MAN 010 Module 3 and 4
MAN 010 Module 3 and 4
MAN 010 Module 3 and 4
4.1 Nature and Function of the Foreign Exchange 4.3 Implications for Managers and Business
Managers who engage in international business need to
Firms that engage in international trade are the major know that the exchange rate exerts influence on the
participants in the foreign exchange market while the profitability of trade and investment deals of the firm.
second is the individual people like tourists. Firms Unexpected changes and most importantly
receive payments from its export of goods to other counterintuitive changes in the exchange rate can make
countries. Investment of firms in other countries also profitable ventures unproductive. The foreign exchange
receives income from their foreign investment. These risk poses transaction, translation, and economic
payments and income received by firms from foreign exposure to firms. Tactics and strategies must be
countries have to be converted to domestic currency employed by the firm to protect short term cash flows
before it can be used to purchase goods. Tourists who from the adverse changes in the exchange rate.
travel abroad need to convert their domestic currency to
the currency of the country where they intend to visit. 4.4 Strategy and the Firm
The domestic currency is not an accepted legal tender
for the payment of goods in foreign countries (Hill,2011). If we talk about strategy and the firm, we refer to the firm
in the most common way as a method to organize
Moreover, according to Hill (2011), the foreign exchange activities. This means that the firm can also be called
market has two main functions. The first function multinational enterprise, multinational corporation, an
is currency conversion and the second is to provide international business, international organization, global
insurance against foreign exchange risk. The company, and so on. A unique type of firm, though, is
existence of a system and a functioning foreign what we call an SME—a small and medium-sized
exchange market enable companies to trade despite the enterprise. SMEs are companies that have fewer than
differences in currencies of countries. 500 employees (U.S.) or fewer than 250 employees
(Europe). Throughout the text, we use a variety of
4.2 Determinants and Theories of Foreign Exchange terminologies in largely the same context for the larger
Rates firms, but we specify clearly when we talk about SMEs
since these companies have global strategies that
Introduction sometimes differ from their larger counterparts.
The foreign exchange market is governed by the law of A firm’s strategy can be defined as the actions that
supply and demand. The interaction between the supply managers take to attain the goals of the firm. For most
of currency and the demand for currency in the market firms, the preeminent goal is to maximize the value of
results in an equilibrium exchange rate and equilibrium the firm for its owners and its shareholders (subject to
quantity. The graph below illustrates the model of the very important constraint that the activities
exchange rate determination. undertaken are done in a legal, ethical, and socially
responsible manner. To maximize the value of a firm,
managers must pursue strategies that increase
the profitability of the enterprise and its rate of profit
growth over time.