Similar Messages: Sap Lockbox Processing (Edi 823) Via Finsta01 Idoc
Similar Messages: Sap Lockbox Processing (Edi 823) Via Finsta01 Idoc
Similar Messages: Sap Lockbox Processing (Edi 823) Via Finsta01 Idoc
I am try ing to implement loc k box proc es s ing in SAP us ing the FINSTA01 IDoc . I hav e not found any doc umentation regarding the data
mapping. Does any body hav e ex perienc e with this ? If s o, I c ould really us e a s ample data mapping doc ument.
Sorry ,
Three times the s ame URL has c opied,
Clic k to the URL and c hec k :
http://help.s ap.c om/s aphelp_erp2005/helpdata/en/57/f1fc 3768b56d00e10000009b38f842/frames et.htm
1) Importing Loc k box Data
2) Pos tproc es s Loc k box Data
This might help y ou,
http://ifr.s ap.c om/c atalog/query .as p?names pac e=urn:s ap-c om:ifr:FI:470&ty pe=idoc &name=FINSTA01
Agas thuri Dos s
Similar Messages
Hi Nitin
When y ou c reate the s elec tion rule, y ou c an prioritiz e the fields . In y our c as e, doc ument number s hould be firs t and then the
referenc e.
Als o, in the c onfig for s elec tion rule, the s y s tem giv es the options for ex ternal s elec tion filed and the s elec tion field. So, y ou need to
tak e a look at the pay ment adv ic e and c onfirm that the doc ument number is getting populated in the BELNR field of the pay ment
adv ic e and the order number is ac tually getting populated in XBLNR.
If y ou EDI 823 is mapped to populate the abov e v alues in s ome other fields in the pay ment adv ic e, y our c onfig s hould reflec t the
s ame. Otherwis e the s y s tem would not matc h the open items .
Can y ou giv e the proc edure to c onfigure EDI 823 and the bare minimim s egments with fields that are required to be filled if y ou hav e
s olv ed the is s ue y ou got earlier.
Thank s & regards ,
Hi gurus ,
I am an ABAP c ons ultant and I am try ing to learn EDI/ALE and Idoc , but I am not s ure where to s tart with and what all do I need to c ov er
in it. So c an y ou pleas e tell me how to proc eed and what all is reqd. to k now about EDI/ALE and Idoc for an ABAP guy and it will be
great if y ou c an als o s end me s ome doc umentation .
Thank s ,
Rajeev !!!
Pleas e c hec k this online doc ument for ALE and IDoc .
http://help.s ap.c om/printdoc u/c ore/Print46c /en/data/pdf/BCMIDALEIO/BCMIDALEIO.pdf
http://help.s ap.c om/printdoc u/c ore/Print46c /en/data/pdf/BCMIDALEPRO/BCMIDALEPRO.pdf
http://help.s ap.c om/printdoc u/c ore/Print46c /en/data/pdf/CABFAALEQS/CABFAALEQS.pdf
http://help.s ap.c om/printdoc u/c ore/Print46c /en/data/pdf/BCSRVEDISC/CAEDISCAP_STC.pdf
http://help.s ap.c om/printdoc u/c ore/Print46c /en/data/pdf/BCSRVEDI/CAEDI.pdf
Elec tronic Data Interc hange
Cros s -c ompany ex c hange of elec tronic data (for ex ample bus ines s doc uments ) between domes tic and international bus ines s
partners who us e a v ariety of hardware, s oftware, and c ommunic ation s erv ic es . The data inv olv ed is formatted ac c ording to
predefined s tandards . In addition to this , SAP ALE tec hnology is av ailable for data ex c hange within a c ompany .
http://www.erpgenie.c om/s apedi/index .htm
http://help.s ap.c om/s aphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/72/c 18ee5546a11d182c c 0000e829fbfe/frames et.htm
https ://www.2020s oftware.c om/produc ts /Fourth_Shift_Edition_for_SAP_Bus ines s _One_Elec tronic _Data_Interc p
http://downloads -z dnet.c om.c om/SoftwareandWebDev elopment/SoftwareDev elopmentTools /Elec tronic Data+Interc hange/
http://www.erpgenie.c om/s apedi/index .htm
http://www.k os tal.c om/englis h/downloads /EDI_AGB_eng.pdfd
EDI is nothing but Elec tronic data interc hange. SAP will s upport EDI through Intermediate doc uments (IDOCS).
