Evolution of A Theory of Mind
Evolution of A Theory of Mind
Evolution of A Theory of Mind
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1 author:
Simon Baron-Cohen
University of Cambridge
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Simon Baron-Cohen
University of Cambridge
email: [email protected]
Acknowledgements: The author was supported by the Medical Research Council, the
Wellcome Trust, and the Gatsby Foundation, during the period of this work. I am grateful
to Steve Mithen and Andy Whiten for their comments on the first draft of this chapter.
Homo sapiens sapiens is arguably the only species which possesses a developed ‘theory
of mind’. By this I mean the ability to attribute the full range of mental states (both goal
states and espistemic states) to ourselves and to others, and to use such attributions to
make sense of and predict behaviour. ‘Theory of mind’ is the phrase coined by (Premack
& Woodruff, 1978), and there are a set of synonyms for this ability: mind-reading
(Whiten, 1991), mentalizing (Morton, Frith & Leslie, 1991), folk psychology (Wellman,
1990), and the Intentional stance (Dennett, 1987). In this chapter, I will use the term
theory of mind, for convenience, whilst assuming that any of these alternative synonyms
There is considerable interest in tracing the evolution of a theory of mind, because of its
mind can be taken as a major milestone in primate evolution. The importance of language
and bipedalism is in some sense easier to see, or at least, the arguments are more familiar.
that they had not directly witnessed, to inform others about events they had not directly
witnessed, and to act co-operatively. Bipedalism enabled primates to use their forelimbs
for other things than just locomotion, such as carrying, throwing, and transforming
objects. It also enabled foraging into new niches by reducing water loss. For at least
these reasons, language and bipedalism have been justifiably the subject of considerable
research. But what is the equivalent enormous importance of a theory of mind? In what
way did the evolution of a theory of mind transform primate evolution? Is it really
In this chapter I try to do two things. First, I want to persuade you that that actually the
evolution of a theory of mind is not only as important as these other developments, but in
some respects, is more important than them. The main argument I will use here is that
without a theory of mind, having the ability to speak or perceive speech would have been
of little value. You can guess therefore that I will be arguing that a theory of mind must
have preceded any ability to use language in the communicative way in which it is used
today. Secondly, I want to question the claim by (Mithen, 1996) that a theory of mind
evolved around 6 million years ago. This claim is made on the basis that existing species
of ape have a full theory of mind, and our common ancestor with modern apes would
have lived around 6 million years ago. My reason for questioning this date is that recent
experimental evidence throws doubt on the idea that modern apes have a full theory of
mind. Instead, from available evidence, I will argue that all we can conclude is that a
theory of mind proper was certainly evident 40,000 years ago, but beyond then there is
To grasp the importance of a theory of mind, consider the following list of 8 behaviours
that depend on it: For each behaviour, I spell out the reason why each depends on a
i. Intentionally communicating with others
to those communicative acts that are produced in order to change the knowledge state of
the listener. Thus, when a dog barks at a cat, this is not intentional communication
because the dog is not intending to update the knowledge state of the cat. The effect of
the bark may well be that the cat becomes aware (i.e. comes to know) that there is a dog
nearby, but the dog’s intention might have been far simpler: to make the cat run away. If
there was an intention behind the bark, it was simply to change the cat’s behaviour,
without any necessary reference to changing the cat’s knowledge state or mind.
In contrast, when I tell you that Liverpool won the football match, I am doing so in order
to give you new information that I believe you do not have, and that you might be
interested in or want. I am trying to change your knowledge state. Boring as it may be,
theory of mind.
So, to intentionally inform others, one needs a concept that others have minds that can be
intrinsically mentalistic. At least, as long as one defines the goal of intentional informing
as being to change the other animal’s knowledge state. Two more examples should
serve to clarify why this definition is needed. If a person shouts “watch out!”, to inform
the listener of an impending danger, the intention is to change the other person’s
knowledge about the current state of the environment. Equally, if a person produces a
bus-timetable to inform another person about the times of future events, the intention is
to change another person’s knowledge about the future state of the environment.
unintentionally informing others does not. For example, if a trail of footprints in the sand
was left unintentionally, the animal producing the footprints was probably not thinking
about how another animal’s knowledge state might be changed by this information.
