Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course Requirements

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This work shall consist of furnishing aggregates and asphalt binder at a

central mixing plant, to a specified mixing temperature, transporting,
spreading and compacting the mixture in an approved manner on primed or
tacked base, subbase, subgrade, bridge deck or concrete pavement in
accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades
and typical cross-sections shown in the drawings or as directed by the


305.2.1 Mineral Aggregates

The Aggregates shall consist of coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and

fitter material, if required and shall be clean, hard, tough, durable and sound
particles of uniform quality, geology, petrology and free from decomposed
material, vegetable matter, soil, clay, lumps and other deleterious

Coarse aggregate which is the material retained on an AASHTO No. 4

Sieve, shall consist of one hundred (100) % crushed rock or crushed gravel
having two (2) faces mechanically crushed. The type of source shall be
uniform throughout the quarry location from where such a material is
obtained. The coarse aggregates shall be free fro" an excess of flat or/and
elongated particles.

Fine aggregate which is the material passing from AASHTO No. 4 sieve, shall
consist of 100% crushed material from rock or boulder. Fine aggregate
shall be stored separately, and no natural sand will be allowed in the mix.

When the combined grading of the coarse and fine aggregates is deficient in
material passing the AASHTO No. 200 sieve, mineral filler material shall be
added as approved by the Engineer. The filler shall consist of finely divided
mineral matter such as rock dust, hydrated lime, hydraulic, calcined dust
cement or other suitable mineral matter free from lumps, balls or other
deleterious material and shall conform to the following gradation:

Sieve Designation
Percent Passing by Weight
mm Inch

0.600 No.30 100

0.300 No.50 95-100

0.075 No.200 70-100

The coarse and fine aggregates shall meet the following requirements:

a) The percent of wear by the Los Angeles Abrasion test (AASHTO

T 96) shall not be more than thirty (30).

b) The loss when subjected to five cycles of the Sodium Sulphate

Soundness test (AASHTO T 104) shall be less than twelve (12)

c) The Sand Equivalent (AASHTO T 176) determined after all

processing except for addition of asphalt cement shall not be less
than 45.

d) All aggregates shall have a liquid limit of not more than twenty
five (25) and a Plasticity Index of not more than four (4) as
determined by AASHTO T-89 and T-90.

e) The portion of aggregates retained on the 9.5 mm (3/8 inch)

sieve shall not contain more than 10 percent by weight of flat
and/or elongated particles (ratio of maximum to minimum
dimension = 2.5:1).

f) Stripping test shall be performed on crush aggregates as

described under AASHTO-182 and only that material shall be
allowed which qualifies the test.

g) The coarse aggregates shall be checked if desired by the

Engineer for cationic and anionic behaviour so that their affinity
with the bitumen to be used is verified.

h) Petrographic examination of the coarse aggregate shall be

conducted if so directed by the Engineer.

The percentage of particles having certain proportions between their largest

and smallest dimensions (i.e. between the largest distance the particles can
fill out between two parallel planes that will permit the particle to pass), shall
be determined in the following way:

i. Form a sample of coarse aggregates, all particles passing No. 4

sieve are eliminated. The sample shall be of sufficient quantity
that at least 100 particles remain.

ii. By means of a sliding calliper, the largest and smallest

dimensions, as defined above, are determined for each particle
and its proportion calculated (with one decimal).

iii. The total weights of particles having the proportions two and a
half (2.5) or less and three (3) or less, are determined and their
percentage in relation to the total sample are calculated.

305.2.2 Asphaltic Material

Asphaltic binder to be mixed with the aggregate to produce asphaltic base

shall be asphalt cement penetration grade 40-50, 60-70 or 80-100 as
specified by the Engineer. Generally it will meet the requirement of AASHTO

305.2.3 Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course Mixture

The composition of the asphaltic concrete paving mixture for wearing course
shall conform to Class A and/or Class B shown in the following table:

Table 305-1
Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course Requirements

Mix Designation Class A Class B

Compacted Thickness 50-80 mm 35-60 mm

Combined Aggregate Grading Requirements

Sieve Designation
Percent Passing by Weight
Mm Inch
25 1 100 -
19 3/4 90-100 100
12.5 1/2 - 75-90
9.5 3/8 56-70 60-80
4.75 No.4 35-50 40-60
2.38 No.8 23-35 20-40
1.18 No.16 5-12 5-15
0.075 No.200 2-8 3-8

Asphalt Content weight

percent of total mix 3.5 (Min.) 3.5 (Min.)

The asphalt concrete wearing course mixture shall meet the following
Marshal Test Criteria:

Compaction, number of blows 75

each end of specimen

Stability 1000 Kg (Min)

Flow, 0.25 mm (0.01 inch) 8-14

Percent air voids in mix 4-7

Percent voids in mineral aggregates according to table 5.3 MS-2

(Asphalt Institute - USA ), sixth
addition, 1993.

Loss of Stability 20% (Max.)

305.2.4 Job Mix Formula

At least one week prior to production, a Job-Mix Formula (JMF) for the
asphaltic wearing course mixture or mixtures to be used for the project, shall
be established jointly by the Engineer and the Contractor.

The J MF shall be established by Marshall Method of Mix Design according to

the procedure prescribed in the Asphalt Institute Manual Series No. 2
(MS-2), sixth edition 1993 or the latest Edition.

The JMF, with the allowable tolerances, shall be within the master range
specified in Table 305-1. Each JMF shall indicate a single percentage of
aggregate passing each required sieve and a single percentage of bitumen
to be added to the aggregates.

The ratio of weight of filler (Passing No. 200) to that of asphalt shall range
between 1 - 1.5 for hot climate areas with temperature more than 40 oC.

After the JMF is established, all mixtures furnished for the project
represented by samples taken from the asphalt plant during operation, shall
conform thereto with the following ranges of tolerances:

Combined aggregates -gradation

Retained No. 4 and larger 7.0%

Passing No. 4 to No. 100 sieves 4.0%
Passing No. 200 1.0%

Asphalt Content

Weight percent of total mix 0.3%

In addition to meeting the requirements specified in the preceding items, the

mixture as established by the JMF shall also satisfy the following physical

Loss of Marshall Stability by immersion of specimen in water at sixty (60)

degree C. for twenty four (24) hours as compared with the stability measured
after immersion in water at sixty (60) degree C. for twenty (20) minutes shall
not exceed twenty (20) percent. If the mixture fails to meet this criterion, the
JMF shall be modified or an anti-stripping agent shall be used.

Should a change of sources of materials be made a new Job Mix Formula

shall be established before the new material is used. When unsatisfactory
results or other conditions make it necessary, a new Job Mix Formula will be


Construction requirements for this Item shall conform with the same as
specified for Asphaltic Concrete Base Course Plant Mix under Item 203.3,
except as modified in the following sub-items.

