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Ques: How to apply support packages?

Sol: To Apply Support packs first up all you need to download the patches. When you have the downloaded the file i.e.. (*.car ) patch file then you can extract and apply it in two ways. 1. Go to command prompt through cmd (if you are using windows) and go to the folder where you have download these files ( could be in <drive>\downloaded folder\ ) type this command on command prompt without quotes "sapcar -xvf <filename>.sar". Now it will create a folder called EPS and a folder called IN inside EPS. Go to this folder and it will show two extracted files with extension " .att " and " .pat ". Copy this two files into yours trans\eps\in folder which could be something like <drive>\usr\sap\trans\eps\in folder.Then type spam on your session and navigate to Support Package\Load Package\From Application Server and it will ask for Path confirm it Say " YES"Select the patch imported and double click on it and then click on small truck Icon and it start Import. 2. Type Spam on session then navigate to Support Package\Load Package\From FrontEnd \ and Navigate to path where you have downloaded the *.SAR file of Support Pack.Now it will open a popup window and then click on decompress button ( It is front-End process for extracting or decompressing .sar file in .pat and .att extension ) After that click on Display-Define button on right hand side.) Select the BASIS or ABAP patch ( whichever you are applying *) what ever you are after and import it in queue. After that click on Small truck Icon in menu i.e.. (import Queue) and it Starts importing. *-* Note :- Basis patch starts with KBxxxx.sar and Abap Patch start with KAxxxx.sar likewise. * Note :- If you are applying all support pack it may ask you to increase your spam level (SUPPORT PACK MANAGER).

Ques: How to apply kernel replacements? Download the two necessary archives - SAPEXE.SAR and SAPEXEDB.SAR - from SAP MarketPlace. There files can be found at http://service.sap.com/patches. Be careful that your Basis level is high enough to use the patch level of the files you download. For example, if your SAP instance is on Basis level 39 and the description of one of the SAPEXE.SAR files is Stack 42, you need to download a SAPEXE.SAR of a lower level. 2. Once both files have been downloaded, log on to the UNIX server as <sid>adm and copy them up to a directory on the UNIX server - I use one called /usr/sap/trans/NewKernel. unCAR the files with SAPCAR command sapcar -xvf SAPEXE*.SAR. 3. As <sid>adm, stop the SAP instance. Log on as ora<sid> and stop the TNS listener, and log on as root and stop saposcol.
Ans: 1.

4. Make a backup of your run directory before patching. I usually create a /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/backup_run and copy all the files in /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run to it. 5. Copy all the files unCARed in step 2 to /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run. If prompted, overwrite all. 6. Change the owner of saposcol to root, sapdba & all br* files to ora<sid>, and all the rest to <sid>adm. 7. Start saposcol, the TNS listeners, and the SAP instance.

8. You have patched your UNIX SAP kernel. If you run into any problems starting your SAP instances, stop everything, rename the directories /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run to /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/bad_run and /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/backup_run to /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run to restore your old kernel.

Ques: How to schedule database maintenance jobs? Ans: Ques? How to apply sap note using SNOTE? Ans:

Ques : how to add/change/delete system parameters using RZ10? Ans add:

1. Execute RZ10 T-code 2. Choose the Instance Profile such as <SID>_DVEBMGS00_<HOSTNAME>,<SID>_D00_<HOSTNAME> 3. In Edit Profile , select "Extended Maintenance" 4. The Profile will be open in Display mode. To Add/change the new Profile Parameter, the Profile needs to be in Change mode. 5. To add New Profile Parameter Push Create/ Press F5, 6. New Screen will be generated with Parameter Name and Parameter Value Inputs. Provide the required parameter name and its value (in your case login parameters). Then Press Copy. 8. Once the changes are made, choose Copy to return to the initial screen of Transaction RZ10.

9.Then save and activate the profile that has been changed. 10. After this the instance has to be restarted. Change:

1. call Transaction RZ10. 2. Specify the name of the profile whose parameters you want to change in the Profile field. 3. If you want to change the name of the file in which the profile should be activated, check Administration data and choose Change. Once you have made the changes, choose Copy. If SAP System profiles are imported automatically, the system creates administration data automatically. 4. Maintain the most important profile parameters by checking Basic maintenance and choosing Change. Once you have made the changes, choose Copy. 5. You can create, change or delete all parameters in a profile by choosing Extended maintenance. Once you have made the changes, choose Copy.

