Grade 10-Math DLL Week 4
Grade 10-Math DLL Week 4
Grade 10-Math DLL Week 4
Region I
Malasiqui, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2022-2023
Objectives a. Describe and illustrate an a. Find the missing terms of an a. Find the unknown variables in a. Find the arithmetic means of
arithmetic sequence. arithmetic sequence. a n= a 1 + (𝑛−1) of an arithmetic an arithmetic sequence.
b. Find the common b. Find the nth term of an sequence. b. Insert a certain number of
difference of the terms of an arithmetic sequence. b. Appreciate arithmetic terms between two given terms
arithmetic sequence. c. Appreciate arithmetic sequence in solving real life of an arithmetic sequence.
c. Identify if a sequence is an sequence in solving real life problems c. Appreciate arithmetic means
arithmetic sequence. problems in solving real life problems.
Illustrating Arithmetic Finding the nth term of an Finding the unknown variables in Arithmetic Means
II. CONTENT Sequence Arithmetic Sequence a n= a 1 + (𝑛−1)𝑑 of an Arithmetic
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 14-16 pp. 16-18 p. 16-17 pp. 17
2. Learner’s Materials pp. 9-11 pp. 12-14 pp. 12-14 pp. 14–15
3. Textbook Mathematics III: Concepts, Mathematics III: Concepts, Mathematics III: Concepts,Mathematics III: Concepts,
Structures and Methods for Structures and Methods for High Structures and Methods for High
Structures and Methods for
High School by Oronce, School by Oronce, Orlando, School by Oronce, Orlando,High School by Oronce,
Orlando,, pp. 509 – 511, pp. 509 – 511, pp. 509 – 511 mOrlando,,
pp. 512–516
Mathematics III An Integrated
Approach by Coronel C.
Antonio,, pp. 63–65
Exploring Mathematics II by
Oronce and Mrndoza, p.490
4. Additional Materials https://encrypted-
from Learning 567965/name-play-with- lesson/arithmetic-mean-
Resources (LR) maragondon- peaks q=tbn:And9 definition-formula-example.html
portal GcTDtmvLno6Yae_NrVU1W=K8f
yDZUXzWWsd4FhAE- lessons/vol8/mean.html
B. Other Learning Grade 10 LCTGs by DepEd Grade 10 LCTGs by DepEd Grade 10 LCTGs by DepEd Grade 10 LCTGs by DepEd
Resources Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016, and Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016,
Worksheets and Picture Worksheets Worksheets and PowerPoint Worksheets and PowerPoint
presentation presentation
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Emer is a runner from Naic. He Group the class into groups with Group the class into two (2)
presenting the new lesson plans to join an ultramarathon of four members each. Match the groups then let them find the
Saulog Transit Inc. is one of 50 km from Naic town plaza to following arithmetic sequence to missing terms in each of the
the many bus transportation the Kaybiang tunnel next month. the 10th term and the rule by following arithmetic sequence.
companies in the Philippines During the first day of his training drawing a line from one column The group with highest points
servicing routes between he ran 5 km from Naic town to the next one. after the game will be the
Cavite and Metro Manila, plaza to barangay Muzon. To winner.
Olongapo or Baguio City. improve his stamina and 1. 2, 6, 10, ___, ___, ___
One day, on its way back to endurance, he increased the 2. 9, 17, ___, ___, ___, 49
its terminal at Mendez, via distance he runs by 1.5 km every 3. 7, 9, ___, ___, 15, ___
Aguinaldo Highway, one (1) day. 4. 4, ___, 20, 28, ___, ___
passenger went down at SM What is the distance that he will 5. 5, ___, ___, 20, 25, ___
City Bacoor, then, another run on the 7th day of his training?
four (4) passengers went 6. ___, ___, ___, 3, –1, –5
down to Robinson’s Place 7. ___, ___, 14, 20, __, 32
Complete the table based on the
Imus, seven (7) passengers number of km that Emer will run 8. ___, 45, 40, ___, __, 25
went down to Robinson’s for each day. 9. 4, –4, __, __, __, –36
Place Pala-pala and ten (10) 10. –12, __, __, __, 8, 13
passengers went down to
Lourdes Church at Tagaytay.
