Botany Practical 2022new

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1A. Prepare a T.S of the given specimen ‘A’ and identify

giving reasons. Draw the ground plan and label the
parts. Leave the preparation for valuation.( score:5 )
Preparation - 2
Diagram - 1 1/2
Identification - 1/2

Reasons - 1
(Dicot Stem/Monocot Stem/Monocot Root may be
1.Vascular bundles are conjoint and
2.Xylem is Endarch.
3.Cortex is heterogenous

....hence it is a stem.
1.Vascular bundles are limited in
2.Vascular bundles are arranged in
broken ring manner.
3.Vascular bundles are open.

.....hence it is a dicot stem

The given specimen is Dicot Stem


1.Vascular bundles are conjoint

and collateral
2.Xylem is Endarch.
3.Cortex is heterogenous.

.........hence it is a stem.
1.Vascular bundles are numerous
and scattered in ground tissue
2.Vascular bundles are closed.
3.Protoxylem lacuna is present.

.....hence it is a monocot stem

The given specimen is Monocot Stem.


1.Vascular bundles are radial.

2.Xylem is exarch.
3.Cortex is homogenous

......hence it is a root.
1.Xylem and phloem groups are
numerous in number.
2.Pith is large
3.Xylem is polyarch.

.....hence it is a monocot root

The given Specimen is Mococot Root

2B. Observe the given specimen ‘B’
a) Name the vegetative propagule -----1
b) Which plant part is modified -----1
c) Draw a neat labelled diagram -----1
(Bulb/Rhizome/ Runner/Tuber may be given.)
1. Name of vegetative 1. Name of vegetative 1. Name of vegetative
Propagule : Rhizome Propagule :Bulb Propagule :Tuber
2. Modified part: 2. Modified part: 2. Modified part: Underground Stem
Underground Stem Underground Stem

1. Name of vegetative
Propagule :Runner 1. Name of vegetative
2. Modified part: Sub - Propagule : Offset
aerial Stem 2. Modified part: Sub -aerial
3C.Identify the materials ‘C’ and at sight by giving reasons

Identification ------- 1⁄2

Reasons ------- 1⁄2
( score :1 )

Photograph of Bt Cotton/Cloning Vector/Bioreactor

Bt Cotton
It is a transgenic cotton plant containing
cry genes from a bacteria called Bacillus
thuringiensis which has got insecticidal

Cloning vector
Vectors are the carriers for carrying
donor DNA to a specific host organism.
Bioreactors are large culture tanks containing
nutrient medium maintained at optimum
temperature,pressure and PH for culturing GMO’s
for the synthesis of biotechnological products in
large scale.
4D. Write the aim of the experiment ‘D’. Draw and label the parts
Aim - 1⁄2
Labelled diagram – 1
(score :11⁄2)

Any one of the following experiments may be given

1.Thistle funnel Experiment
2.Hydrilla experiment
3.Study of Imbibition by raisins
4.Ganong's Potometer experiment
5.Paper chromatography
Thistle funnel apparatus Hydrilla experiment
Aim : To demonstrate the process of Aim: To demonstrate the evolution of
osmosis using thistle funnel oxygen during photosynthesis.
Paper chromatography
Ganong’s potometer Aim: To separate the photosynthetic
Aim :To measure the rate of transpiration pigments by unidirectional paper
by using Ganong’s potometer. chromatography.

Imbibition by raisins
Aim: To study the phenomenon of imbibition
by raisins.
5E . Construct the floral formula of given Flower E.
(Score : 1 1⁄2 )
(Any one common flower belongs to Fabaceae, Solanaceae)

FABACEAE : % K (5) C A (9)+1 G 1 SOLANACEAE : ⊕ K (5) C (5) A (5) G (2)

6F. Write the ecological interaction of the specimen ‘F’
Identification – 1
Description - 1
(score 2)

Any one interaction from Mutualism /Parasitism/

Commensalism may be given.
(Lichen, Loranthus, Vanda)
Ecological interaction is Mutualism
 In this association both species are benefited.
 Algal component is phycobiont and fungal component
is mycobiont.

Ecological interaction is Parasitism
 Interaction between host and parasite.
 Parasite is benefited and host is harmed.
Parasite has got specific adaptations like hook,
suckers and haustoria.

Ecological interaction is Commensalism
 Epiphyte(Orchid) growing on other plants but do not absorb food
from it.
 In this interaction orchid is benefited while host is not
7G. Identify the microscopic slide ‘G’, Draw diagram and label
any two parts.

Diagram ------ 1
Labelling ------1

(Score: 2)

C.S of anther on microscope is provided

(Diagram-Diagrammatic sketch of four lobed anther C.S /
cellular diagram of single lobe of anther)
8. Asserting the awareness of concepts related to the
physiology experiments (Viva-voce)
(Score 1)
9. Practical diary (Record )
(Score -3)

Total Score 20

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