American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM)

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American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM)

ISSN- 2379-106X, Volume 5, Issue 01 (January-2022), PP 56-62

The Effect of Education Level on Job Satisfaction and Their Impact on Teacher Performance in
South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

Fien Pongpalilu1, Muhammad Ali2

Lecturer at Faculty of Education, University Moslem of Maros.
*Corresponding Author: Fien Pongpalilu

Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effect of education level on job satisfaction, the effect of
education level on teacher performance, the effect of job satisfaction on teacher performance and the
effect of education level on teacher performance through teacher job satisfaction in South Sulawesi,
Indonesia. The object of the research is the teachers who work in schools in South Sulawesi, Indonesia,
as many as 115 (one hundred and fifteen) teachers. The method used in this research is descriptive
quantitative, namely a research approach that uses a lot of numbers, starting from collecting data,
interpreting the data obtained, and presenting the results using primary data, namely research
questionnaires using SmartPLS software. The results showed that education level had a significant effect
on job satisfaction, education level had a significant effect on teacher performance, job satisfaction had
a significant effect on teacher performance and education level had a significant effect on teacher
performance through teacher job satisfaction in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Keywords: education level, job satisfaction, teacher performance.

Education is an important factor for a person's life and the progress of the nation. Education is an
important issue in a person's life. This is the key to future success, and has many opportunities in our life.
Education has many benefits for humans. For example, illuminating one's thoughts and thoughts. It helps
students to plan jobs, or pursue higher education by graduating from university. Having an education in
an area helps people think, feel, and behave in ways that contribute to their success, and increase not only
their personal satisfaction but also their community. In addition, education develops human personality,
mind, and social skills. It also prepares people for life experiences. It makes people have a special status
in their own society and wherever they live (Al-Shuaibi, 2014). If the education of a nation is good, the
next generation will be good. Meanwhile, whether or not education in a nation can be seen from the
implementation and orientation of the education system. The clearer the education, the more visible the
development and progress of a nation (Agustina, et., al., 2020). Education in all respects is one of the
fundamental factors of development. No country can achieve sustainable economic development without
substantial investment in human capital. Education enriches people's understanding of themselves and the
world. This improves their quality of life and leads to broad social benefits for individuals and society.
Education increases people's productivity and creativity and encourages entrepreneurship and
technological progress. Moreover, it plays a very important role in securing economic and social progress
and increasing income distribution (Ilhan, 2001).
The quality of education is highly dependent on the quality of teachers. Teachers can also be
said to be at the forefront of the progress of the Indonesian nation. If examined further, the effective time
that students have for learning, interacting and communicating, is more spent at school, so it is not an
exaggeration to say that the potential of students is strongly influenced by the school environment, in this
case of course the teacher's attention. Teachers are expected to be able to bring about change for students,
especially to arouse students' enthusiasm and desire to learn, which in turn will bring students to success
(Leonard, 2015). Various strategies have been developed in the quality improvement process in various
countries. One of them is the establishment of educational process standards which is a very important
and strategic policy for equity and improving the quality of education. Through the standard of the
educational process, every teacher and or school manager can determine how the learning process should
take place (Dewi, 2018). Various factors including curriculum, content delivery, learning environment,
supervision, and administration of academic facilities contribute to the quality of education, the central
role of the teacher is undeniable. The competence and enthusiasm of teachers determine the heights that
can be reached by the education system, the quality of teachers is the most important aspect of a school
and has a direct impact on student learning, therefore teacher education is very important in achieving the
goals of quality education (Dilshad, 2010). The quality of education certainly cannot be separated from
the problem of teacher performance in schools. In this case, it can be seen from how far the teacher has

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The Effect of Education Level on Job Satisfaction and Their Impact on Teacher…

done to produce quality education. That is, the performance of teachers has a very important role in the
success of their students. Teachers are expected to have a goal to educate their students so that they can
be independent, creative, and achieve (Patarai, 2018).
The level of education can affect teacher performance, because education can shape a person's
mindset and increase knowledge. Differences in a person's level of education can cause differences in
thinking and acting. The level of knowledge possessed by a teacher greatly influences in carrying out his
duties as an educator in charge of transferring knowledge to students. In addition, the way an educated
person behaves will think before acting. This affects how a teacher carries out the mandate properly and
maintains his performance. In improving teacher performance, motivation is also an influential factor.
Motivation is a very important aspect in determining a person's behavior, including work behavior. To
motivate someone, it is necessary to understand how the process of motivation is formed. Motivation is
defined as the factors that direct and encourage a person's behavior or desire to carry out an activity that is
expressed in the form of a hard or weak effort. These factors are called motivation, as the desired goals
that encourage people to behave in certain ways. So that motivation is often defined as a desire, goal,
need, or drive, and is often used interchangeably to describe a person's motivation. A very strong motive
will form a hard effort based on the complexity of motivational factors (Yogie, 2018).