B. Establishing a purpose for the List down the number of Does the distance that Emer will How did you find the activity? How were you able to find the
lesson passengers who went down in run everyday show an arithmetic How were you able to match the missing terms in the sequence?
each place. sequence? Why? sequence to the 10th term, and to
Does it form sequence? If it the rule?
does, how is the sequence
C. Presenting Illustrative Example 1: Let us take the number of The formula for the nth term of Follow the instructions below
examples/Instances of the new Using the generated kilometers that Emer will run an arithmetic sequence is then find a partner to share your
lesson sequence from the previous each day. Suppose that he will a n=a1 + ( n−1 ) d , answer. You may use a clean
scenario: continue training everyday, how where sheet of paper and a pen while
many kilometers will he run in a 1 = first term doing the activity.
Arithmetic Sequence the 10th, 15th, and 20th day? How a n = last term 1. Choose two (2) different
Subtracting two consecutive do you get them? Do you think a n = number of terms numbers.
terms (i.e.: d=a2-a1) formula would help? d = common difference 2. Denote the smaller number
Let us take the first four terms. as x and the larger number as y.
Let a 1 = 5, a 2 = 7, 3. Find the mean of these two
a 3 = 9, a 4 = 11. numbers. That is, add these two
4-1 7-4 10 Consider the table below and numbers then divide the sum by
=3 =3 =3 complete it. Observe how each x+ y
Common difference (d) 2. In symbols, .
term is rewritten. 2
4. Denote the first mean as m2.
5. Now, find the mean of the
How else can we write the smaller number x and m2. In
terms? Study the table and x+ m2
complete it. symbols, .
In general, the first n terms of an
6. Denote the second mean as
arithmetic sequence with a 1 as
first term and d as the common
7. Then, find the mean of the
difference are
a 1, a 1+d 1,a 1+2d 1, …, a 1+(n-1)d. larger number y and m2. In
y+ m2
symbols, .
8. Denote the third mean as m3.
9. Lastly, arrange all the
If a 1and d are known, it is easy numbers in the form x, m1, m2,
to find any term in arithmetic m3, y.
sequence by using the rule. 10. Share your answer with your
a n=a1 + ( n−1 ) d partner.
D. Discussing new concepts and The sequence generated from Illustrative Example 1: Illustrative Example 1: Does the result form arithmetic
practicing new skills # 1 the given scenario which is 1, What is the 10th term of the In the arithmetic sequence 5, 9, sequence?
4, 7, 10 is an example of an arithmetic sequence 13, 17, … which term is 401? What is its common difference?
Arithmetic Sequence because 5, 12, 19, 26, …? Solution: What do you call m1, m2, m3?
it is formed by adding a Solution: The problem asks for n when a n How did you obtain the missing
constant number which is 3 to Since a 1=5 and d = 7, = 401. term of the arithmetic
the preceding term to obtain then a 10=5+ ( 10−1 ) ( 7 )=68 From the given sequence, 1 = 5, sequence?
the next. The constant Illustrative Example 2: d = 4 and a n = 401. Substituting Is the common difference
number 3 is the common What is the 21st term of the these values in the formula, we necessary to obtain the missing
difference, denoted as d, arithmetic sequence have term of the sequence?
which can be obtained by 7, 13, 19, 25, …? a n= a 1+(𝑛−1)𝑑 How did you obtain the common
subtracting two consecutive Solution: 401= 5+(𝑛−1)4 difference?
terms Since a 1=7 and d = 6, Solving for n, we have If we cannot solve the common
(d = an – an-1). then a 21=7+ ( 21−1 ) ( 6 )=127 401= 5+4𝑛−4 difference by subtracting two
consecutive terms, is there any
401= 4𝑛+1
401−1= 4𝑛+1−1 other way to solve for it?
400= 4𝑛 What is an arithmetic mean?
400 (14)= 4𝑛(14)
𝟏𝟎𝟎=𝒏 Illustrative Example 1:
Therefore, 401 is the 100th term. Insert three arithmetic means
between 3 and 11.
Illustrative Example 2: Solution 1:
What is the common difference We look for three numbers m1,
of an arithmetic sequence if m2, and m3 such that 3, m1, m2,
a 1=3, a 45 =179, and n =45? m3, 11 is an arithmetic
Solution: sequence. In this case, we have
The problem asks for d. a1 = 3, n = 5, a5 = 11. Using the
From the given sequence, a 1 = 3, general formula for arithmetic
a 45 = 179, and n=45. Substituting sequence,
these values in the formula, we a n=a1 + ( n−1 ) d
have 11=3+ (5−1 ) d
179 = 3+ (45 − 1)𝑑 solve for d
179 = 3 + (44)d 11=3+ 4d
Solving for d, we have 11−3=3−3+4 d
179 = 3 + 44d 8=4 d
179 - 3 = 44d
176 = 44d
8 () ()
=4 d
4=d d=2
Therefore, 4 is the common Since d = 2, so we have
difference. m1=a 1+ d
m2=m 1 +d
m3=m 2 +d
m3=7+ 2=9
Therefore, the three arithmetic
means between 3 and 11 are 5,
7, and 9.