Indeed, the animal producing the footprints was probably not thinking about the
footprints as information at all. In contrast, if a trail of footprints in the sand was left
intentionally, the animal producing the footprints was probably thinking about another
animal’s thoughts - for example, wanting to make it possible for the other animal to know
how to find him or her, or wanting to make the other animal believe the footprints lead to
Conversational repair is another good index of a speaker’s theory of mind. If one animal
is attempting to communicate to a listener, but is failing, the speaker can do one of two
things: repeat the utterance in an identical fashion, or try to communicate the same
message in a different way. The latter strategy is likely to indicate that the speaker
believes the listener has not understood the intended message, and that the speaker is
Thus, if I say “Have you seen it?”, you are likely to either look at me quizzically, or ask
me what on earth I’m talking about. If I simply repeat the utterance, you’ll probably
repeat your last response. If however I rephrase the utterance to “Have you seen my
some way, and that by using less ambiguous words, you (the listener) would then
Teaching others also necessarily requires a theory of mind. Again, this assumes we are
knowledgeable animal, with the intention of changing the knowledge state of a less
knowledgeable listener. For example, a mother showing her juvenile daughter how to use
a theory of mind. But it is worth special mention here, because it is produced with the
specific intention of changing someone else’s belief about the value of something. I
might try to persuade you to buy A rather than B, or to go down route x rather than route
y, or to choose me rather than him. Admittedly all of these also are produced with the
intention of changing your behaviour, but the means to doing this is by changing your
In contrast, if a deer grows a huge pair of antlers, this may make a doe choose him over
the deer with the smaller antlers, but this does not count as an act of intentional
persuasion, according to the above definition. The deer’s body did not set out to change
the beliefs of the doe. Equally, a male gorilla beating his chest may have the effect of
making another male gorilla turn and run away, but this again does not count as an act of
intentional persuasion. It may be no more complex than the earlier example of the dog
barking, causing the cat to run away. There is no evidence that the animal is considering
Intentional deception also requires a theory of mind. Indeed, we will define intentional
deception as occurring when one animal attempts to place false information in the mind
of another, or attempts to withhold true information from the mind of another. Thus,
making a trail of footprints lead from locations A to B, and then swinging through the
intentional deception. Rubbing out the trail of footprints from A to B would also count as
intentional deception. In both cases, the first animal is attempting to influence the
In contrast, a stick insect, whose appearance saves it from being eaten by a predator, is
not engaging in a deception that requires any theory of mind. Indeed, the stick insect may
not be thinking about anything, let alone the mind of its predator. The same applies to an
animal with camouflage. True, by staying still, it may not be seen by its predator, but it
was probably not aiming to make other animals think it was not there. It was not
Sharing a plan or goal with another animal requires a “meeting of minds”. Both animals
must recognise the intention of the other animal, and subsequently work out how to mesh
their actions with those of the other animal to achieve the shared goal. Take this example:
A troop of chimpanzees are hunting a baby monkey, to eat it. The goal is to get the infant
monkey away from its mother, scare off the adult monkeys, and kill the baby. They hunt
as a team, and achieve the goal. This may not be evidence of building a shared plan in
that each individual chimpanzee may simply be pursuing their own individual goals,
which just happen to coincide. Thus, an infant monkey comes into sight, adult male
chimpanzees love the taste of baby monkeys, so all the adult male chimps in the troop
recognise the reward and aim for it. The adult male chimps’ goals all coincide because
they all share the same taste or food preference. They mesh their actions with those of the
other chimps, in the sense that as one chimp attempts to grab the infant monkey and gets
beaten off, the next one jumps in and tries to do the same thing. Each chimp may even
recognise the intentions of the others, representing for example that “He is trying to get
the infant monkey”. But this still falls short of being an example of building shared plans,
in that a shared plan involves both animals recognising that they are both holding the
same goal.