You can switch between Basic and Extended maintenance at any time. Changes to profiles are adopted when you save them to the database. You can subsequently change and switch SAP profile parameters for instance profiles without having to restart the system.

Delete: go to extended maintenance in RZ10 press buttom Change, I find the parameter and then go to
Parameter-delete, the system ask me if I want delete the parameter, click yes, and it confirm me parameter was deleted, press button Copy, it confirm me the changed profile was transferred. Finally I save the profile and activate it, After making changes in profile file you need to restart SAP, So that all changes that you made be active with new version. Untill unless you will not restart SAP, system will read the profile from old version not with new version.

If by chance you do not have access to SAP, you can edit the file. 1 - stop the SAP 2 - Edit the file / usr / sap / <SID> / SYS / profile and change the parameters you want 3 - start the SAP 4 go to RZ10 and RZ10 click 'Utilities' --->' Import Profiles' -> 'Of Active Servers' Important, before changing the file is a backup.

Q: how o add/change/delete a logical system name? Ans: Defining/Setting

Up a Logical System

You perform this cross-client procedure only in one SAP System and transport this table to all other SAP Systems connected to the CUA. Alternatively, you can define the logical systems for each SAP System by performing the following procedure in every SAP System for the logical systems there.


1. Log on to the central system with the administration user (in this example, ADM, client 070). 2. In the Implementation Guide (IMG, transaction SALE), choose Sending and Receiving Systems p Logical Systems p Define Logical System (transaction BD54). You can alternatively maintain the table view V_TBDLS using transaction SM30. 3. Choose Edit p New Entries. 4. In the LogSystem column, create a new logical name in capital letters for every CUA system (that is, for the central and all child systems including those from other SAP Systems).

So that you can easily identify the systems by their names, use the following naming convention for the logical system names: <System ID>CLNT<Client>. If your central system is ADM, client 070, the name would be: ADMCLNT070. Enter a useful description for the logical system.


If you want to change this short text for a logical system, proceed as follows: Select the corresponding line. Choose Edit p Change field contents. Enter the desired new short text. Choose Replace. 6. Save your entries, which are included in a transport request. 7. Create the logical system name for the central system in all child systems. You have the following options to do this: Your transport administration imports the transport request that was created with point 6, which contains the names of all logical systems, into all other SAP Systems in the CUA. Perform this procedure in all child systems of the CUA. Create the logical system name of the central system and the respective child system there.

Ques How can you broadcast a message to all users of the SAP system? a) SAPmail has functions to display system messages to broadcast all users. b) Transaction sm02 will provide text boxes to submit a system-wide message. c) This must be set up as a profile parameter (login/messagecreate=true). Once the value is set,

users can send it with the options under menu path system->status. d) Only users with SAP_ALL authorizations can broadcast from transaction sm03. ANSWER: B sm02 is a very useful transaction for communicating system changes or alerts to the entire community of SAP users. Most importantly, it can be used to broadcast messages regarding security profile changes so users will be aware of downtime or any change or information about the system. Ques 1. How can you lock and unlock a transaction code?
1. Say you have a transaction code that must be locked down so no one can use it. How can you lock and unlock this transaction?

a) Use R3trans and tp utilities with tp unlck and tp lock at the operating system. b) Use transaction sm01 to find the transaction and lock/unlock it. c) Run report rslocktrans from se38 and enter the variant value for the desired transaction and the lock/unlock checkbox. d) Always use the ABAP workbench to lock transactions. ANSWER: B sm01 is a very useful transaction. Not only can you lock transactions from being used at all in the system, but as a general SAP use it can also be used to look up transaction codes, whether for functional information or simply because you forgot which code you need!

Ques change time zone sap? Ans: As I know, SAP's time is a mathematic calculation on the server/database's time.
This calculation is called time zone. Using transaction STZBC you can change your country's settings (for example CET+2 and etc). After the changing you'll have to restart the SAP instance. You can set time zone setting to specific users via transaction SU01. Furthermore, I suggest you to read several notes, maybe they could help you in the future: Note 184992 - Country/time zone assignment not correct Note 129266 - One hour time deviation Note 102088 - End of daylight saving time: the "double hour" Note 081950 - Time zones: local date in dialog and in RFC If the seetings in STZAC in only for SAP instance time zone so you should restart only the SAP instance.

If you need to change the dsatabase time so you need to restart the SAP instance and the Database instance.