Solution 2:
Still we look three numbers m1,
m2, and m3 such that 3, m1, m2,
m3, 11 is an arithmetic
In this case, we nee to solve for
m2, the meanof
a1 = 3 and a5 = 11. That is
(a1+ a5 ) (3+11)
m 2= =
2 2
¿ =7
Now, solve for m1, the mean of
a1=3 and m2=7. That is
(a1+ m2 ) (3+7)
m 2= =
2 2
¿ =5
Then, solve for m3, the mean of
a5=3 and m2=7. That is,
(a5 +m2)
m 3=
(11+7) 18
¿ = =9
2 2
Forming the sequence 3, m1,
m2, m3, 11, we have
3, 5, 7, 9, 11.
E. Discussing new concepts and How is an Arithmetic Think-Pair-Share Think-Pair-Share Think-Pair-Share
practicing new skills # 2 Sequence formed? Supply each blank by a correct Answer the following problems. Supply each blank by a correct
How can the common answer following the task at the 1. Which term of the arithmetic answer following the task at the
difference in an arithmetic right to solve the question. sequence right to answer the question.
sequence be obtained? a. Find a 45 of the sequence 7, 14, 21, 28, .… is 105? a. Insert two terms in the
4,7,10,13,16, … Given: a 1 = ____ ; d = ____ ; a n arithmetic sequence
Given: a 1 = ____ ; d = ____ ; n = = ____ 15, ___, ___, 36.
____ Solution: a n=a 1+(𝑛−1)𝑑 Given: a1 = __ ; n = __ ;
Solution: a n= a 1+ (𝑛−1)𝑑 substitute the given a4 = ____
substitute a 1, n and d ____ = ___ + (𝑛−1)____ Solution:
a n = ___ + (___− 1)___ distribute d a n=a1 + ( n−1 ) d
subtract the terms 105 = 7 + ____ − ____ substitute a1, n and a4
a n = 4 + (____)3 subtract the constants in the ___ = ___ + (___−1)
substitute a 1, n and d right side then apply APE subtract the terms inside the
a n = ___ + (___− 1)___ 105 = ______ parenthesis
subtract the terms inside the apply MPE 36 = 15 + (____)𝑑
parenthesis _____ = 𝑛 apply APE
a n = 4 + (____)3 ___ = 3𝑑
2. What is the common apply MPE
a n = 4 + (____) difference of the arithmetic 𝑑 = _____
sequence if the first term is 5, After solving d, find the second
last term is 41, and the number (m1) and the third (m2) term.
a n=_____
of terms is 13? substitute a1 and d then add.
Given: a 1 = ____ ; a n= ____ ; n 𝒎𝟏 = 𝑎1+𝑑=___+___= ___
= ____ substitute m1 and d then add.
Solution: a n= a 1+(𝑛−1)𝑑 𝒎𝟐 = 𝑚1+𝑑 = __+__= ___
substitute the given b. Insert three arithmetic means
___ =___ + ( ___−1)d between 12 and 56.
multiply d Given: a1=___; a5=____
41 = 5 + ____d Solution:
apply APE substitute a1 and a5
105 = ______ then solve for m2.
apply MPE Substitute a1 and m2 then solve
_____ = 𝑛 for m1.
Substitute a5 and m2 then solve
for m3.
F. Developing mastery (leads to “How well do you know me?” Find Since a n for each of the Use the nth term of an arithmetic Answer the following.
Formative Assessment 3) Which of the following following arithmetic sequence. sequence 1. Insert two arithmetic means
sequences is an arithmetic 1. a1 = 5; d = 4 ; n = 11 a n=a1 + ( n−1 ) d to answer the between 20 and 38.
sequence? Why? 2. a1 = 14; d = –3 ; n = 25 following questions. 2. Insert three arithmetic means
1. 3, 7, 11, 15, 19 3. a1 = 12; d = ½; n = 16 1. The second term of an between 52 and 40.