EDI (Elec tronic Doc ument interc hange) - EDI is the elec tronic ex c hange of bus ines s doc uments between the c omputer s y s tems of
bus ines s partners , us ing a s tandard format ov er a c ommunic ation network .
EDI is als o c alled paperles s ex c hange.
Adv antages :
Reduc ed Data entry errors
Reduc ed proc es s ing time
Av ailabilty of data in elec tonic form
Reduc ed paperwork
Reduc ed Cos t
Reduc ed inv entories and better planning
Standard means of c ommunic ations
Better bus ines s proc es s
EDI has two proc es s
1. Outbound proc es s
2. Inbound proc es s
1.Applic ation doc ument is c reated.
2.IDOC is generated
3.IDoc is trans ferred from SAP to Operating s y s tem lay er
4.Idoc is c onv erted into EDI s tandards
5.Edi doc ument is trans mitted to the bus ines s partner
6.The Edi Subs y s tem report s tatus to SAP
1.EDI trans mis s ion rec eiv ed
2.EDI doc ument is c onv erted into an IDOC
3.IDOC is trans ferred to the SAP lay er
4.The applic ation doc ument is c reated
5.The applic ation doc ument c an be v iewed.
Here is s ome thing whic h helps y ou and here the purc has e order is tak en as ex ample too..
Elec tronic Data Interc hange, or EDI, is the elec tronic ex c hange of bus ines s data. Us ing a s tandard format, EDI prov ides a method of
trans mitting bus ines s data from one c omputer to another, without the need to re-k ey data. This elec tronic link c an res ult in more
effec tiv e bus ines s trans ac tions . With EDI, paper doc uments s uc h as inv oic es c an be replac ed with elec tronic trans mis s ions , thus
time is s av ed, and the potential for error is minimiz ed. Data c an be ex c hanged at any time. Related bus ines s ex pens es , s uc h as
pos tage, printing, phone c alls , and handling, c an als o be s ignific antly reduc ed. EDI c an aid in the s upport of manufac turing efforts ,
s uc h as J us t-in-Time and Third Party Warehous ing, and financ ial efforts , s uc h as Elec tronic Pay ments .
What parts of the bus ines s c y c le c an be s upported by EDI?
Any bus ines s doc uments that are c urrently ex c hanged us ing paper c an be c onv erted to an EDI. Standards . Standards inc lude
ANSI X12 and XML/EDI are primarily us ed in the United States , while EDIFACT is us ed in Europe and As ia.
How does EDI get s tarted?
EDI gets s tarted when one c ompany c ontac ts another ex pres s ing interes t in trading bus ines s doc uments elec tronic ally us ing
Elec tronic Data Interc hange. The two c ompanies mus t firs t determine eac h other's EDI c apabilities . If y ou do not already k now y our
EDI c apabilities , we hav e prepared a ques tionnaire to help y ou determine them. If y ou are already EDI c apable, we will c oordinate
with y our tec hnic al s taff to determine a tes ting plan. Upon c ompletion of tes ting the EDI doc uments , the appropriate bus ines s
pers onnel will s et a produc tion s tart date to begin the ex c hange of EDI bus ines s data. If y ou are not EDI c apable, we rec ommend y ou
firs t obtain a c ommitment from y our upper management. Your c ompany will need to alloc ate res ourc es and c apital for s oftware,
hardware, tes ting, pos s ible programming, and training.
What is the flow of EDI?
The flow of EDI depends on the s ophis tic ation of y our s y s tems and y our EDI s oftware. If y ou hav e internal purc has ing/order entry
s y s tems , y ou will need interfac e programs that c an ex trac t and ins ert data out of and into thes e s y s tems . EDI programs that interfac e
with y our internal s y s tems are preferred ov er s oftware that requires re-k ey ing of data. Embas s y Software s pec ializ es in s eemles s
interfac e between EDI and y our bac k offic e s y s tems . Us ing a purc has e order as an ex ample of a bus ines s doc ument y our
c us tomer would s end that PO elec tronic ally (850) to y ou. It c ould be s ent either through a VAN (Value Added Network ) or through an
FTP s erv er. You would tak e that 850 and c onv ert it either into and ODBC databas e, a flat file or XML doc ument to be imported into y our
Order Sy s tem with the us e of EDI Software s uc h as Pas s portXc hange.. Us ing EDI c ommunic ation s oftware, whic h is part of the
Pas s portXc hange pac k age y ou would pull down data at s et interv als from the VAN or FTP. Thes e doc uments are then proc es s ed
through EDI trans lation s oftware and output to our order entry s y s tem. Finally , an EDI doc ument c alled a func tional ac k nowledgment
(997) is s ent to y our c us tomer.
