Book, pen, notebook, laptop, and projector


Upon completion of this lesson, the nursing student can:
Ethics of Health Care: A Guide for Clinical
1. Explain the difference between a moral duty and a moral Practice Fourth Edition, Raymond S.
Edge, J. Randall Groves

The instructor will make any type of questions regarding the last topic and put it in a box or fishbowl. Select 5 students
randomly, each of them pick one question and answer it in the class.
1. A process in which a patient or the patient’s family is introduced to additional health resources in the community in
which the referring practitioner has a financial interest.
ANSWER: Self-referral
2. Give one reason why sexual relationship between patients and practitioners are unethical. Possible answers: It creates
emotional factors that interfere with either the therapeutic relationship and the needed objective judgement.
It places the practitioners in a position of advantage in the critical areas of knowledge, power, status, and personal
3. This principle stands for many things including dedication, loyalty, truthfulness, advocacy and fairness to patients. Nurses
are encouraged to keep their commitments, based on their virtue of caring. They should always be in line with their
ANSWER: Role fidelity
4. What code of conduct is represented when a healthcare practitioner joins together performing business venture?
Answer: Conflict of interest
5. TRUE OR FALSE: It is none of our business if we saw a colleague who always comes to work drunk especially in his or
her night shift duty because that is of personal matter. Why?
ANSWER: False, we should confront him or her and encouraged to seek help independently to protect patient from
possible harm and salvage the career of the impaired colleague.

MAIN LESSON (20-30 minutes)

The instructor should discuss the following topics. Instruct students to take down notes and read their book about this
lesson (Chapter 7 of their books):

Health Care Provision in a Multicultural Society

• We are a nation of immigrants, a multicultural society, a universal nation, a pluralistic society • We
have competing ideas regarding basic issues such as the meaning of health and illness • Most health
care practitioners in the United States adhere to Western system of health care delivery • Health care
providers often not only ethnocentric but also xenophobic
• Culture shock: communication barrier raised; problem patient or uncommunicative one

ANA Committee on Ethics

• Fundamental criteria for moral duty decisions:
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– Patient at significant risk of harm, loss, or damage if practitioner does not assist
– Practitioner’s intervention or care directly relevant to preventing harm
– Practitioner’s care will probably prevent harm, loss, or damage to patient
– Benefit the patient will gain outweighs any harm practitioner might incur and does not present more than a
minimal risk to health care provider
• If practitioner answers yes to all four criteria, it is a moral duty to treat under principle of beneficence • If all criteria
could not be answered with yes, the decision to treat would become a moral option rather than a duty for the

Institutional Ethics Committee

• Interdisciplinary body of health care providers, community representatives, and nonmedical professionals •
Address ethical questions within health care institution, especially on care of patients
• Committees play advisory role
• Often multidisciplinary group
• Physicians, nurses, social workers, philosophers, laypersons, lawyers, administrators, religious leaders •
Ethical training increasing in health care programs


-The instructor will prepare 5-10 questions that can enhance critical thinking skills. Students will work by themselves to
answer these questions and write the rationale for each question.

Multiple Choice

(For 1-10 items, please refer to the questions in the Rationalization Activity)

will now rationalize the answers to the students and will encourage them to ask questions and to discuss among their
classmates for 15 minutes.

1. An interdisciplinary body of health care providers, community representatives, and non-medical professionals who
address ethical questions within the health care institution.
A. American Nurses Association
B. Institutional Ethics Committee
C. Joint Commission
D. None of the above
Answer: B.

Rationale: Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) is the committee formed of a group of people who go through the
research protocol / proposal and state whether or not it is ethically acceptable.

2. An act or course of action that is required by one on the basis of moral position is termed _.? A. Role
B. Moral duty
C. Moral option
D. Morality
Answer: B.

Rationale: Duty-based ethics teaches that some acts are right or wrong because of the sorts of things they are, and
people have a duty to act accordingly, regardless of the good or bad consequences that may be produced. Some
kinds of action are wrong or right in themselves, regardless of the consequences.

3. A high-stress situation in which one finds oneself in another culture in which former behavior patterns are ineffective
and one fails to understand the basic cues of social intercourse is termed . A. Culture shock
B. Ethnocentrism
C. Culture bias
D. Racism
Answer: A.

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Rationale: Culture shock is termed when an individual finds themselves in a transition from one setting to another,
where one fails to understand the basic cues of social intercourse. Communication barrier is the most common problem
in this situation.

4. The patient with heart condition who is restricted to be. Although he is told to remain in bed and appears to
understand, he is found several times a day standing and gazing out his window. The patient, a devout Muslim
who by faith is required to pray several times a day facing in a particular direction, feels that the religious priority
overcomes the requirement of bedrest. What should you do if you are assigned to this patient? A. Report the
patient for being uncooperative
B. Restraint the patient
C. Respect the patient’s cultural activity
D. None of the above
Answer: C.

Rationale: The concept of cultural respect has a positive effect on patient care delivery by enabling providers
to deliver services that are respectful of and responsive to the health beliefs, practices, and cultural and
linguistic needs of diverse patients.

5. It is the most devastating Ebola outbreak dates back in?

A. December 2013
B. March 2014
C. August 2015
D. None of the above
Answer: A.

Rationale: Occurred in the Orientale Province. This was the most severe Ebola outbreak in recorded history in
regards to both the number of human cases and fatalities. It began in Guéckédou, Guinea, in December 2013
and spread abroad.

LESSON WRAP-UP (10-15 minutes)

Teacher directs the student to mark (encircle) their place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help students track
how much work they have accomplished and how much work there is left to do. This tracker will be part of the student
activity sheet.

You are done with the session! Let’s track your progress.

AL: Minute Paper

As the instructor end the session, a question is given to the students for them to answer. They will write their answers in a
¼ sheet of paper.
1. How can you effectively provide health care to a multicultural society? Cite some examples.

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