Ques: Re: how to change main screen

You mean to say you want to add logo , you can upload image using tcode SMW0 follow the steps, .GIF file supported as logo Transaction code - SMW0 check Binary data for WebRFC application press Enter Click Execute Click Settings -> Maintain MIME types Click the Create button Fill in :- TYPE : image/gif EXTENSION : .GIF Click Save Click Back to the Binary data for WebRFC Click Create Fill in :- Obj. name : zlogo.gif Description : Company Logo Click Import and specify the filename where your GIF file is located.File type is BIN. Finish press the Transfer button. If successful, your logo will be shown in the Binary data for WebRFC. Now run Transaction code SM30 - Table/View - SSM_CUST Click Maintain Click New Entries Name Value to be set START_IMAGE zlogo.gif RESIZE_IMAGE NO Logoff and Login again Check on DEVELOPMENT environemnt first. Hope it helps


Change default SAP Logo on front screen by following those steps; 1. Identify a picture to replace the existing SAP logo. This picture can be in any valid picture format gif, bmp, jpg. But convert it to jpg since that is the smallest available picture type. Store the picture somewhere on your workstation. 2. Go to transaction SMW0. 3. On the SAP Web Repository: Initial Screen, click on the radio button for Binary data for WebRFC applications, and click the Find icon or press F8. On the SAP Web Repository: Objection selection screen, click the Execute icon or press F8. 4. On the SAP Web Repository: Object display screen, first make sure that the mime extension exists for your picture type. Click Settings -> Maintain MIME types. Look to the far right of the Data Browser: Table MIMETYPES Select Entries screen, and if you dont see your file type gif, jpg, bmp then you need to add it. Once you at done, back out to SAP Web Repository: Object display screen. 5. Now you can upload your picture. Click the Create icon or press F5. Fill in the name of your picture and a brief description and click the Import icon. Then provide the location of your picture and load it in. 6. Go to transaction SM30. Fill in the table name SSM_CUST and click Maintain. 7. On the Change View Set Values for the Session Manager / Profile Generator screen, click New Entries and add an entry called START_IMAGE and set the value to the name of your picture created in step #5. Then press the Save icon. You have replaced the SAP splash screen picture. Log off and back on to view your work!

Transport Guide Tips for SAP Objects

Here are tips for different objects: LSMW: There are 2 ways for transporting LSMW data from a system to another. Export/import this method gives you the opportunity to select the subprojects or objects you want to transfer. LSMW -> Extras -> Export project Transport request with this method, you can transport a LSMW project in full (you can not select the objects you want). With this method, the project will be transported as any other SAP object in a transport order. LSMW -> Extras -> Create change request

Program variants If you have several program variants in a development system that you want to transport, use the following method to transport them: Execute program RSTRANSP (via se38) and inform the program and/or variant names (you can transport variant of several programs in one shot). Layout In some transactions, one can save layout of the screen (sort, filter, criteria). These layouts can be transported: In the required transaction, when your layouts have been saved, go to Settings -> Layout -> Layout Management. Select the desired layouts and go to Layout -> Transport There you can add your layouts in existing TO or create a new one. Database data In some unusual cases, you might have to transport data of a SAP table. Go to transaction SE16, select your entries and go to Table entry -> Transport entries. Its only possible for some tables If you cannot do it that way,you have to create a Workbench transport order with transaction SE10. When created, click on it, go in menu Request/task -> Object list -> Display object list. Go in modification mode and add a new line with: PgmID = R3TR Obj = TABU Object name = Name of your table Double-click on the created line and, depending on your need, put * in the key field or doubleclick on it and select the key you need to transport. Queries Queries, datasets and user groups can be exported/imported between the systems using the Program RSAQR3TR. Report template (ALV variants) There is a button or somewhere in the menu Change/Select/Save/Manage Layout. Go to Manage Layout, than Layout menu/ Transport. SAPSCRIPT Files Transport Use the program RSTXSCRP to upload and Download the SAPSCRIPT files to different systems Transport SAPSCRIPT

