Introduction To Cupping - Lesson Plan

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Quality: Introduction to Cupping, Lesson Plan


AUDIENCE: Quality Managers

FACILITATOR: Mergia Beyene

LOCATION: Cupping Lab


 Objective 1: Understand why we cup coffees

 Objective 2: Define steps in the cupping process used by cuppers and buyers
 Objective 3: Ability to identify the difference between clean and defective coffees
 Objective 4: Ability to determine different qualities in coffees


 500 grams potato  300 grams black beans roasted to be

 500 grams ferment defect green compared to control300 grams
 500 grams UGQ green ferment roasted to be compared to
 500 grams Musha green control
 500 grams Vunga greenPortable  300 grams moldy roasted to be
roaster compared to control
 200 grams for roasting in portable  3kg high quality roasted coffee
roaster  1.2kg UGQ roasted coffee
 5 samples of clean coffee: 500  1.8kg defective roasted coffee
grams roasted for each  Cupping supplies
 300 grams clean coffee roasted to  Paper and pencil
be used as control  500 grams UGQ
 Aprons
300 grams clean coffee roasted to be
 Flipcharts
compared to control


 Gather the training materials
 Roast samples
45 Min OPENING: ACTIVITY: Icebreaker
 Introductions: a) Ask each trainee
o Facilitator names and
o Participants number of coffee
o Guests trees he/she is
Last Revised 03/22/2020
 Logistics growing
 Review Objectives

ACTIVITY: Icebreaker

60 Min OBJECTIVE 1: Understand why we cup coffees ACTIVITY: Green Coffee

Cupping is: a) Divide participants
 The major method for determining quality into 5 groups of 4
 An important key for improving coffee people each
quality by: b) Ask each group to
o Giving feed back inspect 5 coffees:
o Blending/bulking coffee 1 Potato, 1
 The method buyers use to determine ferment (slight), 1
purchases and purchase price UGQ, 1Musha, 1
 Physical or visual inspection is not enough on Vunga
its own c) Ask groups to rank
coffee from best
ACTIVITY: Green Coffee Inspection to worst based on
visual inspection
Review question : Why is it important to cup d) Review prices
coffee? earned for each
coffee and
reasons those
prices were paid.
120 Min OBJECTIVE 2: Define steps in cupping process used ACTIVITY: Practice
by cuppers and buyers Cupping

 Roasting. a) Demonstrate
o This is like cooking coffee, and roasting (using
similar to peanuts and sorghum. portable roaster),
o Coffee is not consumed in the form it is grinding and
exported. When it arrives at the cupping
consumer country it needs to be procedures.
roasted in order to turn into the
beverage people around the world
b) Divide participants
drink into 5 groups of 4
people each.
 Grinding.
o Once the coffee has been roasted it c) Ask each group to
needs to be ground in order to make a cup 5 clean coffees.
beverage out of it. d) Ask groups to
o Grinding allows the water to extract record one or two
the flavorful oils.
words about each
o The brewing is similar to tea.
coffee in their
 Procedures for cupping
minds or on
o Sniff the fragrance
o Break the crust
e) Share perceptions
o Clear the crust
Last Revised 03/22/2020
o Slurping and discuss.
o Evaluate the coffee at 3 different
o Record perceptions on forms

ACTIVITY: Practice Cupping

Review question:

What are the cupping procedures?

60 Min OBJECTIVE 3: Ability to identify the difference ACTIVITY: Defect
between clean and defective coffees Identification

Divide participants
 Defining a defect
into 5 groups of 4
o A defect is an attribute introduced to a people each
coffee that renders it unsuitable for a) 1 clean coffees to
export. use as a control
o A defect can be introduced to coffee b) 1 clean coffee for
either by agricultural processes, wet mill comparison and 3
processing or storage conditions defective coffees
for comparison
 Potential source of defects:
o Agricultural factors c) Moldy
 Insect infestation – coffee berry d) Ferment
borer, antestia e) Blacks
 Application of insecticide,
fungicides etc at the wrong time
f) Introduce each
or wrong quantities defect and discuss
o Wet Mill Processing the causes
 Natural processing – pulpiness,
 Wet processing – ferment,
 Drying – mold, mildew, dirtiness,
o Packaging and Storage
 Materials – baggy, solvents
 Smoke or exhaust in the storage
 Mold as a result of high humidity
and temperature
 Chemical odors

 Clean coffee is coffee which is free from any

o This is as a result of:

Last Revised 03/22/2020

 Agricultural best practices
 Good processing practices
 Clean packaging
 Proper storage

ACTIVITY: Defect Identification

60 Min OBJECTIVE 4: Ability to determine different ACTIVITY: Quality

qualities Cupping
a) Divide participants
 Different quality coffee: into 2 groups of
o High quality coffee 10 people each
b) 5 high quality
 Clean coffee free from defects coffee,
with some unique flavor c) 2 UGQ coffee
qualities like floral
o Medium quality
d) 3 defective coffee
e) Coffees are ranked
 Clean coffee free from defects in order from best
but lacking any unique flavor to worstFarmers
qualities discuss their
o Low quality coffee ranking
 Coffee with defects
ACTIVITY: Quality Cupping


 Review key learnings

 Knowledge check. Ask participants the
following questions:
o What are some things you have done in
the past which may have caused defects?
o What can you do to help maintain the
quality of your coffee?
 Questions and answers
 Next steps
o Preview next training session

Last Revised 03/22/2020

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