In contrast, consider another example: Two chimps carry a log, then lean it up against a
high wall. One holds it still whilst the other scrambles up it. When the climber reaches
the top, he then turns and holds the log whilst the other chimp scrambles up it. This
counts as a convincing example of building a shared plan in that the goal is not
achievable without the help of the other animal, and both animals cannot help eachother
without realising what both are aiming at. With this joint plan in mind, they can
recognise why the other is taking the different role that they are (e.g.: the holder of the
The same argument applies to the sharing of a focus on attention. Two animals can
coincidentally look at the same target. This is not shared attention, if each animal is
simply aware only of his or her own viewpoint. Shared attention is necessarily
mentalistic in that both animals must be aware of the other animal being aware of looking
at the same target at they are. Thus, I see you turn to look out of the window. If I then
look out of the window, this is not shared attention. If I see you have looked back and
have seen me looking out of the window, then this probably is. More convincing is when
you point out the window, and keep pointing until I turn to look out the window. Chances
are that if this is genuine shared attention, then I will acknowledge in some way that I
have seen what you were trying to get me to see. I will turn back to look at you, and
viii. Pretending
Last on this list is pretending. This is different from intentional deception in that the
intention is not to mislead or plant a false belief in an audience, but simply to pretend.
that it clearly does not have. Pretending necessarily requires a theory of mind in that one
has to be able to switch between thinking about one’s knowledge of the real identity of
the object, and its current pretend identity. Pretending only exists in the mind of the
Let’s take stock. We have surveyed 8 behaviours which are claimed to all require a
theory of mind. The reason for this brief survey was to illustrate quite how important a
theory of mind is. Without a theory of mind, none of these behaviours would be seen.
This is true by definition, if the analysis of the above 8 behaviours is correct. But it is
also true empirically: children with autism are a natural test of this in that many of these
children fail the standard test of understanding false beliefs, suggesting they have
difficulties in the development of a theory of mind, and they fail to show the above
behaviours in the normal way (see (Baron-Cohen, 1995), for a review of the evidence;
this is summarized in Table 1). Indeed, autism is a clear illustration of what human life
would be like if one lacked a theory of mind. The most devastating effect is on the ability
psychology that are more central or important than these. Certainly, I hope you agree, at
These children also show us quite how useless a language capacity is without a theory of
mind. Strip out a theory of mind from language use and you have an individual who may
have some syntax, the ability to build a vocabulary, and a semantic system. Crucially,
what would be missing from their language use and comprehension is ‘pragmatics’ -
language, read “between the lines”, understand jokes, and tailor one’s speech to fit the
listener’s background mental states (their knowledge, interest, expectations, etc.,). This is
the aspect of language that is missing from the language of most children with autism
(Baron-Cohen, 1988a; Baron-Cohen, 1988b; Paul & Cohen, 1985; Surian, Baron-Cohen
The relationship between language and theory of mind is likely to be a very complex one,
for several reasons. First, understanding that words refer presumes a concept of intention
(Baron-Cohen, 1995). These two points imply that normal 12-18 months old language
learners benefit by first having the mental state concepts of intention and attention.
Without this, the infant would be left with the puzzle of what people are doing when they
are talking. Third, language serves as a virtual “print-out” of a speaker’s mind, for the
listener, giving the listener access to a description of the speaker’s thoughts. Fourth,
syntax can serve to disambiguate a speaker’s intended meaning; that is, syntax is used for
connections between language and theory of mind it may be no surprise that children
with autism (who are impaired in theory of mind) invariably show language delay.
