Obligations and Contracts Quizzer
Obligations and Contracts Quizzer
Obligations and Contracts Quizzer
b. Natural obligation
a. Passive and active subject
c. Moral obligation
b. Prestation
d. Social obligation
c. Efficient cause
d. Demand - answer
6. The obligee has a right to enforce the
obligation against the obligation in a
court of law
2. Which of the following is a civil
c. Delicts
a. obligor
d. Law - answer
b. obligee - answer
c. Passive subject
4. A juridical necessity to give, to do, or
d. Debtor
not to do.
9. Synonymous to obligee
a. Civil obligation - answer
b. Natural obligation
a. Creditor; Active subject - answer
c. Moral obligation
b. Creditor; Passive subject
d. Social obligation
c. Active subject; passive subject
a. obligor - - answer
d. Debtor c. Delicts
d. Law
c. Moral obligation
12. The object or subject matter of the
d. Social obligation
c. Delicts
13. The efficient cause or juridical tie
d. Law - answer
why the obligation exists
c. Delicts
14. The duty not to recover what
d. Law - answer
voluntarily been paid although payment was
no longer required.
c. Moral obligation
B. Quasi-delicts - answer
c. Delicts
c. Negotiorum gestio
a. Contracts
D. Solutio indebiti
b. Quasi-contracts
d. Insanity
a. Quasi-contracts
b. Quasi-delicts
27. The following except one, are included
c. Negotiorum Gestio
in civil liability.
d. Solutio indebiti - answer
a. restitution
23. First Statement: A quasi contract is an
b. Reparation
implied contract.
c. Indemnification
Second Statement: A defendant who is
acquitted in a criminal case is no longer d. Starvation
liable civilly.
28. The thing itself shall be restored, as 32. What do you call quasi contracts with
a rule names such as Negotiorum gestio and Solutio
a. restitution - answer
a. named Quasi-Contracts
b. Reparation
b. Nominate Quasi-contracts - answer
c. Indemnification
c. Formal Quasi-contract
d. Starvation
d. Definite Quasi-contracts
a. restitution
a. Negotiorum gestio
b. Reparation - answer
b. Solutio indebiti
c. Indemnification
c. Unauthorized contracts - answer
d. Starvation
d. None of the choices
a. True; True
b. True; False
d. False; False