235 Catalan Atlas
235 Catalan Atlas
235 Catalan Atlas
The Catalan Atlas
to include a wind rose and contains many references to the Old Testament in its
description of natural sites (such as the Red Sea). Most significantly, and unlike similar
coeval medieval charts, the Catalan Atlas indicates interior sites such as oases, rivers,
mountains, and charming towns with walls and towers, and denotes the differences
between Christian and non-Christian localities by placing either a cross or a cupola on
the central tower, respectively.
The Catalan Atlas stands in marked contrast to earlier medieval maps of Africa,
which are filled with monsters, beasts, and grotesques — the farther from Europe, the
more outlandish the representations of nature and humankind. Like medieval wonder
books, those maps offered an Africa filled with men without noses and ants as big as
dogs. By contrast, the Catalan Atlas sports delicate palm trees, tents of nomads, and
surprisingly realistic elephants and camels.
The cartographers who made the Catalan Atlas could describe these distant places
with some sense of verisimilitude, rather than speculative fantasy, because they knew
them, or at least had a comfortable familiarity with them.
The title of the Atlas shows clearly the spirit in which it was executed and its
content: Mappamundi, that is to say, image of the world and of the regions which are on the
earth and of the various kinds of peoples which inhabit it. Originally the Catalan Atlas
consisted of six large wooden panels that were covered with parchment on one side.
This form later was transformed into a block-book, in which each sheet formed a double
page, the parchment itself serving as a hinge between each of the two wooden panels.
This arrangement led to the folds of the precious sheets becoming worn through with
use, so that these sheets were divided into 12 half-sheets, mounted on boards to fold like
a screen. Four half-sheets are occupied by cosmographical and navigational data, they
describe the whole concept of the world, show astronomical and astrological
representations, and provide information about the calendar, the sun, moon, planets, the
signs of the zodiac and the tides. The remaining eight half-sheets form the body of the
map itself. Each leaf is 69 x 49 cm, so that the whole is approximately 69 cm x 3.9 m.
These proportions are of some significance, for they have undoubtedly restricted the
cartographer in his portrayal of the extreme northern and southern regions. This was
perhaps to some extent deliberate, for two years before the composition of this map, we
hear of the Infant John (son of Peter of Aragon) demanding a map “well executed and
drawn with its East and West” and figuring “all that could be shown of the West and of
the Strait [of Gibraltar] leading to the West”. The Infant, in other words, was interested,
not in northern Europe and Asia or in southern Africa, but in the Orient and the Western
Ocean. The cartographer satisfied him by cutting out, as it were, an east-west rectangle
from a circular world map which would cover the desired area. Later Catalan maps, i.e.,
the Catalan-Este map (#246), retained the circular form. The shape of the Catalan Atlas,
therefore, must not be taken as evidence on questions such as the extent, form or
knowledge of the African continent; nor does the change from a circular to a rectangular
frame indicate specifically any change in ideas relating to the shape of the earth. As an
astronomer, Cresques most assuredly accepted its sphericity.
Today the original Catalan Atlas can be found in the Bibliotheque Nationale,
Paris, and has now assumed the form of seven loose wooden panels of which five inside
ones bear one half of a sheet of the Atlas on each side, while the two outer ones consist of
one side that bears a half sheet of the Atlas and one half of the binding on the other side.
The first of the two preliminary sheets deals with the days of the month from the
first to the thirtieth. To the right, from top to bottom, is a diagram of the tides; another
The Catalan Atlas
lists the movable feasts, and a third drawing represents a blood-letting figure. The latter
is accompanied by a long text describing the world; it deals with its creation, the four
elements of which it is composed, its shape, dimensions, and divisions. Then come
geographical accounts of countries, continents, oceans, and tides, as well as astronomical
and meteorological information. The second sheet presents a spectacular diagram of a
large astronomical and astrological wheel. The earth at its center is symbolized by an
astronomer holding an astrolabe. The other elements (fire, air, water) are incorporated
into the next three concentric circles; then come the seven planets, the band of the
zodiac, and the various stations and phases of the moon. The next six rings are devoted
to the lunar calendar and to an account of the effect of the moon when it is found in the
different signs of the zodiac. Three more rings show, respectively, the division of the
circle into degrees, while the last gives an account of the Golden Number. The four
seasons, finally, are shown in the corners as personified figures bearing scrolls.
The sources of the Catalan Atlas fall into three groups: (1) elements derived from
the typical circular world map of medieval times; (2) the outlines of the Black Sea,
Mediterranean, and the coasts of western Europe based upon the “normal” portolan
[nautical] chart; and (3) details drawn from the narratives of the 13th and 14th century
travelers in Asia, which transformed the cartographic representation of that continent.
Often the question of the “correct” orientation of the sheets arose. George
Grosjean, in his commentary on the 1977 facsimile edition of the Atlas, stresses that the
orientation of this map must be understood from its essential part. The map was
constructed in the portolano style, a type of medieval navigation chart which was
intended to lie on the chart-table of a ship and always was oriented to the necessities of
navigation, thus there is no “orientation of priority” of such maps. Since the Atlas was
not intended as a portolano for daily use but instead was a luxury edition for a princely
library, it is useless to ask for correct orientation of the map-sheets. This fact
notwithstanding, however, as the legends that are legible prevail in north-orientation, in
the modern literature of the maps the north-orientation is now adopted.
A major impetus to the advancement of exploration in Western Europe during
the later Middle Ages came through the evolution and use of this very kind of map, the
nautical chart or portolano. Designed to assist mariners find their way at sea, it served a
practical purpose akin to that of the future road map, but it answered this purpose by
depicting not the route itself, but detailed coastlines and hazards to shipping. Mariners
previously had to rely on written itineraries which can be traced back to the peripli or
coastal pilots of the classical world. Following the introduction of the mariner’s compass
in Europe towards the end of the 13th century, nautical or portolan charts were made as
an extension of the peripli, constructed on a framework of radiating compass lines, with
north at the top. Places were located and marked around the coasts, while places located
further inland and usually the entire interior of the continents were left blank. It should
be emphasized that while the Catalan Atlas was drawn in the portolano style, it is not,
strictly speaking, a portolan chart. The typical nautical chart, which some scholars believe
had its origin with the Catalan mapmakers, had hitherto been cartographically the very
opposite of the medieval theocratic or ecclesiastical maps. Portolan charts traditionally
displayed only known, discovered coasts, precisely detailed harbors, river mouths,
rocks, shallows, currents, etc. every coastal feature likely to be important to a pilot and
normally limited to only regions frequented by European sailors, i.e. the Mediterranean
and Black Seas, and northwestern Europe.
