Green HRM Assignment Final
Green HRM Assignment Final
Green HRM Assignment Final
With the passage of time, various countries have chosen the garment industry to
become economically established. This industry is a good means to establish a
country economically. But it is one of the causes of pollution in the environment.
Garments industry waste, polluted water, paper etc. pollute the environment. And to
prevent this pollution, conducting environmentally friendly activities is corporate
social responsibility. GHRM originated from this concept of CSR, as environmental
protection is now one of the buzzwords. Green HRM options are immense in
preventing current climate change, creating efficient and environmentally friendly
human resources.
Human resource management (HRM or HR) is the strategic approach to the effective
and efficient management of people in a company or organization such that they
help their business gain a competitive advantage.
Green HRM is known as one of the most important practice to make environment
green. Now a days Organizations are realizing and arranging training and workshops
to engage and developed their employees towards reducing waste, reuse old things
and proper utilization of resources with minimal usage of power and electricity. For
long term sustainability and development firms should not only focus on profit
maximization but also actively take into consideration all environmental and social
aspects which are affected and controlled by them. For future generation we have to
protect our environmental resources so that they can thrive on it, the concept of green
Human resource management pursues us to understand the need of balancing
industrial development for profit and wealth creation and protecting our natural
into their personal lives. There are several ways to get employees involved in turning
According to Jabouri, Santos and Nagano (2010) Green HRM was defined as the
“Greening of functional dimensions of HRM such as job description and analysis,
recruitment, selection, training, performance appraisal and rewards”
Spatha (2013, p.28) defines: “Green HRM is referred to all the activities involved in
development, implementation and on-going maintenance of a system that aims at
making employees of an organization green.
According to these two researchers Basu and Gopal (2019), GHRM is an integral
part of corporate social responsibility and it includes application of HR policies for
promoting use of organizational resources in a sustainable way and supporting
Purpose: Green HRM is a new horizon for environmental protection. This study has
been conducted to find out how the Green HRM is being managed in some existing
RMG organizations in Bangladesh and how much the employees are engaged to it.
Questionnaire: The questionnaire used as a data collection tool for the present study.
The responses were taken by multiple answer questions. All the measurement items
comprising the research questionnaire are adapted from the literature. For proper
understanding, some terminologies were changed in the existing measurement
scales. All responses have been measured by using five-point scale items, ranges
from “1 = strongly disagree” to “5 =strongly agree”
Ethical Consideration: In this research study, respondents have been fully informed
about the purpose of the study and respondents are assured that their provided facts
and data will remain confidential, and will use for only educational purpose. The
questionnaire we distributed for collecting data among the respondents is not forced.
In contrary, the researcher tries to assemble positive relationship with participants.
Green RMG factories in Bangladesh
The ready-made garment (RMG) sector has become a key driver of the Bangladeshi
economy: earning US$31456.73 in 2020-21, employing around 4.22 million
workers, and accounting for over 81% of the country’s total export earnings—
essentially acting as the backbone of the economy. In order to stay ahead in a
tremendously competitive market, the country’s garment industries are increasingly
investing in avenues to boost their competitiveness and productivity. This has
entailed taking giant leaps in investing in state-of-the-art factories that couple
increased productivity and efficiency, with environmental sustainability and
worker’s safety. With the consideration of corporate social responsibility and at
present adverse environmental situation many RMG industry in Bangladesh are
adapting green HRM practice.
In Bangladesh, the RMG sector started practicing Green HRM officially in 2010.
The govt. launches some regulation to run factory and office by practicing green
environment. Bellow there are some company, group or factory whose name
mentioned who are practicing Green HRM.
We have visited Echotex Ltd. For gathering more information about this topic. We
have asked several questions to them. For different topic we asked bellows
In chart color refers,
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Green HRM practice and employee engagement:
1. How much your organization has adopted of Green HRM practice and
employee engagement.
2. It helps your organizations to reduce employee carbon footprints by electronic
filing, car sharing, using bicycle, reduction of paper use.
3. Green HRM helps to achieve higher job satisfaction and commitment which
leads to higher productivity and sustainability.
100% 90 %
For worker employee
000 0 0%
0 00 0 0
1. If you have not previously worked in green factory, after join here whether
your performance has increased
2. Green HRM has improved your performance and efficiency
100% 100%
Green employee perception and employee engagement
1. Employees feel more comfortable at work when they know about, they are
working under Green
2. The employees have the knowledge about green attitudes and sustainable
3. Employees have a positive attitude towards creating a green environment in
the organization.
