Flow Measurement
Battery-operated water meter MAG 8000
■ Overview ■ Application
The following MAG 8000 versions are available as stand-alone
water meters:
• MAG 8000 (7ME6810) for abstraction and distribution network
• MAG 8000 CT (7ME6820) for revenue and bulk metering
• MAG 8000 (7ME6880) for irrigation
■ Design
MAG 8000 is designed to minimize power consumption.
The product program consists of 3
• Basic and advanced version
• Sensor sizes from DN 25 to 1200 (1" to 48")
• Compact and remote installation in IP68/NEMA 6P enclosure
and factory-mounted cable
• SIMATIC PDM and Flow Tool PC configuration softwares
■ Benefits
Easy to install
• Compact or remote solution with factory mounted cable and
customer setting from factory
• IP68/NEMA 6P enclosure. Sensor can be buried
• Flexible power supply - internal or external battery pack or
mains power supply with battery back-up possibilities
• Superior measurement
• Down to 0.2 % maximum uncertainty
• OIML R 49 type approval
• PTB K7.2
• FM Fire Service Approval
• Bi-directional measurement
Long lasting performance/Low cost of Ownership
• No moving parts means less wear and tear
• Up to 6 to 10 years maintenance-free operation in typical rev-
enue application
• Robust construction built for the application
Intelligent information, easy to access
• Embedded self-testing and alarm/fault detection feature
• Internal data logger
• Advanced statistics and diagnostics
• Various Add-on communication modules
Modbus/Encoder module
Flow Measurement
Battery-operated water meter MAG 8000
MAG 8000 3G/UMTS Wireless Communication Module
The 3G/UMTS wireless communication module is a compact
built-in solution which can be installed in the existing MAG 8000
with SW version 3.02 and higher, supporting HSDPA
cat.8/HSUPA Cat.6 at 5 UMTS bands, with flexibility of backward
compatible to GSM/GPRS network.
The 3G/UMTS module collects comprehensive measurement
data from MAG 8000 at an interval down to 1 minute, allows for
data transmission via numerous protocols including SMS, email
via SMTP, email via SMTPS (TLS/SSL-based encryption), FTP,
and FTPS (TLS/SSL-based encryption), with a customer config-
3 3G/UMTS module
urable transmission interval (down to 1 hour). This provides cus-
tomers with the flexibility to receive data via email, FTP or text
message for the monitoring and control systems anywhere in the
TLS/SSL based data encryption provides a high level informa-
tion security to protect customers data privacy.
The 3G/UMTS module offers
• Remote Qualification Certificate feature to enable the offsite
diagnostic and audit on devices installed anywhere in the
• 2-channel analog input measurement for external ratiometric
pressure transmitter, transmission together with flow measure-
ment (2-in-1 solution)
• 4-20 mA alarm signal detection and realtime SMS alarm for
tamper protection and flooding situations
• Real-time clock synchronization with internet NTP server, en-
suring that all measurement data is accurately time-stamped
• Data transmission at customer-specified points in time, allow-
ing for synchronization of information from multiple MAG 8000
PC-IrDA connection devices
The OPC server specifically designed for the MAG 8000
3G/UMTS module is offered free of charge. With this value-
added package, the opportunity for measurement data collec-
tion and further processing/analyzing for system integration and
automation is offered.
Flow Measurement
Battery-operated water meter MAG 8000
■ Function
MAG 8000 is a microprocessor-based water meter with graphi- The SIMATIC PDM tool gives the possibility of testing and verify-
cal display and key for optimum customer operation and infor- ing the flowmeter on site and creating a printed ”Qualification
mation on site. The transmitter drives the magnetic field in the Certificate” with all specific data that define the quality status of
sensor, evaluates the flow signal from the sensor and calculates the measurement.
the volume passing through. It delivers the required information The Qualification Certificate consists of two pages with informa-
via the integrated pulse output or communication interfaces as tion about the actual status of the sensor:
part of a system solution. Its intelligent functionality, information
and diagnostics ensure optimum meter performance and infor- Part 1 provides general settings, sensor and battery info, total-
mation to optimize water supply and billing. izer values and pulse output settings.
Part 2 provides detailed information about electronic and sensor
functionality and a main parameter list for evaluating the func-
tionality of the MAG 8000 water meter.
MAG 8000 can be ordered as a Basic or an Advanced version. Details about the SIMATIC PDM tool can be found in chapter
"Communication and Software" (see page 8/5).
Features / Version MAG 8000 Basic/ MAG 8000 Advanced
MAG 8000 Irrigation
Measuring frequency in 1/15, 1/30 or 1/60 Hz from 6.25 to 1/60 Hz
battery power mode depending of sensor
(Manually selected)1) size
Output MAG 8000 2 FW/RV/Al/CA (max. 2 FW/RV/Al/CA (max.
50 Hz pulse rate) 100 Hz pulse rate)
Communication Add-on Add-on
Data logger Yes Yes
Insulation test Yes Yes
Leakage detection No Yes
Meter utilization No Yes
Statistics No Yes
Tariff No Yes
Settle date (Revenue) No Yes
Excitation frequency settings with mains power supply, see technical spec-
ifications for each version
Flow Measurement
Battery-operated water meter MAG 8000
■ Technical specifications
Transmitter Mains power supply • 12 ... 24 V AC/DC (10 … 32 V) 2 VA
Installation Compact (integral) • 115 ... 230 V AC (85 … 264 V) 2 VA
Remote with factory-mounted cable Both mains power supply systems
5, 10, 20 or 30 m (16.4, 32.8, 65.6 or are upgradable for battery backup
98.4 ft) via internal D-Cell (3.6 V 16.5 Ah) or
external battery pack.