305.3.1 Preparation of Base Course Surface

Before spreading materials, the surface of the previously constructed and

accepted base course on which the mix is to be placed shall be conditioned
by application of a tack coat, if directed by the Engineer

305.3.2 Pavement Thickness and Tolerances

The asphalt concrete wearing course shall be compacted to the desired level
and cross slope as shown on the drawing or as directed by the Engineer.

The tolerances in compacted thickness of the wearing course shall be

3mm from the desired thickness shown on the drawings. For determination
of thickness one (1) core per hundred meters of each lane will be taken. If
the thickness so determined is deficient by more than three (3) mm, but not
more than ten (10) mm, payment will be made at an adjusted price as
specified in table-1, clause 305.4.2.(2) of this specification.

The surface of the wearing course shall be tested by the Engineer using a
5 meters straightedge at selected locations. The variation of the surface
from the testing edge of the straightedge between any two contacts,
longitudinal or transverse with the surface shall at no point exceed five (5)
millimeters. The cross fall (camber) shall be with + 0.2 percent of that
specified, and the level at any point shall be within + three (3) mm of the
level shown on the Drawings. All humps or depressions exceeding the
specified tolerance shall be corrected by removing the defective work and
replacing it with new material, by overlaying, or by other means satisfactory
to the Engineer.

305.3.3 Acceptance Sampling and Testing

Acceptance of sampling and testing for this Item with respect to materials
and construction requirements, not specified herein, shall be in accordance
with the relevant, Tables for Sampling and Testing Frequency" in these


305.4.1 Measurement

The quantities of Asphaltic wearing course shall be measured by volume in

CM. laid and compacted in place. Measurements shall be based on the
dimension as shown on plans or as otherwise directed or authorized by the
Engineer. A tolerance of + three (3) mm shall be allowed in compacted
thickness of wearing course. However, any asphalt in excess of 3 mm shall
not be paid and any layer deficient by more than 3 mm but not exceeding 10
mm shall be paid as per clause 305.4.2 (2) of this specification.

The quantity of bitumen material used is included in the asphalt concrete

mixture and will not be measured separately.

Quantities of Bitumen or asphaltic concrete wasted or remaining on hand
after completion of the work shall not be measured or paid for.

305.4.2 Payment

1) The quantity determined as provided above shall be paid for at the

contract unit price respectively for each of the particular pay items listed
below and shown in the Bill of Quantities , which prices and payment
shall constitute full compensation for all the costs necessary for the
proper completion of the work prescribed in this item. Asphalt additive or
antistripping agent, if allowed and used to meet with JMF requirement
shall not be paid directly, payment shall be deemed to be included in the
respective pay items of Asphaltic wearing course.

2) Price adjustment. If the thickness determined as per clause 305.3.2 of

this specification is deficient by more than three (3) mm, but not more
than ten (10) mm, payment will be made at an adjusted price as specified
in table-1 below:-

Table - 1

Deficiency in thickness as determined Proportional Rate of contract

by cores Price allowed
0.0 mm to 3.0 mm 100%
3.1 mm to 50.0 mm 90%
5.1 mm to 10.0 mm 80%

When wearing course is more than ten (10) mm deficient in thickness,

the contractor shall remove such deficient areas and replace them with
wearing course of an approved quality and thickness or the contractor
may opt to place an additional layer of wearing course asphalt, grading
with a minimum thickness of 35 mm. The contractor will receive no
compensation for the above additional work.

Alternately, the Contractor may choose to overlay the area in a thickness

of 30 mm (min.) with smooth transition as approved by the Engineer on
either side with no extra compensation.

Pay Item Description Unit of

No. Measurement

305a Asphaltic Concrete for

Wearing Course (Class A) CM

305 b Asphaltic Concrete for

Wearing Course (Class B) CM


SECTION - 7420



The work under this section of specifications includes furnishing all labour, plant,
equipment, appliances and materials and performing all operations in connection with
supply, manufacture, mixing, transporting, placing, rolling, compacting etc. of
Bituminous Paving in accordance with this section of specifications, and the applicable
drawings and subject to the terms and conditions of the Contract or as directed by the


2.1 Bituminous Prime Coat

This work shall consist of applying a liquid asphalt prime coat on previously
constructed base in accordance with the specifications, and in conformity with
the lines shown on the plans or established by the Engineer.

2.2 Bituminous Binder Course

This work shall consist of aggregate and bituminous material mixed in a

central plant, and spread and compacted on an approved, primed base course
in accordance with the specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades,
thickness and typical cross sections shown on the plans or established by the

2.3 Bituminous Tack Coat

The bituminous tack coat (liquid asphalt) shall be applied on bituminous binder
course as shown on the plans and in accordance with specified requirements.

2.4 Bituminous Wearing Course

This work shall consist of the construction of bituminous concrete wearing

course on an approved tack coat in accordance with the specifications and in
conformity with the lines, grades, thickness and typical cross sections shown
on the plans or established by the Engineer.

The Bituminous Wearing Course work shall consist of hot-mixed, hot-laid,

bituminous spread and compacted mixture to the requirements of this section,
in conformity with the lines, grades and typical cross sections shown in the


3.1 Bituminous Prime Coat

The prime coat shall be medium-curing cutback asphalt consisting of an

asphaltic base fluxed with suitable petroleum distillates. The product shall be
free of water, show no separation prior to use and shall conform to all
requirements of Grade MC-1 as given in Table 3 of this section.

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course


3.2 Bituminous Binder Course

A. Aggregates

Aggregates for "Bituminous Binder Course" shall consist of coarse

aggregates, fine aggregates, and filler material, if required, all
complying with the following requirements:

a) Coarse aggregate which is the material retained on an

AASHTO No. 4 sieve, shall consist of crushed rock or crushed
gravel. It shall be clean, hard, tough, durable and sound, and
shall be of uniform quality and free from decomposed stone,
organic matter, shale, clay, lumps and other deleterious

The coarse aggregate shall be free from excess of flat

elongated pieces (in no case more than ten (10) percent) and
shall be of such character that when coated with asphalt shall
pass a stripping test performed in accordance with AASHTO T

Crushed gravel for use as coarse aggregate shall consist of

the product obtained by crushing material that has first been
screened in such a manner that not less than ninety (90)
percent of the material to be crushed is retained on a standard
AASHTO No. 3/8 inch sieve.

