Kanban Board Template GoogleSheet
Kanban Board Template GoogleSheet
Kanban Board Template GoogleSheet
Explanation of sheets
Setup: This sheet allows the user to enter the status drop-
to select the number of boards to be displayed on t
Projects & Tasks: This sheet is used to record and update all current
menus based on the Setup sheet data for convenie
Kanban: This is the Kanban board where tasks can be visua
are medium priority, and tasks with red dots are hig
filters to see only those tasks associated with certa
Filter Status: Throught this sheet you can filter Kanban according
1) Any time data is entered/updated on the Projects &
the Kanban tab in order for the new data to be refle
2) You can change Kanban status headings using dro
1) See instructions for "Kanban" sheet to see how to a
"Refresh Workbook" button has been clicked on the
All content is Copyright material of Simple Sheets L
© 2020 Simple Sheets LLC
All rights reserved. The contents of this publication
No part of this publication may be modified, manipu
Kanban Template v1.2
This workbook is intended to help organize, track, and visualize your workflow.
The first tab allows for the setup of groups, projects, team members, and the number of columns in the Kanban
The second tab is where data is entered.
The third sheet is the Kanban board, where tasks can be visualized.
The final tab (Dashboard) contains graphs providing summaries of the data.
This sheet allows the user to enter the status drop-down menu options, Kanban boards, projects and employees and
to select the number of boards to be displayed on the Kanban sheet.
This sheet is used to record and update all current tasks, along with their relevant parameters using drop-down
menus based on the Setup sheet data for convenience.
This is the Kanban board where tasks can be visualized. Tasks with green dots are low priority, tasks with yellow dots
are medium priority, and tasks with red dots are high priority. This sheet also allows the user to quickly apply various
filters to see only those tasks associated with certain teams, employees, etc.
Throught this sheet you can filter Kanban according to desired status using dynamic slicers
This sheet contains graphs to summarize the project & task data visually and is fully automated.
The "Heading/Status" options table is limited to 6 total entries, but the other tables don't have an entry limit.
In order to add new Kanban boards, projects, or team members, type in the next available cell in the applicable table.
Any time data is entered/updated on the Projects & Tasks sheet, the "Refresh Workbook" button must be clicked on
the Kanban tab in order for the new data to be reflected throughout the workbook.
You can change Kanban status headings using dropdown list
See instructions for "Kanban" sheet to see how to apply filters. All charts on this tab are automated, provided the
"Refresh Workbook" button has been clicked on the Kanban tab after changes have been made to the Projects &
All content is Copyright material of Simple Sheets LLC.
© 2020 Simple Sheets LLC
All rights reserved. The contents of this publication, including but not limited to all written material, content layout, images, formulas, an
No part of this publication may be modified, manipulated, reproduced, distributed, or transmitted without prior written permission of the p
layout, images, formulas, and code, are protected under international copyright and trademark laws.
ior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of certain noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Heading/Status Options Kanban Boards
Cancelled General
Pending Team #1
Research Team #2
In Progress Team #3
Completed Team #4
Testing Team #5
Projects Team Members
Project #1 Joe
Project #2 Sam
Project #3 Brenda
Project #4 David
Project #5 Michael
Project #6 Elizabeth
Project #7
Project #8
Task Name Kanban Board Project Assigned To
2 8 20%
1 9 10%
3 7 30%
5 5 50%
4 6 40%
2 8 20%
5 5 50%
4 6 40%
4 6 40%
5 5 50%
3 7 30%
6 4 60%
7 3 70%
8 2 80%
9 1 90%
1 9 10%
5 5 50%
4 6 40%
5 5 50%
2 8 20%
4 6 40%
7 3 70%
2 8 20%
8 2 80%
6 4 60%
Research Completed Cancelled
Special Task 1
Assigned to: Joe
Priority: High
Due Date: 8/1/2020
Assigned to:
Due Date: 12/5/2020
Assigned to:
Due Date: 12/1/2020
Assigned to:
Due Date: 7/1/2021
Assigned to:
Due Date: 9/14/2020
Assigned to:
Due Date: 2/16/2021
Assigned to:
Due Date:
Assigned to:
Due Date:
Assigned to:
Due Date:
Assigned to:
Due Date:
Assigned to:
Due Date:
Assigned to:
Due Date:
Assigned to:
Due Date:
Assigned to:
Due Date:
Assigned to:
Due Date:
Assigned to:
Due Date:
Assigned to:
Due Date:
Assigned to:
Due Date:
Assigned to:
Due Date:
Assigned to:
Due Date:
Assigned to:
Due Date:
This shape represents a table slicer. This shape represents a table slicer. Table slicers This shape represe
Table slicers are not supported in this are not supported in this version of Excel. If the Table slicers are no
version of Excel. If the shape was shape was modified in an earlier version of version of Excel. I
modified in an earlier version of Excel, Excel, or if the workbook was saved in Excel modified in an earl
or if the workbook was saved Taskin Name
Excel Assigned
2007 or earlier, the slicerTo Priority
can't be used. or if the workbook
2007 or
Cancelled earlier, the slicer can't
be Task 3 Sam Low 2007 or earlier, the
Task 20 Sam High
Completed Task 12 Joe Medium
Task 8 Michael High
Task 9 Michael Medium
In Progress Special Task 2 David Low
Special Task 4 Elizabeth High
Task 10 David Medium
Task 11 Sam Medium
Task 13 Elizabeth Medium
Task 17 David Medium
Task 19 Sam Low
Task 4 Brenda Medium
Pending Special Task 1 Joe High
Task 15 Brenda High
Task 18 Michael High
Task 22 Joe High
Task 5 Michael High
Task 7 Joe Low
Research Task 1 Joe Low
Task 14 Sam Low
Task 16 David Low
Task 21 Brenda Medium
Task 23 Sam Low
Testing Task 2 Sam Medium
(empty) (empty) (empty) (empty)
This shape represents a table slicer. This shape represents a table slicer.