The Catalan Atlas
The Catalan Atlas is actually a world map built up around a portolan chart, thus
combining aspects of the nautical chart by employing loxodromes and coastal detail with
the medieval mappaemundi exemplified by its legends and illustrations. The result is that
the Atlas represents a transitionary step towards the world maps developed later during
the Renaissance, especially by its extensive application of contemporary geographical
knowledge and ambitious scope. Though the Catalan Atlas is the earliest complete
example of its kind which has survived, it was undoubtedly preceded by other similar
attempts at extending the range of the portolan chart. The Laurentian/Medicean Sea Atlas of
1351 (#233) contains a ‘world’ map (extending eastwards as far as the west coast of India
only) which resembles it in the outline of the coasts and in interior details. From the
nomenclature, it is probably of Ligurian origin. An even earlier chart (probably covering
the whole ‘world’ originally), that by Angelino Dulcert, of Majorca, dated 1339, also has
points of resemblance to the Catalan Atlas. In view of the possible identity of Dulcert,
and the Ligurian origin of the Medici Atlas, we may conclude that this type of world
map, though developed by Catalans, originated early in the 14th century in northern
Italy, where the narrative of Marco Polo, which, as will be seen, supplied many of the
details embodied in the map, would be most readily available. The Catalan Atlas says:
The circumference of the earth is 180,000 stadia, that is to say 20,052 miles (this is the same
calculation as Ptolemy’s, yet it was given a full thirty years prior to the first known Latin
translation of his Geographia, #119 Book I).
The Catalan Atlas presents Europe and the area of the Black Sea as a somewhat
stylized portolan chart. However, aside from being a navigational tool as is a portolan
chart, a late medieval world map had political, theological, or ideological overtones. This
applied in particular to those areas that were not part of the portolan “system”, such as
North Africa, Central Asia, and the Far East, which were presented in the form of a
traditional mappamundi. Representations of these areas are significantly less accurate in
terms of geographic knowledge and various categories of information are transmitted
iconographically. For instance, political realms are defined by flags and the portraits of
rulers, and Christianity is pictured time and again, as is biblical history. Some
anthropological interest also shines through the iconography of the Catalan mappamundi;
nomads in northern Africa, a Chinese junk, and a cremation ceremony in northern Asia,
which Europeans knew about through the reports of Marco Polo. A great wealth of
sources was used to create this work: we find echoes of Isidore of Seville, Honorius of
Aurun, Marco Polo, Ibn Battutta, other European travelers, the Hebrew Bible, and the
famous Letters of Prester John. All of these details first of all express the Christian
worldview and the politics of the king of Aragon.
The iconography and the captions of the Catalan mappamundi offer a great wealth
of historical information. They include references to biblical narratives, such as the
Flood, the Tower of Babel, the Crossing of the Red Sea, the Giving of the Law to the
Israelites, and the Destruction of Nineveh. Alexander the Great is represented
prominently. Elsewhere the map figures numerous Christian motifs, such as the Magi on
their journey to Bethlehem, Christian rulers in the East, and various sites of Christian
interest. Elements of Islamic relevance are also included, such as the image of a pious
Muslim praying in Mecca.
In addition to the extension of the geographic scope, the Catalan Atlas is much
more ornate than the functional nautical/pilot’s chart, it features such items as banners,
sceptered and stately potentates both historical and mythical, ships in full sail, camel
caravans and pearl fishers. Although the sailors were used to plainer charts whose
The Catalan Atlas
importance lay principally in their utility and accuracy, even ordinary marine charts
begin to follow the Catalan tradition with regards to their use of standardized color
patterns. Thus, pilots knew at a glance, for instance, that any port lettered in red offered
revictualing and a safe harbor; dots and crosses, on the other hand, indicated
underwater hazards.
We know in unusual detail the circumstances in which the Catalan Atlas of 1375
(the date of the calendar which accompanies it) was produced and the career of the
cartographer who compiled it. When in 1381 the envoy of the French king asked King
Peter of Aragon for a copy of the latest world map (proof in itself that the reputation of
the Catalan school had been widely recognized) he was given this example, which has
been preserved in Paris ever since. It is on record that it was the work of Cresques le juif.
Abraham Cresques, a Jew of Palma on the island of Majorca, who for many years was
“master of mappaemundi and compasses”, i.e. cartographer and instrument maker, to the
King of Aragon, from whom he received special privileges and protection. There are
several references to world maps executed by him, though this is the only one now
known. After his death in 1387, his work was carried on by his son, Jafuda, who
eventually instructed the Portuguese under the patronage of Prince Henry the
Navigator. But the day of the Jewish school of cartography at Majorca was already
drawing to a close, owing to the wave of religious persecution which swept through the
Aragon kingdom in the latter years of the century.
The patrons of Cresques, King Peter III of Aragon and his son, in addition to
their scientific interests, were keenly interested in reports of Eastern lands, in relation to
their forward economic policy, and were at special pains to secure manuscript copies of
Marco Polo’s Description of the World, the travels of Odoric of Pordenone Description of
Eastern Regions and, what may surprise the modern reader, the Voyage of Sir John
Mandeville. Though fabulous in part, Mandeville’s book has a scientific background. He
was quite sound, for example, on the sphericity of the earth; as he says:
. . . who so wold pursue them for to environ the earth who so had grace of God
to hold the waye, he mighte come right to the same countreys that he were come
from and come of and so go about the earth . . . fewe men assay to go so,
As a response to this interest, Cresques extended his chart to include all that was then
known of Asia, notably from Marco Polo’s narrative. For the first time in medieval
cartography this continent assumed a recognizable form, with one or two notable
exceptions. Continental interiors are filled with detail, compass lines drawn, and
decorative items are added to enhance the nearly up-to-date picture. From the Mar del
Sarra [Caspian Sea] in the west, with a fairly accurate outline in the style of the portolan
charts, the Mongol domains stretch away eastwards to the coasts of Catayo [China]. This
country makes a sweep from east to south with an approach to its actual form, and
along it’s coast appear several of the great medieval ports and trading centers
frequented by Arab merchants. It should be noted, however, that these coastal outlines
of Asia take on a somewhat generalized appearance when compared with the relatively
more familiar European/North African contours found in the Atlas.
