ANSI NETA - MTS 2019 - Part 3B

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ATTACHMENT B TABLES NETA. STANDARD FOR MAINTENANCE TESTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELECTRICAL POWER EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS TABLE 100.1 Se a RCL CO RAR cee CAL RCL eee Nominal Minimum Recommended Minimum Rating of Equipment Test Voltage Insulation Resistance (Volts) @o (Megohms) 250 500 2s 600 1,000 100 1,000 100 1,000 500 5,000 2,500 1,500 8,000 2,500 2,500 15,000 2,500 5,000 25,000 5,000 10,000 000 5,000 100,000 46,000 and above 5,000 100,000 Notes: In the absence of consensus standards dealing with insulation-resistance tests, the NETA Standards Review Couneil suggests the above representative values, See Table 100.14 for temperature correction factors Test results are dependent on the temperature of the insulating material and the humidity of thesurrounding environment at the time of the test Insulation-resistance test data may be used to establish a trending pattern, Deviations from thebaseline information permit evaluation of the insulation. values, refer to Table 100.11 For rotating machinery insulation-resistane: For medium-voltage cables, the values shown are typical. Conductor and insulation geometry, temperature, and ‘overall cable length, need to be taken into account per manufacturers published data for definitive minimum insulation resistance criteria, ANSUNETA MTS. TABLE 100.2 Re Ree “type or Swit Rated Maximum Voltage Maximum Teat Vattage (KY) pe of Switehgear (KY) (rms) rc nal Low-Voltage Power 254/.5081,635 16 23 Breaker Switchgear 730/1.058 3 4.76 ir 20 s25 27 375 Metal-Clad 150 27 378 Switehgear 270 45 a 380 60 a 155 7 a Station-Type Cub 5 Switehgear 38.0 oo a Rs 120 a With stress | With IBFE 386 | With stress cone | With IEEE 386 ‘cone type ype ype ype terminations | terminations | terminations | terminations 476 476 4 4 a 8.25 825 19 19 a Switchgear 150 7 25 a 2 263 45 30 a 380 266 60 0 a ANSUNETA MT Notes: 4.033 8 mL gear Withstand Test Voltages (continued) Derived from IEEE C37,20.1-2015 Standard for Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage Power Circuit-Breaker Switchgear, Paragraph S; IEEE C37.20.2-2015, Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear, Paragraph 6.; and [EEE (€37.20,3-2013 Standard for Mesal-Enclosed Interrupter Switchgear, Paragraph 6.19. This table includes 0.75 multiplier with fraction rounded down, ity of only for those using de tests to verify the in The column headed “DC” is given as a referenc connected cable installations without disconnecting the cables from the switchgear. It represents values believed to be appropriate and approximately equivalent to the corresponding power frequency withstand test values specified for voltage rating of switchgear. The presence of this column in no way implies any requirement for a cdc withstand test on ac equipment or that a de withstand test represents an acceptable alternative to the power- frequency withstand tests specified in these specifications, either for design tests, production tests, conformance tess, of field tests. When makin, should be raised to the test value in diserete steps and held fora period of one minute Because of the variable voltage distribution encountered when making de withstand tests, the manufacturer should be contacted for recommendations before applying de withstand tests tothe switchgear. Voltage transformers above 34.5 kV should be disconnected when testing with de, Refer to IEEE C57.13-2016 (EEE Standard Requirements for Instrument Transformers) paragraph 8 de tests, the volt NETA. Page 216 ANSUNETA MTS-2019 TABLE 100.3 Maintenance Test Value: Recommended Dissipation Factor/Power at 20° C Liquid-Filled Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors ot | siicone | Teraehoroetnstene | HEA POin | ip Maximum | Maximum Maximum Sdrocarbon Fluids stove pal 1.0% 03% 3.0% 2.0% 3.0% istration Appar Notes: In the absenee of consensus standards dealing with ansformer dissipation/power factor values, the NETA Standards ests the above representative values. Maximum values for oil are based on data from Doble TABLE 100.4.1 gested Limits for Class I Insulating Oil Mineral Oil! Acceptable Values we ASTM Method ev and Below | Above do KY — 230 KV and Below 230 kV Above Dielectric breakdown, o 26 5 5 KV minimum 2 Ds 6 26 Dielectric breakdown, kV minimum @ | mm DIsi6 2B 28 30 (0.04 inch) gap Dielectric breakdown, KY minimum @ 2mm Disie 40 ar 30 (0.08 inch) gap Interfacial tension bert os 30 ‘mN/m minimum %s Neutralization number 5 5 mg KOH/g maximum poms 020 ons oto Water content, ppm 533 35 a maximum @ 60° C> DIsss 5 a Power factor at 25°C, pons os os os Power factor a 100°C poo so so 5 Color D1s00 35 35 35 9. clear and free | Bright, clear and free | Bright, clear and free wel Condition Disag of particles of particles of particles Specific Gravity (Relative Density) @ D1298 091 091 091 15°C Maximum Notes: 1. IEEE C57.106-2002 Guide far Aeceptance and Maintenance of Insulating Oil n Equipment, Table 7. 