An Implementation of Artificial Neural Reservoir Computing Technique For Inflow Forecasting of Nagarjuna Sagar Dam
An Implementation of Artificial Neural Reservoir Computing Technique For Inflow Forecasting of Nagarjuna Sagar Dam
An Implementation of Artificial Neural Reservoir Computing Technique For Inflow Forecasting of Nagarjuna Sagar Dam
Abstract:All over India flash flood or recurring flood is one of It is due to the fact that training is limited only to the output
the major natural disaster causing life and economic threats. layer all other layers need not be trained [9]. A reservoir is a
Several times a year, some or the other state disaster dynamic system capable of modeling complex patterns in a
management in India have to face this. Forecasting system for time series input sequence. Artificial Neural Network
inflow of any dam plays a key role in this disaster and its
(ANN) model is successful in various fields forpredictions.
recovery. Current forecasting systems follow conventional,
graphical metrological procedures and limited Artificial Neural Even in hydrological predictions it has shown success but
Network models.This work provides novel model for forecasting with few limitations in cases of non-stationary data[10,11].
inflow of a dam. Proposed model uses Neural Reservoir A non-stationary time series data has a variable variance and
Computing for forecasting inflow. Forecasts are based on mean that does not remain constant or same to their long –
standard dam parameters like inflow. Most importantly, forecasts run mean over time. On the other hand, stationary time
done are several days ahead of time. This would help disaster series data reverts around a constant long-term mean
management systems to be prepared well in advance to save lives. exhibits a constant variance independent of time.Daily flow
Proposed system is demonstrated over data from two major dams time series data are often nonlinear and non-stationary [12].
in Andhra Pradesh. Results are compared with statistical
Non stationary behavior of a time series is due to variations
forecasting models like AR, MA, & ARIMA and Artificial Neural
Networks (ANN) model. Comparison prove proposed neural in seasons and trends. This significantly affects
reservoir computing model to be better than existing systems. predictability of classical models for forecasting. Various
researchers have applied hybrid models of neural networks
Keywords: Artificial Neural Reservoir Computing; ARIMA; or complex pre-processing or their combinations to improve
Inflow forecasting; Nagarjunasagar dam; prediction performance with limited success.Now, Reservoir
computing has emerged as an effective tool to simplify the
I. INTRODUCTION non-stationary in the dataset and has been widely applied by
coupling with neural networks for rainfall runoff modeling.
Water inflow is major factor driving any dam dynamics. Reservoir computing has shown its steady performance on
Knowledge about near future inflow amount enables time series forecasting problems of various domains like
effective and efficient dam operations and management. It wind power, finance, weather [12, 13].
also enables flood forecasting, drought control, irrigation
management, hydropower generation and effective daily II. STUDY AREA
usage. So, an accurate model for forecasting inflow values is
necessary. Classical rainfall and runoff models exist, such as Nagarjuna sagar dam catchment, a part of the Krishna river
empirical, conceptual, physically, and data-driven [1,2]. basin extends over Andhra Pradesh, maharastra and
Promising results are obtained using Data-driven models in Karnataka having the total area 2,58,948 which is
different fields of water resources with [3,4,5]. At the same nearly 8% of the total geographical area of India. The area
time, researchers have realized complex nature of lies between 73°17' to 81°09' east longitudes and 13°10' to
relationship between rainfall and runoff so various complex 19°22' north latitude with an elevation 1337 meters above
models are introduced like fuzzy logic [6], support vector mean sea level.The catchment falls within sub tropical
regression [7], and artificial neural networks (NNs) [2]. climate, and daily mean relative humidity varies from 17 to
Human decision making model is inspiration behind current 92% with alternating dry and wet periods.The total length of
neural network models. Neural networks have been widely the river from origin to it’s out fall into bay of Bengal is
applied as an effective method for modeling highly 1400 km.
nonlinear phenomenon in hydrological processes [8].
Reservoir computing is an improved artificial intelligence
paradigm that requires significantly less computations than
existing ANN models for training the datasets.
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number A9287058119/19©BEIESP 860 & Sciences Publication
An implementation of Artificial Neural Reservoir Computing Technique for Inflow Forecasting of
Nagarjuna Sagar dam
There are two major canals from this dam one going to right Figure 3 and 4 shows exploratory data analysis of inflow
and other to left side. Comparison of these two canals for data collected. Fig 3ashows pattern of monthly average for
various parameters is presented using figure 2. Here length all fifteen year inflow data. Clearly,August is having highest
of the main canal is described in unit (102 km), max bed peak followed by September or October peaks. Minimum
width is in unit (10mt), depth of flow is in unit (mt), max peaks are observed in May and June.Other figure, fig 3b
discharge is in unit of (102 cum/s), head regulator still level shows great peaks in 2005, 2006 and 2009 highlighting
unit is (102 mt), length of branches and channels is in unit floods in Andhra Pradesh. Figure 4a makes it clear that
(103 km), and finally localized ayacut is measured in unit floods occurred in August for 2005 and 2006 but in
(lakh ha). Both canals have strength in different parameters. November for 2009. Another highlight of this analysis is,
2003, 2012 and 2015 were least inflow years in Nagarjuana
Sagar dam.
