Question Bank Unit I

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J D COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, Nagpur Question Bank No.

1 Subject : Digital Communication Sem/Branch:- 7th sem ETC & EN Date of Display: 13-06-2011 UNIT - I DIGITAL MODULATION
1. Discuss PCM system. Give the expression for signal to quantization noise ratio for PCM system. Hence prove that (S/N) dB = (4.8+6V ) dB. 2. Draw and explain the block diagram of PCM system.also derive expression for SNR of PCM system. 3. Explain in detail the coherent binary FSK technique. Also find the probability of error expressions. 4. a) Explain concept of Delta modulation. Also derive the expression for signal to noise ratio b) In a single integration delta modulation system,the voice signal is sampled at a rate of 64 khz.the maximum signal amplitude Amax = 1 V i) Determine the minimum value of step size to avoid slope overload error. ii) Determine the granular noise power if the voice signal bandwidth is 3.5 khz iii) Assuming that the voice signal is sinusoids determine the output signal power and SNR. iv) Determine the minimum transmission bandwidth. 5. The bit stream 11011100101 is to be transmitted using DPSK .Determine the encoded sequence and the transmitted phase sequence. Also find the demodulated signal. 6. What are the noise present in Delta modulation.explain them in detail and how it is overcome. 7. Explain the quantization error and derive an expression for maximum signal to noise ratio in PCM system that uses linear quantization. 8. Explain non uniform quantization.. 9. What are the different types of Quantizer 10.Explain DPSK with transmitter and receiver block diagram 11.A compact disc records audio signal digitally using PCM The audio signal bandwidth is 15 khz, i) What is nyquist rate. ii) If quantization levels are 65536, determine the number of binary digits required to encode the samples. iii) Determine the number of bits/sec required to encode on audio signal. iv) Practicals CDs use 44100 samples per second , If quantization level are same again, determine the number of bits per second required to encode the samples. v) What is SNR ? 12. Explain QPSK system in detail. 13. Differentiate between QPSK and MSK. 14. Explain with all details , the difference between PCM and DPCM. 15.Draw block diagram of transmitter and receiver of MSK and explain it in detail. 16. Explain in detail with derivation coherent binary PSK. Also explain block diagram of transmitter and receiver.

17.A binary ASK system for equally probable message signal uses 100 usec bit and channel has NO =1.1338x10-5 W Hz., Find peak transmitter pulse amplitude to have probability of error = 2.055x10-5. . What is peak signal to noise ratio. 18. Show that for a matched filter the maximum signal component offers at t = T and has magnitude E i.e. energy of the signal X(t) . 19. Explain the concept of matched filter and explain its different properties 20. Show that the impulse response of a matched filter is a time reversed and delayed version of the input signal 21. Explain the concept of matched filter receiver also calculate value of maximum SNR.

Subject Teacher HOD(EN/ETC)

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