2. IEEE 637-1985 Guile for Reclamation of Insulating Oil and Criteria for Is Use, Table | 3. IEEE C57.106-2002 Guide for Acceptance and Maintenance of Insulating Oil in Equipment, Table 5. 4, In the absence of consensus standards, NETA’s Standard Review Council suggests thesevalucs. 5. IEEE 57.106 Guide for Acceptance and Maintenance of Insulating Oil in Equipment, Table 1 TABLE 100.4.2 Suggested Limits Flammable Hydrocarbon Insulating Liquid eae ae bia ™ Notes: IEEE C57.121-1998 Guide for Acceptance and Maintenance of Less-Flammable Hydrocarbon Fluid in Transformers, Table 4 2 The values in this table are considered typical for acceptable service-aged LFH fluids as a general class. If actual test analysis approaches the values shown, consult the fluid manufacturer for specific recommendations. 3 Ifthe purpose of the HMWH installation is to comply with the NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, this value is the minimum for compliance with NEC Article 450.23, for Servic TABLE 100.4.3 Rea Pe eee ae eA orien Be mex 03 Mg KOHig max Notes: 1 Transformers, Table 3 IEEE C57.11 1-1989 (R1995) Guide for Aeceptance of Silicone Insulating Fluid and Iis Maintenancein TABLE 100.4.4 Suggested Limits for Service-Aged Tetrachloroethylene Insulating Fluid 1. Reference: Instruction Book PC Transformers, ABB Power T&D. 2000 for Wecosol™ Fluid-Filled Primary and Secondary Unit Substation TABLE 100.4.5 ested Limits for Continued Use of In-Service Natural Ester Liquids Te Loe (CY OA IEEE Value For Voltage Class Test and ASTM Method S69kV > 69 kV <230 kV 2230kV? Dielectric strength ", ASTM DI8I6, kV 23 28 30 mm gap 40 a 50 2mm gap Dissipation factor (power factor), ASTM D924, y » - ars ‘Water content: ASTM , 55 x 1533, mg/kg, maximum 450 550 200 Optional} Fire Point, ASTM. 500 5 5 D92,"C, minimam 300 500 300 Kinematic viscosity inrease . io 0% from initial value tore 1% ne Notes: 1 The test imits shown in this table apply to natural ester insulating liquids as a class. D differences in their chemistry, certain values are significantly different than the limits for mineral oil. Refer to IEEE C37.147 for details. Specific ypical values for each brand of insulating liquid should be obtained from each insulating liquid manufacturer: If test results, while in compliance with this table, are significantly different from published typical values, itis recommended thatthe insulating liguid manufacturer be contacted. 2. Provisional for > 230 KV 3. Most outdoor transformer installations dlo not require NEC “Less-Flammable” designation. Afier retrofilling with unused natural esters a reduction in the fire point of the ester liguid due to residual ‘mineral oil. For transformers requiring a less-flammable rating, or otherwise known to require its insulating liguid to meet a minimum 300 °C fire point, any sample testing with a fire point below 300 °C indicates excessive residual mineral oil and should be investigated, For more information, please refer to Fig. B.4 and Annex CL This table was derived from Reference IEEE C57.147, Section 8,3, Table 4 and Annex B, Table B.2. TABLE 100.4.5 (continued) B.2 Service-Aged Natural Ester Liquids isional Guidelines for Key Property Values of Service-Aged Natural Ester Liquids for Triggering Prompt Additional Investigation *\? IEEE Value For Voltage Class ‘Test and ASTM Method <69kV > 69 KV <230 kV 2230kV Dissipation factor (power factor), 3 3 ~3 ASTM D924, al 25°C, % = = = Viscosity increase from value at time = 10 10 10 Acid number, ASTM D974, 203 KOH/um * 5 Flash point, ASTM D9: Color, ASTM D1S00 PIs 21s Interfacial Tension <10 <12 Inhibitor content (see footnote 4) (see footnote 4) (see footnote 4) Notes: 1. Applies only for transformers originally designed for and filled with unused natural ester liquid. 