Enclosure Stainl. steel top housing (AISI 316) and Cable 3 m (9.8 ft) for external connection to
coated brass bottom. mains supply (without cable plug)
Remote wall mount bracket in stain-
less steel (AISI 304).
Flow Measurement
Battery-operated water meter MAG 8000
Features Insulation test Test of signal immunity against dis-
turbance and bad installation. Test
Application identification Tag number up to 15 characters interval is selectable and measure-
Time and date Device embedded Real Time Clock ment is interrupted during the test
(Synchronization with NTP server if period of 4 min.
3G/UMTS module connected) Leakage detection Monitoring the lowest flow or volume
Totalizer (only Advanced version) during selected time window within
24 hours. Leakage is detected over
MAG 8000 Totalizer 1 and Totalizer 2: a selectable period where moni-
Configurable to Forward, Reverse tored value exceed the possible
and Bidirectional netflow leakage level. Min and max values
Totalizer3 (following totalizer 1 set- are stored with date registration. Last
ting) resetable via display key store value visible on the display.
Measurement Meter Utilization 6 registers for monitoring total time 3
(only Advanced version) the meter has operated in different
Low flow cut-off flow intervals. Registered intervals
• 7ME6810 Cut-off at 15 mm/s are free selectable as % of Qn (Q3)
• 7ME6820 Cut-off at 15 mm/s Tariff 6 tariff registers count the volume
(only Advanced version) delivered within the selected tariff
• 7ME6880 1 % of Qmax (adjustable) windows, based on time of day or
Empty pipe detection Symbolised in display flow rates or a combination.
Tariff can also be used for consump-
Data logger Logging of 26 records: selectable as tion profile where consumption is
daily, weekly or monthly logging related to different time intervals or
Alarm Active alarm is indicated on the dis- flow rates.
play Tariff values visible on the display.
Data protection All data stored in an EEPROM. Total- Settling date On a predefined date the totalizer 1
izers 1 and 2 are backed up every (only Advanced version) index value is stored. Old values are
10 min, statistic every hour and stored to show the latest two total-
power consumption and temperature ized 1 index values.
measurement every 4 hour.
Settling values visible on the display.
Password protection of all parame-
ters and hardware protection of cali- Statistic Min. flow rate with time and date reg-
bration and revenue parameters. (only Advanced version) istration
Max. flow rate with time and date
Battery power management Optimal battery information on
remaining capacity.
Min. daily consumption with date
Calculated capacity includes all con-
suming elements and available bat-
tery capacity is adjusted related to Max. daily consumption with date
change in ambient temperature. registration
Numbers of power-ups Latest 7 days total and daily con-
Date and time registered for first and
last time power alarm. Actual month consumption
Diagnostic Latest month consumption
Continuous self test including Coil current to drive the magnetic PC Configuration Software • Meter configuration – online and of-
field PDM fline mode
Signal input circuit • Own parameter settings
Data calculation, handling and stor- • Parameter documentation
ing • Print and export of data and param-
Alarm statistics and logging for Electrode impedance to check
fault analyzing actual media contact • PDM 9.0 Service Pack 1
Flow simulation to check pulse and
communication signal chain for cor-
rect scaling
Number of sensor measurements
Transmitter temperature (battery
capacity calculation)
Low impedance alarm for change in
Flow alarm when defined high flow
Verification mode for fast measure
performance check
Flow Measurement
Battery-operated water meter MAG 8000
MAG 8000 water meter uncertainty Grounding
To ensure continuous accurate measurement, flowmeters must The sensor body must be grounded using grounding straps
be calibrated. The calibration is conducted at Siemens flow fa- and/or grounding rings to protect the flow signal against stray
cilities with traceable instruments referring directly to the physi- electrical noise. This ensures that the noise is carried through the
cal unit of measurement according to the International System of sensor body and a noise-free measuring area within the sensor
Units (SI). body. For MAG 8000 Irrigation grounding rings on both sides are
Therefore, the calibration certificate ensures recognition of the
test results worldwide, including the US (NIST traceability). Metal pipes
M6 x 16
On metal pipes, connect the straps
Siemens offers accredited calibrations assured to ISO 17025 in to both flanges.
the flow range from 0.0001 m3/h to 10 000 m3/h.
