DLP English 10 AIRA

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Prepared by: Aira C. Mirandilla

l. Objectives:

At the end of the discussion the students should be able to;

1. Explain the principles of formalist criticism;

2. Critique a selection using the formalist approach; and
3. Show appreciation of the value of critiquing a literary piece.

ll. Subject Matter

Topic: Critiquing a literary selection based on formalist approach (EN10)

Almonte, Liza, Lerma Flandez, Angelou Hermosa, Nedia Lagustan, Liberty Mangaluz, Elenita R. Miranda, Paul Anthony Mendoza, Lito Palomar,
Grace Annette Barradas- Soriano, and Karen Villanueva. 2015. Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature. 1st ed. Pasig City: REX Book
Store, Inc.

Andres, Salirick. 2016. "Formalist Criticism Is the First of The Series of Literary Critic". The Mindsmith.

Bunting, Joe. 2021. "Point of View In 2021: Guide To 1St Person, 2Nd Person, 3Rd Person POV". The Write Practice. Accessed January 26.
https://thewritepractice.com/point-of-viewguide/.Writing A Formalist Literary Analysis". 2021. www2.Bellevuecollege.Edu. Accessed January
22. https://www2.bellevuecollege.edu/artshum/materials/engl/silano/fall2005/101lsb/formalistlitanalyassgn.htm. #:~:text=A%20formalist
%20critic%20examines% 20the,make%20it%20a%20single%20text

lll. Learning Procedure

Teacher's Activity Students Activity

( Prayer )

Good afternoon, everyone! ( Review of the previous modules )

Would you like to start our lesson with a game? Good afternoon, ma'am.


Alright, that's great! So this game was called

" RAISE IT UP! " Are you ready?

Motivation Activity Yes we are.

Raise it up!
Directions: You will be divided into 4 groups
( team: Charizz, Uwu, ). This will look like
a race because I will present here 10 jumbled
letters, and each group will just raise their group
name if they know the answer. The first one to
have raise their group name will be the one to
answer. If their answer are correct then the points
will be given in the group, and if not, other groups
will be given a chance to raise their group name
and give the answer. The team who got the
highest score will be the winner.

Again, what are those words that we found in the Ma'am, the words that we formed are; Etymology,
ff. jumbled letters? Can anyone enumerate it? Literary, Criticism, Critic, Critique, Formalist,
Approach, Imagery, Character, and Theme.

It's related to literary critiquing because I notice

So, what did you observe from it?
that the words, criticism, critic and literary are

Very good! So, from the activity that we have

made, we are being directed to our new topic for
this day which is about Critiquing a literary
selection based on formalist approach

A. Modelling

While we are discussing the topic Critiquing a

literary selection based on formalist approach we
will encounter this ff. words ;
Etymology: The word ‘formalism’ derived from the
word ‘form’ or structure. The ‘ism’ is a belief or an
approach of looking at things.

Next who can read?

Literary Criticism is the evaluation, analysis,
Literary Criticism
description, or interpretation of literary works.
Critique (verb) means to critically evaluate, analyze
or give careful judgment in which you give your
opinion about a literary work.
Critic is a person who judges, evaluates, or
analyzes a literary piece. Critic (noun) is a detailed evaluation or analysis of a
literary piece.

* It discovers the true meaning of a work by giving

attention to the form or structure, elements and
Structure/ form- It scrutinizes the plot literary devices operating in it.
(chronological sequence) and the conflict in a
* It studies how the elements work together to
form unity and to give meaning to a text.
This are some guide questions under this;
Character- It is a person, animal, being , creature or
a. How do elements conspire or work together? anything personified in a story.

b. How does the conflict affect the characters’ Setting-It is not only the place and time a story
actions? takes place but also includes the atmosphere.

c. What do the objects, events, images or actions Tone- It is the overall emotion conveyed by both
symbolize? the choices of words, theme, sensory images,
symbolism and the narrator of the story such as
Next suspenseful, affectionate, happy or sad.
* It analyzes the work as a whole, the form of each Point of View- It answers the question “Who is
individual part of the text from the individual telling the story?”
scenes and chapters, the characters, the settings,
the tone, the point of view, the theme, and all Theme- It is the author’s message to the readers.
other literary elements and devices such as
Imagery- It consists of descriptive language to their
Alright! Who can read the definition of the
following words?

1. First person- It uses either of the two pronouns

“I” or “We”. The narrator is a participant in the
Formalism or formalist approach was divided into story relating his or her own experiences directly or
types and this are; the first person, Second person an observer.
and Third person.
2. Second person- The story is told to “You”.

* Formalism also examines a text exclusively as a 3. Third person- It uses pronouns “They”, “She”,
self-contained object in isolation from the world, “He”, “It” or a name. The narrator may be
biographical information about the author, or the omniscient (all- knowing) or has a full access to the
text’s effect on the reader. thoughts and experiences of all characters in the
story or may be a limited omniscient who usually
Very well said! Now, who can read the last two cannot see into minds or know the future, etc.
* It does not concern the historical events outside
of the story, social, cultural, religious nor political

* It emphasizes the value of the text as an entity in

Alright! Thank you class.
Always remember that Literary Criticism is the
comparison, analysis, interpretation, and/or
evaluation of works of literature. And is essentially
an opinion, supported by evidence, relating to
theme, style, setting or historical or political

So now, we will proceed to another guided

activities that will surely give you a broader
understanding about the topic.

B. Guided Practice

Directions: Draw a happy face (😊) if the statement

describes a formalist critic. Otherwise, draw a sad
face (☹️).