Let’s turn to the question of most relevance to this book: the evolutionary question. Here
things are necessarily speculative, as we attempt to peer into the mists of time, but there
are two strategies available for us to answer this question. First, do existing monkey and
ape species have a full theory of mind? If so, we can assume a theory of mind evolved as
early as the common ancestor between us and these existing primate species. Secondly,
what clues does the palaeo-archeological record give us? Mithen (1996) calls this second
strategy “cognitive archeology” - inferring their behaviour (and thence their cognitive
abilities) from fossil records of early hominids, and from their tool use, cave painting,
Using the first strategy, of looking at extant species of monkey and ape, has led field
observers to conclude that monkey species show little if any theory of mind, but that
modern apes do. That is, they show signs of deception, in their natural behaviour, which
is one hallmark of a theory of mind (Byrne & Whiten, 1991). This leads Byrne and
Whiten to conclude that the common ancestor of modern humans and apes, who lived
around 6 million years ago, had elements of a theory of mind. This is not “very very old”
in evolutionary terms (for example, the common ancestor between modern humans and
monkeys lived around 35 million years ago - see Figure 1), but it is still very old
The 40,000 years hypothesis
There is reason to doubt the 6 million year old hypothesis is correct. This is because
experimental tests of a theory of mind in modern apes have found it hard to obtain
convincing evidence of the ability to attribute beliefs to others. Even Premack and
Woodruff, who first asked the question about whether chimpanzees could attribute false
beliefs (Premack & Woodruff, 1978) finally concluded they could not, when their chimps
failed a better controlled test of the same ability (Premack, 1988). In fact, (Povinelli &
Eddy, 1996) have found it hard to obtain evidence that chimpanzees even understand
gaze as an indicator of the mental state of attention, in the way human children do.
There is a second reason to doubt the 6 million year old hypothesis. If modern apes
(chimpanzees, oran utans, and gorillas) have a theory of mind, why don’t we see signs of
the 8 behaviours listed above in their natural behaviour? (Cheney & Seyfarth, 1990) put
forward some interesting data suggesting monkeys may have ‘words’ but they conclude
that monkeys use such ‘words’ to change the behaviour (rather than the mental state) of
the listener. Equally, to take the last item on the earlier list, why don’t we see evidence
of pretend play in monkeys or apes - a behavior which in human children emerges very
Palaeo-archeological evidence
We can then turn to the alternative strategy for dating the evolution of a theory of mind,
namely, the palaeo-archeological evidence. This tells us that tool use was evident from 2-
3 million years ago, and became more sophisticated over time. By itself, this is not
Around 30,000 years ago one sees the earliest examples of cave paintings, but again, this
is not evidence that the artist had a theory of mind. Some people might be intially drawn
to conclude that any animal capable of art must have a theory of mind. But recall that
many children with autism, who fail tests of a theory of mind, and who show none of the
8 behaviours listed earlier, are able and even gifted artists (Charman & Baron-Cohen,
1992; Charman & Baron-Cohen, 1993; Selfe, 1977). Art clearly requires an ability to
represent representations, but not necessarily an ability to represent mental states like
beliefs. (For more on this distinction, see (Charman & Baron-Cohen, 1995; Leekam &
reviewing some much more relevant evidence from palaeo-archaeology. Around the
same time, 30,000 years ago, we see the first evidence of special forms of art: statues of
impossible entities, such as the half-man-half lion ivory statuette from Hohlenstein-
Stadel, southern Germany, dated around 30-33,000 years ago (Figure 2), and the painting
of the half-man-half-reindeer, from Trois-Freres, Ariege, in France, dated around 30,000
These are of interest because they are representations of fictions. They are necessarily
representations of the artist’s mind, of the artist thinking about his or her own thoughts.
They are also, incidently, direct evidence of the capacity for pretend play. Animals that
are half-man-half-lion have never existed, except in the world of the imagination, of
pretence. (I am happy to be corrected on this point). So, here we can say with some
confidence that a full theory of mind must be at least as old as 30-40,000 years.