Siemens Flow Instruments accredited laboratories are recog-
3 nized by ILAC MRA (International Laboratory Accreditation Cor-
poration - Mutual Recognition Arrangement) ensuring interna-
tional traceability and recognition of the test results worldwide. Metal pipe Metal pipe
1.5 %
Qmin Qmax
-50 -35 -20 -5 10 25 40 55 70 85 100
(-58) (-31) (-4) (23) (50) (77) (104) (131)(158)(185) (212)
Temperature °C (°F)
Flow Measurement
Battery-operated water meter MAG 8000
Flow Measurement
MAG 8000 for abstraction and distribution network applications (7ME6810)
Flow Measurement
MAG 8000 for abstraction and distribution network applications (7ME6810)
Advanced version
• Battery-powered DN 25 ... 150 (1” ... 6”): 1/15 Hz
(adjustable up to 6.25 Hz; reduced
battery lifetime)
DN 200 … 600 (8” … 24”): 1/30 Hz
(adjustable up to 3.125 Hz;
reduced battery lifetime)
DN 700 ... 1200 (28“ ... 48“):
1/60 Hz
(adjustable up to 1.5625 Hz;
reduced battery lifetime)
• Mains-powered DN 25 ... 150 (1” ... 6”): 6.25 Hz
DN 200 … 600 (8” … 24”): 3
3.125 Hz
DN 700 ... 1200 (28“ ... 48“):
1.5625 Hz
EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501) DN 25 and DN 40 (1" and 1½"):
PN 40 (580 psi)
DN 50 … 150 (2" … 6"):
PN 16 (232 psi)
DN 200 … 1200 (8" … 48"):
PN 10 or PN 16 (145 psi or 232 psi)
ANSI 16.5 Class 150 1” … 24”: 20 bar (290 psi)
AWWA C-207 28" … 48": PN 10 (145 psi)
AS 4087 DN 50 … 1200 (2" … 48"): PN 16
(232 psi)
Liner EPDM
Electrode and grounding Hastelloy C276/2.4819
Grounding straps Grounding straps are premounted
from the factory on each side of the
Has to be ordered with the meter. It is not possible to order the certificate
Including Annex G
Not for sensors with 300 µm coating.
For further information on the PED standard and requirements see page
Flow Measurement
MAG 8000 for abstraction and distribution network applications (7ME6810)
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Article No.
SITRANS F M MAG 8000 water meter 7 ME 6 8 1 0 - SITRANS F M MAG 8000 water meter 7 ME 6 8 1 0 -
77777 - 7777 77777 - 7777
Click on the Article No. for the online configuration Advanced version, remote cables mounted on sensor
in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. with IP68/NEMA 6P plugs:
Diameter • 5 m (16.4 ft) L
• 10 m (32.8 ft) M
DN 25 (1“) 2D • 20 m (65.6 ft) N
DN 40 (1½“) 2R • 30 m (98.4 ft) P
DN 50 (2“) 2Y
Communication interface
DN 65 (2½“) 3F
3 DN 80 (3“)
DN 100 (4“)
No additional "add-on" communication module
Flow Measurement
MAG 8000 for abstraction and distribution network applications (7ME6810)
Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Additional information Additional information
Please add “-Z“ to Article No. and specify Order Please add “-Z“ to Article No. and specify Order
code(s) and plain text. code(s) and plain text.
Certificate G x 1000 L49
Material certificate according to EN 10204-3.1 C121) CF x 1000 L50
AI L51
Special calibration
kI L52
5-point calibration for DN 15 ... DN 2002) D01 BBL42 (US oil barrel, 1 barrel = 42 US gallons) L54
5-point calibration for DN 250 ... DN 6002) D02
5-point calibration for DN 700 ... DN 12002) D03 Pulse set up
Flow Measurement
MAG 8000 CT for revenue and bulk metering (7ME6820)
Flow Measurement
MAG 8000 CT for revenue and bulk metering (7ME6820)
1) Has to be ordered with the meter. It is not possible to order the certificate
Advanced version
• Battery-powered DN 50 ... 150 (2” ... 6”): 1/15 Hz 2)
(adjustable up to 6.25 Hz; reduced Including Annex G
battery lifetime) 3) Not for sensors with 300 µm coating.
DN 200 … 600 (8” … 24”): 1/30 Hz 4) For further information on the PED standard and requirements see page
(adjustable up to 3.125 Hz; 10/15.
reduced battery lifetime)
• Mains-powered DN 50 ... 150 (2” ... 6”): 6.25 Hz
DN 200 … 600 (8” … 24”): 3.125 Hz
EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501) DN 50 … 150 (2" … 6"):
PN 16 (232 psi)
DN 200 … 300 (8" … 12"):
PN 10 or PN 16 3
(145 psi or 232 psi)
up to DN 600 (24") in preparation
ANSI 16.5 Class 150 2” … 12”: 20 bar (290 psi)
up to DN 600 (24") in preparation
AWWA C-207 28" … 48": PN 10 (145 psi)
AS 4087 DN 50 … 300 (2" … 12"):
PN 16 (232 psi)
up to DN 600 (24") in preparation
Liner EPDM
Electrode and grounding Hastelloy C276/2.4819
Grounding straps Grounding straps are premounted
from the factory on each side of the
Cl. II = 5%
Cl. I = 3%
Cl. II = 2%
Cl. I = 1%
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Cl. I / Cl. II = OIML R 49 Class I / Class II
Flow Measurement
MAG 8000 CT for revenue and bulk metering (7ME6820)
MAG 8000 CT (Revenue program) MI-001
MAG 8000 CT program is type approved according to international water meter standard OIML R 49. Since the first November 2006
the MI-001 water meter directive is in force, which means that all water meters can be sold across the EU borders if the water meters
contain a MI-001 label.
