BW Myrtha Technology
BW Myrtha Technology
BW Myrtha Technology
Water circulation 20
Smart use
of materials
Myrtha is the most exclusive and advanced tech- fect waterproofing. Myrtha Technology provides the
nology in the swimming pool industry. It's patented ideal solution to the many limitations of traditional
pre-engineered modular system, based on the use reinforced concrete structures and ordinary prefabri-
of laminated stainless steel panels and buttress cated swimming pools.
system, enables a Myrtha structure to attain per-
Stainless steel
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PVC - waterproofing
Perfect waterproofing is ensured by the
unique process of bonding PVC to the Myrtha
steel panels. A hard PVC membrane is hot-
laminated to the steel in the manufacturing
process. A reinforced PVC membrane is used
on the floor of the pool in order to follow the
contours of the concrete sub-surface.
For high level aestheric finishes, Myrtha tech-
nology uses a wide range of exclusive materi-
als that match with the colours of the PVC.
Myrtha allows the use of special stone and
marble finishes to ensure more elegance at
the pool project.
This combination of materials and colors allow
the client to personalize each and every swim-
ming pool according to their specific needs.
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Wall construction
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Models and
The traditional Skimmer version, which presents the water level lower
than the floor level, has a ceramic finishing that enriches the visible part
of the pool and helps cleaning operations. This system is ideal for public
pools with reduced dimensions.
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To comply with F.I.N.A. regulations for competition pools that do not
have an overflow structure on all four sides a headwall is required at
30cm above the water level, often completed by ceramic tiles that
guarantee simple cleaning and satisfies the eye.
Combined Technologies
All the technologies described
above can be combined to meet
design requirements: competition
pools combine overflow technolo-
gies with headwalls; public and
leisure pools combine skimmer
systems with one or more vanish-
ing edge or headwall system too.
Myrtha Pools can offer the work
of a specialized technical staff who
continuously search for the best
solutions to advise the client ac-
cording to need and surrounding.
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Finger Wall
This solution is an additional structure raised
above the level of water that can be used as
a dividing wall between different areas of one
big pool or as a relax area for swimmers. It is
generally covered by ceramic tiles and meets
the finishing solutions of the rest of the pool.
Zero Entry
Otherwise know as “beach entry”, is a walk-in
option commonly associated to leisure pools
but available for all projects. It integrates an an-
ti-slip surface as well as a “soft floor” underlay-
ment to further enhance the beach effect and
provide an added safety aspect created with
our Softwalk solution.
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Double level
Double level is often inserted for an aestheti-
cal purpose to allow for a waterfall effect, but it
can also be functional
for the architecture
of the pool or for the
surrounding floor.
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Why choose
and knowledge
A 50 year experience that guarantees
the realization of 1500 pools per year
with 300 for public use; more than 50
installations for International Swimming
Events and references in over 60
Countries. Myrtha Pools can boast
an advanced technical department
with a direct transmission of the
manufacturing drawing to production;
a Research & Development team for
laboratory tests; and installation groups
trained during professional seminars
by Pool Academy; the same Company
responsible fo the total package.
Myrtha pools can be built in a very
short time, thanks to their pre-
engineered design. The components
are manufactured according to
ISO 9001 standards by automated
machines and shipped directly to the
building site. This facilitates a timely
installation process that does not
require the use of heavy equipment
and which reduces significantly the
risk of assembly mistakes on the
construction site.
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Any size,
any shape,
any depth
The Myrtha technology is
adaptable to fit every type of
pool project. Myrtha is suitable
for both precise competitive
situations as well as the most
elaborate freeform pool design.
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High level
Myrtha offers a wide range of
finish details to suit the most
discerning architect or client.
All of the materials used are of
the highest quality.
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Whit most Governments
recommending the reduction of
CO2 emissions, Myrtha Pools
commissioned ACOR Consultant
to calculate the energy used in
building a Myrtha pool. The Carbon
footprint of Myrtha (the quantity of
CO2) is significantly lower by 50%
compared to a traditional pool made
with concrete and tiles: Myrtha could
provide heat to a 100sqm apartment
for at least 45 years!