Use the Program RSWBO052 to create the Transport Request for a SAPSCRIPT, In the Selection screen of the program, give R3TR FORM Give the Form name and press Execute button, it will ask the Development Class and the transport Request No. Standard texts Standard texts used in SAPScript(created with transaction SO10) can be included in transport orders. You have to create a Workbench transport order with transaction SE10. When created, click on it, go in menu Request/task -> Object list -> Display object list. Go in modification mode and add a new line with: PgmID = R3TR Obj = TEXT Object name = TEXT,,ST, Example : R3TR / TEXT / TEXT,YMM_MEDRUCK_MAIN_16_EC,ST,F Database tables, that contains the Transport Requests List of tables pertaining to Transport Requests: TABNAME Description E070 Change & Transport System: Header of Requests/Tasks E070A Change & Transport System: Attributes of a Request E070C CTS: Source/Target Client of Requests/Tasks E070CREATE Change & Transport System: Creation Date of Request E070CTV Generated Table for View E070CTV E070DEP Change & Transport System: Dependencies of Requests E070L CTS: Index for Assigning Numbers to Requests/Tasks E070M CTS: Target Package/Layer for Requests E070TC Help Table for E070 for Client-Specific Imports E070USE Use of Current Requests by Users E070V Generated Table for View E070V E071 Change & Transport System: Object Entries of Requests/Tasks E071C Change & Transport System: Client-Specific Lock Flag E071E Lang. Transport: Positive List for Generic Object Selection E071K Change & Transport System: Key Entries of Requests/Tasks E071KC Change & Transport System: Key Entries of Requests/Tasks E071KF Change & Transport System: Nametab Info. on (CHAR)Key Fields E071KFINI Change & Transport System: Nametab Info. on (CHAR)Key Fields E071K_30 Change & Transport System: Key Entries of Requests/Tasks E071K_KEY E071K Key Fields E071S System-Specific Import Status of Objects

E071V E07T E07T_OLD

Generated Table for View E071V Change & Transport System: Short Texts for Requests/Tasks E07T Before TRKORR Extension

Adding text to the SAP logon/login screen

Writing text to the Frontend SAP logon screen. This is very handy for identifying which SAP system the user is about to log onto, especially non production boxes. You can also warn them here of pending changes, updates or outages. Because it is up while they are typing in their user id and password, users can't claim they missed the system message. SAP icons like the stop sign and warning signs can also be displayed. Details can be found in OSS note #205487. Here are the details :Go to Transaction SE61 and select the document 'General text' (selection via F4 help), and create a text with the name ZLOGIN_SCREEN_INFO in the language defined with profile parameter zcsa/system_language. Parameter zcsa/system_language usually have been done in (tcode rz10 - instance profile - extended maintenance) by the basis administrator during SAP installation. If the text does not exist in the system language, no output is made. Note that there is space for 16 lines with 45 fixed-font characters each or for approximately 60 proportional space font characters on the logon screen. Title lines (can be recognized by means of format keys starting with a 'U') are highlighted in the display. You may also output icons at the beginning of lines by using an icon code (for example, @1D@ for the STOP icon). You can get a list of icon codes from Report RSTXICON. Pay attention to the codes with two '@' symbols displayed by the report. You cannot include text symbols. The 'include indicator' cannot be used for this function. SUBHINT here. These can be used on system messages as well.

Analyzing the SAP Dumps

ABAP programs are checked statically when they are created and dynamically when they are running. Error states, which are not statically predictable and only occur at runtime are dynamically identified by the ABAP runtime environment. States of this type lead to exceptions. If an exception is not handled or cannot be handled, a runtime error occurs. If a runtime error occurs, the ABAP runtime environment terminates the execution of the program, generates a short dump and branches to a special screen for analyzing the short dump. You can also find short dumps in transaction ST22 or by choosing the menu path Tools ABAP Workbench Test Dump Analysis. A short dump is divided into different sections that document the error. The overview shows what other information is output in the short dump, such as contents of data objects, active calls, control structures, and so on. You can branch to the ABAP Debugger at the termination point from the short dump view. The following different error situations exist: . Internal Error -The kernel identifies an error state. In this case, notify SAP. . Installation and Environment/Resource Error - In this case, an error occurred that was caused by incorrect system installation or missing resources (such as the database being shutdown). . Error in Application Program

Typical causes of errors are: . Content of a numerical field not in the correct format . Arithmetic overrun . An external procedure is not available . Type conflict when transferring parameters to an external procedure By default, short dumps are stored in the system for 14 days. The transaction for managing short dumps is ST22. You can delete short dumps in accordance with a time specification using the Reorganize function, which you can call by choosing Goto Reorganize. You can save a short dump without a time limit using the Keep function, which you can choose under Short Dump Keep/Release.

If problems that you cannot solve yourself occur with ABAP programs, you can send an extract of the short dump to SAP. A short dump is the basis on which the SAP Hotline and remote consulting solve problems. . If a runtime error occurs, a short dump is generated. You can use transaction ST22 to analyze this short dump. . Dump data is stored in the database. . Dump data can be reorganized. . Individual short dumps can be flagged for retention.