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number A9287058119/19©BEIESP 861 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-1, May 2019
III. DAM INFLOW MONITORING FOR ARIMA(p,d,q) = f(AR(p), I(d), MA(q)) - eq(3)
2. Artificial Neural Network Based Methods
1. Statistical Methods:
In recent times Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based
Traditionally statistical methods are used for forecasting models are flooding various application domains. In field of
in various domains. Domains like flood predictions, finance, forecasting also, they have achieved enormous
share market, soil quality, and predictive maintenance are results[10].Here, multiple layers of neurons doprocess input,
just some examples for their application. Models like extract features with various weights, and finally leading to
ARIMA, AR, and MA are popularly used statistical models. output. These networks can be modeled for numeric forecast
Also, models like Halts winter, spline interpolation, and or categorical forecast as well.
regression analysis are used regularly. In application field of non stationary time series forecasting,
normal ANN architectures are not efficient.Special
a. Auto Regression (AR): architecture of ANN called reservoir computing has proved
significant than other models here[11].
This is one of the classical statistical techniques for time
series predictions. Here variable to be predicted is related 1. Reservoir Computing in ANN
with its own history. This model assumes a linear relation It is a dynamic system modeling based on reservoir of
between historical values and current value of the input neurons. Here, there are three major components, namely
variable.This relation is used for future value prediction for input layer, output layer and set of neurons called
the variable. A particular variable may be related to itself for reservoir.An example of reservoir computing neural network
multiple historical values. So, auto regression is performed architecture is shown in figure 1. Input and output layer are
for previous ‘p’ values. It can be stated in details for as per the standard neural network definition [15].
equation 1.
AR(x, p) =f( x-1 , x-2 , … , x-p) - eq (1)
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number A9287058119/19©BEIESP 862 & Sciences Publication
An implementation of Artificial Neural Reservoir Computing Technique for Inflow Forecasting of
Nagarjuna Sagar dam
MSE = … eq (6)
RMSE = … eq (7)
MAPE = … eq (8)
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number A9287058119/19©BEIESP 863 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-1, May 2019
Figure 8 presents absolute error curve comparison between neural network for flood forecasting. Neural ComputAppl 23(1):231–
ARIMA, ANN and RC. ARIMA has high error nearly for all
7. Herrera M, Torgo L, Izquierdo J, Perez-Garcıa R (2010) Predictive
the samples. ANN has major error when it has missed the models for forecasting hourlyurban water demand. J Hydrol 387(1–
peaks.Finally, proposed reservoir computing model has 2):141–150
missed some peaks but at many places it has achieved 8. Abrahart RJ, Anctil F, Coulibaly P, Dawson CW, Mount NJ, See LM,
Shamseldin AY,
reasonable predictions. 9. Coulibaly, P. (2010). Reservoir computing approach to Great Lakes
ARIMA ANN RC water level forecasting. Journal of hydrology, 381(1-2), 76-88.
MAE 10. Cannas B, Fanni A, See L, Sias G (2006) Data pre-processing for
41.95 14.14 10.5 river flow forecasting using neural networks: wavelet transforms and
data partitioning. Phy Chem Earth 31(18):1164–1171
MSE (10^8) 50.72 6.63 6.24 11. Partal T (2009) Modeling evapotranspiration using discrete wavelet
RMSE transform and neuralnetworks. Hydrol Process 23(25):3545–3555
6.79 2.45 2.38 12. Wang, J., Niu, T., Lu, H., Yang, W., & Du, P. (2019). A Novel
Framework of Reservoir Computing for Deterministic and
MAPE 111.66 24.7 11.18 Probabilistic Wind Power Forecasting. IEEE Transactions on
Table 4: Statistical Comparison of Inflow Predictions Sustainable Energy.
13. Wyffels, F., &Schrauwen, B. (2010). A comparative study of
Table 4 clearly demonstrates better performance of reservoir computing strategies for monthly time series prediction.
Reservoir computing over ANN and ARIMA over MAE, Neurocomputing, 73(10-12), 1958-1964.
MSE, RMSE and MAPE. 14. Yamamoto, T. (1981), Predictions of multivariate autoregressive-
moving average models. Biometrika, 68(2), 485-492.
15. Steil, J. J. (2004, July). Backpropagation-decorrelation: online
V. CONCLUSION recurrent learning with O (N) complexity. In 2004 IEEE International
Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IEEE Cat. No. 04CH37541)
Flood forecasting is an important task in India for disaster (Vol. 2, pp. 843-848). IEEE.
16. Gallicchio, C., Micheli, A., &Pedrelli, L. (2017). Deep reservoir
management. Here a neural reservoir computing approach is computing: A critical experimental analysis. Neurocomputing, 268,
presented for flood forecasting using inflow prediction. This 87-99.
method has given promising results over other existing 17. National Water Development Agency of India,
methods. 18. Water Resources Information System of India , www.india-
Here in this work, flood forecasting task is done using
Nagarjuna Sagar Dam inflow Data for 15 years (2003-
2017).Data analysis shows dynamic patterns in inflow data.
Existing inflow forecasting methods ARIMA and
ANN have limitation to handle such non-stationary time
series data. Proposed neural reservoir computing method has
captured the pattern well and has given minimal error in
predictions. These models are evaluated based on Mean
Absolute Error, Mean Squared Error, Root Mean Squared
Error and Mean Absolute Percentage Error measures. On all
measures proposed neural reservoir computing method is
proved to be better than other existing models.
Results depicted to potential of Artificial neural reservoir
computing in forecasting task. So, this model can be further
applied on various civil domains like predictive maintenance
of reservoirs, seepage forecasting in Earthen Dams and soil
moisture level prediction.
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number A9287058119/19©BEIESP 864 & Sciences Publication