The amount of crushing of gravel shall be regulated so that at

least ninety (90) percent by weight of the material retained on
an AASHTO No. 4 sieve shall consist of pieces with at least
two (2) mechanically fractured face, and when tested for
stability of bituminous mix shows satisfactory stability. Coarse
aggregate used for "Bituminous Binder Course" only, may be
uncrushed angular material which meets the angular and
other requirements herein.

b) Fine aggregates shall consist of that portion of the total

aggregate that passes a standard AASHTO No. 4 sieve. Fine
aggregate obtained by crushing gravel shall be produced as
specified in subparagraph A (a), and after crushing at least
eighty-five (85) percent by weight of the material passing the
AASHTO No. 4 sieve and retained on the AASHTO No. 8
sieve shall consist of pieces having at least one (1)
mechanical fractured face. Should natural material passing
the AASHTO No. 4 sieve be included in the mixture, this
material shall be fed to the dryer as a separate aggregate and
the amount used shall be so limited that the mixture of fine
aggregates will contain not less than twenty-five (25) percent
by weight of the crushed aggregates.

c) When the combined grading of the coarse and fine

aggregates is deficient in material passing the AASHTO No.
200 sieve, additional mineral filler conforming to ASTM D-242
shall be added as approved by the Engineer.

d) The combined mineral aggregate shall meet the quality

requirements specified in section 2410 "Aggregate Base
Course" and in addition shall conform to the following physical

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course


Sand Equivalent
(AASHTO T 176) determined after
all processing minimum except
for addition of asphalt binder: 45 minimum

Plasticity Index (AASHTO T 90) 4 maximum

Loss by Abrasion (AASHTO T 96) 30

Loss of Marshall Stability by

submerging specimens in water
at 60oC for twenty four (24) hours
as compared to stability measured
after submersion in water at 60 oC
for twenty (20) minutes: 25% maximum

When tested according to AASHTO T 11 and AASHTO T 27,

the combined mineral aggregate shall conform to the following


Percentage by Weight
Sieve Size 1-1/4"max 1"max 3/4"max
1-1/4 in. (30.0 mm) 100 - - -

1 in. (24.0 mm) 86-98 100 - -

3/4 in. (19.0 mm) 68-93 76-98 100 -
1/2 in. (12.5 mm) 57-81 66-86 79-99 100
3/8 in. (9.5 mm) 49-69 57-77 68-88 79-
No. 4 (4.75 mm) 34-54 40-60 48-68 58-
No. 8 (2.36 mm) 22-42 26-46 33-53 39-
No. 16 (1.18 mm) 13-33 17-37 20-40 26-
No. 30 (0.600 mm) 8-24 11-27 14-30 19-
No. 50 (0.300 mm) 6-18 7-19 9-21 12-
No. 100 (0.150 mm) 4-12 6-16 6-16 7-17
No. 200 (0.075 mm) 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-6
Asphalt percent min: 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.5

The grading limits specified are based on materials of uniform specific

gravity and shall be adjusted by the Engineer to compensate for any
variations in specific gravity of the individual sizes. The grading may
be varied by the Engineer on the basis of Marshall Tests to obtain
optimum stability and life of the completed "Bituminous Binder
Course" mix.

e) Frequency of testing of aggregate shall be as per clause 3.4

(a) of specification section 2300.

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course


B. Asphalts

Asphalt for Bituminous Binder Course shall be petroleum asphalt

cement, grade 60-70 penetration, conforming to the requirements in
table 1.

C. Job-Mix

At least thirty (30) days prior to the date the Contractor intends to
begin production of plant mix. "Bituminous Binder Course" mixtures
and after receiving approval of the aggregates from the Engineer and
after the delivery, on site, of the asphalt specified for "Bituminous
BINDER Course", the Contractor shall make written request for the
approved job-mix. formula from the Engineer.

The Job-mix formula will be prepared by the Contractor, under the

supervision of the Engineer, in the Project Laboratory.

The job mix formula shall combine the aggregates and bitumen in
such proportion as to produce a mixture conforming the following
composition limits by weight.

Total Mineral Aggregates 95.5 - 93

Asphaltic Binder 4 .5 - 7

When tested according to the Marshall Method, the bituminous

mixture shall conform to the following requirements:

Stability (kgs) 1200 minimum

Flow (mm) 2.0 - 4.0
Voids in total mix (percent) 3.0 - 7.0
Voids filled with asphalt (percent) 60 - 70
Voids in mineral aggregate (percent) refer to MS-2 latest
All trial mixes shall be prepared by the Contractor in the presence of
the Engineer and will be tested by the Engineer.

The Marshall Test procedure will be used to determine the percentage

of liquid asphalt that is to be incorporated into the mixture. Open
bituminous mixes deteriorate rapidly due to the drying and oxidizing
effect of the sun, therefore, the mix will be densely graded and
relatively on the high side in fines. For the same reasons, a low
asphalt content in the mix is detrimental. The job-mix formula will
therefore provide for as high asphalt content as possible for a mix
designed by the Marshall Test procedure. The mix formula will also
take into consideration the absorption of asphalt into the aggregates.
Thus, for calculations for voids, the adjusted bulk specific gravity of
the Marshall specimens, adjusted for the portion of asphalt lost by
absorption, shall be used.

The gradation of the combined aggregate, including the mineral filler

shall be within the limits specified in the Specifications for the Class of
"Bituminous Binder Course" to be used. The Engineer may vary the
specified limits where he deems it necessary, on the basis of the
Marshall tests, to obtain optimum stability and life of the completed

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course


Upon receiving the job-mix formula, approved by the Engineer, the

Contractor shall adjust his plant to proportion the individual
aggregates, mineral filler and asphalt to produce a final mix that, when
compared to the job-mix formula, shall be within the following limits:

Maximum Variations of Percentage of Materials Passing

AASHTO No. 4 and larger ± 5 percent

AASHTO No. 10 and retained on the 200 ± 4 percent

AASHTO No. 200 ± 1.5 percent

Asphalt Content ± 0.3 percent

The Engineer will test the mix periodically and if necessary, direct the
Contractor to readjust the plant to maintain conformity to the job-mix
formula. If during production, the grading of the aggregates alters, the
mix shall be redesigned and the plant readjusted as outlined above.

The assistance of the Engineer in the preparation of the job-mix

formulae in no way relieves the Contractor of the responsibility of
producing a bituminous mixture meeting the requirements of the

D. Equipment

Equipment: All Asphalt Construction Equipment shall be according to

the type and number outlined in the Contractor's detailed Program of
Work as approved by the Engineer.

In addition to the requirements, trucks used for hauling bituminous

mixtures shall have tight, clean, smooth metal beds which have been
thinly coated with a minimum amount of paraffin oil, or other approved
material to prevent the mixtures from adhering to the beds. When
required by the Engineer, each vehicle shall be equipped with a
canvas cover or other suitable material of such as to protect the
mixture from the weather.

3.3 Bituminous Tack Coat

The liquid asphalt for tack coat shall be rapid curing type cutback grade RC-
250 as directed by the Engineer and shall conform to the requirements
specified for liquid asphalts as given in Table 2.

