Cle Reflection
Cle Reflection
Cle Reflection
In the Christian tradition, a nativity scene (also known as a manger scene, crib, crèche
particularly during the Christmas season, of art objects representing the birth of Jesus.
In the year 1223, St. Francis, a deacon, joined his fellow Franciscans at the town of
Greccio to celebrate Christmas. Greccio was a small town built on a mountainside overlooking a
beautiful valley. The people had cultivated the fertile area with vineyards. St. Francis realized
that the chapel of the Franciscan hermitage would be too small to hold the congregation for
Midnight Mass. So he found a niche in the rock near the town square and set up the altar.
However, this Midnight Mass would be very special, unlike any other Midnight Mass.
Saint Francis of Assisi, who is now commemorated on the calendars of the Catholic,
Lutheran and Anglican liturgical calendars, is credited with creating the first live nativity scene
in 1223 at Greccio, central Italy, in an attempt to place the emphasis of Christmas upon the
But for many Christians throughout the world, no matter the characters, the sight of
a nativity still evokes the miracle of Jesus' conception, his humble birth, his ultimate sacrifice
and the gift of everlasting life to those who believe. The true meaning of Christmas.
throughout our communities. Whether at a church, school, or across the street in a neighbor’s
yard, everywhere we turn we see figurines depicting the baby Jesus lying in a manger surrounded
by farm animals, wise men and shepherds. Unfortunately, Nativity scenes do not capture the full
meaning of the Nativity itself, and statues simply cannot convey the entire story.
The Christmas season is a season where we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the lamb of God.
Christmas is an important season because, here, we receive the son of God, which is Jesus.
Because if we haven’t received Jesus, we wouldn’t be saved from sin. There are a lot of symbols
that represent Christmas, like the Christmas tree, the Parol, the gifts, the Christmas carols, and a
lot more. But for me, the best representation for Christmas is the nativity scene, since the nativity
scene visualizes the scene when and where Jesus was born as flesh in our world. So, I really
While making the nativity scene or Belen, me and my family members helped each other
in making the Belen, we had fun sticking up and cutting papers to form a Belen. It was really
nice experience for me and my family. Because even though there were a lot of problems, we
still found time to spend time together, even with simple things like making the Belen. The Belen
is made out of recycled cardboard, construction papers, dried coconut leaves, and acrylic spray.
Even though the Belen is just made out of common materials from the house, but for me, the
Belen still looked beautiful and I am satisfied about my work with my family. And while praying
the prayer of blessing the nativity scene, the praying of the rite felt really nostalgic. Because I
haven’t really went to the church to attend masses, and with just this prayer rite, I felt like was
attending mass. And I felt really happy during the prayer, because me and my family got time to
get-together during Christmas eve. Since my father had to work, he can’t go home early, and
since its Christmas eve, he went home early and we get to bless the Belen together.
The nativity scene for me is important, since it symbolizes how, where, and who were there
during Jesus’ birth. But for me, I don’t think that it is necessary for us to have the nativity scene
in every home. Since the spirit of Christmas doesn’t come from the Christmas symbols, because
these symbols are only the physical representation of our faith to God, what’s important is the
spiritual faith. Because without this, having a nativity scene will lose its use, so now, it is just for
decorations to adore our homes and not to represent or show our faith to God.
Experience:5 pts.