Rapid Reasoning - Year 5 - Week 1

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Rapid Reasoning

Year 5  |  Week 1
Rapid Reasoning  |  In a Nutshell Year 5  |  Week 1

This is the first week that children will have met Rapid Reasoning Year 5 objectives introduced in a reasoning context for
in Year 5 and therefore they may find it more challenging to the first time this week include:
begin with. Depending on your class, you may wish to introduce • reading, writing, ordering and comparing numbers up
children to the expectation of completing two questions initially, to 1,000,000
before extending to all three questions by the end of the week.
• recognising the place value of each digit in a number up to
As we are at the start of Year 5, the majority of the objectives 1,000,000 (extending from a four-digit number in Year 4).
covered this week involve Year 4 content. The Year 4 objectives
Objectives from Fluent in Five that are also tested in
that are re-introduced this week focus on place value.
a reasoning context this week include:
• adding and subtracting numbers mentally (using numbers
up to 1,000).

Please note that some questions are worth two marks,

and by their very nature, answers to these questions are
never clear-cut. For a full breakdown of how marks would
be awarded for these questions, please refer to the mark
schemes provided.

We hope your class enjoys this first week of Rapid Reasoning!

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Rapid Reasoning  |  Questions Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 1

Q1 Zac has 110 cubes and uses them to make Q3 Lee uses all of these place-value arrow
10 equal towers. cards to make a number.
Isla has 84 cubes and uses them to make
7 equal towers. 3000 8

Whose towers are tallest and by how 800000 50

many cubes?
What is Lee’s number? Write your answer
’s towers are tallest by . in words.

2 marks

Q2 Mara says, “Today is the 176th day of

the year!”
It is not a leap year.
1 mark
How many days are left in this year?

1 mark

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Rapid Reasoning  |  Answers Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 1

Q1 Zac has 110 cubes and uses them to make Q3 Lee uses all of these place-value arrow
10 equal towers. cards to make a number.
Isla has 84 cubes and uses them to make
7 equal towers. 3000 8

Whose towers are tallest and by how 800000 50

many cubes?
What is Lee’s number? Write your answer
Isla ’s towers are tallest by 1 . in words.

2 marks
Eight hundred and three
Q2 Mara says, “Today is the 176th day of
the year!” thousand and fifty-eight
It is not a leap year.
1 mark
How many days are left in this year?

1 mark

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Rapid Reasoning  |  Mark Scheme Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 1

Requirement Mark Additional guidance

Q1 Isla’s towers are tallest by 1. 1
Q2 189 1
Q3 Eight hundred and three thousand and fifty-eight 1

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Rapid Reasoning  |  Questions Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 2

Q1 A transporter lorry is on a journey a Write the town names in order from

of 850km to deliver some cars. smallest to largest population.
It has 264km to go.
How many kilometres has the lorry
travelled already? 1 mark

b How many more people live in Brindon

than Northville?
1 mark

Q2 Here are the populations of four different

towns. 1 mark

Q3 Write one quadrilateral name in each part

Town Population
of this diagram.
Milltown 729,051 parallelogram square rhombus rectangle

Northville 720,915 All sides are equal

Not all sides
are equal
Brindon 725,901 Has right
Framley 720,951
Has no
right angles

2 marks
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Rapid Reasoning  |  Answers Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 2

Q1 A transporter lorry is on a journey a Write the town names in order from

of 850km to deliver some cars. smallest to largest population.
It has 264km to go.
How many kilometres has the lorry Northville, Framley, Brindon, Milltown
travelled already? 1 mark

b How many more people live in Brindon

than Northville?
1 mark
4,986 people
Q2 Here are the populations of four different
towns. 1 mark

Q3 Write one quadrilateral name in each part

Town Population
of this diagram.
Milltown 729,051 parallelogram square rhombus rectangle

Northville 720,915 All sides are equal

Not all sides
are equal
Brindon 725,901 Has right
square rectangle
Framley 720,951
Has no
right angles
rhombus parallelogram

2 marks
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Rapid Reasoning  |  Mark Scheme Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 2

Requirement Mark Additional guidance

Q1 586km 1
Q2a Northville, Framley, Brindon, Milltown 1
Q2b 4,986 people 1
Q3 All sides are Not all sides 1
equal are equal
Has right
square rectangle
Has no right
rhombus parallelogram

Award TWO marks for all shapes correctly placed.

Award ONE mark for three shapes correctly placed.

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Rapid Reasoning  |  Questions Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 3

Q1 Class 3 children have planted four Q2 Two of these numbers add together to
sunflower seeds. make a total of 733.
They use a table to record each plant’s
height. 457 386 276 473

Plant Height Which two numbers are they?

A 178cm and
B 1  43 m
1 mark
C 170cm
Q3 This machine has two operation buttons
D 1 metre 80 centimetres and a screen showing the score.

Write the letters of the plants in order from

tallest to shortest sunflower.

1 mark

Write Max’s new score.

1 mark
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Rapid Reasoning  |  Answers Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 3

Q1 Class 3 children have planted four Q2 Two of these numbers add together to
sunflower seeds. make a total of 733.
They use a table to record each plant’s
height. 457 386 276 473

Plant Height Which two numbers are they?

A 178cm 457 and 276

B 1  43 m
1 mark
C 170cm
Q3 This machine has two operation buttons
D 1 metre 80 centimetres and a screen showing the score.

Write the letters of the plants in order from

tallest to shortest sunflower.

1 mark

Write Max’s new score.