Prior to the placing of the bituminous mixture for the wearing course the tack
coat as specified above shall be applied on binder course. The rate of
application shall be in the range of 0.25 to 0.5 liters per square meter or as
otherwise designated by the Engineer.

3.4 Bituminous Wearing Course

A. Aggregates

Aggregates for "Bituminous Wearing Course" shall consist of coarse

aggregates, fine aggregates, and filler material if required, all
complying with the following requirements.

a) Coarse aggregates which is the material retained on an

AASHTO No. 4 sieve, shall consist of crushed rock or crushed

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course


gravel. It shall be clean, hard, tough, durable and sound, and

shall be of uniform quality and free from decomposed stone,
organic matter, shale, clay, lumps and other deleterious

The coarse aggregate shall be free from an excess of flat

elongated pieces (in no case more than ten (10) percent) and
shall be of such character that when coated with asphalt shall
pass a stripping test performed in accordance with ASSHO T

Crushed gravel for use as coarse aggregate shall consist of

the product obtained by crushing material that has first been
screened in such a manner that not less than ninety (90)
percent of the material to be crushed is retained on an
AASHTO No. 3/8 - inch sieve. The amount of crushing of
gravel shall be regulated so that at least ninety (90) percent
by weight of the material retained on an AASHTO No. 4 sieve
shall consist of pieces with at least one (1) mechanically
fractured face, and when tested for stability of bituminous mix
shows satisfactory stability.

b) Fine aggregates shall consist of that portion of the total

aggregate that passes an AASHTO No. 4 sieve. Fine
aggregate obtained by crushing gravel shall be produced as
specified in subparagraph A (a), and after crushing at least
eighty five (85) percent by weight of the material passing the
AASHTO No. 4 sieve and retained on the AASHTO No. 8
sieve shall consist of pieces having at least one (1)
mechanical fractured face. Should natural material passing
the AASHTO No. 4 sieve be included in the mixture, this
material shall be fed to the dryer as a separate aggregate and
the amount used shall be so limited that the mixture of fine
aggregates will contain not less than twenty-five (25) percent
by weight of the crushed aggregates.

c) When the combined grading of the coarse and fine

aggregates is deficient in material passing the AASHTO No.
200 sieve, mineral filler conforming to ASTM D-242 shall be
added as approved by the Engineer.

Sand Equivalent (AASHTO T 176)

determined after all processing except
for addition of asphalt binder : 45 minimum

Plasticity index (AASHTO T 90) 3 maximum

Loss of Marshall Stability by

submerging specimens in water
at 60o C for twenty-four (24) hours
as compared to stability measured
after submersion in water at 60 o C
for twenty (20) minutes. 20%

When tested according to AASHTO T 11 and AASHTO T 27

the combined aggregate shall conform to the following

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course



Percentage by Weight
Sieve Size 1-1/4"max 1"max 3/4"max
1-1/4 in. (30.0 mm) 100 - - -

1 in. (24.0 mm) 86-98 100 - -

3/4 in. (19.0 mm) 68-93 76-98 100 -
1/2 in. (12.5 mm) 57-81 66-86 79-99 100
3/8 in. (9.5 mm) 49-69 57-77 68-88 79-
No. 4 (4.75 mm) 34-54 40-60 48-68 58-
No. 8 (2.36 mm) 22-42 26-46 33-53 39-
No. 16 (1.18 mm) 13-33 17-37 20-40 26-
No. 30 (0.600 mm) 8-24 11-27 14-30 19-
No. 50 (0.300 mm) 6-18 7-19 9-21 12-
No. 100 (0.150 mm) 4-12 6-16 6-16 7-17
No. 200 (0.075 mm) 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-6
Asphalt percent min: 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.5

The grading limits specified are based on materials of uniform

specific gravity and shall be adjusted by the Engineer to
compensate for any variations in specific gravity of the
individual sizes. The grading may be varied by the Engineer
on the basis of Marshall Tests to obtain optimum stability and
life of the completed "Bituminous Wearing Course.

d) Frequency of testing of aggregate shall be as per clause 3.4

(a) of specification section 2300.

B) Asphalt: Asphalt for "Bituminous Wearing Course" shall be petroleum

asphalt cement, grade 60-70 penetration, conforming to the
requirements as given in Table 1 of this section.

C) Job Mix: At least thirty (30) days prior to the date he intends to begin
production of plant-mix. "Bituminous Wearing Course" mixtures, and
after receiving approval of the aggregates from the Engineer and after
the delivery, on site of the asphalt specified for "Bituminous Wearing
Course", the contractor shall make written request for the approved
job-mix formula from the Engineer.

The job-mix formula will be prepared by the Contractor, under the

supervision of the Engineer, in the Project laboratory.

The job-mix formula shall combine the aggregates and asphalt in such
proportion as to produce a mixture conforming to the following
composition limits by weight.

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course



Total Mineral Aggregates 95.5 93

Asphaltic Wearing 4.5 - 7

When tested according to the Marshall Method, the bituminous

mixture shall conform to the following requirements:

Stability (kilograms) 1000 minimum

Flow (millimeters) 2.0-4.0

Voids in total mix (percent) 3.0-5.0

Voids filled with asphalt (percent) 65-75

Voids in mineral aggregate (percent) refer to MS-2 Latest


All trial mixes shall be prepared by the Contractor in the presence of

the Engineer and will be tested by the Engineer.

The Marshall test procedure will be used to determine the percentage

of liquid asphalt that is to be incorporated into the mixture. Open
bituminous mixes deteriorate rapidly due to the drying and oxiding
effect of the sun, therefore, the mix will be densely graded and
relatively on the high-side in fines. For the same reasons, low asphalt
content in the mix is detrimental. The job-mix formula will therefore
provide for as high asphalt content as possible for a mix designed by
the Marshall Test procedure. The mix formula will also take into
consideration the absorption of asphalt into the aggregates. Thus for
calculations for voids the adjusted bulk specific gravity of the Marshall
specimens adjusted for the portion of asphalt lost by absorption, shall
be used.

The gradation for the combined aggregate, including the mineral filler
shall be within the limits specified in the specifications for the Class of
"Bituminous Wearing Course" to be used. The Engineer may vary the
specified limits where he deems it necessary, on the basis of the
Marshall tests, to obtain optimum stability and life of the completed

Upon receiving the job-mix formula approved by the Engineer the

Contractor shall adjust his plant to proportion the individual
aggregates, mineral filler and asphalt to produce a final mix that, when
compared to the job-mix formula shall be within the following limits:

Maximum Variations of Percentage of Materials Passing

AASHTO No. 4 and Larger +5 percent

AASHTO No. 10 and retained on the 200 +4 percent

AASHTO No. 200 +1.5 percent

Asphalt Content +0.3 percent

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course


The Engineer will test the mix periodically and, if necessary, direct the
Contractor to re-adjust the plant to maintain conformity to the job-mix
formula. If, during production, the grading of the aggregates alters, the
mix shall be re-designed and the plant re-adjusted as outlined above.

