Bed Bath

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PinoyWish Training Center, Inc.

Personal Support Worker Course

Giving a Complete Bed Bath Checklist

Procedure Remarks
Promote DIPPS
1. Identify the client according to employer policy.
2. Explain the procedure to the client.
3. Offer the bedpan or urinal. Provide for privacy.
4. Practice proper hand hygiene.
5. Collect the following supplies:
Wash basin Items for oral hygiene
Soap Lotion
Bath thermometer, if available Powder
Orange stick, nail file, or soft nail brush Deodorant or antiperspirant
Washcloth Brush and comb
Two bath towels and two face towels Other grooming items if requested by client
Flat sheet Paper towels
Gloves (Wear only when contact with blood, body fluids, secretions, or excretions is likely or when bathing the
genital and rectal [perineal] areas.)
6. Place paper towels on the overbed table (in facilities) or on a work area
within easy reach. Arrange items on top of paper towels.
7. Close doors and windows.
8. Provide for privacy.
9. Raise the bed to a comfortable working height.
10. Lower the bed rail near you if it is up. Remove the call bell.*
11. Provide oral hygiene if necessary.
12. Cover the client with the top sheet.
13. Lower the head of the bed until flat if the client can tolerate this
position.* Ensure the client has at least one pillow.
14. Raise the bed rail near you if bed rails are used. Fill the wash basin two
thirds with water, and test the water by using a bathwater thermometer to
ensure that the water is a safe and comfortable temperature.
15. Place the basin on the overbed table or work area.
16. Lower the bed rail if it is up.
17. Help the client move to the side of the bed near you.
18. Place a bath towel over the client’s chest.
19. Make a mitt with the washcloth, and use it for the entire bath.
20. Wash around the client’s eyes with water. Do not use soap. Gently wipe
from the inner part of the eye to the outer with a corner of the mitt. Clean
around the far eye first. Repeat this step to clean around the near eye, using
a clean part of the mitt.
21. Ask the client if you can use soap on the face.
22. Wash the face, ears, and neck. Rinse and pat dry with the towel that is
on the chest.
23 Remove the client’s garments, but take care not to expose the client.
Keep the client’s body, except the area you are washing, covered with a
24. Place a bath towel lengthwise under the client’s far arm.
25. Support the arm, with your palm under the client’s elbow and the
client’s forearm resting on your forearm.
26. Wash the arm, shoulder, and underarm (axilla) using long, firm strokes.
Rinse and pat dry.
PinoyWish Training Center, Inc.
Personal Support Worker Course
Giving a Complete Bed Bath Checklist

27. If the client’s hands and nails are visibly soiled with dried food or feces,
place the basin on the towel, and place the client’s hand into the water.
Follow your employer’s policy, as not all facilities allow placing the basin on
the bed. Soaking is the only way to soften dried food or feces on hands an

Wash the hand well, and clean under fingernails with the client’s own
orange stick, nail file, or soft nail brush. Ensure the wash basin is thoroughly
cleaned afterwards according to agency policy.
28. Have the client exercise the hand and fingers.
29. Remove the basin, and dry the hand well. Cover the client’s arm with the
bath blanket.
30. Replace water in the basin if it is cooled, too soapy, or soiled. Repeat
steps 24 to 29 for the near arm.
31. Place a bath towel across the client’s chest, and hold the towel in place.
Pull the sheet from under the towel to the waist.
32. Lift the towel slightly, and wash the chest. While washing the chest and
abdomen, observe the skin condition under the breasts, in the abdominal
folds, and in the groin. Do not expose the client. Rinse and pat dry,
especially under the breasts.
33. Turn the towel so that it is lengthwise over the chest and abdomen. Do
not expose the client. Pull the sheet down to the pubic area.
34. Lift the towel slightly, and wash the abdomen. Rinse and pat dry.
35. Pull sheet up to the shoulders, covering both arms. Remove the towel.
36. If bed rails are used, raise the bed rail. Change soapy, soiled, or cooled
water. Measure temperature as in step 14. Lower the bed rail when you
37. Uncover the far leg. Do not expose the genital area. Place a towel
lengthwise under the foot and leg.
38. Bend the client’s knee if it is comfortable for your client, and support the
leg with your arm. Wash the leg with long, firm strokes. Rinse and pat dry.
39. Place the towel under the client’s feet. Wash the client’s feet. If the
client’s feet are visibly dirty, and they need to soak in water to remove the
dirt, it is usually safer and easier to wash them during a tub bath.
40. Use an orange stick, nail file, or soft nail brush to clean under toenails if
necessary. If the client cannot bend the knee, wash the foot, carefully
separating and washing between the toes. Rinse and pat dry.
41. Repeat steps 37 to 40 for the near leg.
42. If bed rails are used, raise the bed rail near you. Change the water.
Measure temperature as in step 14. Lower the bed rail when you return.
43. Turn the client onto the side facing away from you. Keep the client
covered with the bath towel or a sheet.
44. Uncover the back and buttocks. Do not needlessly expose areas not
being bathed. Place a towel lengthwise on the bed along the back.
45. Wash the back. Work from the back of the neck to the lower end of the
buttocks. Use long, firm, continuous strokes. Rinse and dry well.
46. After the bath, give a back massage if the client wants one.
47. Turn the client onto the back. Cover the client with the sheet.
48. If bed rails are used, raise the bed rail near you. Change the water to
provide perineal care. Measure water temperature as in step 14. Lower
the bed rail when you return.
49. Allow the client to wash the genital area, if able. Place the wash basin,
soap, and towels within easy reach. Place the call bell (in facilities) within
PinoyWish Training Center, Inc.
Personal Support Worker Course
Giving a Complete Bed Bath Checklist

reach. Ask the client to call you when finished. Make sure the client
understands what to do. Answer calls for assistance promptly.
50. If the client cannot do perineal self-care, put on gloves, and provide
perineal care for the client.
51. Apply deodorant or antiperspirant and lotion, as directed by the care
plan or by the client.
52. Put clean garments on the client.
53. Comb and brush the hair.
54. Make the bed.
55. Provide for safety and comfort.
55. Provide for safety and comfort.
56. Return the bed to its lowest position. Attach the call bell. Follow the care
plan for bed rail use.*
57. Empty and clean the wash basin. Return it and other supplies to their
proper places.
58. Wipe the overbed table or work area with paper towels. Discard the
paper towels.
59. Remove privacy measures.
60. Follow employer policy for handling dirty linen.
61. Perform hand hygiene.
62. Report and Record your actions and observations, according to employer
*Steps marked with an asterisk may not apply in community settings.

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