Unit-6 Multiprocessors

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By- Yadvir Kaur

● Characteristics of Multiprocessors
● Interconnection Structures
● Interprocessor Arbitration
● Interprocessor Communication & Synchronization
● Cache Coherence
Characteristics of Multiprocessors
● A multiprocessor system is an interconnection of two or more CPUs with
memory and input-output equipment.
● Multiprocessors are classified as multiple instruction stream, multiple data stream
(MIMD) systems.
● Very-large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuit technology has reduced the cost of
computer components to such a low level that the concept of applying multiple
processors to meet system performance requirements has become an attractive
design possibility.
● Multiprocessing improves the reliability of the system so that a failure or
error in one part has a limited effect on the rest of the system. If a fault causes
one processor to fail, a second processor can be assigned to perform the
functions of the disabled processor.
● The benefit derived from a multiprocessor organization is an improved system
performance. The system derives its high performance from the fact that
computations can proceed in parallel in one of two ways.
1. Multiple independent jobs can be made to operate in parallel.
2. A single job can be partitioned into multiple parallel tasks.
Characteristics of Multiprocessors
Multiprocessors are classified by the way their memory is organized:
1) multiprocessor system with common shared memory is classified as a
shared memory or tightly coupled multiprocessor.
» Local memory + Shared memory (Information can therefore be
shared among the CPUs by placing it in the common global
» higher degree of interaction between tasks
2) Distribute memory or Loosely-coupled system
» Local memory + message passing scheme (The processors are
tied together by a switching scheme designed to route information
from one processor to another through a mes sage-passing
» most efficient when the interaction between tasks is minimal
Interconnection Structures
The components that form a multiprocessor system are CPUs, lOPs
connected to input-output devices, and a memory unit that may be
partitioned into a number of separate modules. There are several
physical forms available for establishing an interconnection
network. Some of these schemes are presented in this section:
1. Time-shared common bus
2. Multiport memory
3. Crossbar switch
4. Multistage switching network
5. Hypercube system
Time shared common Bus

● A common-bus multiprocessor system consists

of a number of processors connected through a
common path to a memory unit.

● Only one processor can

communicate with the
memory or another
processor at any given
Multi-port memory
● multiple paths between processors
and memory
● Advantage : high transfer rate can
be achieved
● Disadvantage : expensive memory
control logic / large number of
cables & connectors
Crossbar Switch
● The crossbar switch organization consists of a number of
crosspoints(switches) that are placed at intersections between
processor buses and memory module paths, that determines the
path from a processor to a memory module.
● It also resolves multiple
requests for access to the
same memory module on a
predetermined priority basis.
● A crossbar switch
organization supports
simultaneous transfers from
memory modules because
there is a separate path
associated with each module.
● However, the hardware
required to implement the
switch can become quite
large and complex.
Multistage Switching Network
Control the communication between a number of sources and
The basic component of a multistage network is a two-input, two-
output interchange switch.