The assistance of the Engineer in the preparation of the job-mix

formula in no way relieves the Contractor of the responsibility of
producing a bituminous mixture meeting the requirements of the

D) Equipment: All Asphalt Construction Equipment shall be according to

the type and number outlined in the Contractor's detailed Programme
of Work as approved by the Engineer.

In addition to the above requirements trucks used for hauling

bituminous mixtures shall have tight, clean, smooth metal beds which
have been thinly coated with a minimum amount of paraffin oil, or
other approved material to prevent the mixture from adhering to the
beds. When required by the Engineer, each vehicle shall be equipped
with a canvas cover or other suitable material of such size as to
protect the mixture from the weather.


4.1 Bituminous Prime and Tack Coats

A. Construction Requirements

a) Preparation of Surfaces: It shall be the Contractor's sole

responsibility to maintain the surface in an approved
condition, conforming to the required grades and sections.
Any defects which may develop shall be immediately
corrected at the Contractor's expense.

Prior to the application of the bituminous material, all loose

materials shall be removed from the surface and the surface
shall be cleaned by means of approved mechanical sweepers
or blowers and/or hand brooms, until it is as free from dust as
is deemed practicable. If deemed necessary by the Engineer,
and if the surface is an earth surface or an aggregate base
course or cement treated base course, the cleaned surface
shall be given a light application of water and allowed to dry to
a surface-dry condition before the bituminous material is
applied. No traffic shall be permitted on the surface after it has
been prepared to receive the bituminous material.

b) Heating of Bituminous Materials: Equipment for heating

bituminous materials shall be as approved by the Engineer.
The use of any method of agitation or heating that introduces
free steam or moisture into the bituminous material is
prohibited. Materials heated to temperatures above twenty-
eight (28) degrees C higher than the maximum application
temperature specified in Table 3 of this section shall be
considered as overheated and shall be rejected until the
material can be re-sampled and retested. The re-acceptance
or final rejection will be made by the Engineer on the same
requirements under which the material was originally tested.

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course


c) Temperature of Bituminous Materials at Time of Application:

Bituminous materials shall be applied at temperatures within
the ranges shown in Table 2 & 3 of this section.

d) Prime Coat: The prime coat shall be applied to approved earth

surfaces and base courses, as soon as practicable as
determined by the Engineer, after they been prepared and are
sufficiently dry.

- Areas to be Primed:

The top of earth surfaces or Aggregate or Cement treated

base courses from a point two hundred (200) millimeters
outside the edge of the shoulders.

Other surfaces as shown on the plans or ordered by the


- Application of the Prime & Tack Coat: Medium curing cutback

asphalt, Grade MC-70, for prime coat and RC-250 for tack
coat shall be applied at the rate as directed by the Engineer,
by approved pressure distributors operated by skilled
workmen. The spray nozzles and spray bar shall be adjusted
and frequently checked so that uniform distribution is ensured.
Spraying shall cease immediately upon any clogging or
interference of any nozzle, and corrective measures taken
before spraying is resumed.

Hand sprays will be approved only for priming and tacking

small patches or inaccessible areas that cannot be primed
and tacked by normal operation of the distributor.

Care shall be taken that application of bituminous material at

the junction of spreads is not in excess of the specified
amount. Any excess shall be squeezed from the surface when
ordered by the Engineer. Any skipped areas or recognized
deficiencies shall be corrected by means of approved hand

- Test Section and Rates of Application: The rate of application

for prime and tack material shall be specified by the Engineer
within the limits shown below as determined from field trials
conducted on a test section or sections. The Contractor shall
prior to the time he intends to begin his priming and tacking
operation, prepare a test section of an approved length for the
determination of the rate of application for the prime and tack

The test methods shall be determined by the Engineer and

performed by the Contractor in the presence of the Engineer.

The Engineer may order subsequent test sections and/or alter

the previously established rate or rates of application when he
deemed it necessary.

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course


Application Rates

- (Prime coat) Bituminous Material

Liters MC-70 per square meter

Type of Surface

minimum maximum


1.Earth surfaces, shoulders and

aggregate base course 0.65 1.75

2. Other surfaces as determined from field tests.

- (Tack coat) Bituminous Material

Litres RC-250 per
square meter

1. Binder course 0.25 0.50

2. Other surfaces as determined from field tests

- Protection of Adjacent Structures: When bituminous materials

are being applied, the surfaces of all structures and other
appurtenances shall be protected in a manner approved by
the Engineer to prevent them from being splattered with
bituminous material or marred by equipment operation. In the
event that any appurtenances becomes splattered or marred,
the Contractor shall at his own expense, remove all traces of
bituminous materials, and repair all damage and leave the
appurtenances in an approved condition.

- Blotting: If deemed necessary by the Engineer after the

bituminous material has been applied for forty-eight (48) hours
under favourable conditions and the prime coat has not dried
sufficiently that it will not be damaged by traffic, a light
application of aggregate shall be applied. The blotter material
shall be a clean fine sand, chat sand or other material as
approved by the Engineer. Blotting material shall be applied
sparingly on only the areas that have not dried. Blotting of the
prime coat shall be done only when directed by the Engineer.
Normally, additional time shall be allowed for drying of the
prime coat when in the opinion of the Engineer this procedure
does not seriously delay subsequent operations.

- Maintenance of Prime Coat & Tack coat: The Contractor shall

maintain the prime and tack coat treatment and the surface of
the sub-grade or base course and binder course intact until it
shall have been covered by the surface course. Any area
where the prime coat and tack has been damaged by traffic or
by the Contractor's operations shall be cleaned of all loose
material, the defective base course or sub-grade and binder
course repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the
prime coat re-applied. The maintenance and repair of the
prime and tack coat and the underlying sub-grade or base
course and binder course shall be done at the Contractor's

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course


B. Weather and Temperature Limitations

Application of prime coat and tack coat shall be performed only when
the surface is dry, when the atmospheric temperature is above fifteen
(15) degrees C, and when the weather is not foggy or rainy.

4.2 Bituminous Binder and Wearing Courses

A. Construction Requirements

Rolling equipment shall be self-propelled. The wheels on the rollers

shall be equipped with adjustable scrapers and the rollers shall have
water tanks and sprinkling apparatus which shall be used to keep the
wheels wet and prevent the surface material from sticking.