2. 4, 16, 64, 256 4. –10, –6, –2, 2, 6, … arithmetic sequence is 24, and 3. Find the missing terms of the
3. 48, 24, 12, 6, 3, … n = 27 the fifth term is 3. Find eth first arithmetic sequence 5, __, __,
4. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36 term and the common difference. __, __, 25.
1 1 5 5 2. Given the arithmetic sequence 4. Find the missing terms of the
5. 1, , 0, - 5. 3, , 2, ,1,… n = 28
2 2 2 2 of 5 terms of the firs term is 8 arithmetic sequence 0, __, __,
6. -2, 4, -8, 16, … and the last term is 100. __, __, __, 15.
7. 1, 0, -1, -2, -3 3. Find the 9th term of the 5. The fifteenth term of an
1 1 1 1 arithmetic sequence with a 1=10 arithmetic sequence is –3 and
8. , , , , …
2 3 4 5 −1 the first term is 25. Find the
and d = .
x x 2 common difference and the
9. 3x, x, , , … tenth term.
3 9 4. Find a 1 if a 8=54 and a 9=60 .
10. 9.5, 7.5, 5.5, 3.5, … 5. How many terms are there in
an arithmetic sequence with a
common differenceof 4 and with
first terms 3 and 59 respectively?
G. Finding practical application of Answer the following problem. Answer the following problems. Solve the following problems. Answer the following problems.
concepts and skills in daily living A merchandiser in Alfa Mart 1. You went to a hiking with your 1. Tinapa (smoked fish) is best 1. Flower farms in Tagaytay
was tasked to stack 22 cans friends at Pico de Loro at paired with Atchara (pickled grew different variety of flowers
of Evaporated milk with 10 Maragondon, Cavite. Upon papaya). Diana, a tinapa vendor including anthurium. Monica, a
cans at the bottom of the reaching the summit, you drop a in Salinas, Rosario, Cavite, flower arranger, went to
stack. The illustration is coin. The coin falls a distance of decided to sell atchara at her Tagaytay to buy anthurium. She
shown at the right. 4ft for the first seconds, 16ft for store. On the first week, she plans to arrange the flowers
the next, 28ft on the third, and so started to sell 15 atchara bottles following an arithmetic
on. Find the distance the coin and due to high demand, she sequence with four (4) layers. If
will fall in 6 seconds? decided to add 7 more bottles on she put one (1) anthurium on
2. Antonio is studying each succeeding weeks. the first layer and seven (7) on
Chabacano, a native dialect from Supposed that the pattern the fourth layer, how many
Cavite City and Ternate. He continues, how may week is anthurium should be placed on
needed to sell 57 atchara the second and third layer of the
1. Write the number of cans started practicing one (1) word
bottles? flower arrangement?
per layer on the space for an hour and decided to add
two more words every 2. A Zumba Program calls for 15 2. St. Mary Magdalene Parish
provided below.
minutes dancing each day for a Church in Kawit, one of the
__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, succeeding hour. If the pattern
continues, how many week. Each week thereafter, the oldest churches in Cavite,
__, __
amount of time spent dancing established in 1624 by Jesuit
2. Does the number of cans in Chabacano word did he learn in
one day? increases by 5 minutes per day. Missionaries. The church is
each layer of the stack show
3. Rico bought an e-bike at In how many weeks will a person made of red bricks preserved
an arithmetic sequence?
Php29, 000. If it depreciates be dancing 60 minutes each for more than a hundred years.
Explain your answer.
Php500 in value each year, what day? Suppose that the lowest part of
2. If it shows an arithmetic
will be its value at the end of 3. The 10th term of an arithmetic the church wall contains five (5)
sequence, then what is the
10years? sequence is 40 and the 20th term layers of red bricks, 4bricks on
common difference?
is 30. Find the common the top and 16bricks on the
difference and the first term. bottom layer. Assuming an
4. If the 9th floor of a building is arithmetic sequence, how many
40 meters above the gound and bricks are there in the 2nd, 3rd
the ground floor is 4 meters in and 4th layer of the wall?
height and each floor apart from 3. In some of the Kiddie parties
the ground has equal height. nowadays, Tower Cupcakes
Find the height of each floor. were quite popular because it is
appealing and less expensive.
In Juan Miguel’s 1st birthday
party, his mother ordered a six
(6) layer tower cupcakes. If the
1st and 4th layer of the tower
contains 6 and 21 cupcakes,
respectively, how many
cupcakes are there in the 6th
layer (bottom) of the tower
arithmetic sequence in the
number of cupcakes?