Myrtha Pools can boast
many satisfied customers
among the organizational
committees of sports
events in which Myrtha
Technology has been used.
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the regolatory requirements.
Myrtha swimming pools are designed basing on
these criteria, both considering the needs of public
health and easy maintenance of the pool.
Myrtha pools has invested also in this fields of re-
search, by developing specific studies on recircu-
lation systems preliminary analysis, as well as new
solutions for water circulation.
Traditional distribution
Use of inlets on the pool floor allows for an
uniform distribution, complying to local regula-
It represents nowadays an evolution of tradi-
tional water circulation system and the most
efficient solution.
Based on the Venturi effect with controlled tur-
bulence, it reduces risks by avoiding piping in
the pool floor.
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It separates the pool in different areas, moving
along rails installed on the pool deck, thanks to
a patented easy movement system. It includes
anchors for starting blocks and it can be pro-
vided with optionals as footrest step, handrails,
floating lane ropes.
Bulkhead flow-through
Flow through bulkhead al-
lows a large amount of the
swimmer surge wave to pass
through the bulkhead above
and below the water further
eliminating the rebound wave
and turbulence.
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Removable headwalls
Provide pools with overflow gutter on four sides
with a 30 cm headwall, as per FINA regulations
It is also an ideal support for timing touch pads,
starting blocks and floating lane anchors.
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Starting blocks
FINA approved. Omega top for TRACK-START
can be integrated.
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Recessed stairs
Preassembled stair on
Myrtha panel, it allows for
an easy access without
reducing spaces.
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Leisure and
wellness accessories
Fountains and geysers
Can be integrated in the floor, in the walls and in
the Myrtha gutter.
Hydromassage stairs
The new hydromassage stairs by Myrtha Pools
ensure comfortable and effective air distribu-
tion, avoiding concrete works into the pool.
Built using special ABS components, they are
available in different design and colours alter-
natives, also with LED back-light possibility.
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Accent lighting
raditional or LED lighting to produce a spec-
tacular or pleasing effect.
Different types of RIVER JETS integrated in the
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Myrtha Pools has structured and perfected their some of their most important competitions.
exclusive technologies, specializing in solutions to The World Championships in Rome (1994), Perth
measure for the realization of big competition sys- (1998), Barcelona (2003), Montreal (2005), again
tems fast pools: swimming pools, pools for water Rome (2009), Shanghai (2001), the Olympic Games
polo, synchro-swimming, diving pools. The ability to in Atlanta in 1996, Beijing (2008), London (2012).
ensure a precise and fast pools installation is very Myrtha Pools has been also been the pool of choice
important in the construction of competition pools. for the FISU Games, European Championships,
That’s why Myrtha technology has been chosen USA Olympic Trials, USA Swimming as well as re-
by Swimming Federations throughout the world for gional Games.
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Communities and
leisure pools
Myrtha technology and design collaborate in the Consequently, Myrtha delivers pools that consistent-
most imaginative ways when it comes to municipal ly and successfully bring neighborhoods together.
projects. Myrtha takes special care to integrate the Because of its versatility and the possibility of inte-
unique culture of each community into every proj- grating all types of accessories and water features,
ect's vision and the wide array of accessories en- Myrtha Technology offers a wide choice of options
sures a pool that's one of a kind. The adaptability for any part of the leisure pools, indoor or outdoor.
of a Myrtha pool suits all requirements found in both Also, the low maintenance of a Myrtha pool guaran-
public and commercial use and is currently the most tees to keep costs down for years to come.
breakthrough technology in the market.
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Hotels and
resort pools
Myrtha Pools' patented technology guarantees the varied climates, small spaces and high rise buildings.
very best pools for the finest Hotels, Resorts and Once installed, a Myrtha Pool does not require the
High Rise facilities around the world. Myrtha Tech- expensive maintenance that traditional pools need
nology is designed to adapt to the challenges of pool every few years thus reducing the amount of scarce
construction in varied climates, small spaces and resources spent on capital expenditures. Aestheti-
high rise buildings. Myrtha Technology is designed cally, Myrtha Pools have a wide range of accessories
to adapt to the challenges of pool construction in to fit the unique profile of hotels and resorts.