Weights of two-axle tandem steel rollers, three axle tandem steel

rollers, three-wheel steel rollers, and self-propelled pneumatic-tyred
rollers shall be according to the type and number outlined in the
Contractors detailed programme of work as approved by the Engineer.

a) Preparation of Asphalt Cement: Asphalt cement shall be

heated in the range of 135 degrees C to 163 degrees C at the
time of mixing. All material reheated more than 42 degrees C
above the maximum shown shall be considered overheated
and shall be rejected until the material can be re-sampled and
tested. The re-acceptance or rejection will be made on the
same requirements as established for the original material.
Asphalt cement received from the refinery at temperatures in
excess of 163 degrees C but not exceeding 191 degrees C
may be used.

b) Preparation of Aggregates: Each aggregate ingredient shall

be heated and dried at such temperatures that the
temperature as recorded in the hot fines bin after screening
shall not exceed 163 degrees C. If the aggregates contain
sufficient moisture to cause foaming in the mixture or their
temperature is in excess of 163 degrees C, they shall be
removed from the bins and returned to their respective

Immediately after heating, the aggregate or aggregates shall

be screened into at least three (3) sizes and conveyed into
separate bins ready for batching and mixing with bituminous
material. When the aggregates furnished are of such size and
grading that separating into three (3) bins is impractical, the
number of required separations may be reduced to two (2)
with the approval of the Engineer. The efficiency of the
screening operations shall be sufficient to produce, at plant
operating capacity, gradations in each of the sizes of heated
and dried aggregates which are reasonably uniform and result
in the production of a mixture complying with the limits
specified for the aggregate.

c) Preparation of Bituminous Mixture: Dried aggregate as

specified for bituminous construction and prepared as
prescribed above shall be combined in the plant in the
proportionate amounts as approved. Asphalt cement shall be
introduced into the mixture in the proportionate amount

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course


determined by the Engineer. All according to the job-mix


The initial mixing time will be designated by the Engineer.

Mixing time may be increased by the Engineer if additional
time is necessary to obtain a homogeneous mixture and
satisfactory coating.

On batch plants, timing shall be at the start of the asphalt

introduction into the pug mill.

The length of mixing time for continuous plants will be

determined by the following formula or other approved

Pug mill dead capacity in Kilos

Mixing time in seconds = ----------------------------------------
Pug mill output in Kilos/second

The temperature of the asphalt, except for temporary

fluctuations, shall not be lower than fourteen (14) degrees C
below the temperature of the aggregate at the time the two (2)
materials enter the mixer or pug mill.

d) Preparation of existing Surface:

- When the bituminous mixture is placed on a prepared surface,

and whether or not a prime coat is designated on the plans,
the surface shall be prepared and maintained to meet the
requirements provided in Section 2410, Clause 3.2
"Aggregate Base Course".

- Prime Coat: Prior to the placing of the bituminous mixture, a

prime coat shall be applied to approved earth surfaces,
aggregate and cement treated base courses.

- Tack Coat: Prior to the placing of the mixture when

designated on the plans or directed by the Engineer, a tack
coat as specified in Clause 3.3 of this section shall be applied
to the existing surface at the rate of application not exceeding
0.25 to 0.50 litres per square meter or as directed by the

No mixture shall be laid on the tack coat prior to the approval

of the Engineer.
e) Placing of the Mixture: General

- The bituminous mixture shall be spread and finished true to

crown and grade by the automatically controlled bituminous
paver. Bituminous mixtures may be spread and finished by
hand methods only where machine methods are impractical
as determined by the Engineer.

- The automatically controlled paver shall spread the

bituminous mixture without tearing the surface and shall strike
a finish that is smooth, true to cross section, uniform in density
and texture and free from hollows, transverse corrugations
and other irregularities.

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course


- The pavers shall be operated at a speed which will give the

best results for the type of pavers being used and which
coordinates satisfactorily with the rate of delivery of the
mixture to the pavers so as to provide a uniform rate of
placement without intermittent operation of the pavers.

All mixed material shall be delivered to the pavers in time to

permit completion of spreading, finishing and compaction of
the mixture during daylight hours.

All bituminous mixtures shall be delivered to the pavers at a

temperature between 139 degrees C to 163 degrees C.
Mixtures delivered to the pavers at lower temperatures shall
be discarded.

The leading half of half-shoulder paving shall not get ahead of

the trailing half of the pavement by more than one (1) average
full-day of paving and in no case shall the leading half be
more than one-half (½) kilometer ahead of the trailing half
without the written permission of the Engineer. If the
Contractor fails to comply with this requirement, the Engineer
may suspend paving on the leading half until such time as the
Contractor shall pave the trailing half to a point approximately
even with the leading half.

The longitudinal joints in successive layers shall be offset not

less than one hundred and fifty (150) milli-meters nor more
than three hundred (300) millimeters. The width of surface or
top course placements shall conform to traffic lane edges as
shown on the plans.

Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, where successive

layers are to be placed, the surface of the existing layer shall
be swept clean with a power broom or by other means as
approved by the Engineer, and a tack coat applied.

Bituminous mixtures except on leveling courses shall be

spread in a placement thickness so that after rolling, the
nominal thickness of the compacted bituminous material is

- Preliminary Survey and Reference String Line: The Contractor

shall make the survey required for the reference grade. When
the survey is approved by the Engineer, the Contractor shall
erect and maintain an approved reference string line and
operate the pavers to conform to the string line for the initial
layer and/or any other layers as directed. Elevation control
point stakes for the sub-grade and first layer of base course
shall be set at a maximum spacing of twenty (20) meter. For
subsequent layers, control points shall be set at ten (10)
meters maximum spacing. The Contractor shall furnish and
maintain an approved mobile string line for all layers not laid
with the erected string line, and operate the pavers to conform
to that string line.

The string line shall be erected parallel to the reference grade,

and the bituminous mixture shall be spread at a constant
elevation above, below or at the string line elevation as

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course


The use of the automatically controlled bituminous pavers to

provide both longitudinal and transverse control shall include
the furnishing and maintaining of a string line, whether it be
erected or mobile, by the Contractor. The longitudinal and
transverse controls shall operate independent of each other to
the extent that the surface of the bituminous mixture will
conform to the string line and will be uniform in cross section
or crown.

The Contractor shall establish the edge line points and shall
maintain the location of the points until the completion of the
surfacing or as directed. When directed by the Engineer, the
Contractor shall erect a string line to be used as a guide for
the finishing machine in order to maintain a uniform edge
alignment. If any other method is proposed by the Contractor
it shall be approved by the Engineer.

- Machine Spreading: The Contractor shall make a survey

study of the centerline profile and crown of the existing
surface or base and determine or calculate a Reference
Grade Line and shall furnish to the Engineer for reference and
approval the fill values at each profile point necessary to erect
the Reference String line.