Mongol Empire are approximately represented. From west to east, the main
divisions of the Mongol territory include the Empire of Sarra [the Kipchak Khanate], the
Empire of Medeia [the Chagtai Khanate of the middle], and the Suzerain Empire of the
Great Khan, Catayo [China]. Its capital at Cambaluc or Chanbaleth [Beijing, a.k.a. Khanbaliq
or Dadu], the city of the Great Khan which so intrigued the chroniclers of the 14th
The Catalan Atlas
century, receives due prominence, with a long legend describing its magnitude and
grandeurs. In an account once more based on Marco Polo’s text:
This town [Beijing] has an extent of 24 miles, is surrounded by a very thick outer
wall and has a square ground plan. Each side has a length of six miles, the wall is
20 paces high and 10 paces thick, has 12 gateways and a large tower, in which
hangs a great bell, which rings at the hour of first sleep or earlier. When it has
finished ringing, no one may pass through the town, and at each gate a thousand
men are on guard, not out of fear but in honor of the sovereign.
The description emphasizes the richness and urbanity of the Chinese capital at the edge
of the civilized world. This contrasts strongly with the people of the islands farther east
who are described as savages living naked, eating raw fish, and drinking sea water.
They are obviously to be identified with the Ichthyophagi, one of the fabulous races
traditionally placed in Asia or in Africa. The city stands near the apex of a triangle
formed by two rivers and the ocean; each of the two rivers divides into three before
reaching the sea, a representation embodying a somewhat confused notion of the inter-
linked natural and artificial waterways of China. Another one of the legends on the map
that can be found in this region reads, in translation:
To the north is Catayo, the Great Khan and his capital of Chanbaleth; to the south
Manji, with its great cities of Zayton and Cansay. The vertical waterway is the
Grand Canal built by Kublai from Manji to Cambulac; below are the 7548 islands,
rich in all manner of spicery, placed by Marco in the Sea of Chin.
The supreme ruler of Catayo is identified as Kublai Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan:
The Catalan Atlas
The most powerful prince of all the Tartars is named Holubeim [i. e., Kublai
Khan], which means Chief Khan. The emperor is far wealthier than any other
monarch in the whole world. This emperor is guarded by 12,000 horsemen.
The Catalan Atlas contains the names of various towns placed apparently at random,
some of them mentioned twice; this reflects the fact that the map was evidently
composed with the help of various sources.
On the southern portion of the Cathay coast, the general uniformity of the coast is
broken by three bays, and it is significant that these are associated with three great ports,
Zayton [near Changchow], Cansay [Hangchow, better known in medieval records as
Quinsay] and Cincolam [Canton]. Of these, Canton is not mentioned by Marco Polo; it
was, however, much frequented by Arab navigators and traders, upon whose reports
the compiler was probably drawing. The attempt at representing the configuration of the
coast suggests at least that his informants were interested from a maritime point of view.
Some of the islands off Quinsay may stand for the Chusan archipelago, and further to the
south is the large island of Caynam, [Hainan].
Sir Henry Yule points out that Kao-li was the name given for Korea, and he
therefore considers that the island Cresques depicts here represents confused notions
about both the Korean peninsula and Japan; otherwise there is no obvious graphic
reference or hint of Zipangu [Japan].
Further south is the island of Trapobana already found on maps attributed to
Ptolemy. For Pliny and classical authors it was evidently Ceylon/Sri Lanka, but it was
later associated with Sumatra, as it is here, described as “the last island towards the
east” and is called by the Tartars Great Caulij. Altogether, as mentioned above, we are
told there are 7,548 islands in the Indian Ocean; they are rich in gold, silver, spices, and
precious stones, so much so that “great ships of many different nations” trade in their
waters. Here again the information is from Marco Polo, who, however, spoke of 7,448
islands. There Cresques placed some of the fabulous and monstrous races legendary in
The Catalan Atlas
classical antiquity and the Middle Ages: “On this island are people who are very different
from the rest of mankind. In some of the mountain ranges. . . are people of great size, as much as
12 ells, like giants, with very dark skins and without intelligence. They eat white men and
strangers, if they can catch them.” The reference is to giants familiar from the medieval
Alexander legend, specifically defined here as Anthropophagi. To these far distant waters
are also relegated mermaids, some of them probably the traditional half-woman and
half-fish, the others more siren-like half-birds. The one illustrated has two fishtails, in
accordance with one of the most common medieval conventions.
The delineation of the coastline of southern Asia has one major defect and one
outstanding merit; the defect is the entire omission of the southeastern peninsula, the
Malay archipelago; the merit is the portrayal for the first time of the Indian subcontinent
in its peninsular form. The first is difficult to explain; to make up for it the cartographer
has inserted a great island of Jana [Java], which however was probably intended for
Sumatra. For the Indian peninsula, other sources are intermingled with Polo’s account.
The kingdoms of India as enumerated by Polo are absent from the map, and there are
significant differences in the towns appearing in the two documents. Conspicuous on
the map is the Christian Kingdom and city of Columbo, placed on the east coast. There is
no doubt that this is Quilon, on the west coast. This form of the name (it is rendered
Coilum by Polo), and other details, suggest that the compiler drew upon the writings of
Friar Jordanus, who was a missionary in this area, and whose Book of Marvels was
completed and in circulation by 1340. In the area around the Gulf of Cambay, several
towns are shown which are mentioned by Jordanus but not by Polo, i.e., Baroche and
Gogo. There are still other names which are not found in Jordanus either; but the
commercial importance of Cambay (Canbetum, on the map) would account for the
relatively detailed information about this region. There is, surprisingly, no indication of
the river Indus, a striking omission also from Polo’s narrative. This oversight may have
arisen from confusion that often can be found between the Indus and the river Ganges.