0 0
100% 100%
1. You have come to work under Green HRM from social responsibility.
2. You encourage those who are not working under Green HRM to work under
1st question 2nd question
0 0 0 0
1. You are satisfied with the way Green HRM appraises your performance.
2. Green performance appraisal affects employee's moral formation and create
environmentally aware.
0 0
100% 100%
Green pay and reward system employee engagement:
1. Your employees are rewarded for achieving goals such as reduction of waste
and energy use.
2. Without Green reward system and pay, your employees take initiatives to
create a green environment together?
3. You think the green pay and reward system affects the green behavior of
0 00 0
100% 100%
1. The green pay reward system encourages you to create a green environment.
2. You are getting enough green pay and rewards for your Green work
100% 100%
Green HRM practices and employee engagement:
There is a positive relationship between Green HRM practices and
employee engagement. Green HRM affects employee workplace green behavior for
many reasons. Special attention is paid to recruitment, selection, training etc. of
employees to promote green HRM practices in various ways.
• Green Training can be used to prepare employee to meet some new challenges
and hierarchical change to overall worker commitment to process and recover
their abilities and persuade them to perform well in their association.
• Continual green training and development practices can improve them
employee to involve in various green activities, which developing the
employee engagement system of the organization.
• Green training and development are extremely essential for employee
motivation to participating in green initiatives.
• It is very important for the employees so that training and development
programs based on green practices help employees to understand the
consideration of health and safety issues of that organization
• Green Training helps to prepare employees to upgrade and refine their
employee skills and inspire to execute well
• In the field of Training and development in current RMG sector, the effect of
green HRM is not seen as much as if it is effective, we can associate it as full
• Finally Considering all aspects we can say that GHRM is at the initiative stage
in RMG sector of Bangladesh. The far future will have even wider
From our research we found out about green employee participation that employees
in Bangladesh RMG industry managers practice green practices also there GHRM
has been being practiced very well. They are all aware of the environment but the
workers in garments, they seem to have no idea about going green they just come
and do their work and go to their home.
• Using recycled material
• Reduce the consumption of paper
• Avoiding plastics
• Using LED
• Avoiding using fans they don’t need fans their environment is cool because
of planting trees everywhere.
• Avoid using air conditioner
But the workers don’t actually deal with any green work let alone their following
green in personal life.
Our visited factory apprises their employee according green rules or environment
friendly way. But this apprise system is confidential. That’s why they did not share
it with us. But the told some basic ways. Such as
Bangladesh has great potential because the increasing population is considered an
asset. But not everyone can make this asset much more effective. That’s why HRM
is needed. HRM can control and develop the potential of the population. The more
effective the HR department is the more effective the production and thus a very
profitable garments industry is made.
The green work-life balance concept is mentioned as a new perspective for Green
HRM. As an emergent and difficult construct, the development of Green HRM
practices manifested by various factors. The transfer of founded theories of work-
life interaction to Green HRM has shown that it can be useful to go beyond “greening
employees” and to consider the whole human being with their private life and
consumer behavior. The recent research focuses on the relationship of green HRM
practices such as green employee performance, green performance evaluation, green
pay and reward, green training and improvement with employee behavior i.e.
employee engagement. The greening and inspiration of employees as human beings
can only be successful if environmental scene is considered in all core business
processes. Some of these practices can explain the tendency of employees towards
their job under the tenet of RBV theory.
➢ Human Resource Management by Aswathappa 6E
➢ Wehrmeyer, Walter (ed.). Introduction. Greening People: Human Resources and
Environmental Management. Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing. pp. 11–
32. ISBN 9781874719151.
➢ Defining Green and Green Human Resource Management: A Conceptual Study
(Opatha, H.H.D.N.P. & Hewapathirana, R.A.)
➢ Impact of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) practices in Garment
industry: Bangladesh Perspective. (Sajun Saha, Rimon Sarker, and Syed
Meherab Ahmed)
➢ Impact of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) practices in
industry: Bangladesh Perspective. (Sajun Saha)
➢ The Influence of Green Performance Appraisal and Green Compensation to
Improve Employee Performance through OCBE (Fathia Ardiza, Lenny C.
Nawangsari, Ahmad H. Sutawijaya)