Capteurs Magnetiques Pour Les Verins

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General 8.0

Magnetic sensors REED type 8.1-8.3

series 1500

Magnetic sensors HALL effect 8.4-8.5

series 1500

Miniaturized magnetic sensors 8.6

REED and HALL type
series 1580

Magnetic sensors for cylinders


The limit switches, or magnetic sensors, have to be mounted on cylinders with magnetic piston. These, when hit
by the magnetic field generated by the piston as it approaches, close the circuit sending an electrical signal by
relè solenoid valve control, etc. or converse with the controlling electronic system situaded on the machine.
There are available magnetic sensor with ampulla Reed type and with Hall effect. The sensors are attached to
the cylinder by a proper clamp and have a Led insertion indicator.
The magnetic sensors with ampulla are made in 3 versions:
- U (universal) functioning with continuous or alternate current, protected by varistor Led indicator.
- U/1(universal) functioning with continuous or alternate current, with contact Reed only to avoid 3 volt tension
drop caused by led.
- D.C. for functioning with continuous current only, utilized for switching heavy loads since the contact Reed
become the pilot of a semi-conductor power circuit.

Note: The magnetic sensors are according to the Directive EMC 89/336/CEE and following amendments.

Instruction on how to use the sensors properly

Particular attention should be paid not to exceed the wide operating limits showed in the specification table.
Besides the sensor has never to be connected to the mains if a load has not been yet connected in series. These
are the only cares that, if not followed, may cause damages to the sensor.
Furthermore it has to be considered that, while loading, the current absorbed by the sensor might be 50% higher
that the rated one. Therefore, specially while using alternate current (AC) there is the need to observe the
appropriate safety margins.
In the case of direct current (DC) sensors (see code numbers 1500.DC and 1600.DC), the polarity of the
connection has to be observed: the brown cable must be connected to the plus (+) and the blue one to the minus (-).
Attention has also to be paid to the orientation of the connector, cause by inverting the connection the circuit will be
not damaged, but the sensors will remain switched, the load connected and the led turned off.
Due to the particular structure of the switching circuit of these sensors, which is made of semiconductors, there are
no particular contra-indications related to its use: the supported load may therefore be indifferently of inductive,
capacitive or resistive type, and similarly the length of the connecting wire is not of importance.
On the contrary, in case of use universal (U) sensors with direct current (DC), attention has to be paid to the length
of the cable, which has to be no longer than 10m with 48V voltage.
Besides, there are some other external factors to be taken into consideration, such as proximity of powered cable,
magnetic fields produced by electric motors, mass of iron too close to the sensor, and so on: these factors have to
be therefore carefully avoided, being able to influence the sensors and accordingly to cause irregularity of

Magnetic sensors for cylinders

Sensors with 2 m. cable (REED type)


27 15,5 27 12

for cylinders and microcylinders for rodless cylinders

Ordering code
Cylinders and 1500.A.C. sensor for alternating current with led
microcylinders 1500.D.C. sensor for continuous current with led
1500.U universal sensor with led
1500.U/1 universal sensor without led (REED ampulla only) Diagrams and
Rodless cylinders 1600.A.C. sensor for alternating current with led
1600.D.C. sensor for continuous current with led Type - a.c.
1600.U universal sensor with led bl
1600.U/1 universal sensor without led (REED ampulla only)

Technical characteristics
U U/1
a.c. d.c.
a.c. d.c. a.c. d.c. Type - d.c.
Maximum permanent current 1,5A 1,2A 0,5A 0,3A bl

Maximum current (pulses of 0,5 sec.) 6A 1,5A 1A 0,8A

Voltage range 12 ÷ 250V 12 ÷ 30V 3 ÷ 250V 12 ÷ 48V 0 ÷ 250V 0 ÷ 48V
Maximum permanent power 375VA 32W 20VA 15W 10VA 8W
Working temperature -20°C ÷ 50°C
-20° C ÷ 70°C
Maximum voltage drop 3V 2V 3V 0V Type - U
Cable section 2x0,35 mm²
Degree of protection IP 65
Connecting time 2 ms
Disconnecting time 1 ms
Average working period 10 cicles
Repetition of intervention point ± 0,1 mm
Type U/1
Type of contact N. O.