The MAG 8000 CT MI-001 verified and labeled products are a Class II aproval according to Directive 2014/32/EU of the
European Parliament and Council of 26 February, 2014 on measuring instruments, Annex VI Thermal Energy Meters (MI-004) in the sizes
from DN 50 to DN 400.
The MID certification is obtained as a B + D module approval according to the above mentioned directive.
Module B : Type approval according to OIML R 49
Module D : Quality insurance approval of production
3 ±E%
Cl. II = 5%
MI-001 verification tolerances
Meter uncertainty: ±0.25 % ±1 mm/s
Cl. II = 2%
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
MAG 8000 CT MI-001 verified and labeled products at a given Q3 and Q4/Q3 = 1.25 and Q2/Q1 = 1.6 measuring ranges see below table:
7ME6820- DN 50 DN 65 DN 80 DN 100 DN 125 DN 150 DN 200 DN 250 DN 300 DN 350 DN 400 DN 450 DN 500 DN 600
xxxx1 (2“) (2½“) (3“) (4“) (5“) (6“) (8“) (10“) (12“) (14“) (16“) (18“) (20“) (24“)
„R“ Q3/Q1 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Q4 [m3/h] 20 31.25 50 78.75 125 200 312.5 500 787.5 1250 1250 1250 2000 3125
Q3 [m3/h] 16 25 40 63 100 160 250 400 630 630 1000 1000 1600 1600
Q2 [m /h] 0.96 1.60 2.60 4.03 6.40 10.24 16 25.60 40.3 64 64 64 102.4 160
Q1 [m3/h] 0.60 1 1.60 2.52 4 6.40 10 16 25.2 40 40 40 64 100
7ME6820- DN 50 DN 65 DN 80 DN 100 DN 125 DN 150 DN 200 DN 250 DN 300 DN 350 DN 400 DN 450 DN 500 DN 600
xxxx2 (2“) (2½“) (3“) (4“) (5“) (6“) (8“) (10“) (12“) (14“) (16“) (18“) (20“) (24“)
„R“ Q3/Q1 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
Q4 [m3/h] 20 31.25 50 78.75 125 200 312.5 500 750 1250 1250 3125 3125 5000
Q3 [m3/h] 16 25 40 63 100 160 250 400 630 1000 1000 2500 2500 4000
Q2 [m3/h] 0.41 0.63 1.02 1.60 2.54 4.06 6.35 10.16 16 25.4 25.4 63.49 63.49 101.6
Q1 [m3/h] 0.25 0.40 0.63 1 1.59 2.54 3.97 6.35 10 15.9 15.9 39.68 39.68 63.49
7ME6820- DN 50 DN 65 DN 80 DN 100 DN 125 DN 150 DN 200 DN 250 DN 300 DN 350 DN 400 DN 450 DN 500 DN 600
xxxx3 (2“) (2½“) (3“) (4“) (5“) (6“) (8“) (10“) (12“) (14“) (16“) (18“) (20“) (24“)
„R“ Q3/Q1 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Q4 [m3/h] 20 31.25 50 78.75 125 200 312.5 500 1250 2000 2000 5000 5000 7875
Q3 [m3/h] 16 25 40 63 100 160 250 400 1000 1600 1600 4000 4000 6300
Q2 [m3/h] 0.32 0.50 0.80 1.20 2 3.20 5 8 20 32 32 80 80 126
Q1 [m3/h] 0.20 0.31 0.50 0.75 1.25 2 3.13 5 12.50 20 20 50 50 78.75
7ME6820- DN 50 DN 65 DN 80 DN 100 DN 125 DN 150 DN 200 DN 250 DN 300 DN 350 DN 400 DN 450 DN 500 DN 600
xxxx4 (2“) (2½“) (3“) (4“) (5“) (6“) (8“) (10“) (12“) (14“) (16“) (18“) (20“) (24“)
„R“ Q3/Q1 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 -
Q4 [m3/h] 50 78.75 125 200 312.5 500 787.5 1250 2000 2000 2000 7875 7875 -
3 -
Q3 [m /h] 40 63 100 160 250 400 630 1000 1600 1600 1600 6300 6300
Q2 [m /h] 0.40 0.63 1 1.60 2.50 4 6.30 10 16 16 16 63 63 -
Q1 [m3/h] 0.25 0.39 0.63 1 1.56 2.50 3.94 6.25 10 10 10 39 39 -
7ME6820- DN 50 DN 65 DN 80 DN 100 DN 125 DN 150 DN 200 DN 250 DN 300 DN 350 DN 400 DN 450 DN 500 DN 600
xxxx5 (2“) (2½“) (3“) (4“) (5“) (6“) (8“) (10“) (12“) (14“) (16“) (18“) (20“) (24“)
„R“ Q3/Q1 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 - - - - -
Q4 [m3/h] 50 78.75 125 200 312.5 500 787.5 1250 2000 - - - - -
Q3 [m3/h] 40 63 100 160 250 400 630 1000 1600 - - - - -
Q2 [m3/h] 0.32 0.50 0.80 1.28 2 3.20 5.04 8 12.8 - - - - -
3 - - - - -
Q1 [m /h] 0.20 0.32 0.50 0.80 1.25 2 3.15 5 8
Flow Measurement
MAG 8000 CT for revenue and bulk metering (7ME6820)
7ME6820- DN 50 DN 65 DN 80 DN 100 DN 125 DN 150 DN 200 DN 250 DN 300 DN 350 DN 400 DN 450 DN 500 DN 600
xxxx6 (2“) (2½“) (3“) (4“) (5“) (6“) (8“) (10“) (12“) (14“) (16“) (18“) (20“) (24“)
„R“ Q3/Q1 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 - - - - - -
Q4 [m3/h] 50 78.75 125 200 312.5 500 787.5 1250 - - - - - -
Q3 [m3/h] 40 63 100 160 250 400 630 1000 - - - - - -
Q2 [m3/h] 0.26 0.40 0.64 1.02 1.60 2.56 4 6.40 - - - - - -
Q1 [m /h] 0.16 0.25 0.40 0.64 1 1.60 2.52 4 - - - - - -
The Label is placed on the side of the encapsulation. MAG 8000 CT (7ME6820) for Fire Service applications
An example of the product label is shown below:
MAG 8000 CT (7ME6820) is FM Fire Service approved for auto-
matic fire protection systems according to the Fire Service Me- 3
ters Standard, Class Number 1044. The approval is applicable
for the sizes DN 50, DN 80, DN 100, DN 150, DN 200, DN 250,
and DN 300 (2", 3", 4", 6", 8", 10", and 12") with ANSI B16.5 Class
150 flanges. The FM Fire Service approved product can be or-
dered via the Z-options P20, P21 and P22.