There is further evidence that at this time, early Homo sapiens sapiens had a theory of
mind. The archeological record shows the existence of burial at this time, which implies
that our ancestors then were concerned about death. By itself, this does not tell us that
they could think about the mind. But Mithen points out that burials around 28,000 years
ago also include the dead person being adorned with jewelry. For example, at Sungir, in
Russia, a 60 year old man was buried with an adolescent male and female. All three
individuals were decorated with thousands of ivory beads, necklaces, and bracelets (see
Figure 4).
insert Figure 4 here
Now why would someone adorn themselves, or adorn their dead relative? This behaviour
can be taken as evidence that the decorator cared about how other people perceived the
adorned person - they wanted an audience to think the person was beautiful, or of high
interpretation of jewelry-use, then this is an additional strand of evidence that around 30-
If the archeological evidence from these burials also indicates the existence of religion,
then this might also be supportive evidence for the existence of a theory of mind 40,000
years ago. This is because anthropological evidence (Boyer, 1990) suggests that the
common feature of all current religions is that a supernatural agency is postulated - a god,
a spirit - who can communicate with you, possibly judge (i.e. think about) you, and who
can be appeased by ritual acts. The idea of a supernatural agency of this kind would be
impossible without a theory of mind. Indeed, the idea that ritual actions might cause good
outcomes or ward off bad ones is itself a belief in intentional causation rather than purely
physical causation.
But let’s leave religion out of it, since adorned skeletons in graves are not clear evidence
of religion. Let’s stick to our two strong clues: art of a purely fictional kind (Figures 2
and 3) and adornment (Figure 4). Here we can jump back to ask about these behaviours
in autism, since children with autism who lack a theory of mind should also not produce
art of a purely fictional kind, or bother with adornment. What does the evidence show?
Back to autism
Consistent with this idea, children with autism do draw, but tend to draw objects they
have seen (buildings, cars, electricity pylons, train-stations, etc). When challenged to
draw purely fictional entities, like a “man that could never exist”, whilst normal 4 year
old children produce sketches of men with two heads or three arms (Karmiloff-Smith,
1990), children with autism do not (Scott & Baron-Cohen, 1996). Those children with
autism who are more able, and who can pass first-order theory of mind tests, can draw
such fictional entities (Craig, Baron-Cohen & Scott, submitted). This is empirical
evidence that the kind of art we think of as involving pretend play, and is a good
indicator of whether the artist has a theory of mind. There is no systematic evidence
about adornment in autism, but it is widely noted that such children pay little attention to
how they appear to others, for example, showing little if any signs of embarrassment
3. Conclusions
“ A specialized domain of social intelligence first appeared in the course of
complexity with the addition of further mental modules, such as that for a theory
He bases this conclusion on the evident “social intelligence” of monkeys and apes today.
clear that many monkey species and the apes show social intelligence in that they form
alliances, keep track of social status, and behave tactically in grooming those allies they
depend on (De Waal, 1989; Whiten, 1991). Whilst this is fascinating, and may be
necessarily evidence of the possession of a theory of mind. For the latter, one needs signs
of one or more of the 8 behaviours listed in Section 1, above. For that reason, in this
chapter I remain more cautious in concluding that a theory of mind had in all likelihood
evolved by 40,000 years ago - but that before this, there is as yet no clear evidence for it.
Mithen’s conclusions are also based on his claim that “both monkeys and apes also
engage in intentional communication” (p. 161). Here again one sees a potential confound.
Clearly monkeys and apes vocalize or gesture intentionally, but this is not the same as
vocalizing or gesturing with the intention to alter the behaviour of the listener or
audience, but there is no compelling evidence yet that they are vocalizing or gesturing
with the intention to alter the mental states of their listener or audience (Cheney and
Seyfarth 1993).