In the 2nd Figure, 2 Processor ( P1 and

P2 ) are connected through switches to
8 memory modules ( 000 - 111 ). 3rd
Figure is showing omega network.
Hypercube Interconnection
The hypercube or binary n-cube multiprocessor structure is a loosely
coupled system composed of N=2n processors interconnected in an
n-dimensional binary cube.
Each processor forms a node of the cube, in effect it contains not only a
CPU but also local memory and I/O interface.
Each processor has direct communication paths to n other neighbor
Fig. below shows the hypercube structure for n=1, 2, and 3.
lnterprocessor Arbitration
The processors in a shared memory multiprocessor system request access to
common memory or other common resources through the system bus. If no
other processor is currently utilizing the bus, the requesting processor may be
granted access immediately. However, the requesting processor must wait if
another processor is currently utilizing the system bus. Furthermore, other
processors may request the system bus at the same time. Arbitration must
then be performed to resolve this multiple contention for the shared
resources. The arbitration logic would be part of the system bus
controller placed between the local bus and the system bus.
Data transfers over the system bus may be synchronous or
● In a synchronous bus, each data item is transferred during a time slice
known in advance to both source and destination units. Synchronization is
achieved by driving both units from a common clock source.
● In an asynchronous bus, each data item being transferred is
accompanied by handshaking control signals to indicate when the data
are transferred from the source and received by the destination.
lnterprocessor Arbitration
Bus Arbitration Algorithm : Static / Dynamic
● Static : priority fixed
»Serial (daisy-chain) arbitration
»Parallel arbitration
● Dynamic : priority flexible
»Time slice (fixed length time)
»Rotating daisy-chain
Interprocessor Communication &
The various processors in a multiprocessor system must be provided with a
facility for communicating with each other. The instruction set of a
multiprocessor contains basic instructions that are used to implement
communication and synchronization between cooperating processes.
Communication refers to the exchange of data between different
processes. For example, parameters passed to a procedure in a different
processor constitute interprocessor communication.
Synchronization refers to the special case where the data used to
communicate between processors is control information.
Synchronization is needed to enforce the correct sequence of processes and
to ensure mutually exclusive access to shared writable data.
Interprocessor Communication &
In a shared memory multiprocessor system (tightly coupled):
● The most common procedure is to set aside a portion of memory that is
accessible to all processors. The primary use of the common memory
is to act as a message center similar to a mailbox, where each processor
can leave messages for other processors and pick up messages intended
for it.
● The sending processor structures a request, a message, or a procedure,
and places it in the memory mailbox. Status bits residing in common
memory are generally used to indicate the condition of the mailbox,
whether it has meaningful information, and for which processor it is
intended. The receiving processor can check the mailbox periodically to
determine if there are valid messages for it. The response time of this
procedure can be time consuming. A more efficient procedure is for the
sending processor to alert the receiving processor directly by means of an
interrupt signal.
Interprocessor Communication &
In a loosely coupled multiprocessor system(no shared memory):
● The memory is distributed among the processors and there is no shared
memory for passing information. The communication between
processors is by means of message passing through I/O channels.
● The communication is initiated by one processor calling a procedure that
resides in the memory of the processor with which it wishes to
communicate. When the sending processor and receiving processor
name each other as a source and destination, a channel of
communication is established. A message is then sent with a header
and various data objects used to communicate between nodes.
There may be a number of possible paths available to send the message
between any two nodes. The operating system in each node contains
routing information indicating the alternative paths that can be used to
send a message to other nodes. The communication efficiency of the
interprocessor network depends on the communication routing protocol,
processor speed, data link speed, and the topology of the network.
Interprocessor Communication &
Interprocessor Synchronization: Multiprocessor systems usually
include various mechanisms to deal with the synchronization of
resources. A number of hardware mechanisms for mutual exclusion have
been developed. One of the most popular methods is through the use of
a binary semaphore.
Mutual Exclusion: A properly functioning multiprocessor system must
provide a mechanism that will guarantee orderly access to shared
memory and other shared resources. This is necessary to protect data
from being changed simultaneously by two or more processors.
Mutual exclusion must be provided in a multiprocessor system to enable
one processor to lock out access to a shared resource by other
processors when it is in a critical section.
Interprocessor Communication &
Mutual Exclusion with Semaphore
» Critical Session: A critical section is a program sequence that, once begun,
must complete execution before another processor accesses the same shared
» Semaphore: Indicate whether or not a processor is executing a critical
section. When the semaphore is equal to 1, it means that a processor is
executing a critical program, so that the shared memory is not available to other
processors. When the semaphore is equal to 0, the shared memory is available to
any requesting processor.
» Hardware Lock: A semaphore can be initialized by means of a test and set
instruction in conjunction with a hardware lock mechanism. A hardware lock is
a processor generated signal that serves to prevent other processors from
using the system bus as long as the signal is active. The test-and-set
instruction tests and sets a semaphore and activates the lock mechanism during
the time that the instruction is being executed. This prevents other processors
from changing the semaphore between the time that the processor is testing it
and the time that it is setting it.
Cache Coherence
● In a shared memory multiprocessor system, all the processors share
a common memory. In addition, each processor may have a local
memory, part or all of which may be a cache. The compelling reason
for having separate caches for each processor is to reduce the
average access time in each processor.
● The same information may reside in a number of copies in some
caches and main memory. To ensure the ability of the system to
execute memory operations correctly, the multiple copies must
be kept identical. This requirement imposes a cache coherence
● Without a proper solution to the cache coherence problem, caching
cannot be used in bus-oriented multiprocessors with two or more
Conditions for Incoherence:
● Cache coherence problems exist in multiprocessors with private caches
because of the need to share writable data. Read-only data can safely be
replicated without cache coherence enforcement mechanisms.
● To illustrate the problem, consider the three-processor configuration with private
caches. Sometime during the operation an element X from main memory is loaded
into the three processors, P1, P2, and P3. As a consequence, it is also copied into
the private caches of the three processors. For simplicity, we assume that X
contains the value of 52. The load on X to the three processors results in consistent
copies in the caches and main memory.
● If one of the processors performs a store to X, the copies of X in the caches
become inconsistent. A load by the other processors will not return the latest value.
Depending on the memory update policy used in the cache, the main memory may
also be inconsistent with respect to the cache. This is shown in Fig. 13-13.
● A store to X (of the value of 120) into the cache of processor P1 updates memory to
the new value in a write-through policy. A write-through policy maintains
consistency between memory and the originating cache, but the other two
caches are inconsistent since they still hold the old value.
● In a write-back policy, main memory is not updated at the time of the store.
The copies in the other two caches and main memory are inconsistent.
Memory is updated eventually when the modified data in the cache are copied back
into memory.
A write-through
policy maintains
between memory
and the originating
cache, but the
other two caches
are inconsistent
since they still hold
the old value.

In a write-back
policy, main
memory is not
updated at the time
of the store. The
copies in the other
two caches and
main memory are
Solutions to the Cache Coherence Problem
» 1) Shared writable data are non-cacheable
» 2) Writable data exists in one cache : Centralized global table
» 1) Monitor possible write operation : Snoopy cache controller
Practice Questions
● What are the advantages of a multiprocessor system?
● Discuss the difference between tightly coupled and loosely coupled multiprocessors.
● Describe the following terminology associated with multiprocessors.
(a) mutual exclusion; (b) critical section; (c) hardware lock; (d) semaphore;
(e) test-and-set instruction.
● What is cache coherence, and why is it important in shared-memory multiprocessor
systems? How can the problem be resolved with a snoopy cache controller?
● Explain Interconnection structures?
● Explain the importance of multiprocessor system.
● Explain shared memory multiprocessors?
● What is Inter processor arbitration?
● Explain inter processor communication.
● What is synchronization?
● What do you understand by Cache coherence Problem? Give an example.

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