FM Fire Service verification tolerances
Flow Measurement
MAG 8000 CT for revenue and bulk metering (7ME6820)
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Article No.
MAG 8000 CT water meter with EPDM liner and 7ME 6 8 2 0 - MAG 8000 CT water meter with EPDM liner and 7 ME 6 8 2 0 -
Hastelloy electrodes Hastelloy electrodes
77777 - 7777 77777 - 7777
Click on the Article No. for the online configuration Communication interface
in the PIA Life Cycle Portal. No additional "add-on" communication module installed A
Diameter Serial RS 485 with Modbus RTU B
(Terminated as end device)
DN 50 (2“) 2Y Serial RS 232 with Modbus RTU C
DN 65 (2½“) 3F Encoder interface for ITRON 200WP radio with D
DN 80 (3“) 3M "Sensus" protocol"
3 DN 100 (4“) 3T 3G/UMTS communication module with remote
antenna; 5 m (16.4 ft) cable
DN 125 (5“) 4B
3G/UMTS communication module with analog inputs T
DN 150 (6“) 4H and remote antenna; 5 m (16.4 ft) cable
DN 200 (8“) 4P Power supply
DN 250 (10“) 4V
Internal battery (no battery included) 0
DN 300 (12“) 5D
Internal battery pack installed2) 1
DN 350 (14")1) 5K Power cable (1.5 m (4.9 ft)) with IP68/NEMA 6P plugs 2
DN 400 (16")1) 5R for external battery (no battery included)
DN 450 (18")1) 5Y 12/24 V AC/DC power supply with battery backup and 3
DN 500 (20")1) 6F 3 m (9.8 ft) power cable for external connection (no
battery included)
DN 600 (24")1) 6P 115 ... 230 V AC power supply with battery backup 4
Flange norm and pressure rating and 3 m (9.8 ft) power cable for external connection.
(no battery included)
EN 1092-1
PN 16 C Under preparation.
Lithium batteries are subject to special transportation regulations accord-
ANSI B16.5 ing to United Nations "Regulation of Dangerous Goods, UN 3090 and
Class 150 J UN 3091". Special transport documentation is required to observe these
regulations. This may influence both transport time and costs.
AS4087 3)
For more details and references of the ranges please see the tables on
PN 16 N
pages 3/125 to 3/127.
Sensor version 4)
Standard calibration or according to FM Fire Service requirements if P20,
EPDM liner and Hastelloy electrodes, 0 P21 or P22 is selected as Z option.
150 µm coating
EPDM liner and Hastelloy electrodes, 4 Operating instructions for SITRANS F M MAG 8000
300 µm coating
Description Article No.
• English A5E03071515
Without verification according to OIML R 494) 0
MI-001 Q3/Q1 = 25 1 • German A5E00740986
MI-001 Q3/Q1 = 63 2 All literature is available to download for free, in a range of languages, at
MI-001 Q3/Q1 = 80 3
MI-001 Q3/Q1 = 160 4
MI-001 Q3/Q1 = 200 5
Operating instructions for MAG 8000 3G/UMTS communica-
tion module
MI-001 Q3/Q1 = 250 6
Without verification calibrated to OIML R 49-Class II 7 Description Article No.
(Q3/Q1 = 100)
• English A5E03644134
Without verification calibrated to OIML R 49-Class II 8
(Q3/Q1 = 250)
Region version
Europe (m3, m3/h, 50 Hz) 1
USA (m3, m3/h, 60 Hz) 2
Transmitter type and installation
Basic version integral on sensor A
Basic version, remote cables mounted on sensor with
IP68/NEMA 6P plugs
5 m (16.4 ft) B
10 m (32.8 ft) C
20 m (65.6 ft) D
30 m (98.4 ft) E
Advanced version integral on sensor K
Advanced version, remote cables mounted on sensor
with IP68/NEMA 6P plugs
5 m (16.4 ft) L
10 m (32.8 ft) M
20 m (65.6 ft) N
30 m (98.4 ft) P
Flow Measurement
MAG 8000 CT for revenue and bulk metering (7ME6820)
Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Additional information Additional information
Please add “-Z“ to Article No. and specify Order Please add “-Z“ to Article No. and specify Order
code(s) and plain text. code(s) and plain text.