SAP System Trace You can use the system trace to record internal system activities. The system trace is primarily used if an authorization trace is to be created. SAP recommends that you use the system log or the developer trace for system monitoring and problem analysis. You can call the SAP System Trace using transaction ST01 or by choosing the menu path Tools Administration Monitor Traces System Trace. You can also use transaction ST01 to display the inactive trace file. You can use the SAP system trace to monitor the following components: . Authorization checks . Kernel functions . Kernel modules . DB accesses (SQL Trace) . Table buffers . Lock operations (client-side) You select the components to be logged on the initial screen. If the trace is activated for the authorization check, all authorization checks performed by the system are recorded. During the evaluation, you can identify which authorizations the system checked at which times. The following detail information is also provided: Date, time, work process number, user, authorization object, program, line, number of authorization values, authorization values.

You can use the SQL Trace to follow how the Open SQL commands in reports and transactions are converted to standard SQL commands and the parameters with which the SQL commands are transferred to the database system in use. The results of the SQL command are also logged, such as the return code and the number of records found, inserted, or deleted by the database. Logging the execution time and the callpoint in the application program allows you to perform more advanced evaluations. With the enqueue trace, you can follow which lock instructions the SAP system performs on which lock objects, and which parameters the system uses for these locks. The program that triggered the lock, the owner of the lock, and the time that the enqueue server required to release the lock again are all also logged in the trace file. You can use the RFC trace to follow which remote calls the SAP system executes, and the instance on which these calls are executed. You can see from the trace which function modules were called remotely by the program that is to be analyzed, and whether the RFC was successfully executed. The total time required for the execution of the remote call and the number of bytes sent and received during the RFC are also logged in the trace file.

Kill the Work process

Stopping Run-Away or Bad Work Processes 1. 2. 3. Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system. Go to transaction SM50. On the Process Overview screen, find the process which must be stopped. Place a in the to the left of the process number

to be stopped by pressing Space. On the top-most menu bar, click the Process 4. Cancel without core.

Click the blue arrow circle picture-icon to refresh the Process Overview screen until the stopped process has cleared from the display.


You may now leave the SM50 transaction.

If this does not kill the process, you can go to transaction SM04 and kill the users session. If this does not kill the process, you can log on to the server, open a Task Manager session, and End the Process. If this does not kill the session, there is an executable in the RUN directory on the server called sapntkill.exe. Run it providing the process ID number. If none of the above work, you have no choice but to bounce the SAP instance and/or possibly the serve.

Starting SAProuter
Before using SAProuter, you should test its basic functions. See Testing SAProuter Basic Functions.

To start SAProuter: Enter saprouter -r in the input field. (iSeries: enter saprouter '-r' in the input field in batch mode if possible.) This command starts SAProuter. The allowed connections are listed in the Route Permission Table saprouttab. You can start SAProuter automatically when booting the system. Under UNIX, for example, you change your file /etc/rc appropriately.

If you want to run a high number of connections (more than 1000) via SAProuter, start the SAProuter using Option -r -Y <n>, and set the maximum number of clients to 2000 using Option -C <clients>, thus: saprouter -r -Y 0 -C 2000 If this option is set, a new SAProuter is automatically started if the client table becomes full. New connection can then use this new SAProuter. Main SAProuter commands and what they do: saprouter saprouter -r ( iSeries: saprouter '-r') saprouter -s (iSeries: saprouter '-s') Displays a complete list of SAProuter parameters on the screen Starts SAProuter Stops SAProuter

Option -s (stop saprouter)

This function is used to stop a running SAProuter.

If the SAProuter to be stopped is not running on the default service 3299 , the service has to be made known with option -S <service> .

The commands saprouter -s -S 3299 and saprouter -s (iSeries : saprouter '-s -S 3299' and saprouter '-s' ) have the same effect.

Testing SAProuter Basic Functions

Before using SAProuter, you should test whether there are any network problems. You require the programs saprouter and niping as well as three open windows (shells) on one or more hosts.

