Caregiving Exam
Caregiving Exam
Caregiving Exam
35. A structure of pituitary gland that is actually not PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF BRONCHIAL ASTHMA:
a glandular tissue at all, but nervous tissue instead Choose the letter of the correct answer from the
A. Parathyroid Gland B. Adrenal gland box below the diagram.
C. Hypothalamus D. Digestive
E. Posterior Pituitary F. Anterior Pituitary
________64. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a ________76. Aside from mobility, the activities
condition that involves pressure on a major that must be performed to achieve functional
nerve on the hand. independence include hygiene, eating,
dressing, and bowel and bladder control.
________65. If Buerger’s disease worsens,
blood flow to the arms and legs increases. ________77. Place wheelchair on Head of Bed
with the footrest of the chair faces the foot
________66. COPD. Includes Diagnostic part of the bed.
procedures such as: CHEST XRAY, CT SCAN, ABG
ANALYSIS, and Complete Blood Count ________78. For a patient who has lower
extremity paraplegia, transfer to and from the
________67. 3 point gait is the most stable bed by use of a wheelchair is convenient.
________79. For patients with hemiplegia or
________68. 4 point gait is the fastest gait. generalized weakness who has head and trunk
balance, the pivot transfer can be performed
________69. Functional Independence – independently or with assistance of one person
capability of an individual of serving the or with little effort.
purpose for which he was designed – freedom
of control, influence and support his daily ________80. Adaptations should enhance
activities. function without interfering with
________70. Bed Mobility – the handicapped
patients should be trained to shift about in bed, 81. A type of very hard rock which feels cold when
turn in both directions, sit erect in the long and you touch it and shines when it is cut and polished.
short sitting positions, and reach objects on the A. Vinyl Flooring B. Marble
bedside table. C. Terrazo D. Asphalt
________71. To improve the ability to transfer, 82. A kind of floor made out of PVC
exercises are directed particularly to the bones A. Vinyl Flooring B. Marble
for shoulder depression, elbow extension, C. Terrazo D. Asphalt
handgrip, hip extension and knee extension.
83. A metamorphic rock composed of recrystallized
________72. Physically disabled patients may carbonate minerals
be unable to feed themselves adequately A. Vinyl Flooring B. Marble
because of loss of grasp, range of motion, or C. Terrazo D. Asphalt
84. Made of marble chips and other fine aggregates
________73. Bathing in the tub or shower on the surface of finished concrete
requires the ability to transfer. A stool in the A. Vinyl Flooring B. Marble
tub or shower may make independent transfer C. Terrazo D. Asphalt
107. Food that prevent or heal Ulcers ________119. Oral Care. For unconscious
A. Tomatoes B. Peppermint C. patients, use a cotton-tipped applicator
Mayonnaise D. Raw Honey moistened in water based mouthwash.
108. Food to Avoid if you have stomach ulcer ________120. Shampooing. Apply shampoo to
A. Avocado B. Cabbage C. Brussels Sprouts the scalp. Make a harsh lather with the
D. Milk shampoo while intensely massaging the scalp
to eliminate germs.
109. Ulcers that occur on the inside of the
A. Gastric B. Duodenal C. Esophageal
D. Mouth