The Indian powers are represented on the Catalan Atlas by the Sultan of Delhi and
the Hindu King of Vijayanagar, who is wrongly identified as a Christian. Farther north
appear the Three Wise Men on their way to Bethlehem and at the top (or bottom) of the
map a caravan; all of the latter figures are drawn upside down, as the map was probably
meant to be laid horizontally and viewed from both sides. Camels laden with goods are
followed by their drivers; behind them various people, one of them asleep, are riding
horses. Next to this group is a mass of fascinating information based once more on
Marco Polo’s travel account: “You must know that those who wish to cross this desert remain
and lodge for one whole week in a town named Lop, where they and their beasts can rest. Then
they lay in all the provisions they need for seven months.” Farther on we read that “when it
happens that a man falls asleep on his camel during a night-ride or wanders away and loses his
companions for some other reason, it often happens that he hears the voices of devils which are
like the voices of his companions and they call him by his name and lead him in all directions
through the desert, so that he can never find his companions again. A thousand tales are told
about this desert.” The scene thus clearly refers to the Silk Road, the overland route to
China. The caravan is crossing the Sinkiang desert through the Tarim Basin. The
province and town of Lop mentioned by Marco Polo can be connected with the modern
town of Ruoqiang (Charkhlik) south of Lop Nor.
Quite a number of harbors are indicated on the eastern coast of India, a few of
them still identifiable, while a sailing junk testifies to trading activity, especially with the
island of Iana (?), which is here associated with the legendary isle of the Amazons (regio
The Catalan Atlas
femarum [sic]) and symbolized by its queen. The text describes the richness of the area:
“on the island of Iana are many trees of aloe, camphor, sandalwood, fine spices, garenga, nutmeg,
cinnamon trees, from which the most precious spice of all India comes, and here are also mace and
leaves.” The mention of a regio femarum and of two of its cities, Malao and Semescra, seem
to refer to Marco Polo’s Malaiur and Semenat [Sumatra]. The location of this land “in
India” and its geographic position, however, suggest it is instead possibly Sri Lanka.
In mainland India, King Stephen has been represented: the text beside him
indicates that this Christian ruler is “looking towards the town of Butifilis,” Marco Polo’s
kingdom of Mutifilis. The notion that there were Christian rulers east of the Islamic
world stems largely from the legend of Prester John; also important, however, were the
real Christian minorities in India and the fact that the tomb of Saint Thomas was thought
to be in Mailapore, a suburb of Madras, the Mirapore of the map. Farther north is the
realm of Kebek Khan, a historical figure who reigned from 1309 to 1326: “Here reigns King
Chabeh, ruler of the Kingdom of the Middle Horde. He resides in Emalech.” Next to him,
between India and the Chinese empire, is a group of pygmies fighting cranes: “Here are
born men who are so small that they do not grow to above five spans in height, and although they
are so short and incapable of hard work, they are strong enough and in a position to weave and
herd cattle. And know that these people marry at the age of about twelve years and generally live
to be 40 years old. But they are happy and defend themselves valiantly against the cranes, which
they hunt and eat.” The ancient writer Pliny had already described pygmies who lived in
the remotest mountains of Asia, and he commented on their antagonism to cranes; they
were later mentioned in the travel accounts of Odoric de Pordenone and Mandeville, but
Marco Polo doubted their existence. They are, however, also shown on the Ebstorf Map
of 1234 (Book II, #224).
Above, “upside down”, is a curious scene of the cremation of an old man to the
accompaniment of music: “Know that the men and women of this region, when they are dead,
The Catalan Atlas
are carried away to be burnt, to the sound of instruments and in ecstasies of joy.... And it
sometimes happens though rarely, that the widow of the dead man throws herself into the flames,”
a practice that recalls widow-burning (sutti) of India. Here the text contains information
from Marco Polo’s account of how in the province of Malabar the death of criminals,
who are compelled to commit suicide, is celebrated by their relatives with his
observation on the custom of widows immolating themselves on the pyres of their dead
husbands, mentioned a few lines later. Also upside down, as it is on the upper half of
the map, are people seeking diamonds. Their rather peculiar method of doing so is
explained at length: “As they cannot get between the mountains where the diamonds are, they
ingeniously throw lumps of meat to the place where the stones are lying, and the stones adhere to
the meat and come away from their original site: then the diamonds that are attached to the pieces
of meat are carried away by the birds and thus obtained by the men.” Alexander the Great, we
are told, was already familiar with this method: it is illustrated on the map by two men
cutting off pieces of meat and a bird flying over the mountains of Baldasia [Badakhstan],
from which flows the stream that marks the eastern border of India (finis indie).
Abraham Cresques has shown snakes in the crevices of the rock: Marco Polo, after all,
tells us that the diamonds are found in deep valleys with “so many serpents” that “he who
should go down there would be devoured immediately.”
Alexander the Great is shown in the upper right half of the map. There we are
told that Satan came to his aid and helped him to imprison the Tartars Gog and Magog.
Alexander then had two bronze figures made by
which to bind them with a spell. The reference is
to the gate that Alexander is supposed to have
built in the Caspian Mountains to exclude Gog and
Magog, who are here equated with various Central
Asian tribes. The text on the map specifically
refers to the “various tribes who have no scruples
about eating any kind of raw flesh..., the nation from
which the Antichrist will come forth,” but which will
ultimately be destroyed. There is a further allusion
to Alexander having erected two trumpet-blowing
figures in bronze; these, according to various
medieval legends, resounded with the wind and
frightened the Tartars until the instruments were
blocked up by various nesting birds and animals.