Hi Ev ery body ,
us ing XI 3.0 on Linux 64 bit SLES9 with Orac le I got s ome probleme s ending mes s ages from mq s eries to s ap:
<?x ml v ers ion="1.0" enc oding="UTF-8" s tandalone="y es " ?>
- <!-- Call Adapter
- <SAP:Error x mlns :SAP="http://s ap.c om/x i/XI/Mes s age/30"
x mlns :SOAP="http://s c hemas .x mls oap/env elope/"
SOAP:mus tUnders tand="">
<SAP:Category >XIAdapter</SAP:Category >
<SAP:P1>EDI: Error while as s igning IDoc number</SAP:P1>
<SAP:P2 />
<SAP:P3 />
<SAP:P4 />
<SAP:AdditionalTex t />
<SAP:Applic ationFaultMes s age names pac e="" />
<SAP:Stac k >Error: EDI: Error while as s igning IDoc number</SAP:Stac k >
<SAP:Retry >M</SAP:Retry >
What is mis s ing here?
Kind regards ,
Mic hael
Hi J ay ak ris hnan,
thank s a lot for y our ans wer.
SM59 is work ing finde. In IDX1 I got the the c orrec t RFC des tination entered and a double c lic k work s fine als o.
The other way around R3 -> XI -> mq s eries is work ing fine. Here we are try ing mq -> XI -> R3 and it s tops s ending from XI to R/3.
How to c hec k the IDOC ty pe?
Regards ,
Mic hael
EDI 821 and EDI 823 field mapping file and basic IDOC type and message type
Hi All,
We are fac ing s ome is s ues regarding EDI 821 and EDI 823 file mappings .
We are mapping EDI 821 and EDI 823 trans ac tions into SAP us ing IDOCs . Currently we are us ing the below entries
EDI 823 - Loc k Box
Bas ic IDOC ty pe - FINSTA01
Mes s age ty pe - FINSTA
Proc es s Code - FINS
The problem is we are able to get the IDOC into SAP with s tatus red and the v arious errors were due to not able to c reate the loc k box
entry in SAP and onc e we got y ellow s tatus als o but the loc k box entry was not c reated and the errors are lik e No Conv ers ions ,no
header etc .
EDI 821 -
Bas ic IDOC ty pe - PEXR2002
Mes s age ty pe - PAYEXT OR REMADV
Proc es s Code - PEXC OR REMA
We are fac ing the s ame problem here als o and the internal pay ment order is not c reating in SAP and IDOC was generated with
y ellow s tatus and red s tatus .
We are try ing different c ombinations but nothing is work ing s o far.
I need the following things to proc eed furthur.
1)Are the IDOC , Mes s age and proc es s c odes are c orrec t that I am us ing now for both EDI 821 and EDI 823
2)If thos e are not c orrec t, c an y ou pleas e let me k now the c orrec t entries
3) Pleas e prov ide me the field mapping if any one of y ou hav e work ed earlier for both the abov e IDOC and mes s age ty pe or new
ones and we hav e one field mapping now but if y ou c an s end it to me then I c an re c hec k it.
4) Do we hav e to c reate any c onfiguraion or c us tomiz ing in SAP to c reate the IDOC in green s tatus and if s o pleas e let me k now the
c us tomiz ing s teps and proc edures for both EDI 821 and EDI 823.
thank s in adv anc e for all y our help.
Pleas e let me k now if my ques tion is not c lear.
Thank s ,
Rames h.
Hi Rames h,
I believ e y ou are us ing thos e interfac es with the bus ines s partner ty pe as Bank , Whatev er idoc ty pe, mes s age ty pe and proc es s
c ode y ou hav e us ed are perfec tly c orrec t.
Firs t of all did y ou enable y our bank for EDI, the hous e bank has to be EDI enabled firs t then only y our idoc 's c an be proc es s ed, talk
to y our fi func tional c ons ultant and he might help y ou.
Are y ou c an giv e me the ex ac t error and i c an help y ou as well.