Using a model of the mindreading system shown in Figure 5, there is better evidence for
the ability to attribute goal states (ID, or the Intentionality Detector) being as old as
Mithen suggests, in that chimpanzees can clearly recognize goal states (Premack &
Woodruff, 1978). They are also acutely aware of gaze direction (EDD, or the Eye
Direction Detector), suggesting they are monitoring when they might be the target of
another’s perception (Chance, 1967). Less clear cut is whether they show shared
attention (SAM, or the Shared Attention Mechanism) (Povinelli & Eddy, 1996). This
means that elements of mindreading may be as old as 6-35 million years, and evolution
may have “tinkered with old parts” under selection pressure, to produce a theory of mind
Finally, we might consider that the presence of a Broca’s area in the brain 200,000 years
ago (as inferred from cranial evidence - (Mithen, 1996) implies a theory of mind may be
at least this old, in that language without a theory of mind would be functionally very
limited. But this is only indirect evidence for the existence of a theory of mind.
A theory of mind is a powerful means of making sense of the social world. It enables
animal signalling). Given its centrality to what makes the human mind essentially
place at least 40,000 years ago, and comparative data from studies of existing primates
shows that aspects of a theory of mind may be as old as 6 million years. Specifically,
with the apes, and therefore with our common ancestor 6 million years ago. In contrast,
shared attention and recognising epistemic states may be unique to Homo Sapiens and
may therefore have evolved more recently. In terms of the model of the “mindreading
system” shown in Figure 5, ID and EDD may be phylogenetically older (at least 6 million
years) than the more recent SAM and ToMM. This leads to the idea that a theory of
Figure Legends
Figures 1-4 are reproduced from Mithen (1997) with kind permission.
Table 1: Evidence for theory of mind impairments in autism
(i) the mental-physical distinction (Baron-Cohen, 1989a; Wellman & Estes, 1986)
(iii) The appearance-reality distinction (ibid); (Flavell, Green & Flavell, 1986)
(iv) First-order false belief tasks (Baron-Cohen, Leslie & Frith, 1985; Baron-Cohen,
Leslie & Frith, 1986; Leekam & Perner, 1991; Perner, Frith, Leslie & Leekam, 1989;
Reed & Peterson, 1990; Swettenham, Baron-Cohen, Gomez & Walsh, 1996; Wimmer &
Perner, 1983).
(v) The "seeing leads to knowing" test (Baron-Cohen & Goodhart, 1994; Leslie & Frith,
1988; Pratt & Bryant, 1990)
(vii) simple causes of emotion (such as situations and desires) vs complex causes of
emotion (such as beliefs) (Baron-Cohen, 1991; Baron-Cohen et al., 1993); (Harris,
Johnson, Hutton, Andrews & Cooke, 1989)
(x) Recognizing the eye-region of the face as indicating when a person is thinking and
what a person might want (Baron-Cohen, Campbell, Karmiloff-Smith, Grant & Walker,
1995; Baron-Cohen & Cross, 1992).
(xii) Deception (Baron-Cohen, 1992; Sodian & Frith, 1992; Yirmiya, Solomonica-Levi &
Shulman, 1996), premised on understanding that people's beliefs can differ and therefore
can be manipulated.
(xiii) Tests of understanding metaphor, sarcasm, and irony - these all being intentionally
non-literal statements (Happe, 1993).
(ix) Pragmatics (Baron-Cohen, 1988b); see also (Tager-Flusberg, 1993), e.g. recognizing
violations of pragmatic rules, such as the Gricean Maxims of conversational cooperation
(Surian et al., 1996). Since many pragmatic rules involve tailoring one's speech to what
the listener needs to know, or might be interested in, this can be seen as intrinsically
linked to a theory of mind.
(i) second-order false belief tests (Baron-Cohen, 1989b); (Perner & Wimmer, 1985), that
is, tests of understanding what one character thinks another character thinks. Such
second-order reasoning is usually understood by normal children of 5-6 years of age
(Sullivan, Zaitchik & Tager-Flusberg, 1994),
(iii) decoding complex mental states from the expression in the eye-region of the face
(Baron-Cohen, Jolliffe, Mortimore & Robertson, in press; Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright &
Jolliffe, in press).
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