* Connection can be done either to negative or positive pole. LOAD


These sensors can be used on cylinders series:

1200 for microcylind. with threaded end covers, with clamps code 1260.Ø.F
for microcylind. "MIR" with rolled end covers, with clamps code 1280.Ø.F from Ø16 to Ø32
for microcylind. "MIR-INOX" with rolled end covers, with clamps code 1280.Ø.FX from Ø16 to Ø32

1306 - 1307 - 1308 brackets code 1306.A for cylind. from Ø 32 to Ø 63

1306.B for cylind. from Ø 80 to Ø 125
1306.C for cylind. from Ø160
and Ø200

1319 - 1320 brackets code 1320.A for cylinders Ø 32 and Ø 40

1320.B for cylinders Ø 50 and Ø 63
1320.C for cylinders Ø 80 and Ø 100
1320.D for cylinders Ø 125
1320.E for cylinders Ø 160

1500 directly on groove

1320.F for cylinders Ø 200
1600 brackets code 1600.A

Magnetic sensors for cylinders

Sensors with connector (REED type)




30 15.5 30 12

for cylinders and microcylinders for rodless cylinders

Ordering code
Cyindrers and RS.UA universal sensor with led normally open N.O.
Microcylinders RS.UANO universal sensor with led normally open N.O, according to standard IEC 947
RS.UA/1 universal sensor without led N.O. (REED ampulla only)
RS.UA/1L universal sensor with led normally open N.O., for series assembly (3 wires)
RS.UC universal sensor with led normally closed N.C.
RS.DC sensor for continuous current with led normally open N.O.
RS.DCNO sensor for continuous current with led normally open N.O., according to standard IEC 947
RS.UAC1 universal sensor with led N.O. with connector and 2,5 m. Cable
RS.UAC1/1 universal sensor without led N.O. with connector and 2,5 m. cable (REED ampulla only)
RS.UACH1/1L** universal sensor with led N.O. with connector and 2,5 m. cable, for series mounting (3 wires)
RS.UCC1 universal sensor with led N.C. with connector and 2,5 m. Cable

Rodless cylinders SRS.UA universal sensor with led N.O.

SRS.UA/1 universal sensor without led N.O.
SRS.UA/1L universal sensor with led N.O., for series assembly (3 wires)
SRS.UC universal sensor with led normally closed N.C.
SRS.DC sensor for continuous current with led normally closed N.O.
SRS.UAC1 universal sensor with led N.O. with connector and 2,5 m. Cable
SRS.UAC1/1 universal sensor without led N.O. with connector and 2,5 m. cable (REED ampulla only)
SRS.UACH1/1L** universal sensor with led N.O. with connector and 2,5 m. cable, for series assembly (3 wires)
SRS.UCC1 universal sensor with led N.C. with connector and 2,5 m. cable
SRS.DCC1 sensor for continuous current with led normally closed N.O., with connector and 2,5 m. Cable

C1 connector with 2,5 m. cable

C2 connector with 5 m. cable
C3 connector with 10 m. cable
C1NO connector with 2,5 m. cable, according to standard IEC 947
C2NO connector with 5 m. cable, according to standard IEC 947
C3NO connector with 10 m. cable, according to standard IEC 947

**Utilizzare solo connettori per sensori effetto HALL (vedi pag. 8.5)

Diagrams and
Type - UA connections


bn Type - d.c.
Type - UA/1L
Type UA/1
bn brown

LOAD * black

bn blue

Type - DCNO

Type - UC black blue

bl LOAD * brown





Magnetic sensors for cylinders

Technical characteristics
U U/1L U/1
a.c. d.c. a.c. d.c. a.c. d.c.
Type of contact N.O. N.O. N.C. N.O. N.C. N.O. N.O.
Maximum permanent current 1,2A 0,5A 0,3A 0,5A 0,3A 0,5A 0,5A
Maximum current (pulses of 0,5 sec.) 1,5A 1A 0,8A 1A 0,8A 1A 1A
Voltage range 12 ÷ 30V 3 ÷ 250V 3 ÷ 110V 12 ÷ 48V 24V 0 ÷ 250V 0 ÷ 48V
Maximum permanent power 32W 20VA 10VA 15W 8W 20VA 15W 10VA 8W
Working temperature -20° C ÷ 70°C
Maximum voltage drop 2V 3V 0V
Cable section 2x0,35 mm² 3x0,35 mm² 2x0,35 mm²
Degree of protection IP 65
Connecting time 2 ms
Disconnecting time 1 ms
Average working period 10 7cicles
Repetition of intervention point ± 0,1 mm

* Connection can be done either to negative or positive pole.

