Notes On Ideology
Notes On Ideology
Notes On Ideology
Ideologies Are the sets of basic beliefs about the political, economic, social
and cultural affairs held by the majority of people within a society. - It
connotes a set of doctrines or beliefs that are shared by the members of a
social group or that form basic of a political, economic, or other system.
Guide the formation of a political pattern or subculture that bicomes an
acceptable political norm or leaning over time
Political ideologies are powerful such that they shape the structure of a society,
institutions and the ways of doing things. These ideologies are comprised of beliefs
and value systems that give rise to political processes; they also constitute ideas
about change and its desired future.
An Ideology is a more or less coherent set of ideas that provides the basis for
organized political action, whether this is intended to preserve, modify, or
overthrow the existing system of power. All Ideologies therefor (a) offer an
account of the existing order, usually in the form of “world-society’ (b) advance a
model of desired future, a vision of the ‘good society’, and (c) explain how
political change can and should be brought about – how to get from A to B
(Heywood 2003, 12).
1. Anti- government Ideologies The most common example is Anarchism. It
is political ideology that literally wants to abolish the government, usually
through violence and acts of lawlessness. The good side of this however, is
its goal- a society of self- governed individual with better freedom. R
The term anarchy comes from the ancient Greek word anarchos, meaning
“without rulers
It can also refer to any country or community that is temporarily or permanently
under no system of governmental control
Political authority in all its form, and especially in the form of the state, is both
evil and unnecessary (anarchy literally means ‘without rule’). The sovereign,
compulsory, and coercive authority of the state is seen as a nothing less than
legalized oppression operating in the interests of the powerful, propertied, and
privileged. Anarchist prefers a stateless society. Individuals can best manage
their own affairs through voluntary agreement and cooperation.
The French Revolution stands as a landmark in the history of anarchism. The use of
revolutionary violence by masses would captivate anarchists of later centuries, with
such events as the Women's March on Versailles, the Storming of the Bastille and the
Réveillon riots seen as the revolutionary archetype.
Marx predicted that a fully realized form of communism following the overthrow
of capitalism would result in a communal society free of class divisions or
government, in which the production and distribution of goods would be based
upon the principle “From each according to his ability, to each according to his
Democratic Socialism
• A peaceful and democratic approach to achieving socialism.
• As an ideology, democratic socialism also emphasizes a classless
society in which all members jointly share the means and output of
• But unlike communism, democratic socialism attempts to achieve its
goals peacefully via the democratic processes. Democratic socialists
reject the need for immediate transition to socialism in favor of a
gradualist approach, achieved by working within a democratic
government. Economic inequalities should be remedied through
a Welfare State, a system that provides aid to the poor and help to
the unemployed.
basic tenets
higher minimum wages, universal health care, free education, workers controlling the
means of production, and an innate belief in democracy.
Reason can lead individuals to make wise judgments, which could solve issues or
Equality implies that individuals are born equal, at least in moral terms. Equal
rights and entitlements are at its core. It must be noted , however, that liberals do
not endorse social equality or equality of outcome,
Tolerance is willingness of individuals to allow others to think and behave in ways
they do not approve. It is a guarantee of individual liberty.
Authority and social relationships must also be based on agreement and consent.
greater attention to the entities than to individual freedom
And then the modern conservative school of thought can be found from the
18t century British philosopher Edmund Burke and his work Reflection on
the Revolution in France. Despite the reality of unequal status and wealth,
humans are interdependent.
Manifested during Mussolini’s facist dictatorship in Italy and Hitler’s dictatorship in Germany
Ultranationalist ideology. As such, it subscribes to the idea of a supreme race, whose members
should enjoy the natural resources. It is by nature exclusive as it excludes nonmembers of the
The Philippines has the most persistently undemocratic democracy in Asia. Except
for the period of dictatorship under Ferdinand Marcos between 1972 and 1986, the
Philippines has had a functioning democracy since independence from the United
States in 1946. At the same time, a small group of powerful families has dominated
politics and kept the economic benefits of power to themselves. Many analysts use
the modifier "elite" when referring to Philippine democracy. (Bello and
While labor and peasant organizations remain weak, other civil society
organizations, NGOs and new social movements groups including women and
environmental groups are strong and continue to build significant political
capability. Initiatives to build new kinds of political parties come from this section of
Philippine society. They also constitute a strong base of support for initiatives to
reform Philippine politics, to transform a weak, incompetent government
dominated by rent-seeking elites.
Today's renewed focus on the state's role has been inspired by the dramatic events
in the global economy which have fundamentally changed the environment in
which states operate. The global integration of economies and the spread of
democracy have narrowed the scope for arbitrary and capricious behavior. Taxes,
investment rules and economic policies must be ever responsive to the parameters
of a globalized world economy. Technological change has opened new
opportunities for unbundling services and allowing a larger role for markets. These
changes have meant new and different roles for government - no longer a sole
provider but as facilitator and regulator". (World Bank, 1997:1)
The question might be posed in the following manner. If globalization is the current
stage of the expansion of capitalist relations into countries of the South, what is it
about the particulars of this expansion that makes "democratization" the preferred
political strategy of international capitalism? Is it part of the anti-state aspect of
neo-liberalism? Does movement away from authoritarian states in the South mean
weaker governments? Or is international capitalism mainly interested in moving
against protectionist, nationalist ruling class fractions to enable "modernizing elites"
to come to power and make way for the expansion of capitalist relations into new
areas of the economies of the South?
We might begin to answer these extremely complex questions with some initial
clarifications. To start with, the kind of democracy that is being pushed by the North
is very specific. It is formal, constitutional, Western-style democracy. It is a form of
democracy that separates politics from the structures of power in the economy.
Ideologically, it is very much part of the "anti-state aspect of neo-liberalism".
Harking back to Lockian arguments, but with a more modern Thatcherite patina,
democracy here is understood in the simplest of ways as "less government".
Class discussion
1. National ID system
a. Liberal vs. conservativism