1 mark
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Rapid Reasoning  |  Mark Scheme Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 3

Requirement Mark Additional guidance

Q1 D A B C 1
Q2 457 and 276 1 Numbers may be given in any order.
Q3 381,718 1

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Rapid Reasoning  |  Modelled Question Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 3

What are examiners looking for? Why are we asking this question?

Q1 Class 3 children have planted four This question has been designed to assess children’s ability
sunflower seeds. to compare and then order a series of measurements (in this
They use a table to record each plant’s case, lengths) and tests their understanding of conversion
height. between different units of length.

Plant Height What common errors do we expect to see?

A 178cm
Some children may compare the numbers in each
B 1  43 m
measurement and ignore the units. Children who do this
C 170cm may give an answer that implies length A is the tallest (178)
and length B is the shortest (1  43 ).
D 1 metre 80 centimetres
Some children may order the heights correctly, but may
Write the letters of the plants in order from
misread the problem, ordering each measurement from
tallest to shortest sunflower.
shortest to tallest rather than the other way around.
Children who make this mistake will give an answer of C, B, A, D.
1 mark

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Rapid Reasoning  |  Modelled Question (continued) Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 3

How to encourage children to solve this question

In order to compare any group of measurements, it is always

1m 80cm
helpful to convert into the same unit. Rather than deal with
decimal values, encourage children to consider how they 100cm
might convert into centimetres. Two of the measurements
are already in centimetres and children may recognise that
they only need to convert the remaining two measurements.
1m  m
For children who are unsure how to convert 1 43  m and 1m
80cm into centimetres, begin by encouraging them to 100cm   4 of 100cm
visualise a metre ruler and use their knowledge of this to
100 + 75 = 175cm
help. Sketching a bar model can be useful when converting
between units, but it may be a little unnecessary in a When comparing the measurements, children may find
question such as this where only 1 metre is being converted: it useful to write each value vertically aligned so that they
can compare digits more easily.

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Rapid Reasoning  |  Questions Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 4

Q1 Which of these calculations is the odd one Q2 458 490 482 443
out? Explain your answer.
Otis adds two of these numbers mentally.
A 121 ÷ = 11 In his calculation he exchanges twice to
B × 5 = 60 create one ten and one hundred.

Write Otis’ calculation and work out the

C 9× = 72
D ÷7=7

1 mark

1 mark

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Rapid Reasoning  |  Questions Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 4

Q3 Match up each number with the value

of the 9 digit.

329,450 nine hundred thousand

294,305 9,000

935,042 900

450,923 ninety thousand

2 marks

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Rapid Reasoning  |  Answers Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 4

Q1 Which of these calculations is the odd one Q2 458 490 482 443
out? Explain your answer.
Otis adds two of these numbers mentally.
A 121 ÷ = 11 In his calculation he exchanges twice to
B × 5 = 60 create one ten and one hundred.

Write Otis’ calculation and work out the

C 9× = 72
D ✓ ÷7=7
458 + 482 = 940

See mark scheme

1 mark
for examples

1 mark

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Rapid Reasoning  |  Answers Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 4

Q3 Match up each number with the value

of the 9 digit.

329,450 nine hundred thousand

294,305 9,000

935,042 900

450,923 ninety thousand

2 marks

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Rapid Reasoning  |  Mark Scheme Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 4

Requirement Mark Additional guidance

Q1 D is the odd one out because all the other missing 1 Accept any reasonable alternative answers.
numbers can be solved by using division. D is solved
by multiplying the two known numbers instead.
Q2 458 + 482 = 940 1 Addition may be written as 482 + 458 = 940.
Q3 2
329,450 nine hundred thousand

294,305 9,000

935,042 900

450,923 ninety thousand

Award TWO marks for all numbers correctly matched.

Award ONE mark for two or more numbers correctly

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Rapid Reasoning  |  Questions Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 5

Q1 Complete the table. Q2 8 2 4 3 6 2

Number in words Number in numerals Jordan takes three cards and multiplies
the digits together.
four hundred
and two thousand Aliyah takes the remaining three cards
and eleven and multiplies them.
They both make the same total.

What is the total that both children make?


one hundred 1 mark

and twelve thousand Q3

and forty 5 6 7 + 2 3 8

Change one digit in the calculation so that

2 marks
the answer is a multiple of 10.

+ =

1 mark

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Rapid Reasoning  |  Answers Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 5

Q1 Complete the table. Q2 8 2 4 3 6 2

Number in words Number in numerals Jordan takes three cards and multiplies
the digits together.
four hundred
Aliyah takes the remaining three cards
and two thousand 402,011
and eleven and multiplies them.
They both make the same total.
six hundred
and seventy-five What is the total that both children make?
thousand, three 675,306
hundred and six 48

one hundred 1 mark

and twelve thousand 112,040 Q3 7 + 2 3 8

and forty 5 6

Change one digit in the calculation so that

2 marks
the answer is a multiple of 10.

562 + 238 = 800

1 mark

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Rapid Reasoning  |  Mark Scheme Year 5  |  Week 1  |  Day 5

Requirement Mark Additional guidance

Q1 2
Number in words Number in numerals

four hundred and two

thousand and eleven

six hundred and seventy-

five thousand, 675,306
three hundred and six

one hundred and twelve

thousand and forty

Award TWO marks for all cells completed correctly.

Award ONE mark for two cells completed correctly.
Q2 48 1
Number trios are 3 x 8 x 2 and 4 x 6 x 2.
Q3 562 + 238  OR  567 + 233  OR  167 + 238 1
Award ONE mark for both correct answers.

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Rapid Reasoning
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