The following table shows the test scenario when using niping: SAProuter runs in window 1, the server in window 2, and the client in window 3.
UNIX/NT Window 2 (host2) Window 1 (host1) Window 3 (host3)

Without SAProuter With SAProuter


niping -s niping -s saprouter -r

niping -c -H host2 niping -c -H /H/host1/H/host2

Window 2 (host2)

Window 1 (host1)

Window 3 (host3)

Without SAProuter

call niping '-s'

call niping '-c' 'H' 'host2'

With SAProuter call niping '-s' saprouter '- call niping '-c' '-

r' Steps

H' '/H/host1/H/host2'


Start SAProuter in window 1 (on host1). To do this, enter the following command:

UNIX/Windows: saprouter -r ( iSeries: saprouter '-r') This command calls SAProuter without any parameters. For a complete list of the SAProuter commands, refer to the chapter SAProuter Options or the online help. To call the online help, enter saprouter.
2. In window 2 (host2), start the test program niping to emulate a test server. Enter the following command:

UNIX/ Windows: niping -s iSeries: call niping '-s' For a complete list of the niping commands, refer to the online help. To call the online help, enter niping.
3. In window 3 (host3), start the test program niping to emulate a client. Enter the following command:

UNIX/ Windows: niping -c -H host2 iSeries: call niping '-c' '-H' 'host2' This command tests the connection without SAProuter, that is directly between host2 and host3.
4. In window 3, start the test program niping again with the following command:

UNIX/ Windows: niping -c -H /H/host1/H/host2 iSeries: call niping '-c' '-H' '/H/host1/H/host2' This command tests the connection with SAProuter. A host name is interpreted as a route (over one or more SAProuters to the server) if /H/ is added as a prefix to the host name (see Route Strings ). In steps 3 and 4, data packages are sent to the server, and the server sends the data packages back. In step 3, the data packages should be sent to the server more frequently, since more process changes take place. To perform a self test for the local host: Enter the command niping -t (iSeries: call niping '-t'). A list with function names, parameters, and return codes is displayed. If the self test is successful, the following message appears: *** SELFTEST O.K. ***

To get an idea of the options provided by niping, enter niping without any parameters. SAP note 500235 contains comprehensive documentation about the niping tool.

Ques: Reset printer cache? Ans 1. Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction SPAD.

3. On the Spool Administration: Initial Screen screen, under theDevices/servers tab click the Output devices button.

4. On the Spool Administration: List of Output Devices screen, double click on the printer you need to reset.

5. On the Spool Administration: Output Device (Display) screen, click on the pencil pictureicon to switch from display mode to change mode.

6. On the Administration: Output Device (Change) screen, on the top-most menu bar click Edit Reactivate.

7. On the same Administration: Output Device (Display) screen, on the top-most menu bar click Edit Reset Cache.

8. On the same Administration: Output Device (Display) screen, on the top-most menu bar click Edit NI Reset.


You may now leave the SPAD transaction.

Storage Methods for Spool Objects in TemSe

You can use the profile parameter rspo/store_location to set up the TemSe database to store spool request data either in the SAP database (default parameter db) or in the file system of the host operating system (parameter value G).

The default storage method for TemSe objects is specified in the system profile of each SAP application server. You can therefore theoretically specify different storage methods for different servers. However, we strongly advise against this, as only restricted data access is possible in this case.

Further, you can set the storage location individually by SAP output device if required. Unless you have special requirements with respect to a particular device, it is best to use a uniform storage method across the entire SAP System. The following table summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of each type of storage:
Storage Method File system Advantages y y fast better performance Disadvantages y TemSe data must be backed up and restored using operating system tools, separately from the database. In the event of problems, it can be hard to restore consistency between the data held in files and the TemSes object management in the database. Slower than file system storage Increased database load


y y y

regular backup restore using database tools consistency is ensured

y y

Details for Storage in Files If the data is stored in files, the TemSe manages object management records for its objects in the SAP database. However, it stores the object data, including the spool data, in files. By default, these files are stored in the following global SAP directories:
y y Unix installation: /usr/sap/<SYSTEM ID>/SYS/global Microsoft Windows: \\sapglobalhost\sapmnt\<system ID>\global

You can specify an alternative directory with the rsts/files/roots/G system profile parameter.

For more information, see Storage Location for Spool Data . Files are held in directories that are named for the client (three digits) and the type of TemSe object (five characters, as specified in table TST07).

001JOBLG contains logs for background jobs that were performed in client 001. 026SPOOL contains spool data for client 026. Within these directories, individual spool files are named with the spool request ID number (such as 00013152).

The reports that check spool/TemSe consistency (RSPO0043) and that reorganize the spool and TemSe (delete old spool requests, RSPO0041) are able to handle both database and file system storage.

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