Material certificate according to EN 10204-3.1 C121) Region/customer specific label
FP2E marking (France only) C17 KCC label (South Korea) W28
FP2E label (France) H20
Totalizer DIN 43863 label1) H21
Volume calculation (default totalizer 1= forward and
totalizer 2 = reverse) DIN 43863 label with SWM mark1) H22
Totalizer 1 = RV, reverse flow L20 Under preparation
Totalizer 1 = NET, net flow
Totalizer 2 = FW, forward flow
Pulse width = 10 ms
Totalizer 2 = NET, net flow L31
Pulse set up
(default pulse A = forward and pulse B = Alarm,
pulse width = 50 ms)
A function = RV, reverse flow L62
A function = FWnet, forward net flow L63
A function = RVnet, reverse net flow L64
A function = Off L65
Volume per pulse A = x 0.0012) L71
Volume per pulse A = x 0.012) L72
Volume per pulse A = x 0.12) L73
Volume per pulse A = x 12) L74
B function = FW, forward flow L80
B function = RV, reverse flow L81
B function = FWnet, forward net flow L82
B function = RVnet, reverse net flow L83
B function = Alarm L84
B function = Call up L85
Volume per pulse B = x 0.0012) L91
Volume per pulse B = x 0.012) L92
Volume per pulse B = x 0.12) L93
Volume per pulse B = x 12) L94
Data logger set up (default month logging)
DataloggerInterval = Daily M31
DataloggerInterval = Weekly M32
Factory mounted cables
5 m (16.4 ft) pulse cable A+B M81
5 m (16.4 ft) communication cable RS 232/RS 485 M82
terminated as end device
20 m (65.6 ft) pulse cable A+B M84
20 m (65.6 ft) communication cable RS 232/RS 485 M85
terminated as end device
Cello 2 channel, input cable 3 m (9.84 ft) with M87
Brad Harrison micro-change 3 way connector
Cello 2 channel, input cable 5 m (16.4 ft) with M89
MIL-C-26482 spec. connectors
5 ft. Encoder interface cable with connector for M91
ITRON 200WP radio
25 ft. Encoder interface cable with connector for M90
ITRON 200WP radio
SOFREL cable 2 m for LS42 data logger M92
SOFREL cable 2 m for LS-Flow data logger M97
FM Fire Service Approval
(with ANSI B16.5 Class 150 flanges)
DN 50, DN 80 and DN 100 (2“, 3" and 4") P20
DN 150 and DN 200 (6" and 8") P21
DN 250 and DN 300 (10" and 12") P22
Flow Measurement
MAG 8000 for irrigation applications (7ME6880)
■ Overview Temperature
Ambient -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
Media 0 ... 70 °C (32 ... 158 °F)
Storage -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
Enclosure rating
Remote sensor IP68 to EN 60529/NEMA 6P,
10 mH2O cont.
Compact version IP68 to EN 60529/NEMA 6P,
3 mH2O for six months
3 Approvals
Drinking water approvals • ANSI/NSF 611) (cold water) USA
• WRAS (BS 6920 cold water) UK
Custody transfer approval NMI M 10 Australia
(DN 50 to DN 1200)
Sensor material Carbon steel ASTM A 105, with cor-
rosion resistant two-component
epoxy coating (150 µm/300 µm)
Corrosivity category C4M, accord-
ing to ISO 12944
■ Benefits Conformity IEC/EN 61326
• IP68/NEMA 6P rating with tamper proof
• Flexible power supply - internal or external battery pack or
mains power supply with battery back-up possibilities EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501) PN 10 DN 50 ... 600 (2" ... 24")
drilled pattern (max. pressure 7 bar (101.5 psi))
• No moving parts in a robust construction means less wear and
tear ANSI 16.5 Class 150 drilled pattern 2" ... 24"
(max. pressure 7 bar (101.5 psi))
• Up to 8 years maintenance-free operation in typical applica-
tion AS 2091-1 Table D drilled pattern DN 50 ... 600 (2" ... 24")
(max. pressure 7 bar (101.5 psi))
• Connectable to AMR systems
AS 2129 Table E DN 25, DN 40, DN 125 (1", 1½", 5")
• Adaptor for conduit installation to provide a clean, protected
pathway for device cables AS 4087 PN 16 DN 50 ... DN 1200 (2" ... 48")
Excitation frequency
■ Technical specifications Battery-powered DN 50 … 600 (2” … 24”): 1/15 Hz
Meter DN 700 … 1200 (28” … 48”):
1/60 Hz
Accuracy ± 0.8 % ± 2.5 mm/s
± 0.4 % ± 2.5 mm/s Mains-powered DN 50 … 600 (2” … 24”): 3.125 Hz
NMI (class 2.5) DN 700 … 1200 (28” … 48”):
Low flow cut-off (default) 1.0 % 1.5625 Hz
Media conductivity Clean water > 20 µs/cm Liner Ebonite
Electrodes Stainless steel AISI 316Ti/1.4571
Including Annex G
7ME6880 DN 400 DN 450 DN 500 DN 600 DN 700 DN 750 DN 800 DN 900 DN 1000 DN 1050 DN 1100 DN 1200
(16“) (18“) (20“) (24“) (28“) (30“) (32“) (36“) (40“) (42“) (44“) (48“)
„R“ Q3/Q1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Q4 [m3/h] 2125 2250 2250 2250 4375 4375 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
Q3 [m3/h] 1700 1800 1800 1800 3500 3500 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
Q1 [m3/h] 170 180 180 180 350 350 400 400 400 400 400 400
Flow Measurement
MAG 8000 for irrigation applications (7ME6880)
Selection and Ordering data Article No. Selection and Ordering data Article No.