2 These values are based on limited accelerated aging and field samples taken over a period of up to twenty years. As statistically significant data is developed for cach property, the property listing should be moved to Table 100.4.5 on previous page. For samples with significant discoloration, ASTM D664 may be the preferred test method, manufacturer of the specific liquid for recommended inhibitor test method and trigger point values. Contact the TABLE 100.5 Transformer Insulation Resistance eae former Recommended Minimum Insulation Resistance Transformer er (Megohms) eee Minimum DC Test (Volts) Volege Dry 0-600 1,000 100 500 601 ~ 5,000 1,000 5,000 Greater than 5,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 Notes: L In the absence of consensus standards, the NETA Standards Review Council suggests theabove representative values, See Table 100.14 for temperature correction factors. Since insulation resistance depends on insulation rating (kV) and winding capacity (kVA), values ‘obtained should be compared to manufacturer's published data TABLE 100.6.1 Medium-Voltage Cables Maintenance Test Values en ara) Nominat Maximum DC Field erie ‘Test Voltages (kV) Rated Voltage | Conductor Size anny Gay First 5 Years After Phase-to-Phase | AWG or kemil Installation (ky) (mm) 100% 100% Insulation Level jevel| Insulation Level 8-1,000 90 us (84-507) 2.28) 2.92) ° " (07) G56) 6.56) 140 1 (133-507) 6.56) ' 8 Above 1,000 7s vs | (507) 44s) as) " ‘4 2-1,000 Vs 220 * 0 3.6507) 4s) (559) ' a —— ene | | Above 1,000 220 2 8 20 (507) 5.59) 5.59) ' a 1.2,000 0 320 os 50 (42.4-1,013) (6.60) 13) ° " 000 345 46 41 28 (424-1,013) (8.76) > s 02,000 34s 420 ; 49 35 (53.5-1,013) (8.76) (107) . 410-2,000 44s 380 s 46 (107.2-1,013) (ns) (14.7) ‘ * Notes: Reproduction of tables from ICEA $-94-649-2004 Standard for Concentric Neutral Cables Rated 5,000 46,000 Volts and ICEA $-97-682-2007 Utility Shielded Power Cables Rated 5,000 ~ 46,000 Volts TABLE 100.6.2 Field Test Voltages for Laminated Dielectric, Shielded Power Cable Systems Rated 5 kV to 500 kV System Voltage System Vatiage, System BIL, Maintenance Test, rms, eae KV de, Phase-to-Phase Phase-to-Ground 8 95 29 Lo 46 150 6 170 os 35 200 75 46 250 95; o 350 130 us 450 170 us 350 205 138 60 25 16 750. 280. 230) 1,050 395 345 175 440 345 1,300 488 500 125 335 500 1,550 580. 500 1.675 29 Notes: 1 ‘Voltages higher than those listed, up to 80% of system BIL, may be considered, but the age and operatin environment of the system should be taken into aecount. The user is urged to consult the suppliers of the cable and any/all accessories before applying the high volt 2 When older cables or other types/classes of cables or other equipment such as transformers, switchgear, motors, etc. are connected to the cable to be tested, voltages lower than those shown in the table may be necessary to comply with the limitations imposed by such interconnected cables and equipment. Soe IEEE 9S [BS] and Table 1 of IEEE C37.20.2-1999 [B7] 3 Ifthe test voltage exceeds 50% of system BIL, surge protection against excessive overvoltages induced by flashovers at the termination should be provided. 4 Itis strongly recommended that the user consult with the manufaeturer(s) ofall eomponents that will be subjected to such testing before performing any tests on eables and cable accessories rated 11 5kV andhigher. 5 If'should be noted that this table and the test procedures suggested in this guide do not necessarily agree with the recommendations of other organizations, such as those of the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies [BI], (B2], [B3], [B4]. Where there is concern, a user should consult the supplier of the cable and accessories to ascertain that the components will withstand the test. Reproduction of table | from IEEE 400, 1-2007 /EEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded Power Cable Systoms Rated 5 kV and Above with High Direct Current Voltage. TABLE 100.6.3 Low Frequency Testing Levels of Medium-Voltage Cables Een a Very Low Frequency Testing Levels 0.1 Hz Test Voltage (rms) ‘System Voltage Maintenance Phase-to-Phase Phase-to-Ground (kv) (ky) 5 7 0 8 10 4 1s 16 2 as 3 38 33 47 Notes: Adaptation of table from IEEE 400.2-2004 Guide for field testing of shielded power cable systems using very low frequency (VLE). MAUS) Fe DAC Test Voltage Levels (20 Hz to 500 Hz) as Used for Maintenance Testing (50 DAC excitations) a Refurbished Power Cables Power cable rated voltage [kV] DAC test voltage level V+ [kVpeat} phase-to-phase elk) pphase-to-ground 3 2 5 5 3 6 6 4 0 8 u 10 6 la 15 9 2 20 n 28 25 5 35 30 1s 41 35 1 48 45.47 26 60-69 35 80 to-tis 64 145 132-138 7 150 150-161 87 170 30 127 204 275-287) 139 237 330-345! 