The text freely combines the medieval legend of
Alexander with biblical traditions. This applies
equally to the corresponding scene, where the
great lord and ruler over Gog and Magog is shown
with his men, the devil painted on their banners:
“He will march out with many followers at the time of
the Antichrist” but will ultimately be defeated as
predicted in the Book of Revelation (20: 7-10). To the
south are those who will be sent to declare his
glory among the Gentiles. The text here refers to
Alexander the Great accompanied by
Isaiah 66:19: “I shall send those who are saved to the
Satan, who helped him imprison the
peoples of the sea, to Africa and Lydia”; and further, “I
peoples of Gog and Magog, and the two
will send to the isles afar off, that have not heard my
bronze statues of trumpeters he ordered
erected. Wind blowing through the
trumpets frightens the Tartars,
10 detail of the map of Asia
The Catalan Atlas
fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles.” To this
prophetic inscription is added a text about the Antichrist.
Sources other than those embodied in Polo have also been used for the portion of
the Indian Ocean included in the map. The Persian Gulf, extending almost due west, has
an outline similar to that on the Dulcert map, but is otherwise superior to any earlier
map. In the Gulf, the island of Ormis [Hormuz] is shown, opposite the former settlement
of the same name on the mainland. The Southern Arabian coast has names differing
from those given by Polo, and in one of them, Adramant, we may recognize the modern
Hadhramaut. The island of Scotra, an important stage on the trade route from Aden to
India, is misplaced to the east, and appears to occupy the approximate position of the
Kuria Muria Islands. For India and the ocean to the west, therefore, we may conclude
that charts were used which differed in detail from Polo’s account, though similar in
general features. That such charts existed we know from Polo’s own statements. Possibly
additions were also made so that the map might serve as an illustration to his narrative.
If the map is
stripped of its legends
and drawings of the
older tradition, it is
apparent that the main
interest of the compiler
is concentrated in a
central strip across Asia.
Herein lies a succession
of physical features:
mountains, rivers, lakes
and towns with corrupt
but recognizable forms
of their medieval names
as given in the
narratives of the great
travelers of the 13th
century. These are Island of Trapobana [Sumatra] and
jumbled together in a a two-tailed siren dwelling in the Indian Ocean
manner sometimes
difficult to understand, but with the help of Marco Polo’s narrative, it is possible to
disentangle the itineraries that the map was evidently intended to set out.
In the west is the Organci [Oxus] river shown, as on most contemporary maps,
flowing into the Caspian, and alongside it the early stages of the traditionally used
overland route, from Urganj [the medieval Khiva] through Bokhara and Samarcand to
the sources of the river in the mountains of Amol, on the eastern limits of Persia. These
are the highlands of Badakshan where the route crossed the Pamirs. East of this lies the
lake, Yssikol [Issik Kul], and Emalech the seat of the Khan, the Armalec of other travelers,
in the Kuldja region. The delineation is then confused by the repetition of the Badakshan
uplands, the mountains of Baldassia, a mistake that probably arose from confusion over
the river system of southern Asia.
This description, with several omissions, was in outline the route followed by
Maffeo and Nicolo Polo (Marco Polo’s father and uncle) on their journey to the Great
Khan’s court. It is also possible to discern traces of their second journey, accompanied by
The Catalan Atlas
Marco, in which they employed the ‘south road’ of the silk route, and, except for a
detour through Ormis at the bottom of the Persian Gulf, ran from Trebizond through Eri
[Herat], Badakshan, and along the southern edge of the Tarim basin from Khotan to the
city of Lop. The compiler, however, perhaps because he confused this desert area with
the Gobi, has transferred this stretch to the north of the Issik Kul. In fact the section
illustrated below is thought to actually represent Nicolo and Maffeo Polo, with their
Mongol envoys, crossing the Tien Shan mountains on their way through what is now
China’s Sinkiang Province, to Beijing (south is at the top). The legend above them reads,
in translation: This caravan left the Empire of Sarra to go to Catayo, across a Great Desert
(Sarai, on the Edil [Volga], was the capital of the Kipchak Tartars, from which the Polos had set
out about 1262. A third route is indicated rather confusedly on the extreme northern edge
of the map. It is marked by a line of towns up the valley of the Edil from Agitarchan
[Astrakhan] through Sarra [Sarai], Borgar, and thence eastward through Pascherit
[probably representing the territory of the Bashkirs east of the middle Volga], and Sebur,
or Sibir, a medieval settlement whose site is unknown, but thought to be on the upper
Irtish. In this quarter, the information upon which the map is based was not drawn from
Marco Polo. To the south is a long east-west range, called the Mountains of Sebur,
representing the northwestern face of the Tien Shan and Altai mountains. In the late 13th
and early 14th centuries there were Franciscan mission stations at these localities, and the
details no doubt came originally from the friars.
The influence of the medieval world map may be seen in many features of the
Catalan Atlas; Jerusalem, though not so strongly emphasized, is still approximately in the
center of the map; a portion of the original coastline of northeast Asia, with the Caspian
mountains still enclosing the tribes of Gog and Magog; the large island of Taprobane
occupies approximately the same position as, for example, on the Hereford map (Book II,
#226); the great west-east river beyond the Atlas Mountains resembles the traditional
conception of the hydrography of North Africa, though contemporary names have been
inserted. Clearly the contemporary additions are set in a much older framework.
The Catalan Atlas
Scarcely less valuable, and certainly of special interest for the student of
geographical theory, are the Catalan speculations concerning the unexplored territories
of the earth. Unlike many classical and fellow medieval scholars, the draftsman of
Majorca showed praiseworthy restraint in this respect. In addition to Asia, the narratives
of contemporary travelers were also extensively used by Cresques in Africa. Here the
special feature of interest on the Catalan Atlas is the inscription and picture of the vessel
recording the departure of the Catalan, Jacome Ferrer, on a voyage to the ‘river of gold’
southwest of the new Finisterre of Bojador in 1346. This refers to the northwest coast of
Africa that extends beyond Cape Bojador to a point just north of the Rio d’Oro. Here
unfortunately the map ends; unlike the Medici Atlas, or some others, it makes no attempt
at a representation, conjecture or otherwise, of the southern portion of this continent. But
in the allotted space the map does show some knowledge by Cresques of the gold
producing region of the middle Nile and of the regional name Ginuia [Guinea], the
Kingdom of Melli, and stages on the routes from Morocco to the Niger, i.e., Sigilmessa,
Tebelt, Tagaza, and Tenbuch [Timbuktu] are marked. Also its treatment of the Atlantic
islands: the Azores, Canary, and Madeira groups, is more complete than any
representation of earlier times.
