LAB211 Assignment: Title Background Program Specifications
LAB211 Assignment: Title Background Program Specifications
LAB211 Assignment: Title Background Program Specifications
Login system of the Tien Phong Bank’s Ebank
(Module extracted from TienPhong Bank, ebank project)
Program Specifications
Login function of Ebank system includes:
1. Vietnamese
2. English
3. Exit
If the user selects 1: Switch the interface language to Vietnamese and perform “check login” function.
If the user selects 2: Keep the English interface and perform “check login” function.
Check the Login function:
1. Require to input an account number :
2. Input a password:
If the account number is invalid, it returns an error message corresponding to the language you chose.
If the password is invalid, then return an error message corresponding to the language you have just
If the captcha characters are invalid, then returns the error message that corresponds to the language
you have selected.
Function 6: Login
Allows the user to input the account number, password and captcha from the keyboard.
If a valid account number, then allows the user to input a password and if the account number entered
is not valid, then print out the error screen and allows the user to input again.
If valid password then allows users to input captcha. Otherwise then print out the error screen and
allows the user to input again.
If the captcha is not valid then print out the error screen.
Expectation of User interface:
-------Login Program-------
1. Vietnamese
2. English
3. Exit
Please choice one option:
So tai khoan: 1
So tai khoan phai la 1 so va phai co 10 chu so
So tai khoan: a
So tai khoan phai la 1 so va phai co 10 chu so
So tai khoan: aaaaaaaaaa
So tai khoan phai la 1 so va phai co 10 chu so
So tai khoan: 123456789
So tai khoan phai la 1 so va phai co 10 chu so
So tai khoan: 0123456789
Mat khau: 1
Mat khau phai trong khoang 8-31 ky tu va phai chua ky tu va so
Mat khau: 12345678
Mat khau phai trong khoang 8-31 ky tu va phai chua ky tu va so
Mat khau: aaaaaaaa
Mat khau phai trong khoang 8-31 ky tu va phai chua ky tu va so
Mat khau: 11111111111111111111111111111111
Mat khau phai trong khoang 8-31 ky tu va phai chua ky tu va so
Mat khau: 123456ab
Captcha: H9MOA
Nhap 1 ky tu captcha: Adafda
Captcha sai
Nhap 1 ky tu captcha: H
Account number: 1
Account number must is a number and must have 10 digits
Account number: a
Account number must is a number and must have 10 digits
Account number: aaaaaaaaaa
Account number must is a number and must have 10 digits
Account number: 123456789
Account number must is a number and must have 10 digits
Account number: 0123456789
Password: 1
Password must be between 8 and 31 characters and must be alphanumeric
Password: 12345678
Password must be between 8 and 31 characters and must be alphanumeric
Password: aaaaaaaa
Password must be between 8 and 31 characters and must be alphanumeric
Password: 11111111111111111111111111111111
Password must be between 8 and 31 characters and must be alphanumeric
Password: 123456ab
Captcha incorrect: H9MOA
Enter a Captcha incorrect characters: Adafda
Captcha incorrect
Enter a Captcha incorrect characters: H
Input :
Input :
Input :
Input :
The value returns: The message about the value of the captcha.