Thank s ,
Mahes h.
In proc es s of tes ting EDI 823(Loc k box u2013 Inc oming Pay ments ) us ing tes ttool, Idoc s are been s uc c es s fully proc es s ing when an
attempt is made to pos t the inc oming c us tomeru2019s pay ment for an open inv oic e (Bas ic ty pe u2013 FINSTA01, Mes s age ty pe
u2013 LOCKBX). Pay ment adv ic e note is being generated for the s uc c es s ful proc es s ed Idoc s .
Then we ran a report RFAVIS40 in SE38 whic h bas ic ally s elec ts the pay ments adv ic es and then pos ts the c learing doc ument. In the
proc es s when we are try ing to ex ec ute the report for the generated pay ment adv ic es u201CFor doc ument ty pe DZ, an entry is
required in field referenc eu201D this is the mes s age we are getting.
Manually I ex ec ute the s ame pay ment adv ic e number us ing FBE2. When I enter the info in u2018Pay ment totalu2019 and
u2018Pay ment doc .nou2019. at the Header lev el of FBE2 and then I run the report again, inv oic e doc uments are getting c leared.
What c onfig s ettings require to automate this func tionality ? OR Am I mis s ing any mandatory field information at the time I proc es s
Idoc ? OR Sy s tem would work only in this manner?
Pleas e pas s y our c omments .
Thank s .
Hav e nev er work ed with EDI earlier s o hav e s ome bas ic ques tions .
We hav e an interfac e for inc oming pay ments . The idea is that the inc oming EDI IDOC interfac e would c lear the open items in the
c us tomer ac c ount.
Initially , hav e planned to us e PEXR200/ REMADV, but realis ed that it is for c reation of a pay ment adv ic e. Can i us e this to c lear pos t
and ac c ounting doc or c lear an open item in the c us tomer ac c ount.
Is there any other IDOC that i c an us e.
thank s in adv anc e
Hello all,
I am us ing idoc _input_loc k box fm to proc es s fins ta01 idoc s generated bas ed on EDI 823 format. I am hav ing a c us tom field in AVIK,
pay ment adv ic e header table whic h needs to be populated with the 3 fields from the idoc c onc atenated. Is EXIT_SAPLIEDP_202 right
plac e to do this ? I am mov ing the fields I need from the c orres ponding s egments into the c us tom field of AVIK and updating idoc _av ik
parameter with this .
No Res pons e.
Hi All,
Pres ently im work ing on edi, Are there any mappings av ailable for <b>EDI 823 file</b> format to <b>FINSTA01 IDOC ?</b> in EDI
I hope y ou would hav e s omehow managed to get the mapping file. if u hav e any related s tuff ie: edi823 file to inc oming edi ( fins ta01
idoc in SAP ). Pleas e s end me to
Email [email protec ted]
Thank s in Adv anc e,
Nirupama reddy
Are y ou able to get the mappings for X12 to FINSTA01. If u did, c an y ou help me with that. my email: [email protec ted]
The link y ou gav e does not work .
Thank s ,
We are try ing to implement Loc k box func tionality us ing EDI(FINSTA01 IDOC Ty pe / Loc k bx mes s age ty pe).
Where c an I find what information will be av ailable in whic h data s egment of the FINSTA01 ty pe?
I went to we60 and there is no detailed information av ailable there.
When we us ed BAI2, there were lot of materials av ailable online des c ribing what rec ord is for what purpos e.
Could any one guide me in unders tanding the Segment details ?
Thank s ,
Ajith Cheruv ally
No Res pons e.
Hello Friends ,
We hav e added c ouple of Z fields to the s tandard 0002 Iinfoty pe table PA0002.
I c an s ee the c us tom fields in the trans : PA30 s c reen for infoty pe 002.
Now, we want to s end thes e c us tom fields v alue outs ide SAP v ia an IDOC.
Here are the s teps I followed :
I c reated a Z Segment in an ex tended idoc with the s truc ture PA0002.
I went in trans ac tion PM01 for Infoty pe 0002 and added the abov e c reated Z s egment as a 2nd IDOC s egment.
In trans ac tion PA30 for 002, I made c hanges to the c us tom field v alue for a pers on 12039.
Created an idoc v ia BD21.
IDOC generated with the Z Segment but it does n't c ontain any Z c us tom fields .