H. Making generalizations and What is the formula to find the Other than solving directly from Arithmetic Means are the terms
abstractions about the lesson nth term of an arithmetic a n=a1 + ( n−1 ) d , below are the between any two
sequence? formula or equation that could be nonconsecutive terms of an
An arithmetic sequence is a
used if one of these variables is arithmetic sequence.
sequence where every term
unknown. It is necessary to solve the
after the first is obtained by
common difference of an
adding a constant.
arithmetic sequence to insert
Common difference (d) is the
terms between two
constant number added to the
nonconsecutive terms of an
preceding term of the
arithmetic sequence. The
arithmetic sequence. It can be
formula for the general term of
calculated by subtracting any
an arithmetic sequence, 𝒂𝒏 = +
two consecutive terms in the
(𝒏−𝟏) and the mid-point
arithmetic sequence.
x+ y
between two numbers,
can also be used.
I. Evaluating learning Determine whether the given Find the nth term of each Solve the following questions. Use the following numbers
sequence is arithmetic arithmetic sequence. inside the box to complete the
1. Given the sequence 3, 1, –1, –
sequence or not. Draw a if 1. a 1=20, d=4 , n=37 3, …, find a12. arithmetic sequence below. You
the sequence is an arithmetic 2. a 1=−3, d=2, n=12 may use a number more than
2. Find the 9th term of the
sequence and a if NOT. If 3. a 1=4 , d=−3, n=17 once.
arithmetic sequence
the sequence is an arithmetic 2 1. 2, ___, ___, 14
4. a 1=6, d= , n=11 12, 24, 36, …
sequence, find the common 3 2. 4, ___, ___, ___, 10
3. If a1 = –17 and d = 4, find a22
difference. 3 3. 6, ___, ___, ___, 16
5. a 1=16, d= , n=20 of the arithmetic sequence.
1. 4, 8, 16, 32, … 2 4. 9, ___, ___, ___, __, 24
4. Find the 16th term of the
2. 2, 6, 10, 14, … 5. ___, 17, ___, ___, 11
6. a 31 for 26, 20, 14, … arithmetic sequence whose first
3. 2, 5, 10, 17, …
7. a 13 for 17, 313, 309, … term is 6 and the common
4. 1, 8, 9, 16, …
8. a 9 for 40, 43, 46, 49, 52, … difference is 0.25.
5. 2, 11, 20, 29, …
9. a 25 for -29, -34, -39, -44, -49, 5. Which term is 27 in the
… arithmetic sequence 54, 51, 48,
10. a 11 for -1, 3, 7, 11, … …?
J. Additional activities for 1. Follow-up 1. Follow-up 1. Follow-up 1. Follow-up
application or remediation a. Can the common difference Given the first term and common a. Complete the statement for a. Find the arithmetic mean of –
be negative? If so, describe difference, find the first four each arithmetic sequence. 23 and 7.
the sequence. terms and the formula. 1. 55 is the ___th term of 4, 7, b. How many numbers are
b. From the previous 1, a 1=25 , d=100 10, … divisible by 9 between 5 and
assignment, identify which of 2. a 1=24 , d=−15 2. 163 is the ___th term of -5, 2, 1000?
the following is an arithmetic 3. a 1=5 , d=5 9, … 2. Study: Sum of Arithmetic
sequence then find each 4. a 1=9 , d=−50 2. Study: Sequence
common difference. 2. Study: Finding the missing a. Finding arithmetic means. a. How to find the sum of terms
1, 4, 7, 10, … 9, term of an arithmetic sequence. b. How to insert terms in an in an arithmetic sequence?
12, 15, 18, … arithmetic sequence. b. Find the sum of the following
2, -10, 50, -250, … 5, arithmetic sequence
10, 20, 40, … 1, 4,7,10,13, 16, 19, 22, 25
2, 6, 10, 14, … 3, 4, 11, 18, 25, 32, 39, 46, 53, 60
12, 48, 192, … 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34
7, 12, 17, 22, … 4, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37, 42, 47
11, 18, 25, … 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33
1, 3, 9, 27, … 1,
4, 16, 64, …
2. Study: Finding the nth term
of an arithmetic sequence
a. Formula to find the nth term
of an arithmetc sequence.
b. How to find then nth term in
an arithmetic sequence.