SITRANS F M MAG 8000 water meter 7 ME 6 8 8 0 - SITRANS F M MAG 8000 water meter 7 ME 6 8 8 0 -
including factory-mounted grounding rings including factory-mounted grounding rings
77777 - 7777 77777 - 7777
Click on the Article No. for the online configuration Communication interface
in the PIA Life Cycle Portal.
No additional "add-on" communication module A
Diameter installed
DN 25 (1“) 2D Serial RS 485 with Modbus RTU B
(Terminated as end device)
DN 40 (1½“) 2R
Serial RS 232 with Modbus RTU C
DN 50 (2“) 2Y
Encoder inferface D
DN 65 (2½“) 3F 3G/UMTS communication module with remote S
DN 80 (3“) 3M antenna and 5 m (16.4 ft) cable 3
DN 100 (4“) 3T 3G/UMTS communication module with analog input, T
remote antenna and 5 m (16.4 ft) cable
DN 125 (5“) 4B
DN 150 (6“) 4H Power supply
DN 200 (8“) 4P Internal battery (no battery included) 0
DN 250 (10“) 4V Internal battery pack installed 2 D-cell1) 2) 1
DN 300 (12“) 5D Power cable (1.5 m (4.9 ft)) with IP68/NEMA 6P plugs 2
DN 350 (14“) 5K for external battery (no battery included)
Flow Measurement
MAG 8000 for irrigation applications (7ME6880)
Selection and Ordering data Order code Selection and Ordering data Order code
Additional information Additional information
Please add “-Z“ to Article No. and specify Order Please add “-Z“ to Article No. and specify Order
code(s) and plain text. code(s) and plain text.
Flow unit Volume per pulse B = x 0.00011) L90
Volume per pulse B = x 0.0011) L91
l/s L00
Volume per pulse B = x 0.011) L92
CFS L02 Volume per pulse B = x 0.11) L93
Volume per pulse B = x 11) L94
l/min L03
m3/min L04 Device operation
3 GPM L05 Only operator menu activated M11
CFM L06 Data logger set up (default month logging)
l/h L07
DataloggerInterval = Daily M31
m3/h L08
DataloggerInterval = Weekly M32
Factory mounted cables
GPS L11 5 m (16.4 ft) pulse cable A+B M81
5 m (16.4 ft) communication cable RS 232/RS 485 M82
Ml/d L12 terminated as end device
m3/d L13
20 m (65.6 ft) pulse cable A+B M84
20 m (65.6 ft) communication cable RS 232/RS 485 M85
Totalizer terminated as end device
Volume calculation (default totalizer 1= forward and Cello 2 channel, input cable 3 m (9.84 ft) with M87
totalizer 2 = reverse) Brad Harrison micro-change 3 way connector
Totalizer 1 = RV, reverse flow L20 Cello 2 channel, input cable 5 m (16.4 ft) with M89
Totalizer 1 = NET, net flow L22 MIL-C-26482 spec. connectors
Totalizer 2 = FW, forward flow L30 5 ft Encoder interface cable with connector for M91
ITRON 200WP radio
Totalizer 2 = NET, net flow L31
25 ft Encoder interface cable with connector for M90
Volume unit ITRON 200WP radio
m3 L40 SOFREL cable 2 m for LS42 data logger M92
Ml L41 SOFREL cable 2 m for LS-Flow data logger M97
G L42 Adaptors for conduit installation M94
AF L43 Pulse width = 10 ms
l x 100 L44
m3 x 100 L45
G x 100 L46
CF x 100 L47
MG L48
G x 1000 L49
CF x 1000 L50
AI L51
kI L52
Pulse set up
(default pulse A = forward and pulse B = Alarm,
pulse width = 50 ms)
A function = RV, reverse flow L62
A function = FWnet, forward net flow L63
A function = RVnet, reverse net flow L64
A function = Off L65
Volume per pulse A = x 0.00011) L70
Volume per pulse A = x 0.0011) L71
Volume per pulse A = x 0.011) L72
Volume per pulse A = x 0.11) L73
Volume per pulse A = x 11) L74
Pulse A pulse width 5 ms (volume per pulse x 1) L75
Pulse A pulse width 10 ms (volume per pulse x 1) L76
Pulse A pulse width 50 ms (volume per pulse x 1) L77
Pulse A pulse width 100 ms (volume per pulse x 1) L78
Pulse A pulse width 500 ms (volume per pulse x 1) L79