These sensors can be used on cylinders series:

1200 for microcylind. with threaded end covers, with clamps code 1260.Ø.F
for microcylind. "MIR" with rolled end covers, with clamps code 1280.Ø.F from Ø16 to Ø32
for microcylind. "MIR-INOX" with rolled end covers, with clamps code 1280.Ø.FX from Ø16 to Ø32

1306 - 1307 - 1308 brackets code 1306.A for cylind. from Ø 32 to Ø 63

1306.B for cylind. from Ø 80 to Ø 125
1306.C for cylind. from Ø160
and Ø200
1319 - 1320 brackets code 1320.A for cylinders Ø 32 and Ø 40
1320.B for cylinders Ø 50 and Ø 63
1320.C for cylinders Ø 80 and Ø 100
1320.D for cylinders Ø 125
1320.E for cylinders Ø 160
1320.F for cylinders Ø 200
1500 directly on groove

1600 brackets code 1600.A

Magnetic sensors for cylinders

Sensors with 3 m. cable (HALL effect)


27 15,5 27 12

for cylinders and microcylinders for rodless cylinders

Ordering code
Cylinders and 1500.HAP PNP sensor Hall effect with led, normally open N.O.
microcylinders 1500.HAN NPN sensor Hall effect with led, normally open N.O.
1500.HCP PNP sensor Hall effect with led, normally closed N.C.
1500.HCN NPN sensor Hall effect with led, normally closed N.C.

Rodless cylinders 1600.HAP PNP sensor Hall effect with led, normally open N.O.
1600.HAN NPN sensor Hall effect with led, normally open N.O.
1600.HCP PNP sensor Hall effect with led, normally closed N.C.
1600.HCN NPN sensor Hall effect with led, normally closed N.C.

Technical characteristics Diagrams and connections

Maximum permanent current 0,5A

Voltage range 10 ÷ 30V DC black

Power (inductive load) 10W PNP

Working temperature -20° C ÷ 70°C
Cable section 3x0,25 mm²
Degree of protection IP 65
Connecting time 0,8 µs
Disconnecting time 0,3 µs
Average working period 10 cicles

Repetition of intervention point ± 0,1 mm black NPN

Type of contact N. O. o N.C. blue

These sensors can be used on cylinders series:

1200 for microcylind. with threaded end covers, with clamps code 1260.Ø.F
for microcylind. "MIR" with rolled end covers, with clamps code 1280.Ø.F from Ø16 to Ø32
for microcylind. "MIR-INOX" with rolled end covers, with clamps code 1280.Ø.FX from Ø16 to Ø32

1306 - 1307 - 1308 brackets code 1306.A for cylind. from Ø 32 to Ø 63

1306.B for cylind. from Ø 80 to Ø 125
1306.C for cylind. from Ø160
and Ø200

1319 - 1320 brackets code 1320.A for cylinders Ø 32 and Ø 40

1320.B for cylinders Ø 50 and Ø 63
1320.C for cylinders Ø 80 and Ø 100
1320.D for cylinders Ø 125
1320.E for cylinders Ø 160
1320.F for cylinders Ø 200
1500 directly on groove

1600 brackets code 1600.A

Magnetic sensors for cylinders

Sensor with connector (Hall effect)




30 15,5 30 12

for cylinders and microcylinders for rodless cylinders

Ordering code
Cylinders and HS.PA PNP sensor Hall effect with led, normally open N.O.
microcylinders HS.NA NPN sensor Hall effect with led, normally open N.O.
HS.PAC1 PNP sensor Hall effect N.O. with led, with connector and 2,5 m. cable
HS.NAC1 NPN sensor Hall effect N.O. with led, with connector and 2,5 m. cable

Rodless cylinders SHS.PA PNP sensor Hall effect with led, normally open N.O.
SHS.NA NPN sensor Hall effect with led, normally open N.O.
SHS.PAC1 PNP sensor Hall effect N.O. with led, with connector and 2,5 m. cable
SHS.NAC1 NPN sensor Hall effect N.O. with led, with connector and 2,5 m. cable