Whic h s tep am I mis s ing here? Do I hav e to hav e a us er-ex it or BADI to ac hiev e this OR c an it be done without writing any c ode?
Bas ic ally I
I will really apprec iate y our help.
Regards ,
Pooja Pandey
y ou need to fill eac h field manually .
c hec k this c ode i am filling ZHCMS_PI_SEMENT
data: s gmnt_e1pity p ty pe e1pity p.
field-s y mbols : <wplog> ty pe any .
field-s y mbols : <wplog1> ty pe any .
data: ix x x x ty pe e1pity p, iy y y y ty pe e1plogi,s gmnt_hc ms _pi ty pe z hc ms _pi_s egment,wa_idoc _data_x ty pe edidd, ls _idoc _data
ty pe edidd.
data: lv _p0001 ty pe s tandard table of p0001 ,lv _p0002 ty pe s tandard table of p0002 ,lv _p0007 ty pe s tandard table of p0007 .
data: lv _p0521 ty pe s tandard table of p0521 ,lv _p0710 ty pe s tandard table of p0710 ,lv _p2001 ty pe s tandard table of p2001 .
data: ls _p0001 ty pe p0001,ls _p0002 ty pe p0002,ls _p0007 ty pe p0007 ,ls _p0521 ty pe p0521 ,ls _p0710 ty pe p0710 ,ls _p2001
ty pe p2001 .
data: row_index ty pe s y -tabix ,del_index ty pe s y -tabix .
data: lc x _root ty pe ref to c x _root.
try .
Keep the s egments whic h hav e c hanged date greater than las t run date in update mode
read table idoc _data into wa_idoc _data_x with k ey s egnam = 'E1PITYP'.
as s ign wa_idoc _data_x -s data to <wplog> c as ting ty pe e1pity p.
ix x x x = <wplog>.
loop at idoc _data into wa_idoc _data_x where s egnam = 'E1PLOGI'.
row_index = s y -tabix + 1.
as s ign wa_idoc _data_x -s data to <wplog1> c as ting ty pe e1plogi.
iy y y y = <wplog1>.
s gmnt_e1pity p-plv ar = ix x x x -plv ar.
s gmnt_e1pity p-oty pe = ix x x x -oty pe.
s gmnt_e1pity p-objid = iy y y y -objid.
s gmnt_e1pity p-infty = '0001'.
s gmnt_e1pity p-begda = ix x x x -begda.
s gmnt_e1pity p-endda = ix x x x -endda.
c lear ls _idoc _data.
ls _idoc _data-s egnam = 'E1PITYP'.
ls _idoc _data-s data = s gmnt_e1pity p.
ins ert ls _idoc _data into idoc _data index row_index .
APPEND t_idoc _data .
s ort lv _p0001 by begda des c ending.
read table lv _p0001 into ls _p0001 index 1.
s gmnt_hc ms _pi-z z s wis s reid = ls _p0001-z z s wis s reid.
Get the c us tom data from IT0002
s ort lv _p0002 by begda des c ending.
read table lv _p0002 into ls _p0002 index 1.
s gmnt_hc ms _pi-z z globalid = ls _p0002-z z globalid.
s gmnt_hc ms _pi-z z s ourc e_id = ls _p0002-z z s ourc e_id.
s gmnt_hc ms _pi-z z legac y _emp_id = ls _p0002-z z legac y _emp_id.
ls _idoc _data-s egnam = 'ZHCMS_PI_SEGMENT' .
ls _idoc _data-s data = s gmnt_hc ms _pi.
row_index = row_index + 1.
ins ert ls _idoc _data into idoc _data[] index row_index .
c lear : lv _p2001[] , lv _p0001[] , lv _p0002[] , lv _p0710[] ,lv _p0007[], lv _p0521[], ls _p2001 , ls _p0001 , ls _p0002 , ls _p0710
,ls _p0007, ls _p0521 .
APPEND t_idoc _data.
Thank s
Bala Duv v uri
AES filing error - Idoc Outbound Processing: EDI number cannot be compiled
Hi Gurus ,
We are c onfiguring the AES filing.
we'v e done the EDI c onfigI and initally we got the error that EDI partner is not maintained. As per the s ugges tions from this Forum
we'v e added the c us oms offic e details in geography tab.
Now when we are try ing to proc es s the s ame, we are getting the error "Idoc Outbound Proc es s ing: EDI number c annot be
c ompiled"
All s ugges tions are welc ome.........