Hardly any place on the
west coast of Africa is identified.
Only one name, perhaps a
mythical spot, is found south of
Cape Bojador in the former
Spanish Sahara, but we are told
that Africa, land of ivory, starts at
this point and that by traveling
due south one reaches Ethiopia.
For here, as is often the case in
other maps of the period, the
cartographer compensated for the
dearth of known geographical
points by including historical Mansa Musa, King of Mali,
facts. We are told, for example, detail of the map of North Africa
that merchants bound for Guinea
pass the Atlas mountain range, shown here in its typical form of a bird’s leg with three
claws at its eastern end, at Val de Durcha. More geographical information is given on the
Maghreb, which, after all, is part of the Mediterranean. The Sahara, however, is shown
with a lake in its center, a traditional medieval error. The text beside a Touareg riding on
a camel and also a group of tents informs us that this land is inhabited by veiled people
living in tents and riding camels. The crowned black man holding a golden disk is
identified as Musse Melly, “lord of the negroes of Guinea” - in fact, Mansa Musa, of fabulous
wealth. “The King,” we are told, “is the richest and most distinguished ruler of this whole
region, on account of the great quantity of gold that is found in his land.” Mansa Musa, who
reigned over the kingdom of Mali, probably from 1312 to 1337, is known for having
encouraged the development of Islamic learning. His pilgrimage to Mecca, including a
visit to Cairo, was famous for the enormous amount of gold he spent on that occasion.
This is plausible enough, for he controlled a large part of Africa, from Gambia and
Senegal to Gao on the Niger, and had access to some of its richest gold deposits. Reports
The Catalan Atlas
of the fabulous wealth of this African ruler did much to encourage an interest in the
exploration of Africa.
East of the Sultan of Mali appears the King of Organa, in turban and blue dress,
holding an oriental sword and a shield. He is, we are told, “a Saracen who waged constant
war against the Saracens of the coast and with the other Arabs.” Still farther to the east is the
King of Nubia, “always at war and under arms against the Nubian Christians, who are under
the rule of the Emperor of Ethiopia and belong to the realm of Prester John.” On the Catalan
Atlas, Africa is also symbolized by a nude black man with a camel and a turreted
elephant. Camels were first used for the trans-Sahara trade sometime between the
second and fifth century A.D., after being introduced from Arabia. Thanks to their
notorious capacity to travel long distances without water, they completely transformed
African trade, opening sub-Saharan areas to Islam. The elephant, which inhabits the area
south of the Sahara, signifies the fact, as the text puts it, that Africa is the land of ivory
“on account of the large numbers of elephants that live there.”
In northeast Africa, a knowledge of the Nile valley as far south as Dongala, where
there was a Catholic mission early in the 14th century, is apparent. The delineation of the
Nile river system is vitiated, however, by the conception that it flowed from a great lake
in the Guinea region, Lacus Nili. This rare speculation on the part of Cresques contained
at least some partial truth because the Lacus Nili, the Pactolus of Strabo, and the Palolus of
later maps, which in the Catalan Atlas and subsequent works is located in the
neighborhood of Timbuktu, may reasonably be identified with the flood region of the
On one matter, however, the mapmaker Cresques could hardly refrain from
speculating, for the following reason: land exploration had, for a long time now, outrun
oceanic discovery, and so, concerning Africa, much more was known of the Sudan by
the end of the 14th century than was known of the oceanic fringe area in the same
latitudes. As previously mentioned, the early draftsmen insisted upon cutting the
continent short just beyond the limit of coastal knowledge, that is, in the vicinity of Cape
Bojador. By so doing, however, they found themselves reducing the vast extent of the
Sahara almost to a vanishing point. Thus in the map of 1375, Sigilmessa and the Rio del
Oro [i.e., the Senegal-Niger river system] are placed in closer proximity than Ceuta and
Cape Non. Later draftsmen, in order to escape the embarrassment caused by indicating
the great trans-Saharan caravan routes within these narrow limits, began to speculate on
the course of the west African coast, south of Bojador. By general agreement it was made
to trend south-southeast. Speculation of this sort did at least have the merit of enabling
the mapmaker to draw the Sahara with greater accuracy. The gap in the snake-like Atlas
Mountain chain of North Africa is meant to illustrate a pass that these Arab merchants
commonly used.
In Asia the Red Sea stands out, being shown as red, a characteristic that derives,
we are told less from the color of the water than from that of the sea bed. It is cut in two
by a land passage, a conventional allusion to Moses’ miraculous crossing (Exodus,
14:2122). The port of Quseir is clearly marked, and the accompanying text specifies that it
is here that spices are taken on land and sent to Cairo and Alexandria. In Arabia,
between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, is located the Kingdom of Sheba; the queen,
who came to visit King Solomon, is shown crowned and holding a golden disk as
symbol of her wealth. Today, we are told, the area “belongs to Saracen Arabs and produces
many aromatic substances, such as myrrh and frankincense; it has much gold, silver and many
precious stones and, moreover, it is said that a bird called Phoenix is found here.” This passage
The Catalan Atlas
is altogether typical of the approach of late 14th century cartographers, who freely mix
biblical information with later accounts of foreign countries, in this case based on Isidore
of Seville’s Etymologiae (#205, Book II).
Mecca and Medina are clearly marked, although they are placed too close to the
coast. Between the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea appears the King of Tauris [Tabriz]
and north of him Jani-Beg, ruler of the kingdom of the Golden Horde, who died in 1357. The
importance of Baghdad as a center of the spice trade is emphasized; from there, precious
wares from India are sent throughout the Syrian land and especially to Damascus.
