Rapid Reasoning - Year 5 - Week 1
Rapid Reasoning - Year 5 - Week 1
Rapid Reasoning - Year 5 - Week 1
Rapid Reasoning
Year 5 | Week 1
Rapid Reasoning | In a Nutshell Year 5 | Week 1
This is the first week that children will have met Rapid Reasoning Year 5 objectives introduced in a reasoning context for
in Year 5 and therefore they may find it more challenging to the first time this week include:
begin with. Depending on your class, you may wish to introduce • reading, writing, ordering and comparing numbers up
children to the expectation of completing two questions initially, to 1,000,000
before extending to all three questions by the end of the week.
• recognising the place value of each digit in a number up to
As we are at the start of Year 5, the majority of the objectives 1,000,000 (extending from a four-digit number in Year 4).
covered this week involve Year 4 content. The Year 4 objectives
Objectives from Fluent in Five that are also tested in
that are re-introduced this week focus on place value.
a reasoning context this week include:
• adding and subtracting numbers mentally (using numbers
up to 1,000).
Q1 Zac has 110 cubes and uses them to make Q3 Lee uses all of these place-value arrow
10 equal towers. cards to make a number.
Isla has 84 cubes and uses them to make
7 equal towers. 3000 8
2 marks
1 mark
Q1 Zac has 110 cubes and uses them to make Q3 Lee uses all of these place-value arrow
10 equal towers. cards to make a number.
Isla has 84 cubes and uses them to make
7 equal towers. 3000 8
2 marks
Eight hundred and three
Q2 Mara says, “Today is the 176th day of
the year!” thousand and fifty-eight
It is not a leap year.
1 mark
How many days are left in this year?
1 mark
2 marks
© Third Space Learning 2018. You may photocopy this page.
Rapid Reasoning | Answers Year 5 | Week 1 | Day 2
2 marks
© Third Space Learning 2018. You may photocopy this page.
Rapid Reasoning | Mark Scheme Year 5 | Week 1 | Day 2
Q1 Class 3 children have planted four Q2 Two of these numbers add together to
sunflower seeds. make a total of 733.
They use a table to record each plant’s
height. 457 386 276 473
A 178cm and
B 1 43 m
1 mark
C 170cm
Q3 This machine has two operation buttons
D 1 metre 80 centimetres and a screen showing the score.
1 mark
1 mark
© Third Space Learning 2018. You may photocopy this page.
Rapid Reasoning | Answers Year 5 | Week 1 | Day 3
Q1 Class 3 children have planted four Q2 Two of these numbers add together to
sunflower seeds. make a total of 733.
They use a table to record each plant’s
height. 457 386 276 473
1 mark
1 mark
© Third Space Learning 2018. You may photocopy this page.
Rapid Reasoning | Mark Scheme Year 5 | Week 1 | Day 3
What are examiners looking for? Why are we asking this question?
Q1 Class 3 children have planted four This question has been designed to assess children’s ability
sunflower seeds. to compare and then order a series of measurements (in this
They use a table to record each plant’s case, lengths) and tests their understanding of conversion
height. between different units of length.
Q1 Which of these calculations is the odd one Q2 458 490 482 443
out? Explain your answer.
Otis adds two of these numbers mentally.
A 121 ÷ = 11 In his calculation he exchanges twice to
B × 5 = 60 create one ten and one hundred.
1 mark
1 mark
294,305 9,000
935,042 900
2 marks
Q1 Which of these calculations is the odd one Q2 458 490 482 443
out? Explain your answer.
Otis adds two of these numbers mentally.
A 121 ÷ = 11 In his calculation he exchanges twice to
B × 5 = 60 create one ten and one hundred.
1 mark
294,305 9,000
935,042 900
2 marks
294,305 9,000
935,042 900
+ =
1 mark
Rapid Reasoning
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