Thank s in Adv anc e.
Hi Shiv a,
Here goes the s olution: y ou need to maintain the Number of the Number Ranges s tarting with "10" and this applies only to GTS
s y s tem as this is HARD-CODED in the Program, apart from 10 any number of the number range will res ult in an "EDI Number Range
c ompilation" error.
Hars ha
In the c as e of the loc k box proc es s ing, we want that the s y s tem doews not c lear off the inv oic e in c as e there is pay ment differenc e.
We want to tak e dic is ion on thos e pay ments manually .
Regards ,
You need to define the toleranc es in OBA3 and OBXL.
Then the s y s tem will not c lear off the inv oic es , ins tead it will pos t the ament on ac c ount, whic h y ou need to then pos t proc es s .
Regards ,
I need to c onfigure Inc oming IDOC EDI 823 for Loc k box .
Bas ic ty pe: FINSTA01
Mes s age Ty pe: FINSTA
Proc es s ing c ode: FINS
Func tion Module: IDOC_INPUT_FINSTA
By giv ing the Bas ic ty pe u2013 FINSTA01 and ex ec uted in the tes t tool, I am getting the lis t of all the s egments related to this Idoc ty pe.
I reques t pleas e let me k now how I c an map the field s egments by tak ing minimum s egments and what qualifiers s hould I input to
proc es s the idoc .
Thank s for y our c o-operation.
No Res pons e.
Hello All,
Thank s v ery muc h for y our time.
We c urrently hav e loc k box with BAI2 format file c oming in from the bank for all our c us tomers .
As an enhanc ement, we want to implement loc k box pay ment adv ic e to c ome direc tly from the c us tomer through EDI 820 pay ment
adv ic e and will only rec eiv e the pay ment header (the 6 rec ord) on the loc k box file from the bank .
The s mall c us tomers will s till follow the c urrent proc es s - s end their c hec k and pay ment adv ic e to the bank and the detail will be
trans mitted v ia the BAI2 loc k box file.
I k now this c an be done - but hav e s ome ques tions regarding the timing of the files and the s et up proc es s .
When the EDI 820 pay ment adv ic e file c omes in firs t, the s y s tem c an be s et up to wait for the header file from the bank to c lear the
c us tomer ac c ount / open items . But if the loc k box file gets in the s y s tem before the EDI 820 pay ment adv ic e file, the pay ment will get
pos ted on ac c ount bas ed on the MICR number without any c us tomiz ation proc es s . Is there a proc es s that has been s uc c es s fully
implemented to deal this s c enario?
Pleas e let me k now and thank s again for y our help.
Inc oming pay ment adv ic e or outgoing? I don't hav e the details with me, but roughly , y ou will hav e to work with the ABAP and EDI
people to c onv ert the EDI into the relev ant IDOCS (I think the IDOC ty pe is PEXR2002 and ms g ty pe is PAYEXT). For automatic
pos tings for inc oming EDI/IDOC pay ment adv ic es the FI c ons ultant will then define the pos ting rules to the relev ant G/L ac c ounts
(TCode OT83).
Thank s ,
Hi, My pric e lis t v aries from c us tomer to c us tomer and Item to item lik e wis e the dis c ount and als o I hav e as s igned the res pec tiv e
pric e lis t to the res pec tiv e c us tomer. Whenev er i rais e a s ale order if the dis c ount perc entage ex c eeds the dis c ount m
Hi, We are about to implement s ome HANA's as databas es for Netweav er s y s tems . Any rec ommendations on what SID's to giv e the
HANA s y s tems ? The s ame as the Netweav er s y s tem for whic h it is a DB s erv ers perhaps ? (y ou will now hav e duplic ate SIDs
regis te
Hi Can s omeone ex plain to me the func tionality of the following trans ac tions : IM44 - Rollup of budget v alues IM54 - Inv es tment
Program Reorganis ation Do y ou us e as part of the IM month-end proc es s ? thank s J oe
I Can't do my password!
I hav e forgot my pas wordon the front s c reen, when y ou turn it on. But i c an't get in to my ac c ont on my bec aus e it is Ireland and my
grandma has it. s o pleas e if y ou k now what to do pleas e tell bec aus e i hav 't been on in a week ,and i got it for Chris
I am new to mac , do I need to ins tall s ome s ort of v irus protec tion