Table slicers are not supported in this Table slicers are not supported in
version of Excel. If the shape was this version of Excel. If the shape
modified in an earlier version of Excel, was modified in an earlier version
or Date
if the workbook was Kanban
saved inBoard
Excel Project
of Excel, or if the SUM of %was
workbook ProgressStatus
2007 or
12/1/2020 earlier, the slicer can't
General be used. saved in
Project #1Excel 2007 or earlier, the 50% Cancelled
11/10/2021 Team #4 slicer can't
Project #3 be used. 70%
7/15/2020 General Project #2 70% Completed
2/6/2021 Team #5 Project #5 40%
7/24/2020 Team #1 Project #1 50%
11/19/2020 Team #1 Project #4 50% In Progress
3/5/2021 Team #2 Project #5 50%
2/7/2021 Team #2 Project #2 30%
12/12/2020 Team #2 Project #5 60%
10/13/2020 General Project #5 80%
10/5/2020 Team #4 Project #3 50%
11/20/2020 Team #2 Project #4 40%
11/9/2020 Team #4 Project #3 40%
8/1/2020 Team #3 Project #4 30% Pending
12/5/2020 Team #1 Project #2 10%
12/1/2020 Team #3 Project #3 20%
7/1/2021 Team #1 Project #6 80%
9/14/2020 Team #4 Project #4 20%
2/16/2021 Team #1 Project #2 40%
1/14/2021 General Project #4 20% Research
12/28/2020 Team #3 Project #1 90%
9/1/2020 Team #5 Project #2 40%
10/12/2021 General Project #5 20%
10/20/2021 General Project #1 60%
10/31/2020 Team #1 Project #3 10% Testing
(empty) (empty) (empty) (empty)
Kanban of TasHigh
Board Priority
1 Low
shape represents 1 Medium
a table 2
David of TasPriority
To High 1
Table#3slicers are not2supported1 in this Elizabeth 1
Team #4 of Excel. If 2the shape was 2 Tasks Priority by Kanban Board
Joe 2
Team shapeinrepresents
an earlier1 aversion
table of Excel,
1 slicer. Michael 3
Table slicers are not supported inExcel
if the workbook was saved in this General0 2 Sam 2
2007 or of
earlier, 1
version Excel.the
If slicer can'twas
the shape be used.
This shapeinrepresents
an earlier aversion of Excel,
table slicer.
or Team #1 1 2 2
Table slicers are not supported inExcel
if the workbook was saved in this
versionor of
If slicer can'twas
the shape be used. Prio
Team #2 1 2 1
Kanban Board
This shapeinrepresents
an earlier aversion of Excel,
table slicer. Med
Table slicers are not supported inExcel
if the workbook was saved in this Low
2007 or earlier, the slicer can't be used. Team #3 2 0 1
version of Excel. If the shape was
modified in an earlier version of Excel,
This shape represents a table slicer.
or if the workbook was saved in Excel Team #4 2 2 0
Table slicers are not supported in this
2007 or earlier, the slicer can't be used.
version of Excel. If the shape was
modified in an earlier version of Excel, Team #5 1 0 1
or if the workbook was saved in Excel
2007 or earlier, the slicer can't be used. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
5 1
4 0
2 0 4
1 0 2 2 0
1 1 1
0 0 0 0
Cancelled Completed In Pending Research Testing (empty)
Low 2 Medium 2 (empty) COUNTA
Cancelled of TasHigh
Status Priority 1
1 Completed 1
anban Board 2 1 Tasks Priority by Members
In Progress 1
1 Pending 5
4 2 Brenda0 2 Research
David 2 0 2
2 (empty)
Priority High Elizabeth0 1 Low
Medium Assigned To (empty)
Low Joe 2 0 1 Medium
Michael0 1
Sam 4 0 2
4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 High
0 Low
0 0
earch Testing (empty)
Low 1 Medium (empty) Priority
Low COUNTA of Task
8 Name
2 Medium 9
ers 2 5 (empty)
4 1
6 7
UNTA of Task Name