Philosophical Perspective of The Self
Philosophical Perspective of The Self
Philosophical Perspective of The Self
and ugliness.
On the other hand, our soul (our “real self”), belongs
What is Philosophy? to the ideal realm. The ideal realm is unchanging,
eternal and immortal – it is perfect. Aside from the soul,
The word “Philosophy” is coined by the Greek
the “perfect” realm also consists of the intellectual
philosopher, Pythagoras, in 6th century BC. It comes
essences of the universe and concepts such as truth,
from the Ancient Greek word, “Philosophos”, which is a
goodness and beauty.
combination of the root words, “philo” (love), and
“sophia” (wisdom). Literally translated, it means “love But what happens to us who have parts in both
of wisdom” realms? We become imperfect as well. Our soul will be
tainted. However, because we also have a “perfect” side,
By studying Philosophy, we employ the
we have the ability to try to attain perfection.
inquisitive or curious mind to discover the ultimate
causes, reasons, and principles of everything. It also goes How do we attain perfection? Through reason and/or
beyond scientific investigation by exploring all areas of knowledge. If we seek enlightenment, knowledge and
knowledge such as religion, psychology, politics, physics, understanding of the universe (or the world), we become
and medicine. closer towards perfection. Since the intellectual essence of
the universe resides in the ideal realm, all types of
Since it is the “love of wisdom”, Philosophy desires
knowledge are considered by Socrates as perfect. The
for truth by formulating never-ending questions to provide
more we strive for knowledge, the more we attain
answers every inquiry about the nature of human
wisdom, the more we become closer to perfection. Being
in the physical realms, we are subjected to imperfection
Basically, we want to answer serious questions about but if we try to learn or gain knowledge, we strive for
ourselves and the world we live in. But one of the topics perfection.
philosophers are most interested in is the nature of the
This explains the famous philosophical quote by
Socrates saying,” An unexamined life is not worth living.”
He suggests that humans must live an examined life, and a
life of purpose and value – the process being called the
<< “self” may refer as the “soul”, “ego”, “psyche”, Socratic Method or Introspection. In short, our life only
“identity”, “I”, “me”, “am”, “being” << has value when we seek for knowledge because
knowledge is the personification of good, while
ignorance is that of evil. This is what he referred to as
1.) SOCRATES “incessant soul-searching”.