S6 Biology Paper 1 Set 17
S6 Biology Paper 1 Set 17
S6 Biology Paper 1 Set 17
NAME:……………………….…….. STREAM…………………………………
Exam 19
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Answer all questions in both sections A and B
Circle the best alternative Answers to Section A questions must be
written in the boxes provided
Answers to Section B should be written in spaces provided.
No additional sheets of paper should be inserted in this booklet.
Section Marks
A (1 – 40 )
B 41
1. Which of the following plastids are highly important in castor oil seeds?
A: chromoplasts B: Amyloplasts
C: oleoplasts D:Proteoplasts
3. Which of the following tissues experience cytoplasmic streaming when they are still young?
A: phloem B: Xylem C: Parenchyma D: Epidermis
7. The mammalian kidneys are bean-shaped. Which branch of biology concerns the above given
A: Anatomy B: physiology C: Taxonomy D: Histology
9. The cell organelle responsible for renewal of the cell membrane is;
A: Golgi body B: Ribosomes
C: Nucleolus D: Endoplasmic reticulum
15. Which of the following serves as the first electron sender, in the electron carrier system?
A: water B: NAD C: FAD D: cytochrome
16. The sea squirt is an invertebrate, though is classified under phylum chordata, because,
A: the mature organism has most of the chordate characteristics
B: its larval stages possess most of the chordate characteristics
C: it arose from a chordate ancestor
D: The ancestor of the chordates and that of the sea squirt are related.
19. How many molecules of water are formed when six molecules of nucleotides are formed?
A: 3 B: 6 C: 18 D: 12
23. Which of the following organisms has a pentadactyl limb with the following
(i) 1st digit lost
(ii) 2nd and 5th digits reduced in size
(iii) 3rd and 4th digits longer and stouter
A: Horse B: pig C: mole D: Anteater
C: fibroblasts D: osteocytes
27. Which of these phenotypic ratios, may be as a result of interaction of the lethal genes in mice?
A: 1:1:1:1 B: 1:1 C: 2:1 D:1:2:1
28. Which one of the following leucocytes helps in production of heparin and histamine?
A: monocytes B: Neutrophils C: Basophils D: Oesinophils
29. It has been found out that, it is difficult to manufacture a specific anti AIDs vaccine because
A: The AIDS virus is very tiny
B: The AIDS virus is very resistant
C: The AIDS virus is capable of mutating at a faster rate
D: The AIDs virus multiplies faster, destroying the white blood cells, in the process.
30. A damage to the brain resulting in loss of powers of imagination would have occurred primarily
A: cerebellum B: cerebrum
C: Medulla oblongata D: Hypothalmus
31. Co-existance of the two species in the ecological niche may result into;
A: The sharing of the niche by the two species
B: One species taking possession of the niche
C: both species leaving the niche
D: Interbreeding between the two species
32. What happens immediately after illumination of the rods with light?
A: Cis-retinene isomerises into tans-retinene
B: Rhodopsin undergoes photodecomposition
C: A generator potential is developed
D: The rods become stimulated
33. Which of the following blood vessels conveys blood from each efferent loop to the dorsal aorta
above the roof of the pharynx of the dogfish?
A: Efferent artery B: afferent branchial artery
C: epibranchial artery D: efferent branchial artery
35. Which of the following trophic levels is likely to have the highest concentration of
A: primary producers B: tertiary consumers
C: secondary consumers D: primary consumers
37. Which of the following stages of cell division does the chiasmata form?
A: Diakinesis B: Pachytene C: diplolene D: zygotene
38. Valium is used for reduction in the level of mental activity by:
A: increasing the effect of the inhibitory transmitter substance, in the brain
B: making the brains neurones resistant to excitation
C: lowering the threshold level of post synaptic membrane depolarisation in the brain
D: increasing the release of the chemical transmitter substance in the brain.
41. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follows:
42. (a) Provide one main function of the autonomic nervous system (1 ½ marks)
(b) Mention any 3 structural differences between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous
system. (1 ½ marks)
(i) ……………………………………………………………………………..
(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………..
(iii) ……………………………………………………………………………..
(d) Outline the events of changes that occur during focus of a nearby object by the eye.
(6 marks)
43. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follows.
(b) Briefly explain the repolarisation of the axon of the nerve (4 marks)
(c) What is the significance of the refractory period, during nervous co-ordination?
(2 marks)
(d) Site two factors which determine the speed of flow of an impulse along the nerve
(1 mark)
(i) ………………………………………………………………………..…
(ii) ………………………………………………………………………..…
45. Study the graph below and answer the questions that follow
dry weight 1.0
Sucrose content in leaves
(c) Mention any two similarities between the two curves (1 mark)
(d) Briefly explain how time affects the content of sucrose in the phloem (6 marks)
(e) What happens to the sucrose when it reaches the sink? (1 mark)
(d) Mention any 4 differences between the sandwich and fluid mosaic models, which describe
the structure of the plasma membrane. (4 marks)
(e) Give any two similarities between the two models, mentioned above (2 marks)
(i) …………………………………………………………………………………