Duress and Undue Influence
Duress and Undue Influence
Duress and Undue Influence
Undue Influence
Actual influence
Economic Duress
Promises are not enforceable if not freely given, duress or undue influence should not be
present. Contract may be avoided if entered into as a result of unfair influence or resulting
from a conduct exploiting the relationship between the parties.
Implied threats.
Exploitation of someone.
No need to have an open act of pressure.
Will make a contract voidable. It is an equitable doctrine.
Influence in itself is perfectly acceptable. It is only when it is undue that the law will
Is difficult to define and requires a relationship between the parties, generally one of
trust, confidence, vulnerability or dependency which came before the gift or contract
and which one party exploits to get the contract or gift. Therefore, there needs to be
a relationship between the parties where one party shall exploit to their benefit.
The objective is to ensure that the influence of one person over another is not an
abusive one.
Actual undue influence abusing their position of power or authority to get another
person to get into a contract – relationship of dominance that the free will of 1 party
has been compromised.
Presume undue influence is where undue influence is presumed to have been
exerted because of the relationship of the parties. Relationship between victim and
alleged wrong doer.