Chapter 2 (DRAFT)
Chapter 2 (DRAFT)
Chapter 2 (DRAFT)
I. Introduction
This chapter displays the related literature and studies attained by the researcher
through in-depth analysis. These documents will present the terms, theories, and
factors that will further demonstrate the chosen research topic.
a) E-commerce Industry
Technologies have developed for several years and are still evolving up to
present times. The rapid growth of technology had a huge impact on the
business world especially after the Internet was introduced. Today, the concept
of “e-commerce” or electronic commerce highly contributed to the economic
world. It provided a great advantage, especially in the business sector.
E-Commerce Facilitators
(1) Internet:
The emergence and development of the internet allowed e-commerce to grow.
The Internet has become an essential tool for activities like shopping, learning,
communicating, etc. The digital platforms are giving solutions to reduce waste
with opportunities to have connections with customers.
(3) Analytics:
The scientific process of transforming data into insight for making better
decisions is called analytics. It provides help for businesses relative to gathering,
organizing, analyzing, and reporting about customer’s behavior.
(4) Social Media:
Social media allows people to communicate and share information on the
internet through websites and computer programs. It also provides opportunities
for businesses to promote and offer their products and services online.
b) Courier Company
● Order Condition
● Order Visibility
● Service Availability
● Returnability of Parcels
Returnability means returning the received dissatisfying item
through courier service companies. Couriers provide returns of the
wrong items sent (Chopra, 2003).
III. Theories
From January 1996, all courier companies applied for the required licenses to
perform services. Courier transport is systematically and consistently delivered. An
exchange of information occurred through telephone notification, text message, e-mail,
website, or even by applications (Ramana et al., 2013).
Courier service is a type of delivery service that falls under the theory of human
service delivery. This theory explains an understanding of how people work within
systems to deliver services. These four components will help courier companies to build
the best structure for the best services.
● Intangibility
Services are intangible, for they cannot be touched nor handled. They
exist as events shared between parties. People delivering these services can
create an impression with other people. Couriers must interact positively and
effectively with their customers.
● Variability
The quality of offered services may vary depending on the situation.
Securing consistent services can gain feedback from customers. It can help
courier companies to understand the ways to improve their service.
● Limits
The fundamental limit on the service that any organization can provide is
the number of people that it has in its workforce. A courier has a wide range of
areas to deliver shipments. Increasing people can help to improve the quality or
quantity of service.
● Ideology
To provide a better service to consumers, a company must communicate
its mission. Workers become motivated if they have internal ideologies about the
vision and mission of their service.
More specifically, this model assumes that consumers tend to look for causes for
product successes or failures and usually attribute these successes or failures using a
three-dimensional schema (Folkes, 1989; Oliver & DeSarbo, 1988; Pearce & Moscardo,
1984; Weiner et al 1971): Locus of Causality (internal or external): This means that the
purchase outcome, for example, is the cause of dissatisfaction and can be attributed
either to the consumer (internal) or to the marketer or something in the environment or
situation (external). Stability (stable/ permanent or unstable/ temporary): Stable causes
are thought not to vary over time, while unstable causes are thought to fluctuate and
vary over time. Controllability (volitional/ controllable or nonvolitional/uncontrollable):
Both consumers and firms can either have volitional control over an outcome or be
under certain controllable constraints. It is argued that under some conditions, for
example, when several consumers find themselves in agreement about the cause of
their dissatisfaction, when the same establishment repeats their mistake over and over
again (consistency), and when only this establishment commits error (distinctiveness of
the behavior is high), external attribution process takes place. On the other hand, when
the agreement is low, consistency is low and distinctiveness is low, consumers are
assumed to relate their negative reactions (dissatisfaction) to themselves (i.e., just
having an "off" day) (Pearce & Moscardo, 1984).
IV. Synthesis
This study can be used as a guide for the customers before choosing J&T
Express as their courier service. Furthermore, this study can be used as a feedback
mechanism of courier services, especially the J&T Express. The study will also
recommend a plan of action to improve the satisfaction of customers towards courier