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Tourism Promotion Services 1

Week 2: Functions of the Information System

Functions of Information System

Learning Objectives

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. Define what an information system is by identifying its major components and
2. Describe the basic history of information systems; and
3. Understand the functions of information system.


Defining Information Systems


Almost all programs in business require students to take a course in something called
information systems. But what exactly does that term mean? Let’s take a look at some
of the more popular definitions, first from Wikipedia and then from a couple of textbooks:
 “Information systems (IS) is the study of complementary networks of hardware
and software that people and organizations use to collect, filter, process, create,
and distribute data.”[1]
 “Information systems are combinations of hardware, software, and
telecommunications networks that people build and use to collect, create, and
distribute useful data, typically in organizational settings.”[2]
 “Information systems are interrelated components working together to collect,
process, store, and disseminate information to support decision making,
coordination, control, analysis, and visualization in an organization.”[3]

An Information system is a set of people, procedures, and resources that collects,

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Tourism Promotion Services 2
Week 2: Functions of the Information System

Transforms, and disseminates information in an organization. An information system

(IS) is typically considered to be a set of interrelated elements or components that
collect (input),
manipulate (processes), and disseminate (output) data and information and provide a
feedback mechanism to meet an objective.

Whilst an automated information system allows us to perform many different roles and
functions, tourism organisations are embracing this technology because they see it has
many positive benefits. The most important focus of these benefits is meeting the needs
of clients.

Clients today expect information that is up-to-date, provided in a manner they understand and is
provided efficiently and effectively with professional friendly staff. Considering these features of client
expectations organisations in the tourism industry recognise that staff need to be able to provide timely
and accurate information that does not rely on 'guess work'. Therefore automated information systems
offer organisations many benefits that assist in meeting client expectations.

These benefits include:

 providing current, relevant, and accurate information that is maintained with up to

date information
 providing excellent client service, which is dependent on access to current,
relevant, and accurate information
 relieving the information officer to do other tasks because accessing information
is easy and efficient
 providing quality assurance in providing information and recording data, which
relies on current, relevant, and accurate information and processes to be
followed to maintain the quality of the information
 creating a professional image to the client of the organisation and its staff
because the information is current, relevant, and accurate and the client service
is excellent
 providing advice on a broad range of tourism services and products across the
 forming the basis of product selection based upon the services and products
contained within the automated information system (some automated information
systems charge suppliers to be featured and as such only those suppliers listed
have their information given to the client and/or bookings made).

Uses and Functions of Automated Information System

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Tourism Promotion Services 3
Week 2: Functions of the Information System

There are many roles, uses and functions of an automated information system. From a
visitor information office point of view these will include the following:

• To collect, organize and analyze information

• To communicate ideas and information to others

• To plan and organize activities

• To solve problems

• To access information for a client

A. To collect, organize and analyze information:

There is such an enormous range of information available on so many different types of

products and services within the tourism industry. It is impossible to remember every
detail or even every product! Without a computer-based system, it is of course possible
to collect the numerous brochures and printed information that every supplier in your
destination produces and arrange the information in a storage area like a filing cabinet
or storage room. If you know the filing system you can find the information reasonably
easily. Once you have found what you are looking for you can then analyze it by reading
it. Filing information, removing outdated information and cross-referencing takes
enormous amounts of time and requires sustained effort and efficient processes.

By storing information on an automated information system the information you collect

is current, more easily stored and can be accessed more easily and efficiently by a wide
range of users. Information can be searched in a number of ways including by date, by
region, by type of place or activity etc. The information is gathered and presented in the
same way, which enables you to access what you are looking for using the same
methods you always use. Once details change, you and other users can make the
changes quickly and cost efficiently (unlike brochures and other printed information).
Some of the downsides of maintaining an automated information system include high
operating costs for the system owner and the time-consuming nature of keeping a
database up to date at all times

B. Communicate ideas and information to others:

Not all clients know the names of places or experiences they want information on. For
instance, a client may want a list of all accommodation in your destination and the rates
for a single room for each. By using an automated information system, you can find this
information easily and provide it to the client. You can help the client to make a decision
based upon the information and either provide them with a copy or make a booking for
them based upon their choice. In addition you can search the database on specific
criteria other than price and location

C. Plan and organize activities:

Apart from providing information to clients you may be required to carry out a number of
other activities in your office. For instance you may need to assist in the production of
the new destination brochure, or prepare an itinerary for a group of visiting officials, or
prepare a presentation for a Rotary group. All these activities require planning and
organizing and need to rely on accurate and timely information. An automated
information system allows you to do this.

D. Solve problems:

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Tourism Promotion Services 4
Week 2: Functions of the Information System

There may be many times when others require the assistance of your destination
expertise. It could be the local council, a journalist or another organization in the tourism
industry. These organizations may contact you to help solve a problem. For example an
inbound tour operator calls to ask you if there is anywhere in New South Wales that a
tourist can see fairy penguins. Their clients don't have time to travel to Melbourne and
visit Philip Island. Do you know the answer? You can see fairy penguins at Montague
Island on the south coast of the state. If you didn't know the answer an automated
information system can help you solve the problem.

E. Access information for a client:

Probably the most common use you will have for an automated information system is to
access information for a client based upon their needs and wants. You may not have all
the knowledge you would like on every product and service in the destination or simply
may want to check that what you are saying is accurate. To do this you need to have
access to an automated information system that can find what you are looking for
quickly and efficiently.






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