Laboratory Report Sheet

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Name: Yulo,Ires A. Date: 05- 08- 21

Subject: Organic Chemistrty Score: _____________

A. Color, Odor, and Physical State

Name Formul Physical State Odor Melting Type of Organic
a points bonds or
Sodium NaCl - a white Odorless 801 °C Ionic bonds Inorganic
chloride crystalline
solid with a
density of
2.16 g/mL
- Colorles
s cubic crystals

Cyclohexan C6H12 - a - 6.47 °C covalent, Organic

e ppears petroleumlik (43.65 nonpolar
as a e odor °F; bonds
clear 279.62
colorless liquid K)
- U
sed to
as a
and to make
other chemicals.
Potassium KI - a metalhalide Odorless 681 °C ionic bond Inorganic
iodide salt featuring an
ionic bond
between the

cation (K+) and

the iodide anion

Benzoic C7H6O - a pleasant 122.4" covalent Organic

acid 2 colorles odor C compounds
s, / bonds
crystalline solid
- s
Toluene C7H8 - C sweet, -95 °C Covalent Organic
olorless pungent, bond
liquid benzenelike
- a
as a
colorless liquid
- L
(7.2 lb / gal) and
insoluble in
Water H2O - a - can picks up 0 °C Covalent Inorganic
liquid taste bond
at and odor
standar from
d chemicals
ambient that
temperature dissolve
and easily
pressure because it is
- c the
ontains "universal
one solvent."
and two
atoms that are
by covalent

Solute Solubility in Solubility in Water Organic or

Cyclohexane Inorganic?
Sodium Insoluble - Soluble Inorganic
B. Solubility
Which layer is cyclohexane? ____________ Water layer? _____________

- As sodium
chloride is
polar molecule
it will be
soluble in
polar solvents
like water
Toluene Insoluble - - Soluble Organic
has a solubility
in water of
526 mg l−1, an
vapor pressure
of 28.4 mm Hg
and a Henry's
Law Constant
of 6.64 × 10−3

C. Combustion

Compound Flammable Not flammable Organic or

(Color of Flame) Inorganic?
Sodium chloride - a flammable Inorganic
solid which will ignite
spontaneously in air
or moist air and
reacts violently with
water or steam to
produce flammable
and explosive
Hydrogen gas
- yellow
Cyclohexane - flammable liquid - Organic

D. Summary of Properties

Property Organic Compounds Inorganic Compounds

Elements hydrogen, carbon, oxygen - substance
and nitrogen that does not
contain both
carbon and
- heavy
metals and toxic
elements (e.g.,

mercury, chromium, arsenic,

Bonding covalent bonds among the - ionic bonds
constituent atoms between metals and
nonmetals, such as in
table salt
- covalent
bonds, such as in
water molecules or
oxygen gas.
Melting points - 0.5-1.0°C - A pure, very high melting/boiling
nonionic, crystalline points irrespective to their
organic compound molecular weight
usually has a sharp and
characteristic melting
point (usually 0.51.0°C
Strong odors - Odors from organic hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is an
compounds found in general inorganic compound that has
air pollution, wastewater, a distinctive rotten egg scent.
soil emissions, and building Elemental chlorine gas (Cl2)
emissions can pose serious has an acrid smell.
health risks if they are not Ammonia (NH3) is another
controlled. inorganic odorant
- Some organic
chemicals, such as the
ethylene glycol (1) found in
antifreeze and industrial
chemicals, have absolutely
no odor or color.
Flammability Organic compounds are Almost all of them are
extremely flammable. flammable and have slow
Almost all organic liquids are reactions. Inorganic
considered "flammable," compounds, on the other
meaning they are capable of hand, have ionic bonds, most
catching on fire and of them are solids with high
sustaining combustion (an melting points. Many of
important exception is that them are soluble in water but
halogenated solvents tend insoluble in organic solvents.
to be non-flammable). Few inorganic compounds
However, this doesn't mean are flammable and reactions
that all organic liquids will are usually fast.
immediately ignite if placed
near a heat source.
Solubility Organic compounds tend to The ionic bonds allow
dissolve well in solvents that inorganic compounds to
have similar properties to dissociate into positive and
themselves. This principle is negative ions in water,
often referred to as "like making them highly soluble
dissolves like," which means
that polar molecules will in water, meaning easily
generally dissolve well in dissolved.
polar solvents and non-polar
molecules will generally
dissolve in non-polar

Questions and Problems

1. Describe three properties that you can use to distinguish between organic and organic
- The primary difference that lies between these organic compounds and inorganic
compounds is that organic compounds always have a carbon atom while most of the
inorganic compounds do not contain the carbon atom in them. Almost all the
organic compounds contain the carbonhydrogen or a simple C-H bond in them.
Organic compound has carbon and hydrogen atoms while the inorganic compound
has other atoms. Organic compounds make the important biomolecules such as
amino acids, proteins, DNA, RNA, etc., whereas the inorganic compounds make the
salts, acids, bases, etc. Organic compounds have carbon hydrogen bonds or carbon
bonds. These types are not formed in inorganic compounds.

2. A white solid has no odor, is soluble in water, and is not flammable. Would
you expect it to be an organic or an inorganic substance? Why?

- For me, I would say that the substance is inorganic. That is because most organic
compounds are volatile and may be aromatic. This means that organic compounds
do mostly have odor. On the other hand, inorganic compounds are generally not
volatile and most are odorless. Organic compounds are mostly non-polar in nature
and most inorganic compounds are polar and water is polar (it has a dipole in its
molecule: Positive hydrogen end, negative oxygen end). Organic compounds have a
backbone of carbon and hydrogen and catch flame very quickly. That explains why
oil and coal burn so well. However, inorganic compounds are not very inflammable.

2. A clear liquid with a gasoline-like odor forms a layer when added to water.
Would you expect it to be an organic or an inorganic substance? Why?

- I'd expect it to be organic primarily because water is a polar molecule and organics
tend to be a non-polar. And this is why it doesn't dissolve in the water.

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