Summary of "To Build A Fire" by Jack London

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Summary of “To Build a Fire” by Jack London

To Build a Fire” is an adventure story of a man’s futile attempt to travel across ten miles of “
Yukon wilderness in temperatures dropping to seventy-five degrees below zero. At ten
o’clock in the morning, the unnamed protagonist plans to arrive by lunchtime at a camp
where others are waiting.Unfortunately, unanticipated complications make this relatively
short journey impossible. By nine o’clock that morning, there is no sun in the sky, and three
feet of snow has fallen in this desolate Yukon area. Despite the gloomy, bitter, numbing cold,
the man is not worried, even though he has reason to worry. At first he underestimates the
cold. He knows that his face and fingers are numb, but he fails to realize the seriousness of
his circumstances until later in the story. As the story unfolds, the man gets progressively
more worried about the situation. At first, he is simply aware of the cold; then be becomes
.slightly worried; finally, he becomes frantic

His only companion is his wolf-dog. The animal, depressed by the cold, seems to sense that
something awful might occur because of the tremendously low temperatures. The dog is
frightened, and its behavior should show the man that he has underestimated the danger

At ten o’clock, the man believes that he is making good time in his journey by traveling four
miles an hour. He decides to stop and rest. His face is numb, and his cheeks are frostbitten.
He begins to wish that he had foreseen the danger of frostbite and had gotten a facial strap for
protection. He tells himself that frostbitten cheeks are never serious, merely painful, as a way
to soothe himself psychologically and force himself not to worry about the cold. He knows
the area and realizes the danger of springs hidden beneath the snow, covered only by a thin
sheet of ice. At this point, the character is very concerned about these springs but
underestimates the danger. Getting wet would only delay him, for he would then have to
build a fire to dry off his feet and clothes. Every time he comes on a suspected trap, he forces
.the dog to go ahead to see if it is safe. He begins to feel increasingly nervous about the cold

By twelve o’clock, he is still far away from his camp and anticipates getting there by six
o’clock, in time for dinner. He is pleased with his progress, but, in reality, he is simply
reassuring himself that there is no need to worry. He decides to stop and eat lunch, a lunch he
had planned to eat with his friends at the camp. His fingers are so numb that he cannot hold
his biscuit.He reflects back to the time when he had laughed at an old man who had told him
how dangerous cold weather could be. He now realizes that perhaps he had reason to worry
and that he had forgotten to build a fire for warmth. He carefully builds a fire, thaws his face,
and takes “his comfortable time over a smoke.” Then he decides that he should begin walking
again. The fire has restored his confidence, but the dog wants to stay by the warmth and
.safety of the fire

The man’s face soon becomes frozen again as he resumes his journey. Lulled into a false
sense of security by the fire, he has become less and less aware of his surroundings and steps
into a hidden spring, which wets him to his waist. His immediate reaction is anger because he
will be delayed by building another fire. He carefully builds a fire, well aware of the
importance of drying himself. He remembers the old man’s advice at Sulphur Creek that
circulation cannot be restored by running in this temperature because the feet would simply
freeze faster. His fire is a success and he is safe. He now feels superior, because although he
has had an accident and he is alone, he has saved himself from possible death.He decides that
any man can travel alone as long as he keeps his head

Although confident because of his swift action of building a fire to dry off, he is surprised at
how fast his nose and cheeks are freezing. He can barely control his hands; his fingers are
lifeless and frostbitten. Suddenly, his fire exists no more; he has built it under a large tree that
is weighed down with snow, and when he pulls down some twigs to feed the flame, the snow
in the tree is dislodged and falls on the man and his fire. He thinks again about the old man at
Sulphur Creek and realizes that a partner at this time would be helpful. He begins to rebuild
the fire, aware that he will lose toes, and possibly his feet, to frostbite. Because his fingers are
nearly useless, he has difficulty collecting twigs. He is so sure that this fire will succeed
thathe collects large branches for when the fire is strong. His belief that the fire will succeed
is the only thing that keeps him alive. He finishes the foundation of his fire and needs the
birch bark in his pocket to start it, but cannot clutch the wood. He panics, drops his matches,
and is unable to pickthem up. He succeeds in picking them up, finally, and by using his teeth,
herips one match out of the pack. By holding it in his teeth and striking it against his legs
twenty times, he lights it but drops it again when the smoke gets into his nostrils. He then
strikes the entire pack of matches against his leg and tries to light the wood but only burns his
flesh. He drops the matches, and the small pieces of rotten wood burn. He knows that this is
his last chance for life and that he cannot allow the matches to go out

Because he cannot operate his hands, in his attempt to keep the fire burning, he spreads it out
too much and it goes out. Now he can only think of killing the dog to put his hands in the
carcass to relieve their numbness. The dog senses danger, however, and quickly moves away.
The man goes wild and catches the dog but soon realizes that he cannot kill it because he
cannot use his hands. He knows that death is near and begins running, just as the old man had
warned him not to do. The man hopes that he has a chance to run to camp but knows that he
really has no chance, for he lacks the strength. He curses the dog, for it is warm and alive.
The dog runs on but the man crumples after running a few yards. He decides to accept death
peacefully and admits to himself that the old man at Sulphur Creek had been right. The dog
stays with him, but when it smells the scent of death, it runs off in the direction of the camp,
.where reliable food and fire providers can be found

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