B function = FW, forward flow L80
B function = RV, verse flow L81
B function = FWnet, forward net flow L82
B function = RVnet, reverse net flow L83
B function = Alarm L84
B function = Call up L85
Flow Measurement
Battery-operated water meter MAG 8000
■ Dimensional drawings
133 (5.24) 161 (6.34) 161 (6.34) 161 (6.34)
115 (4.53) 155 (6.10) 155 (6.10) 155 (6.10)
84 (3.31)
7ME6810/7ME6820 DN 25 and 40 (1" and 1½") DN 50 ... 300 (2" ... 12") DN 350 ... 1200 (14" ... 48")
Dimensions in mm (inch)
Nominal DN size A L, lenghts1) Weight2)
EPDM EN 1092-1 EN 1092-1 EN 1092-1 ANSI 16.5 AS 4087 AWWA C-207 AS 2129
(7ME6810 and PN 10 PN 16/ PN 40 Class 150 PN 16 Class D Table E
7ME6820) PN 16 non-PED
mm (inch) mm (inch) mm mm mm inch mm mm mm kg lb
25 (1) 188 (7.4) - - 200 7.9 200 - 200 6 13
40 (1½) 203 (8.0) - - 200 7.9 200 - 200 9 20
50 (2) 178 (7.0) - 200 - 7.9 200 - - 11 25
65 (2½) 181 (7.1) - 200 - 7.9 200 - - 13 29
80 (3) 191 (7.5) - 200 - 7.9 200 - - 15 34
100 (4) 197 (7.8) - 250 - 9.8 250 - - 17 38
125 (5) 210 (8.3) - 250 - 9.8 250 - 250 22 50
150 (6) 224 (8.8) - 300 - 11.8 300 - - 28 63
200 (8) 249 (9.8) 350 350 - 13.8 350 - - 50 113
250 (10) 276 (10.9) 450 450 - 17.7 450 - - 71 160
300 (12) 303 (11.9) 500 500 - 19.7 500 - - 88 198
350 (14) 365 (14.4) 550 550 - 21.7 550 - - 127 279
400 (16) 391 (15.4) 600 600 - 23.6 600 - - 145 318
450 (18) 421 (16.6) 600 600 - 23.6 600 - - 175 384
500 (20) 447 (17.6) 600 600 - 26.8 600 - - 225 494
600 (24) 497 (19.6) 600 600 - 32.3 600 - - 340 747
700 (28) 548 (21.6) 700 875/700 - N/A 700 700 - 316 694
750 (30) 573 (22.6) N/A N/A - N/A N/A 750 - N/A N/A
800 (32) 603 (23.7) 800 1000/800 - N/A 800 800 - 398 1045
900 (36) 656 (25.8) 900 1125/900 - N/A 900 900 - 476 1045
1000 (40) 708 (27.9) 1000 1250/1000 - N/A 1000 1000 - 602 1322
1050 (42) 708 (27.9) N/A N/A - N/A N/A 1050 - N/A N/A
1100 (44) 759 (29.9) N/A N/A - N/A N/A 1100 - N/A N/A
1200 (48) 814 (32.0) 1200 1500/1200 - N/A 1200 1200 - 887 1996
Tolerances on built-in length:
DN 15 to DN 200 (½" to 8"): +0/-3 mm (+0/-0.12"), DN 250 to DN 400 (10" to 16"): +0/-5 mm (+0/-0.20"),
DN 450 to DN 600 (18" to 24"): +5/-5 mm (+0.20/-0.20"), DN 700 to DN 1200 (28" to 48"): +10/-10 mm (+0.39/-0.39")
2) For remote version the sensor weight is reduced with 2 kg (4.5 lb)
Flow Measurement
Battery-operated water meter MAG 8000
Remote version
13 (0.51)
164 (6.46)
Ø8 (0.31)
120 (4.72)
Ø8 (0.31)
75 (2.95)
10 (0.39)
Ø6.5 (0.26)
12.4 (0.49)
Ø12 (0.47)
189 (7.44)
18.5 (0.73)
Dimensions in mm (inch) for grounding rings MAG 8000 with EPDM lining
(7ME6810 and 7ME6820) DN 25 to DN 300
76.5 (3.01) 47 (1.85)
Dimension Internal Outside h
diameter (d) diameter (D)
Dimensions in mm (inch), weight 2.0 kg (4.5 lb)
DN 25 27 68 143
Battery pack has to be mounted in upwards position to ensure
maximum battery capacity. DN 40 38 88 163
DN 50 52 100 175
DN 65 64 120 195
DN 80 79 133 208
DN 100 95 158 233
DN 125 115 188 263
DN 150 145 216 291
DN 200 193 268 343
DN 250 246 324 399
DN 300 295 374 449
Flow Measurement
Battery-operated water meter MAG 8000
Electrical installation of 3G/UMTS module
■ Schematics
Electrical installation and pulse output – Connection diagram
92 56 Output A
Module 087L4101 002900N423 57
interface 66 2
94 Output B
(option) 67
- 4
+ 3.6 V DC
V 3
1 SIM card slot
2 3G/UMTS antenna connector
3 Analog inputs inlet
4 Rechargeable battery inlet
Positive logic
Passive output V
Open-Drain 0V
< 50 mA
Output A +
56 V ≤ 35 V DC
- Signal
57 R
Negative logic
66 V
67 0V
Output B
V ≤ 35 V DC
< 50 mA R
+ Signal
- -