- The asphaltic mixture shall be spread with the bituminous

paver to a grade line constant to the Reference String Line.

- Erection and maintenance of the Reference String Line shall

be so coordinated that the string will be taut and free from
sags at the time it is in use as a guide for the pavers.

- The Mobile String Line or equivalent shall be used as the

reference guide on all paving operations except when the
Reference String Line is used or other provisions are made
and approved by the Engineer.

- On new construction, where paving starts on fresh earth sub-

grade, the survey may, if approved by the Engineer, be
delayed to the surface of the first layer and the use of the
Reference Grade Line may be delayed to the first lay-down
operation of the second layer.

- If the existing surface is of acceptable centerline grade as

determined by the Engineer from the Contractor's profile
survey, the Engineer may permit the use of the Mobile String
Line for all layers.

- The use of the automatically controlled pavers may be waived

on irregular sections or other sections when approved by the

- On projects where the Contractor uses approved manually-

controlled bituminous pavers, the same general placement
procedures shall be followed. Thirty (30) days prior to the time
the Contractor intends to begin paving, he shall present to the
Engineer, for approval, a placement procedure, incorporating
the intent of the procedures outlined above, adapted to the
Contractor's approved manually-operated bituminous pavers.
No mixture shall be placed prior to the Engineer's approval of

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course


the Contractor's proposed methods and procedures for

placing the mixture.

f) Thickness Cores: The total depth of wearing courses shall be

measured for each type of material. Thickness determination
shall be made at a minimum of two (2) locations per lane per
kilometer, or at locations designated by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall furnish and operate an approved saw or

core drill for cutting samples from the compacted mixtures on
the shoulder. The equipment shall be capable of cutting the
mixture without shattering the edges of the specimen or
otherwise disturbing the density of the specimen. Sawed
samples shall be one hundred (100) millimeters square
(nominal) and cored samples shall be one hundred (100)
millimeters in diameter (nominal).

Unless otherwise permitted, cores extracted for thickness

measurement shall not be used for density determination and
density samples shall not be used for thickness

The Contractor shall, when necessary, furnish and apply cold

water, ice, or other cooling substance to the surface of the
pavement to prevent the samples from shattering or
disintegrating. The Contractor shall cut all samples and fill and
compact all test holes at his own expense.

g) Compaction of Mixtures: After spreading and strike-off and as

soon as the mix conditions permit the rolling to be per-formed
without excessive shoving or tearing, the mixture shall be
thoroughly and uniformly compacted. Rolling shall not be
prolonged till cracks appear.

Rollers shall be of the steel wheel and/or pneumatic-tyre type

and shall be in good condition, capable of reversing without
backlash, and shall be operated at speeds slow enough to
avoid displacement of the bituminous mixture. The number
and weight of rollers shall be sufficient to compact the mixture
to the required density while it is still in a workable condition.
The use of equipment which results in excessive crushing of
the aggregate will not be permitted. A minimum of three (3)
rollers, two (2) steel wheels and one (1) pneumatic-tyre type,
shall be used with each spreading operation.

Initial or breakdown rolling shall be done by means of either a

tandem power steel roller or a three (3) wheel power steel
roller. Rolling shall begin as soon as the mixture will bear the
roller without undue displacement. Rolling shall be
longitudinally, beginning at the low side of the spread of
material and proceeding toward the high side, overlapping on
successive trips by at least one-half (1/2) the width of the rear
wheels. Alternate trips of the roller shall be of slightly different

The motion of the roller shall at all times be slow enough to

avoid displacement of the mixture and the speed of the roller
shall be as approved by the Engineer. To prevent adhesion of
the mixture to the rollers, the wheels of the rollers shall be

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course


kept properly moistened with water, but an excess of water

will not be permitted.

The initial or breakdown rolling shall be followed by rolling with

a pneumatic-tyred roller. Final compaction and finish rolling
shall be done by means of a tandem power steel roller unless
otherwise designated. When the specified density is not
obtained, changes in size and/or number of rollers shall be
made as corrective measures to satisfy the density

Rollers shall be operated by competent and experienced roller

men and shall be kept in operation continuously, if necessary,
so that all parts of the pavement will receive substantially
equal compaction at the time desired. The Engineer will order
the mixing plant to cease operation at any time proper rolling
is not being performed.

The field density requirements shall be equal to or greater

than ninety-six (96) percent of the Marshall Density of each
day's production.

Any mixture that becomes loose, broken, mixed with foreign

material, or which is in any way defective in finish or density,
or which does not comply in all other respects with the
requirements of the specifications shall be removed, re-placed
with suitable material, and finished in accordance with the

h) Joints: Joints between old and new pavements or between

successive days' work shall be made so as to ensure
thorough and continuous bond between the old and new
mixtures. Transverse construction joints in previously laid
material shall be constructed by cutting the material back
vertically for its full depth so as to expose a fresh surface.

Before placing the fresh mixture against a cut joint or against

old pavement, the contact surface shall be sprayed or painted
with a thin uniform coat of RC-2 or RC-4. Where a finishing
machine is used, the longitudinal joint shall be made by
overlapping the screed on the previously laid material for a
width of at least three (3) centimeters and depositing a
sufficient amount of mixture so that the joint formed will be
smooth and tight.

B. Surface Tolerances

The surface will be tested with a four (4) meter straightedge by the
Engineer at selected locations. The variation of the surface from the
testing edge of the straightedge between any two (2) contacts with the
surface shall at no point exceed four (4) millimeters when placed on or
parallel to the centerline or three (3) millimeters when placed
perpendicular to the centerline of the roadway. The top of the base
shall not vary from the required elevation by more than five (5)
millimeters. All humps and depressions exceeding the specified
tolerance shall be corrected by removing the defective work and
replacing it with new material as directed by the Engineer.

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course


C. Compaction Sampling and Testing

Densities herein called "Field Mould Densities" will be determined as

the Work progresses. The Field Mould Density shall be deter-mined in
accordance with AASHO T 166. The briquettes used in this
ascertainment shall be made of the same material used in
construction, taken from samples of freshly mixed bituminous mixture
at the plant... Reheating of the mixture will not be permitted.

The density of the mixture as placed and compacted on the shoulder

shall be determined from samples cut from the compacted courses at
locations specified by the Engineer. Samples shall be obtained in sets
of two (2) cut from the same location on the road. The frequency of
testing shall be one (1) set of samples per traffic lane per five hundred
(500) linear meters per layer or a minimum of one (1) set per day for
shorter runs, and such additional tests to determine limits of areas
deficient in density, or for recheck. The density of these samples will
be referred to as "Field Density".