91 282 380-400! 220 293 Notes: Test voltage levels given above 230 kV are provisional and given for study purposes only Extracted from IEEE 400.4-2015, Guild for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable Damped Alternating Current (DAC) Voltage, table A.2 ystems Rated 5 KV and above with ABLE 100.7 SO ORO Bee pea are ee bead COA Eek eR ere Ree ee Maximum Trip Time in Seconds Range of Rated Continuous: for Each Maximum Frame Rating * Current (Amperes) $250 250-600 V 0-30 50 70 31-50 80 100 si 100 140 160 Jol 150 200 250 230 ns 226-400 300 350 401-600 os 450 601-800 - 500 801 ~ 1,000 600 1.001 ~ 1.200 700 1.201 ~ 1,600 75 1,601 ~ 2,000 - 800 2,001 2,500 850 2.501 ~ 5,000 900 6,000 os 1,000 Notes: Derived from Table 3, NEMA AB 4-2009, Guidelines for Inspection and Preventative Maintenance of Molded-Case Circuit Breaker Used in Commercial and Industrial Applications. Trip times may be substantially longer for integrally-fused circuit breakers if tested with the fuses replacedby solid links (shorting bars), MENS) Oe UE) ee eres OM LR aOR nee ea Tolerances of Manufacturer's Published Trip Range Breaker Type ‘Tolerance of Settings High Side Low Side Fleetronie Trip 430% Units 30% Adjustable ane Nonadjustable o 25% Notes: NEMA AB4-2009 Guidelines for Inspection and Preventative Maintenance of Molded-Case Circuit Breaker Used in Commercial and Industrial Applications, Table 4. 1. Tolerances are based on variations from the nominal settings. 2. Tolerances are based on va jons from the manufacturer's published trip band (i. side of the band.) 5% below the low sideof above the hi TABLE 100.9 Instrument Transformer Dielectric Tests iene Periodic Dielectric er Test Field Test Voltage (kV) ‘Nominal System (kV) an B AC pe? 06. 10 26 4 1 30 65 10 24 45 92 1s 48 60 123 19 832 15 169) 26 138 95 2.1 uM 138 Lo 26.0 M 2s 1s 32.5 40 25 150 325 50 M.S 150 45.5 50 345 200 617 0 46 250 91.0 Note 1 oo 350 120.0 Note 1 450 149.0 Note 1 550 149.0 Note 1 550 178.0 Note 1 138 650. 178.0 Note 1 161 650. 211.0 Note 1 161 750 256.0 Note 1 230 900 256.0 Note 1 230. 1,050 209.0 Note | Notes: Table is derived from Pa 8.5.2 and Table 2 of IEEE C57.13-2016, Standard Requirements for Instrument Transformers. 1 Periodic de potential tests are not recommended for transformers rated higher than 34.5 kV Under some conditions transformers may be subjected to periodie insulation test using direct voltage. In such ceases the test direct voltage should not exceed the original factory test rms alternating voltage. Periodic direct- tests should not be applied to (instrument) transformers of higher than 34.5 kV voltage rating. OVU FSP Bolt-Torque Values for Electrical Connections US Standard Fasteners! Heat-Treated Steel — Cadmium or Zine Plated? Grade SAE 12 SAES sae aes Head Marking Oo 9 eo ina Tel (Sena oak sos 199 sok ‘tn ae Torque (Pound-Feet) va 4 6 8 8 6 7 rf 1 18 rn 2 0 2 0 as » 2 4 * 2 0 8 a Z ons 2 70 % wos 58 ° % ns us Ma 9% 160 2s 78 150 40 350 wn wo 2s 70 0 sm Notes: Consult manufacturer for equipment supplied with metric fasteners. 2, Table is based on national coarse thread pitch, ABLE 100.12.2 tandard Fasteners ' ze Fasteners >? Torque (Pound-Feet) Bolt Diameter (Inches) ted Lubricated si16 15 10 38 20 Is v2 40 25 sis 55 40 wd 70 60 Notes: Consult manufacturer for equipment supplied with metric fasteners. 2. Table is based on national coarse thread piteh, 3. This table is based on bronze alloy bolts having a minimum tensile strength of 70,000 pounds per square inch. 43) Fe te US Standard Fasteners! re Le Reese or ea aaa Bolt Diameter (Inches) Lubricated sie lo 38 4 5I8 40 34 60 Notes: 1, Consult manufacturer for equipment supplied with metre fasteners Table is based on national coarse thread pitch, This table is based on aluminum alloy bolts ha square inch, a minimum tensile strength of 55,000 poundsper ABLE 100.12.4 LORY ew Ren Ree ed Vea gaa) ameter (Inches) Uncoated 5/16 Is 8 20 12 40 sis ss M4 70 Notes: 1. Consult manufacturer for equipment supplied with metric fasteners. 