A. Motivation
Mangkunegara (2009) defines motivation, namely: "The conditions that move a person to be
able to achieve the goals that have been determined." Ernest J. McCormick in Mangkunegara (2013)
suggests that: "Work motivation is defined as a condition that influences generating, directing and
maintaining behavior related to the work environment". An individual motivation can arise from within
the individual (intrinsic motivation) and can arise from outside the individual (extrinsic motivation), both
of which have an influence on behavior and work performance (performance). From some of the
definitions above, it can be concluded that work motivation is a desire that arises from within an
individual to act and do something to achieve certain goals.
The indicators that can be used to measure work motivation according to Syahyuti (2010) are as
1. The drive to achieve the goal
Someone who has high work motivation has a strong drive in him to achieve maximum
performance, which will affect the goals of a company or agency.
2. Spirit at work
Morale is a good psychological state if the work spirit creates pleasure that encourages
someone to work harder and better and consequently in achieving the goals set by the company or
3. Initiative and creativity
Initiative is defined as the strength or ability of an employee or employee to start or continue a
job with full energy without any encouragement from others or of his own free will, while
creativity is the ability of an employee or employee to find new relationships and make good
combinations. new so you can find something new. In this case, something new does not mean that
it did not exist before, but something new can be something that has not been known before.
4. Responsibility
Individual attitudes of employees who have good work motivation must have a sense of
responsibility for the work they do so that the work can be completed in a timely manner.

B. Education Level
According to (Suhardjo, 2007), "Education level is the stage of education that is determined
based on the level of development of students, the goals to be achieved and the willingness to be
developed". The level of education has an effect on changes in attitudes and behavior of healthy living. A
higher level of education will make it easier for a person or society to absorb information and implement
it in daily behavior and lifestyle, especially in terms of health. Formal education forms value for a person,
especially in accepting new things.
According to the National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003, indicators of education level
consist of education level and suitability of majors. Educational level is the stage of education that is
determined based on the level of development of students, the goals to be achieved, and the abilities
developed, which consist of:

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1. Primary education: The initial education level is for the first 9 (nine) years of schooling for
children which underlies the secondary education level.
2. Secondary education: Secondary education level is basic education.
3. Higher education: Education level after secondary education which includes undergraduate,
master, doctoral, and specialist programs organized by universities.

C. Job Satisfaction
Locke (1969) defines job satisfaction as a happy emotional state or positive emotion that comes
from evaluating one's job or work experience. Job satisfaction by Locke is also defined as the result of
employees' perceptions of how well their jobs provide things that are considered important. Robbins and
Judge (2015) explain that job satisfaction is a positive feeling about work, resulting from an evaluation of
its characteristics. Someone with a high level of job satisfaction has positive feelings about his job, while
someone with a low level of job satisfaction has negative feelings.
According to Ass'ad (2003) job satisfaction indicators include job satisfaction, wages/salaries,
promotions, co-workers and supervision. The explanation for each indicator is satisfaction with:
1. Work
Work is a person's suitability in carrying out activities that are in accordance with the skills he
has and pride in his duties and responsibilities.
2. Wages/Salary
Wages/salaries are a person's basic needs to meet the necessities of life, including the
incentives obtained. The salary received by the teacher is an important role in motivating teachers
to choose high job satisfaction as well.
3. Promotion
Promotion is an opportunity to gain experience and increase ability during work. Promotions
that are carried out transparently and compete in a healthy manner, this will encourage someone to
be motivated to achieve high performance, so that it will affect their job satisfaction.
4. Colleagues
The relationship between co-workers, namely the relationship between the teacher and the
teacher or with the principal, is one of the factors in completing work lightly if the relationship
between coworkers helps each other and works.
D. Performance
Wibowo (2013) states “Performance is about doing work and the results achieved from that
work. Performance is about what is done and how to do it.” Meanwhile, Rivai (2013) states that
"Performance is a real behavior that is displayed by everyone as work performance produced by
employees according to their role in the company". Performance is a very important thing in the
company's efforts to achieve its goals.
Aspects that can be used in measuring a person's performance according to Handoko (2014) are as
1. Working quantity
Quantity of work is the achievement of employee performance that can be seen in the
employee himself at work, which includes timing in doing work, accuracy in doing tasks and also
being skilled in doing assignments.
2. Quality of work
Work quality is the achievement of employee performance as measured by the results of the
work achieved by workers at work, work quality can also be measured by output or work results
compared to the output standards set by the company.
The indicators that can be used to measure a person's performance according to (Robbins, 2016) are
as follows:
1. Quality of Work.
2. Work Efficiency.
3. Independence.

E. Konseptual Framework
Based on the previous description and literature review, the related variables in this study can be
formulated into a conceptual framework as follows:

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A. Research Design
The research design is explanatory research with quantitative methods, namely a research
approach that uses a lot of numbers, starting from collecting data, interpreting the data obtained, and
presenting the results (Arikunto, 2006).
B. Object of research
The object of the research is teacher located in South Sulawesi Province as many as 115 (one
hundred and fifteen) teacher. This study uses primary data in the form of questionnaire with googleform.
C. Data analysis technique
To solve the main problems faced in this research, an analytical method is used, namely descriptive
analysis, namely an analysis that describes the results of secondary data. This study uses an analytical
tool, namely SmartPLS.