The Contractor shall cut the samples with an approved saw or core
drill in the presence of the Engineer. The equipment shall be capable
of cutting the mixture without shattering the edges of the specimen or
otherwise disturbing the density of the specimen. Samples shall be
one hundred (100) millimeters square (nominal) or one hundred (100)
millimeters in diameter (nominal).

Unless otherwise permitted, samples extracted for thickness

measurement shall not be used for density determination and density
samples shall not be used for thickness measurements.

The Contractor shall, when necessary furnish and apply cold water,
ice or other cooling substance to the surface of the pavement to
prevent the samples from shattering or disintegrating. The Contractor
shall cut all samples and fill and compact all test holes at his own

D. Weather Limitations

Hot asphaltic mixtures shall be placed only when the air temperature
is four (4) degrees C or above and when the weather is not foggy or
rainy and when the existing surface is free from moisture.

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course




METHOD 40-50 60-70 85-100 120-150 200-300

Flash Point (Cleveland open cup.), degrees C T-48 232.2 232.2 232.2 - -

Penetration, 100 grms, 5 seconds, 25 Degrees C T-49 40-50 60-70 85-100 120-150 200-300

Penetration Ratio, percent minimum Note 1 25 25 25 25 25

Furol viscosity at 135 degrees C seconds (ASTM E 102) 120+ 100+ 100+ 70+ 50+

Thin Film Oven Test : T-179 0.80 0.80 0.80 1.30 1.50

Loss in height, percent maximum T-49 55+ 52+ 47+ 42+ 37+
Retention in penetration, percent minimum

Ductility :

- At 25 Degrees C T-51 100+ 100+ 100+ 100+ 100+

- At 15.6 Degrees C - - - - - -

Spot Test, Heptane Xylene Solvent, 35% Xylene Negative for all Grades

Solubility : T-44 99.5 99.5 99.5 99.5 99.5

Temperature for Mixing , degrees C 135-163 135-163 135-163 135-163 135-163

Maximum Temperature of Aggregate for plant 163 163 163 163 163
Mixing degrees C

Note 1 : Penetration at 4 degrees C, 200 grams, 60 seconds

Penetration Ratio = x 100
Penetration at 25 degrees C, 100 grams, 5 seconds
Note 2 :
Test method AASHTO T0-102, except that the test at twenty-four (24) hours and test on the glass plate shall be eliminated from the method.

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course




METHOD RC-0 RC-1 RC-2 RC-3 RC-4 RC-5

Flash Point (Open Tax.), degree C T-79 - - 80+ 80+ 80+ 80+

Furol Viscosity at 25 degree C seconds 75-100

Furol Viscosity at 50 degree C seconds 75-150

Furol viscosity at 60 degrees C seconds T-72 100-200 250-500

Furol viscosity at 82.2 degrees C seconds 125-250 300-600

Distillation :

Distillate (percent of total distillate to 360 degrees C):

- To 190 Degrees C 15+ 10+

- To 255 Degrees C T-78 55+ 53+ 40+ 25+ 8+
- To 260 Degrees C 75+ 70+ 65+ 55+ 40+ 25+
- To 315.6 Degrees C 90+ 88+ 87+ 83+ 80+ 70+
- - -
Resedue from distillation to 360 degrees C, volume
percent by difference 50+ 60+ 67+ 73+ 78+ 82+

Tests on Residue form Distillation :

- Penetration, 25 degrees C, 100 grams, 5 secs. T-49 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120
- Ductility, 25 degrees C, (1) Centimeters T-51 100+ 100+ 100+ 100+ 100+ 100+
- Solubility in Carbon Tetrachloride, percent. T-44 99.5+ 99.5+ 99.5+ 99.5+ 99.5+ 99.5+

Temperature for Application by Spraying, in Degrees C 25-50 56-80 65-95 80-105 95-120 105-135

General Requirements The materials shall be free from water

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course




METHOD MC-0 MC-1 MC-2 MC-3 MC-4 MC-5

Flash Point (Open Tax.), degree C T-79 103+ 109+ 150+ 150+ 150+ 150+

Furol Viscosity at 25 degree C seconds 75-100

Furol Viscosity at 57 degree C seconds 75-150

Furol viscosity at 60 degrees C seconds T-72 100-200 250-500

Furol viscosity at 25 degrees C seconds 125-250 300-600

Distillation :

Distillate (percent of total distillate to 360 degrees C):

- To 190 Degrees C 0-25 0-20 0-10 0-5 0 0

- To 255 Degrees C T-78 40-70 25-65 15-55 5-40 0-30 0-20
- To 315.6 Degrees C 75-53 70-90 60-87 55-85 40-80 20-75

Resedue from distillation to 360 degrees C, volume

percent by difference 50+ 60+ 67+ 87+ 79+ 82+

Tests on Residue form Distillation :

- Penetration, 25 degrees C, 100 grams, 5 secs. T-49 120-300 120-300 120-300 120-300 120-300 120-300
- Ductility, 25 degrees C, (1) Centimeters T-51 100+ 100+ 100+ 100+ 100+ 100+
- Solubility in Carbon Tetrachloride, percent. T-44 99.5+ 99.5+ 99.5+ 99.5+ 99.5+ 99.5+

Temperature for Application by Spraying, in Degrees C 25-65 60-89 65-105 80-120 90-135 105-150
The materials shall be free from water
General Requirements

(1) If penetration of residue is more than two hundred (200) and its ductility at 25 degrees C is less than
one hundred (1000) the material will be acceptable if its ductility at 15.6 degrees C is one hundred plus (100+)

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course



5.1 General

Except otherwise specified herein or elsewhere in the Contract

Document, no measurement and payment will be made for the
under mentioned specified works related to the relevant items of the
Bills of Quantities. The cost thereof shall be deemed to have been
included in the quoted unit rates of the respective items of the Bills
of Quantities.

5.1.1 Providing and applying bituminous prime coat or tack coat

before laying bituminous binder course and bituminous
wearing course.

5.1.1 All sampling and testing of Aggregate, Asphalt Cement,

Prime Coat, Tack Coat and Asphalt Concrete.

5.1.2 Preparation of trial strips.

5.1.3 Preparation of trial mixes.

5.1.4 Cleaning & watering of existing base before applying new

coat / layer.

5.2 Bituminous Binder Course and Wearing Course

5.2.1 Measurement

Measurement of acceptably completed works of Bituminous

Binder Course and Wearing Course of specified thickness
will be made on the basis of actual area in square meter of
Bituminous Binder Course and Wearing Course provided
and laid in position and compacted as shown on the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

5.2.2 Payment

Payment will be made for acceptable measured quantity of

Bituminous Binder Course and Wearing Course on the
basis of unit rate per square meter quoted in the Bill of
Quantities and shall constitute full compensation for all the
works related to the item.

*** End of Section 7420 ***

Section 7420 Bituminous Surface Course

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