2, Table is based on national coarse thread pitch, 3. This table isto be used for the following hardware types: Bolts, cap serews, nus, flat washers, locknuts (18-8 alloy) Belleville washers (302 alloy) Tables in 100.12 are compiled from Penn-Union Catalogue and Square D Company, Anderson Products Division, General Catalog: Class 3910 Distribution Technical Data, Class 3930 Reference Data Substation Connector Products TABLE 100.13 RPA ao Test <30 PSIG Max Limits 2.30 PSIG Max Limits Water Content -23° C of 90 ppmv -36° C oF 25 ppmw SO» Decomposition Products, 12 wl ppm) 12 wl (12pm) Total Decomposition Products 50 uW/l(S0 ppm) 50 ull (50 ppm) Mineral Oil ! 10 ppm 10 ppm Air and/or Carbon Tetrafluoride 3.0% volume 3.0% volume Notes: This table is derived from IEC 60480 Guidelines for the checking and treatment of sulfur hexafluoride taken from electrical equipment and specification for re-use, Table 2 fal gas handling equipment is oil-free compressor, pump), then oil content measurement is not necessary OVNI DORIC a Insulation Resistance Conversion Factors (20° C) ream’ Mailer x o Apparat Containing ont | APPAFAGS Containing aaeea aes ot, “10 ia 0.28 $ 3B oo 3 a 036 1S 3 078 20 w 7.00 rs 95 280 200 % 13 5 us 50 i22 78 398 70 317 10.00 5 #70 Ba 35 a 2000 98 130.00 31.60 Notes: Derived from Megger, Stitch in Time. Formula: Re=RuxK Where: Re R kK The Complete Guide to Electrical Insulation Testing. Example: Resistance test on oil-immersion insulation at 104° F R= 2 megohms @ 104° F is resistance corrected to 20° C K=395 is measured resistance at test temperature is applicable multiplier R= RxK Ro=2.0x3.95 R.= 7.90 mogohm: TABLE 100.14.2 Insulation Resistance Conversion Factors (40° C) ‘Temperature Malt “c - Apparat Containing on | APP2"=f8 Containing ‘Immersed Insulation en Insulation “10 i 0.03 0.10 S 3 0.04 013 0 2 0.06 0.16 5 4 0.09 020 0 30 013 025 15 9 O18 oat 20 8 0.25 0.40) 25 7 035 030 30 86 050 063 35 95 onl 079 40 los 1.00 1.00 45 13 Lal 126 50 122 2.00 159 35 BI 283 2.00 60 140 4.00 252 6s 19 5.66 37 70 158 8.00 400 75 167 113 5.04 80 176 16.00 635 85 Iss 22.68 8.00 90 194 32.00 10.08 95 203 4525 12.70 100 212 64.00 16.00 105 2 90:51 20.16 110 230 128.00 25.40 Notes Derived from Mogger, Sitch in Time...The Complete Guide to Electrical insulation Testing and IEEE 43-2000 [EEE Recommended Practice for Testing Insulation Resistance of Rotating Machinery. Notes: The insulation resistance coe!ficient is based on the halving of the insulation resistance to the change in temperature Apparatus Containing Immersed Oil Insulation Table uses 10° C change with temperature halving, Apparatus Containing Sotid Insulation Table uses 15° C change with temperature halving. Formals: Example: Resistance test on oil-immersion insulation R=RxK at 68° F/20° C Where: R. is resistance corrected to 40° C R,= 2 megohms @ 68° F/20° C R, is measured resistance at test temperature K=0.40 Kis applicable multiplier R=RxK R.=2.0x 0.40 = 0.8 megohms @ 40° C TABLE 100.16 yee ee for Periodic Test of Line Sectionalizers Nominat Voltage | Maximum Votage | yfite@v0% | ssimum AC Field | _15Minute DC Class (kV) (KY) TEV) | Test Voltage (KV) | Withstand (kV) 144 (10,30) 155 95 262 9 910) 20 2s 40.0 8 34580) 380 150 50.0 103 Notes 1. Derived from IEEE C37.63-2013 Standard Requirements for Overhead, Pad-Mounted, Dry-Vault, and Submersible Automatic Line Sectionalizers for Alternating Current Systems Up To 38 kV, Table 2. The table includes a 0.75 multiplier with fractions rounded down, 3. Inthe absence of consensus standards, the NETA Standards Review Council suggests the above representative values, 4. Values of ac volta given are dry test, one-minute, factory test values. TABLE 100.17 Fe te AL Eee RRL A Maximum Test Voltage (kV) ‘Type of Bus Rated kv Ac - 24s 370 lad Pane Geo as ae Ms 60.0 = Isolated Phase for Oth 85 a0 “han Generator Lends 270 #80 380 0 10s 225 = 26 42 825 20 rset Phase 150 270 5 iss 375 : 770 0 5k 60.0 = 155 30 Segregated Phase 2.0 50 80 0 = 03/395 16 FA 08 27 39 DE Bus Duct! 12 36 Sa 6 a0 37 32 66 93 Notes: Derived from IEEE C37.23-2015 Standard for Metal-Enclosed Bus and Calculating Losses in Isolated-Phase Bus, Tables 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D and paragraph 6.4.3. The table includes a 0.75 multiplier with factions rounded down. stand test on ae 1, The presenee of the column headed “DC™ does not imply any requirement for a de w ‘equipment. This column is given as a reference only for those using de tests and represents values believed to be appropriate and approximately equivalent to the corresponding power frequency withstand test values specified for each class of bus Direct current withstand tests are recommended fr flexible bus