CH1 connector with 2,5 m. cable (3 wires)

CH2 connector with 5 m. cable (3 wires)

Technical characteristic Diagrams and connections

Maximum permanent current 0,25A

Voltage range 6 ÷ 30V DC black

Power (inductive load) 6W PNP

Working temperature -20° C ÷ 70°C

Cable section 3x0,25 mm²

Degree of protection IP 65
Connecting time 0,8 µs
Disconnecting time 0,3 µs brown
Average working period 109cicles

Repetition of intervention point ± 0,1 mm black NPN

Contact normally open N. O. blue

These sensors can be used on cylinders series:

1200 for microcylind. with threaded end covers, with clamps code 1260.Ø.F
for microcylind. "MIR" with rolled end covers, with clamps code 1280.Ø.F from Ø16 to Ø32
for microcylind. "MIR-INOX" with rolled end covers, with clamps code 1280.Ø.FX from Ø16 to Ø32

1306 - 1307 - 1308 brackets code 1306.A for cylind. from Ø 32 to Ø 63

1306.B for cylind. from Ø 80 to Ø 125
1306.C for cylind. from Ø160
and Ø200

1319 - 1320 brackets code 1320.A for cylinders Ø 32 and Ø 40

1320.B for cylinders Ø 50 and Ø 63
1320.C for cylinders Ø 80 and Ø 100
1320.D for cylinders Ø 125
1320.E for cylinders Ø 160
1320.F for cylinders Ø 200
1500 directly on groove 8
1600 brackets code 1600.A

Magnetic sensors for cylinders

Sensor c/w 2.5 m. cable


32 3



Weight gr. 27

Sensor c/w M8 connector (300 mm cable)

32 300 mm

Weight gr. 15

Ordering codes Slot detail

1580.U Reed bulb sensor with led and 2.5 m cable
1580.UAP Reed bulb sensor with led and 2.5 m cable (3 wires)
1580.HAP PNP sensor Hall effect with led and 2.5 m cable
MRS.U Reed bulb sensor with led and connector

MRS.UAP Reed bulb sensor with led and connector (3 wires) 5,2
MHS.P PNP sensor Hall effect with led and connector
MC1 M8 in line connector with 2.5 m cable (2 wires)
MC2 M8 in line connector with 5 m cable (2 wires)
MCH1 M8 in line connector with 2.5 m cable (3 wires)
MCH2 M8 in line connector with 5 m cable (3 wires)
Diagrams and
Normal standard "PNEUMAX" sensors suitable for large slot are connections
available for cylinders from Ø 32 to Ø 100 (see catalogue 4 section 8).

Technical characteristics
1580.U 1580.UAP MRS.U MRS.UAP 1580.HAP MHS.P
Type of contact N.O.
Maximum current (pulses of 0,5 sec.) 0,1A 0,2A with Reed bulb
Maximum permanent current 0,1A 0,2A
Maximum permanent power 6VA 4W brown

3 ÷ 30V 3 ÷ 30V

Voltage range A. C. 24V / black


Voltage range D. C. 3 ÷ 30V 24V 3 ÷ 30V 12÷30V blue

Working temperature -20° C ÷ 70°C

Maximum voltage drop 3V 0V 3V 0V 3V with Reed bulb (3 wires)
Cable section 2x0,14 3x0,14 2x0,14 3x0,14
Degree of protection IP 65 brown

Connecting time 0,5 ms 0,8 µs black


Disconnecting time 0,1 ms 0,3 µs

Average working period 107 10 9 blue

Repetition of intervention point ± 0,1

Hall effect

NOTE : pay attention to the connected loads which should not exceed the recommendation

These sensors can be used on cylinders series:

1200 microcylinders "MIR" with rolled end covers, with clamps code 1280.Ø.FS
microcylinders "MIR-INOX" with rolled end covers, with clamps code 1280.Ø.FSX

1500 - Short stroke compact cylinders with sensor adapter code 1580.01F
- Europe compact cylinders - directly on groove from Ø 12 to Ø 25
- directly on groove or with sensor adapter( code 1580.01F) from Ø 32 to Ø 50
- with sensor adapter (code 1580.01F) from Ø 63 to Ø 100.


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