A. The characteristics of respondents
To make it easier to identify respondents in this study, an overview of the characteristics of
respondents is needed. The description of the characteristics of respondents in this study is:
Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents
Characteristics of Respondents Number of Percenta
people) ge (%)
Barru 8 7.0
Gowa 7 6.1
Luwu 1 .9
Makassar 56 48.7
Maros 16 13.9
Palopo 1 .9
Pangkep 13 11.3
Pare-Pare 2 1.7
Sinjai 6 5.2
Soppeng 1 .9
Tana Toraja 1 .9
Toraja Utara 2 1.7
Wajo 1 .9
amount 115 100.0
20-30 Years 18 15.7
31-40 Years 21 18.3
41-50 Year 27 23.5
51-60 Years 49 42.6

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The Effect of Education Level on Job Satisfaction and Their Impact on Teacher…

amount 115 100.0

Last Education
Bachelor (S1) 87 75.7
Diploma 2 1.7
Doktor (S3) 2 1.7
Magister 2 1.7
Master (S2) 22 19.1
amount 115 100.0
Length of Work
> 20 years 49 42.6
1-5 years 16 13.9
11-15 years 17 14.8
16-20 years 18 15.7
6-10 years 15 13.0
amount 115 100.0
Source: Data processed (2021)

1.1. Research Instrument Test

From the results of the validity test of all statements of the research variables, it is stated that the
validity is because the value of r count is greater than the value of r table (r count > r table value).Validity
test is done by correlating the score of each item with the total score of each attribute. Validity test is used
to know the accuracy and accordance of research instrument as a function of measuring statement items
which are made. A valid instrument means that to measuring the instrument,the form of a statement to
obtain the data (measuring) is also declared valid. The statements item whichis used, have a high positive
correlation that can be considered of having high validity as well (Sumarsih&Abidin, 2018). Meanwhile,
for reliability testing, all variables are declared reliable because the value of Cronbach's alpha of all
variables that have been tested is already above 0.60, it can be concluded that all variables in this study
are declared reliable.

1.2. hypothesis testing

In general, the description of this research can be seen from the results of data processing using
SmartPLS 3.2.9 as follows:

Figure 1. Results of Data Processing with SmartPLS

Relationship Between Variables

1.2.1. The relationship between education level (X) has a significant effect on job satisfaction (Z)
The relationship between the education level variable (X) and the job satisfaction variable (Z) can be
seen in the following table:

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Table 2. The Relationship between Education Level and Job Satisfaction

Relationship between T Statistics
P Values
Variables (|O/STDEV|)
Education Level -> Job
10,408 0.000
Source: processed data (2021)
Based on table 2, the results show that the level of education (X) has a significant effect on job
satisfaction (Z) P Values 0.000 (less than 0.05). Thus, hypothesis one (H1) can be accepted.

1.2.2. The relationship between education level (X) has a significant effect on Teacher performance
The relationship between the education level variable (X) and the teacher performance variable
(Y) can be seen in the following table:

Table 3. The Relationship between Education Level and Teacher Performance

Relationship between T Statistics
P Values
Variables (|O/STDEV|)
Education Level ->
2.656 0.008
Teacher Performance
Source: processed data (2021)

Based on table 2, the results show that the level of education (X) has a significant effect on
teacher performance (Y) P Values 0.008 (less than 0.05). Thus, the second hypothesis (H2) can be
1.2.3. The relationship of job satisfaction (Z) has a significant effect on teacher performance (Y)
The relationship between job satisfaction variables (Z) and teacher performance variables (Y) can
be seen in the following table:

Table 4. The Relationship of Job Satisfaction to Teacher Performance

Relationship between T Statistics
P Values
Variables (|O/STDEV|)
Job satisfaction ->
5.236 0.000
Teacher Performance
Source: processed data (2021)
Based on table 4, the results show that job satisfaction (Z) has a significant effect on teacher
performance (Y) P Values 0.000 (less than 0.05). Thus, hypothesis two (H3) can be accepted.

1.2.4. The relationship between education level (X) has a significant effect on teacher performance
(Y) through job satisfaction (Z)
The relationship between job satisfaction variables (Z) and teacher performance variables (Y)
can be seen in the following table:
Table 5. Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Teacher Performance
Relationship between T Statistics
P Values
Variables (|O/STDEV|)
Education Level -> Job
satisfaction -> Teacher 4.459 0.000
Source: processed data (2021)

Based on table 5, the results show that job satisfaction (Z) has a significant effect on teacher
performance (Y) because the P Values is 0.000 (less than 0.05). Thus, hypothesis two (H3) can be

This study aims to analyze the effect of education level on job satisfaction and its impact on
teacher performance in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Based on the results and discussion in this study, it
can be concluded that:

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1. Education level has a significant effect on teacher job satisfaction in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
2. Education level has a significant effect on teacher performance in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
3. Job satisfaction has a significant effect on teacher job satisfaction in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
4. Education level has a significant effect on teacher performance through job satisfaction in South
Sulawesi, Indonesia.

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