to avoid the loss of insulation life that may result from the dielectric heating that occurs with rated frequency withstand testing. Because of the variable voltage distribution encountered when making de withstand tests and varianees in leakage currents associated with various insulation systems, the manufacturer should be recommendations before applying de withstand tests to this equipment, nsulted for TABLE 100.18 emg aaa Suggested Actions Based on Temperature Rise ‘Temperature Difference (AT) ‘Temperature Difference (AT) Based on Comparisons Between | Based Upon Comparisons Between ‘Similar Components Under Similar | Component and Ambient Air cer aaa cued Loading, ‘Temperatures Po-#C -10°C Lie-20°¢ Indicates probable deficieney; repair as time permits Monitor until corrective measures can os . ‘be accomplished > 18°C > 40°C Major discrepancy; repair immediately Notes: ‘Temperature specifications vary depending on the exact type of equipment. Even in the same class of ‘equipment (ic. cables) there are various temperature ratings. Heating is generally related to the square ofthe current; therefore, the load current will have a major impact on ATT In the absence of consensus standardsfor AT, the values inthis table will provide reasonable guidelines. 2. __Amalternative method of evaluation isthe standards-based temperature rating system as discussed in Section 8.9.2, Conducting an IR Thermographic Inspection, Electrical Power Systems Maintenance and Testing by Paul Gill, PE, 2008, 3. Iisa necessary and valid requirement thatthe person performing the electrical inspection be thoroughly trained and experienced conc thermographie methodolo ring the apparatus and systems being evaluated as well as knowledgeable of TABLE 100.19 Dielectric Withstand Test Voltages for Electrical Apparatus Other than Inductive Equipment Semsssen | imate | scraty | tiie, | Voltage ' (kV) AC Test (KY) DC Test (kV) Notes: In the absence of consensus standards, the NETA Standards Review Council suggests the aboverepresentative values 1. Intermediate voltage ratings are placed in the next higher insulation class. current flowing. a ‘as well as high charge lev ‘maintained with floating charges, The maximum voltage is measured at the point of user connection to the circuit b [see notes (12) and (13)] with no operating current flowing, and the minimum voltage is measured with maximum operating ‘Operating mechanisms are designed for rated control voltages listed with operational capability throughout the indicated voltage ranges to accommodate variations in source regulation, couple with low char; aker i Alternating Direct Current Voltage Ranges Rated Control | cut Ranges Voltage AV3V4S) HO) Yalige CONE) Closing, Closing and Awxiliary Functions ‘Tripping and Funetions ay Indoor Outdoor Cireuit | Opening me Rated Control Cireult Breakers Functions | Single Phase ™ Voltage Breakers All Types 120 104-1270) 24(6) 14-28 240 208-254 (7) 48.6) 38-56 36-56 28-36 100 — 140 90-40 70-140 Polyphase Polyphase 200-280 180-280 140-280 = a = 208/120 Motor 240 208-254 Notes: Derived from Table 8, IEEE C37.06-2000, AC High-Voltage Cireuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis Preferred Ratings and Related Required Capabilines. TABLE 100.20.1 (continued) Dn eR R Cee eRe ee (oe ee Notes: o “ 6) o @) °% (19) ap (2) 3) Electrically operated motors, contactors, solenoids, valves, and the Like, need not carry a nameplate vol that corresponds to the control voltage rating shown in the table as long as these components perform the intended. duty cycle (usually intermittent) in the voltage range specified. Relays, motors, or other auxiliary equipment that function as a part of the control for a device shall be subject tothe voltage limits imposed by this standard, whether mounted at the device or at a remote location. Circuit breaker deviees, in some applications, may be exposed to control voltages exceeding those specified here due to abnormal conditions such as abrupt changes in line loading. Such applications require specific study, and the ‘manufacturer should be consulted. Also, application of switchgear devices containing solid-state control, exposed continuously to control voltages approaching the upper limits of ranges specified herein, require specific attention and the manufacturer should be consulted before application is made. Includes supply for pump or compressor motors, Note that rated volta covered by NEMA MG-1-1978, ges for motors and their operating ra Itis recommended thatthe coils of closing, auxiliary, and tripping devices that are connected continually to one de potential should be connected to the negative control bus so as to minimize electrolytic deterioration, 24-volt or 48-volt tripping, closing, and auxiliary functions are recommended only when the deviee is located near the battery of where special effort is made 10 ensure the adequacy of conductors between battery and control terminals. 