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Health and
fitness clubs pools
Myrtha builds dynamic facilities that allow for lap technology for the most exacting pools and acces-
swimming, competition and aerobics for all levels sories in the nation. Once built, a Myrtha Pool will
of physical fitness and recreation. The streamlined not require the same expensive maintenance need-
look and high design of a Myrtha Pool compliments ed by traditional pools. This guarantees that scarce
the prestigious property value of quality health clubs. resources will not be spent on capital expenditures
Furthermore, Myrtha Technology pairs visible outer and that any health club and its patrons will benefit
quality with unmatched inner structure and patented from Myrtha Technology for years to come.
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Bellevue Club,
Bellevue, Washington (USA)
Bellevue Club is one of the most exclusive and
prestigious clubs in Washington area.
The hotel Natatorium has been totally renovated and
completed with high-level finishes and Myrtha Pools
has been choosen for the construction of two new
pools, designed and produced with outstanding mosaic
glass tiles.
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Thermal and
SPA pools
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Grimming Therme,
Bad Mitterndorf (Austria)
Grimming Therme is located within the fantastic alpine
landscape of the Ausseerland area. The center offers a
large thermal, relax and family area, in which Myrtha
Pools has built seven indoor and outdoor thermal
pools, finished with precious Bisazza glass mosaic and
equipped with hydromassage benches and beds.
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Myrtha Pools have constructed some of the most the country where they are enjoying the many ben-
highly acclaimed competition pools in the world. efits that Myrtha Pools offers.
This same exacting precision and technology can Institutions receive state-of-art technology adding
be enjoyed in Universities, Colleges and Academic value to any campus. A sound choice for the alloca-
institutions all over the world. In USA Myrtha Pools tion of resources, Myrtha Pools need no additional
has installations in YMCA cities and towns across investment or capital expenditures for years to come.
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Therapy and
rehabilitation pools
The perfectly self-supporting structure of Myrtha Myrtha Therapy supplies also all the range of acces-
Technology is ideal in these cases because it allows sories indispensable for the therapy: floor partitions
for the insertion of the pool in pre-existent rooms, of- and wall ergonomic handrails, floors at different lev-
ten narrow or hardly accessible, and it allows further- els for progressive or differentiated therapies, hydro-
more the construction of the pools also completely massages with inlets at different heights, adjustable
above ground. This facilitates the operators and in flow and direction, blow benches, external paths
the medical staff in the carrying out of their own job for the assistance to the activities by the appointed
around the pool and it allows them to monitor more staff, lifting tackles for disbled, underwater windows
comfortably the activities both through the deck and and windowed walls for the monitoring of the activity
through special windows placed along the walls of in the pool.
the pool.
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Stefani Foundation,
Vicenza (Italy)
One of the most important Foundations for disabled
people rehabilitation hosts in its Physiotherapic Center
two Myrta therapic pools.
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Nowadays, with world level competitions requiring level events, but is also enables the installation of
seating for crowds of 10,000 plus, the installation of swimming pools inside stadiums or sports halls,
a permanent pool is not possible, especially indoors. without need to drill the floor and offering to the
The Myrtha Evolution Technology has been specifi- world of swimming the opportunity to transform
cally designed to meet the need for such “special these competitions into unforgettable shows. In all
events”. these cases, furthermore, once finished the sport-
Myrtha Evolution not only allows us to obtain a pool ing event, the pool is disassembled and re-installed
with dimensions and features suitable for such high permanently elsewhere.
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Shanghai 2011.
14th FINA Wold Championships
Myrtha Pools supplies two temporary pools installed in
the Oriental Sports Center, a few weeks before the event,
and then dismantled at the end of championship.
Rome 2009.
13th FINA World Championships
The event was held on the tennis courts of the Foro
Italico by using two temporary pools supplied by Myrtha
Pools: one water polo and one synchronized swimming
pool, both used for competitions.
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