Navigational information is also recorded: “From the mouth of the river of Baghdad, the
Indian and Persian Oceans open out. Here they fish for pearls, which are supplied to the town of
Baghdad.” We learn that “before they dive to the bottom of the sea, pearl fishers recite magic
spells with which they frighten away the fish” a piece of information that comes straight
from Marco Polo, who mentions that the pearl fishers on the Malabar coast are protected
by the magic and spells of the Brahmins. Various trading stations are indicated on the
shore of the Indian Ocean from Hormus, “where India begins,” to Quilon in Kerala. There,
pearl fishers are mentioned again with reference to magic spells. So are boats (called
nichi) with a length of keel of sixty ells (a unit of measurement that in England was equal
to 45 inches) and a draft of thirty-four, with “at least four but sometimes as many as ten
masts, and sails made of bamboo and palm leaves.” One of these boats is illustrated next to
the text and another east of the Indian peninsula: with their transom bow and stern, rails
on the stern galley, portholes, and as many as five masts with unmistakable mast and
batten sails, they are undoubtedly Chinese junks such as Marco Polo had described.
Pearl divers whose spells have caused the sea monsters to flee in the Persian Gulf
The Catalan Atlas
As Chet Van Duzer points out, in the Persian Gulf there are two naked men in
the water gathering what seem to be colored rocks, and two well- toothed sea monsters
swim away from them. A legend well to the northwest, at the northern end of the
Persian Gulf, explains that these men are divers who go after pearls, and says that they
use magic spells to keep the sea monsters away, so that the divers will not be eaten
while they are in the water:
Denant la bocha del flum de Baldach mar de les Indies e de Perssia. Ad i son pescades les
perles lesquals son aportades en la ciutat de Baldach, e los pescados qui les pesquen
abans que devaylen en lo fons de la mardien los seus encantaments per tal que los pexos
In front of the mouth of the Baldach River [the river of Baghdad, i.e. the Tigris] is the sea
of the Indias and of Persia. Here they fish for pearls which they take to the city of
Baghdad. The fishermen, before descending to the bottom of the sea, say their spells so
that the fish will flee. A second legend just above the men explains in more detail:
En la mar indich en la qual son pescados e ay illes molt riques, mas los
pescados abans que devallen a la mar dien ses encantacions per les quals los
pexos molt fugen, e si per aventura los pescados develaven pescar [a] que no
aguessen dites les lurs encantacions, los pexos los menjarien, e ac6 es molt
provada cosa.
In the Indian Ocean there are fishermen and very rich islands. The fishermen
who dive in the sea say their spells before descending to make the fish flee. If
by chance the fishermen dive without having said their spells, the fish eat
them. And this has been well demonstrated.
Even though this legend is located in the Persian Gulf, it speaks about the Indian Ocean,
and there is another similar illustration of pearl divers and sea monsters in that ocean:
there are two naked men, one of whom reaches down for something while the other
holds a fish, and two sea monsters flee, one to either side.
The source of this remarkable legend about casting spells on sea monsters so that
they do not harm pearl divers is Le devisament du monde of Marco Polo (c.1254-1324), who
describes the method of diving for pearls and the charms to keep away sea monsters in
his chapter on the province of “Maabar”, i.e. Malabar or Coromandel on the eastern
coast of India. Marco Polo writes that the divers
…must also pay those men who charm the great fishes, to prevent them from
injuring the divers whilst engaged in seeking pearls under water, one
twentieth part of all that they take. These fish-charmers are termed Abraiaman;
and their charm holds good for that day only, for at night they dissolve the
charm so that the fishes can work mischief at their will. These Abraiaman
know also how to charm beasts and birds and every living thing.
Although Marco Polo does not specify what the sea monsters were, and the illustrations
on the Catalan Atlas are rather generic, they were probably sharks. In fact the idea that
incantations could be used to control sea monsters is more exotic than the sea monsters
themselves: the situation described in this legend is one of very few cases in which
humans are said to have control over sea monsters, rather than being at their mercy. It is
tempting to see Marco Polo’s account of pearl divers repelling sea monsters with spells
as an inversion of the traditional story, which goes back to Homer’s Odyssey and also
appears in medieval bestiaries, of sirens attracting men to their death with their songs.
The Catalan Atlas
The Islands of the Blest are in the Great Sea to the left. . . Isidore says in his 15th
book [in fact the 14th] that these islands are so called because they possess a
wealth of all goods.... The heathens believe that Paradise is situated there,
because the islands have such a temperate climate and such a great fertility of the
Here, too, the text informs us, is the island of Capraria, full of goats, and the Canary Isles
called after the dogs (Latin: canes) that populated them. The text adds that, according to
Pliny the Elder,
. . . there is one island on which all the gifts of the earth can be harvested without
sowing and without planting.... For this reason the heathens of India believe that
their souls are transported to these islands after death, where they live forever on
the scent of these fruits. Thus they believe that their Paradise is there. But in truth
it is a fable.
In this case, classical and medieval tradition is not borne out by experience and is
accordingly rejected by the mapmaker; the Canary Islands had been discovered in 1336
and appear on Angelino Dulcert’s chart of three years later. Elsewhere, however, the
weight of received opinion is still felt, as, for example, in the various islands with
fabulous names; they cannot represent the Madeiran group, as these islands were
discovered only in 1418-1419. Nor can they be the Azores, which are first mentioned in
1427, or the Cape Verde Islands discovered only in 1455-1456. The Catalan Atlas, in fact,
marks the progress in the gradual discovery of the Atlantic and the west coast of Africa
with an illustration of Jaime Ferrer’s ship, which, we are told, set sail on lo August 1346
bound for the fabulous Rio de Oro [River of Gold] in Africa.