24-volt closing is not recommended, Includes heater circuits Voltage ranges apply to all closing and auxiliary devices when cold. Breakers utilizing standard auxiliary relays for control functions may not comply at lower extremes of voltage ranges when relay coils are hot, as after repeated ot continuous operation, Voltage ranges apply to all closing and auxiliary devices when cold, Breakers utilizing standard auxiliary relaysfor control functions may not comply at lower extremes of voltage ranges when relay coils are hot, as after repea continuous operation, Direct inherent ripple to modify the operation of control devices to the extent that they may not function over the entire specified voltage ranges. rent control voltage sources, such as those derived from rectified altemating current, may contain sufficient ‘This table also applies to circuit breakers in gas-insulated substation installations In cases where other operational ratings are a function of the specific control voltage applied, tests in IEEE €37.09 may refer to the “Rated Control Volt column, ." In these eases, tests shall be performed at the levels inthis, For an outdoor circuit breaker, the point of user connection to the citcuit breaker isthe secondary terminalblock point at which the wires from the circuit breaker operating mechanism components are connected to the user's control circuit wiring. For an indoor circuit breaker, the point of user connection to the circuit breaker is either the secondary disconnecting contact (where the control power is connected from the stationary housing to the removable circuit breaker) or the terminal block point in the housing nearest to the secondary disconnecting contact. MLNS) Fe 4 Rated Control Voltages and Their Ranges for Circuit Breakers Solenoid-Operated Devices ‘Closing Voltage Ranges Rated Voltage (DC) Raeeeate Les 90-115 or 105 ~ 130 180-230 or 210-260 230 190-230 or 210-260 Notes: 1, Some solenoid operating mechanisms are not capable of satisfactory performance over the range of voltage specified in the standard: moreover, 1wo ranges of volt acceptable standard of performance, ‘maybe required for such mechanisms to achieve an referred method of obtaining the double range of closing voltage is by use of tapped coils. Otherwise it will be necessary to designate one of the two closing voltage ranges listed above as representing the condition existing at the devive location duc to battery or lead voltage drop or control power transformer regulation. Also, caution should be exercised to ensure that the maximum voltage of the range u: 2.053 8 Om UL) Notes: 1. Any signal level present without a phase-angle related component is not indicative of partial-discharge activity 2, Perform partial-discharge surveys every 12 months, or in accordance with Appendix B, Frequency of Maintenance Tests. 3. Compare measured levels to established background read 4, Background readings higher than values listed in these tables should be investigated and mitigated. TABLE 100.23.1 Online Partial Discharge Survey for Switchgear Re ee ee ee Ren (TEV) ap pbeseansledeeaced) Recommended Action Component Any! No Survey in 12 mont for <20 Yes Survey in 6 months for trending 20-30 Yes Locate and repair as soon as practical >30 Yes Locate and repair as soon as possible TABLE 100.23.2 Oe eee ee Cee Suggested Actions Based on Nature and Strength of Signal (HFCT) Phase Related Component | Recommended Action Any Any No Survey in Fmt 250 10 Yes Sana in meni 200-500 10 Yes oste and epai as s00n as 00 30 Yo Cost a i on Notes: The use of HECTS for cable testing is outside the scope of this standard TABLE 100.23.3 Online Partial Discharge Survey for Switchgear Rae Me (UHF) aBmv Phase Related Component Recommended Action Any Survey in 12 months for trending 10 Survey in 6 months for trending 10-20 Yes Locate and repair as soon as practical 20 Yes Locate and repair as soon as possible TABLE 100.23.4 Online Partial Discharge Survey for Switchgear Suggested Actions Based on Nature and Strength of Signal (VIS) ae Phase Related Component Recommended Action Any No Survey in 12 months for trending 20-29 Yes Survey in 6 months for trending. 