A formalist critic…

____1. must be a close or careful reader who 1. 😊

examines all the elements of a text individually to
discover how they form an organic unity.
____2. questions how they come together to 2. 😊
create a work of art.
3. ☹️
____3. looks beyond the work by reading the
4. ☹️
author’s life, or literary style.
5. 😊
____4. examines the work’s historical background
and condition of the society. 6. 😊
____5. allows the text to reveal itself. 7. 😊
____6. analyzes how the elements work together 8. ☹️
to form the unity of structure and to give meaning
to the text. 9. ☹️

____7. achieves understanding of the text by 10. 😊

looking inside it, not outside nor beyond.

____8. studies how the text’s influences or figures

out similarity with other works.

____9. takes the elements distinct and separate

from each other.

____10. scrutinizes the point of view, structure,

symbols, tone, theme and other elements or
literary devices.

C. Independent Practice

Read and Critique!

Trivia: Did you know that Benguet is a native term

which refers to a lake where water does not drain?

* The name “Benguet” was once limited to the

area of what is now the La Trinidad Valley, which
was well-cultivated with rice, sweet potatoes,
gabi, and sugar cane by its original settlers. The
natives there were generally Ibaloys.

Directions: Read the story from Benguet and

discover " The Origin of Rice and Streams".

A. Directions: Use the table below to analyze the (The students are given a copy )
selection “The Origin of Rice and Streams.” Use
the guide questions provided in answering. ELEMENTS DESCRIPTIONS
1. Characters: Who are the * Two blind Women
Elements Descriptions characters in the story? How (both of them are
are they related to one kindhearted and caring)
another? What are their * The young women who
1. Characters: Who are the actions? gave them a sack of rice
characters in the story? How are that would never be
they related to one another? empty and a bottle that
would never be drained
What are their actions? dry.
2. Setting: Where did the story La Trinidad Valley
2. Setting: Where did the story happen? Describe the (Benguet)
happen? Describe the environment/atmosphere.
3. Imagery: ( sense of touch, They were driven away
environment/atmosphere. smell, taste, sound, sight ) (sound).
Bumped into a large rock
3. Conflict: What is the main (touch).
problem in the story? Opened magically...
4. Plot: How did the story Finished their meal
begin? What happened in the 4. Plot: How did the story It begins with a two blind
story? How did it end? begin? What happened in the Women One is always
story? How did it end? hungry and the other is
5. Tone: What was the author’s always thirsty, But the
two blind Women are
attitude towards the subject? too blind and cannot
What kind of emotion or feeling work for a living in the
fields and one day while
did you get after reading?
walking a hilly paths they
bumped into a large rock
6. Point of view: Who is telling and met a young women
or narrating the story? Is one and the young women
character acting as a narrator gave them a sack of rice
that would never be
(First Person), or someone empty and a bottle that
telling what is going on (Third would never be drained
dry. And in the end the
Person)? Both blind Women
together happily and
7. Theme: What lesson does the shares their good
author want me to learn from fortune to the village.
5. Tone: What was the authors The author's attitude
the story? What lesson does the
attitude towards the subject? towards the subject(The
author want me to learn about What kind of emotion or two blind Women) is
life? feeling did you get after positivity.
6. Point of view: Who is telling Third Person.
or narrating the story? Is one
character acting as a narrator
D. Generalization (First Person), or someone
telling what is going on (Third
Class, what have you learned for today? What is Person)?
literary criticism? 7. Theme: What lesson does Learn to help other
the author want me to learn people and be grateful
from the story? What lesson for what you have.
does the author want me to
What is a formalist approach and its form? learn about life?

We have learned about Critiquing a Literary

Selection using a formalist approach.
Why is it important to critic a literary piece?
Literary Criticism is the comparison, analysis,
interpretation, and/or evaluation of works of
literature. And is essentially an opinion, supported
by evidence, relating to theme, style, setting or
historical or political context.
Very well said! So now we'll proceed to the
evaluation part. ( Answer may vary)

Researching, reading, and writing works of literary

criticism will help you to make better sense of the
work, form judgments about literature, study ideas
Evaluation: from different points of view, and determine on an
individual level whether a literary work is worth
*Answer Assessment 1 in Q3 module 4
Assignment :

Accomplish Assessment 2 in Q3 Module 4


1. Raja Pinangunay (pirate from Malacca known as

Characters tyrannical and godless ruler at his younger days)
Kinsmen The women/ captives (slaves)

2. Setting: Vintas ( San Bernardino Strait )

Binorongan Seaport of Aguingay (a place where

they landed)

Bulusan Sorsogon

3. Imagery * Sun came out shining radiantly (sight).

* Wave lashed the overloaded vintas (hearing).
* Wind blew favorably (touch).

4. Plot: It begins with the old Raja and his party who
capture much treasure. Halfway across San
Bernardino Strait, a typhoon came, waves
lashed the overloaded vintas mercilessly. Many
of his captives and men got lost in the angry
sea.The women went on praying, the pagan
Raja promised them freedom if their prayers
could stop the typhoon. Then the angry sea
became calm. When they got to the village he
had them locked up and given only little food to
eat. The sky opened up and it rained until the
village sank under water.The village was turned
into a lake. Nobody was saved among the proud
inhabitants of the village except the slaves,
working out in the kaingin.

5. Tone: The speaker speaks with positivity and sadness.

6. Point of Third Person.


7. Theme: Always mean what you have promised.

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