Stepper Motor Controller: Gert Baars

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Stepper Motor Controller


R2 R8


S1 1000µ
IC3 25V
R4 16 2

470k 3 3
CTRDIV10/ 2 D1 TDA2030
DEC D2 "I"
IC1 2
7 D3 M1
1 IC2 3 IC5 A2 A1
3 7 10 D4 "Q" 5
4 1
6 14 1
LF356 & + 5 4
2 5
6 4x 2
4 P1 13 6 1N4148
3 B1 B2
4017 8
11 TDA2030
R5 9
15 12
330k CT=0 CT≥5 IC4
1M 5

R3 R6 R7 R9
C1 C2



0µ47 2µ2

050246 - 11

Gert Baars ing edges of the clock signal. The Grey

code can be generated from the outputs
Stepper motors are available in several by using two OR gates, which are
versions and sizes with a variety of oper- formed here using two diodes and a
ating voltages. The advantage of this resistor for each gate, to produce the I
general-purpose controller is that is can and Q signals.
be used with a wide range of operating Here ‘I’ stands for ‘in-phase’ and ‘Q’ for
voltages, from approximately 5 V to ‘quadrature’, which means it has a 90-
18 V. It can drive the motor with a peak degree phase offset from the I signal.
voltage equal to half the supply voltage, It is common practice to drive the wind-
so it can easily handle stepper motors ings of a stepper motor using a pair of
designed for voltages between 2.5 V push-pull circuits for each winding, which
and 9 V. The circuit can also supply is called an ‘H bridge’. That makes it pos-
motor currents up to 3.5 A, which means sible to reverse the direction of the cur-
it can be used to drive relatively large rent through each winding, which is nec-
motors. The circuit is also short-circuit essary for proper operation of a bipolar
proof and has built-in overtemperature motor (one whose windings do not have mentioned I and Q signals, with the
protection. centre taps). Of course, it can also be inverting inputs set to a potential equal
used to properly drive a unipolar motor to half the supply voltage. That potential
Two signals are required for driving a (with centre-tapped windings). is supplied by the third TDA2030. The
stepper motor. In logical terms, they con- Instead of using a push-pull circuit of this outputs of IC3 and IC4 thus track their
stitute a Grey code, which means they sort, here we decided to use audio ampli- non-inverting inputs, and each of them
are two square-wave signals with the fier ICs (type TDA2030), even though drives one motor winding.
same frequency but a constant phase dif- that may sound a bit strange. In func- The other ends of the windings are in turn
ference of 90 degrees. IC1 generates a tional terms, the TDA2030 is actually a connected to half the supply voltage, pro-
square-wave signal with a frequency that sort of power opamp. It has a difference vided by IC5. As one end of each wind-
can be set using potentiometer P1. This amplifier at the input and a push-pull ing is connected to a square-wave signal
frequency determines the rpm of the step- driver stage at the output. IC3, IC4 and that alternates between 0 V and a poten-
per motor. The Grey code is generated IC5 are all of this type (which is econom- tial close to the supply voltage, while the
by a decimal counter in the form of a ically priced). Here IC3 and IC4 are other end is at half the supply voltage, a
4017. Outputs Q0–Q9 of the counter go wired as comparators. Their non-invert- voltage equal to half the supply voltage
high in succession in response to the ris- ing inputs are driven by the previously is always applied to each winding, but it

elektor electronics - 7-8/2006

alternates in polarity according to the where R5 is given in kΩ. stop the motor. When S1 is closed, the
states of the I and Q signals. That’s If a stepper motor is switched off by clock signal stops but IC2 retains its out-
exactly what we want for driving a bipo- removing the supply voltage from the cir- put levels at that moment, so the continu-
lar stepper motor. cuit, it’s possible for the motor to continue ous currents through the motor windings
The rpm can be varied using potentiome- turning a certain amount due to its own magnetically ‘lock’ the rotor in position.
ter P1, but the actual speed is different for inertia or the mechanical load on the The TDA2030 has internal overtempera-
each type of motor because it depends motor (flywheel effect). It’s also possible ture protection, so the output current will
on the number of steps per revolution. The for the position of the motor to disagree be reduced automatically if the IC
motor used in the prototype advanced by with the states of the I and Q signals becomes too hot. For that reason, it is
approximately 9° per step, and its speed when power is first applied to the circuit. recommended to fit IC3, IC4 and IC5 to
could be adjusted over a range of As a result, the motor can sometimes ‘get a heat sink (possibly a shared heat sink)
approximately 2 to 10 seconds per revo- confused’ when starting up, with the when a relatively high-power motor is
lution. In principle, any desired speed can result that it takes a step in the wrong used. The tab of the TO220 case is elec-
be obtained by adjusting the value of C1, direction before starting to move in direc- trically bonded to the negative supply
as long as the motor can handle it. The tion defined by the drive signals. voltage pin, so the ICs can be attached
adjustment range of P1 can be increased These effects can be avoided by adding to a shared heat sink without using insu-
by reducing the value of resistor R5. The the optional switch S1 and a 1-kΩ resis- lating washers.
adjustment range is 1:(1000 + R5)/R5, tor, which can then be used to start and (050246-1)

7-8/2006 - elektor electronics 3

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