30-39 Yes ir as soon as practical > 40 Yes Locate and repair as soon as possible TABLE 100.23.5 Te eRe LE aa Oe Ye RE (Contact/Airborne Acoustic) aB Phase Related Component Recommended Action ‘Survey in 12 months for Any No trending Survey in 6 months for trending Toeate and repair as soon as 6 Yes practical Locate and repair as soon as 6 Yes possible APPENDIX A Defin NOTE: The definitions in Appendix A provided by NETA are specific to electrical testing and to this document. NETA defines equipment voltage ratings in accordance with IEEE C37.84.1 American National Standard for Electrical Power Systems and Equipment — Voltage Ratings (60 Hertz). ns As-found Condition of the equipment when taken out of service, prior to maintenance. As-left Condition of equipment at the completion of maintenance. As-left values refer to test values obtained after all maintenance has been performed on the device under test. Comment Suggested revision, addition, or deletion in an existing section of the NETA specifications. Commissioning The systematic process of documenting and placing into service newly installed or retrofitted electrical power equipment and systems, Electrical tests Electrical tests involve application of electrical signals and observation of the response. It may be, for instance, applying a potential across an insulation system and measuring the resultant leakage current magnitude or power factor/dissipation factor. It may also involve application of voltage and/or current to metering and relaying equipment to check for correct response. Equipment condition Suitability of the equipment for continued operation in the intended environment as determined by evaluation of the results of inspections and tests. Errata A correction issued to a NETA Standard, published in NETA World, available on the NETA website and included in any further distribution of the Standard, Exercise To operate equipment in such a manner that it performs all its intended functions to allow observation, testing, measurement, and diagnosis of its operational condition, Extra-high voltage A class of nominal system voltages greater than 230,000 volts. High voliage ‘A class of nominal system voltages equal to or greater than 100,000 volts and equal to or less than 230,000 volts. Inspection. Examination or measurement to verify whether an item or activity conforms to specified requirements, APPENDIX A (continued) Defin Low voltage ‘A class of nominal system voltages 1000 volts or less. Maintenance, Condition of The state of the electrical equipment considering the manufacturer's instructions, manufacturer's recommendations, and applicable industry codes, standards, and recommended practices. Manufacturer's published data Data provided by the manufacturer conceming a specific piece of equipment. Mechanical inspection Observation of the mechanical operation of equipment not requiring electrical stimulation, such as ‘manual operation of circuit breaker trip and close functions. It may also include tightening of hardware, cleaning, and lubricating. Medium voltage A class of nominal system voltages greater than 1000 volts and less than 100,000 volts. Ready-to-test condition Preparing equipment which is to be tested in an isolated state, source and load disconnected, necessary protective grounds applied, and control and operating voltage sources identified. Shall Indicates mandatory requirements to be strictly followed in order to conform to the standard and from which no deviation is permitted (shall equals is required io). Should Indicates that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others; or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required (should equals is recommended that). System voltage The root-mean-square (rms) phase-to-phase voltage of a portion of an alternating-current electric system, Each system voltage pertains to a portion of the system that is bounded by transformers or utilization equipment, Verify To investigate by observation or by test to determine that a particular condition exists. Visual inspection Qualitative observation of physical characteristics, for example: cleanliness, physical integrity, evidence of overheating, lubrication, ete.

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