The Catalan Atlas
Jacme Ferrer’s vessel in search of “Riu del Or” (the River of Gold)
detail of the map of Western Europe and North Africa
In summary, the merit of the Catalan Atlas lay in the skill with which Cresques
employed the best available contemporary sources to modify the traditional world
picture, never proceeding further than the evidence warranted. In the same spirit he
removed from the map many of the traditional fables which had been accepted for
centuries, and preferred to omit the northern and southern regions entirely, or to leave
southern Africa blank rather than fill it with the anthropagi and other monsters which
adorn the bulk of medieval maps. Though drawings of men and animals still figure on
this map, they are in the main those for which there was some contemporary, or near
contemporary warrant; e.g., Mansa Musa, the lord of Guinea, or Olub bein, the ruler of
the Tartars and Marco Polo’s caravan. The Catalan Atlas was the first to use compass
roses, a clear indication that those looking at the map knew about the use of the
magnetized needle to indicate direction. Besides the illustration of boats on the Beatus
mappaemundi, the Catalan Atlas cartographer is the first known to provide depictions of
sea-going vessels on a world map. The Atlas has depictions of five ships. One is
probably an effort to describe a Chinese junk off the south coast of Asia and another
similar one in the Indian Ocean. Near this illustration is an open boat with pearl divers.
A fourth ship is located in what is intended to be the Caspian Sea. And the fifth ship, a
galley-like vessel with four men and an Aragonese flag, is depicted off the west coast of
Africa, just south of the Canaries with a caption that identifies the captain as Jacme
Ferrer, a Catalan who left on 10 August 1346 to find the fabled River of Gold which was
said to flow somewhere in Senegal. In this spirit of critical realism, Cresques and his
fellow Catalan cartographers of the 14th century, threw off the bonds of tradition and
anticipated the achievements of the Renaissance.
Though the Catalan Atlas is similar to other portolan charts of its era with its
inclusion of calendrical information and its conventional use of colored inks and ribbon-
like scale gradations, certain elements distinguish it. It is one of the earliest maps to
include a wind rose and contains many references to the Old Testament in its description
The Catalan Atlas
of natural sites (such as the Red Sea). Most significantly, and unlike similar medieval
charts, the Catalan Atlas indicates interior sites such as oases, rivers, mountains, and
charming towns with walls and towers, and denotes the differences between Christian
and non-Christian localities by placing either a cross or a cupola on the central tower,
An attempt at illustrating a
Chinese junk located in the
Indian Ocean
The Catalan Atlas
The Catalan Atlas
Beazley, C., The Dawn of Modern Geography, vol. 3, pp. 525 - 526.
*Bricker, C., Landmarks in Mapmaking, p. 148.
*Brotton, J., Great Maps, pp. 62-65.
*Crone, G.R., Maps and their Makers, pp. 39-50.
*Divine, D., The Opening of the New World, pp. 81, 152.
*Edson, Evelyn, The World Map, 1300-1492, pp. 55, 74-86
Falchetta, Piero,”Manuscript No. 10057 in the Biblioteca Marciana, Venice “A possible
source for the Catalan Atlas?”, Imago Mundi: 46:1, pp. 19-28.
Ferrar, Michael, “ChCATA/1; The 1375 Atlas, Known As Catalan, What Has Been
Missed In Other Research?”
George, W., Animals and Maps, pp. 12, 13, 39.
*Glorious Age of Exploration, pp. 306, 401.
*Grosjean, G., Facsimile Edition of the Catalan Atlas, 1977.
*Harley, J.B., The History of Cartography, Volume I, pp. 314-15, 356, 358, 432, Plates 17, 32
Holland, K., Looking Beyond: Globalization in the Catalan Atlas of the Fourteenth Century,
University of North Texas, 2010.
Kimble, G.H., Geography of the Middle Ages, pp. 191-195.
*Landström, B., Bold Voyages and Great Explorers, p. 158.
*Ludmer-Gliebe, S., “Golden Rhumb Lines of Connection”, Mercator’s World, Volume 4,
Number 2, pp. 58-61.
*Massing, J.M., “Observations and Beliefs: The World of the Catalan Atlas”, Circa 1492,
pp. 27-33.
*Nebenzahl, K., Atlas of Columbus, pp. 6-8 Plate 2.
*Nebenzahl, K., Maps of the Holy Land, pp. 10, 35, 47-49.
Riera, Jaume, “Cresques Abraham, Jew of Majorca, Master of Mappaemundi and
Scafi, A., Mapping Paradise: a History of Heaven on Earth. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 2006.
*Skelton, R.A., Explorers’ Maps, p. 20.
Talbert, Richard J.A., Unger, Richard W. Eds. Cartography in Antiquity and the Middle
Ages: Fresh Perspectives, New Methods. Leiden: Brill, 2008.
*Van Duzer, C., Sea Monsters on Medieval and Renaissance Maps, pp. 43-44, 46-47.
*Unger, R.W., Ships on Maps, pp. 48-51.
Winsor, J., Narrative and Critical History of America, p. 55.
Yule, H., Cathay and the Way Thither.
* illustration
The Catalan Atlas
Below: a Chinese junk-like vessel and pearl divers in the Persian Gulf
The Catalan Atlas
The Catalan Atlas
The Catalan Atlas
The Catalan Atlas
The left panel displays the Khan of ‘the Empire of Media [Chaghadai], the ruler of Gog and Magog (on
horseback, top right), Lop, Tenduc, two men hunting for diamonds with eagles (center) and India (bottom).
At the top of the second panel is Khanbalikh extending for two miles and to its left (upside down) is the
Great Khan said to be guarded by 12,000 horsemen. One sees Quinsai, Fugu, Zaiton represented as a great
port. In the Sea of Chin are Java and 7,458 islands with the promise of ‘gold, silver, spices, precious
stones’. Tabrobana often taken in the West to be Sri Lanka [Ceylon], but here perhaps Java, has an
impressive ruler and an Indian elephant, and to the left a Siren.
The Catalan Atlas
At the top of the left panel a representation of the Polo caravan (upside down) departing from the Empire of
Sareas (i.e., Sarai or the Kipchak Khanate). ‘This caravan has left the empire of Sareas to go to Cathay’.
The Catalan Atlas
The Black Sea, Central Asia, Arabia, Caucasus, Queen of Sheba, caravan, the Magi, three ships
(one in the Caspian Sea, two in the Persian Gulf )
The Catalan Atlas
The Catalan Atlas
Map of South Asia, representing the Indian Ocean and “Illa Jana”, the Amazon kingdom
The Catalan Atlas
Map of the Caucasus, The Spherical City, representing the purported birthplace of Ptolemy.
The Sea of Galilee. Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat
The Catalan Atlas